#literary slapfights
victusinveritas · 5 months
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Two men fuming in their rooms and writing poems about one another ...
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lilithsaintcrow · 2 days
"Name a phenomenon one thought was part of human nature, and some academic will have found a specific century, even a specific decade, usually a specific little-known text, in which it was “invented.” Thus giving themselves credit for the invention of the invention."
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wishmaker-astra · 1 month
Eugh, just saw references to Archie/Maxie RPF, as in explicitly RPF that was RPF to the author, not multiverse shenanigans being mistaken for that and not someone where the two are literary characters in their home universe. Somehow this is way worse than the magma slapfights invoking that during it.
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thatdogmagic · 1 year
Had to block a gnarly slapfight post about Boomers that's going around because it is talking itself in circles and being annoying, so, if you see it, just remember this:
the unifying things about the Boomers people VERY RIGHTFULLY hate is that they are almost all white, or openly beholden to white supremacy.
'White American Boomers (and their enablers).' It doesn't have the same literary or oratory punch as simply saying 'Boomers' but that's who you're talking about.
That's primarily who it is that's being referenced, so having a little more specificity will not hurt.
Remember that everyone that wasn't them had to fight tooth and nail for those easily-affordable homes nearly everyone under the age of 45 is all wistfully referencing, and once they got them, it wasn't long before those homes and communities got destroyed.
The "bougie" generation was only ever bougie for some.
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salemoleander · 2 years
Skizz had one sentence comparing going and challenging Bdubs to Achilles challenging Hector and I'm like !!!!!!!! YES Skizz make those literary references
I mean that did just end up being Baby Slapfight, but it's the principle of the thing
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actualmermaid · 6 years
Would you believe that I’m getting in a literary criticism slapfight over Lord of the Rings in the comment section of a reddit post of an adult zebra trying to drown a baby zebra
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atundratoadstool · 7 years
Apparently Wilkie Collins and G. H. Lewes were having polite Victorian literary slapfights about whether or not mesmerism/clairvoyance/whatever was a thing all through the 1850s. Then, in '59, George Eliot writes this story about how hearing other people's thoughts ruins everything forever, and Collins writes a novel about how the super-sensible empathy squad takes down the evil Count Bow-to-My-Magnetic-Influence.
If somebody has already written this article and robbed me of a seminar paper topic, I'm going to be super-duper sad.
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