#lito duskryn
mollfie · 5 months
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Hmmm... is this stabby little guy worth the risk?
On first meeting he headbutted me but most recently he outsmarted a devil, so...
I've been doodling while listening to Legend of Drizzt the last two nightz
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mollfie · 5 months
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I've been trying a new way of using refs where you block in shapes, then drawing over the shapes to try and make poses less stiff
Lito’s on his tippy toes
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mollfie · 4 months
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Inspired by @elminsters to make an OC page
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mollfie · 6 months
Get to know my OC (Tav)
• Name: Lito Duskryn
• Age: 154
• Race: Drow
• Origin: Criminal
• Alignment: Neutral Evil (trying to be nice)
• Class: Bard/Fighter
• Lover: Astarion
• Best friend(s): Shadowheart
• Fun fact: Third son, saved from sacrifice because his brothers killed each other.
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He has a different haircut for each act
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mollfie · 5 months
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More doodling. This is like, Lito before and after BG3. At the start, he is fresh-faced and ready to go (extorting people for money and committing crimes), and by the end of the game he really just wants to get one night of undisturbed sleep.
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mollfie · 4 months
Name a more romantic place than the Temple of Bhaal
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mollfie · 3 months
Character Playlists
Zinadove Dawntracker
Jet Nix
Arthur Conan the Barbarian Doyle
Lito Duskryn
When I make playlists they are not songs the characters would necessarily listen to. Only Jet and Arthur would actually listen to the music on their playlists. But everyone's playlists are songs that would be playing in the music video/film that is their life. They're also a constant work in progress. Jet's is pretty solid because I've been playing with her for a little over four years.
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mollfie · 3 months
5 songs, 4 outfits: Lito Duskryn
Thank you @lolthslover for tagging me in this! I tag: @elminsters @vspin anyone else who feels like it?
The Mask by Matt Maeson
Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender
Hard 4 You by Chela
Francesca by Hozier
Lito was born into a noble house but spent most of his time getting into trouble until eventually running away to the surface. He has always worked with gangs and less than reputable people and while he appreciates good workmanship and the occasional decorative touch, his clothing is first and foremost practical and hardwearing. He also never wears a shirt around the camp/at home and if he must then it's something comfortable. He isn't averse to colour but he prefers something that hides the dirt and bloodstains.
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mollfie · 3 months
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Zinadove - Jet - Arthur - Lito
Made primarily for playlists etc
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mollfie · 2 months
3+5 + 4 Tav Asks for Lito!
3. What would their character quest be titled? Why?
A Light in the Dark: Lito unfortunately grows a conscience just before getting picked up by the nautiloid. You can sway his personal journey toward good or bad, staying or leaving the Zhentarim, leaning into people's expectations of drow or not etc, throughout the game. I would loop his personal quest into the Find the Missing Shipment and Free the Artist. Siding with/against Keene would have an impact on his feelings toward both you and the Zhentarim depending on how you've been influencing him. Lito is never going to be a "good guy" but by the prologue if you've pushed him toward improvement then he will be a little softer and a little less selfish, similar to how Astarion can become an adventurer and help people in one of his endings. Lito still expects to get something in return, but he's more likely to help others. Or, you can nudge him the other way and he'll be working his way up the career ladder in the Zhentarim and not looking back.
4. What would your Tav’s romance scenes look like? How many would they have?
Well I did write a fic...
Lito would probably only have a couple of scenes. Drinking and playing the lyre during the teifling party, he would also talk about how he has a vazhan-do at home which he'll play for you when you get to Baldur's Gate. When you arrive in the main city he'll show you some of his drow stuff at the Elfsong and if you're nice enough to him then he'll sleep with you. In between you'd have to gain his trust and listen to his stories about Menzoberranzan, moving to the surface, working in the Zhentarim etc.
5. Describe their idle animations!
Tuning his lyre. Playing knife games. Considering who to spar with, would Lae'Zel wipe him out? Probably. Would it be worth it? Definitely. Maybe Halsin...?
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mollfie · 4 months
Tell Us About Your Tav!
what's your tav's name, class, and race?
Lito Duskryn, fighter, drow Jet Nyx, warlock, tiefling Zinadove Dawntracker, wizard, high elf
which background do they have? how does it play into their story? (and if you're doing a durge playthrough, how did your tav come to be the haunted one?)
Lito: Criminal. Worked with the Zhentarim, no issues with committing a crime, deceiving others or persuading them to let him so what he wants. Doesn't go out of his way to hurt people but will if necessary. Trying to be better. Would encourage Mol to do whatever it takes to protect herself the other kids.
Jet: Entertainer. Desperate for attention, good or bad, and always performing.
Dove: Acolyte. Has spent her whole life dedicated to serving Oghma and the pursuit of knowledge. Generally a good person but can have tunnel vision. Nosy.
what feats have you picked for them?
Genuinely can't remember haha
favourite weapon type to beat away goblins with?
Lito: Longsword
Jet: Fire (mmmm barbeque gobbos)
Dove: Magic missile (simple but effective)
for the spellcasters, what's their favourite spell?
Jet just sets fire to everything and Dove favours summoning others to do the fighting for her
any scars or facial tattoos? how did they get them?
Everyone's pretty scarless
typical party lineup?
Lito: Astarion, Lae'Zel and Shadowheart
Jet: Astarion, Halsin and Lae'Zel
Dove: Gale, Wyll and Karlach
did they romance anyone? who's the lucky companion(s)?
Lito: Astarion
Jet: Lae'Zel, Astarion, Halsin, The Emperor, Mizora, the Drow Twins, Haarlep. Astarion was her main squeeze but she'll screw it up somehow eventually.
Dove: Gale (although Wyll is hard to resist)
what's your tav's dnd alignment?
Lito: Neutral evil
Jet: Chaotic neutral
Dove: Chaotic good
are they double-classing in anything?
Lito has a little bit of Bard to give him a boost. He would have liked to be a musician but was pushed into being a fighter and it is what he's good at. So, he dabbles.
what are their best skills? arcana, history, sleight-of-hand?
Lito: manipulating everyone into doing what he wants
Jet: fucking around and finding out, she relies heavily on charisma
Dove: history and arcana
did your tav let astarion bite them? (did they let him kill them. be honest.)
Lito: Yes, and he's into it
Jet: Yes, because she's curious and impulsive
Dove: No, but she's nice about it
does your tav willingly do the "silly" options, eg. licking the spider, kissing the goblin's foot, etc.?
Lito: maybe if he thinks it'll be funny, otherwise he's intimidating everyone into backing off
Jet: anything for a giggle
Dove: Absolutely not
what was your tav's life like before they got kidnapped by the mindflayers?
Lito: Working with the Zhents
Jet: Travelling entertainer and professional bad decision maker
Dove: Literally just set out on her second adventure after her husband died and this is what she gets?? Has spent the majority of her life living and working in a temple
is your tav leaning into their newfound illithid abilities, or rejecting them altogether?
Jet is the only one who gobbles those bad boys down like gummy worms. She narrowly avoids turning but learns nothing in the process, of course
how do they feel about raphael? did they take him up on his offer?
Lito: thinks he's a bit of a dick but appreciates the hustle
Jet: would smash
Dove: lacklustre poetry and a little frightened by the whole devil thing
for paladin or cleric tavs that worship a certain deity, how did they come to worship them? do they fully believe in their god, or is their trust wavering?
what made them train in the class they fight in?
Lito: didn't get a choice, he's a first born drow male
Jet: ruined her life and everyone else's, got lost and frightened so when a devil popped up and offered her a pact she signed up
Dove: she's a huge nerd
when talking to people, which sort of answers do they go for? eager to help, sassy and sarcastic, apathetic?
Lito: depends on who you are and how much you're paying him
Jet: flirty, a little mean but mostly just being silly
Dove: always polite and kind, unless you're rude to her and then she'll fully match that energy
does your tav have a best friend in the party? what's their dynamic like?
Lito: Shadowheart and Halsin
Jet: can't keep friends, always screws it up eventually
Dove: once Astarion and Shadowheart realise she loves to gossip they would be great friends
in act one, did your tav side with the tieflings or the absolute's cult members? (did you do it for minthara? i won't judge.) Everyone sides with the tieflings. I do also have a surge playthrough with Lito and I'm going to do and evil run with Jet because in that au I think she would love Minthara. I have also knocked out Minthara in my redemption durge playthrough so I could have her and Halsin which was funnny.
who was your tav's family? did they have any?
Lito: as far as he knows everyone is still alive and well plotting each others murders in Menzoberranzan
Jet: she accidentally killed them
Dove: she has extended family across the country and a brother in Neverwinter.
did your tav's dream visitor manifest as anyone in particular, or someone random that they've never seen before?
Lito: his mum which was a terrible idea because he hates her
Jet: no one in particular
Dove: her dead husband
what was your tav up to in baldur's gate? did they live there, or were they in the wrong place at the right time when the mindflayer ship came through?
Lito: lives there
Jet: passing through
Dove: visiting
regarding your tav's companions, who propositioned them for a private evening after the party with the tieflings? who did they take up on the offer?
Astarion propositions everyone. Lito and Jet both took up the offer but Dove rejected him to dream about Gale instead.
is your tav prioritising certain personal quests over others - for example, are they on the hunt for magical items for gale, infernal iron and other materials for karlach, etc?
I don't prioritise anything really, just do everything in an area and go back and forth a lot until everything is done. I prioritise getting the party together first and then wander about.
how does your tav react to wyll's pact and patron? if they're a warlock, was there anything specific?
Lito: doing the math, Wyll was a kid and this is fucked up
Jet: *rattling the bars of her cage* hot lady, would have signed that contract instantly without even reading it if Mizora had approached her
Dove: can we go five minutes without another problem please? get this bitch out of my camp and leave the poor boy alone :(
how does your tav feel about sex? are they all for it or kind of "meh" about it?
Lito: likes sex but is fine without it, loves taking care of someone
Jet: yes please, it's like a fun pastime for her
Dove: very monogamous and not into casual sex at all
after baldur's gate is saved, what will your tav do?
Lito: got to sort out that vampire spawn in the Underdark problem they caused
Jet: back to bouncing around Faerun
Dove: settles down with Gale
who's their favourite animal companion at camp?
Shovel comes with me everywhere
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mollfie · 4 months
Lito comes across as a chill guy, but in reality, he's so used to no one caring about his thoughts and feelings that he just doesn't say anything unless he has to. This also leads to moments where everyone's sharing a funny story, so he joins in and is confused about why everyone looks deeply concerned.
I mean, he was born and raised in Menzoberranzan and then worked with the Zhentarim, etc, for the last hundred years. He would have so many fucked up stories to tell but doesn't think of it as being anything all that special. So he'll just occasionally drop these weird, funny, and often traumatising stories.
It's weird thinking about how races who live hundreds of years could do the same job for centuries if they wanted to. I imagine Lito always being part of the Zhentarim but working with them like a mercenary or freelancer. He would work all the time when he was new, but once he had established himself, then he could be more choosy about the jobs he took. He also gambles a lot, so if he's having a good time of it, he's less likely to work.
It's also weird to think of how many people he would have known who died, and that's just how it goes when you live hundreds of years and work with violent criminals.
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mollfie · 5 months
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I might come back and tweak this some time but for now, here is a little character sheet for Lito. Side note: I headcanon him not having the chin part of the tattoo. He's also 5ft5.
The template is by @arcandoria and you can get it via her kofi
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