#lion ushiromiya icons
itsalimere · 7 months
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herepitaph · 2 years
#herepitaph,    a written study about family,   betrayal,   friendship,    love,   romance,   mystery,   fantasy,    magic,    witches,    darkness,   cruelty,    death,   gender identity,   and more.   loved and adored by Crescent.
triggers will apply and be tagged as content tw. this blog may contain various triggers beside those listed above. this is based upon a highly triggering visual novel that touches on topics like murder, rape, incest, pedophilia, and more. these topics will not be written here or explored. they will be mentioned in posts/headcanons as they relate to Beatrice’s life, but not written or explored. they will be tagged. I aim to represent her trauma in a real way and not romanticize the abuse that happened to her. Please dm me in private if anything makes you uncomfortable.
affiliated with my gf’s @hisgoldentruth   who I love and adore so much! she is my main Battler but other interpretations are still welcomed and loved!
about | headcanons   | Lion Ushiromiya is a side muse on this blog! Feel free to request them.
rules under cut
this is a highly private and mutuals only blog. we must be following each other to interact.
this blog is low priority and on semi-hiatus.
triggering topics will be mentioned only in headcanons or as it relates to Beato’s life. I will not be writing any topics out. This blog is to explore and grow Beato as a character.
shipping may occur if there is chemistry. canonically Beato and Battler are married, but I am open to ships outside of this if there is chemistry.
reblog memes from the source unless you are sending one in. if you send in a meme, then you may reblog from me.
icons were not made by me. I can provide sources for some of them here and here. the rest I do not recall where I downloaded them from.
Have fun.
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dresspheres · 3 years
361 Icons | Lion Ushiromiya | Umineko No Naku Koro Ni
361 Icons for Lion Ushiromiya from Umineko No Naku Koro Ni (Manga).
Please like or reblog this post if you plan on using the icons.
Credit me if you edit them! Otherwise, credit’s very much appreciated.
Download link.
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animerpicons · 4 years
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450 (100 x 100) icons of LION USHIROMIYA from UMINEKO WHEN THEY CRY.
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ultraericthered · 3 years
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The 17 best characters in Umineko, according to my opinion.
1. Lambdadelta - Super adorable, super hilarious, super whimsical, super scary when need be, SUPER PAPER! Lambda has got it all!
2. Bernkastel - I love me a great villain, and Bern is one of the best in this whole franchise. Extra cool points for being Evil Rika Furude.
3. Erika Furudo - I want to deck her in her smug little gremlin face but then also wrap her in a warm blanket and keep her all snug and protected in equal measures, which is a VERY hard thing to pull off as perfectly balanced as Erika somehow does and I adore her for it. 
4. Sayo Yasuda/Beatrice - Pretty much the centerpiece character of this entire narrative. Never fails to be fascinating and entertaining.
5. Maria Ushiromiya/MARIA - Uuuu! While at first Maria seemed a bit too try-hard to be for Umineko what Rena was for Higurashi, I got attached to her quickly and she proved to be a wonderful character.
6. Battler Ushiromiya/Black Battler - It’s almost unbelievable how much Battler’s character grew on me and won me over. A far more heavily flawed individual than Keiichi was, but just as interesting in his own right. Plus, he’s even got a badass evil doppelganger! 
7. Ange Ushiromiya/Ange-Beatrice - Easily the most sympathetic character in the cast aside from maybe Maria, and ultimately the true hero of this tale. Following her journey was always a highlight.
8. Jessica Ushiromiya - Tough-as-nails but a bit scatterbrained and blunt as hell, not to mention a pansexual icon. I can’t not love her!
9. Ronove - He’s too friendly and likable to be a nefarious demon!
10. Gaap - Another very fun and likable (and hot) demon character.
11. Virgilia - Beato’s mentor really helped kickstart our deeper understanding of magic, witches, and Yasu’s character while always being a pleasant and comforting presence to have around.
12. Eva Ushiromiya/Eva-Beatrice - Eva was the most fascinating and complex of Kinzo’s children who aren’t Yasu, making me care about her yet also detest her at different points, back and forth. She also has a kickass evil doppelganger in the form of her “black witch.”
13. Willard H. Wright - I’m a sucker for eccentric and antisocial Holmesian detectives, and Mr. Wright really made the most of it.
14. Lion Ushiromiya - They’re just precious, and show us what could have been had Kinzo not been even more horrid than he was.
15. Kyrie Ushiromiya - Imagine if Kyoko Kirigiri grew up and lost a good chunk of her moral standards, and you’d have Kyrie. Whether she be acting for good or for bad, she’s undeniably one cool MFer.
16. Hideyoshi Ushiromiya - How did Eva ever manage to score a guy so caring and kind? Easily the least bad of the Ushiromiya adults in terms of morality, even if he is sadly under-developed.
17. Juuza Amakusa - Formerly of the Yamainu and now serving as Ange’s hired bodyguard, he’s another fun morally sketchy character.
And the runner ups are....
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Tetsuro Okonogi - I love the guy, but he appears in literally every single When They Cry entry, so he’s not exactly unique to Umineko.
Dlanor Knox - Have a difficult time separating her from Erika in my mind, so she doesn’t really stand on her own as a character.
The Seven Stakes Sisters of Purgatory - A fun take on the Seven Deadly Sins/Demon Lords, but lack much dimension or individuality.
The Chiester Sisters - Much as I enjoy them, they always did seem kind of out of place in this series, and they’re even less developed than the above sisters group.
All the other characters I can take or leave (Dr. Nanjo, Kumasawa, Gohda, Gertrude & Cornelia), I like them alright (George, Krauss, Natsuhi, Sakutaro), or I have more conflicted feelings on like if I mostly like them but sometimes hate them (Featherine Augustus Aurora, Genji, the Goat Servants), I mostly hate them but sometimes like them (Rosa Ushiromiya, Rudolf Ushiromiya, Zepar & Furfur), or I just flat out hate them but enjoy the shit out of hating them (Kinzo Ushiromiya. Fuck Kinzo. Oh, and Kasumi Sumadera too.)
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marchosius · 7 years
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