#literally spent 30 min trying to come up with ONE book ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ญ
starlit-hopes-and-dreams ยท 1 year
1 do you prefer a standalone or a series?
11 the best book you have ever read?
20 do you prefer audio books or e-books?
Elli, I love you for changing out those pesky shorthand yous. <3 Thanks for the ask! From this ask game.
1. do you prefer a standalone or a series?
Most definitely prefer a series. I get attached to these little fuckers and I *always* want more. Honestly, it is exceedingly rare for me to even find a standalone I want to read anyway, but *shrugs*
Also, I prefer a series that follows the same cast of characters, but I'll take reading about a new set of mc's as long as the old ones still feature in the book :)
11. the best book you have ever read?
Fuck this question ๐Ÿ˜‚
The best, how? Like best written? best as in favorite? I guess I'll go with favorite? (which also, fuck picking favorites lolol)
Mostly bc I'm not a great judge of literary quality. I'm in it for the characters and there are some truly awful books written that the characterization completely makes up for, so take that as you will lol.
I've been staring at this question for waaaaay too long. Also super hard to pick a singular book (reference first question lol)
Not gonna say its the best ๐Ÿ˜‘, but The Rowan by Anne McCaffrey is a particular favorite of mine from way back when. It's part of a series, but it's the one I like most.
The Rowan is caught in a landslide that orphans her as a toddler, trapped in a vehicle for days while the entire planet listens to a baby wail psychically in their minds. Once rescued, she grows up with a handler's family. She is a strange traumatized child who keeps to herself, and is way way too strong (psychically).
She is set apart and isolated her entire life, either by her own choice or by the cruelty of others, and the whole book is just one blow after another until she walls herself off completely.
But she finds love and acceptance at the end and its just so ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ
20. do you prefer audio books or e-books?
ebooks ebooks ebooks ebooks ebooks
*comes up for air*
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