#listen i know that better infrastructure in already developed regions will give the economy a boost
vonlipvig · 1 year
ok i'm actually really enjoying suzerain so far. i was a bit wary about the management aspect of it, but it's not a timed game which is usually what makes me anxious, it's completely text-based and you get all the time you need to make your decisions. basically read and decide, and i can do those just fine.
sure, maybe the decisions i'm making are the worst decisions you could probably make and i'm dooming this country little by little, but hey! i'm having fun so that's all that matters, yippee!
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fapangel · 7 years
>The North Koreans are nowhere near getting MIRVs just yet That's what we said about the DPRK and nukes small enough to fit on a missile, oh look they developed those within a month of that statement!
There’s another question in my inbox asking me if I’m surprised that things are happening this fast - in regards to the now confirmed existence of North Korea’s functional re-entry vehicle. That was another “leak” to the WaPo, naturally, with someone “reading a DIA report to them over the phone.” But this leak seems like something any number of people would want to make - to make it absolutely clear to the public just how immediate and dire the threat is, considering the usual fuckface retards are mouthing platitudes about “diplomacy being the only way forward” as we sit here watching them finish loading their goddamn gun, sitting on the world’s biggest arsenal of loaded guns we refuse to use. The media is currently launching an all-out campaign to convince the world that we just can’t possibly take out North Korea, that it’s all over, that there’s no possible way the most advanced and powerful military in the world could decisively end this existential threat to our people. This has led to the simpering fucks at the Guardian telling us we should reward North Korea by giving them what they’ve demanded for thirty years, a retreat from the South Korean peninsula, as if proving that we’re cowards that can be intimidated will somehow make them stop intimidating us and throw away the tools of said intimidation. That’s how we get the usual hand-wringing apologists in the Atlantic whining about the unacceptable one percent chance of North Korea nuking their regional neighbors now that we’re staring down the barrel of a very likely fifty or hundred percent chance of them nuking our own fucking cities. Naturally, they cite civilian “analysts” and “former Generals” presenting worst-case doomsday scenarios - neither of which have access to current intelligence, and neither of which represent the full consensus of everyone else in the military and intel community who’s job is to analyze this shit. Every histrionic doomsday scenario ever voiced by the likes of War is Boring or other horseshit-mongering outlets are mouthed verbatim without a shred of critical skepticism - all to support the conclusion that all we can do is sigh and fold our hands and just bend over and accept the inevitable. 
This is how they always do things - they actively work against containment measures - building a fucking nuclear reactor for North Korea, making a sham “deal” with the Iranians that they’re already openly flaunting, etc. - and then when they finally do get weapons they whine and cry and throw their fainting forms over the furniture and go “oh no, it’s too late now, we just have to accept the world as it is.” 
This is deliberate; a direct reflection of their moral relativism that posits America no better than any other state, no matter how despotic, depraved or vile it is. Nothing emphasizes the point better than this passage:
Then Kim Jong Un, with his bad haircut and his legion of note-taking, big-hat-wearing, kowtowing generals, would be gone. South Korea’s fear of invasion from the North, gone. The menace of the state’s using chemical and biological weapons, gone. The nuclear threat, gone.
Such a stunning outcome would be a mighty triumph indeed! It would be a truly awesome display of American power and know-how.
What would be left? North Korea, a country of more than 25 million people, would be adrift. Immediate humanitarian relief would be necessary to prevent starvation and disease. An interim government would have to be put in place. If Iraq was a hard country to occupy and rebuild, imagine a suddenly stateless North Korea, possibly irradiated and toxic, its economy and infrastructure in ruins. There could still be hidden stockpiles of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons scattered around the country, which would have to be found and secured before terrorists got to them. “Success,” in other words, would create the largest humanitarian crisis of modern times—Syria’s miseries would be a playground scuffle by comparison.
God for-fucking bid the North Koreans be liberated from the murderous, insane regime that keeps them in miserable, dirt-scraping poverty, inches from starvation, that tortures them to death, that puts multiple generations of families in prison camps where they’re worked to death for the slightest of imagined political “crimes-” god forbid they be set adrift. I grew up with the Iraqi war, listening to these sniveling cunts rhapsodizing about how much better Iraq was under Saddam, how children were “flying kites without a care,” how the Iraqi people were safer and better off under the brutal tyrant who slept around in a dozen palaces, murdered and gassed his own people by the thousands, and who’s brother was infamous for his “rape rooms” where he’d savagely violate random women he had his goon squad snatch off the street. 
This is the true nature of the people who got us into this fucking mess in the first place - the moral relativist rot at their core.
Fuck these people - and all of their ilk. We have ALWAYS known this was coming - it’s only these fuckheads who are acting surprised about it. 
In 2009 I wrote a paper for a level 400 Poli-Sci class on international relations, specifically about the North Korean Tapedong-2 ICBM. The Tappy-Dong is a glorious clusterfuck more resembling a Kerbal Space Program atrocity than an actual launch vehicle; it’s three different Chinese-sourced SRBMs (thanks, China,) taped together, one atop another, to form a ghettoized three-stage weapon. Technically speaking, this unreliable, rickety pile of shit is ICBM capable - it’s the launch vehicle the Norks used to put their recent satellites into orbit. During my research I uncovered extensive information regarding the intensive co-operation between North Korea and Iran, which has a much more mature SRBM/MRBM force that they rely on to ensure regional hegemony. I also learned that Iran has a surprisingly advanced domestic arms industry - though their fully indigenous development programs still leave much to be desired, they’re still capable of manufacturing most of the spare parts for their foreign-sourced weapons themselves - like the Chinese, their tech base is competent enough to copy other’s innovations fairly well, and iterate on them. That’s a tech base quite capable of making advancements on ballistic missile technology, and Iran is also an oil-rich nation that’s similarly an international pariah, with every reason to work together with the North Koreans to circumvent the punishing economic sanctions that inhibited both of them. 
I saw all of this coming in 2009. I knew it wouldn’t be long - 2020 at the latest, 2015 at the earliest. And sure enough, here we fucking are. The only people who didn’t see it are the one who willingly covered their eyes and are now gleefully telling those big bad Imperialist Americans that there’s nothing we can do now, oh em gee, just accept it you big bullies! 
Fuck all of these bastards. I mad. 
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