#listen anon i was gonna do a little shitpost of a bedtime story
ahdkshax · 1 year
jack im eepy can you tell me a pkmn bedtime story of your choosing
alright anon. you asked for a bedtime story. you never said if you want it serious or not
once upon a time, there was a young cleffa.
she was a sweet little thing, with her big ears and small eyes, but there's one thing she had that no other cleffa had ever: she really, really wanted to go to the moon. every night it went outside and wandered to the plains and watched the moon rise and fall in the sky, all until the sun came to take its place.
now, one day, the cleffa finally got an idea of how to get to the moon. "ill ask my friend chimchar to throw me as hard as he can!" she thought, "then ill make it to the moon!"
so she went out to see her friend chimchar.
"hi chimchar, can you throw me to the moon?"
chimchar looked at cleffa and smiled.
"of course!" he said, "anything for a friend!"
and so that night, cleffa brought chimchar out to her moon-watching spot. he picked her up and wound up, up, up,
then WOOSH!
cleffa was flying to the moon! she reaaaached out to grab it--
but she fell all the way back down to the ground.
"sorry," chimchar said. "im not strong enough to throw you all the way to the moon."
"but that's okay!" said cleffa, "ill find another way!"
and so cleffa and chimchar spent the night watching the moon and planning until the sun came to take its place.
finally, cleffa got an idea! "maybe," she thought, "maybe i can ask my friend starly to fly me to the moon!
and so she went out and found her friend starly and asked her to fly to the moon.
"well i'd love to!" starly said with a chirp. "it can't be that far!"
cleffa smiled. "as long as you can fly higher than chimchar can throw me, then we can make it!"
and so that night, cleffa brought starly to her moon-watching spot and held onto starly's legs.
and one
they were off!
cleffa looked up to the moon with starly. surely they were higher than before!
so she reached out to grab the moon, but accidentally slipped and started to fall back down to the ground!
starly caught cleffa and brought her safely, breathing heavy from all that flying.
"im sorry," she said, "i couldnt fly high enough to reach the moon."
"that's ok," said cleffa, "we really got close that time! ill think of another idea!"
and so cleffa and starly sat and watched the moon, thinking of plans until the sun came to take its place.
finally, cleffa had a great idea!
"what if me and my friends went up the mountain, then chimchar threw both starly and me, and then we flew the rest of the way to the moon?"
so she went and asked her friends, who thought it would be a great adventure and definitely work this time!
so the three went to mount coronet and climbed up, up, up to the very top where all the marble pillars were. chimchar held starly and cleffa in his hands and was just about to throw them, when the three heard something behind them.
"excuse me," said the voice, "what are you doing?"
the three turned around to see a big white and gold pokemon theyd never seen before! chimchar and starly were scared, but cleffa walked over to the stranger triumphantly, with its big ears and small eyes, and spoke.
"im going to the moon!" she said, "and my friends are helping me get there!"
the white and gold pokemon turned its head.
"how so?"
"well, chimchar is gonna throw me," said cleffa, "and starly will fly me the rest of the way!"
the white and good pokemon stopped, then bowed its giant head to meet cleffa.
"here," it said, "let me help you. get on my head and i can raise you up to meet the moon."
but cleffa stopped for a moment.
"what about my friends?" she asked. "can they come with?"
the white and gold pokemon smiled.
"of course they can! you don't want to be alone up there, do you?"
and so all three of them climbed onto the white and gold pokemon's head, and it stood waaaay up, up, up, until cleffa reached out to touch the moon, and it was there!
cleffa and her friends all cheered, finally meeting the moon and thanking their new friend for helping.
"but now," cleffa frowned, "how do we all get home?"
"you don't want to stay on the moon?" the white and gold friend asked, a bit confused.
"no," said cleffa, "i want to stay with my friends and their friends! i like looking at the moon with them."
the white and gold pokemon laughed quietly, then lowered back down, down, down back to earth, so low it could return the trio to the moon-watching plains.
and the four of them sat and watched the moon until the sun came to take its place, and cleffa was happy.
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