#literally a punnet of strawberries yesterday was $9.50
Hey Alvin, I was just wondering if you're still going to be starting university this year? Sorry if something ended up getting in the way of it - at least uni is something that is never too late to start, imo! Anyway, hope you're starting to feel slightly better from the flu <3
Hey my dude! Thanks for asking! My flu is pretty much over now, all that lingers is a beautiful asthmatic cough <3
I wish I was starting this year. See, instead of being grounded and rational like all the other kiddos my age, I decided to uproot again and move overseas because I simply just cannot deal with Australia anymore (y'all should check out the rental and economic/groceries crisis we're going through right now, we're apparently taking notes from America and are on the uprise of being a totally shit country. Like, no offense to America of course <3 The 90's were y'all's peak tho)
Ain't got enough money to fund school immediately upon moving to the next country (which actually has a better course that I wanna do and have wanted to do since childhood and is higher ranked than all of Australia's universities anyways), so I'll have my last summer of fun on the beach this year working before attending school next year in February
I feel like if I leave it any later than that it'll never happen since I'm 21 now, so it's a must for me to go ASAP now that I have a clear projectile of what I want to do
Thanks for checking in!
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