#listen i know youtube shorts are generally not the best choice for productive entertainment
invinciblerodent · 6 months
hey in case any of you needed to see the so-called "horny confession" from a first person POV, it, uh.
it CERTAINLY HITS DIFFERENT, with the remarkably intense eye contact of it all.
this popped up recommended to me from this channel I had never seen before, and if I told you I've seen it like five times now, that'd be an underestimation
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
Hewwo I really love your writing and I want to improve my own to a form similar to yours. If it's okay, can I ask what your writing process is or if you have any writing tips? Sorry if you already answered questions like this. I am not a native speaker by the way, can i also ask about how you built your vocabulary as well? Thank you very much in advance and I hope you're having a great day/night! Drink lots of water and don't forget to eat three meals a day.~
hello, anon! you’re actually the first to ask about something like this and i’m honored you think my writing is good enough for me to give advice on (and honored that you think it’s good enough to take inspiration from!).
i have two different writing methods, which are as follows:
long fics (10k+ words)
i write an outline and have my friends look over it to make sure that the scenes are both impactful and enjoyable, along with being organized. the most important part of writing a long story is making sure the timeline is coherent and that you have proper buildup to the climax of the story.
before i write a scene that contains foreshadowing to a future event, i write down what themes i wish to convey with this scene, along with any future information that will be relevant later in the story. this is helpful because you never write something all at once if it’s this long! you might forget important details, so having notes is always nice.
if i’m hesitant on writing a scene, i’ll talk it out with some of my friends and see if i’m still comfortable with writing it.
one of the biggest things i can recommend is being adaptable! being willing to change your story plans is crucial, because (typically) the first idea you think of isn’t always the best one. in my own experience, i change my ideas a lot as i write something. this is because i will get bored writing otherwise.
this is from my own experience, other writers may disagree, but i NEVER set word count goals for myself. i write when i want to write, otherwise i will get discouraged when i do not meet said goals.
take breaks or you will hit burnout fast!
have a glass of water and set a timer every 15 minutes to relax your eyes from your screen and drink some of it. it gives your mind a chance to soothe itself from the bright lights of a screen and also gives you a short break. and you stay hydrated!
short fics (<10k words)
when i write short fics, i typically don’t have an outline (unless if it’s a series) and i just go with my gut
if i don’t really like where a story’s going and i know it’s short, i finish it anyways because a finished product is better than giving up in my eyes? at least i know what not to do next time!
sorry a lot of these tips don’t pertain to actual writing! they relate more to planning. :( i’ve been writing stories for fun since i was 6 or 7 (i have journals upon journals of my first stories in my basement!) so most of what i do is just... gut instinct at this point? i apologize if that’s not very helpful of me to say. ;.; i don’t think of myself as very talented but like... i wish to say this in case it happens: please don’t compare your writing to mine! i’m sure your writing is lovely in its own right.
now that that’s said, here’s some stuff i can actually help with, which is under the cut because this is getting long:
word choice / vocabulary
first off, the best thing you can do for yourself is read something complex. like... the type of book where you have to pull out your phone and look up what words mean. if you’re not exposing yourself to new words, even if it is annoying to have to pause, you won’t learn new words.
this typically means ditching the fanfics and looking for actual published novels, typically older ones. i love fanfics (i write them lol), but the word choice in fanfics is typically limited to casual conversational language as they are written for fun, not necessarily to challenge the mind.
next, the best thing you can do is use a thesaurus. i personally use thesaurus.com but it’s different for everyone! but this is dangerous. using a thesaurus can be one of the worst things you can do for your writing if you don’t use it properly. you use a thesaurus to get synonyms for words that are commonly used, but may have a lot of other alternatives (i.e. happy, sad, etc.) and NOT super specific words.
ONLY use words listed as synonyms in a thesaurus if you know them and it’s safe to assume your readers likely know them as well! for example, i used the word ‘insouciant’ as a joke in my last fic. however, if i used that seriously, that probably would’ve been bad as it’s a SUPER rare word. nothing will ruin a reader’s experience faster than a story that blatantly uses too many words from a thesaurus and, worst of all, uses them improperly.
let me give an example:
starting text: “she was happy to see that he had returned safely. she could see relief in his eyes that she was safe as well. he smiled happily at her as she ran into his arms.” this is good enough, but it’s rather plain. it’s an easy read, but nothing about it is super engrossing.
good thesaurus example: “she was overjoyed to see that he had returned without harm. she identified relief in his eyes that she had stayed out of harm’s way as well. he smiled enthusiastically at her as she sprinted into his embrace.” it sounds a lot nicer before and definitely more polished, but nothing about this requires someone to whip out their phone in frustration to google a word. the point of typical writing is not to challenge your reader’s intelligence but to entertain them.
bad thesaurus example: “she was jocular to perceive that he had reappeared in an unharmed manner. she prognosticated solace in his blue orbs that she was guarded as well. he smiled jovially at her as she charged into his forelimbs.” this is a bit of an exaggerated example, but this is actually how i feel some authors tend to write. it’s very blatantly using a thesaurus, it uses words incorrectly, and it overcomplicated things to where it feels like the reader has to do a mental exercise to read it.
tl;dr for this section: if you don’t know a word, do not use it. if you are familiar with a word, it’s probably good to use as long as your writing still seems natural. thesauruses are your friend but can be your enemy.
i would like to clarify that i am a native speaker and it’s not necessary to read books forever in order to keep your grammar and word choice up to date. i have not picked up an actual published book within the last 4 years (don’t laugh at me i know this is bad). however, in learning to expand your grammar, reading books is essential.
some miscellaneous writing tips i have include:
you don’t have to take every request that comes within your inbox if you do decide to do tumblr writing. i probably, much to the behest of the people that submit, throw a good chunk of my requests out. write what you’re passionate about and your writing will improve and your followers will be happier.
if someone criticizes your writing, this does not mean they’re trying to criticize you (usually. don’t go on twitter if you want this to remain true). they are providing something most people don’t want to offer: advice. many times you will find yourself surrounded by people who will applaud you for writing nearly anything. this is not good. living in an echo chamber will ensure that your writing never improves. you want to ask people for advice and find those who will give you genuine advice, even if it may hurt to hear.
try to discern what authors you like do with their writing versus authors you don’t like. consciously making these comparisons will allow you to directly apply them to your own writing and help you emulate someone’s style as well.
please don’t write meme references into your work. it will get outdated fast. try to write something you can look back on within a few years and not cringe at. :) this is just my personal opinion lol, someone might disagree.
i do not proofread my writing. it makes me second guess everything. everything on my blog, as you see it, lacks proofreading, aside from inheritance, in which i had a beta reader glance over it. for beginner writers, this is probably shit advice if you’re not used to grammar BUT that’s just how i roll and i wished to share that.
the most important thing i do for my writing is have a good music playlist in the background. NOTHING will make you write better than listening to music that fits the mood of what you’re writing. find a premade youtube playlist or slap together a spotify playlist of songs you think fit the mood and get grooving to it. you’ll find that you’ll write better and you’ll enjoy the process of writing much more with the mental stimulus.
don’t write jokes in which you have to overexplain them. if you have to explain to the reader what the joke is, it won’t be funny. humor is difficult to write, but no jokes involved are better than a bunch of failed ones.
don’t worry about pinpointing fanfic characterization of a specific character perfectly. i get praises for my characterization of diluc and kaeya within inheritance a lot, even though i specifically altered them from canon (??????? this confuses me a lot that i get praised for this but anyways) and haven’t even read the webtoon. as long as it’s within reasonable expectation, you should be fine. zhongli shouldn’t be written as going off the walls crazy with excitement just like venti shouldn’t be written as super serious about frivolous matters. as long as you get the general gist of a character, people will enjoy it.
try to find some writer friends. they don’t necessarily have to be in the fandom, but being able to shoot off ideas with other people is amazing at improving both your plot and your writing overall. (shoutout to @shannara because for as much as i annoy him, he’s always willing to listen to me blab about any story and any idea, even though he doesn’t read reader-inserts nor should he care about my dumb OCs, but he cares about mine because he’s a cool dude)
don’t get discouraged if a fic doesn’t get good reception. in fact, it’s probably better if your first few fics don’t blow up in popularity if you do post them because it’s humbling and you can decide if you’re actually writing because you enjoy it or if you’re just doing it for clout.
i hope this made sense and if you (or any other people reading this!) need any more writing advice, my ask box and DMs are always open. if you ever want me to beta read something, please send a DM and i’ll see if i can as long as it’s like... not super long and i have spare time.
sorry this turned out to be so long but it turns out i had far more to say than i thought! good luck writing and i believe in you!
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bangwoolofbangtan · 4 years
How BTS and Its ARMY Could Change the Music Industry
By Rebecca Davis
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It was just a year ago that BTS’ Love Yourself: Speak Yourself tour was selling out stadiums all over the world. Each night of the 20-date trek, which grossed $116 million, a total of nearly a million ticket buyers around the planet witnessed a thumping opening liturgy at the top of the K-pop band’s set in the form of the song “Dionysus.”
As flames shot up from the stage, seven figures emerged in supplicant white amid Greek columns and a long altar. Rapper RM (full name: Kim Nam-joon) led the way, twirling the staff of the titular mythical deity, as group mates Jin (Kim Seok-jin), SUGA (Min Yoon-gi), j-hope (Jung Ho-seok), Jimin (Park Ji-min), V (Kim Tae-hyung) and Jung Kook (Jeon Jung-kook) flanked him in a display of choreographed precision. The crowd, reaching peak pandemonium in a night full of deafening screams, made willing maenads and satyrs, transported by the band’s presence. An anthem about rebirth and self-discovery through the ecstatic collective experience of music was received as intended — as if from the gods.
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Idol worship is by no means a new concept in pop music — remember John Lennon’s provocative statement in 1966 that the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus”? — but there’s something about BTS that turns fandom up to 11. The global brigade of BTS acolytes is collectively known by the acronym ARMY, short for Adorable Representative MC for Youth, a moniker chosen by Big Hit Entertainment, the company that launched the band. ARMY comprises the lion’s share of a Twitter audience that’s 29.2 million followers strong, more than triple that of any other K-pop group, and growing daily. BTS’ Instagram presence of 30.6 million followers (also rising rapidly), is trailed closely only by YG Entertainment’s Blackpink, at 29.3 million.
“It is because ARMY exists that we exist,” Jin says.
To understand the scope of BTS Inc.: An influential 2018 study by the Hyundai Research Institute estimated that the ripple effects from the boy band’s ecosystem contribute roughly $4.9 billion annually to South Korea’s GDP, on track to generate more value over 10 years than the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. The study gauged that in 2017, one in 13 visitors to the country came for BTS-related pilgrimages. That ratio may soon be growing. Spotify has reported a 300% spike in new listeners to the group since the Aug. 21 release of “Dynamite,” BTS’ first all-English single.
The BTS boom has also driven Big Hit to launch an IPO in October projected to raise some $811 million. (Each BTS member will be awarded shares worth approximately $8 million.) Of Big Hit’s revenue in 2019, 97.4% was generated by BTS, including $130 million worth of T-shirts, cosmetics, dolls and other merchandise.
The numbers are no accident. The South Korean government began investing strategically in the arts and the digital economy to help steer the country out of the 1997 Asian financial crisis. On the heels of “Parasite” sweeping the Oscars, the worldwide success of BTS may be another sign to the West that Seoul might be the center of a new force in creative production.
Big Hit, and the K-pop music bus­iness in general, have proved just how much a band, and a company, can prosper through a direct-to-consumer relationship, driven by digital platforms and dedicated apps with lots of behind-the-scenes content that keeps fans emotionally involved. It’s engagement on a scale that no Western artist has ever achieved, despite decades of radio promotion and the best retail strategy.
For the global music industry, the band’s success has meant a serious rethink of how a record company — in BTS’ case, Sony Music’s Columbia Records, which distributes the group’s music in the U.S. (though the band is not signed to the label) — builds and maintains a fan base. You could almost look at it as a collaborative arrangement: As music is being made in real time, decision-makers and strategists at Big Hit and Columbia are taking in and processing the comments and views of ARMY and pivoting accordingly.
“It creates a self-sustaining engine that, eventually, becomes hits perpetuating more hits,” says Neil Jacobson, a former president of Geffen Records who runs Hallwood, a talent agency for producers and songwriters. “A label wants that fan connection happening all the time so that they can consistently release and promote music. But in the past, there had always been intermediaries that labels had to talk to in order to manifest exposure. Now, there is a mechanism for an artist to speak directly to their fans. That didn’t exist before, and it has turbocharged the process.”
It’s all led to this “Dynamite” mo­ment: The single has sold nearly 700,000 adjusted song units since its release — good for a gold record certification by the RIAA. The song is quickly becoming the band’s biggest radio hit to date (without a featured artist, it’s worth noting), and represents a significant breakout beyond its core audience. After that, will Grammys follow?
“They check all the boxes,” says Jenna Andrews, the vocal producer on “Dynamite” who also serves as an executive at Sony’s Records label. “I’ve never seen anything like BTS in terms of singing and dancing. This is just an indication of what’s yet to come. They’re going to take over the world.”
Kathryn Lofton, Yale University professor of religious and American studies and author of the book “Consuming Religion,” says that the bond BTS has with its ARMY is different from the typical singer-fan connection because “BTS’ driving commitment is to their relationship to the fan group, to the manufacturing of their communal joy for you to participate in.” It’s why she views BTS as “a religious project; they are seeking to make a togetherness that you can’t stop wanting to be a part of.”
Lofton also makes a point of distinguishing ARMY from the groupies associated with Beatlemania. Sure, BTS fans know the hagiography and backstory of each member, but everything about the band’s output prioritizes the collective over the individual.
The band itself has certainly leaned into the comparison with the Fab Four. For instance, it re-created the iconic moment of the Beatles’ 1964 debut at the Ed Sullivan Theater last May on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” — in a black-and-white segment that showed the K-pop band performing as mop tops in tailored suits.
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But while John, Paul, George and Ringo had spotlight moments of their own, both within and outside the band — songs they wrote individually, causes they took up personally — with BTS, it’s all for one all the time. Unlike many other groups, the members share single, collective Twitter and Instagram accounts, and release even solo material through their shared channel. Accomplishments are never spoken of as belonging to any one group member but rather as the work of the team (and, of course, ARMY). In their videos, they often begin in solo shots but end up together.
This all strays from the typical tropes of Western boy bands including New Edition and ’N Sync, which have all proffered “star” frontmen. The thinking for decades had been that a record company would be lucky to have one breakout solo career among the bunch.
But BTS’ selfless approach didn’t happen randomly: The group was envisioned as a collective to heal the alienation that ails us in the digital age. Its name — “BTS” stands for Beyond the Scene — is an invitation to fans to join them offstage via almost daily video content featuring moments in their intimate if immaculately curated private lives on YouTube, Twitter and Big Hit app Weverse.
In 2011, Big Hit’s revenues from its then-main acts, Lim Jeong-hee and boy band 2AM, were plummeting. As the shadow of bankruptcy loomed, Bang Si-hyuk, now chairman, and Lenzo Yoon, global CEO, felt the company needed a total revamp. They stopped all normal work for months and called on employees to perform market research instead, seeking a new vision and formula.
Bang describes the conclusion they reached in a recent Harvard Business School case study of the firm written by Anita Elberse and Lizzy Woodham: “You would think that with the development of digital technology, people can come together more easily, but we found that it is actually more likely that people will feel more isolated. And so we need to find a way to help them, inspire them and heal them.”
Reflecting on the choice to develop a group that satiated this need, Yoon says in the study: “I think back then in 2011, with the conclusions we drew, we found the wild ginseng, as we say in Korea.”
On “Dynamite,” Big Hit worked with Columbia to further cultivate that ginseng. Pitched by Jacobson to label chairman Ron Perry, who guided and essentially A&R’d the song, worked to radio by Columbia executive VP and head of promotion Peter Gray (who has broken hits for Dua Lipa, Kelly Clarkson and Kings of Leon), and all overseen and informed by the years of management savvy of Big Hit, it’s the kind of artist development that was a music business calling card and that has lost its place in the fast-paced world of digital releases.
Radio exposure is not considered as impactful in Korea as it is in the U.S., notes RM, and so BTS — “maybe naively” — didn’t hit the ground in the U.S. thinking, ‘What can boost our airplay?’” the last time around. Still, RM notes that the band has “100% trust” in Columbia, Big Hit and the greater BTS community. “ARMY and the label are all trying their best,” he says, recounting how in the band’s early days, fans would send bouquets to radio DJs to get their songs on the air.
“Our goal is to try to show ourselves, expose ourselves to ARMY as much as possible,” adds Jin. “There are a lot of platforms now.”
In some ways, BTS’ ARMY has grown into its own force and brought the group along for the ride. In the world of K-pop, the expectation is that entertainers stay far away from politics, but as the genre has grown more global, it has begun to reach a transnational cohort to whom matters of social justice are top of mind.
When Variety broke the news on June 6 that BTS and Big Hit had donated $1 million to Black Lives Matter, BTS fans quickly flocked to #Match­AMillion through a link sent out by the fan charity Twitter account @OneInAnARMY. They hit the financial target in just 25 hours.
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Erika Overton, a 40-year-old Georgia resident and one of the co-founders of the account, says of the experience: “It was one of the craziest nights I’ve ever seen. I was on Twitter all night. We were refreshing the page every couple of minutes, going, ‘Oh, my God …’” Witnessing ARMY’s U.S. battalion bring the message of Black Lives Matter to fans in other parts of the world who were unfamiliar with the movement was a “big educational moment that was really, really beautiful to see,” says Overton, who is African American.
What Overton saw was facilitated by networks of fan translators who also turn Big Hit’s Korean content into dozens of languages. Other ARMY groups provide counseling or tutoring services, invent themed recipes or write informational threads on everything from the history of the music industry and how charts work to Jungian philosophy, which deeply informs the BTS albums.
Some fan accounts have even become registered nonprofits, with dozens of administrators spread around the world putting in nearly full-time work on top of their day jobs.
In addition to Black Lives Matter, BTS this year donated $1 million to Crew Nation, a Live Nation campaign to support live entertainment personnel impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. And it has continued its campaign with UNICEF to end child violence. But the band members are reticent to take on the role of global activists. “I don’t consider ourselves as political,” says Suga. “We aren’t trying to send out some grandiose message. We would never see ARMY as a conduit for our voice or our opinion. ARMY speaks their own initiatives, and we always respect their opinions, as we respect any other person’s.”
RM, on the other hand, keeps the door open for a kind of apolitical politics based more on actions than words: “We are not political figures, but as they say, everything is political eventually. Even a pebble can be political.”
The scale of its influence is not something that the group takes lightly. “Our [‘Dynamite’] video has seen 80 million, almost 90 million views in just a day. In a way, that’s very weighty — and almost frightening,” RM told Variety the day after its debut, explaining that the balancing act is often one of how to juggle the burdens of being both role models and artists.
Some Korean scholars feel that BTS’ statement in support of BLM shows how ARMY is actually out ahead of Big Hit, spontaneously enacting its own initiatives to which the company must then respond. “Big Hit thinks they can create a company-dominated [approach to] fandom, but fans are agents doing only what they want, not what they don’t want,” says ethnomusicologist Kim Jungwon of Yonsei University in Seoul. For Kim, the fluidity of ARMY’s unplanned, collective responses “is the possible answer to BTS’ success.”
Candace Epps-Robertson, an ARMY member and assistant professor of rhetoric at the University of North Carolina, says the affirmational content of the group’s lyrics and videos may sound simple, but lay the groundwork for millions of fans to learn to engage critically with each other and develop a transcultural sense of global citizenship. “The message of ‘you, yourself, are enough, and you should love who you are and start with that — I think people miss how radical that can actually be,” she says. “We can’t overlook the power of that as an invitation to people to be part of this community.”
The Grammys, where BTS is eligible for record of the year, among other categories (nomination ballots for the 2021 awards, slated to air Jan. 31, went out on Sept. 28), provide a chance for the group to gain industry recognition as a mainstream contender, not just a K-pop act.
Asked why the Grammys matter so much to them, Suga seems to bristle a bit at the question. “I grew up watching American award shows, so obviously we all know and I know the importance of the Grammys,” he says. “It’s a dream anyone working in music has.”
RM says having the goal of a Grammy, an industry-voted award, “motivates us to work harder. As Suga said, if you are in music, the Grammy Awards are something that you cannot help but to look toward and set as an eventual goal.”
BTS’ global influence will soon collide with national duty, and a Grammy Award or three could help maintain its momentum. The band members all have to participate in Korea’s mandatory military service by the age of 28 — and four of them are within two years of that threshold. “Big Hit really wants to target the Grammys before [the members] go into the army,” says an industry source privy to the company’s marketing plans, adding that, from Big Hit’s perspective, it would be best for business if the boys all perform their service at the same time.
The group renewed its contract with Big Hit in 2018, which commits the members to another seven years with the firm, but the army service issue could knock off two years within that time span. A company statement ahead of Big Hit’s IPO shows that Jin, the oldest group member (he’ll be 28 in December), must conscript by 2022 even if he gets an extension of the draft deadline. The statement discloses that plans to prerecord content to be released over the course of any army tenure are being discussed.
South Korea officially changed its rules in July to allow draftees access to once-banned cellphones on weeknights and weekends, meaning BTS could theoretically continue some interaction with fans. However, the taking of photos, video or audio recordings remains prohibited. (Historically, most Korean celebs have fallen silent during their service.)
Soldiering aside, with the push from Big Hit’s IPO, multiple TV appearances — including an ongoing weeklong takeover of “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” — the chart success of “Dynamite” and growing Grammy buzz, BTS is poised to make some serious noise this fall, which is saying a lot for a group known to shake the decibel scale with a wave or a wink. But perhaps the most significant measure of its ascent is underscored by the frequent speculation of the band’s place in a new moment for the music industry.
“What would it mean not just to include the sound of Korea in the annals of world music, but to actually propose that the South Korean sound is the next chapter?” posits Yale’s Lofton. “What if BTS are actually the next Beatles?”
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•Infographics. Use very little words as you can and have the imagery determine the storyplot. Find a talented freelancer who can make something beautiful and informative if you don’t have a killer in-house graphics artist.
•Cheat bedding. They are quite short-two or three pages at most of the. That implies there won’t be lots of location for major graphics, so you’ll would like to use sms formatting to make them easier for a visitor to speedily read by. Relationship or point to other helpful information for extra in-height figuring out.
•Workbooks and templates. These information are efficient ways to keep your company when in front of potential customers despite the fact that carrying on with to inform. They ought to be manufactured for design and done as interactive and practical as is practical.
•Whitened papers and reports. White papers and reports are generally less graphically designed and use language that is a little more professional, even though these materials are similar to an ebook in that they are primarily educational. He or she can also compose opportunities to significant other together with other associations.
•Push decks. Slide decks are the ideal formatting for wearing down confusing hints into simple measures or chew-type of jewelry. Retain the slides very simple: Use little text message within a typeface and big visuals all the way through.
•Court case research projects. Generate example reports with actual numbers and finish experiences. This will assist keep content and articles preoccupied with the value and results, not the brand.
•Demos. This is where a freeevaluation and assessment, or trial works nicely to start the dialogue and to begin to fully qualify your most interested leads. If you have an e-commerce-based product, you can leverage a discount code to use at the time of the transaction to establish some urgency around making the purchase.
•Delivery routes.
•Held: Posting your articles about the brand’s own web 2 . 0 routes-like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn or Pinterest-is often a instant, customizable, and free of charge chance connect with your market.
•Organic: Weaving some Search engine optimisation ideal routines for your content material may help create a good sense with Search engines like google and transfer your internet site the ratings collection. The potency of a very good subject matter marketing strategy is at providing the information and answers that a customers wants, so ensure he or she can discover it.
•Paid: Most social networking sites provide some kind of settled marketing, just like subsidized website content, spend-every-just click (Paid advertising), search engine optimization (Search engine marketing), display, and retargeting. Complementing a network’s demographics on your brand’s personas can help you decide best places to dedicate.
•Earned: This is the most valuable, but hardest to create. Earned social networking advertising and marketing occurs when your target audience prefers to talk about your posts along with their community.
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godlessgeekblog · 5 years
How To Do Social Media Promotion As Musician
How frequently would you visit a friend has shared a music video on their own social networking? Ever thought about how you can make certain it’s your music video individuals are discussing?
This informative guide covers every facet of Social Networking promotion for musicians by moving in-depth directly into concepts utilized by the greatest marketing agencies on the planet to interrupt artists to the Top 40 charts, with the strength of creating a loyal fanbase.
I know you’ll have heard it, not only from us but other music PR companies too that social networking is really a tremendous chance for bands and artists. In 2018, we do not have the typical gatekeepers who finalise regardless of whether you get the mass exposure your own music deserves, now you can maintain complete charge of your web music promotion.
A few of the greatest bands on the planet generally have the greatest personalities, for example Liam Gallagher or Alex Turner. It’s these personalities which could stand out and add something which tiny bit special to some band far above the caliber of their music.
Liam Gallagher
We know that as musicians you’re not constantly releasing music, and there might be lots of downtime, so you must have a method which enables you to definitely create content for the audience even if you are busy within the studio or between releases.
Success on social networking isn’t nearly the information you develop and also the tips and hacks you’re likely to learn within this guide, your mindset is an essential component for that perfect social networking strategy. A regular misconception of social networking success is the fact that going ‘viral’ may be the ultimate goal, however, if was the final time you saw a music video go viral?
You’ll be able to get lots of people to talk about your own music video. To do this, you have to set up a core audience who’re loyal fans and also have become accustomed to interacting and discussing together with your social networking content.
This is when the strength of your mindset is available in to experience, because the quantity of work and persistence that is needed to endure a effective social networking campaign means you have to be emotionally resilient and also have a mindset which could keep creating content while you might not get the short-term success you had been wishing for. Social Networking is really a lengthy-term game.
Since you’re within the right mindset to overcome this animal, we begin speaking strategy.
1. Produce A STRATEGY
Musicians and bands face a remarkably difficult conundrum on social networking, as hearing audio necessitates the listener to stay in a particular mood and somewhere where they are able to pay attention to music without having to be disturbed, which aren’t always exactly the same conditions when you are surfing social networking. Especially since many platforms for example Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have audio muted automatically, so you don’t only need individuals to stop and pay attention to your track, however, you need these to unmute the recording, which might not appear just like a significant action, but getting individuals to take serious notice of social networking submissions are something which corporations are investing millions directly into achieving to assist sell products, which shows how precise and impactful your strategy must be.
I truly really wish i could let you know that it’s the music that will the speaking with regards to the prosperity of your own music, but from experience with music PR there’s an entire entire arena of factors which you can get observed, and the first is the image like a band. I check this out reason for every music tips blog publish I ever read, to “get your image right”, and it is an easy indicate make but it’s challenging do. So, let’s go a little much deeper directly into this, here’s our very best strategies for having your image directly on social networking.
1) Have A Similar IMAGES ACROSS ALL Social Networking PLATFORMS
This really is something we have seen often, where a painter has different profile pictures for every platform, which might show variation, but it doesn’t provide the impression of the complete package. Maybe one band member setup the Twitter a couple of years back also it hasn’t been upgraded, another member manages the Facebook after which Instagram grew to become popular and this is where you place all your newest imagery. Caused by this is very untidy, specifically for potential fans who might be fans on Instagram and also have become familiar with your image, they might immediately recognise yourself on Twitter because they scroll through suggested profiles and immediately hit the follow button.
This can be a new feature, which succeeded can definitely help make your Facebook page look special. You are able to upload videos as cover photos, which may be either clips of the videos, a custom looping video or perhaps an animation which advertising the next release or tour.
3) GET Marketplace
You could know if a painter has tried to do their very own photoshoot, and we’re a large advocator for implementing your personal equipment to produce content, but with regards to branding and imagery you should have it professionally done. There are several amazing photographers available now who don’t really charge lots of money, particularly if you hire a company who’s searching to construct their portfolio or perhaps is fresh from College.
4) Focus On DETAIL
When you know the appear and feel you would like your band to possess, it’s essential that this flows during your imagery, lower for your location and clothing. We have seen mistakes for example bands who’ve selected an area having a boring background or clothing which doesn’t look unique and every band member includes a style which clashes with all of those other band.
2. DECIDE The Information In The Event You CREATE
Your social networking strategy must be implemented in categories of 10, that’s 10 bits of content that have been planned ahead of time. This really is to make sure you possess a plan that you simply stay with out on another succumb to temptation to alter or abandon the process before you decide to have created enough content to possess a big enough sample size to analyse your results.
We encourage you to possess a consistent image, however that doesn’t mean your articles ought to be the same across all of your social medias, and it’s also the alternative. Each social networking platform has different dynamics, those who are using Snapchat have been in a totally different mindset to individuals on Facebook or YouTube, you’ll need to find away out to inform your story across various platforms and mediums.
The Three Kinds Of CONTENT You May Create ON Social Networking
Everyone loves to follow along with tales and have a tendency to consider an enthusiastic curiosity about the other party’s lives, for this reason reality Television shows for example Your Government and Love Island have grown to be very popular.
You ought to be documenting your trip being an emerging band, developing a story of methods you’re just beginning, the successes, the setbacks, backstage, festivals. You are able to pre-plan the storyline which is adopted, what facets of this story you need and just how the information is going to be storyboarded. Take benefit of the figures in your band, everybody is individual, which is the folks that the potential fans will connect with.
The truly amazing factor about documenting is it is going on 24/7 surrounding you, there’s always an chance to document when you are literally publishing whatever is going on surrounding you.
Individuals are always searching to understand and if you’re able to provide that, it’s a fantastic chance to construct fans and loyalty. Does someone inside your band possess a particular talent, and have unique approaches for creating music?
A great chance to teach people who’d prefer to learn your talent, who’ll pay back you by assisting you market your music video.
If you possess the capability to entertain your potential fans with content, this is completely the choice to consider. To do this, you must have great personalities within the band, having a content structure which enables you to produce a high standard of videos regularly, we’ll cover more about this later.
All effective social networking profiles have styles throughout, whether or not they are sport related, political, business or music related. But styles don’t have to be topics, they may be something you feel enthusiastic about like a charitable organization, or possibly you’ve something to protest against. These styles give people something to connect with your articles. Many people on social networking aren’t really searching to understand something totally new, or perhaps be convinced to alter their opinion, they’re searching for content which reinforces a viewpoint they have. Which means you should not be thinking “this is going to be my theme since i think many people will enjoy that”, it really works the alternative, you need to decide your theme and allow your audience help you find. By doing this you can be certain you will find as authentic and relatable for your target market.
One artist we labored with made the decision to produce cover songs on his Facebook account, and requested for suggestions within the comments for his next song. The rule could be that the suggestion which got probably the most likes he’d to pay for in the next video, which brought to numerous engagement and loyalty. Additionally, it gave the crowd a feeling of communication with him because they truly felt like each comment may lead to a relevant video being produced only for them.
After you have develop 3 of those styles, you’ll find you’re getting fans from each one of the three styles along with the quality of the music. It is crucial that you stay with these styles as even though it may appear just a little repetitive for you, individuals will understand your articles once they see content that they initially adopted you to view.
3. Choose The Best Social Networking PLATFORM To Advertise Your Own Music
It’s vital that you select the best platform for you personally, and often, it is best to select which platform you would like to pay attention to knowing your articles strategy. Each platform has its own weaknesses and strengths, which is your decision to manoeuvre each one of these to be able to inform your story for your audience.
Facebook is the greatest platform when ever you’re just beginning out because the advertising functionality is easily the most effective and various of all of the platforms. You are able to publish any kind of content whether it’s images, videos, text posts or perhaps a live video.
After you have published the information, Facebook enables you to definitely pay to market your articles and page to some precisely targeted audience, the most effective method to achieve a brand new audience
Facebook has considerably altered how they operate within the last couple of several weeks, which makes it even more complicated to achieve your overall audience. What this means is, unlike other platforms, those who are following page aren’t certainly likely to be proven your latest posts. Facebook may also be a significant distracting Social Networking to make use of, that has a lot happening in the screen at the same time with ads, notifications and messenger.
Building A Crowd ON FACEBOOK
The easiest method to construct your audience on Facebook is applying their advertising platform. We let you know that better to advertise on Facebook afterwards.
Twitter logoPROS
Twitter is a superb platform for enabling you to talk with your audience and also have a conversation with potential fans. The immediate nature from the platform enables for brief bursts of activity and engagement to go over the most recent trends.
Twitter is now the worst social networking for engagement and click on throughs. Should you build a crowd of 20k supporters and published your latest music video, the cool thing is that a maximum of 200 people would follow the link. It’s because the short pace of Twitter where individuals choose to check out it just once they want quick information, instead of watching a complete video.
Building A Crowd ON TWITTER
For brief-term results we advise getting began using the follow/unfollow technique, but don’t get too transported away with this particular, the simpler an admirer is to buy the less valuable they’re for you. You need to gain valuable supporters by creating great content, which will get likes and retweets, distributing awareness and gaining organic supporters.
Instagram emblem
Instagram may be the platform everybody really wants to be hot on at this time. It’s the least expensive and easiest spot to build a crowd, with utilization of hashtags to assist get discovered and Instagram tales and live videos to maintain your fans engaged. Instagram has become probably the most important social systems to become posting content.
Instagram has one big drawback, which is you cannot link from Instagram itself. If you wish to publish a hyperlink for your latest music video it isn’t easy to do without running an advertisement. One of the ways for this would be to add some connect to your bio and direct your fans there, however this isn’t well suited for conversions.
Building A Crowd ON INSTAGRAM
Building a crowd on Instagram is mainly concerning the right hashtags. Never be fooled directly into believing that typically the most popular hashtags are the most useful for you personally though, simply because there are plenty of posts for your hashtag doesn’t mean individuals are always searching it. You will find Hashtag research tools will assist you in finding the best hashtags. Make sure to be posting frequent tales, because this might not gain you supporters however the formula does favour accounts that are while using tales feature.
Snapchat is amazing to obtain people’s attention. The way in which people utilize it means that they’re 100% focussed in your content and you will find zero distractions, meaning 1 follower on Snapchat may be worth greater than any follower on other social networking platforms.
Snapchat’s users list is seriously decreasing, together focussing much more on established influencers. Without any discovery features it can make it very hard for emerging artists to become discovered.
Building A Crowd ON SNAPCHAT
Snapchat is easily the most difficult platform to construct a crowd. We advise funnelling fans through other social medias by promising exclusive content on Snapchat.
Because this is where you will probably be uploading your own music video to, it’s the ultimate goal to achieve followers online, after you have a client base your fans will immediately be alerted of the audio video and can likely see it.
YouTube’s formula isn’t created for music, it is made for ‘YouTubers’ who develop a client base by creating frequent videos. Therefore, uploading one video every couple of several weeks means it will likely be hard to trigger the formula to recommend your video to other people.
Building A Crowd Online
YouTube is all about being preferred through the formula. Many people believe that YouTube suggests your video in line with the quantity of views, but it’s really according to minutes-viewed. So, if viewers are watching your videos towards the very finish, you are more inclined to be rated greater than individuals who watch the very first 5 seconds and click on another video. For this reason it’s important to not buy fake views.
Twitch emblem
Twitch needs a special mention because of the rapid growth it’s seen lately. Initially a platform to look at others play game titles, Twitch has opened up as much as other kinds of content for example music. Now you can build a crowd entirely by streaming your own music composition live.
Remember wonderful your articles you have to be adding value for your potential fans. Montage videos which show how great your band is, or behind the curtain from the filming of the music video is really taking out of your audience instead of giving, because it is basically an advert for the video. These videos only use your loyal fans. We’re focussing regarding how to build new fans for the band.
Of all social networking platforms, videos are the most useful converting kind of content, they’re enticing, plus they get people to stop scrolling watching.
Videos are probably the most nearly impossible to find right, you must have a storyline prepared for that video in addition to enough character and to help keep the fans watching before the finish.
Effective videos include great planning, you should know exactly what will take place in each video, having a compelling beginning, middle and finish.
Cover videos, if selected wisely can offer an incredible chance to draw in potential fans to understand your band, by covering a track that they’d prefer to hear. Selecting the track is an essential part. The main mistake we have seen is bands who cover songs which are presently within the charts simply because they assume people will be hunting that song and choose to hear their cover, however, this rarely happens. It might be better to either select a track that was extremely popular around 10-twenty years ago which instigates nostalgia with potential fans or produce a cover of the track from the different genre making it your personal.
Stay local to check out collaboration possibilities which both supply the foundation to keep things interesting in addition to distribution. For instance, possibly this guitar rock band have to de-stress before their big gig, so that they go to the local meditation center to concentrate and relax.
Most likely the band want to perfect their stage presence, so that they visit the local theatre to obtain training in thea from trackrgadget https://socialsignals24.com/how-to-do-social-media-promotion-as-musician/ https://socialsignals24.com/how-to-do-social-media-promotion-as-musician/
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harrisjv · 6 years
Audioflow Review Should I Buy It
Audioflow Evaluation - Are you searching for even more expertise regarding Audioflow? Please read through my straightforward evaluation about it prior to selecting, to assess the weaknesses and strengths of it. Can it deserve your time and effort and cash?
Do Your YouTube Videos Suck? Make Them High-Quality Making Use Of These 4 Simple Tips.
YouTube is a big offer. I'm sure you've listened to the statistics attempting to explain simply how substantial YouTube is. As a matter of fact, before you end up reading this blog post, virtually 1,000 hrs of video clip will be published to YouTube. Yet right here's the reality: Most of those mins are dreadful. Boring, horrible top quality-- and also painful to watch.
If you want to stick out from the crowd as well as produce high-quality videos that individuals actually intend to watch, I have good information. By following simply a couple of basic tips, your Audioflow video clips will boost significantly, leading to even more sights, even more sales as well as even more recognition.
The most effective component? It's not mosting likely to cost you an arm as well as a leg either. Below's how:
1. Your audio top quality issues.
Amazed that my first suggestion includes sound? Don't be. Noise is probably more crucial to achieving a top quality flick than video clip. I know, that seems weird, yet stay with me a minute. People can forgive sub-par video quality. However if the noise is reduced, distorted or seems like it was tape-recorded inside a cave, your audiences are swiftly going to click following.
Spend some cash on a Lavalier microphone. Even a low-cost one, like the Audio-Technica ATR-3350-- $25.00 on Amazon.com-- would suffice. After that, after tape-recording the video, run a standard noise-removal filter to the recording. You'll be stunned at how much sound it gets rid of. Virtually every semi-advanced audio editor has this filter, as well as a fast search on YouTube will show you simply exactly how to do it. Or, employ someone on UpWork.com or Fiverr.com to get rid of the sound for you for a couple of bucks.
2. Lighting
Illumination does not require to be made complex, however Audioflow needs to be there. Lighting will make even a low-grade electronic camera produce much better video, and also individuals just appreciate viewing video clips that are well-lit.
If you are recording at your computer system, stick a couple workdesk lights behind and also around the display. You additionally may want to invest in a cost-effective lighting package, which can be acquired for as reduced as $150 from Amazon, such as this one that includes the background setup too. It additionally helps to place a light behind you, aimed away from you. This will aid you stick out from the background and also give more deepness to the final look.
3. Editing with dive cuts
Among the simplest and fastest methods to tape a video clip is using the jump-cut method. A jump cut is when your video clip is really composed of loads (or hundreds) of short little clips all positioned together to form one natural video.
The benefit of jump cut video clips is two-fold:
It saves time when recording, as you will not require to remember any long manuscripts.
It keeps the video clip speed moving along rapidly, thus keeping the customer engaged.
To tape-record a jump-cut video, draw up your entire script beforehand, but break it up into simple, easy-to-say sentences. As an example:
" Have you ever before wished to buy property however do not have the deposit? My name is Brandon Turner, as well as on today's Audioflow video I'm mosting likely to show you three easy actions for purchasing property with little to no loan out of your pocket. The initial step is going to be what I call home hacking. Residence hacking is the procedure of ...".
Notice how each line is broken up, on it's own, right into short, basic sentences? This will certainly make your recording so much easier. After I've scripted the whole video, I merely order a friend/ spouse/ child to aid. We click the document button on the video camera, and my assistant reads one line out loud. I then duplicate that line while checking out the cam. After that, my helper reviews another line, as well as I say that line out loud.
This proceeds right with the video, and the various other individual's voice is later just edited out, leaving simply one constant, hectic narrative.
Here's an example of a jump-cut video clip, described within a jump-cut video from James Wedmore:.
4. Choose the appropriate cam.
Lastly, let's talk about the video camera you make use of. You have numerous options, depending on your rate variety. Allow's discuss the 3 most usual:.
Your laptop or computer: If you have an electronic camera on your laptop computer or computer, you can videotape with this. However, if your computer is greater than two years old, I 'd most likely advise acquiring a separate internet video camera, as the high quality will be a lot greater. You can select one up, such as this one, on Amazon.com for about $50.
Your smartphone: If you have a more recent apple iphone or various other smart device, you can in fact tape-record a pretty excellent Audioflow video using the built-in camera. As I discussed earlier, if you obtain the audio high quality as well as the illumination top quality right, this option could fit you just fine.
A digital single-lens response (DSLR) electronic camera: Ultimately, if your actually want to take your video clip to new heights, upgrade your camera to a DSLR video camera from a business such Nikon or Canon. DSLR cams can provide you the clearest picture, as well as the depth-of-field appearance (blurry background) that makes a video appearance specialist.
DSLR electronic cameras start around $400 (as well as rise significantly from there), such as the Canon EOS Rebel T5. I would certainly additionally advise upgrading to a 50mm lens for an extra specialist look with higher depth-of-field capacities.
Placing all of it With each other
Your videos do not need to draw. By carrying out the tips detailed in this blog post, you can take your video clips from "eh" to "amazing"-- without needing to break the bank doing it.
The following video clip is one I made that makes use of the ideas discussed in this blog post. This isn't perfect, by all means, however it completes the function: getting sights. And also in instance you are questioning exactly how I did the pop-up text, right here's guideline on that.
For even more excellent resources on making excellent quality Audioflow videos, look into:
Wistia.com/ collection: Probably several of one of the most entertaining and also high-grade instructional videos I have actually ever before seen. The group at Wistia put a great deal of effort right into helping you come to be an incredible video clip maker, and also the training videos are 100-percent free.
JamesWedmore.com: James is one of one of the most recognized online video instructors-- and for good factor. His video clips and programs have aided thousands, if not millions, of people make better video clips. I found out the jump-cut approach from James and use all of it the moment.
Fizzle.co: The people at Fizzle are not just amusing, they produce some incredible video clips, and show their participants how to do the same. If you are an entrepreneur looking to make much better videos-- or podcasts, article, or anything else digitally-related-- a membership at Fizzle may be the best $35 a month you'll invest.
Do you have any type of other suggestions for making video clips? Something simple and affordable that can make a big difference? Please, share your thoughts listed below.
Audioflow Review & Review
Designer: Josh Ratta
Product: Audioflow
Release Date: 2018-Nov-20
Introduce Time: 11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $37-$ 47
Particular niche: Video
What Is Audioflow?
Tumblr media
Audioflow provides video makers with premium sound tracks for every sort of video clip. Every little thing from sluggish motion picture, upbeat ukelele, modern-day dancing and even logo design hurts & sound results for explainer video clips.
A premium choice of royalty-free tracks each individually developed from the ground up by specialist sound musicians (This is NOT CC or PLR).
It likewise includes a voice recorder, practical text-to-speech designer in upto 14 languages and 60 different voices and an audio gamer for podcasting!
Audioflow Features & Conveniences
Voice over recording Just link your mic, or utilize your desktop computer mic, hit document and also talk. "Dum da ..." After that modify & wait as an MP3 file. Easy, terrific sounding voiceovers. Done!
Numerous costs tracks The cream of the crop, these tracks will make any average video clip audio extraordinary! And also did I point out Royalty-free! No more YouTube copyright claims;-RRB-.
Text-to-speech maker Do not like to videotape your own voice? No problemo, merely compose or paste any kind of text script, choose a voice actor as well as hit generate! Realistic voice over carried out in a click! Oh and also you can also tape-record it in up to 14 different languages!
Audio gamer for podcasts Wish to begin podcasting? Or simply wish to play some audio on your site? Well now you can, just publish any kind of audio file, tailor-make your gamer and install it on your site!
It resembles songs to your ears ... Literally!
Take a pay attention to several of the personalized made tracks you can make use of in all of your video clips, consisted of within audioflow.
Make your videos fresh and positive with modern-day dancing tracks.
Ukelele Jingles
Ukelele beats always place a smile on your face and also are wonderful for explainers.
Pop tracks are wonderful for a modernand positive feel for explainer video clips.
Motion picture
Motion picture tracks are fantastic for producing impressive feeling in intros.
Quirky & Funk
Utilize these to offer your video clips an awesome as well as enjoyable feel to your videos.
Provide your video clips a little a punchwith banging drums as well as heavy beats.
Audioflow resolves
# 1 - YouTube channels shut as a result of unlicensed sound
Lots of people are obtaining their YouTube networks closed because of unlicensed audio. With audioflow, users obtain a full royalty-free permit to all tracks, in addition to assistance with getting copyright claims dealt with.
# 2 - Audio tracks are costly
Shutterstock costs ₤ 34 for one track/enhanced certificate ₤ 280. Audio jungle charges around $20 - $30 for a standard certificate that offers you the usage for just ONE video. And these tracks usually get flagged on YouTube because they are produced by third-party artists.
All audio tracks on audioflow were created distinctly for audioflow and also individuals have complete legal rights to use on all platforms.
# 3 - Premium tracks in EVERY songs category
With audioflow users can change the feel of their video clip by including different sorts of audio tracks. for example:.
- Emotional Intro videos - Cinematic tracks. - Explainer videos - Ukulele jingles or contemporary pop/dance. - Business videos - Company tracks. - Tutorial & training videos - Quirky/indie or light acoustic. - Typography video clips - Trample tracks. - Modern promotion videos - Dance & pop tracks. - Xmas promos - Xmas tracks. - Logo stings & intros - Logo design idents & openers.
Audioflow has incredible tracks in all these styles and also MORE! (14 genres in overall).
# 4 - Create voiceovers in international languages
With audioflow's real-life text to speech developer, individuals who aren't positive in doing a voicoever or have problem with the english language can swiftly type or paste a script and also generate an expert seeming voiceover in actually secs.
Also individuals can develop voiceovers in up to 14 various accents/languages, great for interacting your message to different nationalities.
Final thought
" It's A Great Deal. Should I Spend Today?"
Not just are you obtaining accessibility to Audioflow for the best rate ever offered, but additionally You're investing totally without threat. Audioflow include a 30-day Refund Warranty Plan. When you select Audioflow, your satisfaction is ensured. If you are not totally pleased with it for any factor within the very first thirty days, you're entitled to a complete refund-- no doubt asked. You've got nothing to shed! What Are You Awaiting? Attempt It today and also get The Adhering to Bonus Currently!
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davidcdelreal · 6 years
How To Make Money: Everything You Need To Know
How can you earn more money?
You’d think a question this simple would have a simple answer.
Yet experts’ attempts to explain the nuances of earning — whether disguised as personal finance, business management, or the importance of education — could fill a file server.
You could read all the articles, watch all the how-to videos, listen to all the podcasts, and even attend the right business school, but still not know the best ways to make money.
Why is it all so complicated?
I have an idea: It’s because only you are qualified to answer the question of how you can make more money.
Think about it:
Just like our relationships, our time, our food preferences, and even our financial choices are personal.
What works for me may not work for you.
Likewise, I might not survive a day doing something you’d excel at.
And while education, knowledge, and experience matter a lot, they are only the ingredients.
You have to get into the kitchen to cook up your own recipe for financial success and independence:
Are you a people person? Then you should flavor your recipe with face-to-face interactions.
Are you an introvert? Maybe you need a dash of stay-at-home independence.
Are you short on time? Find a recipe with a short prep-time but an abundant yield.
Do you need a flexible schedule? Sprinkle in some freelance work — something like real estate or ad hoc computer programming, for example.
Whatever the case, your recipe must reflect the reality of your personal preferences, your daily challenges, and the way you live.
You can find ideas (and hopefully some valuable advice) in posts like the one you’re reading right now, but you’re the expert on you.
With that in mind, let’s get cooking (especially if you can make money doing it!).
Different Paths, But One Common Goal: Earning More Money!
As you know, finding your own path is essential, but let’s also make sure your path leads where we all want to go: a more profitable and financially secure future.
To do that, get to know more about your local economy (or the broader national or international economy) so you’ll know what skills or products are in demand right now and into the future.
In a dynamic economy like ours, any list of ways to earn money comes with an expiration date.
And, I could spend days listing all the possibilities for earning more money and still not include the one thing you’re looking for.
Still, we need some kind of order for organizing possible paths to earning power.
I like the following three categories:
Side hustles
Let’s explore these categories as you determine where to begin or continue your journey toward making more money.
Earning Through Entrepreneurship
To earn your living by owning your own company: It’s part of the American Dream.
And we’ve all heard the legendary success stories about people such as:
Sam Walton, whose family barely survived the Great Depression. He opened his own tiny grocery store after World War II with financial help from his father in law. The store, of course, grew into Walmart (and Sam’s Club and a few other variations).
Oprah Winfrey, who was raised in poverty and became one of the most successful TV stars of all time, and who also offers reading advice to millions.
Andrew Carnegie who, as a child, worked as a bobbin boy in a cotton mill (before child labor laws prohibited it). He earned billions in steel and helped transform our economy for the industrial age.
Steve Jobs, a college dropout who likely invented the phone or the computer you’re holding right now.
You may be thinking: But these people are the exceptions.
Nobody ever mentions the thousands of inventors, industrialists, retailers, and entertainers who fell flat on their faces.
You’d be right, of course.
More importantly, though, I also didn’t mention the thousands of people who have enjoyed success on a more moderate scale — all the people who went from living paycheck-to-paycheck at a job they hated to supporting their families by owning a business.
This list is longer than you may think, and it’s full of people like you and me — ordinary people who had a vision for a better future and worked hard to make it happen.
I’ll spare you the motivational speech about how you can’t succeed without the possibility of failure, and about how even today’s billionaires can tell you about their ever-growing lists of failures.
Instead, let’s look at some possible paths to entrepreneurial success, all of which allow you to be your own boss and, in most cases, to make your own rules:
Let’s say you love Five Guys Burgers & Fries, an East Coast hamburger place, but the chain doesn’t have a location near you.
As you drive along looking for someplace to eat, you may tell your significant other: “You know, somebody really ought to open a Five Guys on this side of town. They’d make a killing.”
Well, that “somebody” may be you.
You could look into franchising requirements for Five Guys (or whatever your favorite store or restaurant actually is) and open your very own location.
Most stores require some personal investment, and they may have some other requirements, too. You also wouldn’t have total freedom over every decision you make since the corporation you’re partnering with will have its own set of standards.
But if you have a flair for business management but not necessarily a niche product that’s all your own, this could be your path.
Selling Stuff Online
If you need a lower bar for admission into entrepreneurship than opening a franchise, online sales may be your thing. It’s not all knitted scarves or unneeded football tickets these days.
People shop all the time on Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, and countless other sites for used and new products.
To succeed, you need to be an expert on a product so you can make a profit by connecting others with exactly what they’re looking for.
If you’re an expert on guitars, for example, you could spend your weekends shopping garage sales, estate sales, and auctions. You’d see a lot of junk.
But since you know your product line, you’d also recognize the vintage Gibson J-200 someone is selling for a song, and you’ll know how easy it will be to find a premium buyer online.
Along with expertise in your product lines, you’ll need great customer service chops and some patience as you get your business rolling.
Selling Your Advice
It’s not all about tangible products.
You can also sell your expertise, whether you are an expert in business, the arts, engineering, industry, retail, etc.
Thanks to Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts and similar services, you can even offer advice online, whether you’re teaching painting lessons or showing someone how to integrate a drone into their wedding videography business.
Just look at YouTube.
Whether you’re fixing a washing machine or changing your spark plugs, chances are you can find a video of someone else doing the same thing.
What do you know an awful lot about?
Whatever it is, someone else may need your advice. Whether you charge for one-on-one sessions or cast a wider net with more general videos, you can turn your smarts into a source of income.  
Offering a Service
Do you cut your own grass?
Shop for your own groceries?
Pick up your own dry-cleaning?
More and more people are turning to services to do these sorts of things, which means there may be a growing market in your community for someone to perform these services.
By developing a steady clientele and setting some reasonable limits (no 2 a.m. runs to Taco Bell, perhaps?) you can have your own courier service.
Start by placing an ad in your community’s newspapers or free weeklies, and mix in some patience, some flexibility, and a pricing plan that’s fair to you and your customers.
Other Entrepreneurial Ideas
We’ve hit some high points, but this is by no means an all-inclusive list. If you have a business idea, you’ve already caught the entrepreneurial spirit.
Maybe it’s time to start looking into financing, business partners, or marketing strategies.
Not everyone is destined for business ownership though.
Keep reading to learn about other routes to financial success.
Using Education to Unlock Earnings
For several generations it was almost a given: A college degree would open doors for the rest of your career.
Federal labor statistics showed (and still show) higher earning power for people with a four-year degree. So college became a rite of passage across the country.
But what happens if you’re not in a position to pursue higher education?
What if you already have a family and a full-time job?
Or what if taking a bunch of English and philosophy courses just isn’t your thing?
There’s good news for you, too.
You can still unlock higher earnings through education without going the traditional college route.
Let’s take a look at some traditional and alternative educational paths to show what I mean:
Certificate Programs
College can teach critical thinking skills, helping you succeed in a variety of professions.
However, a four-year degree may not teach specific trade skills.
In many professions, employers value specific, hands-on skills over more general thinking skills.
I think it’s best to have both, but to provide employers with skilled employees, many community and technical colleges offer certificate programs for professions such as:
Dental assistants
Web design
Nursing assistants
Electrical work
Auto technicians
Information technology
Certificate programs usually cost a lot less than traditional college courses, and they may require less of your time.
It’s also possible the community college in your area offers night classes and other ways to accommodate classes to your work schedule.
In many professions, getting “certified” unlocks higher wages.
Traditional College Degrees
Of course, skilled trades aren’t for everybody.
Some of us need more time to figure out a suitable profession.
One of the neat things about traditional, four-year college programs is the opportunity to learn a little bit about a lot of things, which means you may come across the right fit when you least expect it.
I remember a friend who started college with no firm plans for the future. She signed up for classes, got her parking pass, and all that.
Then, on the first day of classes, she became enamored with the whole concept of chemistry. She declared chemistry her major, graduated with a degree, and started a successful (and high-paying) career as an industrial chemist.
Most of us will need more than one day of college to find our calling. For some people, it takes two years to decide on a major. Others may go all four years without finding the answer.
For those folks, graduate school for advanced degrees may be on the horizon.
Advanced Degrees
Physicians, high-level business executives, researchers, college professors, and most lawyers have one thing in common, and it’s not necessarily their tax bracket: They hold advanced degrees in their fields of study.
Advanced degrees offer a level of specialization (and earning power) beyond what a four-year diploma or a certificate can give you.
People who research the effects of school nutrition on academic performance or who diagnose medical conditions using a microscope most likely have advanced degrees.
Usually, you need a bachelor’s degree before starting on an advanced degree and expect to spend upwards of $100,000 in tuition for some advanced degrees.
It could all be worth it, financially, when you land your first degree-specific job.
Little or No Post-Secondary Education
What happens if education beyond high school just hasn’t worked out for you?
All is not lost. Recent data shows 72 percent of people with only high school degrees had jobs in 2017.
You could start your own business, as I discussed above, or you could apply for more general labor jobs which don’t necessarily require a certificate or a diploma — jobs in traditionally labor-heavy fields such as:
Restaurant work
Assisting in construction sites
General manufacturing
Custodial work
Retail sales
Expect to start out in the lowest level at a company and with a lower pay rate. With hard work and by becoming a reliable employee, you may be able to start climbing the wage ladder.
But statistics tell a discouraging tale. Recent Pew Research data says people with a college education will earn, on average, $1 million more over the course of their careers than people with only a high school education.
What’s worse is that automation in manufacturing and the transition to online retail has made competition for these kinds of jobs more fierce.
Simply put, the economy is growing less friendly toward workers with little or no training.
Side Hustling Your Way to Greater Success
Let’s say you have a job, or you own your own business, and you’re pretty happy with what you earn.
Except, you just can’t seem to stay ahead of the curve financially. In August, when the kids need school supplies, your whole budget gets knocked out of whack.
And at year’s end you have to decide whether to contribute to your IRA or buy your wife a Christmas present.
Maybe it’s time for a side hustle.
What is a Side Hustle?
When you start marshaling your free time toward making extra money, you’re working your side hustle.
My favorite side hustles make the best use of your existing habits so you don’t have to think about work all the time.
For example, let’s say you work at a bank downtown and you paint houses as a side hustle. City Hall is near your bank branch.
So on your lunch break, you stop by City Hall to see who has taken out building permits for remodeling their homes. Someone who is remodeling, you think, may need to hire a painter.
In other words, you’d be able to generate job leads for your side hustle without going out of your way or making special trips.
That level of scheduling elegance isn’t a necessity, though. It matters more to be good at the services you’re offering, whatever they may be:
Real estate
Multi-level marketing
Freelance writing or editing
At-home manufacturing
At-home data entry or billing
Interior decorating
Video editing.
This list could go on for days, but you get the general idea: Find something you like to do and find a way to fit it into your schedule.
Here are some other tips to remember:
Create business cards, which you can do easily online. You never know when you’ll come across someone who needs (or knows someone who needs) a service you provide.
Set boundaries to preserve your work-life balance. When things get rolling, it can be hard to tell a potential client “no.” But if you say “yes” to everybody, you may find yourself working around the clock.
Be upfront with your steady gig. Make sure your full-time employer or your business partners know about your side hustle to avoid misunderstandings. Avoid treating your co-workers like a built-in customer base, and don’t use your company’s copying machines or other office equipment to support your side hustle unless you’ve made prior arrangements.
Be transparent with your side hustle customers, too. Let them know you have a full-time job and not necessarily available 24/7.
Keep up with your expenses and your earnings via receipts, invoices, or 1099 forms so you can report your figures properly at tax time. Ask a tax professional for advice before you start spending your earnings.
I also recommend setting some earnings goals.
How much you’d like to earn should influence the kind of job and the ferocity level of your side hustling.
For example…
If You’d Like to Earn an Extra $100 a Week
You could probably earn an extra $100 a week through Multi-Level Marketing (I’m not a huge fan, but hey, maybe it’s your thing) or by selling a line of products to your friends (think candles, beauty products, or environmentally friendly weed spray).
This kind of work takes an outgoing personality. If that’s not you, keep looking.
Some sort of at-home clerical work or light home repair, maybe.
Be careful about up-front costs, though. A lot of these opportunities — especially at-home clerical work or Multi-Level Marketing — require an investment, and if thing don’t go well you won’t recoup those costs.
Before spending any of your own money make sure you’ve talked to some other people who have given it a try. Online message boards can also give you some insight into the real cost of doing business.
Other ideas for earning about $100 a week:
Become a tutor: So you’re good at math or you’re a history buff? Put those interests to use by helping students in your neighborhood excel. Ask the staff at your local schools, put some cards out at the library, or put an ad on Craigslist or Facebook to get started.
Sell your stuff: Do you have boxes of books or DVDs you don’t really need? Find a used book store and sell your extra stuff. If you run out of stuff, go to some yard sales to get more or offer to help your neighbors go through and sell their extra stuff for a commission. You can also sell clothes, yard equipment, children’s toys. The list goes on and on.
Clean someone’s house: Cleaning up isn’t much fun, but earning extra money is. If you can get a couple regular customers, you’ll likely earn $100 or so a week. Be sure to factor in the cost of cleaning supplies.
Become a mystery shopper: Do you have a keen sense for detail? Put it to use as a mystery shopper. Essentially, you’re sharing your experiences as a customer with retail store managers. 
If You’d Like to Earn $1,000 a Month
We’re getting more into part-time job territory here, but with side-hustling, you’re limited mainly by your time and determination.
You can take the $100-a-week ideas above and do them more aggressively — tutor more children, clean more houses, sell more stuff, etc.
Or, you could…
Start a blog about a topic you enjoy, be it cooking, yard work, interior design, reading, train travel, computer networking, music, appliance repair, electronics reviews, mountain climbing, parkour, gardening, water conservation — you get the idea! Develop an audience and monetize it. See my post about starting a blog here.
Be someone’s virtual assistant. Not all administrative support staff work on site and take notes in-person at meetings. You can also help an executive from the comfort of your home by scheduling appointments, typing letters, ordering supplies, and preparing presentations. Zirtual may be able to connect you with someone who needs your help, though it may ask for a fee to get you started. You could also send some emails to companies near you offering your services.  
Become a substitute teacher. It’s a tough job, but if you like variety in your schedule and work locales, and you enjoy working with children and teens, check with your local school district; most districts have frequent openings. If you can find six or so hours a couple times a week, it could be worth your time.
If You’d Like to Earn an Extra $10,000 a Month
There comes a point when a side hustle becomes your main hustle. If you’re shooting for $10,000 a month, maybe you’ve reached that point.
If you’re serious about it, though, here’s something to keep in mind: To earn this kind of money on the side, you may need more inspiration than perspiration.
Can you think of a new way to do something which will make an existing process more efficient?
If so, your new knowledge will be worthwhile to others:
Can you develop an app to make car shopping more seamless?
Can you find a chemical process to make composting easier and more efficient?
Can you add a new layer of automation to an existing manufacturing process?
Innovations like these — combined with good business sense and the right kind of marketing — can put you on the map as an earner/entrepreneur
Sometimes, You Just Need More Money
For most of us, more money equals more freedom.
Some people can cut costs to come up with more flexibility in their monthly budgets. You can do things like:
Getting a basic phone to avoid cellular data charges.
Cutting the cable TV bill and getting a cheaper streaming service.
Putting off that new car to avoid a regular payment and higher auto insurance.
Keeping the AC set to 75 degrees to reduce energy bills.
Sometimes, though, you just need more money, plain and simple.
If your need is immediate, a side hustle may be the way to go.
Who knows? Your side hustle may turn into your full-time business.
If you’re planning the next 10 years and have some career goals, consider mixing in some education. Getting the right certification, diploma, or advanced degree should open some doors.
And, of course, if you’ve caught that entrepreneurial spirit, you may already have the skills you need.
Maybe it’s just a matter of getting the right financing to start your business growing.
Whatever your case, make sure you’re making a plan to meet your specific needs — financially, personally, and professionally.
I’ve heard it said, and I’ve found it to be true: Once you find your true calling, you no longer feel like you’re working.
Instead, you’re just turning what you enjoy doing into a steady flow of earned income.
The post How To Make Money: Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Good Financial Cents.
from All About Insurance https://www.goodfinancialcents.com/how-to-make-money/
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ajaklaaaaaaaa · 7 years
Who is Nick Weaver coming all the way from Seattle over L.A. to Germany wearing an Eintracht Frankfurt Jersey in his Tour promo video? He is an artist, he is a performer, he is a producer and a guy like you and me. Check out our interview for information about his HipHop approach, his self-perception and the tour dates in Bad Nauheim on the 10th and 11th of November 2017. In 2016, 330724 Spotify listeners streamed 9.8 years of his music. The first release that I found online was „Forever Automatic„ in 2012, followed by his debut „Day One, None“ in 2013, by “Yardwork” 2015, „Prowler“ in 2016 and „Photographs Of Other People“ 2017. Besides that you can find side projects and freestyles on his Youtube account. You’ll find the tour date infos at the end of the article. NICK WEAVER Website – Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – Spotify – Soundcloud – Youtube – auf RUN FFM When asked about the style of his music he says it has a Kendrick Lamar, James Blake and Jamie XX touch and is for any fans of Hip-Hop, R&B and even Electronic Music. The list of artists he likes and is inspired by is long and diverse: From Depeche Mode, Mozart, N.W.A., The National, LCD Soundsystem, Hot Chip, Mogwai, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Jay-Z, Nas, Biggie, Mobb Deep, to Eminem.* Let’s jump in with the interview. Can you tell me something about your family- and your educational-background? I grew up outside of the city of Seattle in the United States. I have two older brothers, a mother, and a father – they all live in Seattle area. My father was a scientist for the United States Geological Survey and my mother was a writer/technical editor. I studied marketing at a college in Seattle, which lead me to a business career before I got super serious about music when I moved to L.A. It seems like you had a productivity boost since 2016 judging from you youtube output. What happened? I became much more self-sustained as an artist. I taught myself how to produce instrumentals, so I could pretty much do it all. That process was (and still is) so inspiring and motivating to me. It re-ignited my creativity; the desire to try new stuff. What do you think people feel when they listen to your music? I hope they hear someone who puts a lot of themselves out there. Music is such an incredible thing to be able to do, so you really gotta go all in. I hope people hear someone who really loves the process of making music, and someone who is constantly working at creating their own style of sound. You seem to be a dedicated person thinking about you inspirational and motivational talks on Youtube. Why did you decide to share those thoughts with your audience? I love talking about the process of being creative. I love sitting down with fellow artists, business owners, even friends who have big dreams in other fields. It’s motivating, and it keeps me driven. I created the #WorkFlow series as a way to let people see that side, and to show them that “Nick Weaver” the artist is also very human. In Yardwork BTS: Ep 4 – The Show you say the following: “Everyday shit that I know a lot of people relate to. It’s just real life shit. Keeping that theme, maturation, coming of age, figuring out what is important in life and sort of casting away the rest of the bullshit.” Would you say that you are a normal guy? I would like to think so, yes. Everybody has their own quirks and eccentric parts to them, I have no shortage of my own. I like that about people though. It’s not hard to figure out that you are a sports fan. On your IG are a lot of pictures showing you in jerseys of many different teams. Are you also practicing sports? I used to play a lot of sports – soccer (properly called football in your country), and basketball. I am short, so I always play sports with a big chip on my shoulder! There is one thing that we are especially interested in: Where did you got this awesome Eintracht Frankfurt jersey from? Good choice! Haha, I knew RUNFFM would like that! So in the States you can actually order the Bundesliga kits without sponsor logos on them. Eintracht Frankfurt is my team for life! When I toured Germany in 2016 I promised myself that if I got to see a Bundesliga team play at home, that team was going to be my squad – and it just so happened to be Eintracht that I got to see. The fans were so amazing, it was like a spiritual sporting experience for me. Frankfurt has been my team ever since. I even got to see them do a friendly match in my hometown against the Seattle Sounders. How did some of your videos end up at the german entertainment and gamer channel RELOADIAK? Christian (RELOADIAK) is a homie. He has been such a great support to me. He initially found my music when it was featured in a Super Street Magazine car video a few years back. He really liked it and contacted me about asking to use it. He had so many amazing fans there that really liked my music, so we built a relationship where he was cool with posting some of my content on his channel. Which kind of relationship do you have with Germany? What made you tour here and not in another European country? The fans I have in Germany are so supportive. They show me so much love on Spotify, YouTube, Instagram, FB, everywhere. I love them for that. They created the opportunity for me to go somewhere else in the world and play music. I can’t even describe how grateful I am for the fans! The tour had to be in Germany! It seems like you’re doing more than just rapping. You contacted me, I saw storyboards on your IG, you are playing instruments and you are producing? Is it a necessary evil or do you need to be in control of all the work? I think independent artists should be in control of as much as they think they can still be happy with. I certainly think there are things like videos and photography that you need to leave to the pros. But there are so many tools these days to help you create your content. It’s all one YouTube tutorial away. Even if your doing a lot on your own you probably have a team or people that you trust and work with. Who are these people and how do they help you? My manager Austin Hurwitz is a lifesaver, extremely professional, and an incredibly hard worker. He keeps me honest about my process too. My good friend Ryan Skut shoots a ton of my stuff. He shot all the artwork for the Photographs Of Other People project. I still have a core group of my best childhood friends and my family who come to all of my shows in my hometown in the states, that support after all these years means so much. Do you still have your full time job and what is it about? I have been lucky enough to do music mostly full time at this point in my career. Every once in a while I do contract work on the side for corporate event planning. The first video on your Youtube channel supports a foundation called “Growing Veterans”, you released an EP dedicated to the movie “The Rock” and you can be seen shooting a rifle on your IG. What do you think about the army and weapons in general? You really did your homework on me! Growing Veterans is a great organization in the States started by my childhood friend Christopher –  a US Marine veteran who wanted to help other military veterans back home. The USA still does not give our military veterans the resources they need after service. They struggle with mental health, finding work, and many other problems when they come home. Chris created Growing Veterans to find work for former military folks in agricultural and farming industries. Our military has endured a lot on behalf of our country’s decisions, it’s important for me to support groups like Growing Veterans. Despite that IG photo, I am very anti-guns. Somehow, someway, the United States is going to have to figure out how to decrease gun violence. Literally as I write this answer, I am seeing a news update about another public shooting in a church. Gun violence is the saddest most senseless shit, and the United States needs real leadership to change this issue. NICK WEAVER GERMANY TOUR „HipHop Jam VII“ Freitag, 10.11.2017, Einlass: 19:30 Uhr Jugendhaus Alte Feuerwache, Johannisstrasse 5, 61231 Bad Nauheim Facebook-Event „Fashion by relict with Nick Weaver DJ Set“ Samstag, 10.11.2017, Einlass: 21:00 Uhr Fashion Caffe Bar, Reinhardstraße 10, 61231 Bad Nauheim Facebook-Event To get an even more tangible picture of your persona I would like you to share something about you that you do not highlight on social media. Guilty pleasures, secrets, things that you want to improve? I love old video games. I just bought a Super Nintendo yesterday, because I still have all my old SNES games from growing up. And I’m not talking about that little “Super Nintendo Classic” that comes pre-loaded with 20 games. I went and bought the OG system on eBay. I still miss my Honda Civic, which is immortalized in my Prowler, Yardwork, and Day, One None albums. I owned that car for 10 years, a whole decade! I am going to get a tattoo of it. I just recently watched the entire Friday Night Lights TV series for the first time. It’s the closest thing to a soap opera that I vibe with. Thank you for your time and the intresting insights! Thank you so much for this opportunity, I know it is in on short notice as well so I really appreciate you doing this! *If you would like to know even more about Nick Weaver you can check out his interviews with respectmyregion, distinctionmgmt, illuminati2g and therealhip-hop. Thanks to my awesome and beautiful Italian co-author Laura for cross-reading! I hope you enjoyed the article For more global HipHop related articles chek my previous posts. Feel free to send me suggestions or feedback to „yoscha at runffm.com“. Find me on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/SoundCloud/tumblr. Cya! Um mit weiteren Events und Konzerten in und um Frankfurt auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, empfehlen wir euch unsere Gruppe mit Veranstaltungshinweisen auf Facebook. Der Beitrag Have you met?! with Nick Weaver erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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davidcdelreal · 6 years
How To Make Money: Everything You Need To Know
How can you earn more money?
You’d think a question this simple would have a simple answer.
Yet experts’ attempts to explain the nuances of earning — whether disguised as personal finance, business management, or the importance of education — could fill a file server.
You could read all the articles, watch all the how-to videos, listen to all the podcasts, and even attend the right business school, but still not know the best ways to make money.
Why is it all so complicated?
I have an idea: It’s because only you are qualified to answer the question of how you can make more money.
Think about it:
Just like our relationships, our time, our food preferences, and even our financial choices are personal.
What works for me may not work for you.
Likewise, I might not survive a day doing something you’d excel at.
And while education, knowledge, and experience matter a lot, they are only the ingredients.
You have to get into the kitchen to cook up your own recipe for financial success and independence:
Are you a people person? Then you should flavor your recipe with face-to-face interactions.
Are you an introvert? Maybe you need a dash of stay-at-home independence.
Are you short on time? Find a recipe with a short prep-time but an abundant yield.
Do you need a flexible schedule? Sprinkle in some freelance work — something like real estate or ad hoc computer programming, for example.
Whatever the case, your recipe must reflect the reality of your personal preferences, your daily challenges, and the way you live.
You can find ideas (and hopefully some valuable advice) in posts like the one you’re reading right now, but you’re the expert on you.
With that in mind, let’s get cooking (especially if you can make money doing it!).
Different Paths, But One Common Goal: Earning More Money!
As you know, finding your own path is essential, but let’s also make sure your path leads where we all want to go: a more profitable and financially secure future.
To do that, get to know more about your local economy (or the broader national or international economy) so you’ll know what skills or products are in demand right now and into the future.
In a dynamic economy like ours, any list of ways to earn money comes with an expiration date.
And, I could spend days listing all the possibilities for earning more money and still not include the one thing you’re looking for.
Still, we need some kind of order for organizing possible paths to earning power.
I like the following three categories:
Side hustles
Let’s explore these categories as you determine where to begin or continue your journey toward making more money.
Earning Through Entrepreneurship
To earn your living by owning your own company: It’s part of the American Dream.
And we’ve all heard the legendary success stories about people such as:
Sam Walton, whose family barely survived the Great Depression. He opened his own tiny grocery store after World War II with financial help from his father in law. The store, of course, grew into Walmart (and Sam’s Club and a few other variations).
Oprah Winfrey, who was raised in poverty and became one of the most successful TV stars of all time, and who also offers reading advice to millions.
Andrew Carnegie who, as a child, worked as a bobbin boy in a cotton mill (before child labor laws prohibited it). He earned billions in steel and helped transform our economy for the industrial age.
Steve Jobs, a college dropout who likely invented the phone or the computer you’re holding right now.
You may be thinking: But these people are the exceptions.
Nobody ever mentions the thousands of inventors, industrialists, retailers, and entertainers who fell flat on their faces.
You’d be right, of course.
More importantly, though, I also didn’t mention the thousands of people who have enjoyed success on a more moderate scale — all the people who went from living paycheck-to-paycheck at a job they hated to supporting their families by owning a business.
This list is longer than you may think, and it’s full of people like you and me — ordinary people who had a vision for a better future and worked hard to make it happen.
I’ll spare you the motivational speech about how you can’t succeed without the possibility of failure, and about how even today’s billionaires can tell you about their ever-growing lists of failures.
Instead, let’s look at some possible paths to entrepreneurial success, all of which allow you to be your own boss and, in most cases, to make your own rules:
Let’s say you love Five Guys Burgers & Fries, an East Coast hamburger place, but the chain doesn’t have a location near you.
As you drive along looking for someplace to eat, you may tell your significant other: “You know, somebody really ought to open a Five Guys on this side of town. They’d make a killing.”
Well, that “somebody” may be you.
You could look into franchising requirements for Five Guys (or whatever your favorite store or restaurant actually is) and open your very own location.
Most stores require some personal investment, and they may have some other requirements, too. You also wouldn’t have total freedom over every decision you make since the corporation you’re partnering with will have its own set of standards.
But if you have a flair for business management but not necessarily a niche product that’s all your own, this could be your path.
Selling Stuff Online
If you need a lower bar for admission into entrepreneurship than opening a franchise, online sales may be your thing. It’s not all knitted scarves or unneeded football tickets these days.
People shop all the time on Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, and countless other sites for used and new products.
To succeed, you need to be an expert on a product so you can make a profit by connecting others with exactly what they’re looking for.
If you’re an expert on guitars, for example, you could spend your weekends shopping garage sales, estate sales, and auctions. You’d see a lot of junk.
But since you know your product line, you’d also recognize the vintage Gibson J-200 someone is selling for a song, and you’ll know how easy it will be to find a premium buyer online.
Along with expertise in your product lines, you’ll need great customer service chops and some patience as you get your business rolling.
Selling Your Advice
It’s not all about tangible products.
You can also sell your expertise, whether you are an expert in business, the arts, engineering, industry, retail, etc.
Thanks to Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts and similar services, you can even offer advice online, whether you’re teaching painting lessons or showing someone how to integrate a drone into their wedding videography business.
Just look at YouTube.
Whether you’re fixing a washing machine or changing your spark plugs, chances are you can find a video of someone else doing the same thing.
What do you know an awful lot about?
Whatever it is, someone else may need your advice. Whether you charge for one-on-one sessions or cast a wider net with more general videos, you can turn your smarts into a source of income.  
Offering a Service
Do you cut your own grass?
Shop for your own groceries?
Pick up your own dry-cleaning?
More and more people are turning to services to do these sorts of things, which means there may be a growing market in your community for someone to perform these services.
By developing a steady clientele and setting some reasonable limits (no 2 a.m. runs to Taco Bell, perhaps?) you can have your own courier service.
Start by placing an ad in your community’s newspapers or free weeklies, and mix in some patience, some flexibility, and a pricing plan that’s fair to you and your customers.
Other Entrepreneurial Ideas
We’ve hit some high points, but this is by no means an all-inclusive list. If you have a business idea, you’ve already caught the entrepreneurial spirit.
Maybe it’s time to start looking into financing, business partners, or marketing strategies.
Not everyone is destined for business ownership though.
Keep reading to learn about other routes to financial success.
Using Education to Unlock Earnings
For several generations it was almost a given: A college degree would open doors for the rest of your career.
Federal labor statistics showed (and still show) higher earning power for people with a four-year degree. So college became a rite of passage across the country.
But what happens if you’re not in a position to pursue higher education?
What if you already have a family and a full-time job?
Or what if taking a bunch of English and philosophy courses just isn’t your thing?
There’s good news for you, too.
You can still unlock higher earnings through education without going the traditional college route.
Let’s take a look at some traditional and alternative educational paths to show what I mean:
Certificate Programs
College can teach critical thinking skills, helping you succeed in a variety of professions.
However, a four-year degree may not teach specific trade skills.
In many professions, employers value specific, hands-on skills over more general thinking skills.
I think it’s best to have both, but to provide employers with skilled employees, many community and technical colleges offer certificate programs for professions such as:
Dental assistants
Web design
Nursing assistants
Electrical work
Auto technicians
Information technology
Certificate programs usually cost a lot less than traditional college courses, and they may require less of your time.
It’s also possible the community college in your area offers night classes and other ways to accommodate classes to your work schedule.
In many professions, getting “certified” unlocks higher wages.
Traditional College Degrees
Of course, skilled trades aren’t for everybody.
Some of us need more time to figure out a suitable profession.
One of the neat things about traditional, four-year college programs is the opportunity to learn a little bit about a lot of things, which means you may come across the right fit when you least expect it.
I remember a friend who started college with no firm plans for the future. She signed up for classes, got her parking pass, and all that.
Then, on the first day of classes, she became enamored with the whole concept of chemistry. She declared chemistry her major, graduated with a degree, and started a successful (and high-paying) career as an industrial chemist.
Most of us will need more than one day of college to find our calling. For some people, it takes two years to decide on a major. Others may go all four years without finding the answer.
For those folks, graduate school for advanced degrees may be on the horizon.
Advanced Degrees
Physicians, high-level business executives, researchers, college professors, and most lawyers have one thing in common, and it’s not necessarily their tax bracket: They hold advanced degrees in their fields of study.
Advanced degrees offer a level of specialization (and earning power) beyond what a four-year diploma or a certificate can give you.
People who research the effects of school nutrition on academic performance or who diagnose medical conditions using a microscope most likely have advanced degrees.
Usually, you need a bachelor’s degree before starting on an advanced degree and expect to spend upwards of $100,000 in tuition for some advanced degrees.
It could all be worth it, financially, when you land your first degree-specific job.
Little or No Post-Secondary Education
What happens if education beyond high school just hasn’t worked out for you?
All is not lost. Recent data shows 72 percent of people with only high school degrees had jobs in 2017.
You could start your own business, as I discussed above, or you could apply for more general labor jobs which don’t necessarily require a certificate or a diploma — jobs in traditionally labor-heavy fields such as:
Restaurant work
Assisting in construction sites
General manufacturing
Custodial work
Retail sales
Expect to start out in the lowest level at a company and with a lower pay rate. With hard work and by becoming a reliable employee, you may be able to start climbing the wage ladder.
But statistics tell a discouraging tale. Recent Pew Research data says people with a college education will earn, on average, $1 million more over the course of their careers than people with only a high school education.
What’s worse is that automation in manufacturing and the transition to online retail has made competition for these kinds of jobs more fierce.
Simply put, the economy is growing less friendly toward workers with little or no training.
Side Hustling Your Way to Greater Success
Let’s say you have a job, or you own your own business, and you’re pretty happy with what you earn.
Except, you just can’t seem to stay ahead of the curve financially. In August, when the kids need school supplies, your whole budget gets knocked out of whack.
And at year’s end you have to decide whether to contribute to your IRA or buy your wife a Christmas present.
Maybe it’s time for a side hustle.
What is a Side Hustle?
When you start marshaling your free time toward making extra money, you’re working your side hustle.
My favorite side hustles make the best use of your existing habits so you don’t have to think about work all the time.
For example, let’s say you work at a bank downtown and you paint houses as a side hustle. City Hall is near your bank branch.
So on your lunch break, you stop by City Hall to see who has taken out building permits for remodeling their homes. Someone who is remodeling, you think, may need to hire a painter.
In other words, you’d be able to generate job leads for your side hustle without going out of your way or making special trips.
That level of scheduling elegance isn’t a necessity, though. It matters more to be good at the services you’re offering, whatever they may be:
Real estate
Multi-level marketing
Freelance writing or editing
At-home manufacturing
At-home data entry or billing
Interior decorating
Video editing.
This list could go on for days, but you get the general idea: Find something you like to do and find a way to fit it into your schedule.
Here are some other tips to remember:
Create business cards, which you can do easily online. You never know when you’ll come across someone who needs (or knows someone who needs) a service you provide.
Set boundaries to preserve your work-life balance. When things get rolling, it can be hard to tell a potential client “no.” But if you say “yes” to everybody, you may find yourself working around the clock.
Be upfront with your steady gig. Make sure your full-time employer or your business partners know about your side hustle to avoid misunderstandings. Avoid treating your co-workers like a built-in customer base, and don’t use your company’s copying machines or other office equipment to support your side hustle unless you’ve made prior arrangements.
Be transparent with your side hustle customers, too. Let them know you have a full-time job and not necessarily available 24/7.
Keep up with your expenses and your earnings via receipts, invoices, or 1099 forms so you can report your figures properly at tax time. Ask a tax professional for advice before you start spending your earnings.
I also recommend setting some earnings goals.
How much you’d like to earn should influence the kind of job and the ferocity level of your side hustling.
For example…
If You’d Like to Earn an Extra $100 a Week
You could probably earn an extra $100 a week through Multi-Level Marketing (I’m not a huge fan, but hey, maybe it’s your thing) or by selling a line of products to your friends (think candles, beauty products, or environmentally friendly weed spray).
This kind of work takes an outgoing personality. If that’s not you, keep looking.
Some sort of at-home clerical work or light home repair, maybe.
Be careful about up-front costs, though. A lot of these opportunities — especially at-home clerical work or Multi-Level Marketing — require an investment, and if thing don’t go well you won’t recoup those costs.
Before spending any of your own money make sure you’ve talked to some other people who have given it a try. Online message boards can also give you some insight into the real cost of doing business.
Other ideas for earning about $100 a week:
Become a tutor: So you’re good at math or you’re a history buff? Put those interests to use by helping students in your neighborhood excel. Ask the staff at your local schools, put some cards out at the library, or put an ad on Craigslist or Facebook to get started.
Sell your stuff: Do you have boxes of books or DVDs you don’t really need? Find a used book store and sell your extra stuff. If you run out of stuff, go to some yard sales to get more or offer to help your neighbors go through and sell their extra stuff for a commission. You can also sell clothes, yard equipment, children’s toys. The list goes on and on.
Clean someone’s house: Cleaning up isn’t much fun, but earning extra money is. If you can get a couple regular customers, you’ll likely earn $100 or so a week. Be sure to factor in the cost of cleaning supplies.
Become a mystery shopper: Do you have a keen sense for detail? Put it to use as a mystery shopper. Essentially, you’re sharing your experiences as a customer with retail store managers. 
If You’d Like to Earn $1,000 a Month
We’re getting more into part-time job territory here, but with side-hustling, you’re limited mainly by your time and determination.
You can take the $100-a-week ideas above and do them more aggressively — tutor more children, clean more houses, sell more stuff, etc.
Or, you could…
Start a blog about a topic you enjoy, be it cooking, yard work, interior design, reading, train travel, computer networking, music, appliance repair, electronics reviews, mountain climbing, parkour, gardening, water conservation — you get the idea! Develop an audience and monetize it. See my post about starting a blog here.
Be someone’s virtual assistant. Not all administrative support staff work on site and take notes in-person at meetings. You can also help an executive from the comfort of your home by scheduling appointments, typing letters, ordering supplies, and preparing presentations. Zirtual may be able to connect you with someone who needs your help, though it may ask for a fee to get you started. You could also send some emails to companies near you offering your services.  
Become a substitute teacher. It’s a tough job, but if you like variety in your schedule and work locales, and you enjoy working with children and teens, check with your local school district; most districts have frequent openings. If you can find six or so hours a couple times a week, it could be worth your time.
If You’d Like to Earn an Extra $10,000 a Month
There comes a point when a side hustle becomes your main hustle. If you’re shooting for $10,000 a month, maybe you’ve reached that point.
If you’re serious about it, though, here’s something to keep in mind: To earn this kind of money on the side, you may need more inspiration than perspiration.
Can you think of a new way to do something which will make an existing process more efficient?
If so, your new knowledge will be worthwhile to others:
Can you develop an app to make car shopping more seamless?
Can you find a chemical process to make composting easier and more efficient?
Can you add a new layer of automation to an existing manufacturing process?
Innovations like these — combined with good business sense and the right kind of marketing — can put you on the map as an earner/entrepreneur
Sometimes, You Just Need More Money
For most of us, more money equals more freedom.
Some people can cut costs to come up with more flexibility in their monthly budgets. You can do things like:
Getting a basic phone to avoid cellular data charges.
Cutting the cable TV bill and getting a cheaper streaming service.
Putting off that new car to avoid a regular payment and higher auto insurance.
Keeping the AC set to 75 degrees to reduce energy bills.
Sometimes, though, you just need more money, plain and simple.
If your need is immediate, a side hustle may be the way to go.
Who knows? Your side hustle may turn into your full-time business.
If you’re planning the next 10 years and have some career goals, consider mixing in some education. Getting the right certification, diploma, or advanced degree should open some doors.
And, of course, if you’ve caught that entrepreneurial spirit, you may already have the skills you need.
Maybe it’s just a matter of getting the right financing to start your business growing.
Whatever your case, make sure you’re making a plan to meet your specific needs — financially, personally, and professionally.
I’ve heard it said, and I’ve found it to be true: Once you find your true calling, you no longer feel like you’re working.
Instead, you’re just turning what you enjoy doing into a steady flow of earned income.
The post How To Make Money: Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Good Financial Cents.
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