#listen im not into him because he’s the popular sexyman
randomalistic · 2 months
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known this guy for 3 days and you’re already DRAWING him… wtf 2nd base already
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checkers-dance · 1 year
sigh. im here again JVFVNJFVNJFVN i was watching this video of this girl reacting to mx which usually i dont watch but i do like the ones made by singers because they're interesting, which she is, so i watched the vid but that's not really the point. she mentioned that she hadn't listened to them before but that she went to a kpop festival they attended and she really liked their performance so she wanted to check them out, and then when changkyun was about to sing she paused and said "by the way, this guy was an absolute fan favorite, people were going crazy about him, i thought i would go deaf with how loud the screaming was" which is so fucking funny to me. i am very aware of how popular changkyun is, i know the girlies like him, but it's always so funny to me when i hear about it in the wild. like changkyun cant be popular, hes my fucked up loser emo guy... i hate him
Ghskfkskfkskf I keep forgetting changkyun is super popular too, but it makes sense. He just has the lone wolf (and secret silly side) energy that probs makes him v widely appealing. Also this is kinda like the tumblr sexyman effect, the more fucked up and weird a guy is, the more popularity he's likely to acquire
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