betterdeadthansmeg · 18 days
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David Lister and his chirpy, gerbil faced optimism.
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maslickonachlebik · 1 month
You might've seen it on my tiktok recently but I'll post it here too because like-
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also I think that someone already posted about this ages ago but yk 😔
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elusivehoney · 10 months
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73 ways to say
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nejene · 3 days
Podzimní listy, část druhá, tantokrát duby. Ještě můžete u mě na profilu omrknout lípy a javor.
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Žluté naušnice
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Oranžové naušnice
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Žlutá brož
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Oranžová brož
(A pokud se divíte, proč jsou rozdělené na žlute a oranžové je to vysvětlené v příspěvku s lipovými listy)
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chopinski-official · 10 days
Is george sands like ur girlfriend bc i kinda ship yall-
I have good news. We were partners for 9 years.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 30 days
do people have certain sprites they associate with certain routes or even consider canon? i do 😭😭
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sadosexual · 27 days
you’re aware ur partner is a system and that’s a different alter fronting than dimitry right ? u don’t have to publish this or anything it’s mostly just bc I know it can be hard dating a system where your needs aren’t being met and I hope you are aware if u weren’t
Chat is this real
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lobaznyuk · 6 months
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? ? ?
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red-dwarfer · 1 year
happy birthday to my favourite third technician in the universe :D
his bday is 14th october, by the way. i always forget that there are such things as TIME ZONES.
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millerflintstone · 7 months
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Today's face.
Look at literal angel, Angel Olsen. I haven't been keeping up with her music as of late, though.
It's grey and gross today
I had to go back to the holistic dentist this morning to pick up a sleep test machine that's supposed to measure how badly I grind my teeth
I picked up coffee at the Human Bean on the way there. Really good coffee!
I realized this morning I have panic related job requests still due to the last healthcare shit show job.
One of the big wigs requested something and only emailed me. Of course the attached example wasn't attached and the guy hadn't emailed me back. I just called him. It helped humanize him and removed my panic.
I miss my kitties but I'm not anywhere near being able to be guardian again
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ostaramaclay · 1 year
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betterdeadthansmeg · 3 months
Dave "Cinzano Bianco" Lister
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I know absolutely nothing about Pool and have no idea what he's talking about, but he looks pretty while he's doing it.
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elusivehoney · 1 year
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1.05/7.05 👀👀
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klykcielewe · 5 months
List do redakcji
Do redakcji szanownej, Piszę w nadziei na pomoc w rozwiązaniu problemu, jaki mnie w ostatnim czasie dręczy. Od przesilenia zimowego pewien siubr zostawia wypieki jagodowe u mnie na zatyłku. Oczywiście, ja nie z takich, co by odmawiała ofiar na własną cześć, zwłaszcza, gdy smakują zacnie, jednak za nic nie jestem zdolna poznać, kto stoi za całą farsą. Jedyne czego mogę być pewna, że nie jest to ani anioł, ani czort, ani kaduk, ani strzyga, bo żadne z nich nie potrafi obchodzić się z mrożonymi jagodami. Liczę na pomoc literaków w mojej sprawie.
Wyrazy etc. Znachorka Angela
Hej, Znachorka Angela! Myślę, że nie ma co się martwić, że to robota diabła. A nawet jeśli, to bardzo miło z jego strony, że przynosi Ci akurat Twój ulubiony placek, zwłaszcza, gdy we wsi brakuje jagód. Dlatego na Twoim miejscu nie zagrałabym w zęby darowanej kurze i cieszyła się podarkami. A jeśli będziesz przez nie potrzebować zrzucić parę kilogramów, wpadnij na jogę do Klubu Nowoczesnych Mieszkanek Małych Miejscowości.
Pozdrawiamy Redakcja
Przypominamy, że listy do nas można wrzucać bezpośrednio do redakcyjnej skrzynki na listy lub wysyłać mi na messengerze. Zapraszamy do korespondencji!
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chopinski-official · 3 days
Fryciu... Since Madame Sand is around, I'm moving out. I'll be with my stepfather @georgewashington-official 's house, and we can meet on neutral ground...
Oh, Emilka… This is so silly. She’s in the afterlife, not our apartment. You don’t have to be anywhere near her.
Ah well, when I am round, I will bring some drożdżówki.
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zmorem-jest · 2 years
Tajemnicą szczęścia jest pogodzenie się ze swoim losem.
Listy do Miriam
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