#literally every single person uses evri now. ALL OF THEM.
gayspock · 7 months
on one hand i dont wanna be an asshole & complain bc i know those delivery drivers are overworked . but the dude seriously threw a box that said fragile on all the tape, & stamped over every inch of the box, over my wall and smashed everything in it 🤨. im sooo sick of it bro bc this happens every time... 😭
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ellenicholes95 · 8 years
So more has happened since the start of this new year. There is a chance that my son& daughter-in-law may not end up moving in with us. If we’re lucky they will be renewing the lease on their current apartment with her mom. hopefully we will be able to get my son’s egg donor to step the fuck up & really truly & honestly TRY to be there for him. For them. Because my boyfriend & I CANNOT AFFORD to feed another 3 people. WE already help them as much as we can by buying diapers & wipes for them as well as whatever medications are prescribed to the baby & her mother. Trying not to get my hopes up on this situation but u know what they say, “Hope & pray for the best, yet expect the worst.” Aside from that 2 of my oldest & closest friends are at serious odds right now thanks to a third party. My man friend, H, lives with my long time friend from back when I was in school, A.A., he also lives with his girlfriend, L. H & L had never met & DID NOT know eachother at all when they had started dating. after about a month or 2 after immediately jumping into a relationship with a TOTAL STRANGER, H decided to let l move in. As all that was going on his side of, this my friend, A.A., was in the process of losing everything. She lost her truck due to her horrible piss poor excuses for “parents” & thanks to that she lost the job that she had been desperately holding onto for the last year/ year & a half. At that point her man of the past 5/6 years was starting to talk to his ex who he hadn't spoken to in about the same amount of time that they had been together. As soon as her truck & job disappeared she started looking for a new job, but as soon as she started doing that her man decided to kick her to the curb & jump right on in with his ex. They started & moved in together all in the same week that he ended things with A.A. He did this out of HIS fear of losing everything & for the sake of his own convenience. He has even admitted to all of this. After all that went down MY man & I had offered her a place with us but she politely declined because our place already had 2/3 people too many & things here with us weren't too calm, collected or peaceful. I perfectly understood her turning down our offer but I knew that we were more than likely her best & safest offer. H & L had offered up a place with them & I knew that that wasn't a good idea & I KNEW that things there were NOT going to end well & like usual I called it. As of this past week things there with A.A., H, & L have hit there highest boiling point & I feel that L is behind it because when H had first invited A.A. into his home he told her that she could live there RENT FREE & that he & L were not expecting ANYTHING from her. He also told her to hold onto her $ because she needed to save up so she could get her own place & get her life back on track. The most important thing that he told her was that he WOULD NOT THROW HER OUT like her ex did. Now here we are months later & things have gotten pretty bad over there. L is always down H’s throat about A.A. getting a job & helping them pay bills & shit after they had already come to an agreement of the EXACT OPPISITE. They had already hounded her out of the ONLY $ she had left after she’d moved in with them. She has done nothing but help them keep shit clean & help take of them & the apartment while H & L worked. L was out of work for a good while because she supposedly had/has some super weird super rare skin disorder/illness. She was even thinking about quitting all together even though she works for fucking MICROSOFT & makes damn good money but see her biggest problems are that she is making pretty damn decent $. She eats out EVRY SINGLE DAY!!! H has had to clean out HER CAR several times because it was FULL of fucking fast food trash!!!!! She doesn't clean around the apartment like EVER!!! A.A. does most of the cleaning & H helps out a lot too but L literally does NOTHING. No laundry, no cooking, no dishes, nothing. She’s also jealous of A.A. because H wants her even though he will NEVER have her because she does NOT see him that way at all & because she spends more time with him than L does because L work almost 10hrs a day. My issue with that is that L never wants to MAKE the time to spend with him. She comes home from work then goes straight into the bedroom & doesn't come back out. That or she just lays around on the couch playing fucking videogames & just tunes everyone else out. She doesn't put forth the effort to spend time with him. Another thing I don't like about her that I found out through a friend is that that bitch NEVER SHOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! H wont even have sex with her because of that. Every time things get started he stops her & tell her to go take a shower. My point in all of this being that H would NEVER kick out A.A. if L wasn't around whispering in his ear & putting shit in his head & she has changed him in a way that I do not approve of. I do not like that person that he has become & the things he is trying to do are not based on his ideas & his thoughts & his feelings. All of what is about to happen is all because of L. H & L are not happy with each other so they are taking out all of their anger & frustration on A.A. thinking that kicking her out will somehow make them happy & make their problems WITH EACH OTHER go away which is so not fucking cool! L has turned H into a fucking asshole & she needs to go because she IS NOT relationship material anyways.                                                   -Ellen Nicholes
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