#literally so far what i have encountered and seen in life: nothing is meritocratic. connections are everything.
pendraegon · 2 years
life tips for being well-rounded and/or able to do A Lot of things?
do i give off the impression of being well rounded 😳 bc if so, that’s an incredible compliment!! but here are some of my hacks? philosophies? on the matter:
[1] do a little daily (or as often as you can)! any thing that you want to do or better yourself with, to actually achieve or make strides in the direction you want, you gotta actually do it. it doesn’t matter if it’s 5 minutes or 10 minutes or even just 2 minutes a day — the amount doesn’t matter so much as the intent, and over time as it becomes something more integral to who you are and how your day progresses, the time SHOULD hopefully add up! but of course if you’re super busy or have other commitments, it’s okay to not stress yourself and be like “i HAVE to do X, Y, Z daily”. remember, you aren’t going to build up any skills in one day, it’s a cumulative effect, and you’re not gonna lose it either just bc you take a few days or a week or so off (^:
[2] get back on the saddle when you fall out but don’t beat yourself up about it! i think the two hardest things in starting anything is (1) the first few days as you become accustomed to it and (2) when you inevitably have a break/no longer keep up your daily streak. brush yourself up, don’t be too mad about not being perfect, and try your hand at it again!
[3] kinda leads to three in that you will suck at it at first. especially if it’s something you’ve never done before. may it be learning a language, instrument, language, knitting, how to bake or cook, etc. embrace being an amateur! for me, it’s really lovely to remember the word’s etymology being “one who loves”. you don’t have to be the best, you just have to be enjoying what it is that you’re doing from your heart. even if it does get a little gritty now and again. improvement cannot come without beginning first, and the beginning might be rusty and that’s just where everyone starts.
[4] honestly one of my biggest mindsets is like. i’ll do anything twice, once just to try it out, twice to see if i like it. also keep an open mind, you’ll be surprised where the road takes you! there’s so many hobbies and interests i’ve picked up where i first went into something else with an idea of X and it turns out hey X isn’t really meant for me, but this thing Y that i never would have known existed until i came into contact with X is more my speed. now you’re also learning more about yourself and that’s wonderful! (^:
[5] and most importantly, it’s not about the ends, it’s about the means. it’s not about your destination or starting point, but the journey and i think it’s easier to say to enjoy all the ups and downs, but really that’s what makes it all fun in the end. it’s more satisfying if you have to get your hands a little dirty you know?
OH WAIT ONE LAST THING. this is never going to be a done deal thing where you reach a level and you’re a pro or you reach a point and you’re now Officially A Well Rounded Person. there will always be things to learn, to think about, to fiddle with, and to better yourself in ways that weren’t before. and i honestly think that’s the most fun bit.
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