#litc 91
lolhex12 · 9 months
skylar and cirrus' kisses went from non-con to dub-con to full-con, which, dare i say, character development? cirrus shily asking 'can i kiss you' is the best meal yet.
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cj-marj · 9 months
Finally read LITC 91 and lemme just say, I’M SO HAPPY!! LIKE BRO!!! THE COLLEGE SUGGESTION?! I’VE BEEN SAYING SKYLAR IS THE SWEETEST KID BUT UGH—BRO, HE IS THE BEST!! He brings me to tears cuz after everything he’s been through he’s still so kind. 🥲 He’s such a great kid and I hope he learns that.
Also, realizing that Cirrus stayed in that house partly because he was hoping his relationship with his father would one day improve is so sad but so real. I feel like a lot of people can relate to that: hanging onto something that once made you happy but now brings you pain but you hang on because you hope you can one day return to those days of joy. 🥲
But after reading this chapter, I have one question. Wth is gonna happen in season 3? I can’t even think of anything bro. I’m fully convinced Minwoo is not coming back into the story. Like I think Skylar is really moving past all that and him coming back would just set us ALL back years so let’s not do it. I know Chan-il is gonna buggg Cirrus about what he saw—how could he not. I’d like to see just how Cirrus reacts to that. But other than that, I don’t know what to expect. 💀
Then again, I have NEVER predicted any of the LITC chapters right. Not one. I’ll assume one thing and be so convinced then the chapter will come out and go in a completely different direction. I fr don’t understand how Paskim thinks and yknow what? It keeps my on my toes and looking forward to the next chapter.
This 6 month hiatus finna be a major test of strength but it’s cool. I’m a thug. I can do this (I’m about to reread Solo Leveling (for the umpteenth time) and Pizza delivery man & gold palace to keep myself sane but I digress). Things might be looking up for the LITC fans yall.🤞🏾 (I don’t think so but a girl can hope!)
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cj-marj · 9 months
I’m looking at the thumbnail for LITC 91 and trying not to lose my mind.
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cj-marj · 3 months
LITC 99 (spoiler)
Making this post late but it's partly because I've spent all day trying to digest this chapter.
Bro. We need that kiss to happen. I think we all want it as bad as Skylar does, as bad as Cirrus does. Like, can they please stop getting interrupted? I'm on my knees atp.
Also, genuine question but, at what point do I stop saying "Omg Cirrus is so dramatic; he's so real" to "Is... he emotionally manipulating Skylar?" I'm so serious. Like in ch 93, when he turned around all upset until Skylar tried to make it up to him. And then in today's ch when he got upset at the table and Skylar had to lean into his ear to reassure him that he likes seeing his face??? (Truthfully, in today's chap, Cirrus was kinda real for that. Cuz Skylar going "I won't be around 24/7 for you" kinda broke my heart. Like I just thought back to the college suggestion he made in 91 and how he said they can take care of each other. He pretty much contradicted himself in this chapter. 😭😭)
It kind of makes sense though. He might be doubting how much Skylar likes him when he on the other hand will give his all to Skylar. Like Cirrus going "what's so scary?" In the storage room?? Literally, Skylar's past reveal when??? I wish for them to bond some more. Maybe Cirrus will understand him better. But even more than that, I rlly hope for Skylar to be able to overcome his own fear of being alienated for his sexuality. Do yall remember how happy he was when he made friends??? I can't see him alienated in school again. 😭
Anyways, I'm just wondering if it's wrong to think that Cirrus is emotionally manipulating Skylar. But rlly, should I be surprised? He's low-key been doing this since season 1, along with blackmailing. Kid has been toeing the line for the entire story. 💀
I'm off to go scour the Skyrus tag on ao3. Wish me luck! (I've read all the fics there so far. 💀)
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