#but one of the kids she lived with destroyed it bc they knew she loved it 😭😭
1 do you prefer a standalone or a series?
11 the best book you have ever read?
20 do you prefer audio books or e-books?
Elli, I love you for changing out those pesky shorthand yous. <3 Thanks for the ask! From this ask game.
1. do you prefer a standalone or a series?
Most definitely prefer a series. I get attached to these little fuckers and I *always* want more. Honestly, it is exceedingly rare for me to even find a standalone I want to read anyway, but *shrugs*
Also, I prefer a series that follows the same cast of characters, but I'll take reading about a new set of mc's as long as the old ones still feature in the book :)
11. the best book you have ever read?
Fuck this question 😂
The best, how? Like best written? best as in favorite? I guess I'll go with favorite? (which also, fuck picking favorites lolol)
Mostly bc I'm not a great judge of literary quality. I'm in it for the characters and there are some truly awful books written that the characterization completely makes up for, so take that as you will lol.
I've been staring at this question for waaaaay too long. Also super hard to pick a singular book (reference first question lol)
Not gonna say its the best 😑, but The Rowan by Anne McCaffrey is a particular favorite of mine from way back when. It's part of a series, but it's the one I like most.
The Rowan is caught in a landslide that orphans her as a toddler, trapped in a vehicle for days while the entire planet listens to a baby wail psychically in their minds. Once rescued, she grows up with a handler's family. She is a strange traumatized child who keeps to herself, and is way way too strong (psychically).
She is set apart and isolated her entire life, either by her own choice or by the cruelty of others, and the whole book is just one blow after another until she walls herself off completely.
But she finds love and acceptance at the end and its just so 🥰🥰
20. do you prefer audio books or e-books?
ebooks ebooks ebooks ebooks ebooks
*comes up for air*
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damiansgoodgirll ¡ 2 months
HIIIIIII I saw you're Damian and Rhea x reader that you just posted AND I HAVE A IDEA (No rush I'm just sending it so I don't forget)
OKAY SO in the same universe as the previous fic what if backstage on Monday night raw finn starts trying to convince the reader to join the new judgment day (bc he obviously still cares for the kid) like trying to get jd or Dom to guilt trip them or even getting liv Morgan to be buddy buddy since reader had trouble making friends.
But the reader STAYS LOYAL to the terror twins 🖤
running to write this because i love it, here’s part one
the judgment day x reader (platonic) , mention of drew mcintyre
‼️finn being a good manipulator lol, family issues, fear of abandonment, angst, reader feeling insecure, brief mention of suicidal thoughts (sorry it’s a little angst)
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don’t break my heart - part 2
you lied if you said that you slept the night right after summerslam. no, you were in your hotel room watching the ceiling over and over, thinking of what was going to happen now. damian and rhea made sure to stay with you a few hours after the show, helping you calm down and making sure that you would eat something.
but they were tired and angry, so you perfectly understood when they waved goodbye and went to their rooms. they needed time to think and to cool off.
5 am and you were up to board on your next flight that didn’t leave until noon. you were living off on caffeine and sugar drinks but you didn’t care. you had no idea what was going to happen on monday night raw because you weren’t supposed to have any matches that night, you knew you would go with rhea and damian but you didn’t know what your future was going to be.
once you landed and you checked in into your new hotel room, you received a text from finn, saying to let him know once you arrived at the arena because he wanted to talk to you.
you drove along with rhea and damian and they both sensed your fear as you kept quiet, “you okay there?” damian asked you.
“uh?” you woke up from your trance.
“dam asked if you were okay, is everything okay y/n?” rhea added turning to face you.
“oh yes, i’m okay, just a lil nervous…” you hated lie to them, you hated lie in general but you couldn’t tell them that you were about to meet with finn. they would probably get mad at you and the last thing you wanted was to have your best friends hating on you too, so you kept it for yourself.
damian kept driving, knowing that eventually you would open up to them when you were ready.
once at the arena you waved them goodbye and went straight to your changing room. rhea told you to get ready in case something happened and if she needed your help so you did as she told you.
you texted finn and told him he could come over if he needed to talk to you so bad and not even 10 minutes later you heard a knock on the door.
“come in…” you screamed and he let himself in.
“hi” you couldn’t deny that the situation was awkward. you stood there for a couple of minutes before he could talk.
“listen…y/n i’m so sorry for everything that happened at summerslam” he apologized to you but you knew he wasn’t sorry at all.
“you lied to me finn…”
“and you lied to damian and rhea because i’m pretty sure they don’t know i’m here” he smirked at you and that look made you sick in the stomach.
“are you here to threaten me? are you to destroy the little family i have left? what do you want finn…i have no time for more bullshit, please” your voice sounded broken and finn hated himself for the way he treated you.
“i know…i’m so sorry for everything and you have to believe me…i’m not sorry for damian or for rhea because i got tired of being their little puppy, dominik too…but i have nothing against you, never have, never wil…i care about you y/n…don’t you remember all the things we shared? all the things we’ve went through?”
and you couldn’t lie to him. you will always remember how kind and patient and caring he has always been with you.
he was the first person you told about your past, even before telling damian and rhea. he was the one who held you while you cried when you told him about your thought of ending your life. he was the one who comforted you and made sure you never felt left out. and he was true when he said you’ve been through a lot because he was always there for you.
but so were damian and rhea so you couldn’t understand why was finn telling you all of that.
“why are you here finn?” you simply asked him, his way of bringing back memories made you feel guilty. seeing how much you depended upon someone made you realize that you probably were better alone than with someone.
“i want you to join us…”
“join who?”
“me…y/n, me, dom, jd and liv…listen, i know you and i know damian and rhea and they will leave you at some point…they are both chasing vengeance and power, they want their titles back, they won’t be with you forever and, i’m sorry to say it but they won’t take care about you forever…you saw the way rhea treated dom or the way damian treated jd…” his words were starting to impress in your head “jd kinda likes you” he chuckled “no, i’m pretty sure he has a crush on you…and listen, liv is really a friendly person, i know you don’t like her right now but i promise you, if you get to know her you will like her more…just give us a chance”
maybe he was right.
maybe you would ended up being alone one day and he was right about that damian and rhea had their own lives apart from you. hell, rhea just got married, maybe she would like to start a family one day…maybe finn was right.
finn always cared about you, he proved it many times so why were you afraid of trusting him?
“i-i…i don’t know finn…” your mind started to overthink. you were feeling overwhelmed and despite you still loved finn, despite you still caring for him, you couldn’t betray damian and rhea.
“listen i-…”
“no finn, you listen to me. how can you expect me to choose between you or them? how-how can you tear this family apart like this? because maybe for you it was nothing but for me…for me it was everything…” tears slowly falling down your face.
finn knew that it was wrong putting you in all of this mess. he knew that no matter what he still would have a space for you in his heart but the idea of choosing them instead of him made him feel useless, like somehow he failed you.
“i can’t choose between you or them because you are the ones who broke this group apart…” more tears falling from your eyes “i-i can’t finn…i can’t” and before he could say anything else, you turned to face the door and quickly left your changing room.
drew noticed you walking down the arena corridors with teary eyes and no matter how many time he called you, your mind couldn’t register any sound or noise. it felt like you couldn’t hear anything except your heart beating in your chest.
i just saw y/n crying and going towards the emergency exit of the arena. finn balor just came out of her changing room. don’t know what happened but she seems overwhelmed, she needs you.
drew texted rhea. he was pretty worried when he saw in what state you were in. he knew that even if he chased you, you probably would have just pushed him away. he knew something about your past and he knew how the other females in the roster would give you “the looks” and honestly he felt for you, he just wanted you to feel welcomed because for him, the wwe was just a big huge family. he knew that you needed time, that’s why he warned rhea.
when she read the text, she felt her heart missing a few beats.
“what?” damian asked a little concerned when he saw the look on her face.
she was still a little shocked “drew texted me…he saw finn leaving y/n’s changing room and he said that when she left she was crying…she’s probably going’s back to the hotel, he said she’s going outside”
that was all damian needed to hear before leaving rhea’s changing room and sprinting over the emergency exit. rhea following behind, making a note to thank drew later.
they both saw you sitting on the emergency stairs and slowly they both approached you.
damian sat in front of you while rhea sat next to you “hey angel…” rhea slowly turned your face towards hers “why are you crying beautiful?”
in that moment you saw it in their eyes.
they cared.
they cared like a family.
rhea was about to cry because she couldn’t stand the idea of seeing you upset.
“finn wanted to talk to me…he, well, he basically offered me a spot to join him alongside with dom, jd and liv…” you said. you feared that they would get mad but rhea’s eyes told you the opposite.
“and what did you say?” damian asked you, gently smiling at you.
“that i can’t…i can’t leave you, i can’t even look him in the eyes, it just hurts too much and i can’t have you hate on me too” you softly spoke.
damian looked at you and saw nothing but pure intentions “y/n…we could never hate you. we know how close you and finn are, and i know it hurts right now so we won’t forbid you to see him again if you want to…”
“but i can’t damian! it doesn’t feel right, it’s not right! i’m not turning my back on you, i would never do that…you guys mean so much for me and i can’t stand the idea of losing you or hate you but…but finn said some things that made me think…”
“what did he say sweetheart?” rhea gently asked.
“well, for instance, rhea you just got married…and i can’t hold you back for the rest of my life just because my head is a fucking mess, you have your life and i don’t want you to feel the need to look after me forever…same goes for you damian, i can’t depend on you for the rest of my life…”
“that’s absolute nonsense y/n” damian said and rhea agreed with him. she was mad with finn for playing those mind tricks with you, knowing exactly that your mind wasn’t in the right place and that you would get negative thoughts very easily.
“listen” damian spoke “we are a family okay? we stay together, now, tomorrow and in ten years okay? just because we have a life outside this company doesn’t mean that you’re not a part of our life outside of it okay? we stay together instead and outside…i love you like you are my own sister, fuck you could be my daughter y/n…” damian joked making you laugh.
“damian’s right” rhea held your hands “we stay together because we care about you, now and in a million years…”
“thank you for everything guys…” you smiled at both at them.
“you don’t have to thank us love…” rhea wiped some of your tears away “now, why don’t you help me getting ready uh? tonight’s gonna be a big night and i want to look perfect” she laughed making you laugh too.
“yup” you smiled and with their help you got up from the uncomfortable stairs.
rhea mentally noted to thank drew and to kick finn’s ass because he made you doubt yourself, and most importantly, he made you cry.
okay so what about part 3 with reader and drew getting to know each other and developing feelings for each other and damian and rhea acting like big parents to reader?
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scekrex ¡ 7 months
An idea? Did somebody just say they have an idea? Oh wait, that would be me! Hi, hello, love, me again, the little pretty devil on your shoulder that encourages you to sin, or rather, create ✨
Just Adam, reader and Lute playing UNO. You probably knew this was coming. It's basically them just playing it like that one video on Smii7y's channel where everybody basically just yells at each other. Honestly it would be so funny to read about them playing, the reader placing a card for Lute, a nice +4 (Fucking hate that bitch, the sole reason for my misery during that game), what he didn't think of was the possibility of Lute having another +4. She put it down on top of the reader's (They play by the rule where the +4 or +2 stack) and Adam just goes "I can't believe you've done this!" (Like the meme with the British dude in sunglasses getting punched in the face), reader laughing and mocking him with "Oh, I cAn'T bElIeVe YoU'vE dOnE tHiS!" with a British accent, but then Adam finds another +4 in his cards, places it down and looks at reader with a satisfactory smirk. When readers sees it he just goes "Fuck, I actually can't believe you've done this. You fuck" with an accusatory tone, realising he has to pick up 12 cards and just flips his cards like Steve Harvey sometimes does at stupid answer during Family Feud saying "Man, fuck this, I ain't playing with you no more! You best believe I'll get my revenge. No damn sex for you" while walking away, obviously directing it for Adam, but Lute just going "DISGUSTANG" and Adam just going "He was not speaking to you, bitch. Mind ya business. This one is mine, there's my life on the line😭". I just see the possibility of them playing UNO while bored in Heaven would be the funniest shit ever 😂 UNO destroys relationships, kids... AND emotionally damages you 😭
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Nah bc they'd roast the living shit outta each other. Just imagine how they'd react when playing Mario Kart, they'd tear open each other's throats.
Tired Games
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, crack fic comin' through whoop whoop
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
All you had wanted was a chill evening with your husband and Lute, to relax and enjoy the day off. So you three sat on the floor of your and Adam's apartment, in front of you there was a stack of UNO cards. You had been playing for a couple hours by now and slowly all of you were losing your patience. UNO was one of the games that always ended in fights, either because Lute was convinced the ‘you can stack a +4 on a +4’ rule was entirely made up - she had once shown you a tweet from the company that said doing so was against the rules - or it was like today.
“Hurry up babes,” Adam poked you in the side which caused you to flinch away from his touch and bat his hand away, “Stop that you touch starved bitch.” You slapped a +4 onto the stack, offering Lute the most wicked grin you had in store, “Sucks to be you, bitch.” Lute however was having none of it, she returned the grin, equally wicked and pulled another +4 out of her deck.
The look the first man gave you was priceless, he looked truly betrayed while a bit of annoyance gleamed in his golden eyes, “I can't believe you've fucking done this.” You chuckled to yourself as you poked him back, a small giggle escaped you as he flinched away just like you had. “Oh, I can't believe you've fucking done this, go cry about it bitch,” you mocked him as you laid down. You were starting to get tired but you also wanted to finish the game. The problem was when you grew tired you also grew short tempered and so you knew it was only a matter of time until things would escalate. Still you continued as you put your head in Adam's lap. The brunette looked down on you and offered you a small smile, then his hand was in your hair and for a tiny moment your eyes fell shut as you embraced the warm touch your husband gave you.
The first man stayed silent for a long time as he went through his cards, clearly thinking hard about whether to play the card he had or not. “Hurry up, old man,” Lute grumbled and kicked his shin, that made Adam yelp in pain and scoot backwards a little - he made sure to move drag your body with him so that you could continue to use him as a pillow - to get away from the executor, “Geez, the fuck is wrong with you?” he complained as he played yet another +4 card. The smirk on his face was sweet, so sweet that you genuinely wanted to tear it off and throw it in the trash. You looked at the stack of cards, then up at Adam and back down at the cards. That meant you had to draw 12 godforsaken cards. Fucking 12.
“Fuck that,” you flipped your cards over in anger and pushed yourself up - away from Adam - so that you sat on the floor before you fully got up, “Fuck you,” you flipped Adam off before turning to Lute, “And fuck you too.” With crossed arms and in a shitty mood you walked over to the couch and wrapped your wings around your body in order to hide from the people sitting on the floor. “I ain't playing with you with you no more,” you grumbled quietly, then raised your voice a little so that Adam could hear your threat, “No fucking sex for you.”
Lute's face twisted in disgust and she wrinkled her nose at your words, “Disgusting.” Adam raised an eyebrow and side eyed her, not sure if she truly thought you had addressed to words to her or if she was playing, “Bitch, he was talking to me, this is my punishment, my fucking life's on the line here,” the first human soul in heaven whined and got up from the floor as well. “Don’t forget so is your dick,” Lute reminded the brunette who just groaned at that as he walked over to you. He carefully nudged the tips of your wings apart and really couldn't help the smile when he saw your pointing face. “Aw, c’mon babes, it's just a stupid fucking game,” he hummed as he kneeled down to be on eye level with you, his hands were resting on your knees which were pressed against your chest. “Fuck off, I said what I said,” you mumbled as you were avoiding eye contact. You knew too well that he could plead so prettily with them golden eyes of his, looking straight into them meant risking taking your words back and letting him win. He put a finger underneath your chin and tilted your head slightly, he basically forced you to look at him. All it took was one glance and you were done for, you simply knew you lost.
Your eyes must've given that away because Adam leaned in to give you a short yet soft kiss, “That’s a good boy.” You turned your face away, grumbling something about how he should watch his mouth. “You two done with your shit? Can we continue?” Lute interrupted and while you loved her like a sister, you would've loved to grab her by the wings and throw her out the window. You might save that for later though. You pushed yourself away from the soft fabric of the couch and right into Adam's arms, “Actually,” you mumbled as you wrapped your arms around his neck so that he could carry you, “I think I’m going to bed.” Tiredness had won you over once again but Lute understood, of course she did. “Feel free to crash on the couch, danger tits,” Adam offered the exorcist but she shook her head, “I’d rather not want to wake up to the sound of you two fucking again, thanks. One time was more than enough.” Adam shrugged, he thought that was fair. And while the two of them had that little conversation, you had already fallen asleep in Adam's arms.
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noodle-made-a-mistake ¡ 1 month
A short list of things that bother me about the Magisterium canon:
Forgive me in advance for rambling, I have to get these thoughts out of my brain lmao (also it's been a couple years so correct me if I'm wrong! (I really hope I’m wrong on some of these :’) )) Spoilers ahead obviously!
● The lack of Calron :(
● Not taking the opportunity to develop Tamara's character and keeping her static until she's randomly just different. Strong female characters aren't just skilled and perfect until their one flaw (usually it's having feelings like any other human being) is revealed shockingly (that's just sloppy characterization), they should be crucial to the plot and not overlooked in favor of developing other characters (from what I remember she literally was my favorite while reading the series until she just got annoying (??) after a while, of course that could just be because the story is told through Call's perspective but still)
● The entire school system that I need more info on bc it sounds so unthought out and not like something that has existed for hundreds of years
● The forceful nature of making people serve as masters?? That makes no sense? Like, “Congratulations on not dying during your schooling or in the war(s), your prize is forced labor 👍.”
● TGT. Least favorite book. Get out. Tgt truthers how do you do it??
● The Maugris plot twist. It destroys the meaning behind the past four books. It's just so uncalled for and frankly just sloppy ig? I love the idea in a way, but only if it's foreshadowed from the beginning. Also I'm too attached to the complicated dynamic of Alastair raising his possible ex-bestie for it to end up like that
● The fact that the iron trio is out of school for half the series, I'd like to know what's normal, y'know??
● They did my man Constantine especially wrong, give him some ✨️character✨️ aside from E V I L and problematic (trademark) and charming (???)
● AND ALASTAIR GOD TELL ME MORE?? He's characterized as distant and obviously traumatized with his hate of his magic involved past but I just need to know what that past was like. Like who was he before his dead wife syndrome?? Idk but I'd of liked any excuse to know more about it just so I can understand him more??
● Please give me a single character trait of Declan's?? Like he was mentioned a handful of times and that's all we got. He was just some guy and I am hating it !!
● And Sarah. Like. She was a mom and liked peace as a concept but she also made a cool ass knife. That's a lot of things left up for interpretation. And I know Call wasn’t allowed to ask questions for plot reasons but god i wish he had more information about his own dead mother for Christ's sake
● Also other than a victim, who was Jericho? I need to know who this kid who drew scribbles in the margins of his very important journal while writing about how he was slowly being killed was. What was his relationship really like with his brother if he was so scared to say that he was dying or what gave him the impression that he didn't care?? It's fascinating and I need him under a microscope immediately
● Also the lack of queer representation until the last two books. AND THEN IT WASN'T EVEN ANY OF OUR MAIN CAST. Literally the saddest L ever :(
● AND AARON WAS NEVER CONFIRMED QUEER LIKE WHAT THE FUCK JUST L O O K AT HIS CHARACTER AND INFACT ALL OF OUR CORE CAST IS AT LEAST BI LIKE C O M E O N (ik they're like kids but even I knew I was not straight when I was like 11 and i lived in the most conservative non-LGBTQ-friendly town known to man)
● Low key, callmara was so bad, like I love them but not the way it happened, horrible set up. Tamara deserved so much better and to not have her entire character destroyed by becoming a love interest. I wish they thought about her as an independent character instead of the means to implement a romantic subplot in tgt, they did so good in the first books with that
● Also there's no elaboration on what chaos is. It's the mystical 5th element. Wow! Let's go girl, give us nothing! You'd think that if Makaris were so exceptionally rare and special that we'd get some explanation on how they come to be and what it is exactly that they can control but we're just left to assume it's the special "chosen one" type of thing. Idk it bothers me for some reason :/
That's just off the top of my head and it's been years since I read the series all the way through (I should do a reread soon). For the most part I adore this funky series and I hate to bash it but I felt the need to ramble about it's shortcomings because I'm not crazy, right?? It had so much potential! Anyway, I'm sort of glad for the blanks in the story despite complaining about them because it leaves room for fics and fan interpretations that I always love to see, but on the other hand, I'd like for the story to feel finished and not like a last minute science fair project.
Thanks for sticking around for my late night rambling lmao
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strawberryseeded ¡ 10 months
thinking abt bllk (no surprise there) and how (at least until now) all (well, most of?) the characters backstories aka basically the reason for their most prominent issues are, instead of extremely tragic and complex events, simply children's logic applied to recurrent situations in their daily lives (and especially the sport they love):
bachira feels lonely: bachira was a weird and lonely kid who was also extremely passionate abt (and talented in) football, more than any other kid, making bachira feel isolated even when he was playing with others. this got even worse when the kids he played with started to resent him, calling him a "monster" and bullying him. while talking with his mom, she told him to keep believing in his inner voice and ignore those who dont understand him, resulting in bachira giving that voice the form of a "monster" that can play football with him to feel less lonely. which, obviously, made him even more lonely, even if it was an imaginary friend created to aliviate that feeling. because bachira still felt lonely, even after many years and even after playing with other people in school who werent any fun for him, he kept the monster by his side. believing no one could ever beat this monster (thank GODNESS he did 🎉!!! HE is the monster no one can beat!!!! his arc is one of my favs hes literally unstoppable now, i love him dude i love h)
isagi holds himself back too much: isagi (i read the light novel abt him hehe) was a timid and mild mannered kid until he discovered football, which he fell in love with. while playing the sport he could let go of his shyness and actually be selfish and go all out. uuuntil... he entered his high school's reputable football club, where the motto was to play as a team above everything else (a very anti-blue lock logic lol). isagi then, in an effort to accomodate to the social norms of the club (bc hes isagi, and off the field hes calmer and timider), had to simmer down in the field as well. supress himself. at times it seems like his on and off switch is kind of stuck.
barou has main character syndrome: barou was a very, on top of talented, meticulous kid and therefore the best in football out of every other kid he knew, who didnt take it as seriously and were more than happy to let him score all the goals. he didnt understand why they were satisfied with letting other people take all the glory, so he secluded himself, convinced that he was the only player that actually mattered on the field. the best. the Main Character. everyone else was completely worthless, their only use being to serve HIM. (until he got his ass kicked by isagi and became the villan instead of the main character, bc oh, shit, barou's not actually the main character???? then he'll hunt down & DESTROY the main character).
rin (god, rin) has a brother complex (i used to hate when ppl oversimplify whats wrong w him w this term but tbh it does boil down to this lol ToT): rin idolized his older brother like crazy and wanted to be just like him. bc he was also blessed with talent and also had a great relationship w sae, he had everything he needed to fulfill his dream of being the 2nd best striker, the 1st obviously being his older brother, who rin viewed as the best, most talented player in the world. when sae comes back from spain and tells him 'the world is big and im not actually the best, you go and be the best striker by yourself' (basically: our (your) dream is over), rin has a fucking breakdown. its not really a tragic, despair-inducing event, objectively speaking. but in the manga its framed as such bc for rin, in his childish logic, it is. bc his brother IS the BEST player, what the fuck do you mean hes not number 1 outside of japan?? ....then what about rin? if his brother cant be the best, rin cant be the 2nd best either, let alone the best. he feels like sae ruined everything, gave up, broke their (rin's) dream!!!! after sae humilliates him, rin directs all of his frustrations at him and bows to defeat him. as long as rin sees himself as sae's little brother, he's never gonna be able to surpass him, bc in rin's mind, sae is still the best, his talented big brother.
ness believes kaiser, not him, is the magician: ness's case is more serious bc his family was (is?) emotionally abusive towards him. basically, like every other kid, ness believed in magic. the concept of magic is exciting for children and gives them, in the form of play, the opportunity to express their creativity and exercise their imagination; work out a way to make the impossible come true. bc this is so important for their development, usually its the parents role to, at least to a certain degree, keep alive the belief that magic is real. ness's parents, on the contrary, shut down this belief bc it didnt match with their own views. they saw his interests as a waste of time, even letting his sibilings bully him and treat him badly to make him give up on them. ness, however, didnt, and instead found a more socially acceptable way to 'do magic' and express his creativity: football. he feared greatly, however, that football would be taken away from him, so in that faithful match in which he met kaiser he decided to put all of his trust and hard work on him, bc ness believed kaiser was the person who would be able to make the impossible, the magic that ness wanted to create, happen. i think the key to unlock his full potential is stop relying on kaiser so much and start believing in his own magic (kind of like what happened in hiori's arc). we have yet to know kaiser's backstory but i have a feeling those two enable each other's worst traits...
ETC !!!! sorry i got tired of writing lol
anyways these r just my interpretations of the characters feel free 2 b like "was is she ON about"
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some-rotten-nest ¡ 1 year
Random DC/DP headcannons bc I can't sleep
Expect many typos
Danny hates storms, especially thunderstorms bc of the lighting cracking in the sky
Danny wears a power cuff like a bracelet that dampens his more violent powers bc he's scared of them (wail, large-scale ice like with undergrowth etc)
In one of his magazines, instead of bullets Jason keeps solid ectoplasm just in case, and so it's not conspicous
In his Phantom form Danny has a streak of black hair where his white usually is
Jason is fright knight (unless it's a Jason-Danny biologically related fic. Ghost Zone law says no one you share blood with (clones included) can become fright knight (but they can join the court and have other ranks))
Danny made a contingency plan against himself and with the help of a sibling (Cass most likely, though she did seem a bit sad) got it on the bat-computer. Password protected so Danny can't get into it. Bruce doesn't know and won't know until/if Danny goes bad. Bruce made a separate one for him.
Tim gets low and non-harmfil doses of ectoplasm in his coffee bc it is like a shit ton of caffeine for a living person. (Yes, some Amity Park drinks have ectoplasm in them too)
Danny asks Bruce, Tim and Lucius for help with Ghost King Shit TM
Duke has to squint when looking directly at ectoplasm (Danny's trying to find some solution but there isn't one)
Jason has a shadow core
Damian got extinct animals from Danny as a birthday gift multiple times (a dodo bird named Delilah, a messenger pigeon names Luke and a splendid posion frog named Ares)
To piss Bruce off, Jason got a pterodactyl he's named Flynn that he takes on patrol. Safe to safe, people get a hella more scared of Red Hood. Bruce hates it but Jason does actually love Flynn and Bruce can't bring himself to take Flynn awya
Danny made a patrol playlist for every member of the bat family and beyond bc he has one for when he goes out as Phantom (they all listen to their playlists and love them)
Before Danny was fully pulled into the family, he'd flinch at Dick's escrima sticks and still catches himself staring the weapon, his heart pounding
Danny found out Captain Marvel was a kid bc while on a mission with him, Captain Marvel pointed out that there was a pirate ship hovering above them and that Danny should probably deal with that. He'd, and any other Amity Parker that overhead, never laughed so badly in his entire life. Billy was never so scared & confused.
Bart and Danny are friends bc Dan had leveled most of the future before the Beatles took over what was left (I'm actually not that sure about Bart's backstory so feel free to correct me if something's wrong here)
Cass and Danny have staring contests alot. Sometimes the others think they've fallen asleep with their eyes open. They didn't.
Danny had a Twitter account for Phantom without Bruce knowing, but when Steph was trying to convince Bruce to let her have one she mentioned it and Danny had to delete it (he has an alt he now posts every embarrassing thing Batman does and has ever done)
Puns. So many puns between Dick & Danny.
Danny mumbles in his sleep
Crows flock to Danny like hungry tigers. Damian's envious but he gets to pet & feed them so it's mostly okay.
GW likes Jason and let's him borrow books whenever he wants to (also any destroyed book ends up with GW but that's a pretty common hc) but Jason has to swear not to give them to Danny. Not that Danny wants them.
Duke is helping Tucker out with studies and Tucker Duke with tech. Technus sometimes shows up too to help.
Johnny and Jason are dEAD bffs
Sam and Babs get on like a house on fire
Talia met Danny and they're actually friendly to each other. Sure, she's trying to trick Danny into giving her his throne, but Danny knew that and wasn't about to let that happen
Danny will randomly punch his siblings, smirk, then bow and say "my leige" and run away. The sibling now has the crown and is chasing to punch Danny back because honestly fuck that
Constantine is slightly terrified of Danny and Bruce uses it like a threat-- "John, if you don't answer, Danny will contact you." It works like a charm
When too excited, Danny and Jason will start talking in Ghost speech. It freaks everyone else but Damian and Cass out bc the same sounds came from the pits
Take, edit, have fun with whatever you want here. It's just bs that crawls around my brain for funsies and won't let me sleep.
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izurusstuff ¡ 9 months
Coal Miner's Daughter
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(click here for last chapter)
。⋆。˚。⋆.⛓ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐩𝐭. 𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 💣⛓.⋆。⋆˚
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message from izurusstuff: okay hi i promise snow comes in on the next part [insert pleading eyes here], i just didn't want to overwhelm people with so so much, so i divided it into two sections but you'll thank me for that,, he's going to be serving cunt and being the literal best teenage murderous villain <33
im literally writing pt 2 rn for y'all bc ilysm, bear with me
[𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟'𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝟏𝟐 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭]
summary: Y/n and Ridge are navigating their new life after y/n's betrayal. It's the first day, but things are already so different.
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*:・゚✧* "...𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐧𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞..." ・゚✧*:
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
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May 31st, The Hob, District 12.
Y/n dropped the expensive ivory guitar Savani had gotten her the day prior. The wood broke into splinters everywhere… about two thousand dollars worth of precious wood was currently laying in pieces on the floor of The Hob. Bystanders looked on in shock at what they saw go down… but Mayor Yearwood was furious. Not at his daughter who just backstabbed her best friend, but at y/n. 
The heartbroken girl was running through the meadows back to her house. Tears flew from her face and her heart weighed more than the world. Y/n ran past the lake that the three were at just the night prior… when everything was okay. When her heart didn't get grinded up into powder by two of her favorite people. When she knew she was loved. So much changed in less than a day. It was all so fast, it felt like a carousel ride she couldn’t get off of… and it was fucking horrifying.
When y/n stepped foot into her house, she ran into her room and destroyed all the artwork of the trio. She stupidly flushed all the jewelry down the toilet… she was so upset that it didn't cross her mind that she could sell it. She wanted to get rid of every single memory of Leif and Savani. Including living in District 12 with them.
Ridge ran into the house a few minutes later. It was quite obvious y/n had outran her poor dad; he was unbelievably out of breath when he finally got there.
Y/n looked at her dad. She tried to speak. Nothing came out of her mouth other than loud wails… Ridge somewhat understood her heartbreak; it’s exactly what he went through when y/n’s mom died. He held his poor daughter in his soot-covered hands, which got all over her celebration dress. He wasn’t exactly the best at comfort, but y/n knew he was there for her and truly loved her. 
“C…can I come work in the mines with you, Daddy?” Y/n said through her sobs. Ridge thought it was an unusual request, but he knew letting y/n stay in the house would only make her feel worse, so he nodded. 
“You can come with me tomorrow. Beware though, you’ll be the only lady there. The boys might be shocked.” Ridge joked. He wasn’t exactly lying– she’d be the only female there, but he wouldn’t tolerate any of his fellow miners being rude to his precious daughter. 
“You don’t have to be alone, sweetheart. We’ll get through this together. Just like we always done. Ain’t gonna let no one hurt you…” He said, squeezing y/n tighter. Ridge may have not been able to prevent y/n’s heart from getting broken this time, but he wasn’t going to let it happen again. He didn’t give a damn if he had to buy a shotgun with all the money he had. No one would treat y/n like this… because it broke his heart too. If it wasn’t for him trying to stay strong for her, Ridge would also be sobbing. He felt like the worst dad ever for not being able to protect his daughter from people so cruel… people he trusted. 
“...I love you, Pa.” Y/n didn’t say that phrase often, but she really should. She truly loved her dad. Ridge always bent over backwards to make sure she was clothed and fed. He’d often spend days straight in the mines around her birthday and holidays just so she could have presents. And in that moment, y/n was beyond grateful for him.
Ridge was trying his hardest not to break down crying in that moment. But it didn’t work… tears fell from his eyes just as fast as y/n’s did. Neither of them said anything, but they basked in each other’s heartbreak. The two ended up falling asleep like that…
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June 1st, Vespertine Residence, District 12. 
Ridge and y/n had fallen asleep on the croaky, old, wooden floor of y/n’s room while they embraced. Y/n’s head was on Ridge’s shoulder, and his head was on top of hers. Honestly, it wasn’t exactly the most comfortable of positions, but the idea of it was wholesome. 
The two didn’t wake up until the cliche cawing of a rooster was heard in the distance while they felt the pastel orange sun shine down on them through y/n’s open window… and both of them groggily woke up. For a split moment, they’d forgotten why they were asleep like that to begin with. But reality set in not long after.
“Still plannin’ on going to the mines today, kid?” Ridge asked, standing up and brushing himself off. Y/n nodded. It wasn’t the ideal job by any means, but she knew the Yearwoods and Leif would try to look for her. And she did NOT want to deal with it.
“Alrighty then.” Ridge walked off to his room, which was only on the other side of the kitchen, opposite of y/n’s. After a second, he tossed y/n a… very… very… dirty uniform.
“Sorry, kid. Can’t have you ruinin’ your dresses.” He responded after he saw the disgusted look on her face… great. She had to wear her dad’s old uniform that’s been around for God knows how long. Why didn’t she see that coming? But there wasn’t any backing out now. Y/n shooed Ridge and began putting on the uniform… 
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June 1st, Yearwood Mansion, District 12.
Unlike y/n, Savani slept peacefully. She finished up her dad’s birthday party with Leif by her side… and not once did they think of y/n. Savani got to get the sleep, food, and energy y/n deserved. Why did she get to crush y/n and act like nothing happened?! It was infuriating, but only for y/n. Everyone else was ecstatic for Savani and Leif… like y/n never existed or even mattered to anyone. 
The young heiress woke up that morning in her silk pajamas and her luxury bed. She didn’t fall asleep from being so exhausted because she cried her heart out to her dad. It was everything y/n deserved. 
It was almost as if… Savani wanted to erase y/n from the start. She probably was an embarrassment to her and Leif. So they betrayed her, that way they wouldn’t be labeled as classists for cutting off their peasant “friend.” That was probably why everyone supported Leif and Vani’s relationship… because everyone knew y/n lived in a three room house with her dad on the very outskirts of the district. Everyone knew they could only afford “soup” that contained water and one vegetable… they knew the soup only had spices in it on y/n’s birthday. 
The Vespertines were nothing but savage, poor, vain peasant folk. People only tolerated them because y/n was “best friends” with Mayor Yearwood’s daughter. Now they didn’t have to hide their disgust anymore.
“Good morning, Daddy!” Savani said in a cheery voice as she walked into her kitchen that was nearly twice the size of y/n’s entire house. “‘Mornin’, darlin’.” Tripp said. His voice nearly sounded like a growl. Vani didn’t care, though. She’d always gotten everything she wanted… and now, Leif was hers too. 
“People’re talkin’ about that stunt you pulled yesterday on y/n, Savani.”
“Savani. Now we all know damn well, I never cared much for y/n… but people don’t need to know that. You’re makin’ it seem we’re out to get her right before The Reaping. What will they think if y/n gets drawn to go in?”
Shit. Tripp was right. The Reaping for The Hunger Games was only a little over a month away. If y/n were to get picked…
“So be it. She’s everything the Capitol thinks of us… dirty, poor, hungry, angry, savage. Ain’t much of a loss if she gets picked.” Those words really sunk in for Tripp… maybe if he rigged the drawing, his precious daughter could live her happy ever after with Leif…
“I ‘spose you’re right. Be unfortunate if she got picked…”
June 1st, Everdeen Coal Mine, District 12.
Y/n arrived with her hair in pigtails. Although she was wearing a decade old mining uniform, she made it her own. She flaunted it with confidence… she knew Savani could never do such a thing. Vani could probably put on the uniform, but she’d only do it for publicity. Y/n got to actually work; which wouldn’t be so wonderful if she wasn’t so excited to use a pickaxe to take her anger out on poor rocks. 
She walked closely behind her dad, who was strutting in the mines. Everyone there seemed to know her dad’s name, which kinda made her feel inferior… inferior. To her own dad. At his job. Her confidence really took a deep dive after yesterday, huh?
“Hey Ridge! That your daughter?” An old man shouted, pointing to y/n. 
“Sure is, Billy!”
“Really grown up on us!” The man said. Y/n was… terrified. She thought she’d be ridiculed the second she picked up her pickaxe. “She’ll be a hard worker if she’s anything like her daddy!” Y/n let out a sigh of relief. Thank the Lord… people here in the mines didn’t judge. It was refreshing. But it’s expected that men who wore working their ass off just so their family could buy a single head of cabbage would be understanding. 
Time to get to work.
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xoxojisu ¡ 3 months
so im reading the demon slayer manga now bc it was alr spoiled for me so i figured why wait for the movies just read it so now im reading and @suniix was SO RIGHT. SOBBINGGGGGGG. manga spoilers below
kanao :(((( sweet girl is finally crying :(((( i love that she went "i am kanao tsuyuri. younger sister of kanae kocho and shinobu kocho." LIKE YESSSS TELL HIMMMM. anyways absolutely sobbing i am destroyed. dead now kill me now. shinobu popped off for dying so nobly and avenging kanae. samesies for kanao now go marry tanjiro. either way it was so meaningful how they all got the revenge they wanted <33 TAKE THAT DOUMA.
akaza's love story was so unexpectedly sweet? his story was lowk so cliche but i absolutely ADORED it nonetheless. not much to say there bc i have no complaints :) very sweet and very vanilla-ish
GENYA AND MUICHIRO NOOOOO 😭😭 sweet babies did not deserve to die. but at least they helped take down upper one so they kinda ate w that!! muichiro is one of my fav charas ever so im super devastated abt him like no baby no! and OMG SANEMI AND GENYAAAAA. i always knew that sanemi still loved him and didnt forget anything and all but seeing him say it was so touching. he just wanted him to live a good life with a wife and kids :(( (bruh why didnt he just say that then...) but still hes so sweetie!! i love angry sanemi sm its so funny i liked how it was like "you should live a goddamn good life with a goddamn wife and goddamn kids goddamnit!!" like hes so unintentionally funny 😭 elaborating further on their deaths, 1. muichiro. THE SCENE WITH YUICHIROOOOO. bruh why did he have to die. he was 14. nOOOJEREIUIUAI MY BABYYYYYYYYY. anyways he went out with a bang 10/10. 2. genya!! literally sobbed seeing his final words and sanemi's reaction. wish that he could've lived so they could've had happy brotherly moments :(( his final moments were so sweet and emotionallll 10/10 super sweetie pie and i like his gun
yoriichi is so sweetie pie. i love him 10/10 super cool super genius super caring super slay literally created breathing forms. unfortunately dying standing up and one breath away from killing one of the biggest opps ever was not very sigma but i can overlook it for everything else hes done. (brainrot is taking over my brain) his love story with uta is so sweet. he never loved anyone else. just her. and she understood him like nobody else did im sobbing. so sweet i cannot 😭😭 they completed each other!! its so interesting to see how differently yoriichi and koku perceived their situation. just goes to show you that life is what you make of it, and you may not know as much as you think you do about certain people. dont make assumptions! just love others <3
obanai backstory is so sad :(( i always wondered why he wore the bandages and now ik. sweet sweet boy. also OBAMITSU IS MY LITERAL EVERYTHING. THEY ARE SO PERF TOGETHER LIKE THEY ARE ACTUAL PERFECTION. RAHHHHHHH
bro tamayo is so smart. FOUR DRUGS?! in THAT AMT OF TIME?!?! goddamn girl rly popped off! also how can muzan like freaking summon their souls to come back like how tf does that even work. whaaaaaat.
well ig the person who spoiled 4 deaths for me neglected to say HIMEJIMAAAAAAUR. NAAAAUURURRURURRUR COME BACKKKKKKKKKKK. but im glad that he got to see his temple fam and stuff and they apologized to him and explained everything. sweetie pieeeee :((
okay so when i said "go marry tanjiro" to kanao i was like half joking BUT LIKE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED?!?!?!?! YESSSSSS. and then there's uh. nezuko and zenitsu. uh. (hes not good enough for her im sorry i just never liked him that much even tho he was funny) also inosuke and aoi wasn't toooootally random but like it kinda was. i lowk thought aoi and zenitsu would end up tg. idk what i thought would happen to nezuko's love life but i thought the whole zenitsu thing was just a giant joke but it actually ended up working out. oh im curious as to who sanemi and giyu had children with also. (me guys. it was me.)
and im just so emotionally scarred. genuinely dont think i can recover from that wtf. i still cant believe they all died. goodnight.
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legendaryfacecoffee2 ¡ 4 days
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Name: Ese
Age: 15
Birthday: 14th June
Sexuality: Pansexual
Basically the main character who as so many godamn mental health problems and had trama as well :) she is also autistic-. Her powers is not that much tbh, she only has three powers. Electric punch, Ice kick, and Heating head. (Don't mind the names lMAO-). She is just a normal human being who hates her life but then acknowledge it to be a bit better.
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Name: Noah
Age: 14
Birthday: 17th July
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
He is Ese's younger brother who thinks he's the main character lol- he has super speed powers (bc he took Ese's speed potion that Fungi made for her lMAO-) He is very ambitious and very energetic. He is best friends with Goodhand and Evilhand.
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Name: Fungi
Age: 14
Birthday: 30th August
Sexuality: Bisexual
She is not a human btw she is literally made out of fire (like her body and blood etc) she has a scarf bc Ese gave her bc she doesn't have a mouth (and when it's her birthday something bad happens but I will talk about that in another day ;) She is sweet and kind to everyone except from Olivia (I wouldn't say she is jealous of her but it's kinda the closest thing I could think). She was born with a curse since her birth but I will talk about that another day as well.
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Name: Olivia
Age: 15
Birthday: 25th June
Sexuality: Omnisexual
She is basically an ex princess (or prince idkkk) she Fungi's cousin and she is Ese's best friend and loves to spend time with Ese a lot 😏 (IN A FRIENDLY WAY BTW or maybe not 😏) with Ese even though Ese might or might not feel like it. (They might be lovers who knows👀) But she wants to make Ese see that she still have a lot to live for. She knew who Shadow is (That's because she met him before but in her other form which was a male called Oliver)
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Name: Olly
Age: 16
Birthday: 15th April
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
He basically an ex prince (or princess?? Idkk) and Olivia's big brother. He gets along with mostly everyone expect Ese and brainy (Olly is in good terms with Ese but doesn't trust her being with his sister. And he doesn't like brainy bc when they first met while Olly was in his other form which was female called Ollina uh.. Let's just say the teddy bear brainy made 7 civil food wars... Yeah... I know it's mad)
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Name: Brainy
Age: uhhh idk
Birthday: January 27th
Sexuality: Straight
He is an actual brain lol. He was a mini bear until a shadow accidentally shot a ray gun at him and turn him into a brain and now he is like this forever. He is Shadow's best friend and has a crush on Rennie and tries to flirt with her even though she doesn't understand what he is doing. (He lived in the same planet as Shadow did but he live in the other side of the world bc the world is split into two one side which was the the teddy bears and the other was the ghosts side. And he was a menace to bear society he made 7 civil food wars which Ollina had to be involved to stop it or else they could have added an 8th).
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Name: Shadow
Age: 15
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: March 5th
He is basically a ghost who died from an incident and had to go to a different world bc his own got destroyed. He is brainy's best friend and Rennie's Niece. He was actually an human living with his Grandfather (The fearless warrior) until his (and brainy's) world self destructed itself and he couldn't make it out alive, but lucky he turned into a ghost and had a second chance to be in the physical world and met brainy (Brainy mannage to escape alive bc he built a ship before the explosion) And they both met and became best friends. What a good story lol
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Name: Rennie
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Sexuality: Pansexual
I don't know what she is lol. But her father was a fearless warrior who tried to save other universes especially bc his wife got killed and wanted revenge. When she was a kid she got kidnapped but escaped luckily and had to live with her sisters until they went on separate ways (Yes she had three sisters, two older ones who I will talk about I'm another day and one younger one called Star who is also Shadow's mother, but unfortunately she and her husband got killed). Anyway she is calm and kindhearted (GUYS IF YOU THINK SHE IS DEPRESSED YOU ARE WRONG SHE HAD HER BANGS SINCE BIRTH). She has a crush on brainy even though she is clueless what romantic relationships are supposed to be like, she finds him adorable and sweet.
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Name: Goodhand & Evilhand
Age: ??? Idk like 1000 years old or something
Birthday: ????
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
These two are actually just floating gloves. But they are both different bc Goodhand's eyebrows are separated while Evilhand's is sticked together. These two are actually destroyers of universes and gets highly respected by most Gods (including Olivia and Olly) but they both love Noah as if he is like a father to them. (Evilhand might be Noah's favorite bc he doesn't hesitate to do anything to anyone who makes him or himself annoyed). They both have an army of hand that could they could call in a second, Evilhand has an advantage of physical and skillful power while Goodhand is more reliable on powers. (Btw Evilhand is honestly just kinda ruthless and Goodhand is not much better. Like bro Goodhand was named Goodhand bc he was good and destroying universes 💀).
Anyway this is only the half (I think of my ocs basically the hero's lol) I will introduce the others in another time! You can ask questions more about my ocs or the plot if you want ^^. (To be honest I wanted to make this as a TV show when I grow older.. I hope I could make this a bannger when I become an adult)
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Until Dawn character hcs
Her music taste is crazy. Like the same playlist could have Beethoven, Iron Maiden, The BeeGees and Taylor Swift
Does aerobics in her pajamas
Doesn't know how to order at Starbucks (she just wanted a medium)
Had a dog walking business in high school
Knows how to surf
Will absolutely destroy you in most strategy based board games
Favorite holiday is Halloween
Dog person AND cat dad
Far sighted
Huge history nerd, had a ww2 phase in high school that never completely went away
Guy at a camping trip who tells the ghost story that leads up to a joke
Knows exactly what to do when a woman is on her period
Nervous fidgets; bouncing leg, tapping on desk/table, etc
Knew where everything was in his school backpack at all times
Say it with me people: Only. Fucking. Child.
Will get mad at you for saying pumpkin spice latte is basic
Was a horse girl in middle school
Owns more scented candles than a bath and body works
Has gotten her fortune told at a carnival and taken it pretty seriously
Had braces
Smokes weed
Track and field
Can't find the clit
Paid other people to do his homework
Wanted to be a firefighter when he was 6
Shockingly scared of bugs, used to make Emily kill them for him, but Jess won't do it
Can swim but doesn't like it
Was really close with Sam when they were younger, Sam is the one who introduced him to the group.
Used to be much happier and more chill before puberty, after which she felt pressure to live up to her looks
Her and Emily used to be super close and she misses it
Was a Frozen kid and still watches it a lot
Most definitely bi curious at least(Emily to blame)
Reads her horoscope but doesn't actually take it seriously
Wayyyy to much Disney Channel in her early childhood, now loves drama
The middle of many siblings, acts the way she does for more attention
Was vegetarian at some point
Secretly misses being close with Jess, but makes sure no one knows
Needs rain sounds to sleep
Really wants Matt to stand up to her, this is why she's so hard on him
Easily confused when women aren't completely direct
Probably smoked weed at least once, but quit doing it when he started doing sports
Nervous around babies(so small what if he panicked and dropped them)
Had an earring in one ear at one point, but his parents had him take it out and now the piercing is healed over
Can't tell the difference between nail polish shades
Would fight god in the Denny's parking lot for someone if they gave him a hug
His bedroom/college dorm is covered in so many movie and band posters you can't see the wall anymore
Talks to cats like they're people
Confused rich(wait his is the only family with six cars??)
Jokes about sex and women, but if he saw a girl being taken advantage of he's gonna slap a frat bro
Owns a VHS tape player
Friggin s l e e p s in checkered shirts
Plant mom
Inspirational quotes on the wall
Best party is a book and a blanket
Nature documentaries
Josh's partner in crime
Loved dolls as a little kid, not Barbies, like baby dolls and porcelain dolls
Fairy lights in her bedroom
Loves music, Josh started buying her cassette tapes and now she collects them
Can you say LESBIAN?
Is never seen without her hat
Tried to stop Josh and Hannah from causing trouble, it never worked
Uggs and leggings
Smokes weed with Ashley
Her side of her and Hannah's bedroom is so much neater and cleaner
Total metalhead but no one knows bcs "she doesn't look it"
Dr. Hill:
Accidentally opened YouTube once while trying to find the news app
Can't work if the music has lyrics, it's too distracting
Might have a husband
Has such doctor handwriting that he can't hardly read it himself
Coffee addict
911 on speed dial(he's worried about all his patients)
The real Dr Hill is really nice, only the hallucination version is all threatening
Flamethrower guy:
Fucking loves soup
Hasn't bought clothes in years, and got them all secondhand
Has been off the mountain exactly twice
"When did kids get this dumb?"
Secretly stays in the lodge sometimes when no one is there bcs it's shelter and it's kinda fancy
Actually feels crazy guilty for not saving the twins
Was very happy to see Mike making friends with his wolves
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trickstarbrave ¡ 10 months
hi im on my bullshit making up random aus again
this is steren! not his main story either. i might write up his main story in bits and pieces at some point. but this is an au bc i wanna see him happy with his parents.
so he's getting dropped in @mulberrycafe's vivi's world. sorry kid, azura will grant your wish but not how you're thinking
obligatory picture of steren and some background info from this post. and bonus baby picture.
this is just part 1. part 2 will be the gang dealing with an unconscious dunmer who fsr has a moon and star ring of his own and nerevar's sword. which will be uh. concerning.
(also i didnt proofread this :'D)
Falling to his knees, Steren coughed up a bit of blood, willing the last of his magicka into a healing spell to keep his organs stable. 
It hadn’t been an easy battle, both physically or emotionally. 
Dagoth Ur, after all, had at one point been his father. 
Fate was cruel like that. His first lifetime he spent his whole, although very short, life chasing after his father and his legacy. He felt alienated in House Indoril, and when rumors stirred he might be of an unsavory bloodline no one dared name, things became more complicated for him. When he was a young adult--when he should be just spreading his wings and leaving to the world--he had found documents that were to be burned from the sinful Sixth House. 
Documents that clearly defined that he was born from Voryn Dagoth. Born from a supposed fling he refused to name and died shortly after childbirth that the Lord of House Dagoth refused to let rot and instead welcomed as a legitimate son with open arms. It seemed to go along with his memories too--hazy, faint things from when he was such a young child. Memories of a golden skinned mer with long black hair that would hold him close, laughing with mirth and pride, calling him ‘little star’. 
Steren then went to Vivec for answers. They were all on the first council when the war broke out. It was impossible the living god didn’t know his father was Voryn Dagoth. He demanded answers--why was his father killed? Who was his mother? Was she really dead? Did she miss him? Did he have any other relatives--aunts and uncles in other houses who knew who he was? Why had his whole house been destroyed and they shoved him into Indoril in secret? 
But Vivec had refused to answer. 
When Steren was young, the warrior-poet was oddly close to him. He still lived in Mournhold, having not yet built his temple in the Ascadian Isles, and welcomed Steren almost like a mentor. Encouraged his magic and swordsmanship, and assured him there was a place for him in the world. But when Steren knew the truth, the god’s eyes had gotten cold and hard.
“What good would come if I told you everything?” Was Vivec’s answer. “House Dagoth fell because they were traitors. Voryn Dagoth had betrayed our people and fought against us in the war that destroyed parts of Vvardenfell. Even Red Mountain spewed fire in anger.” His words only fanned the flames of resentment more and more for the young dunmer in front of him. “If there were relatives who could take you, I would have gladly let them. And no matter how much I tell you of your birth, of that accursed house, it will not undo that tragedy. It will not bring your parents back.” 
It was the truth, in a way. A painful truth Steren had refused to accept. He grew up isolated and lonely, wanting nothing more than to belong. Wanting nothing more than to know his history. Something to call his own. A relic from his parents. A memory to cling to. Proof that, at some point, in some way, he was loved like he always craved. 
And Steren chased answers until he died tragically, killed in a landslide as he tried and failed to get into an old House Dagoth outpost to look for hints of the stronghold’s location. He had barely gotten married and had a son himself, who no doubt had to grow up without him. 
And in Steren’s second life that tragedy never really ended. 
He was orphaned in Cyrodiil, not even knowing who his parents were, kicked out once he was the age of majority for a mer. And with little life skills, he had resorted to taking whatever work he could. He hadn’t intended to get mixed up in anything illegal--that would be stupid. But the imperial guards didn’t much care about his ignorance when they rounded up everyone involved in the smuggling operation. Steren pled his innocence: he thought it was just unloading cargo off a ship. How was he supposed to know it was smuggled goods? But the law didn’t care much about it at the time. He was to serve his sentence of five years since he had no money to pay a fine. 
Only to, after one year, be shipped off to Morrowind, unknowing what events would unfold. 
Another cough, and a bit more blood spilled onto the volcanic rock. He felt so warm here. The lava below was making him sweat like when he had corpus fever, but he didn’t have the strength to stand up and leave. 
“Steren,” Nerevar’s voice spoke to him, kneeling beside him and trying in vain to wipe his brow. It wasn’t entirely unappreciated; while Nerevar couldn’t really touch him, the spectral presence gave a faint, cool sensation on his sweaty skin. “It’ll be alright--” Nerevar was always quick to reassure and help him. “Do you have a potion or two?”
At the very least, in this lifetime he found the answers he sought--his other parent had been none other that Nerevar. Steren had been born of a fling--a quiet, drunken affair neither of the two had expected anything else from. Nerevar had told him as such, but that they both loved Steren very dearly regardless. That Nerevar had loved Voryn, even if he couldn’t say so openly. The hortator had run off after discovering the pregnancy, ignorant to what the dwemer were getting up to, to have Steren in secret under the excuse of going on a pilgrimage to Azura, and handed Steren off to Voryn to raise. 
And after his death Nerevar couldn’t bear leaving his child alone. Reincarnation and prophecy be damned; his son was alone in the world. Nerevar had wanted Voryn to raise him so he was always looked after and loved by at least one of his fathers, and now with Voryn dead Nerevar would take up that role. Yet, he was powerless to speak to Steren--to answer his questions and protect him like he always wanted. And with that regret he continued to watch over Steren’s child. Then Steren’s child’s child. All the way until Steren was reborn to a dying mother fleeing persecution in the Illiac Bay. 
Steren had a feeling his dad was going to have to see him die all over again, once again helpless to stop it. The Moon-and-Star ring let him speak with and see Nerevar, but there was only so much a ghost could do.
“I used the last of them…” Steren admitted. He had just enough to barely survive the fight, gulping them down while he dodged attack after attack. 
“Recall amulet?” Nerevar replied, and Steren tried to get the energy to dig through his pack. If he could pull out an amulet or scroll he could use that to get into town--limp his way to a healer or general goods seller for a few potions to stabilize himself.
But then there was a spectral blue light that didn’t match the golden glow of Nerevar, and a woman’s voice spoke to him. 
“Well done.”  She was smiling affectionately, but Steren kind of wanted to curse her out. “With this, Morrowind has been saved. And Nerevar’s soul might rest.”
“Azura--” Nerevar scowled in response. 
“It has been over three millennia, hortator.” Azura’s smooth reply came. “Are you not tired of this tragedy?”
“My son still needs me--”
“Your power wanes even now, and you know this.”  Azura’s reply came. “A soul should not be as active as yours is, haunting the living. You do not rest in the home of your ancestors. You do not rest even in Moonshadow.” Steren’s eyes widened. “Through force of will you have continued on, but I know internally you weep for the sharmat’s death.” Nerevar looked away now, still scowling. “Your soul cannot survive much longer without a rest. You will cease to be.” 
Steren didn’t want to say goodbye either. Tears were running down his face at the news, but he nodded his head. 
“Go.” Steren forced a smile. 
“I don’t want to be responsible for the death of both of my fathers.” He had admitted. “If you leave now, it won’t be goodbye forever, right?” 
The look Nerevar gave him was indescribably painful. 
“I’ll see you again one day, right?” Nerevar wrapped his arms around him, trying in vain to hold him tight. “And I’ll give you a real hug then, Dad.” He wanted to hold Nerevar back in return, but he had long since learned he couldn’t. Only in his dreams could he. But the cool embrace was oddly soothing. 
“Of course.” Nerevar shook with sobs himself. “I’ll be waiting for you, little star. With open arms.” 
With that, the golden light faded, as Nerevar pressed his hand to his cheek, smiling at him the best he could through his own ghostly tears. 
And then it was just Steren and Azura in the chamber now. 
“You have done well, righting the wrongs of the past.” Azura smiled again. “You are truly a precious child to undertake this monumental task. And to you I am eternally grateful.” She should be, honestly. Nerevar couldn’t be reborn to do it, so here he was answering for the sins of his fathers, correcting their wrongs and setting everything back on course. He got the divine disease, went through hell and back, and had to kill one of his fathers with his own hands and blasphemous tools. 
“I can grant you whatever wish you desire.” Azura’s presence was even warmer as she came close, though given the heat of the heart chamber he wished it wasn’t; he missed the cool, spectral touch of his father already. Yet, despite the pain clouding his senses, he tried to think. A daedric prince offering a favor was a big deal. Many would wish for pleasures beyond their wildest dreams, or fame and future. His whole family line had been cursed with rotten luck, and he could finally make something of himself…
Yet, none of that had any appeal. To be honest, before being shipped off to Morrowind he had no idea what to do with his life. Given he hadn’t even reached his 100th year and was still barely an adult by dunmer standards, he thought he would have some time to figure it out. And now that he saw his past life and finally learned all he wanted to and more…
Well. He didn’t know what he wanted from life. How was he supposed to go on alone, even with wealth and fame? All he would be thinking about is, in the afterlife his fathers might be waiting for him. 
“...I just want my parents back.” Steren admitted after a few moments of silence.
“You know I cannot bring back the dead.” Azura frowned. 
“I know.” Steren replied. “Instead I’d rather… Just be with them.” It was unspoken what he was asking for, but he thought he implied it well enough:
He was asking for Azura to finally let him rest too. To put him out of his misery. He had done his part, and the kindest thing she could do for him is to finally let him rest peacefully in the presence of his parents. He already made peace with his death on the long trek up Red Mountain, though he never told Nerevar that fact. 
After a moment of silence, Azura closed her eyes. “I see.” She approached even closer. “I can reunite you with them then, if that is what you wish.”
“It is.” Steren was certain. Even if she didn’t take his life here, he didn’t expect to live much longer with the injuries he sustained anyways. 
“Are you truly prepared to leave this all behind?” She asked again. “There will be no going back.”
“Positive…” Nerevar would lecture him, cursing him to the deadlands and back, but Steren was so very, very tired. He would take the lecture, comfortably in his father’s arms once again, before finally having a nice, long rest. 
“Then that shall be my gift to you.” 
White was the next thing he could see. All encompassing, painful white, as he quickly went from feeling far too hot to feeling frigid. 
And then he was falling. And falling fast. Seren scrambled, activating his slowfall ring, his heart accelerating and lungs still burning. Still, the enchantment could only cushion his fall and try as he might to flail around in the air, to get to dry land he could see, he ended up falling into the water. 
“Fuck!” Steren swore. The cold felt like knives digging into his skin, and before he knew it he felt like he was gasping for air, suffocating despite his head being above water, as he continued to flail towards the beach. He climbed himself out of the frigid waves eventually, shivering, now soaking wet. 
Azura had promised him he’d get to see his parents, but he never expected Moonshadow or the ancestral realm to be… Cold and snowy. There wasn’t a whole lot of snow in Mournhold after all. Yet here he was, now soaking wet and freezing, snow on the hills he could see. 
If he was dead, did it matter if he was cold? That was a question he had. It sure felt like a pressing issue though, so he continued to swear and curse, trying to think. How should he keep warm? He wasn’t used to the cold growing up somewhere subtropical and then being shipped to Vvardenfell where the volcano kept the climate oddly warm compared to the neighboring country of Skyrim. 
So he pressed on. Maybe Nerevar wanted to retreat to a colder area of Moonshadow. All Steren needed to do was find a place to warm up and find him. 
That was easier said than done though. 
He had underestimated the problems with wet clothing. His robe froze, forcing him to discard it, along with a chunk of his armor still stuck to it. He pulled out a cloak, trying to keep warm, but the wind seemed to seep through the fabric to the wet silk under it and still left him shivering. He wandered and wandered, his hands going numb and his head aching like he had a terrible migraine. 
And then he started feeling oddly feverish, like he did back in the heart chamber. His clothes felt like they were wet from sweat, trapping the heat against him until it was burning. He would have stripped down more, except he was afraid if he did he would stop moving. He had to keep moving forward. One step after the other. His dad was here, and he didn’t want to stop.
Faintly, he heard people talking. His ears perked up as he blinked. His vision seemed blurry and blown out, stinging from the harsh glare of sunlight on pure white. Yet, over a small hill, he could make out two familiar faces:
A golden skinned chimer in House Indoril armor, white hair, and blue eyes. A dunmer with long, black hair and red eyes, a third eye on his forehead. He knew their voices too--he couldn’t possibly be mistaken. There were other people there but Steren didn’t pay them much mind; his fathers being here, together, was much more important.
“Dad!” Steren called out, his voice hoarse, before coughing again. Sucking in the air to yell felt like needles were pricking his already injured lungs inside and out, but he was so close--! Just a bit further. He willed his numb legs to push him forward through the heavy snow. 
Nerevar gave him a confused look, before Steren wrapped his arms around him. 
“Woah--” Nerevar stumbled slightly as Steren threw all of his weight onto Nerevar. “Oh gods, he’s freezing!” 
“His hair is frozen--” Voryn said, confused and equally concerned for the strange dunmer who seemed delirious from the cold. Yet, Steren could barely even understand the words coming out of their mouths. All he could do was cling to Nerevar, relishing in the fact his dad felt solid and warm under his touch rather than ephemeral and cold. 
“Here,” Nerevar unclasped his cloak, wrapping it around his shoulders. “C’mere, let’s get you someplace to warm up, alright?”
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vole-mon-amour ¡ 1 year
3x11, part 1.
i was determined to wake up at my own pace but then I saw the pic that Phil posted and it woke me right up. good thing i didn't look at it at 6 am, lol. it's 9:22 am, here we go. (upd: and when i finished with this post, it was 10:23. this is a three hour watch at the very least.)
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Colin really is reborn, huh? I'd expect this from Isaac, but I'm glad it's Colin who stops them.
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What he should have said: "Well guys, you ask Ted first and if he's up to it, we're talking/I'm in."
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Husbands. IDC anymore. They're besties either way.
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"Letting my mom stay with me is the right thing to do, but damn it, it's a pain in the ass."
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Sooo... Jamie really is a nail chewer, huh? Baby boy, that's such a bad habit. Works as a coping mechanism though (probably).
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Jamie is THRILLED to be there.
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The scar. He's such a pretty boy, for real. Leaving Brendan and Jason's name in on purpose bc yeah.
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Might start wailing right here bc Jamie's constant feeling of self-worth aka not being enough in everything aka not deserving other's people love and admiration aka Roy and Keeley can get back together, I don't deserve to be happy with them/one of them. Yeah, this hurts.
I wonder what triggered (dad? :)))) bc Jamie is usually a sunshine, but to see a glimpse of what's actually going on inside Jamie's head is... yeah. Gosh, I love this kid so much.
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What a woman, my goodness. A goddess for real.
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And his hair? :D
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this is a renaissance painting. Bumbercatch is on full adoration mode. Dottie wanting to meet Dani and immediately befriending him. Trent <3333
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The fact that she keep using Oklahoma (and Ted is responding to it like a Pavlov's dog, heh) but that they're CLEARLY best PLATONIC friends. There's no romantic chemistry but a lot of trust and I LOVE seeing it. It would make all the sense in the world if they stay platonic till the end and eventually have their own partners and have double dates and all. Ted with Trent when? Rebecca maybe with her Dutch guy? Someone that would feel her striked by a fucking lightning.
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Now tell me Ted is staying in England.
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A throwback to the first season? Where Rebecca wanted to destroy Ted and knew the owner of the Sun?
I'm sorry, Rebecca is buying A HORSE?? While living in a house in London? It would make way more sense to me if she had a huge territory where she can keep the horse and take care of it and ride it when/if she wants to and spend time with it in general.
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"I'm your future husband-in-law." HE'S SO POLITE. SO GENTLE. IDK about Rebecca's partner, but I know who I want Ted with.
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Baby boy. Baby. Jamie, tell me who hurt you, I'll kill them.
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Are you going to finally kiss Jamie?
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IS HE GOING TO FINALLY KISS JAMIE? I know he won't but omg, everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but the main fucking audience.
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"I love your son & I like you very much." HE. HIM. That soft expression, that smile.
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vegetable-man ¡ 2 years
Divine Intervention
FLUFFY WINTER FIC JUST DROPPED. I’m halfway done with finals. Bless the lord. N e wayz, I wrote this bc I think Eddie is so bae. no warnings just love fr. Sending u kithes <3
Divine Intervention
Eddie munson x reader (a slight mention of mechanic Eddie). Same universe as my other mechanic eddie fic.
Indiana was surprisingly cold in the winter. As soon as October came around, a chill would start to crawl down Eddie’s spine and soon enough would leave his back tight and aching. While he never complained, it kept him under the flannel and thick comforter of his bed like a super magnet.
Needless to say, Eddie wouldn’t get up for anybody.
Well, not quite anybody.
Max actually liked living in a small trailer with her mom. Living in that big house with Neil and Billy was far colder in the summers than it was here in the dead of winter. She settled quite nicely in her small bedroom and admired how peaceful her mom kept the place.
There was also another thing Max liked about living in the trailer park: she knew anything and everything about everyone.
You wouldn’t peg her to be much of a nosy girl but in truth, Max was a hardcore people watcher. She enjoyed silently observing her neighbor’s lives and arguments, even noticing small changes in their routines.
Max noticed when Mrs. Wilt got a new senior dog from the shelter. She noticed when the kids down the street started to feed the stray cats.
She also noticed that Eddie had been leaving his trailer much earlier than usual.
Now, being the observer she was, she knew that normally, Eddie was late for everything. He was late to the house parties at Steve’s, he was late to pick up her boyfriend and his friends, he was even late to his own campaigns.
As soon as there was even a thought of snow falling from the impossibly dark morning sky, Eddie was dressed and out of the trailer at 6:30 AM sharp.
The van starting up would wake her up, and Max would blearily look out her window at the trailer across from the window. Eddie would be out there warming up the car, brushing snow off his windshield, and sometimes running frantically back inside to grab something he probably forgot.
With a roll of her eyes, Max would roll back into bed and wait for her mom to wake her up in another half hour for school.
Wayne always kept the news on, especially in the afternoons. He didn’t care for the news, no, but he did care about the weather for the week.
After a small dinner between himself and his boy, Wayne sat his heavy bones down on the couch to watch some TV. Eddie grabbed two beers and a couple of papers, presumably for one of his games that Wayne didn’t quite understand, and set up camp on the small chair that accompanied the couch in their comfortably cluttered living room.
Handing Wayne an opened beer, Eddie sat down in his chair and took a swig from his own bottle, eyes trained on the TV.
“what are they sayin it’s gonna be?” He asked his uncle.
“a couple feet of snow” he groans out, and suddenly he smirks “you better head on to bed, boy”
“Fuuuuuck” Eddie gripped his forehead and leaned forward. With a breath he sat back up, barked out a quick ‘yeah I guess you’re right’  and dragged his feet to the bathroom to wash up before bed.
On the couch, where Eddie couldn’t see him -where no one could see him in fact-, Wayne couldn’t help the smile and sigh that escaped his mouth and entered the very bottle he sipped.
There was nothing that irritated Eddie more than his 6:00 AM alarm on a cold morning.
His body felt warm, his nose felt cold, his brain felt like a brick. And yet, Eddie dragged himself out of bed to put on his usual uniform except with an added twist: the winter coat that you had bought for him last Christmas. While Eddie thought that a bulky coat would destroy his style, it seemed like you had thought of everything, it was a true Wilson leather jacket with all the padding and insulation to get him through the arctic. Eddie knew that wasn’t true, but hell, he’d never see Michigan anytime soon much less the arctic circle. He just knew you didn’t want him to be cold, and he’d do anything for you.
Even get up at the crack of fucking dawn.
When finished his morning routine, Eddie was much more awake than before, but not anymore prepared to face the biting cold of the outside.
Still, he grabbed his keys and headed out to warm up the car and drive off.
As soon as the heat had filled the car, Eddie shifted out of park and slowly drove out of the trailer park through the newly falling snow.
If the roads in Hawkins were bad enough in the summertime, the wintertime felt like a deathtrap. There weren’t enough plows to keep up with the roads that weren’t frequently used such as I don’t know, most of them?
And while Eddie didn’t care for driving in the snow, he knew you were absolutely terrified.
You had your own car, you own routine and places to go, but it all seemed to slow down when there was a dusting of snow or ice on the asphalt. Once, you had called Eddie in a panic because you were stuck at school in a blizzard and couldn’t even get out of the parking lot without sliding.
Eddie laughed, he didn’t mean to, but blizzard was a gross overstatement.
Nevertheless, he drove his ass up to your college campus to save you from the dastardly dangerous terribly scary snow.
Ever since then, Eddie vowed to never let you drive in the snow again.
Back in the van, Eddie navigated the tight and windy roads of Hawkins to your house. Not even fifteen minutes by car, and Eddie knew he would be early like he always was.
Pulling into your driveway, which was quickly building up snow, Eddie saw that the garage was open and the lights were on. He knew enough of your family’s routine to know that both your parents were leaving for work at their usual time. Too fucking early, but their usual time regardless.
With an empty spot in the garage from the recent departure of your father, Eddie pulled into the spot and waved at your mom who was warming up her car herself. She looked over at Eddie and gave him a tired wave and smile, one that said ‘yeah hun she’s still in bed’.
Shutting off his car and tightening his abdomen, Eddie braced for, and eventually threw himself, into the cold air lingering around your garage. It wasn’t a long walk to the door which led into the coatroom, perhaps 10 steps. But these were 10 steps in which Eddie felt his back start to cramp and started walking with a hunch.
Your house was much warmer, though, which made up for the incessant and violating cold.
Taking off his boots and heavy coat, Eddie entered your house and beelined for your bedroom.
If Eddie was frozen before, he was entirely melted by the way you were swallowed by the seven..? He tried to count, blankets on your bed. He heart melted through his chest and in a puddle that made his socks wet with sticky and sweet love.
He could barely see your long and steady breaths from under your blanket and what he could see told him you were utterly out.
With firm steps to your bed, Eddie sat on the edge and dipped the mattress in a way that exposed your face a little further to his sight. Now, he always thought you were cute, even far before he told you for the first time, but Eddie was always hit by it the most when you were sleeping. When you would get a small furrow in your brows and cheeks would squish from the pillow supporting your face.
Cuteness aggression was an intrusive thought that Eddie used all his power to resist.
Compromising with himself, Eddie placed a firm kiss on your temple. Firm, now, meant that the kiss pushed almost your whole head a few inches into the pillow, and exposed your neck for a slight moment from the motion. Eddie used this moment to slip his hand into the crook of your neck and gently rubbed across its length.
A bit startled and groggy from sleep, you furrowed your brows and without opening your eyes, graveled out a small “hello?”
Eddie bit back a laugh and stroked upwards towards your cheek “Good morning sweetheart” and pressed an even deeper kiss to your temple.
With a small sleepy gasp, you moved from your side and onto your back and softly whined out “Eddie? Hi! G’Mornin”.
With that, Eddie laid his torso on top of yours as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, breathing in his hair and soaking in his warmth.
Eddie knew, however, that if you wanted to be on time for your 8:00 AM class, you would need to get up right about now.
“You’ve gotta get up and ready sweetheart” he spoke near your neck.
“Come on up now” Eddie used his leverage to lift you into a seated position. Seated in a valley made by the mountains of blankets on your bed, perhaps not up, but maybe more slouched than anything.
Eddie laughed at your messy hair and slightly swollen eyes as you yawned and embraced him again in your new position. This time, with your head on his shoulder and your cheek squished into his collarbone.
“I love you so much” you squeaked out.
“I know honey” he rubbed your back “I love you too” and he kissed your hairline.
Marinating in the love, as Eddie called it, you both sat exchanging small gestures and warmth under the soft glow of your bedside lamp.
A ringing of the phone somewhere down the hallway interrupted you both and sent Eddie slowly pulling away from you padding towards the wall where he picked up the receiver.
Great news.
Eddie grinned as he blinked out the lingering exhaustion from his eyes and called the garage.
“Hey Ray… yeah bud… nah… no yeah that’s perfect I was calling to call out anyway!” Eddie barked out a laugh. They were closing the garage for the blizzard “yeah, It shouldn’t be a hard job anyway… no I’m with my girl… no worries man… stay safe I’ll see ya Monday!”
Eddie always felt a sort of divine intervention around you.
First your college campus closes due to weather, and then his garage takes a day off too.
Perfect, he smiled.
Walking back to your bed, shutting off the hallway and kitchen lights on the way, Eddie opened the door to your room and slipped inside. It was dark besides the lamp which was still on and you, well, you had fallen back under the oppression of your six, eddie finally decided, blankets.
Grabbing a pair of his sweatpants from your drawer, Eddie slipped them on in lieu of his jeans, shut off the lamp, and climbed into bed with you and your squished cheeks.
Eddie maneuvered your half asleep body next to him and caressed the back of your head until you fell back asleep with a newfound warmth next to you.
Eddie was comfortable. It was dark, it was warm, it was heavy, and you were next to him.
Divine intervention, he reminded himself. And then, like young men can’t resist, he fell deeply asleep.
Eddie woke up to two things. Well, three. Eddie woke up to three things.
He woke up to the soft white winter light. A morning snow kind of light beaming from the windows of your room. It was somehow one of the most loving and nostalgic scenes that he could think of. A fresh snow gleam was a sight to warm the heart.
The second thing Eddie woke up to was the heavy dip next to him on your mattress as you re-entered the bed.
The third thing Eddie woke up to was the smell of hot chocolate.
Eddie took a deep breath, rubbed his eyes, and stretched his arms up and out before looking up at you and the mug of hot chocolate you sported.
Your hair was still messy, your glasses were on, and you brushed the hair out of Eddies face as you traced his jaw towards the outer corner of his eye.
Eddie moved his head to slightly bite the meat of your thumb and kiss the palm of your hand.
Groaning and lifting himself to a seated position, he grabbed the mug, tugged you into his side, and thanked divine intervention once again.
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vamp-stamp-fics ¡ 2 years
Eddie Munson hcs
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Tags: Eddie Munson Headcanons, mostly fluff, Eddie lives!Au, some steddie hcs too while I'm at it, some inconsistency
A/n: some of these hcs are based off of my own experiences so enjoy that lol
Edit: here's some old hcs I have that I found lying deep in my drafts collecting dust lol
One time in 9th grade screamed "hail Satan" during the pledge of allegiance
Has a childhood stuffed animal (probably a teddy bear) that he still has out of nostalgia and that he's too connected to it to let go of it
Had a pet fish when he was younger. when it died he cried and buried it in the backyard. You can still kinda see the watered down cardboard headstone behind the trailer
This man is gay and realized that probably around middle school
Literally cried when he found out bc he knew what would happen if anyone (especially his dad) found out
Uncle Wayne's the only one in Eddies family that's supportive
I personally hc that's why Eddie lives with Wayne bc his parents found out and kicked him out :(
When he's not playing dnd or hanging out with the rest of the group he kinda just tends to stay in his room and practice guitar. That or goes into the woods
Or selling drug's lol
Has an extreme fear of bugs. Literally screams if he sees a cockroach in the trailer as he violently stomps the shit out of it
But if he's with the kids or the queer quartet (especially with Steve) and there's a bug he'll just act all brave and heroic and kill it
"seriously Harrington, with that scream the neighbors gonna think There's a girl in here"
"yeah haha real funny Munson"
But internally he's just as freaked out
Eddie secretly kinda always wanted to have a younger sibling so he could teach them stuff he knew and get them into stuff he was interested in and that's why he absolutely loves his relationship with Dustin bc he's like the younger brother he's always wanted
was absolutely ecstatic when he meet will
Basically took the kid under his wing like he did with Lucas, Dustin, & mike (A/n: side note people need to bring up more about Lucas when talking about Eddie being mentor for Dustin & Mike cus he's also a part of hellfire club so goddamn I'm doing it)
He also encouraged will to wear his "will the wise" costume to at least one of the campaigns
Speaking of hellfire club-
There's this hc I saw on TikTok that I absolutely love that Eddie lost a bet to Lucas and had to wear a princess costume to a campaign
Makes me laugh every time I think about it
I just imagine Eddie with a deadpanned face as the rest of hellfire tried not to laugh Thier asses off
Also Erica decided that she actually liked going to the hellfire campaign and decided to go more often
Tho she won't officially call herself a member cus "hellfire clubs for a bunch of losers" lol
(this for the Eddie lives!au where Eddie just goes with Dustin instead of going and trying to fight the bats off. I'm still mad about that 😒) How Eddie met will was after the "earthquake" when the rest of the group are at Wheelers house and the California crusaders (argyles group lol) are back in Hawkins and there all hugging each other and just happy everyone's okay 👍
"but vamp Eddie is wanted by the police shouldn't he still be in hiding and not in the public eye" I THINK A MURDER SUSPECT IS THE LEAST OF HAWKINS WORRIES AFTER A EARTHQUAKE THAT DESTROYED THE TOWN JUST HAPPENED
Anyways Mike and Dustin introduce will to Eddie (someone pls write a fanfic of this PLEASE-)
Eddie sees alot of his younger self in Will
Besides the fact They're both queer (will didn't say shit about that btw, Eddie just knew) they're both seen as freaks and have similar interests with dnd so when Eddie and will learned more about each other and realized they had more in common
Steve & Dustin 2.0
obviously Eddie doesn't just sweep Dustin under the rug now that wills there but c'mon he can have 2 younger brothers can't he?
And Steves his bf he's gotta take care of their kid together/hj
Speaking of steddie Steve & Eddie kinda give off divorced parents taking care of Thier kid together and Secretly still are in love with each other but doesn't say anything to the other ab it
Eddie's also the 2nd person for Will to come out to and Eddie immediately accepts him
"I mean byer c'mon it was a little obvious"
"you're kidding right? I see the way you look at Wheelers brother"
Of course Eddie doesn't tell anyone unless wills fine with him telling someone else
which let's be honest he probably doesn't want Eddie telling anyone else at least until he's absolutely sure how they feel about queer people. And even then will probably be a bit hesitant on telling the person WHO he likes (A/n: totally not projecting or anything)
After will comes out him Eddie decides to pull a switch a roo out of his ass and come out to will as well
"besides the fact that I also know how you feel, considering I swing that way too"
Will is absolutely shocked
Bamboozled even
Just :0
As if Eddie doesn't look like a walking Skittles ad
Tbh I might make a little fanfic of this scenario :)
Back to when Eddie gets introduced to everyone
Argyle thinks he absolutely fucking cool
"wow man that's a pretty sick jacket"
"you, like metal?"
"well Eden listens to metal so if she likes metal I say it's pretty cool 😎"
Eddie, argyle, & Johnathan are smoking buddies
+ Eden sometimes if argyle visits her
(I'm sorry but I love argyle x Eden sm. They're in a long distance relationship damn it)
If Edens with them Eddie talk ab different type of music they're into sense they have somewhat similar taste
I hc Eden prefers goth music (Siouxsie and the banshees, the cure, joy division, sisters of mercy, Bauhaus) but listens to metal as well so if she wants recs she'll ask Eddie
They all just hot box in argyles van
Anyways back to Eddie hcs
When he graduates (finally) he does exactly what he said he would do: flip principal Higgins off and run like hell out of there
Hellfire club + the rest of the queer quartet, and Wayne was there in crowd cheering him on
After the ceremony tho he was absolutely ecstatic
Wayne gave him the biggest hug out of all them
"I'm proud of you kid"
Nearly teared up when Wayne said that
Jonathan took a bunch of pictures
They had party at Wayne's trailer
Nothing too fancy but there was enough people to call it a party
He also has a pet rat named Ozzy
A/n: anyways these are all the hcs that I could pull out of my ass for now but I might update this post if there's more I can think of
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ineed-to-sleep ¡ 7 months
1, 4, 8, 13, and 14? dealer’s choice on OC
I've picked Vincent for this!!
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
It definitely started with appearance!! I knew I wanted to make Pepper's sire, so I played around with some ideas for a design and the plan was to develop from there. I still have the old sketches actually but they're all very uglee 😭 here are the few I'm feeling brave enough to share:
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(The third one is him as a kid bc I saw those photos of 80s kids with some questionable haircuts and I thought yeah djdjkdksk that would be him)
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? 
It was definitely the elder manipulation(TM) in VTM. A lot of his backstory after getting embraced revolves around having to be ordered around by a manipulative person(not really an elder tho, more like an ancilla) who destroyed his self esteem and still haunts him until the moment the story of VTMB starts. She's an essential part of his character arc actually, since she comes back into his life and gets him under her control again, with things only coming to an end when he manages to regain his self worth and fully remove her from his life- by killing her. With an axe. 🪓
But yeah this is pretty much how a lot of sire/fledgling relationships go in VTM, so that definitely influenced his backstory the most.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
Ohhh everything. Like, ok, not everything, but so so much. I mentioned a bit here. Tbh it's probably easier to list the things I don't relate to him about djcjjck he went to college for journalism which is like, hm. A choice. Couldn't be me. He also raises plants which for some reason I'm unable to raise and always accidentally kill. He's also a freak about keeping his apartment organized and clean which LMAO could NOT be me
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
Hmm I have occasionally thought about him and Pepper after vtmb, and I'd love to make them go to seattle and insert them into the events of vtmb2, but I kinda dropped the idea bc the game isn't coming out anymore :/ (I'm ignoring the new vtmb2's existence ok it is NOT real)
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
HMM. This is a tough one 🤔 only 2 things?? I guess if I had to pick like, the absolute most important things about Vincent, when I'm writing anything with him, it's that 1. He's very sentimental, even though he may not look like it, or show it, and 2. He always thinks he could overthink things More.
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yoonia ¡ 6 months
🚨Huge spoilers for the bedroom hymns🚨
🚨Don't read this ask unless you've read it until chapter xiv🚨
(I hope this will be enough 😭😅)
Ahhh okay, I thought it would make more sense to ask it on your blog (and you can choose not to answer if it's too heavily spoiled/makes no sense)(sorry in advance for it being huge)
This is me writing this ask:
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So for my list of questions and theories about this story (FYI I've no idea what fairytale story you're retelling):
I've read the end of the prologue like 3 or 4 times and I still don't get it. Her sighting of the Bluebeard is never mentioned later and it bothers me bc if it is her dad, she should have recognized him, if it's the carriage man from chap iv-v, then she would later on. The story's title leads me to believe that the OC is Bluebeard's daughter, but then why wouldn't she recognize him in the prologue? (And no, it's not obvious, bc the story tells us OC is smart and perceptive, so what is the point of that scene in the prologue if not to ascertain this for herself?)
The King's decision-making is... a little weird. So he has only one heir (OC), whom he has trained to rule after him and he has let her reach adulthood without knowing that there's a parallel realm to this kingdom that she's supposed to rule over? Like, what if he died tomorrow? Not to mention that if she has powers and should learn to control them, he seriously would leave her blind and 'unrefined' (let's be real, a liability) instead of training/preparing her?
And then he lets her go through these portals without mastering anything? Not herself, not the family secret, nothing? Like, she's the best-kept secret of all the dimensions and he'd risk losing her to thugs and danger and bad chance? What if someone steals her necklace? What if she forgets to put it on, he literally caught her doing it! Like, how are you going to so many lengths to keep her hidden and then risk her safety like this?
AND THEN knowing that this is a world with soulmates, there's the distinct impression that the King hides the OC even from her soulmate. Which opens the door to defying fate itself, and risking the hate of his daughter when she finds out? Idk, I thought he was smart.
And then he still has the time to live so many fake lives? How?? How does he have the time to play all those roles, and more importantly, why would he care to? He's a king with the power of omnipresence?
And then about the Queen. So my theory is that she died, because a) she wouldn't leave OC, b) the king loves her and wouldn't just "let her be lost in a portal". Especially since the King is letting the OC use those portals.
I need to know if OC and Yoongi met as kids 😭 With Queen Milena and so he was the only person who knew she had a daughter and that OC was his soulmate (but then the Queen would know too? And would tell the King? So why is he hiding her? 😵) I need that so I can cry and be all goofy dovey about it, okay? 😭
💨 so my ongoing theory is that the King and Yoongi's dad are related somehow (hopefully not, cause then -> blood relatives 😭) and that both were bestowed that power - or alternatively, that Queen Milena is related and had the power, giving it to the King later.
The third option is that the King/Queen Milena are from the kingdom that was destroyed and that power came from there (and is just similar to Yoongi's dad's) but that would beg the question of why mention that someone "stole it" in Yoongi's kingdom in the first place.
I'm considering whether the King is an immortal being of some sort considering the legends and how some of his decisions make no sense, but then why have a daughter, and in case he has had many, why care about this one?
I've just realized most of my assumptions rely on thinking of the King as a loving father and it might not be the case considering how neglectful he is...
Now all of this being said, none of this is me shitting on the story, quite the opposite, the mystery is the journey. Either all my questions make sense and I've been caught in the web, or there are plotholes that can be fixed now that external eyes have pointed them out. Another possibility is that I missed something, which would not shock me at all 😂😂😅
Where is the story going? I've absolutely no clue! I'm super excited about the next chapter because I'm hoping that Yoongi will be the key to her lock and then everything will just unravel beautifully 🔥
Ahh hello!! I’m sorry this took so long to respond to. I had to read this ask a few times and these are my reaction through every single one: 😆😎😂🤭😏😏🤭🤓
I was contemplating how to answer this long ask because there are so many questions listed here that may potentially spoil the story if I’m going to answer in detail so I had to figure out how to respond without spoiling the story. we’re still a bit far before some of the big revelations are brought up so I’m going to do my best to answer with clues on what to expect and point out some of the things (scene purposes, hints, etc) that you may have missed which should’ve answered some of this. 
For those who haven’t read the story, you can skip reading this. or not lol. I’m going to leave the answer under a cut just in case. 
So here we go: 
To find the answer for question no. 1; the hints are all there in the recent chapters where OC kept finding the King’s hideouts and the disguises that the King supposedly used during his ‘trips’. The purpose of these scenes were to answer the question: “if that ‘person’ had been the King, why wouldn’t she recognise him at all?” but there is actually another question that was never asked: “was that person really the King at all? or if that really was Bluebeard?” 
Idk if you remember, but it was mentioned during the scene in the prologue that OC had only seen a ‘dark figure’ walking through the deep woods. she never got close enough to see the person’s face, except for a hint of the blue beard, and he was covered in a fog, leaving her to believe that she was really seeing that ‘person’. 
I can’t answer questions no. 2&3 yet as they are a part of the big revelation that I mentioned above. The scenes have been written for a couple of upcoming chapters so you may have to wait until they are revealed (since mentioning them now will ruin the story heheh)
As for no. 4; coincidentally, I’ve written the answer in the latest chapter (ch. 15). I know that this ask was sent to me before the chapter was out (which was also one of the reasons why I didn’t answer this right away just so I could ‘show’ it to you instead lol) but since you’ve read it by now, I guess I’m allowed to bring it up now😏
I’m sure you’ve caught on with the conversation shared between Yoongi and Yijeong. In this world, soulmates do exist. but this is something that has been rare to happen within the fairies community, so aside from Yoongi and some limited characters, the fact that he has a soulmate at all was never exposed publicly. and until this chapter (aside from the brief encounter the OC had with the farmer in Grimm), we haven’t revealed WHAT the OC truly is yet.
So does the King know that she has a soulmate somewhere out there? maybe yes, but there’s a bigger chance that he doesn’t. since…we haven’t even solved whether he is Yoongi’s kind at all. 
No. 5 will also be explained in an upcoming chapter. As I’ve mentioned before, there is a big revelation coming, and starting from the latest chapter to the next 2-3 chapters, we are going to have a build up leading to that point. The only thing that I can tell you right now is this: the King has a reason why he has been using the portals, and that reason may not be what we (and the OC) have been thinking at all😎😎
No. 6&7 have also been written and will be included in the future chapters. We haven’t been getting the Queen’s side of story so far since we’ve been seeing the events through OC’s pov and every memory that she has of the Queen is kinda distorted, since she was still a child when the Queen was around. More about the Queen will be brought up through Yoongi’s pov, because he is the only one who has a clear memory of her due to the fact that he was older than OC when he last met the Queen. 
One of the things that I’ve recently wrote about was actually a scene showing Yoongi’s moment with the Queen. Lets just say that their conversation will explain a lot about that last question and you might enjoy what they talked about then 🤓
For your theories; I’m actually loving these so far hahah and let me say that you are getting pretty close. The only information we have right now is that the Queen and the fairy Emperor (Yoongi’s father) were extremely close, enough that they shared secrets with each other and that they often spent time together (which Yoongi remembers joining as a child), which is why the Emperor is determined to find out what happened to her before he passes away (ps. there is also another reason why he is in need to find her, but that will be mentioned later) 
I guess this is all that I can give you for now. Hopefully, my answers (and non-answers) will help make sense some of the things you’ve been curious about. I can definitely say that your questions do make perfect sense, and to be fair, I kind of expect more readers to be having these questions as we reach at this point of the story because then everything that is happening in the upcoming chapters will fall in place perfectly to answer everything.
Truly hoping that there won’t be any plotholes as we’ve finally reached this point and so close to the climax LOL because I’ve been working on this one for a whole year and I have everything planned until the end. well, except for a few loopholes that I’m now busy tidying up, hence why I often take breaks between chapters to make sure everything works out and makes sense at the end😎
If you’re ever interested to learn more about the tale that inspired this story, there is an online script of the original version (not released by the Grimm’s brothers) of Blubeard that you can find here. Reading the basic of the tale might help you understand the significance of the ‘magic doors’, the keys, and Bluebeard’s secret :) 
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