#little Henry and Aiden together were the cutest
writerfae · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to ask two things!
1 Do you ever plan on writing the shovel talk Talon gets from Henry? (It's, of course, ok if you're not!)
2 When Henry and Aden were little, did it ever happen that Aden couldn't reach something and Henry either got it for him or lifted him up (while teasing him just a littleXD as a treat)? Did Henry give Aiden piggyback rides? ( I guess that's technically three questions)
I'm in a big brother Henry mood today (everyday)
Hello! Today, just like every day, is a perfect day for being in a big brother Henry mood!
It would definitely be funny to write Henry giving Talon the shovel talk, so I might do it one day! Because let's be honest, we all know Henry would give him that talk.
Which would be very stressful for Talon cause not only is this his boyfriend's older brother, he's also his boss, technically.
Not to forget that he's king, so the gods know what he might do (not that Talon would ever want to hurt Aiden, but still, what if it happens somehow?)
But also, consider: Talon getting a whole row of shovel talks from different people. Aiden's dad, Henry, Callan, Halea. Even Maya, even though he complains that she's HIS best friend, so shouldn't she give Aiden the shovel talk instead?
And to your other question(s):
Aiden was a relatively small kid (until he hit his first growth spurt), there were quite some things he couldn't reach, so yes, Henry did lift him up or got things for him out of the upper cabinets occasionally ^^ When he got older, though, Aiden often was too proud to ask for this kind of help
Henry also absolutely gave Aiden piggyback rides and small Aiden loved it. When they played in the woods all day and Aiden was exhausted, Henry would often carry him home on his back (which I think is really cute)
Thanks for your ask <3
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sailorzelda94 · 7 years
How I became a Single Mother at 19.
Rape. It was from Rape. I was 18 and was at school early one morning (like 5:45 am) to drop off my drill team uniform. I went back to my car after dropping it off, drove up to a nearby fast food joint for breakfast, and came back to the school back parking lot at 6:15 am. Ate my breakfast and got out to throw it away in the trashcan. Felt something hit me hard in the back of my head, and I went down and everything got blurry. I was dragged back to my cars backseat where I was raped by a stranger. I fought back. I scratched, I bit, I kicked but I was not strong enough to fight off my attacker. He left after he was done, running off into the dark morning as my friends pulled into the parking lot. I fixed myself up and fought to stay calm till I got inside. I went to the nurse, and told her what had happened. She didn’t believe me at first, but she did get the on school officer who did believe me. He called Police HQ for a rape test kit to be done and ask for my statement. Once they had what they needed, I went back to school. I was so ashamed of myself. I had been raped twice now. Once at 12 and now again at 18 by two different men. I went through therapy and got back to semi normal. I was terrified of being around strange men and to this day I still get uncomfortable and nervous around men I don’t know. In April, a month after the attack, I realized I had missed my cycle. My best friend and at the time BF assured me it was just stress. But then one missed cycle turned to two and I become incredibly ill with nausea. I finally took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. While I was terrified of what would happen to me and my unborn child I knew one thing. The baby inside me was mine and I was going to care for it. But I was still fighting the shame I felt, only a very small handful of people knew about my assault. I didn’t even tell my parents. I went through the rest of HS like nothing was wrong. I graduated and began the process of applying for college.  I became depressed. I felt alone and abandoned  by everyone around me. I even considered suicide, killing my child and myself. I turned to my faith and my best friend for support. I saw a OBGYN who happened to be my best friend’s mother. She told me I was having twins and all three of us were healthy. I started to feel better but in August I miscarried one of my twins. I started to feel even worse. Like a failure. I knew I needed my families help, my parents help but I was still fighting the shame and hurt I felt. By my 7th month of pregnancy my parents guess what was wrong. They took me to a friend of theirs. The best OBGYN in the state. He had delivered both of my siblings and I was comfortable around him. My parents got everything we needed for a new baby and got me some parenting books. I felt relieved that they understood, my mom especially understood. She had been raped herself at my age and had me at the age of 20. She was very supportive and knowledgeable. By my 8th month into pregnancy we discovered a problem.  My son was breached, and I had a lot of health problems as well as genetic issues that had them worried about a vaginal breached birth.  So I was scheduled for a C-Section on the 17th of December, a week before the actual due date of the 24th. I was going to college all the while and it was hard but I finished my first semester. My very last final of the semester was the 12th of December. I will never forget that night. I got into bed at 11:55 pm. I had been in bed for only 5 minutes when my water broke. I screamed for my mother and stepfather who were asleep in the room next to mine. They were up in an instant, mom helping me get dressed and getting my hospital bag and my stepfather calling my OBGYN. My stepfather drove me to the hospital in his truck because there was still ice and snow on the streets. We got to the hospital and checked in. They wheeled me into labor and delivery. I was scared. I was 19 and wasn’t sure if I was really ready but my son was and I had to be brave for both of us. The set me up in a room with an IV and kept an eye on me. My mom had called my grandparents who both came up to stay with me so my parents could take care of my siblings since they had school and work still. My grandmother left to help my parents but my grandfather stayed with me. We watched a Julia Roberts movie until I passed out exhausted at 3am. My parents came back at 5 after getting everything settled, my grandmother was at our house to watch my siblings. By 6 am a nurse came in to tell me they would take me into surgery shortly. She prept me for surgery before they wheeled me out. They gave me the anesthesia and within moments I couldn’t feel anything below my neck. The surgery was a little scary but my parents were with me but I kept my eyes on the clock. At 6:23 am on Friday the 13th of December, my sweet son Aiden Henry came into this world screaming and kicking.  He was beautiful. They cleaned us both up and wheeled me back to rest. They brought him back in after a bath and gave him to me. I was still a little out of it from the medication but I was allowed to hold him with help. My mom held him while I rested. Once I recovered I wanted to hold him and feed him. He was absolutely stunning. He had the cutest little nose, pale blue eyes, and peach colored fuzz thinly covered his scalp. Since his birth, there have been a lot of ups and downs but I wouldn’t change a thing at all. He has helped me heal more than any therapy could. My mother has often said that in times of darkness, laughter and sunshine heal more than anything. I agree with her, my son is my sunshine and laughter. He is my happiness. Life as a young mom is hard, but I have my family to help me. I get judged a lot when Aiden and I are out together but most of the comments and looks I ignore. My son has led me to new happiness’s, including my current relationship. My boyfriend and Aiden adore each other, and I love both of my sweet boys.
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