#literally wasn't going to make anything for mermay but here we are
venomous-qwille · 1 year
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Shallow Water
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Because 3 is the Charm (again 😂), for the WIP game I wanna know about these please:
Eyes Like Sinking Ships On Waters So Inviting I Almost Jump In
It's Kanima Venom, Not Veritaserum
A Different Kind Of Monthly Curse
Especially the first one 👀
Thank you so much for the ask! <333
Eyes Like Sinking Ships On Waters So Inviting I Almost Jump In
This is a siren Stiles/sailor Derek AU I've been planning since summer (I didn't write it in time for the season, but hopefully I'll get around to it before next MerMay!)
Here's a snippet of one of the scenes:
Before the shipwreck, he'd been a sailor, taking leave for months at a time to travel trade routes across the world, listening with rapt attention as his fellow crew mates spun tales of violently beautiful creatures forged in the heart of the ocean, half man and half marine, whose voices, ethereal and otherworldly, could bring even the strongest man to their knees, whose songs could lure them to their death, dragging them to the depths below. Derek never had much patience for fairy tales, scoffing and rolling his eyes as his shipmates swore to the stars they'd seen one for real. Before the shipwreck, he'd thought them all halfwitted, woolgathering fools. Now, he'd give anything to hear their laughter and shanties again.
It's Kanima Venom, Not Veritaserum
Ohhh this one. I am so excited to write this one. This is another fic I've had planned out for nearly a year and haven't gotten around to writing yet. It was inspired by this prompt.
Essentially, the pack is sick of Stiles and Derek's shit, and locks the two of them in a closet, temporarily paralyzing them with Jackson's kanima venom so they'll be forced to talk to each other about their feelings.
Here's one of my favorite interactions from this fic, inspired by the third photo in this post:
"But like, this is clearly a joke, right? I mean, come on, it's not like you're actually in love with me or anything."
Derek goes rigid beside him, and the laughter dies in Stiles's throat.
"Oh my god, do you ever shut up?" Derek growls. "So what if I'm in love with you? Mind your own business."
Stiles makes an incoherent choking noise beside him.
A Different Kind Of Monthly Curse
A hurt/comfort fic wherein Stiles accidentally destroys a statue belonging to an ancient coven of witches and ends up getting cursed to experience a period, and Derek comes over and takes care of him.
Here's a little snippet:
Less than ten minutes later, Derek climbs through Stiles's bedroom window, arms laden with all manner of chocolate and comfort food.
"I didn't know what to bring, so I just got all of your favorites. It's what I used to do for Laura whenever she had to go through this," Derek says.
"Best. Boyfriend. Ever." Stiles attempts a smile but it comes out as more of a grimace as another wave of cramps washes over him.
"How exactly did this happen?" Derek asks, concerned.
"Remember when we were scoping out that shop yesterday to see if it was a front for the coven committing all those murders?"
"Remember when I knocked over that giant statue of a fertility goddess and it shattered into a million pieces and the shop owner started yelling at me in Latin?"
Derek's eyebrows rise to meet his hairline, a look of horrified comprehension dawning on him.
"Oh no," he says.
"Oh yes," Stiles confirms with a grimace. "She wasn't just cursing at me, she was literally cursing me."
"And now you've got—"
"And now I've got a period, yeah."
Stiles has never seen Derek look more sympathetic.
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dragonsinkwell · 3 years
Snippet #73
I'd say as a blog who's tagline is an actual Baskin Robbins joke I'd say this was the monthly flavor if it wasn't Mermay and I wasn't brewing up some lovely things for that in the background. But still, have a starter for a funny Angel!AU where it's the thief's turn to try and keep someone, namely you, on the straight and narrow.
“You are fully aware I cannot help you, yes?”
The warm voice from behind you, providing a statement you’ve heard numerous times during your adventures with your guardian, only gets a small chuckle from you as you finish touching up your makeup. Tonight there’s a huge soiree at some CEO’s place, you forget who exactly because you don’t care, and you’ve managed to ‘acquire’ a pair of invitations to gain access. She’s not celebrity level famous, but definitely rich and word around the block says she’s real fond of nice jewelry, which just so happens to be your favorite target.
“Oh come now, aren’t we only going to a party tonight?” you reply with a soft laugh, stepping away from the vanity and turning to face your partner with a bright grin. As usual, you give him a once over and let out a pleased hum. Arsène is always pleasant to look at, a fact you admit with glee, but here in a suit and tie he’s even more handsome. “Besides, we both know I’m super talented and if there was anything happening, I’d be able to handle it alone, right?”
You finish it off with a wink, and earn yourself a lovely laugh. Oh, what you would not give to get a chance to steal a kiss from him every time you see Arsène like this, beaming at you like the spring sun and eyes glittering with joy. Perhaps you should try seeing if angels can make plea deals; if his job is to convince you to stop your thieving ways, a compromise can surely be made.
Arsène adjusts one of his gloves, more habit than anything, before extending it out to you now that you’re finished getting ready. You run down a quick internal checklist, you’ve got yourself loaded up with quite a few tools, all hidden completely under your dress, and while you can’t get away with a large purse, you’ve definitely got enough room for plenty of spoils. Assured you’re prepared for the party, you shoot him a grin of your own and place your hand in his.
“Only attending a party, hm?” Arsène asks, and there is no doubt in that smile of his that he knows you’re lying the same way he knows your hair color. Still, you grin back and nod, causing him to offer you his arm. “Well then, I have nothing to worry about at all, now do I? I can enjoy a night out with you and not have to keep an eye out for any trickery."
He knows. Arsène knows exactly what is going on and it only draws another round of giggles from you. Perhaps a strange reaction knowing you're being escorted by a heavenly chaperone, literally being watched to actively discourage your illegal hobby, but that fact only makes you want to try your hardest to see what tricks Arsène will come up with to keep you too busy to indulge yourself in some thievery. "Of course," you chime with absolute cheer, linking your arm with his. "Would I ever lie?"
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