#little nightmares 3 low
kidrunaway · 1 year
How I think their interactions would go especially since low is so hopeful HELP
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clocky-soul · 1 year
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Im back.
Let’s see how much LN content I can produce til the next game comes out.
Also plan on redrawing some of my old LN 2 comics.
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kingdubman · 11 months
I like how Low is described as hopeful, and he's basically the most experienced one, staying years in the Nowhere. You know how Six lost her innocence and morality after going through so much? We don't know how long she has been in the Nowhere, but Low has been there for YEARS and never lost hope. He's must have seen a lot and went through a lot, but he's still trusting of other's, seeing how he's best friends with Alone.
Plus, he shows childlike innocence in the clothes he wears. Do you know how most children think about being some type of superhero? Well, Low looks like he's trying to look like one, and I also think the braclet he wears on his leg is something to remind of him of his home, playing into the hopeful, optimistic personality.
Also, I've noticed how when Low and Alone come out of the mirror, Alone is the one to break it, and seeing how Low is the only one with powers, he doesn't care and still brings her along, knowing once they go through, they can never go back, really selling it as they're in it together.
The trailer music and the description of facing your childhood fears makes me feel like Low might be meant for something special, seeing how his powers are related to mirrors and mirrors seem to be raleted to the main antagonist, or character we haven't seen yet.
Low is definitely my favorite so far, and I hope he doesn't leave his friend behind to find an exit, but I also hope he doesn't sacrifice himself for his friend if it comes down to it, but knowing little nightmares, it could be something much worse. ( God, I hate repeated bad endings, it tugs on my heartstrings. Can't have shit in the Nowhere.)
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itstimetotheorize · 8 months
They don't like what they see...
Near the end of chp. 6 of the sounds of nightmares, as Noone gazes upon the giant red eye entity/all seeing eye and its many eyes, Noone takes note of them staring into her...and knows they like what they see....but what exactly does this mean? We have always theorized the eye entity and its many eyes had always maintained a constant watch over the children,
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and with Residents like the Ferryman pushing children like Noone to realize the cruel and hopeless reality of their lives, to persuade them into believing the sanctuary they so desperately desire is in the Nowhere, we finally know now more than ever of one of the most crucial details about the eye entity...its preference.
Back when Little Nightmare 2 released, we theorized structures like the Tower and Maw always had a consciousness of their own and were some of many extensions of the eye entity, they were some of the many eyes theorized to have existed and remained linked to the eye entity itself.
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When we thought of the Tower, we realized it had been observing Mono and Six through the t.v.'s, throughout their entire journey...and it didn't like it one bit. It disliked seeing Mono and Six together, their teamwork and above all...it disliked knowing they could overcome anything if they stayed together, and had they stayed together, well...the Tower wouldn't be able to keep Mono anymore.
In chp. 3 of the sounds of nightmares, when Noone met the Mall, another living structure like the Tower and the Maw, it tried to offer her everything she could ever desire, only to be left in a state of devastation and frustration as Noone told it she did not want anything from it and never intended to stay. Now, what does all this mean exactly? It means the eye entity has always presented itself as a being who could fulfill the desires of its visitors and Residents...though to a twisted degree...but it could never claim them so long as they did not fully grasp and fall into despair over the true devastating reality of their situation and the world around them, all so they could succumb to its hypnotic light and accept it as their only means of escaping a life filled with nothing, only suffering.
We have always theorized the eye entity detested those who did not crumble at the reality of their tormented lives, who denied the comfort it could provide them, but if what we have theorized over the years is true then, it didn't just hate it...it feared it. We have seen what happens when a child learns to accept their reality for what it is and reject the eye entity's comforting light. Not only do they become capable of resisting the eye entity's influence, they become capable of becoming far greater monsters than the Residents who tormented them, but above all... they could even become far more powerful than the eye entity who continued to watch over them. Much like with Mono and Six, we theorized other children could take the power of other Residents for themselves and harness it to cause devastation onto the eye entity and everything it has built.
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We have seen Mono use his power to drag the Tower towards himself and we have seen Six lay waste to every Guest who dared cross her path as she made the decision to leave the Maw, making I and many other theorists realize something...children such as Mono and Six, have always had the capability to destroy the very structures which were desperate to keep them...they were always capable of destroying the world around them...they needed only to realize and accept the opportunities and the truth which stood before them.
We have always theorized structures like the Maw and the Tower feared the loss of their host, because without a host like Mono and Six, and the power they inherited, the Maw and the Tower could not survive, they would be doomed to die...just like the Mall from chp. 3 of the sounds of nightmares (more here), leaving the eye entity to suffer at the the loss of the most powerful structures it was linked to. Although Mono and Six's story remain unfinished for now, this does beg the question...what's going to happen to Low and Alone, our newest protagonists for Little Nightmares 3 ?
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Despite spending years in the spiral, Low has never lost hope in finding a way back home, and despite the horrors we know he has faced during those years, Low appears to have managed to persevere through it all thanks to two things, 1. a single piece of paper which we have theorized details the "mythical place" he is obsessed with finding, a place he believes holds a gateway home and will finally allow him to escape the nightmarish world he has been trapped in, and 2. his friend Alone, the incurable tinkerer who can't help but uncover the secrets of the spiral, down to its very source. From what little we have seen in the trailer and limited gameplay, Low and Alone's teamwork has allowed them to surpass obstacles neither would be able to overcome on their own, an all too familiar partnership and an all too familiar scenario we have seen in Mono and Six as they journeyed together through the Pale City to make sense of the Tower/Transmission. Such friendships between characters have always been a comfort to see in the world of Little Nightmares, it has always been a comfort to the characters as well. However, it is this very sense of friendship which has made I and many other theorists realize a cruel and unforgiving reality time and time again...such bonds...are detested by the eye entity who continues to watch over the children.
The eye entity and all extensions of itself, have always been theorized to maintain its survival and control over everything and everyone through the use of its hypnotic light and its many corrupted Residents.
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But it is precisely this level of control which has allowed the eye entity to break the will of others and leave them vulnerable to its influence, allowing it to continue to survive and thrive.
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It separates anyone from those they held dear and forces them to accept the only hope they have in escaping their cruel reality is by giving themselves to it. Those who fail to realize its existence and the control it has had over everyone and everything, are doomed to fall prey to it and its world…so then....what would happen to Low and Alone if their hopes were crushed??
As mentioned before, Low wants to find a way back home and escape the spiral, while Alone wants to follow the secrets of the spiral to its source. The two of them have thus far been shown to be loyal to one another, determined to accomplish their goals together...and yet...perhaps it is this very hope and drive which has displeased the eye entity.
What am I trying to say? Well, if the eye entity truly has a preference for those who have lost all hope in their lives, if it truly wants children like Noone to surrender themselves to it, to its world, and if the Residents are truly devoted to helping the eye entity accomplish it all, then...what would happen if everything Low and Alone believed in was put on the line?.... what would happen if whatever it is they found at the end of their journey... was not at all what they hoped it would be? Would they fall into despair, turn against each other and relinquish themselves to the Nowhere, to the eye entity itself? ... just as Noone did near the end of chp. 6...just like Mono did to the Tower near the end of Little Nightmares 2?(more here).....or.... would they discover the same truth Six did about the all seeing eye(more here )? Discover what it planned for them, what it did to them, and if they did...would Low and Alone make the decision to accept their cruel reality for what it is.... and fight against the very creatures, the very world, which has and will continue to torment them?....honestly who's to say.
At the end of the 18 minute gameplay which was released to the public back in 2023, we see Low and Alone together as a dark mist slowly surrounds them, the same dark mist Noone saw in the Halfway place(the space between the human world and the Nowhere), the very place the eye entity has always been hiding in.
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As Low and Alone stay close together, fearful of whatever is behind the mist, they take comfort in each other's safety as they hold each other's hand. As the two hold hands, all we hear is the sound of whispers beyond the dark mist, whispers we know all too well as the whispers of the eye entity and its many eyes...the eyes are watching Low and Alone, two children who continue to surpass the spiral together...and they do not like what they see…and if they do not like what they see, then....what will they do to Low and Alone?...I guess we will have to wait and see... For now, it's just a theory...a Little Nightmares 3 theory.
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randomkidwozere · 10 months
This could be us playing
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saw people mentioning how Low seemed to have a combination of six and monos powers or smth and i couldnt help myselff jkngakgbajknsdbnslkdb
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dryrite · 1 year
Low animation for the Little Nightmares 3 hype!
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piplupcola · 1 year
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Information we know about the game so far
Run down:
Character names - Low and Alone. They are canonically already friends unlike Six and Mono. According to the trailer it seems like Low might have similar powers to Mono to traverse through mirrors.
World - In a place called Nowhere, specifically a dystopian cluster of lands called the Spiral. More desert themed than Little Nightmares 1 and 2's mechanical theme. Mirrors seem to have a big part of the game lore (Lady related perhaps?) Also suitcases, filing cabinets and japanese carts are seen in the game, which might mean this is a sequel to the first 2 games
Game - both 1 to 2 players with brand new items and mechanics
Release - 2024
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hallowcos · 3 months
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Little Nightmares 3 Low Cosplay Costume Hallowcos
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mariegreen-2000 · 1 year
I want custody of these kids
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kidrunaway · 1 year
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blackbomb206 · 5 months
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Low & Alone would rather die together than leaving their friend behind
Pls don't age like milk :')
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hezuart · 1 year
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Little Nightmares characters as Tinkerbell Fairy Talents! 
After speaking over it with @ciipher-arts (who knows more about the Tinkerbell movies than I do) With her advisement, I decided to assign talents via colorscheme instead of any other truer association with their darker original powers. 
I caught COVID this past week and sketched these out while I was sick in bed. It was therapeutic. 
*Mono's color scheme is a fight between olive green and brown depending on the lighting, so here I decided he'll represent brown.   *Noone, the last character, is from the Sounds of Little Nightmares. We don't know what she looks like outside of having a dress and a head silhouette. (And the silhouette has a purple background) So It's likely this depiction is inaccurate, but there were no other orange-schemed characters that fit the "animal" talent. Plus, Noone always loved moths as a child, so it may as well be her. (I'll make an official design page for her at some point, but I heavily based her design off of Jane from Peter Pan 2) 
Six, Mono, the runaway kid, the girl in the yellow raincoat, the pretender, Noone, Low, Alone (C) Little Nightmares 
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umbrarkzoo · 1 month
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Two cakes!
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bonniecupcake · 1 year
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Mono could only wish
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It's funny how all the children of this franchise (who have a name) have like... Really sad names-
Mono, Low, Alone, Noone (from "The Sounds of Nightmares")... All about loneliness and depreciation. Even "Six", It's not really better-
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