#literally have 60 pics from today jdshgjaksgd
calpicowater · 6 years
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Day 103/365: April 13th 2018 | Last Day of ... Undergrad ???
To be honest, I am always paranoid about announcing stuff like this just in case my academic advisor and I fucked up on calculating my degree requirements lmao...... Even though I got 2 official degree assessments (during 2016 and 2017) as well as an informal degree assessment at the beginning of this term. I double checked, triple checked, quadruple checked. I checked for courses and credits until I went crazy LLOLLLL. In other words, I did ****everything**** that I possibly could. If things go wrong, that really would be the worst luck ever and even Bad Luck Lily does not seem to have the ability to fuck That up. Because I know that my GPA standing will be enough to graduate for sure. I’ll be fine.... so... calm tf down @/me. ;_;
ANYWAY. About today! Today was ridiculously busy and eventful. Felt super long. I woke up at the ungodly hour of 9am and got ready. Before going to class, I went to SUB with Charmy to get free pancakes and sausages (+ orange juice 🍊)! One of the UASU volunteers asked me about compliments because they saw my shirt and I felt so recognized LMFAO. Anyway, a bunch of people were waiting on sausages and each person could take 2. But when it came to my turn, there were THREE left in the bin and there was another person reaching for sausages at the same time as me and the just TOOK the extra piece without negotiating with me!!! OR EVEN TRYING TO LET ME HAVE IT!!!!!! BUT!!! I waited for a bit longer for more sausages and even though I ended up freezing for 5 more minutes outside, I ended up getting 3 sausages in total so who’s the winner now!!!!!!!!!!! >: ( 
Ate the free breakfast, went to the final earth science lecture (zzz) and went to quad for PositiviDay! I basically just made balloons with Vivian + Kevin for 1.5 hours LMAO. I have never made so many balloons in my life!!! Overwhelming but fun lololol. After making balloons, I ate Pearl’s leftover Donair poutine with Erica HAHAHA. After that, I went to the BeaverTails food truck and used the 5 free tickets that I was given *_* and got the cinnamon/sugar/lemon flavour. Nom nom. Spent the rest of the time sitting at the treats table with Cindy. Wheee. 
Went to my brain chem lecture aka my final lecture of undergrad........... WOAH... The lecture deadass ended within 30 minutes LMFAO. Went back to quad for club group pic and then went home and rested (cooked + ate noodles, proofread my research proposal + submitted it) before going to Kung Fu Tea with Erica and Jerry at 9pm lolololol. We went for their Buy 1 Get 1 Free event and tbh it wasn’t super worth it because they seem to be really cheap..... deadass filled mine + Erica’s cups with 50% ice like what the fuck........ this is especially wtf because we both asked for no ice smh fhkjsdgks anyway after being at KF tea for 30 minutes, we went to Coco because Jerry wanted more bubble tea??????? LOOOOO>LLLLFJSKF wild kids right here!!!! But today was a good way to celebrate the end of classes (5ever). I had fun ^_^ ~
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