#liquidation services VA
nyaagolor · 1 year
more AA interview facts because ppl liked the last post more than I expected
When it comes to the main trilogy, the title of "favorite character" among the male staffers is pretty unanimously Godot. According to Takumi, female staffers (and fans) prefer Edgeworth. No one on staff expected Edgeworth and AA in general to be so popular among women but have come to love it
When Maya Fey is surprised, the liquid coming out of her mouth is not spit, it's actually ectoplasm
Gumshoe has "a lot of pure and warm love within him" that he pours into investigating instead of a girlfriend. He's married to his job, but would make a lovely husband otherwise
Franziska and Edgeworth don’t wear their prosecutor's badges because it's "more chic"
Diego was planning on proposing to Mia around the time he was poisoned
Edgeworth is "bad at communicating with people and horses"
The VA for Godot was so happy with how his lines came out that he uses the Godot voice to flirt with people irl
The office where all the staff works would receive chocolates on Valentine’s day addressed to the characters
While Takumi “can perfectly imagine Phoenix working in the service industry” he thinks that while in art school, he would do painting modeling for money
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aurevoirmonty · 6 months
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Macron est en train de liquider notre pays. Je ne parle même pas de la déstructuration systématique des services publics, pour ensuite affirmer qu’ils ne fonctionnent pas, de la volonté de débilitation de la société avec la fin de l’enseignement à l’école. Après avoir détruit l’économie française, Macron est en train de dépecer le pays, pour envisager sérieusement d’envoyer des Français sur le front ukrainien mourir pour l’Atlantisme. Parce que soi-disant, « la sécurité des Français se joue en Ukraine ». Non, c’est l’avenir de ce pouvoir atlantiste et mondialiste, qui s’y joue. Il est prêt à sacrifier la France. Cet individu n’est pas fou, il défend froidement le système mondialiste, qui l’emploie.
Une légende de l’une de nos régions riches d’histoire, dont la diversité d’ensemble a longtemps fait la richesse, désormais perdue, de la France, nous conte l’histoire d’Ankou, qui ne représente pas la mort en elle-même, mais son serviteur : son rôle est de collecter les âmes des défunts, remplissant ainsi un rôle de « passeur d’âmes ». Il est l'ouvrier de la mort. On dit aussi que celui qui aperçoit l’Ankou meurt dans l’année. On rapporte parfois que le dernier mort de l’année, dans chaque paroisse, devient l’Ankou pour l’année suivante. A Ploumilliau, l’Ankou présent dans l’église porte la faux et la pelle, il est à la fois meurtrier et fossoyeur.
Macron est l’Ankou de la France et des Français, portant la faux et la pelle, à la fois meurtrier et fossoyeur. Cela se confirme sur tous les fronts : il mène la bataille ultime contre notre pays.
Nous avons eu droit à une destruction systématique de notre tissu économique, pour arriver à des chiffres inquiétants.
Vous pensez sincèrement que c'est le résultat d’une erreur politique ou stratégique ? N’oublions pas que les PMI/PME sont la force vive de la France, elles constituent cette classe moyenne forte, ancrée dans le pays. Elles incarnent tout ce qui dérange dans le cadre du mondialisme, comme les paysans, propriétaires de leurs terres. Ces derniers ont déjà été assassinés, pour les premiers, c'est en cours.
Le dépècement physique de la France accompagne ce qu’il reste de notre pays meurtri dans sa chair et dans son âme. Les régions, dont la diversité culturelle a toujours fait la richesse de notre pays, sont conduites sur la voie de la sécession. Il suffit pour cela de trouver les « bonnes personnes » et les bonnes carottes. La boîte de Pandore a été ouverte avec la Corse, dont l’accord sur l’autonomie de l’île va à l’encontre du principe sur lequel la France s’est constituée depuis la fin de la féodalité : l’union. Voici lancé, le processus néo-féodal de déconstruction de l’Etat, en reconnaissant des peuples à l’intérieur du peuple français et en octroyant une autonomie législative. Gilles Simeoni, président autonomiste du conseil exécutif de Corse, a estimé qu’un pas décisif avait été franchi et s'est félicité d'avoir obtenu pour la Corse un pouvoir législatif validé par le conseil constitutionnel. Il est enthousiaste : l'étendue et les modalités de ce pouvoir relèveront d'une loi organique, « reste à gagner cette demi-finale, puis plus tard, la finale ».
Désormais, les « autonomistes », pour ne pas dire « sécessionnistes » d’autres régions, peuvent être activés à la suite des Corses, afin de dépecer le cadavre-France.
Pour accompagner cette marche funèbre, Macron met les Français en état de stupeur en leur annonçant, légèrement, qu'il va bien falloir y aller, sur le front ukrainien. Car le monde global se joue là-bas et il faut bien payer la facture. Dans Le Monde : Le président de la République est songeur. La situation en Ukraine […] se dégrade. La guerre s’enlise. « De toute façon, dans l’année qui vient, je vais devoir envoyer des mecs à Odessa ».
De cette manière détachée, parfaitement cynique, il répond à la question que se posent les Français : il va vraiment falloir y aller ?
Comme le confirme la légende, en faisant le compte de ses victimes, cet Ankou est particulièrement méchant.
Rybar FR
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
I bought a reading from ancientgoddessofegypt and I am late with my review I promised due to literal failing health and I wanted my review to be perfect for her due to her kindness, talent, speed, and AUTOMATIC SUPER SONIC HYPNOTIC FUNKY FRESH talent and so I am using lyrics as the 90s baby I am.
And emojis cos I right now cannot toss actual biodegradable glitter at her and plan a super cool party in her honor because
1. I'm fucking broke
2. I'm actually dying. Cancer, tumors, PCOS or endo? They dunno but they said they'll get back to me soon! And it was rude of me asking for results at 5pm on Friday. She really did hang up on me.
3. I am 32 and I wanted to see BTS in 2025 and after being suicidal since I was 9 and holding on for so long and now to maybe having cancer and dying before 2025 BTS TIME is lowkey annoying me. I didn't even unwrap my YOONGI MERCH I GOT WHEN MY ASS HAD MONEY BEFORE I GOT SICK.
4. I really said fuck it we ball, and now I might not get to ball? Ain't that bout a bitch.
When I tell y'all that I was told by my sperm donor today that my dying is upsetting to him because I never told him about my "health problems" and I said wait. I have told you since I was in the single digits and you always replied "I don't wanna hear that shit" and I went? Then how am I suppose to tell you I am dying? "YOU ARE HURTING MY FEELINGS FOR A PAST MISTAKE"
*looks into the camera like the office*
Me informing you of my weak immune system and doing so for 32 years of you knowing me and saying to shut the fuck up if I mention pain is a wild take to have when the pain finally means dying, but ok!
I have literally had several seizures, a constanr fever, and I now have no immune system, and I went damn I ain't even gonna see BTS in 2025 and now I'm in trouble for being sick in the open while in charge of 3 disabled adults with no money.
My tone of dying offendes him.
He went on to blame my poor mental health and believing him when he said he studied my ADHD.
I really did give up on life there I did. Because I then asked, so me saying several things in several sentences to explain 32 years of health problems is making you angry and making you feel bad because I said I am now dying due to you ignoring my health and I wanted to know what I can do for you and mom before I die since I am well, dying.
Me dying from problems I continued to tell you about and you kept telling me it was rude to talk about and unladylike is now my fault? Because I should have said it nicer?
When I cried in pain you told me to shut the fuck up.
When I went quiet you yelled at me saying I was a bitch.
Now I am dying and don't look pretty, and you're upset I closed my door to cry about me dying.
While I am literally cleaning up your liquid shit, mom's pee stained mattress, and now grandma's dementia and novody left me money to do antthing but a text saying God Bless ajd WATCH YOUR TONE!
I'm laughing because deadass, God forbid women do anything.
Tumblr, am I the asshole for asking how I can continue to be of perfect daughter service although I am actively dying and trying to inform parents of said dying when for years they told me to "shut the fuck up" and "all you young people do is talk about death"!
Doesn't matter now folks. I am out of time soon unless some deity steps in, the USA healthcare system thinks of black women as humans, and I can afford said treatment.
But wild how me dying and not looking pretty got the VA doctors to step in and finally ask for extra testing because "hmmm you have little to no immune system and this will hurt your chance of becoming pregnant" let's take a look?
I asked for help for over a decade now, and was told help would arrive when my husband and I want children and I do not get pregnant quickly.
I'm 32, a virgin, and asexual. But thank you for that solid medical advice.
Red state? Well technically the world thinks Georgia is purple aka red and blue and a swing state, but I've been here since I was in 6th grade and it's absolutely red.
But you're black?
Yes. And the black people here are mainly red. And Christian. I am not.
Chronic pain and several disabilities not taken serious because I am "pretty, smart, and have a smart phone". I have literally less than $1000 in my bank account and at this point I'm just drinking energy drinks and buying my cat whatever she wants.
Yoongi, my bestie in my head, the fucking way I might not get to see you in person again with the whole BTS squad and Halsey...
I really said fuck it, we ball, and the universe said girl... The thing is...
Yoongi, bro I got this new galaxy z flip4 with the last of my savings (shoutout to backmarket for letting me coupon while dying awoman) and i only update my phone every 3-5 years and only for under $300 lmaooooo and bro...
Min Yoongi I don't even get to write you a sticky note saying "please wear saftey glasses when sanding wood, the dust can be harmful to your eyes and if i had a wood shop class you would be escorted out for not having glasses on and if you said but it's not big deal i would go 🫥 and nod and smile.
And because I LOVE YOU i am going to be in the spirit of Swag Surfin for you. But my heart? I am going this dumbass water sign really on the front row of Samsung who I thought he owned in 2021 but he don't, and he not gonna own it cos he thinks sanding wood WITHOUT glasses is no big deal. All purple everything frfr but bro... What the fuck. i gotta get him to be safe with wood and DUST i am... bro... the dust! Samsung ceos Min Yoongi is the best at rapping and being cool forgive his woodwork vlogs without safety glasses i know in his HEART THAT IS FULL OF PURPLE LOVE is committed to greatness. (please help me use this z flip 4 phone b4 i die i'mma figure it out)
someone: she's dying and beefing with a kpop dude not wearing safety goggles while in a wood working area and sanding? am i reading this review of services correct? 🤔🤔🤔
yeah. libra sun libra mercury libra mars. scorpio rising. lilith in capricorn. virgo moon. iconic huh? 😉
i wanna be in a pink jumpsuit recycling in Barbie land with pink safety equipment. but i'm in the real world and was shoved to the air force for being too smart and conviently poor.
the usa doesn't have a conscription its so much better than south korea hehehe says the online western chatter
Shoutout to us niggas in the usa, and when i say us niggas, i mean us black girlies who were told we talk too white and we better NOT have a baby with our fast ass and you better do better than them cos they not gonna listen to you anyways, oh and fuck your man hating ass for thinking your father and brother and male family members should treat others with respect! ya lil oreo ass think you too good now thinkin you know things. God don't like ugly! and you thinkin that sex without consent is rape is crazy talk and you need to mind ya fuckin business and what the fuck you mean i'm abusive? I GAVE YOU FOOD CLOTHING AND TOYS AND NOW YOU WANNA BRING UP OLD SHIT ABOUT ME NOT BELIEVING YOUR PAIN? WELL I DID THE BEST I COULD AND YOU YOUNG FOLKS TODAY THINK DEATH DEATH DEATH AND THE TIKITY TOK AND HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE WHITE MAN GOT TO RAPE FOR YEARS AND GET AWAY ON TV WITH IT BUT OUR MEN GET IN TROUBLE? NOW?SEEM LIKE BULLSHIT TO ME! WHY YOU KEEPING A BROTHA DOWN????? WE ALL WE GOT. IF YOU JUST KEEP GOD IN YOUR HEART AND STOP LISTENIN TO THEM LIL GAY ASS KPOP BOYS WITH MAKEUP YOU'D KNOW. AND BELIEVE HER? SHE WAS THE ONE WITH WEAVE DOWN TO HER ASS AND AT THE CLUB AT 2AM SHE SHOULDA KEPT HER BLACK ASS IN THE HOUSE MAKIN HER PUSSY MUSIC SEE Y'ALL WANT EQUAL RIGHTS BUT IF I HIT YOU YOU WANNA CRY FOUL SEE THATS THAT BULLSHIT YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS BITCH. ANYWAYS DO YOU. I KNOW WHATS RIGHT.
*applauds Tyler Perry movie of a black man mocking a black woman in a dress*
*applauds Kanye for speaking the truth about "the Jews"*
*says black women should know better than to leave home at night, on the weekends, at rush hour, during the holidays, and while being alone*
*makes fun of darker skinned black women*
*frames Bull Cosby as innocent and Aaliyah was a whore who asked for it and her parents signed the papers so what can you do*
*i'm not against the gays* *calls crying bitch ass behavior*
*judges black women for hair(all hair, long short curly straight she should know better either way)*
*if you read the poor dad rich dad book then you'd be somewhere*
*yells at cashier for not smiling* so you don't want a job? entitled bitch doesn't deserve $15 for standing there!* worker not getting even $10 but go off i guess?
*when you having kids? i wanna spoil someone now*
*You always bringing up that man hating white women shit.*
I asked for equality and you said I hated men. You told me she's a whore, and she's a man hating dyke bitch. She's pretty and she's ugly for thinking she is pretty.
She better take care of her whole family, and start her own while being independent and knowing her place, under the Man.
Questions? Disobience. Liberal arts bullshit.
Black Lives Matter. BOUT DAMN TIME.
Black women? Well you see.... She wore this and sure girl power but not like that, and what do you mean this is bad? she asked for it being in the dark in the movies in room with men in that building in that lip gloss in that area without an alarm without a gun she knew better!
I don't know any black men who has mistreated a girl like that! she lyin! i can tell by the way she looks. lyin ass raggity black bitch. this why black men hate y'all lil weavealicious black bitter bitches.
"i'm sick of trump and his bullshit shit." *parrots trump talking points word for word* no this different because i have never hit your mother even though i should have beat her ass for the way she talked to me and i told her everyday to be thankful i don't hit her and that me calling her stupid isn't so bad because other women have marks so fuck you for saying i hate women when i forgave my nephew for sexually assaulting several women because God said forgive and that is MY opinion!
he, my black dark skinned father and light skinned black mother says "we all we got" and i am just an oversensitive bitter man hating bitch who needs to calm down cos other people have it worse.
we. all. we. got.
then i ain't got shit huh.
Anyways it be ya own squad.
Dying at this point would be a relief from the hell that has been being a black woman in the USA in the last 32 years.
But the love reading i got gave me strength to speak up about my troubles to one more person and the woman started a direct case for getting me help.
i'll keep y'all updated if you want.
if this is confusing i am sorry frfr but at this point i'm lowkey not caring about typos
and i am so sorry my samsung homies but the emojis...
whew... they ugly.
Yoongi. Yoongi. Yoongi
i turnedback on my old ass cheap ass iphone and got a new number within like 15 hrs of switching to samsung.
the way my libra ass couponed 2 phones and under $50 for 2 phone lines is kinda iconic for a dying poor bitch huh! 🤌🏾
i just wanted to use the cowboy emoji cos heehaw and i was a horse girl and this could probably explain so much if i thought about it more but i'm not cos i'm sleepy and found a cherry vanilla coke and i wanna play the bts island game. add me borahae hoes everyone welcome soon as i remember my login in
buy her reading i am so serious.
like i am literally wanting to know how much more time i have left from testing for several varioua bad outcomes and i am using my time to write this I AM SO SORRY I AM LATE SIS I REALLY AM!!!!!
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dbl07 · 26 days
Easy Pallet Sales
If you are seeking a dependable supplier of liquidation pallets in Atlanta, Easy Pallet Sales is your solution. We provide an extensive selection of premium categories such as fruits & vegetables, disposable serviceware, eggs & dairy, meat & seafood, snacks, and canned goods, ensuring a seamless shopping experience. Discover renowned brands like Tree Top, Once Again, Carey, and others. Stay informed about the latest news, promotions, and more by effectively managing your account. Allow Easy Pallet Sales to serve as your primary destination for all your liquidation pallet requirements. Key Takeaways: 1. Easy Pallet Sales offers a wide range of categories including fruits & vegetables, disposable serviceware, eggs & dairy, meat & seafood, snacks, and canned goods. 2. By buying from Easy Pallet Sales, customers can enjoy discounted prices and high-quality products from well-known brands like Tree Top, Goya, and Bumble Bee. 3. Customers can stay updated with news, offers, and more by exploring Easy Pallet Sales and managing their account through the Help Center. What is Easy Pallet Sales? Easy Pallet Sales specializes in the standardized manufacturing, construction, and refurbishment of pallets, adhering to stringent protocols and employing advanced machinery to ensure impeccable quality. Having been established over two decades ago, the organization boasts a storied legacy of dedication to excellence. Evolving from modest origins as a small workspace, Easy Pallet Sales has evolved into a reputable entity in the pallet sector. Maintaining a steadfast commitment to providing resilient and dependable pallet solutions to cater to a wide array of customer requirements, the company's primary objective is unwavering. Through investments in cutting-edge equipment and strict adherence to meticulous quality assurance procedures, Easy Pallet Sales upholds its standing for consistently delivering superior products. Benefits of Buying from Easy Pallet Sales Acquiring products from Easy Pallet Sales presents numerous advantages, encompassing cost-effective solutions, environmentally sustainable options, and an assortment of pallet varieties, including stringer pallets, block pallets, skid pallets, custom pallets, and GMA pallets. The economical nature and environmental friendliness of these pallets substantially contribute to fostering a sustainable supply chain ecosystem. Stringer pallets, recognized for their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, prove ideal for accommodating heavy loads. Block pallets, characterized by their four-way entry configuration, optimize operational efficiency during storage and transit. Skid pallets find common utility in air freight operations owing to their lightweight construction. Custom pallets can be customized to address specific requirements, while GMA pallets adhere to established industry norms for interchangeability and compatibility. Each type fulfills a distinct function, collectively enhancing the efficiency and environmental consciousness of the supply chain. Top Categories Offered Easy Pallet Sales has organized its product offerings into distinct categories, which encompass Fruits & Vegetables, Disposable Serviceware, Eggs & Dairy, Meat & Seafood, Snacks, and Canned Goods. This structured approach ensures a wide array of solutions tailored to meet diverse market requirements. Within the Fruits & Vegetables category, customers can access a diverse selection of fresh produce, specifically curated to serve the needs of establishments such as restaurants, cafes, and grocery stores seeking high-quality ingredients. The Disposable Serviceware segment encompasses an assortment of environmentally friendly plates, cups, and utensils, ideal for events or food service enterprises. Moreover, the Eggs & Dairy category showcases farm-fresh eggs, milk, and cheese, catering to the requirements of bakeries and breakfast-focused establishments. In contrast, the Meat & Seafood section presents a varied assortment of cuts and seafood options tailored to meet the expectations of culinary professionals and seafood markets. Additionally, the Snacks category offers a range of convenient on-the-go treats, targeted towards convenience stores. Conversely, the Canned Goods category provides essential pantry staples suitable for retail shelves. Fruits & Vegetables The Fruits & Vegetables category at Easy Pallet Sales is dedicated to offering high-quality products that are designed to facilitate the safe and efficient transportation of produce. Quality is of paramount importance in the Fruits & Vegetables category as it directly influences the freshness and condition of the produce during transportation. Recognizing the critical role of quality, Easy Pallet Sales places great emphasis on ensuring that their pallets are not only robust and dependable but also compliant with the stringent standards necessary for the secure conveyance of fruits and vegetables. Through the implementation of rigorous quality control protocols and the utilization of premium-grade materials, Easy Pallet Sales delivers pallets that assist customers in preserving the integrity of their perishable goods. This commitment results in a reduction of waste and the preservation of product quality across the entire supply chain. Disposable Serviceware Easy Pallet Sales offers a cost-effective range of Disposable Serviceware solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of various industries and events. The disposable serviceware solutions provided cater to a broad spectrum of requirements, encompassing robust paper plates that are well-suited for BBQs and outdoor gatherings, as well as sophisticated plastic utensils suitable for catered events and social functions. Plus plates and utensils, Easy Pallet Sales also presents economical alternatives for disposable cups, bowls, and trays, presenting a pragmatic and convenient option for enterprises, picnics, office luncheons, and similar occasions. Whether the occasion calls for a casual backyard rendezvous or a formal corporate affair, these disposable serviceware products exhibit versatility and affordability. Eggs & Dairy Within the Eggs & Dairy category, Easy Pallet Sales offers top-tier products aimed at enhancing the secure and efficient transportation and storage of delicate dairy products. Their selection of pallets and containers is specifically crafted to guarantee the safe conveyance of fragile goods, including eggs, thereby minimizing breakage and maintaining product freshness. Additionally, the issue of maintaining optimal temperature control during transit is effectively managed through the utilization of their insulated containers, which play a crucial role in preserving the quality of dairy items. Easy Pallet Sales recognizes the significance of dependable packaging solutions within the food sector, particularly concerning perishable products like eggs and dairy. Meat & Seafood Easy Pallet Sales provides durable and dependable solutions tailored for the Meat & Seafood industry, guaranteeing the freshness and safety of products across the supply chain. Their advanced pallets are meticulously crafted to tackle the distinctive obstacles encountered within the meat and seafood sector, including temperature control and contamination prevention. Recognizing the crucial significance of upholding the integrity and safety of perishable items during transit and warehousing, Easy Pallet Sales offers resilient and sanitary pallet options. These solutions aid enterprises operating in this segment in adhering to rigorous regulatory standards while ensuring the delivery of high-quality products to end consumers. Snacks The Snacks category available at Easy Pallet Sales encompasses cost-effective and environmentally friendly packaging solutions that are ideal for preserving the freshness and quality of snack products. These sustainable packaging alternatives serve a dual purpose of benefiting the environment through waste reduction and a decreased carbon footprint, while also fulfilling the rising demand from consumers for eco-conscious products. By providing packaging solutions that prioritize sustainability while maintaining durability and functionality, Easy Pallet Sales effectively addresses the changing requirements of the snack industry. Within a competitive market landscape where consumers increasingly seek brands that resonate with their values, the adoption of sustainable packaging can differentiate businesses and nurture loyalty among environmentally-conscious clientele. Canned Goods Easy Pallet Sales offers a selection of high-quality products tailored for canned goods, aiming to deliver durable and secure packaging solutions for a variety of canned products. These products are meticulously designed to endure the weight and density of canned items, thereby ensuring the preservation of the goods' integrity throughout transportation and storage. Recognizing the significance of adequate ventilation in averting heat accumulation that could compromise the product quality, Easy Pallet Sales integrates this crucial element into their pallet design. Moreover, their pallets feature non-slip surfaces and robust construction to prevent any shifting or damage to the cans. By leveraging the solutions provided by Easy Pallet Sales, businesses can optimize their logistics operations, effectively streamline processes, and uphold the freshness and safety of their canned goods. Shop by Brands Easy Pallet Sales offers a diverse array of brands, including Tree Top, Once Again, Carey, Aladdin Bakers, Goya, and Bumble Bee, to present customers with a broad selection of high-quality products. Within these brands, notable products emerge, such as Tree Top's renowned apple juice, Once Again's organic nut butters, Carey's artisan bread, Aladdin Bakers' Mediterranean baked goods, Goya's authentic Hispanic cuisine ingredients, and Bumble Bee's assortment of canned seafood products. Each brand contributes its distinct flair to the selection, ensuring that customers can discover options that align with their tastes and preferences. Whether seeking pantry essentials, wholesome snacks, or specialty components, Easy Pallet Sales offers a comprehensive assortment to fulfill diverse needs. Tree Top Tree Top is widely recognized for its exceptional fruit-based products, and Easy Pallet Sales takes pride in offering a curated selection of their top-tier offerings. The product range features premium apple juices, apple sauces, fruit snacks, and fruit purees, all crafted from fresh fruits sourced locally. Easy Pallet Sales assumes a crucial function in facilitating the efficient distribution of these products to customers through its convenient pallet distribution services. Through the collaboration with Easy Pallet Sales, Tree Top gains the ability to seamlessly transport and deliver its products to retail outlets and distributors in diverse locations, thereby enhancing its market penetration and meeting the escalating demand for their delectable fruit-based selections. Once Again Once Again offers a diverse range of organic and natural nut butters, conveniently accessible through Easy Pallet Sales for discerning customers seeking wholesome and delightful choices. The assortment of nut butter offerings by Once Again encompasses popular varieties such as almond butter, cashew butter, and peanut butter. Each of these selections is meticulously crafted with a steadfast dedication to utilizing superior-quality, organic ingredients. Every jar is meticulously filled with nourishing elements, devoid of any synthetic additives or preservatives. Once Again prides itself on responsibly sourcing nuts, ensuring a sustainable and eco-conscious process that extends from the farm to the table. Patrons can relish these nutritious spreads with the assurance that they are endorsing a brand that is deeply committed to both promoting well-being and upholding ethical standards. Carey Carey is a specialist in high-quality canned goods, offering a variety of options at Easy Pallet Sales to cater to a range of culinary requirements. Renowned for their exceptional quality, the selection includes succulent canned tomatoes ideal for sauces, as well as gourmet canned seafood like tuna and salmon. Customers frequently praise the robust flavors and freshness maintained in each can, establishing Carey as a trusted brand in the sector. Whether it is a home cook aiming to enhance their cooking or a professional chef in need of dependable ingredients, Carey's unparalleled reputation for delivering premium canned goods is widely acknowledged. Aladdin Bakers Aladdin Bakers is renowned for its premium baked goods, and Easy Pallet Sales offers a diverse range of their products to cater to various preferences. The selection consists of freshly baked bread, pastries, cakes, and cookies, each meticulously crafted to achieve perfection. With a broad variety of flavors and textures, Aladdin Bakers ensures that there is an option to entice every palate. Whether one desires a buttery croissant, a moist chocolate cake, or a flavorful loaf of bread, the company's commitment to utilizing top-quality ingredients and traditional baking methods is evident in every bite. Customers can rely on Aladdin Bakers' unwavering dedication to excellence, resulting in consistently delightful treats that add joy to any occasion. Goya Goya, a prominent brand in Hispanic food products, is featured in the wide selection offered by Easy Pallet Sales to accommodate a variety of culinary preferences. Their product line encompasses essential staples in Hispanic cuisine such as beans, rice, and seasonings, as well as specialty items like plantain chips, flavored beverages, and condiments. Known for their authentic flavors and quality ingredients, these products are favored by individuals of Hispanic heritage and those interested in exploring new culinary experiences. Through its dedication to authenticity and tradition, Goya has established itself as a reputable brand in the industry, delivering customers a taste of Latin America within the comfort of their own homes. Bumble Bee Bumble Bee offers premium canned seafood products, available for purchase through Easy Pallet Sales, providing a convenient option for customers in search of reliable and flavorful choices. Their extensive selection comprises tuna, salmon, sardines, and an array of other seafood items renowned for their freshness and taste. Bumble Bee has established a reputation for its dedication to sustainability, responsibly sourcing their products to promote the enduring well-being of marine ecosystems. Customers can have assurance in the quality of Bumble Bee's offerings, as the brand adheres to rigorous criteria for taste excellence and environmental sustainability in their fishing operations. Exploring Easy Pallet Sales Exploring the opportunities presented by Easy Pallet Sales through ePallet and the accompanying Blog provides valuable insights into our diverse product offerings, industry updates, and customer feedback. ePallet facilitates a seamless browsing and purchasing experience for customers interested in acquiring a wide array of products in bulk, ranging from essential pantry items to household necessities. This platform enables buyers to efficiently compare prices, peruse reviews, and select products that align with their requirements. The Blog functions as a valuable resource, ensuring that customers are kept abreast of the latest industry trends, tips, and developments. Whether you are a retailer aiming to replenish your inventory or a consumer in search of high-quality products at competitive prices, ePallet and the Blog are dedicated to streamlining your shopping journey. Help Center The Easy Pallet Sales Help Center provides a wide range of comprehensive guidelines and support services, which include troubleshooting tips and recommendations on how to refresh your browser or adjust Javascript settings for optimal usage. Users have convenient access to the Help Center directly through the website or can reach out to customer support via email or phone to receive personalized assistance. The support team is proficient in addressing various issues, such as account login difficulties, tracking orders, and providing details about products. Plus direct assistance, customers can access a variety of useful resources on the website, including FAQs, video tutorials, and community forums for self-help troubleshooting of common issues. For urgent concerns, live chat support is available during business hours to provide immediate assistance. Additionally, for tips on buying liquidation pallets to resell, check out Easy Pallet Sales. Managing Your Account The account management system provided by Easy Pallet Sales offers a user-friendly interface for customers to efficiently monitor orders, oversee subscriptions, and explore exclusive product selections. Within the account management section, customers have the convenience of updating personal details, reviewing past orders, and tracking delivery statuses in real-time. Moreover, the platform facilitates the configuration of notifications for critical updates pertaining to account activities, ensuring customers remain informed at all times. The system also allows customers to manage payment methods, optimize the checkout procedure, and benefit from customized recommendations derived from their purchase patterns, thereby enriching their overall shopping journey. Stay Updated with News, Offers, and More Keep yourself informed about the most recent updates, promotions, and product releases from Easy Pallet Sales by subscribing to our Blog and newsletters. By becoming a member of our mailing list, you will have the advantage of being the first to receive information regarding exclusive promotions, time-limited offers, and new arrivals in the pallet sales industry. Our Blog features comprehensive articles concerning trends in the pallet industry, strategies for optimizing warehouse operations, and accounts of successful customer experiences. Registering is a straightforward process - kindly visit our website and provide your email address in the designated subscription box to commence receiving consistent updates. Maintain your connection with Easy Pallet Sales to remain at the forefront of advancements in warehouse logistics. Frequently Asked Questions What is Easy Pallet Sales? Easy Pallet Sales is a company that specializes in the liquidation of pallets. They offer a wide selection of pallets for sale at affordable prices. Where is Easy Pallet Sales located? Easy Pallet Sales is located in Augusta, Georgia, close to Atlanta. They are easily accessible from I-20. How can I contact Easy Pallet Sales? You can contact Easy Pallet Sales by visiting their website or by calling their phone number listed on their website. What kind of pallets does Easy Pallet Sales offer? Easy Pallet Sales offers a variety of pallets including liquidation pallets, wholesale pallets, and discount pallets. Do I need to be in the Atlanta area to purchase from Easy Pallet Sales? No, Easy Pallet Sales offers shipping options for those who are not in the Atlanta area. Simply contact them for more information. Is there a physical store for Easy Pallet Sales? No, Easy Pallet Sales operates solely online. However, they offer a convenient location for local pick-up in Augusta, Georgia. Read the full article
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toutmontbeliard-com · 2 months
PMA, Groupe I&S : liquidation de Mattern Lab, "incidences financières pour notre agglomération ?"
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Le groupe "Indépendants et Solidaires", siégeant à Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération, réagit suite à la liquidation du Mattern Lab de Sochaux (notre info "Liquidation du Mattern Lab à Sochaux"). Le groupe I&S a écrit au Président du Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération Charles Demouge le 16 juillet 2024 : "(...) Nous vous rappelons notre courrier relatif au Mattern Lab du 5 avril dernier resté sans réponse à ce jour. La presse de ce matin a malheureusement confirmé nos craintes exprimées à cette occasion. Nous souhaitons connaître les incidences financières pour notre agglomération dont le budget est en grande difficulté selon vos termes (...)". Courrier du groupe I&S au Président du Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération Charles Demouge du 5 avril 2024 : "(...) Nous avons été alertés récemment sur les grandes difficultés rencontrées par l’association Mattern Lab 18 mois après sa création et son installation sur le site PSA Nord dans des locaux de la SEM PMIE. Cette association devait être une vitrine de l’innovation sur notre territoire et fonctionnait bien comme en témoigne l’obtention récente du label "Fabrique du Territoire". A ce jour, il semble que le conseil d’administration envisage très sérieusement de liquider l’association dans les semaines qui viennent, en raison de problèmes techniques persistants concernant les locaux et de charges financières insupportables pour une structure de cette nature. Après les 2 millions d’euros perdus pour le bâtiment Cœur Paysan, et le manque d’1 million d’euros à Numerica faisant craindre le pire, ce sont 6 millions d’euros de la SEM PMIE et donc de PMA injectés dans le Mattern Lab qui s’apprêtent à partir en fumée. On peut donc légitimement s’interroger sur la qualité des évaluations préalables à ces projets et l’accompagnement de ces structures, d’autant que le Mattern Lab était plein de promesses et que son homologue Belfortain rencontre le succès. Le sentiment est que l’on assiste impuissant à un gâchis de compétences, de services pour notre territoire et d’argent public ! Et dans ce contexte, nous ne pouvons que nous inquiéter quant à l’avenir des nouveaux projets en cours tels que la réhabilitation de l’ancienne clinique ou encore le rachat des 42 hectares à Stellantis (PSA Sud) pour y développer des activités de logistique alors qu’il existe les anciens locaux GEFCO et leurs 50 quais à quelques kilomètres de là. Aussi, nous vous demandons d’apporter aux élus communautaires un éclairage complet sur la situation de l’association Mattern Lab, ses relations avec la SEM PMIE ainsi que les soutiens financiers qui ont été apportés à la structure depuis sa création et souhaitons que toute la lumière soit faite sur les grands projets de l’agglomération portés par la SEM PMIE. De plus, nous aimerions connaître les risques encourus pour la SEM PMIE en cas de mort prématurée du MATTERN LAB. Va-t-elle devoir rembourser les subventions perçues notamment dans le cadre de Territoire d’Innovation (...)". Read the full article
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jpcuomo · 3 months
Diversify Your Portfolio with Gold and Silver: A Hedge Against Inflation.
Discover why gold and silver are essential alternative investments. They safeguard purchasing power amid inflation, offer global demand, liquidity, and long-term growth potential, making them valuable assets in diversified portfolios.
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chaturu07 · 3 months
source protocol defi
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SOURCE is a key component of a much larger ecosystem built by Source Protocol Ltd to fuel the ever-evolving global economy. Source Protocol is a comprehensive blockchain ecosystem built to power all Web 3.0 transactions; value-based, data-based or otherwise. Source Protocol’s ecosystem includes a full DeFi Suite, a members rewards program and white-label integration capabilities with existing online Web 2.0 enterprises:
Source Swap — An Interchain DEX & AMM built on Source Chain for permission-less listing of $SOURCE-based tokens, native Cosmos SDK assets, cw-20’s, and wrapped Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) assets.
Source One Market — A peer to peer, non-custodial DeFi marketplace for borrowing, lending, staking, and more. Built on Binance Smart Chain with bridging to Source Chain & native Cosmos SDK assets.
Source Token $SRCX (BEP-20) — the first automated liquidity acquisition and DeFi market participation token built on Binance Smart Chain.
Source One Token $SRC1 (BEP-20) — a governance and incentivized earnings token that powers Source One Market.
Source USX $USX (BEP-20) — Source One Market stablecoin backed and over collateralized by a hierarchy of blue chip crypto assets and stablecoins.
Source Launch Pad — Empowering projects to seamlessly distribute tokens and raise liquidity. ERC-20 and BEP-20 capable.
Source One Card & Members Rewards Program — users can earn from a robust suite of perks and rewards. In the future, Source One Card will enable users to swipe with their crypto assets online and at retail locations in real time.
DeFi-as-a-Service (DaaS) — Seamless white-label integration of Source One Market, Source Swap, Source Launch Pad, and/or Source One Card with existing online banking and financial applications, allowing businesses to bring their customers DeFi capabilities.
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Unlock the Potential of Your Business With web3 Integration
Source Protocol is not just a technology provider; it’s a strategic partner for enterprises seeking to integrate the future of finance into their offerings. Here’s what you stand to gain:
1. Seamless White-label Integration: Integrate top-tier DeFi products like Source One Market, Source Swap, Source Launch Pad, and Source One Card into your existing platforms. Offer a robust decentralized banking experience without the need for rebranding.
2. Full Stack Support: Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, benefit from a scalable DeFi infrastructure that’s backed by round-the-clock support.
3. Regulatory Compliance: Navigate the complex landscape of global regulations with ease. Source’s global SAFT licenses and compliant partner network ensure you’re always on the right side of the law.
4. Efficiency and Cost Savings: Decentralization means fewer intermediaries. This not only speeds up processes but also reduces costs associated with traditional financial systems.
5. Unmatched Security: Rest easy knowing that Source Protocol’s offerings are secured with fully audited third-party code and smart contract technology.
6. Non-Custodial Operations: Source’s DeFi solutions are designed with user trust in mind. There’s no need to custody customers’ assets, offering users peace of mind knowing their assets are in their control.
7. Global Accessibility: The future of finance is borderless. With Source Protocol, businesses can tap into a global ecosystem that’s open, fair, and accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Source Protocol’s Vision
Despite the challenges, Source embraces the evolution and benefits of various blockchain and smart contract technologies to date. The team’s vision is to create a continuously evolving and all-encompassing Web3 Ecosystem that unites state of the art technologies in a chain-inclusive, solvent, secure, and automated environment fit for retail and enterprise users alike. As Web 3.0 grows and matures, Source’s focus will remain on value creation for our community and users, ensuring superior security features, continuously audited, value-backed solvency, and economic incentives are a high priority.
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Launch Moochkin’s Metarun, Q2 / Q3
A fun play to earn $SOURCE game launching on the SOURCE mainnet with a sustainable play to earn reward mechanism
Deploy SOURCEswap, Q2 / Q3
SourceSwap is a necessary native swap infastructure.
65M Source Liquidity Mining Rewards initiated.
BUX dollar pegged token launch
GIVBUX App Integration Q3 / Q4
SOURCE will be live on the GivBux app allowing users to spend crypto and donate to charity with no added cost at over 100,000 retailers nationwide.
BASE Finance Integration 2025
Banking app for the non-banked in the world.
The app allows Account Opening, Payments, Deposits, and Card Issuing, Lending and Buy now, Pay Later
Coupled with SOURCE’s Defi-as-a-Service
US and LatAm Q2, Q3 2024, India Q4 — Q1 2025
Deploy Source NFT Market, Q4
SOURCE NFT market will allow for tokenization of real world assets and more.
Deploy Source Defi Market, 2025
peer to peer borrowing and lending, personal loans, and more
Raising Capital
25M to 50M Round A raise (in progress)
Exchange Listing Campaign
MEXC (live)
LBANK (live)
XT.com (live)
Deepcoin (live)
KoinBX (live)
Osmosis dex (live)
BigONE (live)
OrangeX (live)
Trading / Marketing Campaign
X and social media KOL’s and exchange promotion strategy, trading competitions, and social media bounty program(in-progress)
We will continue to bring partners into the SOURCE ecosystem and launch partner applications. (in progress)
Partner App Development
Exchange and Metrics Site Listings
List to CoinGecko (completed)
List on Osmosis (completed)
List to Coin Market Cap (completed)
Additional Metrics Listings
Website Updates
The website will continue to be improved
Add SOURCE t-shirts, hats, and schwag for purchase (completed)
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Website: https://www.sourceprotocol.io Documents: https://docs.sourceprotocol.io Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sourceprotocol_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sourceprotocol Telegram: https://t.me/sourceprotocol Discord: https://discord.gg/zj8xxUCeZQ
Forum Username: chaa_turu Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3538656 Telegram Username: @chaa_turu Source Wallet Address: source1s0dwasm294e2uetk8nst49uj3z7xvztg6ka4ww
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christophe76460 · 3 months
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Le moyen le plus simple de prouver la trinité est juste de lire la Bible du début à la fin. Vous verrez toujours les trois personnes en opération. C’est une chose totale. Mais juste pour vous montrer quelques versets intéressants : Genèse 1 dit: « Au commencement, Dieu » et le mot utilisé pour désigner Dieu est Elohim, et chaque fois qu’il y a un im, I-M, à la fin d’un mot hébreux, il indique le pluriel. C’est comme S ou X en Français, -chiens, chats, bijoux, courroux etc. C’est le pluriel ; im marque le pluriel. « Au commencement, Dieux » - pluriel ; et pourtant c’est un concept au singulier – Dieu – qui est vu au pluriel, ainsi donc même la trinité est présentée au tout début. Matthieu chapitre 3, Jésus se fait baptiser, le Saint Esprit est descendu sous forme d’une colombe, le Père a dit « Celui-ci est mon Fils bien-aimé, en qui j’ai mis toute mon affection. » Père, Fils, Saint Esprit ensemble, même scène, même passage. Jésus dit dans Jean 14, « Je vais partir, Je vais parler au Père, Il va envoyer le Saint Esprit. » Tous les trois dans le même passage, Jean 14 :16, 17
I Corinthiens chapitre 12, l’Apôtre Paul parle des dons spirituels. Il dit : « ...diversité de services, mais le même Seigneur ; diversité d’opérations, mais le même Dieu. » Trois versets et encore une fois tous les trois membres de la trinité sont mentionnés. Avez-vous lu la fin de 2 Corinthiens 13 :14, « Que la grâce du Seigneur Jésus-Christ, l’amour de Dieu et la communion du Saint-Esprit soient avec vous tous. Amen !» ? Tous les trois dans le même verset; et je pense, aussi, 1 Pierre 1:2, « (élus) selon la prescience de Dieu le Père, par la sanctification de l’Esprit, pour l’obéissance et l’aspersion du sang de Jésus-Christ. » Tous les trois dans le même verset. Vous avez les formules trinitaires dans Matthieu 28:19, ”Les baptisant au nom du Père, du Fils et du Saint Esprit,” tous membres égaux de la Trinité. Ils ne peuvent pas être des membres séparés. Le Modélisme est une idée ridicule, c’est l’idée suivant laquelle Dieu est parfois Père et ensuite Il porte la casquette du Fils et puis celle du Saint Esprit. Comment expliquez-vous le baptême de Christ car le Père dit 👉: “Celui-ci est Mon Fils bien aimé” et on voit l’Esprit de Dieu descendre comme une colombe ? Les modalistes ont un petit problème ici parce que les trois se manifestent au même moment.
Ce ne sont que quelques exemples de ce qu’il y a dans la Bible. Dieu est un, pourtant Il est trois. Et vous demandez : « Comment est-ce possible ? » Je ne sais pas. Je n’en ai aucune idée. Et tout ce message, comparé à la réalité de Dieu est comme un galet de sable comparé à chaque pièce dans l’univers. Je ne peux pas comprendre Dieu. Si vous essayez de comprendre la trinité, vous allez vous retrouver sous le lit récitant l’alphabet grec ! Vous ne pouvez pas le saisir. Ce n’est pas possible. Laissez tomber. Croyez tout simplement.
Dieu est un, pourtant Il est trois et je n’insinue pas qu’Il est trois comme le modalisme, le monarchisme ou le sabellianisme, qui était une hérésie qui prônait que Dieu était un artiste qui changeait vite. Comme si Dieu avais une penderie, Il sort et fait Son tour de Dieu , puis rentre porter rapidement porter Son costume de Saint Esprit, et en ressortir et Il passe Son temps à faire cet exercice. C’est réellement ce qu’ils affirmaient. Non. Dieu est un, et Il est aussi trois en même temps. Et les gens disent : « Bien, c’est comme un œuf ; le jaune, le blanc et la coquille. » Oh, je ne partage pas cet avis, je ne peux pas comparer Dieu à un œuf ! D’autres personnes disent, c’est comme de l’eau, elle peut être glace, liquide ou vapeur – ça ne marche pas non plus. Ce n’est comparable à rien, mes amis, ce n’est comparable à rien du tout. Il y en a qui disent que c’est comme la lumière, elle peut illuminer, réchauffer et elle peut produire l’énergie. Dieu est tout simplement Dieu et il n’y a aucune ampoule dans le monde, aucun œuf dans le monde et aucune eau comparable à Lui. Il est Dieu et Il est trois en un. Je ne le comprends pas. Je le crois. Et je me réjouis de ne pas le comprendre. Le jour où je comprendrai Dieu, je serai égal à Dieu.
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procleanmd · 5 months
Common Upholstery Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid in Reston and Sterling, VA
Upholstered furniture adds comfort and style to one's home but requires regular cleaning and maintenance to keep it looking its best. Many homeowners make common mistakes when it comes to upholstery cleaning in Reston and Sterling, VA, which can do more harm than good. To help one avoid these pitfalls, the following are some common upholstery cleaning mistakes to watch out for: ​ Using the Wrong Cleaning Products: One of the most common mistakes people make is using the wrong cleaning products on their upholstery. Harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners can damage delicate fabrics and cause colors to fade. It's essential to use a cleaning solution specifically designed for upholstery and test it in an inconspicuous area before using it on the entire piece. 
Scrubbing Too Vigorously: Scrubbing upholstery too vigorously can damage the fabric fibers and leave unsightly marks. Instead of scrubbing, gently blot stains with a clean cloth to absorb as much liquid as possible. Consider hiring a professional upholstery cleaning service in Reston and Sterling, VA, for tough stains.  Ignoring Manufacturer's Instructions: Every piece of upholstered furniture comes with a tag that provides care instructions from the manufacturer. Ignoring these instructions can damage the furniture. Always read and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning and maintenance. 
Over-wetting the Fabric: Over-wetting upholstery fabric can lead to mold and mildew growth. It's important to use a minimal amount of water when cleaning upholstery and ensure that the fabric dries completely after cleaning. Consider using a fan or opening windows to aid in the drying process. 
Not Vacuuming Regularly: Vacuuming is an essential part of upholstery maintenance, as it helps to remove dust, dirt, and debris that can accumulate on the fabric. Failure to vacuum regularly can lead to the buildup of allergens and bacteria, which can affect indoor air quality. 
Using Too Much Cleaning Solution: Too much cleaning solution can leave behind a residue that attracts dirt and makes upholstery appear dull and dirty. It's essential to use the recommended amount of cleaning solution and to thoroughly rinse the fabric after cleaning to remove any residue. 
Not Hiring a Professional: While regular maintenance can help keep upholstery clean, it's also important to hire a professional upholstery cleaning service periodically. The same applies to HVAC cleaning in Leesburg and Rockville, VA. Professionals have the expertise and equipment to deep clean upholstery and remove embedded dirt and stains.
Avoiding these common upholstery cleaning mistakes can help one keep their furniture looking its best and extend its lifespan. By using the right cleaning products, following the manufacturer's instructions, and practicing regular maintenance, one can enjoy clean and fresh upholstery in their home for years. 
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auditionmarcboulet · 9 months
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bettertermite · 10 months
Alexandria Pest Control Services and Important Exterminating Tips
When it comes to pest control services in Alexandria, VA, there are several options available. Here we will see the significant pest control company Better Termite in Alexandria:
Better Termite & Pest Control is a reputable pest control company that has been serving Northern Virginia for over 53 years . They offer a wide range of pest control services, including termite control . With a focus on quality service, Better Termite & Pest Control is dedicated to protecting customers' homes and properties from insects and the damage they can cause .
If you are dealing specifically with a termite infestation, it is important to address it promptly to prevent further damage to your property. Termite control typically involves a combination of inspection, treatment, and prevention measures. Here are some general tips for termite control:
Inspection: A professional termite inspection can help identify the extent of the infestation and determine the best course of action. Trained technicians can identify signs of termite activity, such as mud tubes, damaged wood, or discarded wings.
Treatment: Depending on the severity of the infestation, treatment options may include liquid termiticides, termite baits, or a combination of both. Liquid termiticides are applied to the soil around the foundation of the building to create a barrier against termites. Termite baits are strategically placed to attract and eliminate termite colonies.
Prevention: Taking preventive measures can help reduce the risk of future termite infestations. These measures may include keeping woodpiles away from the house, maintaining proper drainage to prevent moisture buildup, and sealing any cracks or openings in the foundation or walls.
We know that termite control can be a complex process, and it is often best to consult with a professional pest control company like Better Termite & Pest Control for effective and long-lasting results. They have the expertise and experience to handle termite infestations and provide tailored solutions for your specific situation.
Remember, early detection and proactive termite control measures can help protect your property from costly damage caused by termites.
It's important to take action as soon as you notice pests and consider arranging routine pest control to prevent infestations . Choosing a reputable pest control company can help ensure effective pest management.
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ameliea1 · 10 months
Exposiciones (extracto de apuntes)
Establecida en 1998 como una entidad sin fines de lucro, ICANN se dedica a la asignación de nombres de dominio y direcciones IP. Su objetivo principal es garantizar la singularidad de cada página web y prevenir la duplicación de nombres.
Fundado en 1990, este consorcio se enfoca en establecer estándares para el almacenamiento. SNIA, una entidad dentro del Consortium, se dedica al desarrollo. Entre los beneficios que ofrece...
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium):
Responsable de definir estándares para la web, el W3C ha desarrollado protocolos que han tenido un impacto significativo en empresas como Amazon Web Services.
Web 1.0:
En sus primeros días, se fundamentaba en HTML y ofrecía información estática. Las páginas se dedicaban principalmente a proporcionar datos.
Web 2.0:
Marcó un cambio hacia la interacción del usuario, la colaboración en línea y el intercambio de contenido entre usuarios. Surgieron aplicaciones como Wikipedia y Facebook, transformando internet en una zona de trabajo.
Web 3.0:
Conocida como la web semántica, permite a los usuarios proteger sus datos, decidir sobre la compartición de información y personalizar su espacio. La inteligencia artificial desempeña un papel crucial. Aunque presenta beneficios como mayor control sobre datos y privacidad, también enfrenta desafíos como la complejidad tecnológica y la limitada accesibilidad.
Net Art:
Un término que abarca las propiedades y características del arte en la red, experimentó su auge en los años 90, permitiendo a las personas crear arte en línea.
Democracia en la creación artística, acceso amplio al arte y fomento de la colaboración y participación. Distinción entre Net Art, visible desde cualquier dispositivo, y el Arte Computacional, que requiere visualizarse en formato físico.
Jodi creó sitios con estética de glitch, aparentando ser afectados por malware. Olia Lialina utilizó líneas de código de páginas web para su arte, y Heath Bunting destacó en los años 80 con obras que fusionan el arte y la tecnología.
El Soporte de las Comunicaciones Digitales
La unidad básica de medida en el universo computacional e informático, sin existencia física. Se respalda mediante las pantallas, y todos los píxeles tienen el mismo tamaño, variando solo en color. Están compuestos por puntos rojos, verdes y azules que se combinan para crear colores.
Pixel Art:
Un estilo de ilustración e imágenes formadas por píxeles, donde se busca que estos sean visibles. Similar al puntillismo en el arte, como el utilizado por Georges Seurat. Los píxeles de 8 bits y 16 bits eran comunes en juegos antiguos y siguen siendo relevantes.
Tipos de Pantallas:
- CRT (Cathode Ray Tube): Presentes en las primeras computadoras.
- LCD (Liquid Crystal Display): Utilizan líquidos.
- LED (Light Emitting Diode): Emiten más luz.
- OLED: No requieren luz adicional, con píxeles independientes.
Tecnologías de Pantallas:
- VA: Bueno para películas y juegos, con negros profundos.
- IPS: Funciona para diseño gráfico, arte digital y edición de videos, maneja perfiles de colores universales.
Diseño Responsivo:
Se adapta a diferentes tamaños de pantalla (celular, escritorio, tablet).
El tamaño de pantallas e imágenes en relación con la cantidad de píxeles (720p). Los celulares pueden tener una mayor resolución que los televisores.
Relación de Aspecto:
Sin una medida específica, todas tienen una relación de unidades (por ejemplo, 16:9).
- Vector: Creadas mediante algoritmos matemáticos, ideales para ilustraciones, logos y tipografías.
- Bitmap: Utilizan píxeles y representan imágenes como fotos y videos.
Historia de la Internet:
- Inicios durante la era de las redes sociales.
- Desarrollo de IPv4 en 1981 y la introducción de IPv6 como su versión posterior.
Red de Redes (Segunda Mención):
- El mundo contemporáneo se encuentra más entrelazado, donde la red de redes actúa como un puente digital.
- Sistemas de interconexión y flujo de datos, abarcando redes de área local (LAN) para áreas geográficas más limitadas, como oficinas.
Evolución de las Redes:
1. Inicialmente, las computadoras operaban de manera aislada.
2. Desarrollo de redes locales (LAN).
3. Emergencia de Internet como la red de redes, caracterizada por su descentralización y accesibilidad.
Funcionamiento de Internet:
- Utilización de IP para dispositivos conectados.
- Enrutadores dirigen el tráfico de datos.
- Generación de oportunidades laborales y creación de nuevos puestos.
- Facilitación del comercio electrónico.
- Acceso instantáneo a la información.
- Comunicación global instantánea.
- Vulnerabilidad y amenazas en línea.
- Preocupaciones sobre privacidad y recopilación de datos.
- Presencia de contenido no deseado.
- Desigualdades digitales debido a la falta de acceso.
Impacto en la Sociedad:
- Facilitación en la comunicación, obtención de información y comercio.
- Surgimiento de dinero virtual.
- La evolución constante de Internet genera nuevas oportunidades y herramientas.
- La importancia de un uso adecuado de Internet para maximizar sus beneficios.
Grupo 4: Guerra de Navegadores y Motores de Búsqueda
Definición de Navegador:
Un navegador web es un programa que interpreta el código de una página web, generalmente HTML, y presenta su contenido en pantalla, permitiendo al usuario interactuar con la información y navegar por la web.
Tipos de Motores de Búsqueda:
1. Buscadores Jerárquicos (Arañas o Spiders): Exploran la web de manera automática.
2. Directorios: Organizan sitios web en categorías.
3. Buscadores Verticales: Especializados en áreas específicas.
4. Metabuscadores: Recopilan resultados de varios buscadores.
5. FFA Enlaces Gratuitos Pequeños Enlaces Temporales: Plataformas de enlaces temporales gratuitos.
Primeros Navegadores:
1. Archie (1990) y Gopher (1991): Inicios de la navegación web.
2. Web Crawler (1994): Primer motor de búsqueda universitario.
Navegadores Destacados:
1. Netscape (1994): Facilitó transacciones en línea.
2. Opera (1995): Enfocado en rapidez.
3. Yahoo (1995), Internet Explorer (1995), Mozilla Firefox (1998-2002), Google Chrome (2008), Safari (2003): Diversidad de opciones.
4. Microsoft Edge (2015): Sucesor de Internet Explorer.
5. DuckDuckGo: Destaca por privacidad.
6. Yandex: Mayor empresa tecnológica de Rusia.
7. Ask, Quora: Plataformas de preguntas y respuestas.
8. Opera GX: Enfocado en gaming, optimización y bloqueo de publicidad.
La Guerra:
La competencia entre navegadores se ha intensificado a lo largo del tiempo, destacando características como privacidad, rendimiento y enfoque en áreas específicas. Mientras algunos han dejado de recibir mantenimiento, otros han emergido para captar usuarios, manteniendo la evolución constante en el mundo de la navegación web.
Distinción entre Navegador y Buscador:
El navegador (como Chrome o Safari) es el programa que interpreta y muestra la información de las páginas web, mientras que los buscadores (como Google, Yahoo o Bing) son sitios web que prestan servicios para buscar información en la red, actuando como guías para encontrar otras páginas web.
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zehub · 10 months
Transition écologique: levée de boucliers contre un stockage de GNL
C'est un projet unique en France: dans la banlieue de Strasbourg, l'implantation d'un site de stockage et distribution de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) suscite une forte opposition. Mais ses opérateurs défendent un investissement au service de la transition écologique. A l'emplacement d'une ancienne raffinerie de pétrole, sur la commune de Reichstett (Bas-Rhin), des industriels veulent implanter cinq cuves horizontales longues de 54 mètres pour stocker 5500 m3 de GNL: du gaz refroidi à -162°C, jusqu'à devenir liquide et ainsi occuper 600 fois moins d'espace qu'à l'état gazeux. Le futur site, classé Séveso seuil haut, doit être alimenté par du gaz provenant de l'étranger qui, après avoir traversé la Méditerranée, sera acheminé par trains depuis le terminal méthanier de Fos-sur-Mer, près de Marseille. Le GNL, principalement destiné à servir de carburant à des transporteurs routiers, sera distribué par camion aux stations service dans le nord-est de la France, mais aussi en Allemagne. "Aujourd'hui, les acteurs du transport lourd vont prioritairement axer leur reconversion énergétique (depuis le gasoil) vers une énergie qui fonctionne et qui est disponible, c'est le GNL", assure Stéphane Simon, directeur chez Rubis terminal, le groupe qui pilote le projet. "Et alors que les besoins vont grandissants, le Grand Est est dépourvu de hub GNL: la zone est alimentée uniquement par camion depuis Fos-sur-mer", poursuit M. Simon. "La stratégie est donc d'implanter un hub local, pour permettre l'approvisionnement du territoire, dans le cadre de la transition énergétique." "Technologie sans avenir" Mais de nombreuses voix contestent la pertinence du projet: s'il émet un peu moins de CO2 que le diesel, le GNL demeure un hydrocarbure polluant, dégageant des gaz à effet de serre et contribuant au réchauffement climatique. "Pourquoi investir dans des technologies qui n'ont pas d'avenir? C'est de l'argent mal utilisé", s'indigne Marie Chéron, de l'ONG Transport et Environnement. "L'objectif est de faire la transition vers l'électrique, même pour les poids lourds. Investir dans le GNL, c'est parier sur une transition lente, ce n'est pas la bonne solution." L'Autorité environnementale estime que ce projet "ne peut pas se prévaloir de participer à la transition énergétique", rappelant que production, transport et consommation du GNL relèvent "de solutions carbonées". Reichstett et Vendenheim, les deux communes d'implantation, et la métropole de Strasbourg ont émis des avis négatifs, craignant entre autres une saturation du trafic routier avec le passage des camions citernes. "C'est 60 camions supplémentaires par jour, à proximité immédiate d'un nouveau lotissement: qui va vouloir habiter là ?", grogne le maire de Reischtett, Georges Schuler. "Et si ce projet se réalise, c'est un site Séveso, on n'aura jamais notre autorisation pour faire du photovoltaïque ou de la méthanisation à l'arrière." Favoriser le bioGNL Mais pour les promoteurs du projet, l'usage du gaz comme carburant a sa pertinence face à l'électrique, qui impose des temps de recharge longs et une faible autonomie. Ce site doit faciliter le recours des transporteurs au bioGNL, énergie renouvelable fabriquée à partir de fermentation de matières organiques (souvent des déchets agricoles), beaucoup moins polluante que le gaz naturel. Selon eux, l'usage du bioGNL va être considérablement encouragé par l'intégration, dans le budget 2024, de ce carburant dans la Taxe incitative relative à l'utilisation d'énergie renouvelable dans le transport (Tiruert): cette taxe, payée par les distributeurs qui n'incorporent pas suffisamment d'énergies renouvelables dans leurs carburants, doit les inciter à remplacer rapidement le gaz naturel, importé, par du biogaz produit en France. "L'incitation économique est très importante, il va y avoir une demande considérable de bioGNL", assure Laurent Hamou, responsable des affaires institutionnelles chez Elengy (filiale de GRTgaz),partenaire du projet. Selon lui, la difficulté va être de produire suffisamment de bioGNL dans les exploitations agricoles, alors même qu'il n'existe encore aucune infrastructure de liquéfaction du biogaz en Grand Est. "Ca va prendre quelques années, le temps que les projets se mettent en place, il n'y aura pas grand chose avant 2026", concède-t-il. Mais il espère "100% de bioGNL" régional stocké à Reichstett dès 2030. Le projet est encore soumis à une autorisation préfectorale, qui pourrait être accordée au premier semestre 2024.
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danielduranshelbyville · 11 months
Lance F. Drummond Elected Chair of Freddie Mac
Lance F. Drummond Elected Chair of Freddie Mac https://ift.tt/yVQ0I3p Board Chair Sara Mathew to Retire in February 2024 MCLEAN, VA—Lance Drummond will become chair of Freddie Mac’s Board of Directors, the company announced today. A member of the Board since 2015, Drummond will succeed Sara Mathew, who will retire as Board chair and as a Director in February 2024, as required by the company’s bylaws. “Freddie Mac’s Board of Directors brings together outstanding leaders from across the country to advance the critically important work of providing liquidity, stability, affordability and equity to the housing market. The company is fortunate to have exceptional leaders, such as Sara Mathew and Lance Drummond, overseeing that effort,” said Sandra Thompson, Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Drummond joined the Freddie Mac Board in 2015, and currently serves as Chair of the Board’s Compensation and Human Capital Committee. He also serves as a member of the Board’s Executive, Audit and Operations and Technology Committees. Thompson continued, “On behalf of FHFA, I wish to express my deep appreciation to Sara Mathew for her decade of service to Freddie Mac. Under her leadership, Freddie Mac became a stronger, more focused company that serves its mission by supporting affordable housing, reducing risks, building financial stability and growing talent. I also congratulate Lance Drummond, who has established himself as a talented Director who cares deeply about Freddie Mac’s mission, and its employees who propel the company forward.” A longtime corporate executive with deep experience in the financial services industry, Drummond retired as Executive Vice President, Operations and Technology of TD Canada Trust in 2014. Prior to joining TD, Mr. Drummond was Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Shared Services at Fiserv Inc. from 2009 to 2011. From 2002 to 2008, he served in a number of leadership roles at Bank of America. Mr. Drummond began his career at Eastman Kodak Company, where he held a variety of positions from 1976 to 2002, including serving as Chief Operating Officer from 1998-2002. “Lance and I have worked side-by-side on Freddie Mac’s Board for a number of years, and his deep knowledge of the company, understanding of its employees and dedication to the company’s mission make him an outstanding choice to serve as the next Board Chair,” said current Board Chair Sara Mathew. “I look forward to working closely with Lance for the remainder of my term and I wish him – and Freddie Mac – nothing but the best as the company continues serving its critically important role in the mortgage market.” Mathew joined Freddie Mac’s Board in 2013 and has served as non-executive chair since 2019. A longtime corporate executive with global financial and management experience, Mathew retired as chair and chief executive officer of Dun & Bradstreet Corporation in 2013. In 12 years with the company, she had also served as president, chief operating officer and chief financial officer. Prior to joining Dun & Bradstreet, Mathew served in finance and management positions at The Procter & Gamble Corporation. via Real Estate Agent Magazine https://ift.tt/y8HJgd0 November 07, 2023 at 10:12AM
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finanse · 1 year
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
1st Adult & Pediatrics Healthcare to Pay $1.6 in Back Wages
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Court Requires Virginia Home Care Provider, 1st Adult & Pediatrics Healthcare Services and Owners, Carolyn Bryant-Taylor and Kafomdi Josephine Okocha to Pay About $1.6M in Back Wages, Liquidated Damages to 202 Employees Willfully Denied Overtime 1st Adult & Pediatrics Healthcare Services must also pay $48K in penalties for violations FAIRFAX, VA (STL.News) A federal court has directed a Fairfax home care agency, 1st Adult & Pediatrics Healthcare Services, and its owners, Carolyn Bryant-Taylor and Kafomdi Josephine Okocha, to pay more than $1.6 million in back wages and liquidated damages to 202 home health aides in a consent judgment obtained by the U.S. Department of Labor. The action by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia follows an investigation of 1st Adult & Pediatrics Healthcare Services Inc. by the department’s Wage and Hour Division that found the company and its owners, Carolyn Bryant-Taylor and Kafomdi Josephine Okocha, willfully denied the affected workers overtime wages by paying them straight-time rates of pay for all hours worked, including hours over 40 in a workweek. Investigators also learned the employers did not keep required payroll records, a violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Despite the division’s findings, 1st Adult & Pediatrics Healthcare Services, Bryant-Taylor, and Okocha refused to pay the back wages and damages owed to the workers.  In September 2022, the department’s Office of the Regional Solicitor filed suit to recover the monies owed. The court’s judgment required the employers to pay $834,782 in back wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages to the affected workers.  They must also pay $48,675 in civil money penalties to the department for their intentional violations and must not violate the FLSA in the future. “Hard-working home care aides provide essential services to people in need and deserve to be paid all their legally earned wages,” said Wage and Hour Division District Director Nicholas Fiorello in Baltimore.  “Our investigation found the employers willfully disregarded the law and used pay practices that harmed their own employees.” The division’s Baltimore District Office conducted the investigation.  Senior Trial Attorney Alejandro Herrera in Region III’s Philadelphia office and Wage and Hour Counsel Angela France in the Arlington, Virginia, office litigated the case and secured the judgment. “The U.S. Department of Labor will hold employers who fail to comply willfully with the Fair Labor Standards Act legally accountable,” said Deputy Regional Solicitor Samantha Thomas in Philadelphia.  “The outcome of this investigation and litigation should send a clear signal to other home healthcare industry employers that we will not tolerate employees being shortchanged by illegal pay practices.” Based in Fairfax, 1st Adult & Pediatrics Healthcare Services Inc. provides skilled nursing and pediatric care services in residential settings in Virginia. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor Read the full article
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