amanda621 · 5 years
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This is how I pictured the Aurora when it docks while Lo is escaping. It’s a small yacht that represents the claustrophobia that Lo suffers, and the purple lights signify the Aurora to which the boat was named. It’s the type of boat where it looks cute on the outside, but it’s suffocating on the inside.
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Twilight - Like Twilight, and the vampires within, this building sparkles. The sparkly façade also represents the image and rep that Twilight gets with its fame and glory. However, once you look a little closer you realize their isn't much to it. It is very flat, like the characters in twilight. The white and the black entrances on the bottom represent the white for vampires (the pale ones) and black for the werewolves. 
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alldaisies-blog1 · 5 years
Discussion Question
How did you chose which additional reading you wanted to do? I personally found that most of the ones we have all read are more positive and optimistic than others. So from there, I wanted to read something a little different, but also something I thought I would benefit from.
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torrey-snhu-blog · 6 years
After doing a little research, I discovered this post from Stephenie Meyer about an unfinished accompaniment novel to the first Twilight book. This article describes her vision to write the story of Twilight from Edward’s perspective. After our discussion in class about Edward and his character I was intrigued to see how the author saw him. I haven’t yet read the short piece that she links in this article but I would be really interested to do so and see if I read Edward in a completely different light. This additional piece along with the movie adaption and the original book offer so many different viewpoints for the characters, especially Edward. His behaviors and reactions in Twilight seem so abusive and demeaning that I can’t imagine I would feel much different after reading some pieces from his point of view but I thought that it was interesting that Meyer believed his story was worth telling. I can’t help but think it was maybe her attempt to defend his character after criticisms of the novel surfaced. 
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sammynfraser-blog · 6 years
"The next day was better... And worse." Pg.29
This sentence is the first sentence of chapter two in Twilight, drawing attention from the reader as every letter is capitalized. Bella goes on to list the reasons why the day is better and worse than the first day. It is better because it wasn't raining. Then, it was worse because she was tired and Edward Cullen wasn't in school.
I choose this quote because it depicts the headspace that Bella is in, illustraiting her curiosity in Edward. It demonstrates how she is instantly mesmerized with Edward as in the book is only the second day and he already floods her thoughts, helping determine what a good day and a bad day is for her in Forks. Additionally, it is particularly interesting, as most of us know, Edward is a monster, yet Bella is undeniably allured by Edward since day one. This leads to the question, "How can someone be so attracted to someone that has the potential to be destructive?"
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Twilight (noun)
1. the period of the evening when twilight takes place, between daylight and darkness.
2. a period or state of obscurity, ambiguity, or gradual decline.
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alainabetts-blog · 6 years
“To me, it was like you were some kind of demon, summoned straight from my own personal hell to ruin me. The fragrance coming off your skin. . . I thought it would make me deranged that fist day. In that one hour, I thought of a hundred different ways to lure you from the room with me, to get you alone. I had to run out, to get away before I could speak the words that would make you follow. . . .”
-page 269-270
       -For me this was an important quote because this was a pivotal point in the very beginning of their story. Also to show that he was willing to show a more vulnerable side of him to the readers. He was willing to explain to her the reason why he had acted the way that he did when she had first gone to the school. That the reason he was trying so hard not to hurt her and to hurt his family at the same time. By suppressing the thoughts that he had at the very beginning he was able to keep his family as well as make a bound with Bella that will later form into a relationship but the fact that this had started off as he had wanted to harm her. To it turning into him wanting to always keep her safe even if that meant from him. So that is why it is such an important quote for me because it was a pivotal point in the beginning of their story as well as gave us as the readers an in site on why he acted the way that he did when they had fist meet.
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austintexas19-blog · 5 years
City of Glass
“I do not think this is a game. On the other hand, nothing is clear.” pg. 79
From this notebook piece Quinn writes, the confusion of who called him on the phone, arranging the meeting inside the apartment and discussing with Virginia Stillman after Peter left the room, it all looks foggy and diluted the situation as a whole of being hired to “keep an eye” or “murder” someone. The questions Quinn has regarding the state of Virginia, whether or not she is with Quinn going against Peter’s sake or plotting something else, he doubts himself but goes back and forth. A very interesting story for someone to try and stick with the dialogue. 
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lll111lll1-blog · 5 years
This book with its twists and turns still became a mystery at the end. As the reader is left with various questions on what did really happen, its like a cliffhanger.
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Pop Fiction 3/21
“And most of all--those gloves. Oh my God, those gloves. They were so professional, so clinical.” This quote stands out because the author was able to enhance the terrifying nature of the man in her house (the monster) by honing in on a singular detail. The gloves out of context would be a normal everyday item, but in that situation, the gloves could be used to signify a number of potentially horrible realities.
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“They were there, side by side, leaning forward simultaneously in one movement of entreaty and fear, communicating their terror to one another, taking a keen pleasure in feeling their blood freeze in their veins”.
This quote really captures that sixth thesis of monster theory, “fear of the monster is really a kind of desire”. I highlighted this part of the text, loving the contradiction and the connection between being absolutely terrified but sort of enjoying the drama of it. It shows a great deal about the age and the group of dancers, but also a lot about how we react to fear we don’t necessarily register as real. Based on the girls’ further reactions, you can gather that they didn’t take the event so seriously, like it was a practical joke being played on them. They enjoyed creating a scene over it, and having the attention, and experiencing the remote, contained fear of it.
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amanda621 · 5 years
City of Glass Quote
“My name is Paul Auster. That is not my real name.”
I chose this quote because I think it fits the book perfectly. It shows that nothing is as it seems. We all have confusing stories that need to be discovered. As far as this book goes I’m still trying to figure it out.
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He is extraordinarily thin and his dress-coat hangs on a skeleton frame. His eyes are so deep that you can hardly see the fixed pupils. You just see two big black holes, as in a dead man's skull. His skin, which is stretched across his bones like a drumhead, is not white, but a nasty 17 yellow. His nose is so little worth talking about that you can't see it side-face; and THE ABSENCE of that nose is a horrible thing TO LOOK AT. All the hair he has is three or four long dark locks on his forehead and behind his ears.
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Unlike Twilight, where the monster (Edward) is perceived as beautiful and perfect, the Phantom is described in a repulsive way. The important thing to identify is that although he appears as a corpse, he still resembles a man. In the beginning of the reading, we learn of his mysterious appearances that frighten the girls. However, despite their fear, they are intrigued by him and he is a topic of discussion throughout the opera house. 
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alldaisies-blog1 · 6 years
Discussion Question
Why do you think Lo lets the woman know, that she knows she isn’t Anne? 
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torrey-snhu-blog · 5 years
In the triad of selves that Quinn had become, Wilson served as a kind of ventriloquist, Quinn himself was the dummy, and Work was the animated voice that gave purpose to the enterprise.
pg. 6
This quote really had me thinking, just in terms of ourselves and the multiple personas and faces that we have. We all to some extent have differences in our personality that may show when we are alone, with certain people, or in public but they all are connected to us as a person. In Quinn’s case it is obviously a bit more extreme but the underlying different faces he chooses to show and who he chooses to see which one was a really interesting concept for me to think about. 
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sammynfraser-blog · 5 years
Woman in Cabin 10 Connection
Yesterday, CAPE had a performer come in
to speak. Afterwards, we were all talking and she brought up how she was obsessed with the disappearence of Maura Murray. The story goes is that she disappeared after getting into an accident in the White Mountains. Then, she was able to talk about the investigation, the family, and how there are numerous conspiracy theories. She said that she's part of this group that talks about the disappearence.
This reminded me about the part in the book where there is this chat going on about Lol and her disappearence. I didn't think that these groups were as big of a thing. Though, they do exist.
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alainabetts-blog · 5 years
I found this interview of Ruth Ware talking about The Woman in Cabin 10 and it was really cool to see how she had come up with the idea of this story. As well as how she talks about how she came up with different ideas and how she develops the characters.
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