#lisa möller
operafantomet · 1 month
I know you normally answer questions about the look of a production, but who are your favorite Christines vocally?
Kinda embarrased I've ended up as a production look reviewer... hahaha! Especially because I have strong opinions on voices, acting and direction choices.
Early in my phan days I liked the lighter bell-sounding Christines - because my initial meeting with the role was in this vein. Sarah Brightman, Susanne Elmark, Viktoria Krantz, Julia Möller, Joke de Kruijf, Rebecca Luker, Jill Washington. They were a good introduction to the role.
Gradually I was also introduced to some Christines with more oomph, bolder voices, or a little touch that made them stand out. I wasn't always ready for them, but slowly they learned me that the role could be more than "just" a bell voice. So the dramatic sound of Agnete Munk Rasmussen, the darker undertone of Elisabeth Berg and Rumi Iryo, the edgy approach of Rachel Barrell, the hidden huskyness of Kristen Hertzenberg and Elizabeth Loyacano, the operatic perfection of Rebecca Caine, Lisa Vroman and Claire Moore...
Today my preference for a Christine is very much based on their voice, as I think that's the whole point of the role and the story. But a nice voice itself is not enought. Their acting + interpretation is a "make or break" if I want to lean into their story and journey. If they manage to expand my view of what the role should be I appreciate them a lot. If they also can dance I probably love them. But: there is still room for the bell shaped beauties who "just" sings and acts well, without adding anything deeply personal. A good performance is a good performance. What I like depends on my mood, if it's long since I've seen the show, and how their chemistry is with the Phantom, Raoul and other leads.
With that said... Some Christines that has greatly impressed me through the years, be it vocally or a a total:
MIA KARLSSON: I could not get enough of her Christine. Yes, bell voice. Yes, amazing co-stars. But her acting. It was all in the little nuances, the intuitive approach to her co-stars, the inner life of Christine on display so to speak. And then topped with the most beautiful voice. I always wanted to hear more of her, I always wanted to see more of her. I mean, she ruled MOTN! Which Christine does that?! I think she remains my favourite to date - even if I've seen so many good ones after her.
INGER OLSSON MOBERG: Like a dew drop falling on a calm lake. The lightest, purest, gentlest voice. MAMA.
ISABEL SCHWARTZBACH: When I thought I would never hear anyone like Inger Olsson Moberg live... there she was. Very very light voice, mysterious AF portrayal. She was something else allright. In a good way.
SARAH BRIGHTMAN: I know. Some love her, some dislike her. But often based on the Original London Cast album. After seeing some videos I was quite floored. She has a lot more acting going on, a lighter dew-drop voice with an operatic flair when needed, and I rather enjoy her victorianesque approach to the role. And she was a trained ballerina. I think it is easy to underestimate her. I appreciate what she brought to the role - especially vocally. She has a dreamy sound that fits the "Christine represents a new sound" narrative.
KIM SO HYUN: No, but seriously. Real-life Disney princess with the most beautiful vocals. She's one of those I can't take my eyes off and I just want her to keep singing. It was also interesting to hear her very light vocals during her first South Korean run VS the somewhat darker timbre in the revival. I like both.
SIERRA BOGGESS: Whereas the hype around her - especially during her Broadway runs - drove me absolutely nuts... I do love her Christine. Gorgeous voice, gentle and passionate portrayal, dance skills, looks like a million dollars, she is one of those ultimate Christines. I also love that she tends to have good chemistry with her co-players.
EMMI CHRISTENSSON: I liked her combo of suppressed and glowing in terms of acting, combined with a super pleasant, light yet operatic voice. So... Christine.
Also adding, without elaborating on why (though I had the pleaure on seeing them live): Talia del Val, Astrid Giske, Teresia Bokor, Judith Tobella, Sofia Escobar, Sibylle Glosted, Valerie Link, Michelle van de Ven, Emilie Lynn, Gina Beck, Mira Ormala, Agnete Munk Rasmussen, Rachel Barrell.
There is alo a handful of Christines I have loved the voices of, but I have little idea of their portrayal or overall approach because I haven't seen them live. So I'll just list them here due to voice: Maria Kesselman, Anouk van Laake, Patti Cohenour, Amy Manford, Harriet Jones, Paige Blankson, Glenda Balkan, Teresia Barrientos, Ute Baum, Luzia Nistler, Rebecca Caine, Tamara Kotova, Manon Taris, Joke de Kruijf, Renée Knapp, Olivia Safe, Hye Kyoung Lee, Tamami Sai/Choi Hyun Ju, Meghan Picerno, Claire Lyon, Pan Hangwei, Sarah Lawrence, Andrea Maho, Elisabeth Berg, Rebecca Luker.
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carlapilla · 7 months
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[ENG] Illustrations for the children’s bilingual book Pedro & Lisa - Aventura no Brasil / Abenteuer in Brasilien, publishers Dialogar (in Brazil) e GiraBrasil (in Germany).
[PORT] Ilustrações para o livro bilíngue português-alemão Pedro & Lisa - Aventura no Brasil / Abenteuer in Brasilien, Editoras Dialogar (BR) e GiraBrasil (Alemanha). Texto de Letícia Möller, tradução de Britta Moensch-Pingel e ilustrações de Carla Pilla.
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enmusasblog · 1 year
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Anette Ståhl - 40 år i branschen - 20 år med Enmusa Music! 40 år i musikbranschen och 20 år som egenföretagare på musikbolaget Enmusa. Anette Ståhl firar dubbla jubileer med att växla upp! Många av er har nog varit i kontakt med Anette Ståhl, antingen som anställd på musikförlag eller skivbolag, eller sedan hon startade Enmusa Music för 20 år sedan. Enmusas verksamhet är bred: PR och kommunikation. Musikbolag. Artistutveckling. Musikförlag. Bokningsagent och konsertarrangör. Det sistnämnda har på senare tid upptagit en stor del av hennes tid, i och med konsertserien ”Enmusa Music presenterar somriga konserter över hela Gotland”. Det inleddes i mer blygsam omfattning i Katthammarsvik på Gotland 2019, hade paus under pandemin och täcker nu stora delar av ”öjn”.
Anette har arbetat i musikbranschen hela sitt vuxna liv. Direkt efter gymnasiet fick hon anställning hos Stikkan Anderson på Sweden Music och Polar Music. Därefter följde EMI, Grand Music och MCA. Därefter kände Anette att det var dags att samla sina erfarenheter och starta eget. För exakt 20 år sedan – i april 2003 – startade hon Enmusa Music. Den första uppdragsgivaren var Martin Stenmarck, vars karriär exploderade. Därefter har en mängd artister, projekt, festivaler och författare följt. – Wacken-festivalen, Melodifestivalsartister, pop, rock, jazz, klassisk, folkmusik. Carolina respektive Lisa Miskovsky, Dan Reed, Anna-Lotta Larsson, Janne Schaffer, Hasse Andersson, Glimra, författarna Susanne Boll och Louise Boije af Gennäs. Listan är lång. De senaste åren har Anette jobbat tätt med BMG Rights Management, vilket inkluderat promotion för legendarer som Keith Richards, The Kinks, Cat Stevens och många andra. Hon ägnar sig också alltmer åt turnépromotion, nu senast Lisa Miskovskys föreställning ”Eljest”.
I princip alla uppdrag Anette får är ett resultat av rekommendationer från nöjda klienter. Och de kommer tillbaka. Alla som har sig själv, sin erfarenhet och sin talang som ”vara”, vet dock att det kan vara tufft i perioder. Musikbranschen är sårbar: den digitala revolutionen, lågkonjunkturer, pandemi och övrig turbulens i världen. – Visst har det varit jobbigt ibland, erkänner hon. Att ha försörjningsplikt för två barn medan skivbranschen gick på knäna, samtidigt som man skulle anamma den nya tekniken. Det kompenserades dock av den frihet jag också hade. Alla mynt har två sidor. I dag har hon lärt sig att ta vara på de lugna perioderna, för jag vet att det snart är fullt upp igen.
Tack vare sitt goda rykte, imponerande kontaktnät och sin positiva attityd, har Anette alltid hållit företaget flytande och på rätt kurs. Hon bara tar sig an projekt där hon kan tillföra något och skickar inte sällan vidare uppdrag till kollegor där hon inte känner att hon är rätt person. – Det vore lätt att ta sig an allt, men jag gör ett bättre jobb om jag brinner för det. Alla måste få ut något: uppdragsgivaren, jag och publiken. Det ska vara win-win-win! Allt detta har blivit om möjligt än mer uppenbart för Anette sedan hon började arrangera konserter på Gotland. 2023 blir det 12 konserter under namnet ”Enmusa Music presenterar somriga konserter över hela Gotland”: fyra Glimra, fyra Ale Möller, två The Boppers, Nanne Grönwall och ett dansband. Hon är också involverad i Visbyfestivalen.
Anette värdesätter och trivs i den vanliga, analoga miljön, som hon också tror är på väg att åter vinna mark. – Jag tror fortfarande på ”här och nu”, konstaterar hon. Personlig kontakt. Att träffas, eller annars prata i telefon eller skicka personliga e-mail i stället för gruppmejl. På sistone har Enmusa gått från att vara enskild firma till att bli ett aktiebolag. – Det känns som om det är dags, eftersom jag i och med konserterna tar större risker. Fast jag vet ju att det kommer att gå jättebra! ler Anette. Efter 40 år i branschen och 20 år med Enmusa, tycks Anette Ståhl onekligen gå mot en ny vår. Både bildligt och bokstavligen!
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aetris · 7 years
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caught in your electricity | in RÆ
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How I Know You: Christine Daaé in The Phantom of the Opera and Cosette in Les Miserables (Part 2/4)
Captions explained below “Keep Reading.” If the person has a ^ next to them that means no picture is available of them in the production.
Emmi Christensson-  West End (alt), Dutch/Sweden
Gina Beck- West End/West End
Joke de Kruijf- Dutch/Dutch^
Julia Möller- Spain (alt)/West End
Katie Hall- West End, Restaged UK Tour/West End, 2nd UK Tour, 25th Anniversary Concert
Lisa Vroman- Broadway, 1st US Tour, 3rd US Tour (alt), Los Angeles, San Francisco/3rd US Tour
Lisa-Anne Wood- West End (u/s)/West End
Marina Prior- Australia/Australia
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a-study-in-crime · 4 years
This is a complete list of all my posts. They are divided into separate categories to make it easier to find a specific post, and the names of the texts are listed in alphabetical order. This list will be updated as soon as I publish a new post that I have written myself. It will be easy to find this list by going on my blog and click on ’’index’’ under my navigation section. 
63 Youths Dead In Fire At A Disco
A Cannibalistic Urge: He Murdered His Foster Sisters And Consumed Their Flesh And Blood
Elderly Woman Was Harassed And Burned Alive By Teens
Jack The Ripper: Part 1
Jack The Ripper: Part 2
Jack The Ripper: Part 3
Mass-Murderer John List
Murderer Carina Frödin
Murderer Christina Johansdotter
Murderer Colin Pitchfork
Murderer David Fuller
Murderer Dena Laettner Schlosser 
Murderer Dmitry Milovanov 
Murderer Gary Heidnik
Murderer Janne Tuomela (The Smiling Killer)
Murderer Johanna Möller
Murderer Martina Kveldstad
Murderer Mikael Kittilä
Murderer Molly Jane Roe
Murderer Natalia Pshenkina
Murderers Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme
Murderer Pelle Hardrup
Murderer Ronald O’Bryen
Murderer Susan Smith
Serial Killer Ahmad Suradji 
Serial Killer Amarjeet Sada
Serial Killer Amelia Dyer
Serial Killer Anthony Sowell
Serial Killer Belle Gunness
Serial Killer Beverely Allitt
Serial Killer Dennis Nilsen
Serial Killer Eugene Weidmann
Serial Killer Gilles de Rais
Serial Killer Giulia Tofana
Serial Killer Javed Iqbal
Serial Killer Jean-Claude Romand
Serial Killer John Christie
Serial Killer Joseph Kallinger
Serial Killer Lizzie Halliday
Serial Killer Marc Dutroux
Serial Killer Michel Fourniret
Serial Killer Moses Sithole
Serial Killer Nannie Doss
Serial Killer Leonarda Cianciulli
Serial Killer Leonard Fraser
Serial Killer Richard Cottingham
Serial Killer Ronald Dominique
Serial Killer Pedro Rodrigues
Serial Killer Sergey Golovkin
Serial Killer Tillie Klimek
Serial Rapist Reynhard Sinaga
The Abuse And Death of Sweetheart
The Alphabet Murders
The Assassination of Olof Palme
The Babes In The Woods Murders
The Cannibalistic Book-Thief
The Case of Johanna Möller
The Case of Ulf
The Child-Killer Mary Bell
The Death of Lydia Schatz
The Dentist Murder
The Sauna Murder
Guðmundur and Geirfinnur case
The Ice Box Murders
The Keillers Park Murder
The Kunz Family Massacre
The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
The Acid Bath Murderer
The Murder of Abbas Rezai
The Murder of Abraham Shakespeare
The Murder of Adrian Jones
The Murder of Albin Einarsen
The Murder of Amy Burridge
The Murder of Andrew Bagby and Zachary Turner
The Murder of Andrew Gardner
The Murder of Arlis Perry
The Lady of Ampato
The Landlord From Hell
The Murder of Betsy Aardasma
The Murder of Birgitte Tengs
The Murder of Bobby Äikiä
The Murder of Buckskin Girl/Marcia Lenore King
The Murder of Candace Newmaker
The Murder of Carolin Stenvall
The Murder of Charles Bravo
The Murder of Christian Larsson
The Murder of Dorothy Jane Scott
The Murder of Edna Phillips
The Murder of Einár 
The Murder of El Dorado Jane Doe
The Murder of Elna Eriksson
The Murder of Elin Klinteberg
The Murder of Elin Krantz
The Murder of Elisa Izquierdo
The Murder of Elyse Pahler
The Murder of Emma Walker
The Murder of Engla Höglund
The Murder of Fadime Şahindal
The Murder of Gabriel Kisch
The Murder of Helén Nilsson
The Murder of Helle Crafts
The Murder of Hilda Feste
The Murder of Ida Fässberg
The Murder of Jennifer Daughtery
The Murder of Jessica Lunsford
The Murder of Johanna Gurgu
The Murder of John Hron
The Murder of JonBenét Ramsey
The Murder of Josefine Boo
The Murder of Julia Olteanu
The Murder of Kajsa Selinder
The Murder of Karina Holmer
The Murder of Kayla Rolland
The Murder of Kelly Anne Bates
The Murder of Ken McElroy
The Murder of Kim Wall
The Murder of Kitty Genovese
The Murder of Lady of the Dunes
The Murder of Lena Wesström
The Murder of Linda Chen
The Murder of Lisa Holm
The Murder of Malin Lindström
The Murder of Malin Kristiansen
The Murder of Malin Olsson
The Murder of Maria Ridulph
The Murder of Mary-Ann Leneghan
The Murder of Marvin Gaye
The Murder of Mikael Petersson
The Murder of Missy Avila
The Murder of Nella Olander
The Murder of Nicole van den Hurk
The Murder of Pernilla Hellgren
The Murder of Polly Klaas
The Murder of Princess Doe
The Murder of Richard Kelvin
The Murder of Samantha Koenig
The Murder of Shanda Sharer
The Murder of Sian Kingi
The Murder of Therese Johansson Rojo
The Murder of Tia Rigg
The Murder of Tia Sharp
The Murder of Tina Jørgensen
The Murder of Tova Moberg
The Murder of Tristan Brübach
The Murder of Silje Redergård
The Murder of Stephanie Neiman And The Failed Execution of Clayton Darrell Lockett
The Murder of Stephanie Roper
The Murder of the Bocksten Man
The Murder of Ulla Höglund
The Murders at Malmö Östra Hospital
The Murder of Vatchareeya Bangsuan
The Murder of Wilma Andersson
The Rode Hill House Murder
The Murder of Ulla Höglund
The Psychic Killer
The Scissor Sisters
The Skara Cannibal
The Starvation Doctor
The Stolen Heart of a Prince
The Yogurt Shop Murders
Thomas Quick
Two Children Beaten To Death By Jealous Ex-Girlfriend
Unrequited Love Ending In Murder And Dismemberment
Who Put Bella in the Witch Elm?
The Kidnapping of Alicia Kozakiewicz
The Kidnapping of Colleen Stan
The Kidnapping of Elizabeth Fritzl [PART 1]
The Kidnapping of Elizabeth Fritzl [PART 2]
The Kidnapping of Elizabeth Fritzl [PART 3]
The Kidnapping of Lisa Hoodless and Charlene Lunnon
The Lindbergh Kidnapping
The Kidnapping of Madeleine McCann
Under The Microscope
Did Christer Pettersson Murder Prime Minister Olof Palme?
Jeffrey Dahmer’s Mental Disorders
The Abuse of Mary Bell
A Dahmer Victim That Got Away
Carita Löf 
Carl Tanzler: The Man Who Lived With A Corpse For Seven Years
Did Jeffrey Dahmer have Borderline Personality Disorder?
Essay About Cannibalism [PART 1]
Essay About Cannibalism [PART 2]
Gemma Watts 
Lasse-Maja: The Life of A Criminal Who Was Living As A Man and Woman
Pedophile Carita Löf
Pyromaniac Ulf Borgström
Sadistic Pedophile Forced Girls To Degrade Themselves And Send Pictures
The Most Infamous Serial-Rapist In Sweden
The Robbery at Norrmalmstorg And The Origins of Stockholm Syndrome
Uroko Onoja: Raped To Death By His Wives
Woman Found In Mining Hole
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digimedial · 5 years
Who's driving now? - DigiMediaL wrap up & consultation tips /  13th of December 2018
As the DigiMediaL_musik project is coming to an end by new years eve after nearly more than 10 years, this last Berliner Musiker*innen Treff offered a ceremonial project completion as well as a place for further consultation tips regarding the Berlin music scene.
We invited alumni, lecturers and cooperative partners from the past three years and also all interested people who would like to find their way around the consulting jungle in Berlin to come together.
Sandra Flachmann was guiding through a well organized variety of consulting opportunities in Berlin, (digital) networks and platforms, funding opportunities in music, information on workshops and lectures on music-related issues. So this time there was almost a two-hours program to  be enjoyed. 
First the OMA’s café was presented as it is still one of the last uncommercial spaces so close to Mitte and hosted us very friendly for the last couple of months. Also they are open to alternative uses of the space itself. The presentation and wrap up of the DigiMediaL-musik project and a brief introduction of cooperation partners and guests followed.
The talk opened up when alumni of the OnStage certificate course were joining the round, Lisa-Miriam Übel (OnStage IV) and Chrissy Möllers (OnStage II) sat down next to Sandra. For Chrissy it was most important, that OnStage opened the door to a variety of networks like Ramschakl or Tal der Verwirrung. As a result of these connections she created her own regular event series and doing bookings at the venue Klunkerkranich. She really liked the group work itself and the group dynamics and even though it was exhausting sometimes, it showed her how much potential a group can develope. Most problems she remembered of the processcame from dealing with their main event location as at that time the owners of the location were in the process of just forming their own group also. Reflecting the self inside a group was the biggest learning for her. Lisa told that she found it very interesting how the development was from the first meeting until the main event, as many creative heads ‘have strong personalities’ and they all didn’t know each other before. To manage this and combining very different tastes while fulfilling the tasks that needed to be done to get the event going was a challenge and at the same time showed her how much is possible in such a short time. Also for her own it was a push to really finally prepare a live set. Developing new friendships and collaborations, she said she took a lot of values from the OnStage course with her.
The first pitch was made by Maureen Noé of Musicboard Berlin. This is one of the biggest or maybe the central funding organization for pop music in Berlin. It covers nearly any genre, just no straightforward jazz or classical music. The Music Board tries to be very approachable and do consultings in English and German. They distribute financial support towards artists directly and to projects, organizers and festivals (in Berlin). ‘Karrieresprungbrett’ for example is a program to establish newcomers and ‘Pop im Kiez’ is raising awareness for the acceptance of live music in neighbourhoods. Most deadlines to apply for scholarships are around February (only for newcomers registered in Berlin, roughly 5000-10000 €). Above all you apply with music, next to a small project plan, CV of your artistic career and a small finance overview for the jury to decide. They are active in supporting more female*, non binary and trans artists.
Giuditta Panzieri of Music Pool Berlin followed. The non-profit organization exists since 2014 and offers a mix of think tank, consulting, education and networking. The aim is helping musicians to take a step forward and to be able to navigate inside the Berlin music industry. They offer 4h-workshops once a week (15€) on topics like e.g. marketing, branding, music licencing, DIY booking and similar to support independent artists. There are two types of consultation (all available in German and English): One for free and one that that offers you a ‘personal expertise’ (20€=1h). Once a month there is an event called ‘Community evening’, an easy going conference offering different topics and experts with changing locations every time. The other event of the Music Pool is the artist meetup, where artists are free to sign up for a slot and then do a pitch to show what they are doing at the moment as well as to ask for feedback and ressources.
The Berlin Music Commission was represented by Tim Joppien who first stated that this network and cooperative consists of 120 members with a background in labelwork, management, radio stations and booking agencies. They also do consultations but workshops and thinktank formats as well. Tim called the Music Commission a ‘music industry network’ which targets companies, but also more and more ‘individuals’. They were part of the ‘Most wanted: Music convention Berlin’ and do a monthly event called ‘Backstage’ which for example tries to bring together people who create music and other industries like the film industry. Their ‘Sprechstunde Musikwirtschaft’ is a consultation for basic music industry knowledge and there is a program for internationalisation called ‘Music Ambassador’. Via their platform ‘listen to berlin’ they are including compilations of newcomers and the applications usually open up around April.
After a short break Mona Katawi of the transnational counseling center ‘Landesmusikrat Berlin’ explained her offer, which she does in four different languages (German, Arabic, English, Turkish).  She manages the program ‘Information about the music market’, making information available for people who just came to Berlin, especially for musicians in exile who just fled their country. It is mostly a very general consultation, like for example regarding “what is the KSK and how to I get in”. They also work together with Kulturförderpunkt and ver.di, accompanying people who mostly need translations and emotional support with bureaucratic appointments in Germany. Also they made a map visible on landesmusikrat-berlin.de/projekte/musikarbeitsmarkt which shows various institutions and locations regarding music. The program is funded by the ‘Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa’.  
Sebastian Hoffmann who is working inside the ‘touring artists’-advisory package of SMartDe Netzwerk für Kreative e.V. explained that they are open to all sectors of music and the music industry. They give advices regarding VISA, residential questions, transports, taxes, insurances and similar issues. Except German and English they offer some information in Polish, French, Dutch and some Italian. As they are funded from the federal government they offer free consultation via phone, in universities and through workshops. Mainly they focus on two ways of consultation: for people who just arrived to Germany and for people who want to travel outside Germany. The next workshop will be on January 15th in the afternoon from 2-6pm at Music Pool; an overall crashcourse on all topics shown on the website. Costs 15€.
Following this, Matthias Krebs of DigiMediaL_musik introduced the free online platform SKILLFRIED which is focussing on music projects and is all about connecting professional musicians as well as freelancers and creative heads. This is especially interesting for people who are already experienced in music-related projects and are searching for new partners or collaborateurs.
Last but not least the current initiative savemauerpark.de was given the space to make the situation visible by a delegate of busking.co; musician and (street) artists Laura Hoo. Not only being linked to other busking projects all over Europe, she is involved into founding the Verein related to streetmusicberlin.de, trying to help out street musicians in a time when more and more places are getting problematic and finally shut down. As the rules for busking are not really clear and visible in Berlin, buskers are threatened about losing their instrument through confiscation. Since summer weekly demonstrations in Mauerpark took place, as the situation got out of hand during summer with a lot of neighbour -and police troubles. To support the cause and buskers in their work, it’s about getting involved and spreading the word and awareness or simply get in contact to join the weekly meetings. At the moment, the initiative tries to do lobby work in Pankow/for Mauerpark but probably has to go for a berlinwide movement. Everybody signing the petition to create pressure on the authorities helps the cause!
Closing wrap up, Sandra mentioned some more institutions to find consultation and networks:   -female:pressure -culture container -ALEX Offener Kanal Berlin  -musicBwoman.de
Like always there was time for questions and networking and the evening was rounded off by a cosy talkative session from an audience that clearly appreciated the Berliner Musiker*innen Treff. Thanks & Good-bye! :-)
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rithond · 5 years
Movies 2019
JANUARY / ENERO 6: Destroyer - Karyn Kusama (10/10) 12: Roma - Alfonso Cuarón (10/10) 12: El castillo de la pureza - Arturo Ripstein (9/10) 16: Pájaros de verano - Cristina Gallego & Ciro Guerra (10/10) 16: Skyggenes dal - Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen (6/10) 18: Suspiria - Luca Guadagnino (9/10) 19: Hipnosis para ser feliz - Víctor Audiffred (10/10) 19: Principio y fin - Arturo Ripstein (10/10) 21: Climax - Gaspard Noé (6/10) 24: BlacKkKlansman - Spike Lee (9/10) 25: Mirreyes contra Godinez - Chava Cartas (4/10) 27: Tamara y la Catarina - Lucía Carreras (10/10) 31: Second Act - Peter Segal (7/10) TOTAL: 13
FEBRUARY / FEBRERO 10: If Beale Street Could Talk - Barry Jenkins (8/10) 21: Beast of Burden - Jesper Ganslandt (5/10) 21: The Wife - Björn Runge (10/10) 22: Capernaum - Nadine Labaki (10/10) 25: Vice - Adam McKay (9/10) 26: Caniba - Verena Paravel & Lucien Castaing-Taylor (6/10) 27: Can You Ever Forgive Me? - Marielle Heller (10/10) 28: Green Book - Peter Farrelly (8/10) TOTAL: 8
MARCH / MARZO 8: Antes del olvido - Iria Gómez Concheiro (9/10) 13: Las niñas bien - Alejandra Márquez Abella (7/10) 18: Captain Marvel - Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck (9/10) 20: The Hole in the Ground - Lee Cronin (8/10) 26: Boy Erased - Joel Edgerton (10/10) TOTAL: 5
APRIL / ABRIL 2: Zimna wojna - Paweł Pawlikowski (8/10) 2: The Favourite - Yorgos Lanthimos (10/10) 16: Pet Sematary - Kevin Kolsch & Dennis Widmyer (7/10) 19: Belzebuth - Emilio Portes (8/10) 22: Maria par Callas - Tom Volf (10/10) 23: Solteras - Luis Javier Henaine (9/10) 30: Avengers: Endgame - Anthony Russo & Joe Russo (5/10) TOTAL: 7
MAY / MAYO 8: On Her Shoulders - Alexandria Bombach (8/10) 9: Carnivores - Jérémie Renier & Yannick Renier (9/10) 9: Den skyldige - Gustav Möller (9/10) 15: Bad Reputation - Kevin Kerslake (10/10) 16: Dulce familia - Nicolás López (5/10) 17: The Aftermath - James Kent (9/10) 23: Carnivores - Jérémie Renier & Yannick Renier (9/10) 25: Postcards from London - Steve McLean (8/10) 26: Aladdin - Guy Ritchie (8/10) 27: Rocketman - Dexter Fletcher (5/10) TOTAL: 10
JUNE / JUNIO 2: Us - Jordan Peele (8/10) 6: Godzilla: King of the Monsters - Michael Dougherty (6/10) 10: Dark Phoenix - Simon Kinberg (6/10) 13: La dernière folie de Claire Darling - Julie Bertuccelli (7/10) 13: Ma - Tate Taylor (8/10) 17: Greta - Neil Jordan (8/10) 25: Tuntematon mestari - Klaus Härö (10/10) 27: The Hustle - Chris Addison (7/10) 28: Se rokh - Jafar Panahi (8/10) 30: Di qiu zui hou de ye wan - Bi Gan (8/10) 30: Chicuarotes - Gael García Bernal (9/10) TOTAL: 11
JULY / JULIO 7: Spider-Man: Far From Home - Jon Watts (7/10) 10: Sauvage - Camille Vidal-Naquet (10/10) 17: La casa lobo - Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña (8/10) 17: Plaire, aimer et courir vite - Christophe Honoré (10/10) 24: María de mi corazón - Jaime Humberto Hermosillo (10/10) 25: Toy Story 4 - Josh Cooley (7/10) 26: Truth or Dare - Jeff Wadlow (8/10) 28: Under the Silver Lake - David Robert Mitchell (9/10) 28: Hoje eu quero voltar sozinho - Daniel Ribeiro (10/10) TOTAL: 9
AUGUST / AGOSTO 2: Doubles vies - Olivier Assayas (9/10) 6: La camarista - Lila Avilés (10/10) 9: Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile - Joe Berlinger (8/10) 10: Un viaje en taxi - Mak CK (10/10) 11: Hjärtat - Fanni Metelius (10/10) 22: Les filles du soleil - Eva Husson (8/10) 26: Once Upon a Time In Hollywood - Quentin Tarantino (6/10) 31: Cannibal Holocaust - Ruggero Deodato (8/10) TOTAL: 8
SEPTEMBER / SEPTIEMBRE 13: High Life - Claire Denis (9/10) 13: Blanche comme neige - Anne Fontaine (8/10) 14: Pupille - Jeanne Herry (10/10) 17: Edmond - Alexis Michalik (9/10) 17: Mon inconnue - Hugo Gélin (9/10) 18: Xquipi' Guie'dani - Xavi Sala (9/10) 18: Love Me Not - Alexandros Avranas (8/10) 26: María de mi corazón - Jaime Humberto Hermosillo (10/10) 28: Le mystère Henri Pick - Rémi Bezançon (7/10) TOTAL: 9
OCTOBER / OCTUBRE 1: Mon bébé - Lisa Azuelos (10/10) 2: The Goldfinch - John Crowley (10/10) 4: Joker - Todd Phillips (5/10) 17: Amanda - Mikhaël Hers (8/10) 20: Late Night - Nisha Ganatra (10/10) 23: After the Wedding - Bart Freundlich (6/10) 28: Hustlers - Lorene Scafaria (9/10) 30: Late Night - Nisha Ganatra (10/10) TOTAL: 8
NOVEMBER / NOVIEMBRE 14: Requiem for a Dream - Darren Aronofsky (9/10) 24: A Rainy Day in New York - Woody Allen (7/10) 26: Esto no es Berlín - Hari Sama (8/10) TOTAL: 3
DECEMBER / DICIEMBRE 5: Gräns - Ali Abbasi (8/10) 12: Polvo - José María Yazpik (8/10) 18: Gisaengchung - Bong Joon Ho (10/10) 23: Marriage Story - Noah Baumbach (10/10) 25: Cats - Tom Hooper (6/10) 30: Last Christmas - Paul Feig (8/10) TOTAL: 6
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artwalktv · 7 years
A JOURNEY THROUGH SOUTHERN AFRICA'S FORGOTTEN MOUNTAINS There are few roads in Lesotho. There are even fewer mountain bikers. Here the horse is supreme and the myriad horse trails that have been carved through its steep and rugged mountains are its lifeblood. Horsemen ply these trails, just as they have for generations, riding between villages that have remained unchanged over centuries. Amidst this scene frozen in time is Isaac, a twenty-two year old horseman who is bridging the gap between old and new. For a week in April 2017, Isaac - or Leputhing Molapo to use his Basotho name - rode a 180 Kilometre traverse of the mountains of his home country. It was a ride like his father had done before him, but this time he was leading two mountain bikers. Following Isaac were Canadian freerider Kevin Landry and Swiss ex-downhill racer Claudio Caluori, both embarking on a journey that will showcase the beautiful unknown landscapes of this small country. Riding only horse trails, it’s a journey laden with physical challenges for all, but it’s a journey that will cement friendships between a traditional blanket-wearing horseman and two state-of-the-art bike-wielding mountain bikers. For two pioneering mountain bikers this ride is the most adventurous undertaking they have ever made. For one horseman, its a ride that heralds a new dawn. HAVE A GOOD ONE conceived and co-ordinated this unique adventure. In April 2017 they travelled to Lesotho and working with Sky Adventures to provide support and logistics, they set out to document this journey and the unique chapter in Lesotho’s history it represents. Driven by their passion to create a unique film, Tobias Steinigeweg and Maximilian Stolarow shared the rocky trails and high mountain passes and abandoned trading post accommodations with the riders. Following The Horsemen is a film that not only highlights the potential of Lesotho as a new adventure destination, but also provides an invaluable glimpse into its heritage through the country’s iconic horsemen. F O L L O W I N G T H E H O R S E M E N A FILM BY TOBIAS STEINIGEWEG & MAXIMILIAN STOLAROW A HAVE A GOOD ONE Production Supported by SCOTT SPORTS VELOSOLUTIONS Directed by TOBIAS STEINIGEWEG MAXIMILIAN STOLAROW Produced by TOBIAS STEINIGEWEG Cinematography MAXIMILIAN STOLAROW Edited by TOBIAS STEINIGEWEG Color Grading SAMUEL MUFF Sound Design DANIEL MÖLLER-BERTRAM Photographer DAN MILNER Cast Riders CLAUDIO CALUORI KEVIN LANDRY Horseman LEPUTHING ISAAC MOLAPO Chief MICHAEL RAMASHAMOLE Pilot JUSTIN HONAKER Lesotho Crew Production Coordinator DAROL HOWES Location Managers TUMELO MAKHETHA THABO NTLHOKI Location Scout CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT MTB Guide BOTENG MOLAPO Driver TUMELO MAKHETHA Lesotho Partners Logistics and Catering SKY ADVENTURES MOSTAT ADVENTURES Accomodations SEMONKONG LODGE RAMABANTA TRADING POST LODGE ROMA TRADING POST LODGE Main Theme "AT THE CLOSE" ELEGY MUSIC Additional Supporters SIGMA SPORT GERMANY MISSION AVIATION FELLOWSHIP DIESEL & INJECTOR PUMPS LESOTHO GOPRO GERMANY Special Thanks LAURA BURR LISA BÖHME ASHLEY THORN MATT MONSON TONI TWO TEETH CARL HOUSTON MC MILLAN SLAUGHTERHOUSE ZURICH TEAMGEISTER HAMBURG FAMILY & FRIENDS
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Film at Svenska Grammofonstudion Kim – The Bald Prima Donna Great movie directed by Fredrik Egerstrand & Tintin Anderzon Sound design, Sound editing and Mixing by Oskar Lindberg at Svenska Grammofonstudion. With extraordinary music from: Jukka Rintamäki Per Störby Andrej Anderzon-Möller Nille Perned Bengt Palmers Now playing in theaters Cast: Kim Anderzon Johan Rabaeus Judith Hollander Krister Henriksson Lasse Naumburg Peter Kneipp Gert Fylking Utas Björn Gedda Annmari Kastrup Ted Åström Björn Granath Olle Remaeus Annika Björkegren Ränge Carlo Barsotti Dario Fo Tomas Norström Lasse Källenius Erik Appelgren Tintin Anderzon Lisa Hugosson Sven Wollter Hans Iveberg Lottie Ejebrant Håkan Möller Jonas Uddenmyr Ole Ränge Ittla Frodi Jim Steffe Ulla Danielsson Jan Dolata Boel Höjeberg Jussi Larnö Bill Öhrström Ester Nordenbring Jan Öqvist Ingemar Josephson Lars Winerdal Karin H. Larsson Ralf Glaerum Gay Lundin Eva Thome Nils Moritz Svante Grundberg Lasse Åberg Jon Skolmen Karin Zetterberg Sylvia Andersson Stig Andersson Lena Andersson Lennart Andersson Helge Skoog Andrej Anderzon-Möller Lis Nilheim Lars Göran Karlsson Leif Zetterling Ann-Margret Fyregård Fatima Svendsen Petra Nielsen Monica Nielsen Monica Dominique Carl-Axel Dominique Barbro Smeds Hans Björkegren Ingrid Björkegren Karin Björkegren Peter Mosskin Camilla Thulin Annicka Kronberg Maja Braun Wallenberg Kjell Olof Feldt Birgitta von Otter Yvonne Lombard Lennart Hellsing Nikke Ström Inga Edwards Bosse Stenhamma ———————— #Kim – The Bald Prima Donna #Fredrik Egerstrand #Tintin Anderzon. #Sounddesign #Soundediting #Mixing #Oskar Lindberg #Jukka Rintamäki #Per Störby #Andrej Anderzon-Möller #Nille Perned #Bengt Palmers #Svenska Grammofonstudion #Studio #Musicstudio #Sounddesign #Music #Neve #Neumann #API #Mix #Record #Recording #Recordingstudio Cast: #Kim Anderzon #Johan Rabaeus #Judith Hollander #Krister Henriksson #Lasse Naumburg #Peter Kneipp #Gert Fylking #Utas #Björn Gedda #Annmari Kastrup #Ted Åström #Björn Granath #Olle Remaeus #Annika Björkegren Ränge #Carlo Barsotti #Dario Fo #Tomas Norström #Lasse Källenius #Erik Appelgren #Tintin Anderzon #Lisa Hugosson (på/i Svenska Grammofonstudion)
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operafantomet · 6 years
So someone asked who are your least favorite Phantoms, what makes me wonder: what about Christine? There’s any you feel where terribly miscast or simply unready for the part? And any underrated Christines you would like to see mentioned more often?
Of underrated Christines, I’d say a large chunk of the ones starring between the grand openings (West End 1986-88, Broadway 1988-90, Toronto 1989-91) and the boom of internet (2000ish), those who were never featured in a cast album or famous for a long run (I.E. Colby Thomas, Lisa Vroman, Rebecca Pitcher, Adrienne McEwan, Sandra Joseph etc).
For example Sylvia Rhyne (US Tour, Toronto, Canadian Far East Tour), Rebecca Luker (Broadway), Zoë Curlett (UK Tour, West End), Deborah Dutcher (Hamburg, UK Tour, West End), Susanne Elmark (Copenhagen), Jill Washington (West End), Jan Hartley Morris (West End), Renée Knapp (Hamburg, Melbourne), Glenda Balkan (Canadian Tour, Toronto), Julia Möller (Madrid) and Johanne Brochmann (Stockholm). Probably a lot more, but those were the ones coming to mind.
I also think Emilie Lynn (World Tour) should get *way* more attention. I absolutely loved her in the role, from interpretation to voice to looks. But she kinda just silently succeeded Claire Lyon, who had a large fan base, and never really had time to build a fan base herself? And I guess not too many active in the English-languaged fan world got to see her, seeing she performed the role in The Philippines, South Korea, Turkey and China, so she’s not often mentioned. But she SHOULD be, and I still hope she’ll repeat the role somewhere, so more get to experience her.
As for least favourite/miscast, I never warmed to Katie Knight-Adams in the role. I saw her twice, in 2004 and 2006, and I didn’t really like either performances. In 2004 it was mainly her voice that was a disappointment. The range of the role seemed too high for her, it was clear she struggled. Felt more like an Eliza Doolittle type of performer (which also was a role she got rave reviews for). As I have written many times before, I did however like her acting a lot during her first run (2004). She seemed to have been given a great deal of liberty into adding details; most famously the “suicide attempt” in the Rooftop scene, where her Christine looked she was about to throw herself from the roof. She also had great chemistry with her Raoul (which at the time was Ramin Karimloo). But voice wise it wasn’t good at all.
I liked her more in her second run (2006), as she seemed to have really worked on the vocals. Steadier upper notes, more even singing. But I must admit I didn’t like her acting much in this period. Much of her acting felt immensely exaggerated, and also way colder or more cynical. The First Lair and Final Lair in particular. Which was a pity, as she played opposite such a nuanced and fine Phantom (Earl Carpenter). But yeah, better vocals at least. I wanna say it was a miscast, as she did other roles with great success. So Christine simply wasn’t her grand moment.
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omroepcastricum · 5 years
CASTRICUM – zondag 14 april is weer de eerste markt, van 11.00 uur tot 17.00 uur.
Ook dit seizoen vindt de Roots Market plaats op het Landgoed Duin en Bosch, ook wel bekend als het Dijk en Duin terrein.
Rondom Restaurant de Oude Keuken zullen standhouders staan met allerlei producten voor in en om het huis.
Vanaf 15 uur is er live muziek bij de Oude Keuken.
Tot en met september is de Roots Market iedere 2e zondag, adres is Oude parklaan 117 in Bakkum.
De Roots Market is een onderneming van Bea Möllers & Lisa Nieuwenhuis. Zij zoeken bedrijven en makers van leuke, mooie, duurzame en handgemaakte producten.
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aetris · 7 years
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vinyl escape | Ætris
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How many Cossette/Christine's have their been?
There are AT LEAST 33 according to my list. There are probably more especially with foreign language productions.
AJ Callaghan, Ali Ewoldt, Amanda Huddleston, Ana Marina, Andrea Mahó, Annalene Beechey, Celia Graham, Deborah Dutcher, Elisabeth Ebner, Emmi Christensson, Gina Beck, Isabel Schwartzbach, Joke de Kruijf, Julia Möller, Katie Hall, Katie Travis, Lisa Hull, Lisa Vroman, Lisa-Anne Wood, Marina Prior, Mary Michael Patterson, Megan Kelly, Nicky Adams, Rebecca Caine, Samantha Hill, Sarah Ryan, Sierra Boggess, Silvia Luchetti, Tabitha Webb, Talia del Val, Tamra Hayden, Valerie Link and Zoë Curlett
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songwriternews · 6 years
New Post has been published on SONGWRITER NEWS
New Post has been published on https://songwriternews.co.uk/2018/10/robin-schulz-ok-feat-james-blunt-official-music-video/
Robin Schulz – OK (feat. James Blunt) (Official Music Video)
► Get “OK” here: http://wmg.click/okAY ► Preorder the album Album „Uncovered“: http://wmg.click/RobinSchulz_UncoveredAY
An EASYdoesit Production:
Director: Liza Minou Morberg DoP: Mario Krause Head of Production: Gregor Möllers Producer / 1. AD: Christopher Kane Producer: Sarah Jansen Set Manager: Carlotta Cornehl, Konstantin Nerger 1. AC: Paul Rohlfs 2. AC: Tim Waber Making Of: Niko Moritz Gaffer: Richi Nitsche Electricians: Tommy Standke, Stefan Birnbaum, Johanna Biallas Grip: Florian Wurzer Make Up: Juliane Polak, Julia Barde Make Up assistant: Julia Heppner Styling: Marianka Benesch Styling assistant: Anjes Claude Setdesign: Juliane Hoffrecht Editor: Farid Martin VFX: Josef Risling@TRIXTER, Elias Asisi, Andreas Hofstetter Runner: Stephanie Matis Catering: Son Kitchen, Hotel Q Grading: Nico@ARRImitte Casting: Tanja Schuh
James Blunt: James Blunt Simona: Lisa Tomaschewsky POV Guy: Moritz Ross Scientist: Robin Schulz Man in Suit: Claudio Transgender: Tristan Bumm Soldier: Lieven Jenrich Nun: Delilah Jay Scientist: Till Trenkel Scientist assistant: Lucie Aron
Special Thanks: Hotel Q! Berlin, Brachmann Menswear
Visit Robin Schulz here: ►http://www.robin-schulz.com ►https://www.facebook.com/robin.schulz.official ►https://twitter.com/robin_schulz ►http://instagram.com/robin__schulz# ►Snapchat: robinschulzreal
Germany’s most successful artist of the last two decades and one the most streamed artists on this planet has just unveiled his latest sensational collaboration with the world-renowned British superstar James Blunt, right on time for the summer season. Robin Schulz’s new single “OK” is a beautifully melodic deep house anthem paired with James Blunt’s distinctive vocals that releases today and is already creating quite a stir.
The two superstars hit it off from the start and their chemistry on the track is undeniable: “I’ve had many great nights in Ibiza clubs listening to the very talented Robin Schulz DJ’ing, so this collaboration is very exciting for me,” James Blunt confirms. The feeling is mutual, as Robin Schulz adds: “I’m really looking forward to this release. What a great experience to work with a fantastic artist like James. This song is perfect for the summer!”
Also releasing is the brand new companion video, directed by Liza Minou Morberg and starring James Blunt alongside German actress Lisa Tomaschewsky (“Deutschland 83”), who was very much impressed by the clip’s visual aesthetic: “I was really drawn in by its cinematic approach.” The video pays homage to Michel Gondry’s movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and details a young man trying to rid himself from the memories of a past relationship, before the chorus reminds us that in the end: “It’s gonna be okay!”
What’s more, “OK (feat. James Blunt)” gives listeners a first taste of Robin Schulz’s forthcoming new album. On September 8th the superstar DJ and record-breaking producer will release his third studio album “Uncovered” with a total of 18 new tracks. “Uncovered” is the follow-up to his Platinum-certified breakthrough debut “Prayer” (2014) and his Gold-certified sophomore LP “Sugar” (2015).
Less than three years in the making Robin Schulz ranks among the most sought after acts on the globe and currently holds DJ residencies at Ibiza venues Ushuaia and Pacha as well as the Wynn in Las Vegas. It all began with his record-setting remix “Prayer in C” (the internationally most successful hit of a German act to date). All in all he landed six Top 10 single releases in just under one and a half years. Late in 2016, the German ECHO award winner dropped his extraordinary David Guetta collab-single “Shed A Light (feat. Cheat Codes)”. The track was certified Gold in Germany and Platinum in several other countries.
Multiple Grammy nominee and internationally acclaimed British artist James Blunt has already sold more than 20 million albums and 12.8 million singles worldwide, making him one of the most successful singers/songwriters of the current millennium. This spring he released his fifth studio album “The Afterlove”, to be followed by an extensive world tour later this year. His previous album “Moon Landing” (2013) was awarded Platinum in UK and included the stunning #1 single “Bonfire Heart”. source
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artillerystudio · 7 years
There are few roads in Lesotho. There are even fewer mountain bikers. Here the horse is supreme and the myriad horse trails that have been carved through its steep and rugged mountains are its lifeblood. Horsemen ply these trails, just as they have for generations, riding between villages that have remained unchanged over centuries. Amidst this scene frozen in time is Isaac, a twenty-two year old horseman who is bridging the gap between old and new. For a week in April 2017, Isaac - or Leputhing Molapo to use his Basotho name - rode a 180 Kilometre traverse of the mountains of his home country. It was a ride like his father had done before him, but this time he was leading two mountain bikers.
Following Isaac were Canadian freerider Kevin Landry and Swiss ex-downhill racer Claudio Caluori, both embarking on a journey that will showcase the beautiful unknown landscapes of this small country. Riding only horse trails, it’s a journey laden with physical challenges for all, but it’s a journey that will cement friendships between a traditional blanket-wearing horseman and two state-of-the-art bike-wielding mountain bikers. For two pioneering mountain bikers this ride is the most adventurous undertaking they have ever made. For one horseman, its a ride that heralds a new dawn.
HAVE A GOOD ONE conceived and co-ordinated this unique adventure. In April 2017 they travelled to Lesotho and working with Sky Adventures to provide support and logistics, they set out to document this journey and the unique chapter in Lesotho’s history it represents. Driven by their passion to create a unique film, Tobias Steinigeweg and Maximilian Stolarow shared the rocky trails and high mountain passes and abandoned trading post accommodations with the riders.
Following The Horsemen is a film that not only highlights the potential of Lesotho as a new adventure destination, but also provides an invaluable glimpse into its heritage through the country’s iconic horsemen.
Story, Film, Gallery, Credits, Tour: followingthehorsemen.com
A HAVE A GOOD ONE Production
Color Grading SAMUEL MUFF
Photographer DAN MILNER
Lesotho Crew
Production Coordinator DAROL HOWES
Lesotho Partners
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