#i have a class in like 15 minutes anon i hope you like it
ahdkshax · 1 year
jack im eepy can you tell me a pkmn bedtime story of your choosing
alright anon. you asked for a bedtime story. you never said if you want it serious or not
once upon a time, there was a young cleffa.
she was a sweet little thing, with her big ears and small eyes, but there's one thing she had that no other cleffa had ever: she really, really wanted to go to the moon. every night it went outside and wandered to the plains and watched the moon rise and fall in the sky, all until the sun came to take its place.
now, one day, the cleffa finally got an idea of how to get to the moon. "ill ask my friend chimchar to throw me as hard as he can!" she thought, "then ill make it to the moon!"
so she went out to see her friend chimchar.
"hi chimchar, can you throw me to the moon?"
chimchar looked at cleffa and smiled.
"of course!" he said, "anything for a friend!"
and so that night, cleffa brought chimchar out to her moon-watching spot. he picked her up and wound up, up, up,
then WOOSH!
cleffa was flying to the moon! she reaaaached out to grab it--
but she fell all the way back down to the ground.
"sorry," chimchar said. "im not strong enough to throw you all the way to the moon."
"but that's okay!" said cleffa, "ill find another way!"
and so cleffa and chimchar spent the night watching the moon and planning until the sun came to take its place.
finally, cleffa got an idea! "maybe," she thought, "maybe i can ask my friend starly to fly me to the moon!
and so she went out and found her friend starly and asked her to fly to the moon.
"well i'd love to!" starly said with a chirp. "it can't be that far!"
cleffa smiled. "as long as you can fly higher than chimchar can throw me, then we can make it!"
and so that night, cleffa brought starly to her moon-watching spot and held onto starly's legs.
and one
they were off!
cleffa looked up to the moon with starly. surely they were higher than before!
so she reached out to grab the moon, but accidentally slipped and started to fall back down to the ground!
starly caught cleffa and brought her safely, breathing heavy from all that flying.
"im sorry," she said, "i couldnt fly high enough to reach the moon."
"that's ok," said cleffa, "we really got close that time! ill think of another idea!"
and so cleffa and starly sat and watched the moon, thinking of plans until the sun came to take its place.
finally, cleffa had a great idea!
"what if me and my friends went up the mountain, then chimchar threw both starly and me, and then we flew the rest of the way to the moon?"
so she went and asked her friends, who thought it would be a great adventure and definitely work this time!
so the three went to mount coronet and climbed up, up, up to the very top where all the marble pillars were. chimchar held starly and cleffa in his hands and was just about to throw them, when the three heard something behind them.
"excuse me," said the voice, "what are you doing?"
the three turned around to see a big white and gold pokemon theyd never seen before! chimchar and starly were scared, but cleffa walked over to the stranger triumphantly, with its big ears and small eyes, and spoke.
"im going to the moon!" she said, "and my friends are helping me get there!"
the white and gold pokemon turned its head.
"how so?"
"well, chimchar is gonna throw me," said cleffa, "and starly will fly me the rest of the way!"
the white and good pokemon stopped, then bowed its giant head to meet cleffa.
"here," it said, "let me help you. get on my head and i can raise you up to meet the moon."
but cleffa stopped for a moment.
"what about my friends?" she asked. "can they come with?"
the white and gold pokemon smiled.
"of course they can! you don't want to be alone up there, do you?"
and so all three of them climbed onto the white and gold pokemon's head, and it stood waaaay up, up, up, until cleffa reached out to touch the moon, and it was there!
cleffa and her friends all cheered, finally meeting the moon and thanking their new friend for helping.
"but now," cleffa frowned, "how do we all get home?"
"you don't want to stay on the moon?" the white and gold friend asked, a bit confused.
"no," said cleffa, "i want to stay with my friends and their friends! i like looking at the moon with them."
the white and gold pokemon laughed quietly, then lowered back down, down, down back to earth, so low it could return the trio to the moon-watching plains.
and the four of them sat and watched the moon until the sun came to take its place, and cleffa was happy.
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gigisdoll · 2 months
CW: nonconᯓ★dubcon, bullying, g!p, degradation,dacryphillia, manipulation, pretty unhealthy relationships... , barely any dayeon </3, somnophillia, fingering.
PAIRINGS: harin x reader, dayeon x reader
WC: 2743
NOTES; wsg gang!! lil drabble for that anon!!
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During the whole time you've been in class 5, you never went above grade D. Resulting in you getting, well, bullied. Grade F's are ridiculed, and you and Jaeun just so happen to be in grade F. You tried protecting Jaeun, begging all Dayeon, Wooyi, Harin and etcetera to leave her alone and deal all the punches towards you. But of course most wouldn't listen, you'd find yourself often tending to the bruises or mental marks Dayeon or Harin would leave on poor ole' Jaeun. You go along with Jaeun in not participating in the pyramid game, you deleted the app long ago so you wouldn't even have access to the voting system.
you were Dayeon's main target to bully, you were much less cooperative than Jaeun, making the 'chase' fun. she doesn't like when Seol ah is there to kick your ass as well, she thinks you and her have much better 'chemistry' than you and seol ah. And that whenever Dayeon and you were alone was much more special than when Wooyi is annoyingly laugh at your miserable state, or Seol ah continuously beat you down. Dayeon's whistle rang through your ear behind you "Y/n-ah, don't you think you've been abit neglectful? " Dayeon pouted after kicking the back of your legs causing you to fall hard to the ground "Hope that didn't bruise... " Dayeon smiled once again, you've been ignoring her tries to either annoy or bully you for days now. Her anger building up for days now, you were unable to ignore this. You hissed as the pain finally settled in, bringing your knees up to sooth the pain inflicted towards them. "Aww, did i hurt you? " Dayeon said sarcastically, rubbing the back of your knee, and suddenly gripping your thigh causing you to whimper and your eyes to blur with small tears, that started to drip down on ur cheeks, ur cheeks flushing as well, making them slightly red "Y/n-ah, you look so cute like this you know? "
Dayeon's hands are slipping up ur skirt and inching towards ur cunt " I missed this so much, i bet you missed this more than me" she smirked as her index and middle finger slid up and down "I bet you're wet, fucking painslut." her finger hooked the top of your panties, taking them off swiftly making you squeal. 'Course you wanted her to stop, it was barely 15 minutes before the bell rang, but you can't stop a grade A, you're a mere grade F. If you did stop her, worse would happen, so you allow her fingers in, you allow her inside of your cunt. "Fuck you're always so tight, you're loving this aren't you?" your slick covered her tip, allowing it to squeeze in easily along with the rest of her length. She laid you on the ground of the locked classroom, thrusting all of herself inside of you, resulting in you gasping in both pain and pleasure; more on pain. Nonetheless you tightened around her cock, causing her to moan as she pounded inside of you "Gosh- y/n-ah, how....are you always so-so tight? " you felt lightheaded, your mind was fuzzy, and your vision was clouded. All you could kind of coherently feel or hear was Dayeon's cock, and words, her words encouraging your tears as her cock slammed in and out of you. "Cant you speak? fucking whore. Too fucked out now aren't you? " all you could do was nod, the only words coming out of your mouth were small thank you's and cries for more "You wan' more? huh? beg harder and maybe i will" she smirked once more as her cock throbbed and throbbed inside of you as your cunt tightened again. "Please- please! i wan- i want more! dayeon please.. " you whined loudly as she started pounding faster and harder.
Her desperate thrusting was met with your hips which at this point had a mind of its own, as they tried to meet her thrusts. Her groans and gasps increased as her speed quickened as well. Your hands grasped Dayeon's hands, as her hips stopped and dug her cock deeper inside of you as her cum spurted out inside of You. You were left breathless and overstimulated as Dayeon cleaned herself up and left the locked classroom. You sat yourself up and put ur panties back on shamefully, grabbing your backpack and walking out in a disheveled state. You walked straight to the bathroom, hoping it wouldn't be hard to make your hair look decent enough to not look funky. After fixing yourself up, you walked out of the bathroom and went to your classroom, putting faith in the fact that the bell didn't ring during... Your uhm 'talk' with Dayeon.
"Y/n! " Jaehyung said, walking up to you "You look... worse than usual... not saying you look bad normally at all! It's just you look a bit unkempt... was it Dayeon? " you nod, not wanting her to ask why. She just nodded and gave a thumbs up before grabbing you and pulling you to the rest of the friend group. "Let's go to the convenience store after school, i need to discuss some things with you guys, okay? " Suji told the 3 of you, texting Yelim the information. Your homeroom teacher came in as the chatter and laughter of the students quiet down "Students, please sit and settle down there is some news to share" he waited for all of you to go sit on your respective chairs, and hush down " Thank you, I will inform all of you again that there will be a class field trip tomorrow, please if you haven't already ask your parents for consent. " the class erupted in gasps, and conversations. "Again please settle down since your first class will start shortly, oh and also y/n? you're being called to the principal's office... please be there" he left after saying that as your classmates start gossiping about why you were called.
you walked to the office steadily, but anxiously as well. what reason does the principal need you for? you fidget with your fingers, hoping it wasn't anything about your scholarship. "y/n! " harin smiled, but there was something wrong, something underneath that smile that'll tear you up to bits "harin... where's the principal? " harin slightly widened her smile "i called you silly! what? did you think it was something about your scholarship? " she slowly walked towards you menacingly, her finger lifting slowly "why do you think i called you here? " "if-if this is something about jaeun i wont answer. " "it's nothing about jaeun, it's about you y/n-ah" she looked psychotic, her eyes looking into yours "y/n-ah, have you... been messing with kim dayeon? " your eyes widened, how did she find out? why would... she want to? "look y/n. don't lie to me, dayeon brags about you, all, the fucking time. that you feel so tight. or that you never, say no. " harin grips your hand harshly causing you to hiss and try to pull it back.
"don't you dare try to escape this y/n, don't you think i deserve to try you a little? out of all people? " she tilted her head slightly. your eyes glisten hoping you won't need to do this again " y/n, do you want me to tell the chairwoman you got fucked by dayeon on school premises... with no shame? " "no! no! harin please! i promise i'll do anything! just.. don't do that! " you couldn't afford to lose this scholarship. harin knew that, and she loved the superiority she felt blackmailing you. "don't you want me to be happy? or do you want me to suffer? " your heart breaks when even thinking about harin being sad, because of you nonetheless. "no! i don't, i didn't mean it harin! whatever you want to make you happy... even if it's, this... " harin smirked at your submission, your weakness was always one she used. your caring nature backfires severely when it comes to harin "i knew you wanted this. " smiling, her hands dropped down to your skirt, "i've been... waiting for so long y/n-ah, you care for me so much, your willing to give up your dignity just so i'm happy? " her smile this time was genuine, the way you submitted so easily into her turned her on. the fact you'd give up your integrity showed you definitely wanted this.
"y/n-ah... suck my cock, will you? " the request shocked you, her hands pushing you down onto the floor as she looked at you with a playful smile, as if she was just gonna play with you... well she was, just in a different way! "didn't you hear me? suck my dick y/n. dont make me fucking wait. " she said, authority lacing her already harsh tone. she lifted her skirt, her cock protruding through her panties "go on. don't be shy, i know you've done this before" her degrading words making you blush as you took off her panties, her cock slapping your face with pre-cum. she shoved her cock down your throat when u opened your mouth to gasp about the length. her hands were around your head, and her teeth bit her bottom lip as your head was forcefully bobbed up and down. her stomach twitched up and down as her head leaned back up, her mouth slowly opening. "fuck- y/n- did dayeon teach you well? huh? " her stomach flexed as her dick throbbed in your mouth "hah- fuck" a slew of her cum came straight down your throat, your eyes watered as you tried gasping for air. "swallow all i give you y/n." she said sternly, making sure not even a drop comes out of your mouth. "get up, lay down on the couch. "you looked almost dumbfounded, she wasn't done with you? " did you think i'm done with you? i'm not like dayeon, i don't last just a round y/n."
your panties were wet and slick, harin smirked "did sucking my cock make you wet? fucking cockwhore. " your panties were ripped away from you. harin's cock head met your entrance, bullying its way through your tight walls "fuck- dayeon wasn't lying when she said- fuck... you were tight" you start crying, the pain from the stretch of her girth was immensely painful but it felt good, you felt woozy when her cock started thrusting, "so pretty when u cry, y/n-ah. i love making u cry, so- so pretty for me" you try grabbing her shoulder, trying to ground yourself as the pleasure truly takes over your mind. "can't you answer me? did u turn dumb on my cock? huh? " you couldn't say coherent words in sequence, all the words you could say were slurred and incoherent. harin felt superior, you going silly on her cock was such an ego boost. the tip of her cock slammed hit spots u didn't even know existed. "am i bigger than dayeon? " she was, but were you gonna tell her that? no. "answer me, or u just can't talk? can dayeon fuck you this good? huh?" she took both your hands on her own, restricting your movement even more. pushing your legs up on her shoulders, her head tilting forward on your neck. her groans in your ear were inconsistent and loud, your back arched as your eyes rolled back from the pounding harin was giving you, your cunt squeezed around her cock tightly.
her stomach tensed as the knot snapped inside of you, a heap of her cum spurted out inside of you. her hips plowed themselves deeper inside of you, and you felt so warm and full, you almost cried from the pleasure of the overstimulation. "shit- fuck... don't tell anyone about this... see you on the field trip y/n..." she said as she pulled out her flaccid cock out of you
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it's the day of the field trip, you were really hoping you wouldn't be chosen to be in harin's group but rather in suji's but considering both dayeon and harin were in the same group you were sure it'd be almost impossible you wouldn't be in their group. "y/n! let's go now! wouldn't wanna be left right? " jaehyung said, grabbing your arm and leading you to the bus "sit next to me! " you both ran up the stairs of the bus and sat straight at the back, while waiting for the others you decided to take a nap on jaehyung's shoulder to pass the time until you were at your destination. "jaehyung! hey can i sit next to y/n instead? " "oh... harin? uhm sure... " jaehyung was hesitant to let her sit next to you, she knows your history with her. "thank you jaehyun, now please, move. " jaehyung got up, but not before she woke you up to warn the person switch. "hi harin... " you were scared, you didn't really like sitting next to harin, it would almost be impossible for you not to be. harin wasn't a person to be vulnerable with, you especially shouldn't. "hi y/n..., you should sleep in my room, yeah? " you wanted to say no, but you couldn't, it'll be a death sentence to say no. "yes, i will.. "
you leaned on the window instead, the bus giving you almost no comfort, but you'd rather not sleep on the hard rocky floor than on harin. the road was bumpy and rough, resulting in you not being able to even take a nap. you had nothing to do, you had no data, signal or wifi! gosh... what could you do?
harin eyed you with the same emotionless eyes she gave everyone. she observed your restlessness, the way you kept trying to sleep, the way your head was almost falling from your sleepiness. "y/n...you know, you can also sleep on my shoulder... right? " you would prefer if you didn't, but the drowsiness you felt was overpowering your logical senses and a stable place to lie your head looked like heaven. you could only obediently nod and recline on her shoulder. your eyes almost immediately shut as the sleepiness took over your body leaving you vulnerable.
vulnerable was one of the only states of being harin actually liked you being in. where you wouldn't feel a hand slipping into your panties, where you wouldn't feel a finger or two sliding up and then down on your folds, collecting your slick, where you would barely feel the tip of harin's finger, where harin wouldn't care if you woke up after she plunged two fingers inside of your wet cunt. you gasp awake, you felt full as you felt two slender fingers slither into you. "ha-harin... " "dont say a word or else the chairwoman will know how much of a fucking slut you are." you clung to harin's arm tightly, your velvety walls squeezed around her fingers as you tried to hold in all of your whines. your forehead dripped in sweat as the anxiety of getting caught settled in, your mouth gaped open while her digits worked on your sweet wet cunt. "you feel so warm y/n...don't you wish it was my cock instead of my fingers? " all you could mutter out were small whimpers "answer me." harin said, curling her fingers up so it reaches even deeper than before "y-yes...harin... i- i wish it was your cock instead... " you said breathlessly, you clasped harin's arm just as the pleasure took over, dumbing you down. "i love making you a brainless slut infront of me, fucking you mindless infront of all of our classmates and they don't even know, whore" all of harin's mean words encouraged your orgasm. her fingers hit your g-spot a multitude of times, your eyes blur cause they were on the verge of tears from both the pleasure and pain of harin's fingers.
harin felt your orgasm long before you did, the tightening of your gummy walls indicated your climax "cum, in front of all your friends y/n...do it" you bit your lip hard hoping it deafens your long and drawn out moan. you came on harin's fingers, the white hot pleasure went straight to your brain, you felt overstimulated from all of the pleasure you felt. you black out from all of it, your mouth was open, drool came down from your mouth "i'll use that gaping mouth when you wake up from your little nap, night y/n..."
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Ok. I have a request took me a lot of courage to finally request and shat myself a couple times but anyway! A one shot where choso lives in y/ns dorm with them and he was like doing his hair and kept messing up and gave up and started crying (I FEEL LIKE THATS SOMETHING HED DO THE POOR BOY:() thennnn y/n walks in their dorm and sees him crying and then comforts him and does his hair for him!!
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synopsis// choso is having an off day.
➚ pairing// choso x gn!reader ➚ word count// 1.4k
contents// frustrated/sad choso? idk just some hurt/comfort in a way! fluff?? could be read as either platonic or romantic doesnt really matter i supposeeee? i think it kinda reads more romantic tho
notes// anon ur actual fucking MIND. i was moved. literally right after reading ur request i opened up my notes and went to fucking WORKKK!!!! anyway sorry its so kinda all over the place but i hope u like it and it lived up to ur expectations!! n also sorry to everyone else for posting a oneshot mid smau its short n cute okay (AND ITS FUCKING CHOSO SO LIKE CMON???) i couldnt help myself !! also the title is lyrics from cupid's chokehold by gym class heroes... okay bye!
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Sharing a dorm with Choso was heavenly.
Because of your conflicting schedules, half the time, you rarely actually saw each other. But even when you did, he was the type of roommate to keep to himself; he has his side of the room, and you have yours. Of course, you two talked here and there; he was actually pretty nice company whenever you two were actually in the room at the same time. But more often than not, the only time you would see him was late at night when you were just getting in to go to sleep.
Either way, the point is, you never really saw him around much. Choso was always quick and effective, so by the time you would head back to your dorm after a few of your classes, he would just be heading out or have already left.
Usually, his alarm would go off an hour before his classes, which is ample time for him. He’s done his routine hundreds of times before—doing his hair and eyeliner is practically muscle memory, and at this point he's sure he could do it in his sleep. but not today, apparently. Today his alarm goes off late—half an hour late. Which Choso isn’t panicked by, only slightly frustrated, but it's fine. That still leaves him another half an hour to get ready, so there's still plenty of time given that it only takes him 10–15 minutes to get ready, so it's fine. Everything is fine; he repeats it in his head like a mantra, like if he thinks it and says it enough, he’ll actually believe it.
Choso quickly dresses, then sits at his desk, where a little mirror sits. He sighs as he flips on a lamp and grabs his eyeliner. He doesn’t even have to think about it, instinctively taking the cap off and bringing it to his eye, only for it to crumble as it meets his waterline. Choso cusses under his breath as he blinks, attempting to get whatever fell into his eye out. When that doesn't work, he rubs his eye, only for it to spread eyeliner all across his eye and cheek. He groans, grabbing a cloth to wipe it off with, and once his face is clean, he doesn't even bother trying with his eyeliner again—looking at the time, he’s already wasted more than he wanted doing that. He’ll just do his hair and leave, or else he’ll be late.
Choso stills for a moment, forcing himself to take a deep breath to try and calm the nerves and frustration simmering beneath his skin—it's fine. He nods. Now somewhat calmer, he grabs his hair ties and gets to work… only for one of them to break as he’s trying to put his hair through it. Choso stares at himself in the mirror, eyes narrowed and swallowing harshly, as he desperately tries to ignore the rising heat going to his cheeks.
It's fine.
He’ll just do the other side of his hair...only for the same thing to happen. Choso can actively feel his heart racing—it's pounding against his chest and ringing in his ears—and he’s already too far gone to notice or even stop the tears from falling down his cheeks. He doesn’t really know why he’s actually crying, if he’s being honest. It’s not like this is the end of the world; he knows that, yet he can't stop himself. Too many things have gone wrong, and he’s barely woken up. First, his alarm goes off late, which isn't the most horrible thing within itself, but then his eyeliner crumbles and gets in his eye, and when he tries to wipe it away, it instead smears on his face. Then he rubs his face raw, trying to get it off, and now he can't do his fucking hair because his hair ties suddenly decided to disintegrate and snap in half.
He messily wipes at his tears and tries inhaling deeply for air in a feeble attempt to calm himself the tiniest bit down. It doesn't do anything. In fact, it makes things worse. His tears fall harder, and he’s choking in shallow breaths of air. If anyone walked in right this moment, they’d think something horrible happened, like one of his brothers died. and it's just his luck, or a very obvious lack thereof, when you walk in. Choso immediately starts scrambling to wipe his tears away and hide his face from you as you drop your things in shock—you hadn’t expected him to still be in the dorm, let alone be here crying.
“Holy shit, Choso, are you okay? What's wrong? Did something happen?” You panic, immediately running to his side.
He doesn’t say anything; he just takes in and lets out shaky breaths as he shakes his head, one arm outstretched to keep you at arm's length.
You frown and look around. For what? You’re not sure. Part of you thinks if you look hard enough, you'll find why he’s crying, but all you see are snapped hair ties, a crumbled, unsharpened eyeliner pencil, and a cloth full of eyeliner. That’s when it all starts to make sense. You smile softly at him, who's still hiding his red tear-stained face from you, before you grab his comb and a new pair of hair ties from his desk.
Choso doesn’t know what you're doing when he hears you shuffling around, and he refuses to meet your gaze, filled to the brim with embarrassment at having been caught crying, but his head involuntarily snaps up, looking at you through the mirror, when he feels you start to brush his hair. You're already staring back at him and flashing him a warm smile, not saying a word as you continue to detangle his hair.
“You don't have to do this,” he sniffles, finally calming down enough to say something.
"I know I don't," you shrug. "But I also know it sucks when it seems like nothing is working or going to plan, so..."
"I can do it myself-“
"Choso, just let me do this for you, please.”
He stares at you for a moment, studying your face as if trying to find something, and when he finds nothing but your soft eyes and willingness—your desire—to do this for him, he sighs and nods. You beam and gleefully get back to work on his hair, and Choso finds that he’s no longer embarrassed by being seen crying but rather by the fact he feels like a doll—but the worst part? It's kind of nice.
He likes having someone do this for him with no hesitation; he likes the way your fingers carefully rake through his hair to ensure there's no tangles even though you just combed it; he likes the way you don't tie the ponytails too tight like he usually does, which only results in a pounding headache he can't get rid of; he likes all of it.
He likes all of it so much so that he finds himself closing his eyes in complete bliss, drowning in your gentle touches. You poof up one of his ponytails a bit, ready to tell him you're done, when you look into the mirror and notice his eyes closed, looking like he’s in a whole other world. You can't fight your smile off as you play with his ponytail for a bit longer before slowly wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his shoulder.
“What do you think?” You whisper, your breath softly fanning against his ear.
Choso opens his eyes, surprised to see you pretty much hugging him from behind, yet he doesn't hate it, not one bit. Too caught up about how much he does not hate this; he doesn't respond, and it makes you nervous.
“Sorry… I know they don't look exactly like how you usually do them, but-“
"No, no,” he cuts you off quickly. “They look amazing... Thank you, y/n...”
You smile, happy with his answer, as you untangle yourself from him and stand up. “You should head out now, Choso; you're late.”
He blinks, totally forgetting about class, and hurriedly stands up. "Right, thank you again,” is all he’s saying before rushing out the door.
You giggle slightly before yawning and making your way to your bed, ready for your usual nap, when Choso comes rushing back into the dorm again. You stare at him wide-eyed, and he simply stares back.
You furrow your eyebrows, confused, and are about to ask if he's okay when suddenly he blurts out:
"I wouldn’t mind if you did my hair again.”
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stylesparker · 9 months
together again
PAIRING: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: ex-bestfriend!steve, bullying, panic attack, anxiety, mentioned parent death, angst, hurt/comfort, "i've got you"
A/N: sorry this request took so long, but I hope you enjoy anon! Thank you for checking with me first, and I hope this can offer you a little more comfort! <33
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"Are you even listening to me?"
"Huh?" You knock yourself out of your stupor and look at Steve, his eyes gazing gravely at you. His arms are crossed, his hair is all styled up to perfection like always, and you think to yourself- how is it that you've been paired up with Steve Harrington, again, for another stupid project? Why you, of all people?
You definitely have to be cursed.
"You heard me, right?" He confirms. "My house after school?"
You nod, almost rolling your eyes a bit. "Yeah, totally." You huff before you ask, "since when have you been one to get a head start on school work?"
He chuckles, but it sounds more sarcastic than genuine, "Since I needed a good grade in this class to graduate, L/N. I'll see you later." He pushes off the wall, sauntering away in those stupid ass jeans that actually kind of make his ass look good. You shake your head, looking away from the boy and turn to face your locker once more.
As soon as you close it with your backpack over your shoulder, you hear familiar whistles coming towards you down the hallway.
You start walking, hoping within an inch of your life these shitheads aren't coming to you, but you know better. A hand clamps over your shoulder, squeezing a little too hard for you to know exactly who it is.
Justin Andrews, the biggest dick in Hawkins.
"Heya, sweetheart, you miss me?" He laughs right into your ear.
"Not exactly."
"Oh, I know you did. Where ya' been? Haven't seen you around all week, was sorta starting to miss this pretty ass." His friends laugh beside him as his hand drifts down your shoulder and smacks your ass, catching you off guard and making you flinch farther from his hold.
"Been sick." That's all you answer, thinking maybe putting him off with short responses will get him to find somebody else, but again, you know better than to think this will be different than any other time before.
"Damn, that's a shame. I'm sure those kids of yours got a nice break from ya' then huh?" You glare at him as he offers a wide-grinned smile, winking at you before leaving you with another smack to the ass as a parting gift. As Justin and his pack of friends depart, you hurry away as fast as you can down the hall and out the doors before they can even think of coming back.
Once you finally get to your car and get inside, you throw your stuff to the passenger seat and take a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. There was no way you were going to last period after that, and besides, your youngest little brother needed to be picked up from daycare today anyway. Luckily your other four siblings are a bit older and take the bus now, otherwise you probably would have dropped out at this point. You take another deep breath and drive off in hopes of getting your brother quickly, and home on time so you don't show up late to Steve's.
You do not want to deal with an angry Steve.
As the universe would have it, everything was against you today.
First, you almost got hit by some drunk pulling out of the bar halfway to the daycare. Once you got to the daycare, you had to wait half an hour since your brother had a tantrum and didn't want to leave in the middle of snack time. By the time you got him out of there, and into your car in his blue booster seat, it had been another 20 minutes. Usually it's about a 15 minute drive home from the daycare, but it ended up being a half hour due to traffic. After you finally made it home, you got a call from your boss asking you to come in again later tonight to take another extra shift since your shitty co-worker hasn't been showing up for two weeks.
At that point, you were about to lose it. You'd just gotten home and now you had to miss another family dinner tonight, much to your brother's disappointment. You wish you had just a moment to breathe, but everything has been so... chaotic lately, it's like you've been running a marathon for a month straight.
You opened the cabinet to see what food was in there, but it was only half a bag of stale potato chips, and a couple boxes of your sisters' favorite cereal. You sighed, holding your empty stomach. Leftovers tonight would have to suffice.
You took a quick glance at the clock at the wall, but did the world's fastest double take when you saw the time 4:30.
SHIT. You think. Steve is going to murder me.
Thankfully, you hear your mom pull in the driveway so at least you're not leaving your brother home alone. You grab your backpack and bolt out the door with your keys in your hand. You scream a quick goodbye to your mom while she watches you pull out of the driveway like a madman, and take off in a rush.
Fifteen minutes later, you're pulling into Steve's huge driveway, slamming the door behind you, and running up to the door with big huffs to try and catch your breath. You knock on the door three times, and pull your hand back down when you see the door already opening in front of you. When the door is opened, you're confronted by the boy you were dreading to see.
"I'm sorry-" you begin to apologize, but Steve immediately cuts you off.
"Are you serious? I asked you if after school worked and you told me it was fine, and now you're an hour and a half late!"
"Steve-" you try again, but he continues. You stand there, taking in his anger and frustration, and all you can do is blankly stare and nod, not even knowing what you're agreeing with. You shut your eyes and look at the ground, willing the tears to stay back while you twist your fingers in your hands. You don't even know when his voice lost its edge or when it even stopped at all, or when you'd been pulled inside and asked if you were alright. Your eyes are still closed, but your head feels like it's going to explode and you can't hear what he's saying. The tears are streaming down your face before you can help it, and your hands start shaking from how hard you're trying to hold back.
Steve's so taken aback, he can't even speak. He hasn't seen you like this in a long time, not since your dad died and you practically became a parent to your siblings. His heart breaks a little bit at the sight of you, and he feels a part of his old self coming back, wanting to comfort you and protect you just like he did growing up. Just like he's done his whole life, apart from the entirety of this year. He doesn't even care he's supposed to hate you and you're supposed to hate him in this moment, all he knows is that he's the only person that can help you right now, and he's going to do just that.
Steve's face loses its concern and he jumps into protective mode, bringing his hands up to hold either side of your face to get you to look at him.
"Sweetheart, I need you to calm down for me, yeah? What's going on, talk to me."
You stubbornly shake your head and refuse to look up at him. Your chest is still heaving rapidly, and he can tell you can't catch your breath.
"Don't be stubborn right now, I can't help you if you don't let me and you need to let me help you. I can't have you passing out on my floor now can I?" He tries to joke, but you don't get distracted, you keep your eyes down even though they've opened. He sighs, dropping one of his hands to grab yours and place them over his chest. "Slow down, take a deep breath, love."
"I-I can't-" you sputter out to the best of your ability, letting your hand ball his shirt up into a fist.
"Yes, you can. Take a good deep breath," you listen to him momentarily, following what he's doing, and when you do he nods and gives you a nice, soft smile, "there ya go, love, you got it. Do it again."
Seeing him be like this for you again brings you back to all those times you've needed him before, the memories almost came flooding back when you heard his loud voice turn soothing in an instant, just for you. His touch had always been grounding, always took off the pressure and allowed you to come back down, and you hadn't expected it to be the same after so much time apart, but now, it's like nothing changed. He's still Steve- he's still your Steve.
That thought alone comforts you more than anything else.
"Steve-" you whisper softly, "I'm so- sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Sweetheart, don't-"
"No, I have to. I've been horrible to you, and now you're helping me- I just-" you drop your head on his chest, and finally tell him everything. "I feel like I've just been going and going non-stop, and today was it, it was my absolute breaking point. After you, and Justin-"
"Justin? Are you- Are you serious? Is he still giving you shit?"
You gulp, "yeah," but you shake your head quickly, "but he's not even the worst thing, I just... ugh," you stop yourself before you start crying again but Steve feels like he knows.
"When's the last time you got some sleep?"
"I don't know.. a couple days ago?"
"Oh my god," he drops his head back and groans, which actually makes you laugh a bit. He immediately looks down at you, realizing the talking stopped you from panicking, or at least distracted you from it. "Hey," he nudged you a bit, getting you to look up at him, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't of yelled at you, and I definitely shouldn't have left you that night-"
"That's not your fault, Steve. I pushed you away."
"Yeah, and I shouldn't have let you."
You look at each other for a moment, like, really look at each other. It's been so long since you've been able to hold each other like this, it almost doesn't feel real.
"C'mon, let's get you something to eat."
"It's fine-" you start, before he cuts you off again.
"No, shut up. If you haven't been sleeping, you definitely haven't been eating either, so let's go." He left no room for debate, so you just took his hand and followed him, letting him lead you through his house.
He gives you a couple of your favorite snacks, since he didn't have any sort of meals yet, but you seemed very content, so he thought it was better than nothing. He let you take your time, rubbed your back while you told him about the rest of your shitty day, and grabbed your hand again when he started up the stairs to his room.
"What about the project?" You asked.
"That can wait. You need some sleep first."
He shook his head, "Nope. Not happening."
At last, you gave up and followed his lead again, which, as much as you'd hate to admit it, it felt nice letting someone else lead you around for a change instead of the other way around. For so long, it's been you taking charge and always bossing your siblings around, but it feels relieving to have Steve with you again to remind you it didn't always have to be that way.
You pulled back the covers in his bed and laid down, not even having to ask for Steve to join you, him already doing the same on the other side. Almost as if no time had passed, you curled up against one another, resting your head on his chest, and his arms wrapping around you to pull you close.
"Go to sleep. I've got you."
His hands rub gentle circles on your back, soothing you and releasing the tension from your body as you slowly relax enough to fall asleep. You fight to keep your eyes open as long as you can, savoring this moment with him, almost as if he won't be here when you wake up.
"Don't worry, I'll be here."
Those words pull at your heartstrings, making you hold him tighter and bury yourself into him deeper, if you even can. Knowing that you're together again has you finally closing your eyes, and falling into a peaceful sleep.
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changisworld · 4 months
For changbin: you decide to start your fitness journey and call your experienced boyfriend to help you training, but apparently he has other plans (i was totally inspired by the skz yoga class, that man fixing hyunjin's position got me to places lol)
OMG what a good ask for me to respond to for my FIRST EVER BINNIE FIC!! I hope you enjoy <3
Word count:2.319
Obvious MDNI,18+ smut warnings under the cut
Any reblogs & comments are deeply appreciated!
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
PSA FOR ANY ASKS/REQUESTS: i WILL get around to posting everyone's requests, I'm sorry if it takes a bit of time but whatever you request i'll get around to posting it! IM ALSO MAKING AN ANON LIST!! just send me anything & tell me what emoji you wanna be!
main masterlist here
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SMUT WARNINGS; slightly jealous binnie, coke can cock binnie, confident reader, pet names such as pretty,jagi, baby, public sex, creampie, quickie, slight teasing
You have finally decided to join the gym after saying it was your new years revolution for thee longest time & who better to help with your journey than your long term boyfriend, Changbin!
You put on a pair of sport leggings & a matching sports bra & you put Changbins shirt over it. You admire how you look in the mirror, trying to make sure you look as good as you can without looking like you're putting in effort & then you put on the gym shoes Changbin bought for you to encourage you to go to the gym & you then decide to walk to the gym & meet Changbin there. Since its 1am on a tuesday it's a safe & quick 15 minute walk to the gym.
You walk into the changing room & lock your bag off & you take off the baggy shirt you're wearing & shut the locker, putting the key around your wrist.
You step into the gym & unsurprisingly it's completely empty, other for a random guy & of course, Changbin himself.
You walk over to Changbin who is currently on his phone & taking a drink, of course sitting on the edge of the bench presss.
"Hey Binnie!" you say, waving your hand in front of his phone to get his attention over his music playing in his headphones. "Oh hey y/n! when did you get that set? you look so good" he says smirking at you as you giggle & roll your eyes as he stands up & gives you a quick hug. "I'm happy you're here jagi, trust me you'll loooove the gym once i teach you!" He says, nothing but enthusiasm in his voice. "Yeah well i better hope so seeing since i want to look a bit better & fit for summer" you say, looking at the huge mirror that stretches from one end of the gym all the way to the other. "Your body is already perfect y/n, the gym can just be a healthy hobby for you! Anyways, lets start with some stretches." He says, taking a hold of your wrist & guides you over to the matted open area.
"Okay so to start off, lets sit on the ground & put your legs straight out in front of you & set your hands out as far as you can." Changbin says, already getting into position. You copy him & you do what he asks as he gets up & pushes your back slightly to get that extra stretch. You hold it for 30 seconds before he helps you stand back up.
"Do i really need to stretch? my back is still pretty stretched out along with my legs from when you had my feet up past my head earlier when you had folded me in half, probably not the only thing that's still a bit stetched still hm?" you flirt with him, he playfully hits your shoulder. "yaaah! not.. here, i won't be able to handle it" he whispers back, trailing his fingers along your stomach as he kisses the sweet spot behind you ears. You let out a small hum then pull away. "I was being serious! but fine, what should i do now?" You ask, putting your arms above your head & just stretching normally, scrunching your eyes together, Changbin licks his lips subconsciously. "ehhh, lets have you just simply touch your toes hm? try hold it." he says, coming up behind you to help you with keeping you as folded as possible but as he is doing this, his covered cock is now against your ass & your cheeks blush.
You hold it, quite liking the burn in the back of your legs but liking the feeling of binnie pressed against your ass more. You let out a small huff & a second later you're pulled up abruptly by Changbins calloused hands around your waist. "You said 30 seconds didn't you?" you ask, slightly confused. "yeah but that guy over there kept staring at you & i didn't appreciate it." He says, glancing over at the guy who was in the gym when you arrived is now slightly closer, 'on his phone'. "ooo my jealous baby" you smile at him, kissing his cheek & scratching under his chin like a catplayfully. "anyways, let's just go on the treadmill or something for now hm?" you ask, holding his hand in your & nods, still got a bit of a frown on his face.
It's been an hour & you & changbin have been on multiple areas, he helped you get used to a lot of leg strength machines just to show you how they worked but mainly helped you train arms. The other guy has since now left & its just you two left in the gym. "Okay so to finish up, why not we do some squats hm? it helps arms & obviously your glutes too. I'll help your form so don't worry jagi." He says, picking up two 20lb weights & giving them to you. You sigh loudly as you take them & Changbin helps you get into position. You squat down, looking into the same mirror as earlier & hold it, changbin holding your hips. "your ass looks good like this, i could get used to helping you" he says, giving it a playful slap. You wince at the slap & drop the weights before standing up right. "stop the teasing binnie! I need to take this seriously if i want results." you giggle back before grabbing his hands & putting them back on your waist as you pick up the weights again & continuing.
"y/n you need to put your legs slightly further apart." He says & you try to slightly split them, still in your position. "wait, a little bit less jagi, wait i'ma try something" He says & before you get to respond, you see changbin lying down & starting to slide underneath your legs. "They should be as far apart as how wide the bottom of my ribs are, mkay? I know you know that much so try think about it that way." You giggle as you look down & see his cute, pretty smile & face looking up at you. You nod as you breathe through your mouth & he starts so slide back out from underneath you but he notices something... a small wet spot right where your crotch is. "jagi, drop the weights for a second." You don't need to think twice since your arms are burning along with your legs at this point, dropping them to the sides.
You stand up as changbin finishes sliding out from under you & is behind you again & he wraps his huge arms around your chest & waist as he kisses your neck back. He nibbles your earlobe & whispers; "meet me in the changing rooms in a minute, cameras are watching us & they might come find us if we leave at the same time" He kisses your cheek before leaving, leaving you excited & also confused.
You put the weights away & try look busy for a few minutes before you head into the boys changing rooms & you are immediately ambushed by changbins lips. You moan into it with surprise before he leans you against the wall, large hand resting on it right next to your head as he has the other hand loosely wrapped around your neck. "Wheres this suddenly came from hm? Couldn't wait until we got home, no?" You tease, your own hand coming own to play with his sweatpants drawstrings. " suddenly? Hope you know you have a literal wet patch on your leggings baby, you sure you weren't just waiting for me to do this hm?" he teases back, fingers from your neck trailing under your sports bra to begin pinching your nipples, you whine in response. "Well how can you expect me to not be wet when your hands were basically touching me more than my own clothes hmm? grinding against me?" You say, pawing his joggers & boxers down just enough to free his cock.
You kiss his lips again before slouching down to your knees & taking a hold of his thick dick in your hand, fingers just barely wrapping fully around it. You begin kitten licking the tip & along the sides, paying extra attention to the sweet spot right under the bottom of his tip, he lets out a low groan in response. "Jagi please, don't tease.. Can i just put it in you? i'm desperate baby" he whines, thrusting his dick in your hands, tip hitting your tongue & lips. "I would say no & suck your soul out but my jaw is still sore from earlier when you fucked my face." you smirk up at hiss blushed cheeks & damp sweaty hair as you stand up & he helps pull your leggings just below your ass as your face is pressed against the wall.
"your ass is so perfect gorgeous, to die for." changbin hums, giving it a light smack & caress. "you sure you can take it baby hm? want me to open you with my tongue or something first? you know i'm big." He asks in a sweet tone as his fingers are spreading your folds, teasing you further. You whine & squirm at the contact as he plays with your pussy open, trying to get more contact. "I can take it Bin' i should be able to since you fucked me so good earlier, please put it in" you whine, moving your head so you can make eye contact with him. He nods as he grabs his cock again & pumps it twice before lining it up at your entrance & then pushes just the tip in, you let out a breathy gasp.
"H-holy fuck.. s-so big oh my" you whimper out, feeling his heavy tip splitting you open.
"Told you baby, i'm gonna push in more now mkay?" he asks as he leans & kisses your shoulder as he starts paving his way into your velvet walls, him holding his breath subconsciously as you let out a long whine at the feeling, eyes scrunched together as you finally feel his balls hit the bottom of your cunt.
"so wet for me baby, letting me into you like this, so good for me hunny, can i move now hmm?" he asks in a higher pitched voice, stroking your hair as he does so. "yes.. j-just move.. p-please Binnie please" you reply, fingers trying to dig into the walls with how much you're trying to grip the walls. He hums before letting go of your hair & starts a slow but strong stroke movement. You start letting out raspy whines as you hear skin clapping around the room as his cock quite literally splits you in half.
"F-f-uck Bi-binnie already gon' cum, holy shi" you moan, clenching around his cock unintentionally. Changbin lets out a satisfied whine as his hand slithers down to start rubbing your clit which makes you start squirming even more, moans getting louder. Changbin smacks your pussy lightly "Shhh we need to be quiet baby mkay? we are in a gym remember." he whispers in your ears as your eyes roll to the back of your head, being reduced to a melted pile against the wall he's fucking you into.
His hand resumes its movement on your clit as you cum around his dick, walls not being able to clench too much due to the genuine thickness of his cock in you. "good girl, cumming around me like this, so hot for me." He gives you a moment rest from the abuse on your clit before he starts resuming his movements, making you thrash but it's no use as he wraps his hand in your hair as he lifts you so you're now positioned back to chest as his thick, muscly arm wraps around your waist & stomach as he continues pounding your now red & swollen cunt.
His hips start to stutter & you know he's close but you're in too much of your own world to propely mention it. "Bin' s-so f-ffull.. fuck" you say but comes out as a raspy whisper at this point due to the amount of moaning you've been letting through your lips, your voice is now starting to leave. "awk yeah? so full in you hm? why not you have a better feel?" he asks as he grabs you hand & presses it into your own lower tummy & you let out an even bigger groan at feeling his dick quite literally fucking into you.
You throw your head back into his shoulder as you feel it, moving the angle of your head just enough so you can reach changbins lips & you kiss him full of tongue as you feel his hot release painting your walls as his hips stutter. His eyebrows furrow as he lets out a high pitched groan into your lips, hair stuck to his face.
You break the kiss to let you both catch your breath back. " that's definitely in one of the top 3 best quickies we've ever had & definitely the hotttest, i love you pretty pretty." he says to you in deep breaths, smiling at you as you lean your arms against the wall again. You go to reply when someone knocks on the changing room door... it is an employee. You both shoot a glance at eachother with wide eyes, trying not to laugh, You mouth the words 'I love you too & i agree' & you go to hide in one of the cubicles as changbin quickly pulls his sweatpants back up before unlocking the changing room door. "uh yeah? anything wrong?" he asks through the door, voice tinged with embarrassment.
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rapz-rites · 1 year
Oh Baby
Damian Wayne x Reader established relationship
Jon Kent x Reader (Platonic)
You’re not telling Damian something, and he thinks it’s that you're cheating
A/N: A lovely anon requested this. I hope you like it and feel free to send more requests or even message me.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: misunderstandings, pregnancy, secrets 
You and Damian met sophomore year at Gotham Academy. You were in most of his classes. But he never truly paid any mind to you until your government class. It was a small class of 15 students. 
Your government teacher was holding a class mock debate. 3 students would ask questions as there were 3 topics of discussion. The rest of the students would pair off into 2s and prepare on all the 3 topics as it would be random and no one would know which topic they might get. 
“The three topics of debate will be abortion, racial discrimination, and immigration. And the 3 question leads will be Marcus, Catelyn, and Luca. Everyone else, pair up.”
Girls immediately started surrounding Damian and the boys with you. Damian saw how uncomfortable you were with the boys' awful advances at you. He continued to ignore the girls and walked to you. 
“You can leave. I’m partnered with Y/N.”
Everyone was confused. Even the teacher. Damian never willingly chose to work with anyone. But you decided to take advantage of the opportunity before it went away. 
“Yup. It’s true. So all can go now.” With that, you waved them off and Damian took a seat next to you. 
Everyone else paired off and the teacher started talking. She explained the instructions for the debate and the rubric as it would be graded. 
“There are 15 minutes left of class. You have this time to yourselves, use it wisely.”
You turned to Damian.
“When do you want to start working on the project? I'm available after school today to work in the library.”
“I can't today. I am tomorrow though. Let's exchange numbers.”
And that's how it started. The next day, you and Damian started going to the library after school and texted about the assignment. Even after the in class debate you two would talk. 
Damian found you more tolerable than the rest of the kids at Gotham, and much smarter. He started hanging out with you more and more. In and out of school, obviously without his brothers knowing. 
Eventually, he asked you out, you said yes, and both of you started dating. It’s been over 2 years since. You both have a lot into the relationship. You and Damian opened up to each other. He gave you his trust, which is difficult for him, and you gave him your virginity. 
Though Damian wasn’t your first boyfriend or kiss, he was your first time. And you were happy about it. Even though it was a bit awkward, especially at the beginning, he made it special for you. He would ask if you were ok with something, how you felt, and he just took care of you. Something you never truly had with past boyfriends. 
“Oh my gosh!”
You and Damian only had sex 2 times, both in the past 6 months. Damian took care of you after and you peed.  You were both safe and used protection. That's why you couldn't understand the 3 positive pregnancy tests. 
“No. It can't be.”
You suddenly started crying, collapsing on the bathroom floor of your one-bedroom apartment. 
Since then you haven't been the same. After a few days of thinking, you decided that you would keep the baby. You lost your parents at 15, in an accident. They were wealthy. They had a mansion on the outskirts of Gotham, just like all the other socialites, and a condo near your school. In their passing your parents left everything in your name. You refused to go in the system. You were able to convince your old nanny to become your legal guardian, at least until you could get emancipated. You’ve always wanted a family anyways
You had to tell Damian. Your mind had been running through any possible reactions you'd get from Damian once you told him. Best case scenario he accepts it and decides to stay with you and be a father to the baby. Worst case, he leaves you and you have to raise the baby all by yourself. 
Damian noticed your odd behavior. You were secretive, jittery and would always make excuses not to hang out with him. 
“Sorry, I have a test coming up and need to study. I'll text you” you would say. But you never texted. 
“I'm volunteering this afternoon. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.” You kissed him goodbye on his cheek and walked away
You did the same to your friends. He didn't understand why. Did he do something wrong?
Keeping your pregnancy a secret was eating you alone. You had to tell someone. So you texted someone you could trust. 
You: Hey. Are you busy? I really need someone right now. 
Suddenly there was a gust of wind in your condo. Before you stood Jon Kent. Before you could even speak, that’s when he heard it. Not one, but 2 heart beats. Before you can even process him getting into your place, he hugs and spins you. 
“Oh my gosh! Congratulations!” He smiles from ear to ear. “Wait. I probably should be spinning you.”
Once he put you down he started looking around. Where’s Damian? How come he isn’t here telling me with you? That’s when you started to break down crying. 
“He doesn’t know. And I don’t know how to tell him.” You say hiccupping. Jon just comforted you until you stopped crying. You explained everything to him. 
“You have to tell him at some point. He probably thinks that you're avoiding him because he did something wrong. But I'm here for you.” You hugged him crying. 
“Sorry, it's the hormones.”
For the next 2 weeks, Jon comes to visit you whenever he gets the chance. No one knew.
Clark and Bruce had to collaborate on some League business. So, he and Jon would be staying in Gotham for a few days. 
Jon was heading out when he passed the kitchen 
“Hey Jon” said Dick. 
Damian was paying no mind to them. He was testing you, hoping he could see you today. 
D💚: Hello Beloved
Beloved💜: Hiii Dami
D💚: Are you available today?
Beloved💜: I’m sorry I can’t 😕
                     I promised Layla we could hang out today
                     We can hang out tomorrow tho
                     Pinkie Promise 🤞
D💚: Okay 🤞
         Have fun and be safe
Beloved💜: I will try
                    Won’t be much fun without you 😚
Once, at school you were texting Jon. You were stressing over telling Damian for the 4th time that day… It was only 11 am. And you were spamming him phone
Jon 🦸🏻: OMG
            We’re both at school go learn or something
            My parents are going on a date tonight so I’ll try to swing by
Y/N🤞🏾: ok ok
           See you tonight
“Hey Beloved. Who were you texting?” Damian came up to you. You quickly closed messages and put your phone in your pocket. 
“Hey Damian. It was Layla.” You responded hesitantly. “It’s nothing really but I have to go. I have to study before my test next period” You kissed him goodbye on his cheek and rushed off. 
He knew you weren’t texting Layla, he just saw her a few moments ago when he was looking for you. She told him that you were probably at your locker. Before he went to look for you she told him to tell you that her phone died last period. 
Why were you lying and hiding stuff from him? Damian didn’t want to think it, but were you cheating on him?
Damian looked up from his phone to notice Jon wasn’t there anymore. 
“Where did Jon go?” Damian asked. 
“He said he was going to meet up with ‘a friend’, but it’s obvious he’s meeting with a girl/boy the way he was nervous.” Dick responded
“We should follow him,” Jason spoke up. Damian didn’t know why he was here. Jason wasn’t too fond of staying at the manor. Usually, he would do whatever business he had, get food from Alfred then leave. 
“Sure. Why not” said Tim. Damian forgot he was here. But they all agreed. 
You hated lying to Damian. You decided that when you were going to see him tomorrow, you were going to tell him the truth, everything. You were meeting with Jon to get everything ready to tell Damian everything tomorrow.
Incoming Call: Jon 🦸🏻
You immediately picked up. You were sitting in a booth at yours and damian fav coffee shop. Damian thought that they had these great muffins that tasted even better the day after, so you were going to get him some.
You told Layla about your pregnancy after you told Jon. She was very upset with you. That you didn’t tell her first. 
“I can’t believe it. I mean I can because between both of us, you would have kids and I would be the hot, rich aunt that they love.”
You laughed at her little rant on how your kid would call her “Auntie Lay” and she would bring gifts every time she saw them. How she would have a room for them to crash at her place for when they're a teen and they get mad at you, or they just want to spend time with their auntie. 
“Thank you,” you said as you got up and hugged her “for being here for me. I don't know what I would do without you and Jon”
You were so glad that you had Jon and Layla. 
Jon was walking up to the coffee shop when he saw your call.
“Hey Jon. Layla and I are at the shop, where are you?”
“I’m across the street I’m heading in now.”
Jon didn’t realize the boys were following him. They were confused as to why Jon was at this coffee shop. He had never been there before. 
The boys watched Jon walk in and waited. Eventually, he would come out with whoever he's been secretly meeting up with for weeks. 
Being the type they are, they didn't notice Layla coming out of the shop and getting into her car. She was waiting for you and Jon to go back to your place. 
“He's coming out now,” Dick said excitedly. They all froze in anticipation. What they didn’t expect was to see you walking out after him. 
Damian's heart was breaking. You were secretly meeting up with Jon and cheating on him behind his back. How could you? He kept watch in hopes he was wrong. 
You walked out with a light brown paper bag in hand. You were struggling to seal it without dropping it. That’s when Jon took it from you and sealed it himself. They didn’t have audio but they had visuals. They could say thank you to him.
“Thank you my hero,” you said with a small giggle. Suddenly your face was serious. 
“What if- What if even if Damian accepts this, he won’t regret it later? He won’t think we ruined his life?” 
You started tearing up. From the angle the boys were at they couldn’t see your face. Jon hugged you. 
“Shhh it’s going to be fine.”
“What if he thinks I’m trying to baby trap him and he'll end up hating me?”
You were about to cry when Jon took your face into his hands. You were like the sister he never had. He hated to see you cry. 
“Listen to me. Damian could never hate you. He loves you.”
You nodded and hugged him again. That’s when Damian’s heart truly shattered. 
“I can’t read lips that well but I saw something along the lines of ‘I love you’” Dick said. Damian took off is “disguise”, it was just a hat and sunglasses.
“So she's cheating on me?” Anyone could hear the pain in his voice, even Jon did. 
Jon suddenly let go of you, and turned to look at Damian. He could see the pain written all over his face. Even though mind reading wasn’t a Kryptonian power, he knew what he was thinking: that you were cheating on him with him. 
You were confused. You moved over to see what Jon was looking at. That's when you saw Damian with his brothers. Now he was looking at you.
“Oh no.”
Part 2
So… what do y’all think??? Please let me know.
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amalthiaph · 2 months
✨ EDMON RAMPART (Amalthia's Version) ✨ You know I once swore to never draw him, well that was of course before he got the James Norrington treatment so it's the Alexsandr Kallus Effect for me again. Talk about from fuck this man to I wanna fuck this man.
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Teeny weeny fandom salt and salt in general coming up so if you don't like that, you can go scroll down. There used to be a cut here but I removed it. I will always be polite, but I know WHEN to talk.
From now on, I will be calling my fanart "Amalthia's version". I hope I don't come across as tone deaf or insensitive about this, but I wish I was good at art.
I've seen posts that say "I wish artists would stop drawing [character name] with [this] or [that]" or "stop drawing [character] with [this]". While it's great to hear about your preferences, please bear in mind that at the end of the day, fanart CAN BE an artist's take on a character. For me, THIS is how I draw Edmon Rampart. This is with regard to the art style I developed and the color palette that I constantly use to keep up with my blog's theme.
Another ick is an ongoing issue in the TBB fandom. In my Hunter and Omega art, I did something I don't usually do, which is add a secondary light source. A few minutes after posting, I got an anon telling me to unwhitewash the characters. I immediately messaged one of my friends for their honest opinion and they said I don't whitewash the characters. I went on to the drawing file and tried to study my own drawing and see if I really did whitewashed the characters. Edit: There really are some artists who whitewash the characters and I was trying to do a SELF-CHECK bec maybe I'm one of them.
I found out that the thing that made the difference is the secondary light source that I added. This secondary light source is lighter in color than their skin, and it created the Contrast Effect. Due to the nature of the human eye and visual processing by the brain, there's an optical illusion that the same color will look different depending on the color beside it and/or the background. It's in psychology class, paying attention would help.
In addition to the secondary light, it could also be the brown background color that caused this effect. And before anyone goes, "are you sure?" Yes, I am. I sat with a Psychology major to discuss about this whole Contract Effect thing.
This does not only apply in colors, it could also be to objects, that why they say all things are relative. One thing could appear bigger or smaller depending upon the object beside it. One of the things they 'check' to see if a certain artist whitewashed a character is the size of the nose. Once again, please do apply Contrast Effect. Some artist really draw their characters stick-like so try to compare all the noses they had drawn in their entire lifetimes and maybe, just maybe they did draw the noses wide in comparison to their other artworks, it just looks like that because it's part of their art style.
Edit: Please do try to analyze things first before casting down your judgement.
It's so difficult to be an artist AND IN THIS FANDOM. We never seem to be enough. If we do the character with artistic freedom, you'll say "stop drawing them like that bec they don't have that in the show" and when we try to draw them as close to the show, you'll say "unwhitewash the characters". We are never good enough for you.
So yeah, I wish I was good at this.
Link to the rest of this series:
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15
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itsaspectrumcomic · 12 days
Hi! 🐑🐑 anon here! thanks so much for the sheep :)))
I’m typing on my phone rn so I can type much better. Thank you for the advice!!! So here’s my Argentina thing:
I go to school here (7th grade) and we have breaks betweeen every class!!! 5-15 minute breaks! It’s illegal to not have them! It’s amazing!
i get to choose my lunch every day! I choose, I buy, and I can eat almost anywhere! I always eat the same thing (caprese roll) cuz autism and vegetarianism
speaking of which, we can eat in any of the breaks! We decide! It’s awesome!!!
no dress code! No awful suffocating polo shirts! With the worst fabric made! Just whatever I want to wear! Every day!!!
if I can’t do something, I’m allowed to not do it! I don’t have to do gym! I can sit it out! Gym is rlly hard for me bcuz I remember one day in my life when I could run for more than a minute without doubling over gasping at the end. Also, I hate it.
Not school related things now:
everyone uses their hands to talk! So I don’t get weird looks for my stimming!!! It’s incredible!!!!!
this is a ginormous one for me: THEY ARE SO BLUNT HERE. They use body language, which I can read well, and they just say what they mean! It’s such a relief!!! I can trust them!!! I don’t have to try doubly hard to figure out what they’re saying!!!! ITS SO SO SO AWESOME!!!!
also: a down point is that the greeting is usually a hug. But for some reason, here, hugs are better! They give me tons of warning bcuz I know when they’re gonna do it so I can prepare! Everyone talks with their body and it’s so much easier to understand!
Back to school real quick, we address the teachers by first names!!! No titles that seem to just distance us from ppl supposed to help us!!!
yeah, there are asshoels, but mainly, people are so nice! But in a genuine way! Not in a stupid social cues way! They are genuinely happy to see you, and if they aren’t, you know! No passive aggressive, no sarcasm (I like sarcasm sometimes but it can be annoying), just actual words!!!
wveeyone gets accommodations! The gym thing, are you tired? Or did you break your hand? Whatever! You can sit out! Do you need to doodle in class? There’s no, “do you have a (professionally diagnosed) learning disability? No? Then no.” Just yes! Sure! I love your doodles! Can u draw something for me?
Anyway, that was a lot. I’m actually fascinated in this and obsessed so thx so much for letting me info dump in your inbox!!!! Hope it’s interesting! There’s more, which I’ll add later!
Hi 🐑🐑! That all sounds great! I'm glad you've had such a positive experience there ☺️ I wish I could have got out of gym, I always found it so difficult and my PE teachers could be pretty mean 😔
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silencesscreams · 1 year
anon ask: hey! love your writing <3 if youre accepting requests right now - i was just wondering if you could write either of these two fic ideas with xavier thorpe 1. the reader is the only one allowed to touch his hair or 2. physical touch is his love language and he always has to be holding you in some way - or it’s the best way to calm him down/comfort him <3 (of course you don’t have to write these if you don’t want to or you’re busy, just hoping to give you some ideas for future fics) btw i love the last xavier fic you wrote and i cannot wait for part two
it was about 4am when your phone started to ring.
it had waken you up abruptly.
“just pick it up already y/n!” yoko shouted from the other side of the room. you reached your phone and picked it up, it was xavier.
“hey babe, is everything okay?” you ask.
“sorry to wake you up.” he answered, his voice a bit hoarse.
“don’t worry. whats wrong? do you need anything?” you ask. you can hear him tapping on his desk.
“i just- i- can you come over? i dont know what to say, i just need you here.”
“i’ll be right there, just wait a bit okay?” you say, hanging up.
about 15 minutes later you were knocking on his door, as quickly as possible he opened it, pulling you in to a hug and closing the door.
“nightmares again?” you ask.
“yeah, i just dont no what to do anymore.” his voice is hoarse, from the red on his eyes and the tip of his nose you can tell he has been crying. you felt so impotent when you couldnt help him in situations like this.
“wanna talk about it?” you said, looking at him.
“can you just hold me for a little while?” he asked, you smile at him. pulling him to bed and placing yourself next to him. you cant helo but give him tiny little kisses all over.
he always loved holding on to you, in class, when you both were out, touching you always helped him. your perfume, your hair, everything. he felt as if you fit perfectly in his hands. mostly xavier didn’t like other peoples touch, so you were surprised when he searched to touch in the beginning, but you loved it.
he loved having his hand on your thigh when you were having lunch, or when you were just sat together anywhere. as a matter of fact, he always made sure you sat down on his left so he could use his right hand for drawing or taking notes. it was one of the things you most loved about him.
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How will txt confess to the reader! their crush. Will appreciate if you make it detailed one. Hope you won't mind. 💓💓
I tried to make each member's story about 600+ words each. And ofc I don't mind! I hope you like it! Sorry if it's a little too short or repetitive.
How TXT confessed to their crush
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
w/c: 600+ per member, requested :). enjoy anon!!
You and Yeonjun had been attending the same school for about 2 years now, and once he got to see you walk through the doors of the school for the first time, and he immediately fell in love with your beauty.
He had shared a few classes with you, them being math, language arts, and gym. He was surprised at how smart you were from the beginning of the school year, and was shocked to see you as one of the top students by the time exams were done.
You had just seen him as a classmate, but you had to admit: you thought he was cute. Sometimes, during language arts, you would look at him from afar, looking at his concentrated face. You would just smile and go back to work, and believe me, the teacher noticed.   Sometimes she would pair you both for a project on purpose, seeing the sparks between the 2 of you.
Yeonjun would be so happy when you 2 were paired for a project, but he didn’t let it show except for a small and friendly smile.
In the gym, when you would be sitting on the side, watching the rest of the class, your eyes would often divert to him, watching him dribble the basketball and pass to another one of your classmates. You were impressed by how good at sports he was.
It wasn’t until one day, Yeonjun decided to start leaving notes on your desk before class.
‘Hi y/n, I just wanted to say I think you’re really pretty~’
He would write stuff like that, complimenting you in any way possible, and even though you didn’t know who was writing these notes, he never failed to make you smile every time, and he saw it, trust me.
Slowly, your friends caught on, and tried to get you to find the person leaving those notes, and you tried to come to class earlier, but you were never early enough. One day, you saw a tall boy run out of your math class, wearing a black hoodie, and you decided to look inside, and you saw a note on your desk. You put the pieces together and realized the boy running out of the room was probably the boy who left the note on your desk!
You read the note, which said:
‘Have a great day today, y/n~’
And you smiled, once again, and you took that note and walked out of the classroom, to spend the next 5 minutes waiting at your locker before the bell rang.
Once your class started, you were all left to complete your work. You reached your hand in your desk to find a calculator, but found a note instead, that said:
‘Go to the school rooftop after school’s done at 15:35, i’ll be there. I have something to say to you :)’
You stuck the note back in your desk and got out your calculator, but you could barely focus on math anymore.
It got to the end of the day, and it was 15:35 so you ran to the school rooftop, seeing Yeonjun smile at you.
“Are you the one who’s giving me these notes?” You ask, as you walk closer to the boy. “Yeah,” he chuckles, “I just never had the courage to tell you face to face that you’re really pretty,” he admits. You smile. “What was the thing you were gonna say to me?” You ask, your brain filled with curiosity.
“I’ve had a crush on you for a while now,” he says, “and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me this weekend?” He asks, his eyes filled with hope that you’ll say yes. “That would be great,” you say as you give him a hug. He hugs you back and smiles. Oh boy he can’t wait for this weekend.
You and Soobin had been friends ever since you were 6, so you knew each other pretty well. From what you liked to what you hated, he knew it all. He would go to you for help, and vice versa. He started having a crush on you once highschool started. He then noticed how smart you were, and he saw your true talents. He knew you were a good singer but he didn’t know you were THAT good.
You and him would hang out after school if both of you were free, which was a lot of the time. You and him would play video games and would go to the park down the street and play around on the swings. He loves when you show your playful side, he thinks it’s so cute.
You always thought of him as a friend, and nothing really more than that. But you knew he had a crush, he just never told you. 
So one day, you and him were invited to a party, and decided to go, and halfway during the party everyone decided to play truth or dare. Everyone sat in a circle, but you decided to go to the bathroom before the game started, but they decided to start before you came back. A boy named Hyunwoo decided to ask Soobin. 
“Truth or dare, Soobin?” He asked, “truth,” Soobin replied.
You were coming out of the bathroom but stopped to hear what they were saying.
Hyunwoo thinks, before asking,
“Who do you have a crush on?” Everyone looks at him, and Soobin says, “y/n.” You were shocked to say the least, but smiled. You felt somewhat honored to be his crush. About 5 seconds later you turned around the corner and sat beside him.
The rest of the party continued normally, but you did realize that he was a little more silent than usual. You didn’t mind it and acted normal.
The next day after the party, you and him were in history and the teacher told everyone to pick a partner for a project. You and Soobin looked at each other and he came over to your desk to start the project. You enjoyed being his partner, you both had fun and somehow managed to get the work done.
Soobin’s friends kept on telling him to tell you that he had a crush on you, but everytime he was going to he would stop and say something else before walking away. He always got too nervous that you would reject him, and after that, your friendship would get ruined. He didn’t want to lose his friendship with you, he wanted to keep it. If you weren’t his friend, who would he go to for a partner for a project, who would he hang out with? Really the only friend he has is you, he has a few other friends but he isn’t as close with them as he is with you.
But one day, he started making a plan of how to tell you that he has a crush on you, because he figures he has to do something about it sooner or later.
First, he goes to your parents when you aren’t home to tell them about it first, and they approve of it, considering they got to know him a lot as well and trust him. Second, he sets up a few small decorations in your room, and prepares himself. Lastly, he waits for your response.
Once you get home, both your parents tell you to go clean your room, and those words aren’t what you want to hear but you go do it anyway.
You enter your room to see Soobin surrounded by some decorations, and your eyes divert to the sign that says: ‘will you go on a date with me?’
You stand there shocked, processing the moment. You run into his arms and give him a hug.
“I would love to, Soobin,” you say as you pull away from the hug. He smiles and starts ranting about how scared he was that you were going to say no.
He worked at the same job as you, both working at a grocery store. Sometimes you and him would both work in produce or be stocking the same shelves. But over time he started to like you more than just a coworker. He loved how kind you were to the customers, even when they were rude, and he loved how beautiful you were. You guys are friends, and would sometimes give the other person a ride home when they needed one. He knew he could trust you, and you could trust him. You guys had a good friendship and Beomgyu wanted to keep it that way, but his crush for you wanted to get in the way.
One night, he got a call from his landlord that his pay for the rent was overdue and that he would get evicted in 7 days. He was nervous and he started panicking. Where would he go? What would he do? Where would he stay until he gets a new house? Then he remembered you, and your house. He calls you and you pick up, fortunately.
“What’s up, Beomgyu?” You greet over the phone, “hi, so apparently i’m going to get evicted in a week, do you mind if I chill at your house until I can get a new apartment?” He asks, his heart beating faster due to nervousness. “I’m so sorry, of course! You can come tonight if you want. I'm off my shift,” you offer. “Thank you! I’ll be there in about an hour, see ya!” Beomgyu replies before he hangs up. He immediately starts packing and makes his way over to your house.
As expected, you hear a knock on your door about an hour later
“Welcome! Come inside,” you say, he walks inside and looks around. “You live alone, right? Or am I wrong,” he asks as he sits on your couch. “I live by myself. It’s nice but sometimes I get a little lonely,” you say. He nods. “Your apartment is much nicer than mine,” he points out, you chuckle and the 2 of you spend the night talking before setting him up on the couch and heading to bed yourself.
While he’s laying in the darkness, he thinks about how kind you are, and he can feel his crush for you grow. He doesn’t know what to do about it, but he knows he’s going to do something. Whether it’s cleaning your kitchen, or being a shoulder to cry on, he’s going to do something.
The next morning he gets up and looks around your kitchen for food. You wake up and get a hairbrush from your bathroom to brush your hair, as you brush your hair you walk into the kitchen and chuckle at the sight of Beomgyu searching for food.
“You can’t find the cereal, can you?” You say as you open the cupboard with the cereal in it. “The ONE place I didn’t check is where it is, I should’ve known,” he says. You laugh and say “I hope you can find the fridge,” before going back to the bathroom, and you can feel him playfully glare at you.
You come back, fully dressed and you get yourself some cereal as well.
“Nice hair, Gyu,” you say as you ruffle his hair some more, “hey it’s the new trend,” he jokes. You both continue your morning talking with each other.
In the afternoon, you left to go to starbucks with your friends, so Beomgyu decided to call Huening Kai and tell him about you.
“... yeah and I’ve had a crush on y/n for a few months now,” is what you hear him say once you open the door to your apartment. Beomgyu doesn’t notice until he ends the call.
“You have a crush on me?” You ask, sipping on your drink. “I- how did-,” he sighs, “yeah. I didn’t plan on you finding out this way,” he says as he scratches the back of his neck. “Well, I don’t mind,” you say as you smile. “Wait, so, you wouldn’t mind going on a date with me?”
“Not at all.”
At first, Taehyun tried to shake the feeling off, but instead of leaving, it grew. His feelings for you got bigger and bigger. I mean, it’s weird liking your friend's younger sister, he didn’t even know why he started getting feelings for you in the first place, it just kind of happened.
On one night, he was at Yeonjun’s house, along with Soobin, Beomgyu, and Huening Kai for a sleepover. They all decided to sleep in the living room, but you had no idea. So when you were going to get your midnight snack, you heard and saw them all laughing, and debated whether to stay hungry or just get a snack, and you let your hunger give in.
You walked down the stairs, and you weren’t surprised that Yeonjun’s mom mode was activated.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” He asks, you sigh. “You’re acting like a mom, leave that job to the actual mom, Yeonjun,” you joke as you walk into the kitchen. Taehyun decides to go get a snack himself, and goes and opens the fridge. 
“Are we being too loud, y/n?” Taehyun asks you, “no, I usually stay up this late, I just got hungry. If you got too loud I would let y’all know, believe me,” you say as you make yourself a sandwich. He smiles and pats your head before walking out the kitchen and joining his friends again. It seems that everytime he sees you, he finds an opportunity to pat your head, and he had done it again.
Once you finish your sandwich, you’re about to walk upstairs before Yeonjun calls your name. You groan and face him.
“What do you want now?” You ask, you really just want to get into your bed. “Just let us know if we’re getting too loud, and goodnight” he says as you nod and walk upstairs. 
About an hour later, you can hear your brother singing, and you sigh once you realize they’ve started singing karaoke. You let them all sing one song before you decide to go and tell them to quiet down. But you’re a little too late before Taehyun starts singing his second song. You have to admit, you think his voice is nice, maybe even beautiful. Either way, you find yourself standing in your bedroom, your ear pressed against your door, listening to him sing. Once his song is done, you rush downstairs to tell them to quiet down.
“We’re having so much fun though, in fact, you wanna sing a song?” Soobin asks, you shrug. “I don’t know, my voice isn’t the best,” you reason, “I would prefer not to.” 
“Okay then, goodnight,” Soobin replies. You smile and go upstairs.
Fast forward to the morning, you wake up, and the house is quiet. You sigh in the silence and decide to get some breakfast. You look in the living room, and all of them are asleep. You look at Taehyun, shuffling a little bit in his sleep, and you take a picture of him before walking into the kitchen.
Taehyun wakes up a minute or so after that, sleepily shuffling his way into the kitchen.
“Morning,” you greet him as he walks into the kitchen. “Hi,” he greets back.
You turn to reach for a glass, but even on your tippy toes you can’t reach. Taehyun notices you and reaches for the glass and hands it to you.
“Thanks,” you say as you continue getting breakfast.
Fast forward to when they have to leave, Taehyun decides to stay a bit longer than the others, because he wants to tell you about his crush. He doesn’t tell Yeonjun, because he’s incredibly protective of you, so he thinks to tell him later.
Taehyun brings you to your backyard and says to you,
“I kinda-sorta-maybe have a crush on you,” he says, avoiding eye contact with you. “Actually?” You ask, he nods. “Let’s go on a date then,” you suggest. “Wait, really?”
Huening Kai
You and him had met when you were 14 and he was 15, getting dragged along with your mom’s when they decided to pay an overdue visit with each other. He was the only other person there that was your age. He was only a year older than you and you were incredibly bored, so you decided to talk to him. You both exchanged phone numbers and texted back and forth. Even after you left his house, you 2 texted for the remaining night until he had to go.
You 2 would text a lot during the week, and slowly became friends.
Once the next school year started, you were going into grade 10, but you didn’t know that he was transferring to your school, and let’s just say you were more than surprised when you saw him, and he already had friends on the first day when you only gained 2 at the end of the first year.
He didn’t know it was your school he had transferred to, he didn’t even notice you as fast as you noticed him. He noticed you at the end of the day in science, when you had answered a question. His facial expression showed nothing, but inside he was so shocked. He decided to try and find you after class and talk to you.
Luckily, he was just in time to find you walking out of the school doors to go home.
“Y/n!” He called out, you turned your head and smiled. “Finally, you noticed me,” you said as you chuckled. “It’s not my fault people wanted to get to know me,” he said as you both chatted before you parted ways to go home.
As the school year went on, he realized how smart you are, how talented you are, and how kind you are. He never saw that side of you before he came to your school and he was so glad he did.
One day, you 2 were chatting before you were getting picked up in front of the school, and as your conversation died down, you decided to ask him a question. “Do you have a crush on anyone?” You ask, eyes filled with curiosity. He hesitates, should he tell you the truth? Or lie?
“No, what about you?” He says, oh he wishes he didn’t lie. He feels so guilty. “Nope, a lot of the boys in our school are so lame,” you confess as he nods. You turn your head to a car driving into the school parking lot.
“That’s my ride! See ya tomorrow!” You say as you wave. He waves back and watches you hop in the car and drive away.
He face palms. Why couldn’t he tell you the truth? Was he nervous? Yes, he was. Did he feel like a coward? Yes, he did. He knew he had to tell you at some point, so he started writing notes and sticking them in your locker without you seeing. He never signed his name at the bottom of the notes, because the point of it was to make sure you didn’t know who was writing it. And he would get so shy whenever you would show him it at the end of the day or when you guys have a break. A part of him gets killed whenever you say “I wanna know who’s giving me these!” because he doesn’t have the courage.
But one day, he decides to text you.
Huening Kai’s POV
Him: Hey y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Him: I know who’s been writing those notes
Y/n: Actually?? Who?
Him: Me, i’ve just been so scared to tell you in person- and this was my solution
Y/n: Wow, I didn’t expect that... bc I sorta have a crush on you too
Him: Actually??
Y/n: Yeah, wanna go on a date with me this weekend? I can pay for it
Him: Sure. and btw, i’ll pay for it
He was so happy to hear that. Also, he was so so so happy that you didn’t reject him.
a/n: I hope this is what you wanted, anon!
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tavern-aa · 2 years
Can I request the Timers soulmate AU for male with Kaoru Hitachiin?
AN: OMG I LOVE THIS REQUEST!! I am a huge sucker for a soulmate AU I hope this lives up to your expectations Anon! I'm too excited for this let's stop talking and LET'S GET IT!!!!!!! -Teddy
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There are certain facts on this Earth that are universal. The sun rises each morning and sets each night. Birds sing their usual sweet songs in the morning. And all of humanity has a timer on their wrist. This timer counted down each second until you were destined to meet your soulmate.
Kaoru has always had a complicated relationship with his own timer. On one hand, Hikaru has always been his soulmate, maybe not in a romantic sense but the bond was still so powerful that Kaoru worried how a romantic soulmate would interfere.
But luckily this is less of a concern for Kaoru after joining the Host Club. He wasn't expecting much at first, but now the younger twin wouldn't change the experience for anything. Both Hitachiin brothers have grown and have a sense of independence in their identities while still preserving their close bond. Three years of growth have manifested to this moment as the Kaoru walks into his first fashion design course at university. He felt secure in his place exploring an industry he really liked while not forcing Hikaru into something he didn't want for the sake of their closeness.
The two decided to go to the same university but have different majors. Kaoru in fashion design and Hikaru in graphic design. Kaoru couldn't help but smile fondly at the memory of Hikaru confessing to him in the quiet of their room one night that he wanted to create games instead of falling into the family business.
Kaoru sat in an empty seat and calmly waited for his professor to walk in. The class had only started earlier that month, but Kaoru was excited about its direction. Today they will display the preliminary designs for their major project for the semester. But instead of to the other classmates, the students would be trying to sell it to students in the modeling department. The student designs would be displayed gallery-style around the room and the models will observe and make notes of the ones that interest them. Then they will speak with the designers and see if they are the right fit for their designs. It is an entirely joint project and today the models were supposed to come in and talk to the designers and essentially form the connection that would keep for the rest of the semester. Kaoru wasn't particularly nervous more anxious really. But that had nothing to do with the project.
The redhead rubbed his wrist nervously as he had been doing all day since he noticed his timer was at less than 24 hours this morning. There was no doubt about the situation, he would be meeting his soulmate today. Kaoru usually prided himself on being the calmer twin but he just could not sit still with his timer looming over his head. As the rest of his classmates and professor filed in Kaoru felt his mind wandering. He knew it wasn't any of his classmates, they had all had class together for a few weeks now, which also ruled out his professor. Kaoru glanced at his timer under his sleeve, less than 15 minutes left. That only left the models whom Kaoru could see lingering outside the door.
Who in their right mind could think of designs at a time like this, but as the doors opened and the modeling students started wandering around the room to observe the different works displayed on the wall, Kaoru tried to put his mind back on his work. What's the point of meeting your soulmate if you can't make a good impression. So Kaoru ran his hands over his clothes and left his seat and went to stand by his designs on the wall.
Oh, his wrist started to burn as he saw a figure standing in front of his designs on the wall closest to the back window of class. Kaoru took in the man's figure and his eyes lingered on their hip which was cocked to the side. This was it wasn't it? This is the moment. Oh god, Kaoru felt his pulse thumping loudly in his ear as he started moving on autopilot to the space on the man's, his soulmate's, left.
The two's eyes met as the air was filled with the ringing of their respective timers. Hazel eyes met another pair longingly as the world faded out of existence.
"Hi" Kaoru let out quietly.
"Hi yourself soulmate" the stranger let out and turned their head slightly to the sheets of paper taped to the wall.
"Are these yours?" Kouru nodded his head, he was super confident in his voice with how out of breath he felt.
The stunning man hummed lightly and turned back to Kaoru with a frankly illegal smile on his face, "I am looking forward to working with you!"
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shiroganeryo · 1 year
omg... someone did a fast release on dam again... the quality is so terrible. just why are people so happy about the 20 mins of satisfaction of uploading first and delivering shit. and then be happy for what they have done with the worst possible quality instead of waiting. or helping the groups who are already working. why are people hating on kougeki scans btw? i thought they did a good job??
I haven't seen it, but I figured this would happen. It's something I've accepted at this point; so all I can hope for is that people will have the common sense to take these translations with a grain of salt instead of regarding them as reliable.
As for the "20 minutes of satisfaction", I see both sides to this coin. On one side we have people who legitimately want to help; but that becomes tricky when you're dealing with a complex language such as Japanese, especially when it comes to Hoshino's work as she makes use of a lot of wordplays and foreshadowing in her text at times.
I understand this POV but I'd rather people who haven't studied the language at all wouldn't try passing as knowledgeable in it. A small note making it clear they're not fluent but tried to translate to the other fans who know even less about Japanese would suffice, the thought would still be pretty much appreciated and it wouldn't misguide anyone in regards to text reliability.
That's my case, actually - I'm not fluent so I always leave a note for any possible mistakes in my translations. But I did study the language: I took 5 years of classes and several proficiency tests (held by ICBJ, Instituto Cultural Brasil Japão - "Cultural Institute Brazil-Japan"). I've had exchanges with natives, good feedback on it, and consistently good grades - so I feel at least a little confidence in what I'm offering.
As for the other side of the coin, of the people who are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame, I believe I've ranted enough about it in this post here.
I don't know why people are hating on Kougeki Scans, but it's likely because of their long delays in releasing their translations. However, this is no reason to hate on their work when they're understaffed and doing their best to offer good quality - for free. People are very quick to hate and be impatient in this fandom and it disappoints me so, but that's also something I got used to so perhaps you should as well, anon.
To balance things out, we shall keep doing our best to support Hoshino and her work in any way we can. I translate every new release to the folks in my private server the same day it comes out, but the raws used are kindly provided by a friend who goes out of her way to buy the magazine.
I, for one, always buy the physical volumes when they're out in my country, in my language (Brazilian Portuguese). I've been supporting Hoshino's work since the late 2008s and I won't stop now just because digital sharing has become this easy. And when we're so used to the practicality of things on the internet, we tend to forget these small things that make a lot of difference to the creator.
Sorry for the long rambling, but your ask called for an elaborate answer! I apologize if I come off as conceited in any way, but I've had people confront me before regarding certain matters so I'm being as clear as I can possibly be in this response.
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Would you mind describing the process of applying for an MFA program or what you did to qualify? Also, when you say you’re going to grad school after, is that a PhD or a Masters in English Literature or something similar?
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Let me just put both your anons here so I can get em both at once :) sorry for the confusion! I do not have an MFA, I am graduating from Boston University with my bachelors in creative writing. BU has a very old and prestigious MFA program that they don't shut the fuck up about and they writing pilled me so hard. Any writing workshop you take within the department is taught by someone currently getting an MFA or part of running the program. When I said MFA professor in that ask earlier, I was referring to my professor herself, who is an MFA grad and that's why she was there. She's not a teacher by trade, she teaches because she's there for the program. Does that make sense? I shouldn't have phrased it that way and I am so sorry for the confusion. There is such thing an an English PHD, I've only talked to three people who've ever gone higher than an MFA, and all were successful novelists while doing so. We cannot all be Leslie Epstein, and let us not aspire to be.
That being said, I hope I can still help, because I am applying to MFA programs in two years and started applying this year before eventually deciding to give it some time. Every workshop you take they literary pill you and they spend a whole class answering MFA questions and walking you through the process as well. I've never felt more knowledgable about a subject I have no authority on in my life, so let me try to answer your questions and I hope it helps! I apologize for how long as fuck it's going to be.
So qualifying for an MFA is easy; be good at writing. Like, really good. They really don't give a shit about anything else you have to turn in. If it's been a while since you've been in school, you'll be delighted to learn that no MFAs take GRE scores anymore, and every single one that asks for a 3.0gpa also includes a caveat where they're like "with exceptions." It's because if your writing is that good they legit do not care what else you bring to the table.
Bad news bears though, that means you gotta be really good. Not to be like, discouraging, but the general acceptance rate is about 3-5% for all programs across the board. I only know minute details about fully funded MFAs (my google spreadsheet could end lives) because I am of the mindset that paying extra education in this economy instead of being paid for extra education is insanity of the highest degree. That being said, if you expand to non fully funded program, I think your chances get a percentage higher? If you have the means and you want to, go for it, but I highly suggest the fully funded route. Every MFA grad I've every talked to has always said that they don't suggest getting one ever unless it's fully funded. That being said, I have a lovely mutual on here who got hers and it was not fully funded, and she loved her experience. I can definitely direct you to her as well.
More specifically on writing though, MFA's are incredibly literary writing places. If your style is more eclectic then an MFA program could be quite stifling. If you are more into genre fiction, romance, speculative fiction, sci-fi; most MFA programs are not for you. There are a few new highly competitive ones that specialize in genre fiction, but again, highly competitive.
Another super important point; writing in a workshop environment, especially an MFA, requires very thick skin. Creating a story for a workshop is like birthing a child, and then giving it to a classroom of 10-15 people to beat to death in front of you while they tell you how ugly it is and how you could've done better. But then you get to do it to them too it's literally my favorite thing in the world. I called someone's story gimicky last week, that's like a writing slur. But if that sounds like no fun at all, that's what the entirety of an MFA program will be. The crotchety 84 year old man who runs BU's MFA program (it's Leslie again), while a delight and a legend, referred to one of my pieces as having a "surprisingly homoerotic moment" and then the entire class informed him it was actually, very clear the entire time. I should include a list of meanest comments I've ever gotten after this, that's so fun.
Also also; each MFA program varies wildly, but most from what I can tell from my research require you to teach a class during your time there, and your final thesis is basically a completed manuscript of a novel.
I can tell you that I think there is absolutely nothing wrong at all with applying for an MFA program in your late twenties. In fact, they prefer it. I ending up holding off based on feedback I got from people I asked for rec letters and advise, all who told me applying right out of school is hard because they take you much less seriously. They like it when you've gone out, gotten real world experience, and proved you're committed. I know older people in the MFA program who were published authors and screenwriters, and people who got in right out of school and only published afterwards. Again, it's really all down to how good you are, everything else they don't care about as long as you are good enough to make anything else not important.
As for old writing connections; don't worry about that. MFAs require 2-3 rec letters. My professor advised that if it's been a while, you email to ask and you send along what classes you took with the professor, what year it was, and a current writing sample. It makes it as easy as possible on your rec. She argued about it a bit with another MFA grad who she brought to class; he said if they don't remember you they won't be a good rec. I don't really have a huge stance, thought I'd give both viewpoints they gave. It's hard to decide, I have a rec that would swing a lot of weight in the literary world but also I had a little beef with the professor so I'm on the fence about if his would be good or not. It's such a dumb problem but now I'm just venting every MFA related thought at you.
Finally; I will tell you what my current plans are for the two years before I apply to, idk, Rocky training montage myself for MFA applications. Basically my goals are to finish one of my books (generous goal that one is FLEXIBLE), get a few short stories published, and hopefully make a website. Every serious writer has a website and they all hate it. But, it's good to have things to actually put in your blurbs when you submit for publishing.
I am happy to give advice on the publishing process as well if that would help you, anon, or anyone else. I currently am a reader for a lit journal and I have worked for a WIDE variety of publishing companies, from lil baby indie ones to bigger editing companies. There is a market for everything if you know how to market yourself and where to look, and you do not need an MFA to do that. Stephanie Meyer would sooner have turned into a vampire herself than have been accepted into an MFA, but her ass is widely successful. Get ur bag.
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desolateice · 2 years
HELLO my dearest favourite writer! I heard you were sick, so get well soon <3
Can I ask how you write so much in such a small time? Do you have a schedule to keep you in check, or do you just write as soon as motivation springs? I have wanted to write something for the longest time, I really wanted to write a long story but for I've never been able to do it consistently. Do you plan your stories or is it a more "go with the flow thing"? Or a mix of both :0
Apologies for the amount of questions, and take your time with answering!! I just wanted to learn more about writing and I figured I'd ask you!!
Hello anon!
I seem to be on the mend, thank you for your well wishes! I was definitely under the weather for about a little over a week.
So this got away from me. 😅 It’s massive, there’s mild spoilers for fics as I talk about writing them below this cut and also again...the entirety of it is massive. Thank you for asking anon, happy writing and best of luck on your long story. 💖
I do not recommend what I do. I…do almost nothing else. 😅 Mr. Miyagi would be so disappointed in me. There's like no life balance at the moment. During the pandemic I've become a bit of a hermit, more than I normally was/am and so I threw myself into writing. Pretty much any time I have free time and I’m not working or doing chores, I'm writing.
It is a 0/10 do not recommend. That week I was out sick was going to be my attempt at being social again to sort of re-balance and well that failed because instead I had to stay in my room. You don't want to know the amount of tasks, even creative projects, I'm currently avoiding by burying deeper into fic writing.
Like even when I'm not writing, if I'm doing something that doesn't require my brain whether it's baking or cleaning, I'm daydreaming the story. Or showering. Part of why I take long showers is to like de-stress but I'm also trying to figure out plot holes and trying to solve them and usually I do. 😅I cannot recommend a good shower or bath more. I don't know what it is about them.
I would say when I was younger I'd spend my entire breaks writing and in between classes I was writing, and then I started a blog where I reviewed stuff and I'd read that those style blogs did better if you had a consistent posting schedule. So I'd do a lot of work, cram out as many blog posts in a day as I could and then schedule them and I think that habit I instilled in myself from blogging just sort of became a wildfire. I think that mixed with a pretty good word per minute typing is how I crank out so much so fast. I blame my dad, when I was little he told me learning to type was important and so I got to sit in front of the family computer and just write and write and write and play typing games. He also had an old school type writer and I was allowed to play with that too. When I'm in the zone I'm cruising along because of that, though I misspell a lot and I’ve learned to go back and fix that later, or hope to catch it later. My biggest one is teh instead of the. But I've also been to writing conferences and a lot of interviews with writers and that schedule you ask about is always something they talk about.
Writers with full time jobs will try and find a time in their schedule that works for them to write, even if it's a short period of time. Writers with kids will get up early or stay up late to write when their kids have gone to bed. It's really what works best for you. When are you most creative? When does your mind run wild with a story idea?
One of the recent interviews I watched was with Naomi Hirahara, she said she did the Pomodoro method. A Pomodoro is a tomato timer, you might've seen one in kitchen, their kind of cute. But what she does is she calls a friend and they both set a timer for 15 minutes and then write, no distractions. No looking stuff up, no checking social media or your phone, nothing. No self editing or going back to fix things. Just writing as much as you can.
Because you're rushing, because you're being timed, and you've got a friend keeping you accountable you kind of don't think about the words or if they're good or bad you just write and get it out and onto the page. And then they share their word count and just cheer each other on.
It’s also called sprinting. I didn’t know about it until I joined Discord and joined in on some sprints with a sprinting bot and other writers and it can be a lot of fun because you’re working on your own thing but together and there’s comradely and you’re just cheering each other on.
And I think it's important to occasionally write like that. I put brackets for stuff I have to skip over or research more later. [like this] so that I know to come back to it later, or if I'm struggling with a part and know I can skip ahead I'll do something like [Johnny and Daniel go to the beach and try balancing on the poles(?)] and then skip to the part that I have in my head. And then when I have more time I go back and read that note and then fill in that spot, research and fill in the blanks. And if I'm stuck with a spot I'm writing I try and think about what's needed. Sometimes I can fill in what I'd expect to be an entire chapter with a line, or sometimes I just let the characters talk, or I throw in another, or I go back.
Sometimes there's something wrong a couple paragraphs above which is why I'm stuck. Or, I swap fics. Work on a different one for a bit. Semifreddo exists because I got stuck on "Cherry Cordial". I was like hmm I'm stuck, let's go look at this other prompt oh hey idea, ran with it, finished a draft of it and realized oh, solved the issue I was having with "Cherry Cordial". Schedule or inspiration: Sometimes it's both. I save writing after everyone goes to bed and then I let it eat into my sleep, do not recommend, especially because generally I need 9 hours to function and I love to sleep.
Or I write a lot on the weekends when I don't have plans.
Sometimes I start to fall asleep. With Root Beer Floats and Green Tea I would stay up late trying to write as much as possible because I knew it was going to be long and because I tried to do a chapter a day. I’d also get up early and write before I had work. 
So once the posting caught up with me I'd try to write as much as I could when I could at night so I could read it over the next day to publish it and I'd read it over during my lunch break so that I could publish it before dinner and...my sleep suffered.
Now when I get that level of tired I try to go to bed. Because it's not healthy. It was a fun challenge and I honestly needed a distraction from life, but it wasn't sustainable. I will say though that when I'm tired like that sometimes I'll scribble down the skeleton of the idea so that when I have energy I can come back to it, then go to bed after the thought is written down. That balance is important. Like okay, on Saturday I cleaned. I was feeling a bit better and needed to clean and disinfect and I thought this should take just a little bit of time and then I can write. And it took all day. I was so mad and it was kind of a bummer to put away all my Halloween stuff, especially all the baking stuff I didn’t get around to using because I was sick. But I’m sitting here now and it’s so neat and organized and it feels so much better and I’m glad I did it. Even if I lost that time I meant to write. My space needed it, I needed it for my mental health and it was a good thing to do for future me. And I need to work on that more because I kind of feel like a feral cat or something and don’t want to leave and go out but then I do, I go out and meet a friend for a catch up at a cafe, or go to high tea or go to my local library or just spend all day with friends and I feel better. Which again, is exactly why I don’t recommend my style or schedule because oof, my balance and alignment is out of whack and I’m still trying to figure it out. I do think it’s important to give yourself time to write, to find that time, even if it’s 15 minutes once a week. Right now it’s Nanowrimo (National Writing Month, though it’s international) And people challenge themselves to crank out a novel in a month by writing daily. The fun of it is that there’s an official website and there are meetings and a sense of community.
There might be stuff happening near you, and if not there’s plenty of stuff online. I do want to warn you that you can be your hardest critic, especially with a schedule and to not get too upset if you miss a day in your schedule or a week.
Life happens, what’s important is that you enjoy it and have fun and to get back up, take care of yourself and try again. The more you do it, the easier it’ll get. I’m going to share one of their author pep talks with you. This one is from Audrey Niffenegger.
Dear Novelist,
I am sitting at my desk, staring at my computer screen, contemplating National Novel Writing Month with admiration and horror. Admiration for those of you who threw yourselves into writing your novels with furious devotion and a passionate determination to write 1666.66 words per day, and horror at the thought of doing this myself.
I’m a very slow writer. Slow works for me. I have all the bad habits my fellow writers warn you not to fall into: I procrastinate. I write a bit and wander off to think it over and come back two weeks later. I have no schedule, no regular habits, no fetishes, no daily word quota. I incubate ideas for years and once I start to work on them I can spend more years happily researching esoteric bits and bobs that may not even end up in the novel. I am terribly caffeine dependent. I edit while I write.
Surely you don’t do any of that stuff, or you’d be doomed to slowness and would not excel at this National Novel Writing Month thing. My first novel took me four and a half years to write; the second took seven years, though that was because I fell so in love with the research (I was working as a volunteer tour guide at Highgate Cemetery in London) that I had a hard time stopping so I could finish the book. I once spent fourteen years working on a graphic novel.
Why do I let this happen? Because it’s fun. Now that you have created your fictional people and the world they live in, you have probably discovered that they are terrific company and that they are all living in your brain. Suddenly you have a party in your head (a la that old Talking Heads song) and it is hard to make that party happen any faster than it wants to happen. And when the party is finally over, you will feel bereft and alone. So why not slow down and have the maximum experience?
I once studied painting with Ed Paschke, who invited me and my classmates to visit his studio. He was working on six paintings simultaneously. We asked him why, and he replied that he could finish one painting a week or six paintings in six weeks. He preferred to take longer because more things might happen to him in those six weeks, he might have more ideas about any one of the six paintings. He liked to take it slow.
National Novel Writing Month was a chance to jolt your story onto the page, to use the magic of a deadline to whap out your novel. Now that it is December, I hope you will kick back, have a cup of coffee, reread your 50,000 words, ponder a bit, and then… go for a walk. And on that walk I hope your novel will unclench itself in your brain and let you begin the long, slow, delightful work of rewriting it.
With very best wishes for the health of your novel,
Audrey Niffenegger
The reason why I share this is because it’s lovely and because she a bit the opposite of me. She writes slowly, takes her time, and she loves it.
One true piece of writing advice is that everyone does it differently, so you have to take the advice that works for you and figure out your own path.
It might be fixing a schedule, it might be writing every time inspiration strikes and writing like that line in one of the Hamilton songs (”How do you write like you’re running out of time?”) which I fear sometimes is me 😅, or you might just write when you have time. It’s what people do. They write before their kids get up, or after they go to bed, or they write on their train commute, or they give themselves an hour that is devoted only to writing. I took quite a few years off from writing fic, from writing my own stories, but I never stopped writing. I journaled, I wrote poems, I wrote blog posts and I read.
Reading is so important and figuring out why it is can help. I had so many classes try to make me read Moby Dick and I managed to avoid reading it by just reading chapters that we talked about and nothing else, but the point was to understand the way Herman Melville described things and the voice he used.
I had to read the Sermon over and over again and hated it. 😅 It’s so...convoluted. It didn’t work for me, but then one day I didn’t have a lot of options of things to read because I was somewhere where I could get my hands on English books easily but classics are generally free online and I read it and you know what? I enjoyed it and it’s because it starts with the “there was only one bed” trope. But it’s still not one I particularly want to go back to and I got it. I got why I was made to read it so many times. On the other hand for long books I’ve read two massive ‘classic’ books. Ulysses and The Count of Monte Cristo.
 Ulysses is great for studying different styles. Each chapter is a parody of a different style. However it’s hard to follow. You can’t just pick it up and float along with the story. It’s full of ye olde memes and pop culture references and all sorts of stuff that James Joyce put in that I just didn’t get. I had to read it with like three different guides and I still hated it at the end, but I respect the different styles of every chapter and the mechanics of the book as well as the books history itself as a banned book that no one would publish for it’s crude content. Meanwhile, The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my all time favorite books. The way the Alexandre Dumas planned out his story and layer and laid out such a tale of revenge is honestly just my jam. The only other long form story I love in such a way that pulls this plot layering off that I’ve found is One Piece by Eiichiro Oda. (I’m no longer caught up because I tend to let the arcs finish before I pick them it up again and I’ve let several years worth of arcs build up) But reading is important, you learn so much from reading. Different styles, different ways to write and you absorb so much subconsciously. I’ve been told I need to read The Song of Achilles because it’s a style opposite of mine. It’s succinct and apparently the grammar and the way it’s told would do me some good. 😅 But parody is also a great exercise. Short stories are good place to start. Kafka for example, The Metamorphosis has been studied, torn apart by English classes and writers, and parodied over and over again. It’s not my favorite but that’s because to me reading Kafka is like trying to run through quicksand. But his ability to write the nightmare that is bureaucracy and real life, oof, add to that the idea that you wake up as a bug and are still being treated the same and still have to figure out how to get out of bed and get to work? That hits in a really just poignant and a depressing kind of pessimistic way. 
The reason I enjoy writing fic is because there’s a sense of community that is somewhat already built in. When you write your own stuff you’ve got to seek that out, because writing is a relatively lonely hobby. There’s a reason sewing circles and book clubs exist. Because there’s something comforting in knowing you’re not alone. Writing classes can be fun, libraries usually have writing clubs, it can be scary, because writing can be such a personal experience, but I mention it because you never know what feedback on your writing will give you and what advice you might get when you get stuck. Plus they usually give you writing exercises which are a great way to warm up. Which honestly is one of the reasons I love the allvalley100. Being given a prompt and a word limit is a great warm up and it’s a good exercise since I tend to write so much generally. I mean look at this. 😅 I didn’t mean for this to get so long and I’m not done yet... So challenging myself to just 100 words is great for me to exercise my writing muscles. It’s why I also love the Halloween prompts, because I can essentially look at them and think okay what of these sparks my interest? Aliens? I love those sci-fy stories like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the TV shows like The Neighbors, the early seasons of 3rd Rock from the Sun, and 3Below. I know what it’s like to move to another country where the language isn’t my native one. And then I just had fun with it. A lot of fun, because I hadn’t played with a sub-genre I enjoy so much which are the alien tries to understand what it’s like to live on earth and ends up making great points about culture and life. 
That is one where I just went with the flow. I had an idea of where I wanted to go, I mean the goal is always romance, so I kind of know where I’m going, but I like jumping from stepping stone to stepping stone to get there. And I definitely made mistakes and then had to go back and figure them out. Like Daniel’s heart beats in the first chapter and I belatedly after having so much fun with language realized the “lore” of the story and the alien culture and then realized whoops...his heart already beat once, do I go back and fix that? It’d already been published, so I just had to figure it out, how to fit that mistake into the story.
I also totally get nervous before I post things. I write and then I’m like ahhhh, and there have been times where I write a new story or start something and think oh no one is going to like this but me. But I’m working on that. Because it shouldn’t matter. As long as I’m enjoying it and entertaining myself it doesn’t matter. I think the first chapter of Root Beer Floats and Green Tea I had it in Ao3 and I had to like force myself to hit the post button and had squeezed my eyes shut and then like ran away from my computer because I was writing something that was for me. I was entertaining myself and didn’t know if anyone else would like it. I almost didn’t. I started it for myself and was like I don’t have to share this, but then I decided, screw it, I’m going to post it. But I still ran away from my computer and got so nervous.
Usually in my head I have a vague idea of what I want to happen, like in the start of Root Beer Floats and Green Tea I knew I wanted to go through the movies because I wanted the whole point to be a ripple effect, by making one change Johnny changed not just his future, but everyone else’s. So I was telling myself the big climatic fight from TKK2 over and over again and it kept changing while I was writing the first arc and slowly making my way there. Originally I kept it the same as the film but put Johnny in the audience, and then realized he’d never forgive Chozen if he threatened Kumiko and tried to kill Daniel, and that Johnny wasn’t the type of person to just sit in the audience, so I had to move him, I had to change the story. Because I wanted to keep that friendship, that crush and not destroy everything. Because in my mind Johnny was fuming from the audience, comforting Yukie but murderous and holding back because Mr. Miyagi wasn’t panicking and he believed in Daniel and I realized that it just didn’t work.
He had to be a part of it. The whole point of Root Beer Floats and Green Tea is that actions and fixing things changes everything and I had to figure out Chozen better and why, if I wanted them to get along so I could pull Chozen into that third movie as well, I had to keep them friends. I had to bridge a gap that the original plot of TKK2 and the friendship I had for all of them in my mind just didn’t match. So I was toying with the future plot while writing the first arc. There were so many showers where I told myself that fight over and over again until I finally figured out the way I wanted it to go. 😅 I tend to think up where I want something to go, and there’s a scene I want to get to and then I work on the steps it takes to get there. If it’s too far away I will write down a quick list of everything to get there. Like I have done that with Buku Buku Cha because I know where I want it to go and what I want to happen though sometimes I change the route just a bit, but I knew I’d set it aside for all the Halloween prompts and run out of time to work on it so I have a list of everything so I won’t forget. And when I was writing the final arc of Root Beer Floats and Green Tea I listed all the plot points I wanted to hit before I ended the story, and those ended up, for the most part, becoming chapters because the entire thing got away from me.
So I suppose it’s a bit of both. For Root Beer Floats and Green Tea I knew kind of how I wanted it to end. I knew the scene I wanted, to see how everything had changed, all the people who loved them and were a part of their lives still through Daniel’s eyes and what Johnny decided to do, the thing that made him actually happy and that was how I’d kind of wanted it to end from the beginning though I hadn’t decided what Johnny would do at the start. But I wanted to pull everyone in, because I kind of viewed Cobra Kai as lonely. That they’d let go of all these people in their lives for so long, and were just starting to build their communities thirty or so plus years later. And I thought, if we make one change at the beginning the ripple effect could be massive, a moment of mutual kindness that turns into love, a chance to be kind to one another and listen, it might be bumpy, but it could improve everyone’s lives. By letting Mr. Miyagi interact with Johnny, by giving him guiding and care there’s a chance to keep him from becoming a self-destructive alcoholic like he is in the show and maybe he wouldn’t loose touch with those who loved him and Daniel wouldn’t be alone for so long. (I mean he has Mr. Miyagi, but still I wanted to bring them more. I nearly brought them all the Cobra Kai people too 😅 But then decided it was too much and I had to stop because my original idea nearly made Amanda their wedding planner and dear friend, but then there would’ve had to be another arc and I got tired.) It didn’t end up being the end end, I wrote it earlier than the rest of the final arc, before I switched to finishing up other fics like Konpeito, because I needed to get that image down and out and then I worked my way back towards it when I finally sat down to finish the rest of Root Beer Floats and Green Tea. Originally that was the end end.
TLDR: I don’t think I have a schedule but I do, I write whenever I’ve got time and if I don’t I try and take notes so I don’t forget. I also do a mix of planning but usually I’m more of a go with the flow writer. I have plot points I generally want to get to do and then work my way to them.
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fallingsunflower · 9 months
Heyy! Nursery anon here, hope you're all well! Guys this is unrelated to Harry but I need your help.
So there's (was) this guy at work and at first I felt awkward working with him but slowly in the few weeks we worked together we started talking more, making jokes and I felt more comfortable around him. I don't know why I felt awkward at first but maybe it's because I thought he didn't like me (planotically of course) and was one of those guys that were rude but it turned out he's a nice guy.
Anyway I will explain the full story later in my next ask but long story short...you could say I have maybe developed small feelings for him but at the same time I don't know if I actually like him or not as I didn't get to spend much time with him apart from the times at work. Anyway I noticed that he touched me a few times but not in a way that made me uncomfortable or anyrhing, more like one of those small friendly touches you could say I guess. The first time he was holding the door when we were taking the children back inside the class and when I was walking in after the children he put his hand on my back for like 2 or 3 seconds. I didn't think too much into it as it didn't make me uncomfortable or anything I just brushed it off. Partly because I was probably preoccupied with getting the children inside the classroom. Another time I came to work like 15 minutes early and I was in the staff room. Then he came in for something and he was like "oh you're early! Are you okay? Are you ill?" as a joke and then he placed his hand on my forehead pretending to check if I was ill. Again I brushed it off because I knew he was joking around and I was just laughing. It wasn't just the two of us in the staff room by the way, two of my other colleagues were also there when this happened. The third time it happened was when we were in the classroom and I haven't been on my lunch break yet. Just like the first time his hand was on my back and was asking if I had been on my lunch break yet to which I replied no. I was also sitting on the carpet with some of the children while he was standing. He literally bent down to ask me if I had been on my lunch break when he could've asked me that while standing. It's not like I can't hear or anything that I wouldn't be able to hear him or anything. I don't know why but I just have this feeling he bent down to ask me that as an excuse to place his hand on my back. And I know anyone else in my place would probably feel uncomfortable but me, I think it caused me to develop feelings for him like I mentioned. Like I know I should probably be weirded out why he keeps touching me when we barely know each other and definitely haven't got to that stage of being touchy with each other even small touches like friends do but we're not even friends. We're more like work buddies rather than friends I would say. But what I want to know is why did he keep touching me? It only happened the three times I mentioned and that's it but still. Would it be delusional for me to think that maybe he likes me too? I also couldn't help but notice him looking at me quite a lot but the thing is if he did like me why did he not ask for my number or anything or ask if I wanted to hang out outside of work? I've only worked with him for a few weeks in August because he's an agency who covered a permanent staff who was away for the summer. It's been 3 weeks since I last saw him and I don't know if he will ever come back. So I guess I will never get my answer if he doesn't. If he does come back I wonder whether I should talk to him about how I feel and ask him about the times he touched me and how I noticed him looking at me but what if he was just being polite and it meant nothing. I would just look like an idiot. I don't know what to do 😭😭😭 it's such a shame because if he did like me (romantically) I definitely would've thought about spending time with him outside of work but knowing my luck he probably doesn't. Also I noticed that he never touched the other staffs like he did with me. I guess I must've been special 💀😭
ALSO HE IS SO GOOD WITH CHILDREN!!!!!! I just know if he ever has kids of his own he will be a REALLY GOOD DAD! It was also sweet whenever he saw me struggling with a child and trying to get them to listen to me he would rush to help me with them and even sometimes be like "it's okay I will deal with them" just to make life easier for me. It's just a shame I didn't get to know him that well in the time I worked with him.
I would say that guys generally are so simple minded so I would say If you do bring it up, maybe do it nonchalantly and just see what happens. This way if he's like "no" you can brush it off you know? I think it could be worth asking though because you never know. Or just see how things go if he comes back, Please keep us posted 😭
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
I know requests are closed but when they open can you do Mornings with Riddle Roseheart like you did for Leona please?
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Mornings with him
notes: there you go anon! hope you enjoy it!
contains: character x gn!reader
warnings: none
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Waking up with Riddle is.....something to get used to. He is very adamant about sticking to his schedule and he has his set getting up alarm and he will get up at that time. There is no staying in bed for 10 more minutes to cuddle, it is 6am on a Monday and Riddle will get up at 6am on every week day except Thursdays where he gets up at 5:15 because the Rules of the Queen of Hearts say so.
If you want cuddles in bed in the morning, you gotta wake Riddle up earlier. He will complain that you didn't let him sleep until his alarm rings but that is quickly forgotten if you trail some kisses down his neck or kiss him on the lips.
He'll gladly indulge you in that case, however he still lets his annoying ass alarm turned on because of that one time where he turned it off when waking up and lost himself in your kisses to the point where he got up half an hour later by accident. You quite frankly found that hilarious and Riddle just looked at you with an angry expression like "You're so irresponsible". He can't stay mad at you for long tho. But let me tell you, Ace and Cater teased the hell out of him for coming to breakfast late when the whole dorm was already there because they didn't want to get reprimanded by Riddle for getting up too late. They gave you shoulder pats, congratulated you and they still talk about "the time Riddle got held up from getting up on time because he's fucking whipped for his s/o"
Honestly your best chance at getting some affection from Riddle in the morning is on weekends where he gets up two hours later at 8am. Not ideal either but better than 6am at least.
On school days Riddle has an overly strict morning routine that he will try to drag you into but eventually give up if you refuse. And when I say strict morning routine I mean he has a schedule at what time he brushes his teeth and packs his things for class etc. And he'll get salty if he can't do it at that exact time because he's held up by a conflict at the Heartslabyul breakfast table or something.
On weekends he's a little more chill. Gets up at 8am but otherwise his schedule is fairly loose and you two can take your time enjoying a nice breakfast together where he holds your hand and gives you some extra affection.
He always tells you he loves you and gives you a Good Morning kiss tho. Without fail. That became part of his schedule by now
He re-adjusted his week schedule a little though, to have some time to walk to school with you and stop at Sam's shop to buy you a coffee or hot chocolate or whatever it is you like to drink. Maybe a snack too. And he'll enjoy the nice morning atmosphere with you, especially in late spring and summer when it's warm outside.
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