#little mix hearder
editsmoonchild · 5 years
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folkive · 3 years
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damn-scarhead · 3 years
DGM tag game
I’ve been tagged twice. You can find the other part here.
Answer the questions and tag four people.
I was tagged by @14thexorcist (Warning: this is full spoiler!)
What’s your favorite manga page/panel?
I can easily say that this panel of Kanda from chapter 170 is one of my favorite. In general, Hoshino’s art-style during the whole Paris/Timothy Arc is my absolute favorite ever and Kanda here is *chef kiss*. (Another panel I love in this chapter is Kanda and Allen glaring at each other lol It’s actually my hearder on the app if I’m not mistaken)
(I’m French so I decided to post the French version but I’m sure y’all know what he’s saying)
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What’s your favorite chapter?
Oof this one is hard. There’s so many chapters that I love for different reasons that it’s hard to choose. In the end, I think I’ll choose chapter 193.5. It’s a bonus chapter from volume 20 (yes, it’s during the Alma Arc) and it’s only 3 or 4 pages long so I’m not even sure it counts as a chapter. But it never fails to hit me right in my poor heart. (Fo made them hold hands ahhh)
Do you have a favorite volume?
Again, this is hard to tell. I love every volume equally for different reasons. But if I have to choose only one then I suppose I’ll have to go with either volume 19 or volume 20. (They’re actually the most damaged volumes of my collection, which tells a lot about how much I’ve read them lol) Volume 19 ends the Paris/Timothy Arc and starts with the 3rd Exorcists Arc (and a bit of the Alma Arc at the end). Volume 20 is about the Alma Arc. (this Arc finishes in volume 21) For some reasons, I’m deeply attached to Alma and the 3rd Exorcists and I dearly hope we will see them again. (Give me back Tokusa!)
Do you like Mana or Nea more?
Both and I refuse to choose lol. So I’ll talk about Nea here and about Mana in my other reply. I understand that a lot of people don’t like Nea because he’s currently stuck inside Allen and he’s making Allen’s life a nightmare. I’m also not a huge fan of the way Allen’s life turned because of him (though I do think that all of it is necessary for the story and for Allen’s growth) But he didn’t choose to be stuck inside poor Allen. Back then, he had no other choice if he wanted to survive. But now he’s stuck and he has to do with what he got. There’s still so many mysteries surrounding him and I can’t wait to learn more about him and about his motives. (I also wonder if he’ll manage to get his own body somehow or if him and Allen will find some sort of compromise). I’d like to know why he wants to kill the Earl and takes his place so badly. There’s still a lot of mysteries surrounding the whole Earl/Mana/Nea thing and I can’t wait to learn more about it all.
What’s one thing that you like and dislike about Hallow?
Not gonna lie, I have mixed feelings about Hallow. First of all, I had heard so many bad things about it that I refused to watch it. I only decided to watch it last year and ended up sharing my thoughts/experiences with some friends on the DGM Discord while I was watching every episodes. And really? It’s not as bad as everyone was saying. I believe that if so many people don’t like it it’s mainly because it’s vastly different from the first anime we got in 2006 - 2008.
Hallow has vibrant colors and the art-style is vastly different from the old anime (which makes sense given that it wasn’t made by the same studio and was made about 10 years later). Now that I’ve more or less said what I think of it, let’s talk about oe thing that I like and one thing I dislike.
Like: Even if Hallow was only 11 episodes long, they still found a way to add little scenes that aren’t in the manga and that I really appreciated. They had their place in the anime and didn’t feel forced at all. They gave us for example the whole fight in the forest with the 3rd Exorcists while Allen was running away (bless you for giving us more of the 3rd Exorcists. I love them dearly and was thrilled to see more of them). They also gave us this sweet scene between Tui/Twi and Lenny/Renny which finally gave me an explanation as to how Lenny survived back then when Alma killed everyone. But it also confirmed my hatred for her.
Dislike: They made Allen’s eyes fucking purple and I’ll die mad about it. Like, I do understand their choice in color (no I don’t). The Hallow color palette is vibrant and for some goddamn reason when you’re in an anime you have a high chance of having your eyes and/or your hair be a weird color. Allen’s hair and skin are already incredibly white (I’ll be mad some more about it in my other reply) so making his eyes be grey was probably too much “whiteness” for them so they decided to make his eyes purple. No. Just, no. I’m a firm believer that Allen’s eyes being silver and the Noah’s eyes being golden was purposely made that way by Hoshino and I’m huge fan of it. So Allen having purple eyes is just... No.
What’s your favorite piece of DGM merch?
I don’t own that many DGM merches (official merches anyway lol). So it’s hard to tell. I’d say I’m a huge fan of plushies (sadly I don’t own any DGM ones). So let’s go with that and say my favorite DGM merch is the plushies.
Follow up question: what’s a piece of merch that you wish existed?
I’ll be very basic here. We’re getting teas soon (of course I’m getting them all) so I’d love to have a tea set to go with it. (Maybe golem themed. That would be so cute)
I tag @kandaxxx @bnerdler @kagapop and @yuu-got-that-wagon​ and everyone else seeing this who would like to do it too (please tag me so I can see what you replied)
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lauras-collection · 5 years
How'd you make that hearder? Shit its fantastic 😲😲
Thank you so much! 🥰💕
I used photoshop mix on my iPad to remove the background from the one photo and to arrange the others, then I exported it as png and drew the background and the little details in procreate (took me about an hour 😅)
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stuffslm · 5 years
icons little mix + how to get away with murder hearders, por favor
Feito, anjo, espero que vc goste
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weaknesszpacks · 7 years
Joel Pimentel icon + little mix hearder? Please sz
Here, love. Hope you like it
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editsmoonchild · 5 years
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