#ln the eye entity
itstimetotheorize · 5 months
The Nowhere and the Waking world
For years we have tried to make sense of the world surrounding the Little Nightmares franchise, and after years of waiting, we finally have the one thing we never knew we could have...Answers. Thanks to the release of The Sounds of Nightmares podcast, some much needed information was finally brought to light, while many more things were finally confirmed. This world was everything we had theorized it would be, and so much more, and after years of waiting, we have a name for this nightmarish world...."The Nowhere".... and just as we have always theorized, this world was no little nightmare...it was always real.
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The Nowhere itself is separate from the human world(a.k.a the waking world), but it is a world which one can travel to none the less...through dreams. After a person enters a dream state, their minds can reach the space between the two worlds, "The Threshold", a dark and endless abyss where one will float through a dark mist. The dark mist obscures one's vision until it dissipates enough to allow a person to see what is beyond the darkness, the gateway to Nowhere. Once a human crosses this gateway, they are judged by a giant red pulsing eye entity(more on this in a moment) and its many eyes circling around it, all sparkling with a hypnotic, enchanting light, their light dripping down into the abyss just as we saw it drip down into Monster Six's music box in Little Nightmares 2.
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The eye entity's eyes look on as every child is presented to them within the Threshold, and if they like what they see in the tormented child, the all seeing eye will equally be pleased enough to open up and permit the human child entry to the Nowhere. Once the human child is permitted entry into Nowhere, their physical body will disappear from the waking/human world to complete the journey, leaving the child trapped among the monstrous Residents, or even becoming part of the Nowhere itself should they open themselves up to it.
However, this gateway and the Nowhere itself, are not all as they may seem. The gateway alone is guarded by the Ferryman, a Resident of the Nowhere we have known about since the very first game, primarily from the Little nightmares issues #1 and #2 comics, whose main duty is to find human children whose tormented lives have left them vulnerable enough to his manipulation, and desperate enough to find any escape from their current lives in the human world. Once a child has been selected, the Ferryman will guide them through the threshold and through the gateway, to Nowhere. The Ferryman's existence is primarily to not only guide children to Nowhere, but to also convince the children to give into the Nowhere and remain there, through any means necessary, usually by convincing them there is something only the Nowhere can provide, such as freedom from something specific, including all illnesses within their body or being liberated from whatever it is the child feels tormented by, such as other people, their own fears, loneliness etc.
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While Children are primarily targeted and given permission to cross over into Nowhere, adults can also be granted permission, though through a more meticulous process. The Ferryman proclaims in chp. 6 of The Sounds of Nightmares, about there being another way to enter the Threshold to find the Nowhere, as for what this other way is? Well, more on this in another theory. As for obtaining permission to cross over into Nowhere, the Ferryman states an adult like Otto must pay a "toll in torments'", and considering it is the tormented children who are of the highest priority to claim for the Nowhere, I and many other theorists have theorized adults like Otto...must commit to the Ferryman's duty of sacrificing a large sum of children, as a way to please the very being which rules over the entire Nowhere...the eye entity, the giant pulsing red eye said to be the size of a moon, which can be met once a visitor crosses the gateway hidden within the Threshold.
The eye entity itself has been theorized to have existed since the very beginning, the most obvious sign of its constant presence being of course, the eye symbol with rays of its hypnotic light surrounding it, a symbol depicted on every game and the franchise as a whole.
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Thanks to the podcast, we have finally gained some understanding as to just what the all seeing eye is, it is not just an all powerful entity which rules over the Nowhere, the eye entity/all seeing eye....IS the Nowhere, and this alone was something I and many other theorists gradually realized was always revealed... as far back as the first games DLC. In the Little Nightmares DLC: The Residence, the Runaway Kid came across various things within the lady's vast library, including a giant astrolabe depicting the all seeing eye's various eyes, looking down on the ancient instrument used to locate positions in time and space, an instrument which always revealed the all seeing eye's capability in finding the worlds beyond the threshold, primarily the human world the children originated from. In terms of the eye entity being the Nowhere itself, well....what more could we have had to confirm this than the globe in the Lady's library depicting the world and its entirety as one giant eye, the very one Noone met in chp. 6.
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The eye entity has always been depicted maintaining a constant watch over everyone and everything, and while some parts of it could be encountered in the form of a fleshy mass, such as the flesh walls within the Tower and the Mall of chp. 3 of The Sounds of Nightmares, it had yet to be fully seen in the game, and now we know why...it was always hidden in a space far beyond any normal person's reach, the Threshold . The eye entity itself remains hidden within the darkness of the Threshold, along with its many eyes, eyes which can easily be mistaken for twinkling lights and constellations while in the Threshold, eyes which were also foreshadowed all throughout the world, both in the game and on the very merchandise we purchased.
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Based on what we have gathered, each eye can be an entirely new location, the very Spiral we will get to journey in Little Nightmares 3, and just as we have always theorized, each eye can take on the shape of an entirely new structure, such as the Mall in chp 3 of TSON. We have always theorized structures such as the tower and the Maw were extensions of the eye entity itself, and though they act on their own, we always theorized they were all connected, like a building with different floors as Noone put it in chp. 5. But out of everything which makes up the Nowhere/eye entity, we have always theorized the most crucial piece in its ongoing survival...is humans.
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Though there is still so much to learn about the Nowhere/eye entity, what we can be certain of is the place it currently resides, the Threshold, and though this endless dark abyss has thus far ensured the eye entity/Nowhere's safety, this abyss is still as empty and endless as Noone said it was, meaning there is nothing for the Nowhere to survive on, and much like any living being, in order to continue living and thriving...the Nowhere itself must feed.
We have always theorized the children were crucial for the eye entity/Nowhere's survival. However, although The Nowhere may prefer to consume the children for their youth and purity, it is not limited to just them, teens such as those in chp. 4 of TSON, as well as adults like Otto, can also be accepted, meaning one thing... all of humanity is more than suitable for the eye entity/Nowhere, its just a matter of how they are prepared.
What am I trying to say? Well, We have always theorized obtaining children and making them suitable enough for the eye entity's consumption, was not something it could do on its own, it required the aid of its Residents, like the Ferryman. While the eye entity/Nowhere's hypnotic light is capable of enchanting and controlling the minds of anyone who falls victim to it, it cannot affect the minds of those who have yet to fully grasp the full severity of their miserable situation. In order to be affected by the eye entity's hypnotic light, humans must grow desperate enough to seek an escape from the cruel reality around them, and who else is better suited to set things in motion than the Residents, many of whom were once children themselves before the Nowhere/eye entity finally changed them, like the sewer man in chp. 5 of TSON. Crazy thing is, we had always theorized humans knew about the existence of the Nowhere/eye entity, about monstrous Residents like the Ferryman ...sad to say, we were far more accurate than we had hoped.
In chp, 5 of The Sounds of Nightmares, Otto states the Ferryman had been documented in various cultures around the world... for centuries. Theorists and I had always theorized that humans had known about the eye entity/the Nowhere and its Residents for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, we also theorized the humans who knew of the Nowhere and the Residents existence, had played them off as nothing more than stories, myths, all of which held a warning many were quick to cast aside. No matter the warning, many humans refused to accept the possibility of their lives actually falling into danger at the hands of the monstrous beings they had always been told about, but refused to acknowledge were actually real, leaving them incapable of taking better action to learn how to defend themselves against the looming horrors from the other side and prevent further tragedy. Those who were willing to accept the existence of the Nowhere and the Residents, were cast aside as lunatics, such as Otto's old professor, his former colleagues, the parapsychologists over the centuries who obsessed over the Ferryman and the existence of the Nowhere...even the humpback girl from the little nightmares issue #1 comic....all of them, were ridiculed for their knowledge.
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We may not yet know the full extend of the stories humans build around the existence of the eye entity/Nowhere and the Residents like the Ferryman, but what is certain is a large part of the world has always been aware of these myths and stories for all those hundreds of years....question is.... how long has the Nowhere existed? For the longest time, the mystery of the eye entity's origins remained unknown, and in a way it still is. The eye entity itself appears to have originated from the dark abyss of the threshold, but we have yet to know how its existence came to be. I, and many other theorists, had theorized humanity itself could only trace the existence of the Nowhere and the Ferryman as far back as humanity had learned to take notice of their looming presence, and if what we theorized is true, then could this potentially mean the eye entity/Nowhere itself had always existed far longer than what was recorded in human history ?....honestly who's to say....
Thus far, this is the sum of what I and many other theorists have put together about the world of the Nowhere and the human/waking world. And yet...something doesn't make sense...Though the two worlds seem so very far apart, they are far closer together than they appeared to be. Otto stated the Ferryman alone was proof of the connection between the two worlds...but unlike the humans... it is the Ferryman who is ABLE to see and hear into the human/waking world, while also being UNABLE to physically cross over from the Threshold to the human world as the children are capable of doing when they journey to and from the Nowhere, but why? Well...Noone did say the Ferryman did not belong to the human world, meaning he has never been capable of physically crossing over to it...and yet...what if he was always trying to....
In chp. 6 of TSON the Ferryman reveals he could hear everything Otto was saying to him, from the Threshold. Now, what does this mean? It means throughout TSON, Otto and Noone were never alone in their sessions, the Ferryman was watching them, hearing every word, seeing every action without either Noone or Otto knowing he was there. Otto gradually realized the Ferryman was watching and listening, but wondered why he couldn't see or sense the Nowhere and the Ferryman for himself, then quickly realized there was a veil up, like a two way mirror, only it was all of humanity who was stuck on the side of the mirror where you can't see through the glass. The Ferryman was always aware of what was happening without ever being seen... then again...maybe his presence was always shown. Anytime the Ferryman was spoken of, anytime his words were repeated...something strange happened...the audio in chp. 2,3,5...it glitched, it became distorted, as if there was something else interfering with the recording... as if... someone else was trying to break through...was it the Ferryman?...maybe.... But if it truly was the Ferryman attempting to break through to the other side, which he eventually did...at least vocally anyway in chp.6, then why would he?
The Ferryman and the Nowhere/eye entity have gone on throughout the centuries, taking child after child, while remaining hidden within the darkness, looking on as all of humanity was unable to find them, their existence passed on as stories and myths, and nothing more....then again....what if this was not what they wanted... Where am I going with this? Well...parapsychologists of the human world state the stories of numerous cultures believed the Ferryman stops anyone from entering any unseen worlds, even Otto himself believed the Ferryman was determined to keep him out of the Nowhere...but if this was ever true, then....why would the Ferryman push Otto to pursue his research to find a way into Nowhere? (more here) Was the Ferryman just toying with Otto?... No, if he was, he wouldn't have given Otto the information he needed to figure out how to cross over...then again...maybe it was never about what the Ferryman wanted..maybe...it was always about what the Nowhere wanted.
In chp. 5 of The Sounds of Nightmares, Otto spoke of a weather phenomenon unique to the Counties, a swirling mist known to be followed by a downpour, a storm. But the way Otto described this "weather phenomenon", it was almost as if there really was never anything normal about it...because what if maybe...just maybe....it was never just some freak weather, so what was it?
The night the bizarre swirling mist set in, was the night Otto first used his apparatus on Noone in an attempt to see the Nowhere, and to the shock of the readers, as well as Otto himself... it worked. The night Otto tested his apparatus, was the night he caught his first glimpse of the eye entity/Nowhere within the Threshold... and all the while Otto noticed the eye entity staring back at him with its intense light growing ever more powerful, the swirling mists storm could in turn be heard outside... growing stronger and stronger.
And yet, the moment the apparatus exploded, unable to withstand the presence of the eye entity/Nowhere, something odd happens...the storm we all heard raging on outside, the very storm which grew stronger the more the apparatus worked in connecting the two worlds....dies down...but why?...maybe we always knew. While the bizarre interference within the audio of TSON could have been the Ferryman trying to break through to the other side, does this mean the bizarre swirling mist and storm within the Counties was in itself, never just some freak weather? But rather...a sign of something much bigger trying to break through?...something far more powerful than the Ferryman...something like...the Nowhere.
We have always theorized the eye entity/Nowhere was the one which commanded all the Residents of its world , as well as anyone like Noone who fell prey to its hypnotic light, meaning maybe...just maybe...it was never the Ferryman who wanted to cross over to the human world...it was the Nowhere itself... If it was, then what does this mean for the children of the game?...What does this mean for the home they all hope to return to?... I guess we'll just have to wait and see...but then again...we have always theorized The Sounds of Nightmares, was no ordinary story...it was the origin story to the start of something...catastrophic. The two worlds, the waking/human world and the world of the Nowhere, though seemingly separate from one another...may be far closer together than we might think...But hey! It's just a theory...a Little Nightmares theory.
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kakusu-shipping · 11 months
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My mini contribution to @echoes-lighthouse's Evil Slasher Orphanage! My wife Anna and I are here to help, and brought a few more kids of our own.
I really thought I was a horror fan until I sat down to draw this and came up blank. I guess I'm not a slasher guy, because a LOT more Monsters and Beasts came to mind, so it took a while to form a list. Though I did include Sam who is certainly a Creeture but.. They're human enough.
#Emile's Arts#Proud Parent Posting#Slasher Orphanage#I'm stealing the Entity's abilities from DBD and giving them to me#And then immediately using them on accident to bring all these kids into one reality#That doesn't have to be canon to the orphanage obviously I just love being an Eldritch Being but Stupid#Also Friday the 13th is a movie in the Scream franchise so I thought this was a fun way to explain that fkjsdfkdfdkj#Honorable mention goes out to Frankenstien's Monster he is my baby but I could not for the life of me choose a design for him#I knew I KNEW I wanted Brandon immediately amazing concept that movie horrid execution#What if you had the powers of God in Middle School. You'd kill people right??? Right.#Also Sam Trick R Treat my beloved amazing Comic series that I love their design and energy#Spirit of Halloween little guy#One year I will dress up as them.. one year#ALSO BUBBA#I was so surprised Bubba wasn't in the original Orphanage cast he's SUCH a sweet pea I love him#Do not let him in the kitchen I don't care how big and wet his puppy eyes are do not let him in there#I also included Billy Trick R Treat because I wanted to the kid who plays him in the movie adaptation is very cute#And I LOVE a murderous little kid it's incredibly funny to me#More honorable mentions I considered;#Fran Bow and Misfortune but neither of them are Slashers on Purpose really#Misfortune is just a victim and IF Fran did kill her parents it wasn't her own choice#Six LN as well I love her but again... Not really a slasher. Also she's like two feet tall#I also though M3gan but eeeeeeeeeeeh I dunno I might come back to that#I was thinking about Rin Dead By Daylight as well and she's still on the table I think she'd fit in#I was also originally going to do The New King from Chzo Mythos but changed to John just because he's more Slasher Child than DaCabe#And again I kept running through Monsters like from Crypt TV and such and decided against them#Me my children my wife and this random person who's farm we stumbled across and are now crashing in#It's fine Anna's very use to Farm Labor she'll be a great help#And she is VERY calm comforting mother-y when she eventually calms down#She's gonna dote all over those girls
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eyeballsoup7310 · 1 year
Can’t wait till we have enough LN protagonists to fill out all the Fears
Mono- Spiral (do I even have to say anything?)
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Six- Flesh (body horror and cannibalism? Come on!)
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Raincoat Girl- Vast mayhaps (get vanished)
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Noone- easy, Corruption (transcripts courtesy of these posts)
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Runaway kid isn’t touched by any specific entity he’s just living through hell
Additionally, the world of Nowhere would absolutely just be claimed by the Eye. I think we all already knew this though
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
The Representative
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Pairing: Mob Boss! Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: Around 600
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. , Organized crime, veiled threats, Bucky’s knife, reader gets the best of Bucky physically, possibly subby Mob! Bucky.
A/N: This is a teaser drabble based on this ask. This is in the same AU as Try a Little Tenderness.
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
He was attractive, dark hair and slate blue eyes. And he had a very compelling argument. If you were a weaker woman, you would have assented and signed the contract. But you weren’t stupid. An binding seven year contract for your produce? And you could supply no other entities?
You tried to tell him so, very politely as you stood up and walked around your desk.
“Mr. Barnes, I don’t want to appear rude. Your offer, though eloquently presented, is just not a good fit for Three Rivers Produce.”
You leaned on your desk in front of him and his eyes slid up your firm from your Manolos to your grey pinstripe pencil skirt to your immaculate white silk blouse.
Bucky took in the little things, the flex of your thighs as you pressed them together beneath the fabric of your skirt, the swell of your breasts under the fine material of your blouse, the curve of your neck, those lips, those eyes. Your scent. He was lost.
Yet when he smiled at you, you were unaffected. He quirked his eyebrow as you continued.
“We are a small, but growing produce company in the tri-state area with cooperating agreements with local growers and small restaurants and stores. I won’t cut off a source of livelihood for the farms and fresh, good food for our customers. Although your proposal cuts costs, it also cuts corners, which is not acceptable.”
You stared at James Barnes, and he stared back at you. There was electricity zapping back and forth between you that you wouldn’t acknowledge.
“I am very busy, so I hope you understand that I need to end this meeting.”
Bucky admired your resolve and when he saw that you wouldn’t waver, he stood and reached into his pocket.
You stood up and showed him the door.
“This way.”
No matter how fine you were, you dismissing him would not do. Bucky needed you to agree to this contract. He decided to apply real pressure.
When you turned back to him, Bucky had an intricately carved knife out, cleaning his immaculate fingernails.
“You don’t want to turn down this offer, Doll. My partners would not be pleased.”
You narrowed your eyes.
“I could not care less about your partners, Mr. Barnes. And I am not a doll. I am a full grown woman. Get out of my office before I use that knife on you.”
Bucky’s pulse quickened at your words, but he smirked arrogantly and held the knife out to you.
“Try it, Doll.”
Before he knew it, Bucky was up against the wall with your forearm against his windpipe and his knife jammed into the drywall next to his head. You two stared at each other for a split second, both turned on beyond belief.
You stepped back from him, smoothed your skirt, and indicated the open door as you walked back to your desk where you kept your gun.
“Now get out.”
Barnes smiled and stared at you after he extracted his knife. He might have just fallen in love.
“This isn’t over, Ms. Y/LN. Expect another visit. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
“Then the pleasure was all yours.”
Your bored tone did not reveal the way your heart was racing.
“And the only thing I expect from you is payment to repair my wall, Mr. Barnes.”
You looked down at the inventory spreadsheet on your laptop and dismissed him again.
“Good day.”
You didn’t spare him another glance as he made to leave.
Bucky’s grin became wider as he exited your office, down the stairs and outside.
Once in the car he took a minute to collect himself and then dialed Steve.
“Just as we thought. Everything we heard is true. She will be a tough nut to crack, but I will seal the deal. And I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy doing so.”
Read the next part: Queen of Heaven
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Let Your Dreams Be Your Wings | Chapter 10
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Chapters: 10/? Fandom: The Sandman (Netflix 2022, minor content from the Comics) Rating: Explicit Relationships Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x F!Reader�� Characters: Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, Lucienne, Matthew the Raven, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Hob Gadling, Death, Rose Walker, The Corinthian, other minor Sandman characters, Original Characters. Warnings: 18+ content (minors DNI), explicit sexual content, POV switching, very long chapters to read. Summary: You always dreamed of becoming a successful Fashion Designer, sharing your creations with the world and making your father proud. But with him being very ill and so many costs solely weighting on your shoulders, things didn’t go as planned and you had to take a different path instead. An interesting offer led you to the elder Alex Burgess and you were hired as a new housemaid for a very good pay. However, your kindness and outstanding empathy convinced the man to give you an additional task for a doubled compensation; gaining the trust of Dream Of the Endless, held captive into the basement for over a century. Despite the shock of finding such an ethereal entity stripped of all his clothes and contained into a confined space, you had to accept for the sake of your father. But the more you got to speak to the mysterious anthropomorphic personification who didn’t utter a single word, the more you were lost into his eyes that, conversely, seemed to contain the entire universe. A deep connection formed between the two of you, separated only by a thick layer of glass.
Little did you know, what started like a simple housemaid job was about to change your life forever.
Credits: The moon dividers were made by firefly-graphics
Tagging: @number-0-iz. If anyone else wants to be tagged in the next updates, let me know! I noticed that Tumblr sometimes won't let me tag everyone for some unknown reason, so if it comes to that I can at least send you a message to notify you.
Ko-Fi (If you ever wish to support my work)
Note: I posted an interlude with pictures on AO3, I highly recommend checking that!
You thought you could keep that little secret to yourself, but in the end, your curiosity got the best of you.
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The elevator ride felt much longer than it actually was. You tried to calm your pulse while adjusting your hair and clothes, waiting for the doors to open at your desired floor. Upon reaching your destination, you stepped out of the elevator and tightly gripped the strap of your bag. As you looked around, you absorbed the lively atmosphere and energetic banter in the air as the cacophony of scissors slicing through fabric and sewing machines filled your ears.
A middle-aged woman with kind brown eyes and a big hair bun catched sight of you and met your gaze. She put her pen aside, left her desk, and approached you with a big, bright smile. As she moved closer, you could detect a sweet fragrance of roses.
“Y/N Y/LN, I presume?”
You swallowed down your growing tension and greeted her, "Good morning. Yes, it is me.”
She offered her hand and you quickly took it, shaking it lightly in return.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Amelia Foster, but everyone here calls me Amy. Please, don’t worry about the formalities with me.”
Her amiable manners and endearing reception instantly put you at ease. Your face involuntarily lit up and you returned her smile.
As time went by, other employees began to take notice of your presence. They walked away from their tasks to approach you, each of them introducing themself to you with a level of enthusiasm to which you were not accustomed. They treated you like an established member of their team, patting your shoulder, complimenting your appearance, and offering you tea and snacks as if you were a welcome guest in a warm household.
Remembering their names may be a challenging endeavor, but you were already feeling positive sensations from your potential future coworkers. There was only one person, a sullen-looking woman who stood apart from the forming crowd, not really instilling a good feeling in you. Although she exuded a sense of elegance, the crossed arms and subtle glare she directed at you gave off a rather unfavorable impression. Her deep, black curls looked as smooth as cotton, shimmering in the natural light coming from the windows. The fitting dress she was clothed in accentuated her feminine figure, and the crimson shade of her lips curved in what appeared to be a frown, reminiscent of a villainous character from an old Disney movie.
You couldn't dwell on it for too long because the sound of a door opening caught your attention. Before you could even turn your head, a pair of small yet strong arms wrapped around you, almost knocking you backward. A piercing scream reverberated through the room as Ella began to hop up and down, forcibly pulling you along with her. You felt pleased to see that, even after several years of separation, she still retained her youthful energy.
You returned her hug, feeling a bit self-conscious in front of the team witnessing such a display of affection. After removing herself from the embrace, she had a tear-filled gaze with her big emerald eyes. Her blonde tresses had extended in length, replacing her former cute bob with a style that framed her facial features more elegantly. Her makeup was more natural and simple compared to the thick eyeshadow she once loved utilizing.
Although she still resembled her younger self, you could clearly see a fully matured woman before you.
In a brief exchange, Ella conveyed her immense pleasure at reuniting with you, unafraid to show her exuberant emotions in front of her team. It was striking to you how everyone seemed more like a family than just a group of workers. It brought back memories of your previous job and of how Paul used to treat you at Fawney Rig.
Sometimes, you actually missed the man.
Taking your hand in a tight grip, Ella pulled you out of the room without much ceremony. The office appeared to be quite spacious, with multiple rooms and a long corridor connecting all of them. Your surroundings were completely unfamiliar to you, but you could visualize yourself regularly pacing back and forth across the location during work hours on a regular basis.
As you entered her office, Ella invited you to take a seat on the cozy couch for an informal conversation. After removing her high heels, she positioned herself against the velvety cushions, lifting her legs and comfortably stretching out. "Doesn't this bring back memories? It’s been so long since we’ve had a proper chat.”
You flashed a smile and took off your bag, placing it on the coffee table in front of the couch. "And now look at you; a successful married woman managing an empire.”
With a hearty chuckle, she proclaimed, "It is not the big castle with rainbow unicorns I wished for as a child, but I’m proud of what Oliver and I have built. After all, he is my Prince Charming.”
"It does feel like a dream just to be here right now. You've accomplished so much more than I ever could.”
Ella’s beaming face switched to a slight frown, and in a rapid motion, her hands found themselves resting atop yours. “Y/N, your talents will bring you far in life. I’m sure of it.”
For the first time, you were inclined to believe it.
"I want to apologize again for not reaching out. I really should have called you," she continued.
You shook your head lightly. "I didn't call you either.”
"I know that you only wanted me to have my space. Besides, life as an adult can get bumpy every now and then," she said, showing her understanding.
“Tell me about it.”
Ella let out a deep sigh, stroking your arm up and down in a friendly manner. "How about we catch up? You're not in a hurry, are you?”
Your friend had missed out on a significant amount of things over the past couple of years alone. Fortunately, you had decided to allot the entire day for yourself, being certain that discussing each other's lives, as well as recollecting events from the past, would demand a prolonged stretch of time before initiating the informal interview.
Regrettably, you were unable to divulge the complete particulars of your relationship with Morpheus, forced to devise a creative option with alterations to the original story, in an effort to fabricate a statement that would safeguard his identity. Despite this, your friend was exceedingly ecstatic upon hearing that you had found a good man. She immediatly expressed her desire to meet him in person, in addition to the vigorous impulse to strike your former lovers in the face.
The conversation progressed just like that, and eventually, you spoke of your close friend Hob Gadling, as well as your father's health problems and the struggles you had to go through to take care of him. Upon hearing the news, Ella was awed and almost broken into tears. She frequently visited your house and came to appreciate your father a great deal as you two grew up together. You could still vividly remember the sleepovers, the fake tents you used to build with sheets and chairs with his joyful participation, and the galaxy projector you both loved to admire as it cast beautiful stars and nebulae on the ceiling while drifting off to sleep.
"Oh, Y/N. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. You should have called me then," she said apologetically. “I feel like an awful friend right now. I never once asked you how you were doing,”
"I couldn't call anyone, Ella. That was not your burden, it was mine to deal with,” you explained. “I should offer you the same apology."
“Not really. You needed that more than I did.”
As you shifted your attention downwards, you noticed that she had begun to scratch the back of her right hand. Her skin immediately reddened as soon as her fingernails came into contact with it.
Without a second thought, you took hold of her left wrist and pulled it away. "I see that you never got rid of your old habit.”
Ella pressed her lips together, avoiding your eyes. “I did for some time, after meeting Oliver. Still, the itching comes back whenever I feel stressed or worried.”
"If you are concerned about me, don't be. I promise you, everything is okay now," you clarified reassuringly.
“I wasn’t there for you when you needed me.”
“It was better that way,” you stated. “You were following your dreams.”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
"But it makes me feel better to see what an extraordinary woman you have become."
Ella let out a light chuckle, lightly tapping the damp skin under her eyes with her fingertips. "I'll cry if you keep doing that," she said with a wry smile, her voice tinged with a hint of playfulness.
"You already are!”
"Oh, shoosh.”
In an instant, it felt as if the two of you had never been apart. The nervousness and anxiety lingering in you easily dissipated, replaced by a sense of comfort and familiarity. With every shared secret and heartfelt joke, the bond between you grew as strong as it ever was, solidifying your certainties and eradicating your insecurities.
As time passed, the conversation eventually moved to the professional aspect. Ella began to inform you about the specific duties and tasks that their former Fashion Designer had been responsible for, as well as what was expected of you as his successor. Not only would you be in charge of the creative direction and elements for all future lines of their brand, but they also desired a more innovative approach to portraying their products in magazines and advertising boards. As Ella guided you through a tour of their entire structure, the Photo Studio and Graphic Laboratory took center stage, emphasizing their importance in achieving these goals.
To you, everything you were witnessing felt like an incredible dream coming true. The opportunity to be a part of this environment and take on such significant roles was beyond anything you had ever imagined and wished for.
"I know this is a lot to take on, especially since you haven't worked directly in this field," Ella acknowledged. "But I believe in your abilities and I trust that you would be the perfect choice.”
Being aware of your own capabilities, you placed your own faith in the knowledge you had acquired through your studies and the personal work you had accomplished over the years. You had taught yourself the skills that you believed were ideal for the position that Ella proposed, investing countless hours in various online courses on Design, Photography, and 3D development.
"I know I told you to take your time to decide, but I hope you can give me a response as soon as possible. We need to prepare for the Fashion show that will take place in three months, and without a designer, we are completely unprepared now.”
As Ella further elaborated upon the topic at hand, you couldn't contain your delight and kept examining the surrounding environment. A comparable chance had never arisen to you before, and you were determined not to let it slip away.
In the end, you gave her a piercing gaze, all the while maintaining a determined expression. “I accept.”
Ella found herself blinking multiple times, trying to confirm if she had understood your words correctly. “Wait, what?”
"I don't need to think about it, Ella. I know exactly what I want, and you can count on me.”
The tight, warm hug she gave you lasted for a few seconds, leaving you breathless with its robust squeeze. In response, Ella expressed her gratitude by using every bit of air in her lungs.
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“Lucienne,” "Morpheus called his librarian's name as he walked along the shelves. “Did you want to see me?”
The woman raised her face from the sizable volume she was contemplating, her glasses almost slipped down from her nose doing so. "Yes, my lord," she responded. "It appears that I omitted something in my previous research. About your human lady.”
Morpheus' attention was immediately piqued. “Tell me more.”
Lucienne directed her gaze at the Lord of Dreams, releasing a deep sigh. She turned the book around to grant him a view of its contents. "Perhaps you should see for yourself," she suggested.
Morpheus hesitated, then took a step closer to examine the book, which lay spread open in front of him. His eyes scanned the words imprinted on the bound scrolls, and a frown formed on his countenance as he absorbed their revelation.
He tilted his head upwards, once again meeting Lucienne's worried eyes.
"Sir, are you going to tell her?" she asked.
Morpheus allowed his fingertips to gently glide across the page, engaging in deep contemplation to determine what alternatives were available to him.
"Uhm, if I can make a suggestion, I think she should probably know," Matthew intervened, flying over the table and landing next to Morpheus' hand.
"You are not incorrect, Matthew,” he confirmed. “"Nonetheless, this needs to be approached with the utmost caution.”
For a moment, the raven glanced at Lucienne before redirecting his dark, glassy eyes towards the Endless once more. “I suppose so. Still, this is something she might find interesting to learn about. I definitely would.”
Being someone with extensive knowledge surpassing that of a typical mortal regarding his realm, his siblings and their place in the universe, Morpheus understood that the amount of information you had acquired up until this moment was already quite overwhelming for you to process alone. In light of this, the Endless wanted to give you the necessary time to adjust to the several truths you had discovered. He aimed to avoid making the already complex situation worse and refrain from adding fuel to the active fire.
"Thank you, Lucienne," he said, closing the book. "I shall reflect on this matter.”
Lucienne nodded, watching as Morpheus silently left with the tome tucked under his arm, his coat billowing behind him as he walked briskly.
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Upon arriving at your apartment, your mind was torn between two conflicting emotions. On one hand, you were in complete disbelief, yet also content and motivated, as the job of your dreams had materialized before your eyes. At the same time, you couldn't shake off the memory of the peculiar meeting you had earlier in the day, where those strange ladies discussed topics that were simply inconceivable to you.
The women you encountered seemed particularly eager in their efforts to portray Morpheus in a negative light. It seemed that their goal was to persuade you that your decision to align with him was impulsive and unwise. Furthermore, they claimed that the Lord of Dreams had once been married and conceived a child, whose name and story were well-documented and extensively explored in various literary works familiar to your kind.
The Fates, also known as the Kindly Ones, proclaimed that the Endless was directly responsible for the tragic fate of Orpheus. If the published books were indeed based on factual events, it was difficult for you to comprehend how the Endless could be solely and entirely accountable for the disastrous downfall of his son.
According to Greek mythology, Orpheus was the child of Calliope and Apollo, described as a famous musician, prophet, and celebrated poet. In the childhood fairytale you had with you, it was mentioned that, in certain instances, the King of Dreams was indeed associated with Apollo.
Despite your extensive research, you didn't manage to uncover any sort of information about Orpheus losing all his flesh at the behest of Apollo. You were on the verge of approaching Morpheus with a query, as the idea of him killing his own child was unimaginable and hard to believe.
However, Morpheus had started to open up about his past, describing the unfortunate circumstances that Nada had to endure because of his sorrow and broken heart. This made you question whether you should delve deeper into his personal matters, considering the sensitivity and privacy of the topic, which he probably wanted to forget.
That night, when you found him in your dreams, you realized that it wasn't the most appropriate moment to bring it up. With a warm smile masking your curiosity, you used the delightful news of your employment as a diversionary tactic. Morpheus, from his side, displayed no signs of suspecting anything, wholeheartedly congratulating you on your deserving success.
You were unaware that he was also hiding a crucial secret from you.
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A month later, the job you took at Corbyn&Jones proved to be one of the most demanding positions you've ever held, but also the most enjoyable and fulfilling role you could have asked for. When you first met the CEO, you had to make an effort to remain composed and ensure that your friendship with his wife wouldn’t impact your performance. However, as you worked alongside Oliver, you became more familiar with each other and developed a mutual respect. You discovered that he was truly open, easygoing, and down-to-earth.
On top of that, your colleagues proved to be incredibly kind, supportive, and engaging individuals to work with. It didn't take long for you to form strong friendships with most of them, casually enjoying tea or coffee together during your short breaks.
In the office, you could rely on them to successfully complete tasks and execute projects. Every minute spent there felt more like a fun occurrence rather than a stressful routine focused solely on making money. Everything was perfect, in proper sync with the ideal working environment you had envisioned for yourself.
If there was anything to nitpick and scrutinize, the one factor that would be considered an impediment was that one woman, Maya Davies, who glowered at you from afar on the day you came in. According to what Ella told you, she used to be Isaac's right-hand person and had aspirations of becoming the new Fashion Designer of the company. Whenever you had to spend time alone with her for the sake of your work, she seemed to scrutinize you with contempt, speaking minimally and making a few passive-aggressive remarks. Ella admitted that Maya had a tendency to be boastful in her behavior, but she was still considered a valuable addition to their team for her marketing skills.
Eventually, you accepted the situation as it was. The issue with Maya was a minor obstacle that had minimal impact on the progress of your ongoing projects and dwelling on it would be a waste of time and effort.
Furthermore, your relationship with Morpheus remained smooth, even though you still couldn't define its true nature despite the clear affection he had for you. He would occasionally visit you in the Waking World or join you on your extensive nocturnal adventures in his realm of dreams, adding more depth to your ever growing connection and intimacy.
That night, you stood by Morpheus' side in front of the old tavern once known as The White Horse. Instead of its usual decrepit state, it appeared fully intact and emanated a typical medieval atmosphere from within.
"Wait, is this...?”
"It is the year 1389," he confirmed. “Come with me.”
You followed him with a sense of bewilderment, observing as he opened the door and gestured for you to step inside before him. As soon as you entered the tavern, you were immediately captivated by the soft glow of candlelight and the sight of numerous citizens adorned in antique garments. The tavern was bustling with men and women, sipping from large wooden mugs with metal handles, engrossed in lively conversations that filled the air with a vibrant murmur.
Morpheus guided you to an unoccupied table and pulled out a chair for you. Without saying a word, you settled yourself next to him and took another moment to inspect your surroundings.
“Can they see us?”
“They cannot. This is a recollection of the past,” he explained.
"A memory within a dream? I’m curious now. Why did you bring me here?”
Morpheus’ lips raised into a small grin as he looked at the farthest table a few feet away from your position. Following his line of sight, you noticed a group of men joyfully indulging in their leisure time at the tavern. They sat comfortably, clutching large tankards in their hands. Among them, you immediately recognized a familiar man, someone you couldn't possibly overlook.
There was no room for error, it was him. He had shoulder-length hair, a full beard, wore a dark brown cloak, and what appeared to be a commoner uniform with long sleeves underneath. He laughed and enjoyed his alcoholic drink, completely unaware of your presence and the future that awaited him.
Morpheus simply made an affirmative sound, silently observing the scene next to you.
And then, you heard Hob speaking, while Morpheus waved his hand in a subtle gesture to silence the other sounds around you and amplify the volume of what caught his interest.
“Look, I’ve seen death. I lost half my village to the Black Death. I fought under Buckingham in Burgundy, it’s not like I don’t know what death is.”
Hob's demeanor suddenly turned serious as he addressed the other men, sharing his perspective with them. “Death is… stupid.”
His friends chuckled. “You’re a fool, Hob.”
“Nobody has to die,” he insisted. “The only reason people die is… is ‘cause everyone does it. You all just go along with it. But not me.”
You couldn't help but let out an amused guffaw, vigorously shaking your head. While you could easily recognize his common attributes, it was apparent to you that Hob was clearly inexperienced and quite immature in comparison to the person he would eventually become.
"I've made up my mind; I'm not going to die," he said confidently.
The men around him burst into laughter, but Hob maintained his smile, unwavering in the face of their expected reaction.
“Hobs, death comes for every man.”
“You don’t know that, I might get lucky. There’s always a first time. There’s so much to do, so many things to see.” He took hold of his tankard again. “Women to swive. Ale to drink. People to drink with.”
With that, Hob raised his arm and the others followed suit, cheering and clinking their tankards together in a lively toast.
Morpheus gestured with his hand once more, directing your attention to two other figures, a man and a woman, who also bore a striking resemblance to someone you knew. A younger version of Morpheus, with his longer hair and a dark tunic that matched the time period, stood before his sister, who in turn was disguising herself as a nun.
They were both the same, except for their different appearances.
With a warm, affectionate smile, you turned to the Morpheus sitting beside you, gently running your fingers through his short, tousled locks. "Nice hair," you remarked, referring to the style he had in 1389.
Morpheus returned your smile with a slight curve of his lips.
“Why would any sensible creature crave an eternity of this?” Past Morpheus asked.
Teleute looked at him with a satisfied expression. “You could find out.”
He appeared delighted, intrigued by his sister's statement. "How?”
“I could grant him his wish,” she replied.
The other Endless raised his eyebrows, his mouth spreading into a mischievous grin. “Do that and he will be begging for death within a century, I assure you.”
“This will prove very interesting.”
Both siblings turned their gaze back to Hob's table, listening to the ongoing conversation among the mortal men.
“What will you do with all that life?”
“I can find better friends than you, I can tell you that.”
You giggled once more, resting your head against your palm as you propped your elbow on the tabletop.
Death then looked at Dream once more. “Are you gonna tell him, or should I?”
Morpheus gazed at her with the same smile as before, a glint of amusement shining in his eyes. “I shall.”
As he turned to make his way to the table, Teleute replied, "Very well, little brother." She watched him walk away with a satisfied expression on her face, and before turning away, she repeated, "Very well.”
Morpheus approached Hob's seated position with deliberate steps, coming to a stop and placing one hand on top of the other. In that moment, you observed that he had adorned himself with the same ruby that Roderick Burgess had stolen in 1916.
Silence descended upon the ones present as Hob’s attention was captured by with the enigmatic figure who stood tall near his chair.
“Did I hear you say you have no intention of ever dying?” Morpheus inquired.
Hob showed a hint of confusion, but he still went along with it, letting out a faint chuckle. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s right.”
“Then you must tell me what it’s like,” Morpheus stated.
Hob continued to laugh.
“Let us meet here again, Robert Gadling,” Hob's face suddenly registered shock as he heard his name spoken by a complete stranger. “In this tavern of the White Horse in 100 years.”
Hob's companions laughed wholeheartedly, while Hob himself remained surprised. He showed an increased level of curiosity towards the man in front of him.
“A hundred years and I’m Pope Urban,” said one of his friends.
Meanwhile, Morpheus swiftly turned to his sister, who gave him an encouraging nod. He responded to her gesture with equal confidence.
“Don’t mind them,” Hob interjected. “A hundred years’ time, on this day?”
Morpheus agreed with an affirmative tilt of his head.
“I will see you in the year of our Lord 1489, then.”
After a moment of contented reflection, the Endless departed, holding the men's inquisitive gazes until he disappeared from view.
“Who was that, then, Hobsie?”
“Haven’t a clue. But tell you what, I’ll ask him in 100 years’ time.”
The surroundings suddenly became brighter and blurrier. You could still hear the voices of people conversing in the distance, but it was as if someone had turned down the volume of a television, leaving only a faint, unintelligible noise in the background.
And so, you turned to Morpheus, who met your gaze with silence, his eyes unwavering.
"Hob has told me about this day. It's remarkable how vivid his memories are, considering how much time has passed.”
And then your gaze shifted to his chest, searching for the missing ruby that was nowhere to be found. You delicately touched the fabric of his shirt with the tips of your fingers, tracing a path down to his upper abdomen.
“You’re not wearing the pendant.”
“No. The ruby was destroyed.”
“No matter. The power that was enclosed into that jewel has returned to me.”
You looked down, taking one of his hands between yours, firmly gripping it as you placed it on the table. "Sometimes, I find myself pondering what you revealed to me that day. It pains my heart whenever I recall seeing you trapped in that cage.”
"You're okay now, right?”
Morpheus parted his lips as if about to respond to your question, but instead, he moved his beautiful blue eyes to the side, lost in contemplation. After a moment, he tightened his hold on your hand, offering a reassuring caress. “I am.”
A sense of tranquility washed over you as you heard his response. You reciprocated with a warm, genuine smile and gently brushed the surface of his palm with your thumb. You remained in that position for a while, gazing at each other's faces in silence.
Meanwhile, your mind drifted to the Fates and their revelations about Morpheus' son, yet you still lacked the courage to broach the subject in his presence. Once again, you opted to keep your thoughts to yourself, even though the burden of the secret was becoming increasingly uncomfortable as time passed by.
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"Dad, do I have any Greek roots?”
As soon as you posed that question to him, your father suddenly choked on his water. Tears welled up in his eyes as he desperately tried to regain his composure, coughing violently. You repeatedly patted him on the back, offering comfort as he gasped for breath.
"Are you all right?”
“Y-yes,” he declared, loudly clearing his throat. “I’m okay, I was drinking too fast.” You waited for him to stabilize himself, inhaling at a slower pace. “Greek roots? Where did that come from?”
"One of my coworkers asked me if I’m partially Greek because of my features," you lied with a subtle shrug. "I don't know much about our family, so I was curious.”
Your father demonstrated a rather odd nervousness, wiping his mouth and kneading the rear of his neck. "Well, if you do, it certainly must be from your mother's side.”
Upon mentioning his lover, you noticed a significant degree of melancholy and distress befall on your father. Your chest tightened with the sight of his despondent state, which led you to hastily grasp his shoulder in an earnest way.
"I'm so sorry, dad. I know how much it pains you to talk about her.”
He released a shaky sigh, smiling at you. “It’s okay, lovey. It’s been a long time.”
“But you still haven’t moved on.”
It took a brief moment for your father to come up with a reply. “No, I have not.”
"I can only imagine how hard it's been for you," you said. "The day I was born is also the day she passed away. Sometimes, I can't help but think that it was all my fault.”
“Absolutely not!” he exclaimed. “My dear, none of that happened because of you.”
“I just… I wish you could be happy, Dad.”
“Oh, but I am, sweetie. Even more so now that you’re following your dreams.”
You absentmindedly started toying with the food on your plate, rotating the fork on its surface. "Don't you get lonely? Now that Miss Bailey is no longer assisting you 24/7.”
He scoffed. "As good as she is in her profession, having her glued to my ass all day was not pleasant.”
A slight laugh escaped your throat. "I bet she's glad too. You drove her nuts.”
"Come on! Do you know how frustrating it is to have her following you to the bathroom's door? Good thing that I could still clean my butt on my own.”
The process of finishing your lunch proved to be a considerable challenge, with you chortling at all the jokes that your father offered. You recalled Morpheus' words about the connection between the two of you, which coud have enabled him to directly benefit from an Endless presence through you. As a result, seeing him sitting at the table, beaming and radiating vitality, made it seem as though he had never been ill in the first place.
And yet, you couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling of something mysterious lurking beneath the surface. There was an indescribable sense of an imposing secret being concealed from you, leaving you unable to pinpoint exactly what it was.
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Each day that went by, you became increasingly adept in your profession. The constantly rapid pace didn't seem to faze you, as you were completely absorbed in your creative pursuits. You would bring your unfinished assignments home and continue working on them until late into the night, fully engrossed in the process, without even glancing at the clock. Morpheus had to visit you to make sure everything was under control, as your absence from the Dreaming during sleep time was deemed unusual.
It was both amusing and flattering to see him sulking for attention, but the last thing you wanted was to cause him any worry, particularly in light of the past events involving Nada.
More often than not, you had to assure him that you would join him soon enough, rather than letting your work consume you until the early hours of the morning.
If anything, immersing yourself in a busy schedule helped keep your mind occupied with a multitude of things to process, preventing you from lingering on what the Kindly Ones had told you once again. The more you found yourself in his company, the harder it became to suppress your curiosity as it swam through you and threatened to emerge. Simultaneously, you yearned to provide him with solace for his profound loss, regardless of the passage of time.
One night, you came to the realization that you simply couldn't withhold it from him any longer. It took you a moment to recall your intentions as you crossed the threshold from your world to the realm of dreams, but once you did, you were completely unsure of how to initiate the conversation.
Although he was showcasing a variety of marvels and breathtaking landscapes that you could only imagine stumbling upon in the Waking World, you found it difficult to uphold your attentiveness on Morpheus’ face.
Eventually, the Endless concluded his narrative and turned his frowning gaze towards you. “My love?”
As soon as you heard his voice calling you, you turned back to him in a hazy state. “Mh?”
“Something’s wrong.”
“What is?”
“You are not listening to me. You seem… lost.”
“Poor Y/N, so naive and lost.”
“I’m not lost.”
“Yes you are, my child. We came to warn you, little one.”
You pondered the responses you could provide, but every excuse appeared feeble and ineffective.
"I have something to talk to you about,” you admitted in the end.
Morpheus tilted his head slightly. "Go on.”
With the opportunity to finally release the burden from your chest, you now felt uncertain, almost fearful, as you looked into his profound and intense eyes, preparing to discuss something so personal and dramatic. You were tempted to abandon the idea, to fabricate a different story and redirect his attention elsewhere, but you had never been skilled at deception. It wasn’t your forte.
Taking a deep breath, you began to explain. "The day I got my job, I encountered someone on my way to the interview. Three women dressed in black materialized before me, introducing themselves as 'The Kindly Ones'.”
A change came over Morpheus immediately. You could clearly notice the tension in his jaw, and his demeanor underwent a complete shift. His body became utterly motionless, as if he had been struck by a spell leading to his paralysis. "What?”
Your heart raced, as his evident shock mixed with anger did not bode well.
"I don't even know what they wanted from me," you continued with your speech. "They spoke in riddles, but... I believe their intention was to warn me about something. About... you.”
You could sense the ground slipping away beneath you as he closed his eyes in surrender.
"They revealed things to me, Morpheus. They spoke about your past, about something I shouldn't have learned about. Not like that.”
Crossing your arms, you felt a tremble shaking you as the wind picked up and the sky darkened once again, mirroring the alteration in his mood.
At that moment, you came to the realization that you probably should have let it go, brushed it off, and moved on from it all. But despite knowing it was a wrong thing to do, a part of you was desperate for more information directly from the source.
Morpheus remained silent, his neck growing even more rigid, his eyes sparkling as he fixed his gaze upon you with even greater intensity.
Yes, you should have stopped right there and then, as you knew. And yet, you failed to do so.
"They told me you were married to Calliope, the Muse of epic poetry. And that you had a son, Orpheus... who, according to them, perished by your own hand.”
The way he uttered your name sent chills down your spine, his voice resonating with a terrifying power, both formidable and filled with an ominous presence.
"Choose your words wisely.”
For the very first time, you were feeling positively intimidated by the man you had fallen in love with. Your enchanting Dream, so kind and wonderfully magical, now felt like a haunting nightmare ready to consume you.
"Please forgive me, I... I didn't mean to upset you," you said in your defense, as futile as it may be. "I realize that this is not something to be taken lightly. I simply want to understand how you're feeling about it, what led them to believe you were at fault.”
Hearing that, Morpheus appeared to grow even more enraged. "You dare meddle with my affairs?”
Your eyes were so wide that you thought they could pop out of their sockets at any random point. “No! I would never do that!” A loud thunderclap made you jump on the spot. "Morpheus, please. I’m trying to make sense of what I’ve heard. All mortals are familiar with the story of your son, what happened with Hades, with Eurydice, with the Maeneads. It has been documented in numerous books and performed in countless theatrical works for many years.”
This time, the Endless remained silent, but the way he scrutinized you now, with such a stark and heartless expression, made you yearn to rewind your dream and restrain yourself from speaking the truth in the first place.
You let the cat out of the bag, and there was no way for you to put it back into it.
"If these depictions are based on reality, if our narrative is grounded in actual events, why are the Fates spreading lies about you?”
As menacing and invincible as he could be, Morpheus was not the monster that everyone portrayed him to be. Roderick and Alex Burgess, the former basement guards, now the Kindly Ones. How much suffering and persecution did he have to endure?
Eventually, Morpheus revealed a truth that was not what you were expecting to hear.
“Because it is, in fact, quite true.”
You looked at him in disbelief, carefully observing his body language and searching for a glimmer of hope in his somber, reddened eyes.
“I don’t believe it,” you declared.
“Whether you do or don’t, it cannot change what I have done.”
"Are you suggesting that the Maeneads were not real? That you were the one who tore your own son apart? No, I'm not buying it. I know you are better than that.”
He approached you, closing the distance until his face was just inches away from your nose. The version of him standing before you was hardly recognizable, twisted by a darkness far beyond what you could had ever imagined.
But deep down, you knew you shouldn't have been surprised. After all, he was not only the King of Dreams but also the ruler of Nightmares.
“You know nothing about me.”
The words stung, but you made a conscious choice to stay strong and unwavering.
"You're right, maybe I don't. But I trusted you when nobody else did, even without you speaking a single word to me.”
Morpheus couldn't deny the strength of your will, but given his pride, you should have anticipated his next response.
"I never sought your trust. I did not ask a human like you to come to my aid.”
With regards to the reason for his sudden change in temperament and the subsequent surge of rage, it was understandable to witness him shielding himself with a cold and emotionless temperament. Nevertheless, the venom in his words found a way to penetrate your chest, causing your heart to constrict in pain. You took in a sharp breath, and a single tear escaped from the corner of your eye, rolling down your cheek.
"This isn't fair," you replied, your voice breaking.
“No. It is not.”
You could tell that there was something more, something he clearly didn't want to reveal. You understood that he didn't desire to hurt you, as causing harm to others, like he did to Nada, was his way of concealing and alleviating his own suffering.
“Please, don’t do this. I was taken by those three, just tell me what happened. What truly happened.”
Morpheus gulped a couple of times, pressing his eyebrows together and intently observing you with a smidge of annoyance, blended with astonishment, at your stubbornness.
You had to consider the possible repercussions. It was within the realm of possibility that he would simply choose to banish you from the Dreaming, without providing a response to what you wanted to know. Still, you didn't retreat, holding on to your consciousness to stay asleep and lucid for as long as necessary.
Finally, he complied. "Very well. If that is what you wish.”
Morpheus stepped back, distancing himself from your personal space and averting his eyes. “My son came to me, seeked my assistance to plead his case to Hades. To bring back the soul of his deceased wife.”
“And did you?”
“I did not.”
An ominous black fog was gradually forming in the distance, stealthily covering the ocean with a deathly curtain of gloom.
“I told him to bid the dead farewell, to grieve, and to continue with his life.”
You listened to his tale, anticipating more information being appended to it. Once he met your gaze again without further expanding on what he had mentioned, you found yourself shrouded in a cloud of bafflement.
“Wait, that’s it…?”
“You asked.”
Your mouth was agape, but no sound emanated from it. While you could accept a certain level of resentment held towards him for turning Orpheus down, which was followed by his son’s subsequent decision to travel to the Underworld alone, it was difficult for you to believe that this was the only reason leading the young man down a similar path.
"Have you seriously considered yourself at fault, because ot this?" you asked him, unable to accept such an explanation. "We all have the power to make choices, Morpheus. There are always different circumstances that influence our destiny and lead to different outcomes. Orpheus willingly chose to go to the Underworld, you didn't force him.”
"You merely feign understanding, when the matter is far beyond your range of comprehension,” he said firmly.
"I don't need to pretend anything. What else is there to understand apart from what you just told me?" you snapped, clearly frustrated in your voice.
In an instant, you could feel your own body vibrate in accordance with his thunderous words.
"Are you aware of the significance of a father picking the head of his son on the seashore?” He questioned.
You were left speechless, frozen in place, as you contemplated the thought of Morpheus facing that very same fate. You were aware of the risks your revelation could have brought to you and him, but you didn't stop reflecting, not even for a second, on the sorrowful memories that would have been unearthed.
It was well within your rights to inquire following the interaction that took place with the Kindly Ones. Nevertheless, it was a story that held no connection to your personal existence. You had faith in Morpheus, therefore you would have never asserted that he was the abomination whom the Fates seemed to desire him to be. Why did you allow your curiosity to completely override his sentiments?
"Hold your tongue when touching upon subjects that do not concern you.”
The way he spoke to you made you feel like you had been reduced to an insignificant speck of dirt in his eyes. He viewed you as a creature that he detested, one with whom he didn't want to have anything in common with, ever again.
“Please, just let me-”
“This dream is over.”
You sprung awake with a heavy gasp escaping your lips, feeling disoriented as your vision adjusted to the gentle glow of your room, emanating from the window. The sun had not yet appeared on the horizon, but you were convinced that it would be impossible for you to drift back to sleep given your current distress.
You straightened your posture on the mattress, allowing the sheets to slip off your body as you stared at your hands and replayed the sequence of events from your dream in your mind. The seashell resting on your nightstand glistened with a captivating radiance, containing a fragment of the realm from which you had just been banished, probably forever.
You sucked in the air, feeling your innards writhing and your chest being ablaze from a raging fire that could not be tamed or contained.
"What have I done..." you whispered aloud, allowing guilt to course through your entire being for the rest of the night.
You messed up. Big time.
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The following day, everyone noticed that the energy had dissipated from you during your work hours. While you didn't allow that to influence the caliber of your services, your usual smile was extinct from your face, and your eyes appeared to be as blank as those of a doll.
Due to your significant inner exasperation, you were unable to care in any way regarding Maya's provocations. She continued issuing them, notwithstanding your annoyance with everything around you.
"Were you bitten by a spider this morning?" she taunted you, sipping her coffee while sitting on the table in the break room with one leg crossed over the other. “You look terrible.”
You inhaled deeply, waiting for your own beverage to be produced by the machine. "Ever the sweet snowflake, are you, Maya?”
The woman let out a forceful giggle as she swished her voluminous, curly ink-black hair off her shoulders. “I’m just stating facts.”
Once your warm drink finished being dispensed, you took it in your hand and put on one of the fakest, most devilish grins your lips had ever formed. Without faltering, you turned to the poisonous woman, delivering such a cold, piercing look that her own smirk was wiped away like never before.
"I see you like playing the part of the Evil Queen like an average middle school girl, yet you should know how those stories typically end," you calmly remarked, your words laced with a cutting edge. "I win, you lose. Try to keep that in mind, will you?”
Seeing her rendered speechless was utterly priceless for you. You had constantly tried to ignore her hostility, pretending like you had no qualms with her constant jealousy. On that particular day, you were so mentally drained that you solely wanted a semblance of peace and seclusion, something that she had always failed to provide.
As you left, you could hear her groaning to herself, relishing in the way she cursed as you continued walking along the corridor with a heavy heart.
You didn't want to fall asleep that night. For all you knew, Morpheus no longer wanted to see your face in his realm again after what you did.
You kept your mind occupied as much as possible, engaging in your typical activities such as work, reading, and watching TV. You were consuming copious amounts of coffee with the intention of staying awake and maintaining your alertness intact.
Deep down, you harbored the hope that Morpheus would reappear, concerned about your absence from the Dreaming and prepared to patch things up with you after calming himself down. Be that as it may, even though the clock read 4 a.m., there was still no trace of him in your apartment.
You waited, praying with great fervor, and made a tremendous effort not to shed tears over the spilt milk. As the sunlight slowly spread across the sky, you felt completely exhausted and profoundly heartbroken.
Back at work, you felt like a walking dead, moving slowly around the office, typing on your computer, and taking charge of the photography session for your debut collection. Despite witnessing your own creations come to fruition, you couldn't find any joy in anything. The struggle to stay focused on your tasks was overwhelming, leaving you devoid of the happiness you should have felt.
Eventually, it became evident to Ella that you were not behaving like yourself anymore. Out of nowhere, she grasped your arm and silently led you to her office, while informing the rest of the team about your break.
She made you sit on her couch and looked straight into your eyes. "All right, sweetie, it's time to spill the beans.”
You looked at her with a puzzled expression. "What?"
"Don't 'what' me. You've been acting strange since yesterday, so tell me what's going on.”
“Are you asking as my boss?”
“I’m asking as your friend."
After a brief pause, you responded, "It's not a big deal, really.”
“Oh no, I won’t accept that.”
You watched as she filled a couple of empty glasses with a drink. She handed one to you across the coffee table and asked, "Y/N, is your father all right?”
You nodded slightly and took a quick sip of your drink. "Don't worry, he's perfectly fine.”
“What’s bothering you, then?”
You let out a long, anguished sigh, carefully setting the glass down and crossing your fingers over one knee. “I think I broke up with my boyfriend,” you confessed.
‘Was he even my boyfriend in the end?’
She froze in her actions, her eyes widening as she sat up straight, intensely staring at you. "Wait, are you serious? I thought you two were doing really well."
"This time, it was actually my fault. Mostly, at least."
Ella turned her glass in her hand, glancing at the swirling liquid. "Did you have an argument?"
"We did. I made him angry.”
You swallowed the growing lump in your throat, crossing your arms and leaning against the back of the couch. Your drink was completely forgotten. "You see, I heard something from someone. It's a secret from his past, something really significant and personal," you explained. “I wanted to ask him about it, but I thought it would be better to just wait and see if he would share it himself. He’s only just started opening up to me and we haven’t known each other for very long.”
Ella smiled warmly at you. "Curiosity always kills the cat. So, did you confront him about it?”
"I did. I just didn't want to keep any secrets from him. Unfortunately, I pushed things a little too far. I touched upon a very sensitive subject, and he didn't appreciate it.”
Ella hummed as she brought her glass to her lips, finishing the last of her drink. "And you haven't spoken since then?”
"No. He doesn't want to see me or hear from me, evidently.”
She licked her lips, savoring the lingering taste of liquor. "Do you love him?”
"I've never loved anyone the way I love him.”
“Does he know that?”
“I…. think he might….?”
Her jaw dropped. "Are you telling me that he doesn't even know about your feelings?”
You shook your head. "It's... complicated. He's different from the other men I've dated.”
“Aren’t they always?”
If only you could explain to her just how different and unique Morpheus was. “I don’t know what to do, Ella. I wish I could apologize to him.”
She pondered for a moment, a wide grin spreading across her face as she realized something. "Why don't you write him a letter?”
“A… letter?”
"I know it may seem old-fashioned, but I did that with Oliver when we broke up a few years ago. It helped me release the emotions I had inside. I opened my heart to him and wrote down everything I felt.”
You blinked in surprise. "You and Oliver broke up…?”
"At least twice. We had our ups and downs, but we managed to work through it.”
You pondered the logistics of sending your personal correspondence to Dream Of the Endless. Was there even a way to communicate with the Dreaming from the Waking World without falling asleep first?
Summoning Matthew, the raven who could travel between the two worlds, seemed like a good way to deliver your message to Dream. However, you were unsure of how to call upon him, as Morpheus was the only one who could track his movements and see through his eyes.
Nevertheless, the concept did not seem like it would be a bad idea to you.
"Thank you, Ella. I will definitely take your suggestion into consideration.”
"Great! Go ahead, reconcile, kiss and make babies!”
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Describing Morpheus as restless would be an understatement. Ever since he awakened you from the Dreaming, he had been experiencing excruciating convulsions and constriction in his insides. As a powerful and ancient entity, it was quite atypical for him to experience such physical torment.
Morpheus was enraged, truly. But besides that, he was berating himself for being too quick-witted and allowing his arrogance and pride to take over once again. He was already consumed by self-hatred for his impulsive outburst, and he actually felt more upset with the Kindly Ones than with you.
Despite your efforts to delve deeper into his most agonizing memory, one he had tirelessly tried to bury for eternity, your ultimate objective was for him to confront his guilt and find solace. Unlike everyone else, you didn't accept the Fates' words at face value as they had intended. You managed to keep your encounter with them hidden for over a month, always projecting unwavering confidence and fearlessness in his presence.
In fact, he didn't nourish any hatred towards you. On the contrary, he yearned for your return to the Dreaming, longing to embrace you in his arms. He eagerly awaited your arrival the previous night, but to his dismay, you were nowhere to be found within the depths of his realm.
From a distance, Matthew watched you. And from this, Morpheus understood that you resisted seeking rest and remained anchored to the Waking World until morning. Not only did he make you cry, but he also prevented you from falling asleep.
Would you ever be willing to forgive him for his cruelty? Would you let him take you back, or would you despise him and abandon him like Calliope did before you?
As he became lost in his thoughts, Lucienne cautiously entered the Throne Room. Morpheus sat there like a despondent cat, his long coat draped over the stairs as he perched there.
"My Lord," she said, interrupting his self-loathing. "Something has arrived. I believe this is for you.”
Morpheus glanced up, extending his hand to receive the folded paper that she was holding. “What is it?”
"It seems to be a letter, sir," she said. "I will leave you to it.”
Lucienne spun on her heels and walked away, the sound of her footsteps reverberating off the walls until she disappeared into the library. Morpheus gazed at the paper with curiosity, his name beautifully written on the outside in graceful calligraphy.
In an instant, his heart leaped into his throat, for he knew precisely who had penned it.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 (currently reading) Go to Chapter 11 ->
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stepswordsen · 1 month
【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
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【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
【カゲプロ】 黒コノエネ/クロエネ/冴えエネ
My shadow wants to swallow up this dream of yours.
KuroEne was baby Sen's 1st ship that I was OBSESSED with as a 12 year old, and after 10 years, the KuroEne obsession is here to stay.
Snake x Bunny 🐍🐇
Ene's twintails look like bunny ears 💙
I came back to KagePro in April and got obsessed with Kuroha and KuroEne again, exactly as I predicted. Turns out I'm not immune when my meow meow mf gets handsy with my wife.
B*tches when Snake of Clearing Eyes. I'm b*tches! /lh
I first got into KagePro when I was 12 when I watched the Outer Science MV. Sidu's MV aesthetics and Kuroha's design drew me in immediately. Great design and song~
I'm obsessed with Meow meow mf charas. Black and white colour scheme and design aesthetics. Causes problems on purpose. Sen-core bastard cat. Smug chaotic edgy evil asshole character. Violent, unhinged, bloodthirsty and murderous. Arrogant with a huge ego that distances them from humanity (or social interactions).
All of my top fave masc charas are like this. There's literally no one with more obvious and predictable tastes than me LMAO 😭
Kuroha/Saeru, the embodiment of "Knowledge/Wisdom" as a dark evil cunning and malicious entity in KagePro, and the main source of conflict and tension in the plot, is so interesting to me.
With Ene, I'm very enamoured with her chara and design. The way the way she acts so cheery and self-centered in the hopes of Shintaro to open up more, how she wants to be someone else's friend to subside their loneliness, the same kind of loneliness she'd always felt back then… It also feels like over-compensation for her past regrets, wahh, Ene… ;_;
Rough sketch WIPs. I love their expressions here sm~ I started playing around with Gradient Maps cuz I love picking colours. My works tend to lean more saturated with high contrast, so I ended up going with a more saturated palette.
This shows my process for picking colours. The final one I ended up picking is the 1st one. It has a blue hue shift on Ene, red hue shift on Kuroha, and generally more saturated colours and higher contrast. The last one shows the colours I started with.
The more red + purple toned Kuroha has really nice visual contrast against Ene's cool colours (blues) in her design tbh~
I started off with a more muted palette (different from what I'm used to), but ended up going with more saturated colours cuz I think it fit the mood of the piece more. Though I think it'd still be fun to do both a Muted Colours and Saturated Colours version!
These doodles aren't refined, and just me roughly filling in the base colours on my sketches to get an idea of colours. Since Idk when I'll get to refine these drawings and clean up the sketch and lines
Shadow gate to love by Guilty Kiss is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine. Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
KuroEne has such a unique context as a ship cuz it uses HaruTaka and KonoEne (my no. 2 KagePro ships), as a basis. Ene has a "special" relationship with the person that Saeru uses as his vessel.
KuroEne is like the equivalent of the evil sleep paralysis demon (in this case, evil sadistic parasitic snake) possessing past love (Haruka), or the person that you're conflicted about, but still have a certain kind of tenderness for (Konoha). Sadistic parasitic evil snake bf and computer virus gf
Ene already gets flustered around Konoha who is airheaded. So with Saeru, the teasing would just be merciless, cuz Ene is easy to rile up. ENE BELOVED…
I'll talk about the setting of my KuroEne AU. I'll put the rest of my rambles under the cut! I copy pasted these rambles from my side blog since it's pretty long.
KuroEne AU: Set-up
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Source: KagePro LN: 7 - from the darkness - Colour Illustration Source: Sidu's Mekakushi Dan Members Colour Illustrations
Ok, I'm just gonna ramble about the setting of my KuroEne AU.
I also included a summary for context just in case my non-KagePro mutuals want to tune in to read these rambles.
I just wrote this quickly before I go to sleep. I have more to say but I think this is a good starter.
In official KagePro media, the present day plot starts after 2 years, on the fateful day of August 15th (Kagerou/Heat Haze) Day.
The Kagerou Daze, the never ending world, swallows up people who die on August 15th, and gives those with especially strong desires, who are compatible with an Eye Ability, a substitute life so that they can return to the real world.
In most Routes, Saeru ends up orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths. One thing you'll learn about KagePro is that this guy (Kuroha) is responsible for almost everything bad that happens
Because killing them so that they'd come out with an Eye Ability, is a part of his plan to get the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze and into the real world.
Haruka's death leads to the creation of Konoha, and Takane's death causes her to lose her human body and become a cyber girl named Ene
There are multiple different ways that a KuroEne AU could go, depending on the Route. KuroEne AU Routes are so fun to write, because any time I get a new idea, I can just put into a different Route (timeline) to explore all the "What if" scenarios that don't fit into a single Route.
Kuroha's Plan and KonoEne
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Source: @/x0401x
Mekakushi Dan Clear Files: (X)
Normally, the rest of the Mekakushi Dan members meet each other in the present day plot after 2 years, the fateful day of August 15th, the day Kuroha/Saeru plans to kill everyone.
Kuroha/Saeru's plan is to gather all the snakes with a new Medusa in the real world (bringing the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze to the real world), and killing all Eye Ability users.
Then, he forces Marry, "the next Master," to rewind the world using the power of the Queen Snake, Combining Eyes.
In official media, Kuroha/Saeru usually possesses Konoha's body at the end of a Route on August 15th, the day he plans to proceed with the "Tragedy" and kill everyone.
I imagine that in my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body MUCH earlier. Like, anywhere within the timespan after Takane and Haruka's deaths (1 - 2 years)
Because of this, Konoha and Ene usually end up meeting and befriending each other earlier. Ene recognizes Konoha as Haruka's game avatar from back then, and mistakes him for Haruka. Konoha asks if she has the wrong person, and Ene gets heartbroken at Konoha's seeming amnesia and inability to remember her.
Ene imposes a sense of distance around Konoha due to her conflicting feelings (he resembles the person she loved but isn't him).
In my AU, KonoEne establish a relationship dynamic of some kind (which varies depending on the Route), which either progresses to an acquaintance-ship, friendship, or intimate relationship.
Kuroha introduces himself to Ene for their first meeting in a Route
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Source: Sidu's 2016 Calendar Hanafuda Set
And then, at some point, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body. At this point, when he introduces himself and makes himself known to Ene for the first time, he can choose what information he wants to reveal, and how much.
For example, Kuroha can choose if he wants to introduce himself as Black Konoha, and/or "Saeru," or whether to reveal it for later. (And he also chooses whether he wants to reveal his true identity as the Snake of Clearing Eyes.)
Ene later nicknames him "Kuroha" and "Saeru" to shorten the name.
He knows that the 1st one would be more familiar to Ene. To introduce himself with the 2nd one would make Ene more distrusting/suspicious of him.
He most likely doesn't reveal his true intentions (to kill the Mekakushi Dan) so soon, because he knows that if he does, Ene is (obviously) not gonna want to "play the game" (of being intimate with him) anymore, cuz it means that he is literally putting her and her friends' lives in danger.
Though, across multiple Routes, he probably does play around and experiment with the timing of when he reveals certain information, and how much.
I think in most Routes, Ene is suspicious of him at first, and asks about his intentions and what he's really after, and Kuroha/Saeru just tells her that it's too early to say yet, and that she will find out soon.
(Though, Kuroha could probably quell her suspicions with enough convincing, due to the massive amount of knowledge he carries)
KuroEne AU: Context
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Source: Mega Man Battle Network 6 (Rockman.exe 6)
In my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru, who has messed around with human technology and innovation, has been able to develop a humanoid android/robot body with human flesh that Ene can transfer into.
This concept is inspired by Mega Man Battle Network (Rockman.exe), specifically, the NetNavis (humans' companion AIs in this universe) from MMBN/EXE.
NetNavis can transfer into CopyBots (android bodies) for limited amounts of time, to move around in the real world. These CopyBots take the appearance of the NetNavi that transfer into it.
In my KuroEne AU, I imagine it's battery powered, but with every Route, he gets better and faster at making it. Like he improves the battery life over time, so it goes from lasting an hour to lasting a whole day, etc.
According to the KagePro LNs, Kuroha/Saeru has knowledge from everything from the start of civilization...
Shintaro in the KagePro LNs compares Saeru to "a living encyclopedia with a full grasp of everything from the start of civilization up to modern science."
That LN bit confirms that Kuroha/Saeru carries knowledge of the history of mankind and its technologies over (probably) millions or thousands of years.
Especially when scientists have made developments regarding wrapping living human-like skin onto a robot that can heal when cut.
If he carries knowledge from the start of civilization, so much knowledge that it's unfathomable to the average person, then yeah I definitely think he could get it done (especially for the sake of my AU).
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KuroEne's Intimacy
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Source: (X)
Scan: @/ayara-resara
Kuroha proposes that he has a solution for Ene not being able to move around in the real world, and introduces the little invention that he made, for her to test out, which Ene eventually agrees to, out of curiosity.
Ene feels a sense of gratefulness to him for allowing her to move around in the real world since it gets lonely in the cyber world, not being able to feel or touch anyone on the outside…
Kuroha gets to know and bonds with Ene, anywhere within this 1 - 2 year timespan, and at some point, Kuroha and Ene get intimate with each other.
Ene gives into the sense of longing/yearning that she feels for Kuroha/Saeru, a yearning for warmth and touch after being stuck alone in the cyber world for so long (in spite of everything - if she knows about his true identity at this point), which is in part caused by his vessel (being Konoha, who's in Haruka's body).
Kuroha knows how to react to her and what to say to her and how to act around her due to his knowledge, and so, seduces his S/O and tempts her with carnal pleasures, and they indulge in "the game/dance" of being intimate with each other.
Because Kuroha/Saeru keeps memories of previous Routes, he remembers memories of being with the Enes of previous Routes, and thus, knows how to react to her when talking/chatting with her normally, knows how to appease Ene's behaviours and whims, goes along with what she wants, knows how to get the responses he wants when he wants something from his partner (so he knows how to seduce them), and knows how to satisfy his partner in the context of intimacy.
Because of the knowledge he carries, he knows the context, past, Eye Abilities, vulnerabilities, etc., of every Mekakushi Dan member, and that includes Ene. So he'd definitely know about Haruka and Takane, and Konoha and Ene's context and relationship together.
The person who's her greatest enemy (whether she knows it at this point or not), very literally knows everything about her.
Kuroha's Nature
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Source: COSPA - Tsumamare Series (Keychains and Rubber Strap Charms)
Not only does he weaponize Konoha's body by using Konoha's body as a murder weapon to kill everyone at the end of a Route, he weaponizes words, too. Kuroha/Saeru uses "knowledge" as an advantage over his partner, and weaponizes knowledge. Actually staggering advantage. Because he knows almost everything.
Kuroha ships are like the only time I have ships where one party in the ship has THIS much of an advantage over their partner.
Therefore, as I said before, Kuroha/Saeru ultimately has a power imbalance with his partner (any Mekakushi Dan member that he could be paired with).
He has an overwhelming advantage over his partner due to his role (set-up as an antagonist constantly killing the cast) and capabilities. It is ultimately in his favour.
That fact in itself, that the power imbalance exists, isn't inherently a bad thing, it just means that you NEED to tread carefully with portraying Kuroha's ships. I always make sure to depict my ships with as much care as possible, and as healthy as possible.
Ene is one of the characters who is a really good match with him. Because making Ene more assertive and dominant in the KuroEne ship, and making them take turns in leading intimacy, with having Kuroha letting Ene take control through their bedroom intimacy at times, helps alleviate this power imbalance slightly.
Kuroha is literally so fucked up dude cuz even his twisted form of affection that he holds for his S/O (the Mekakushi Dan member who he's paired with), is still in a twisted, selfish, self-serving way.
Due to his twisted nature, he embodies Koi (恋), "Selfish love," "loving someone for their own sake."
Even when he caters to his partner's pleasures, it still ultimately caters to his pleasures the most. That makes him interesting, though. Someone so inherently dark and twisted and sinister, with selfish desires like that… 🥰💖✨
Misc Rambles
So I imagine, in most KuroEne AU routes, he reveals his true intentions either approaching the fated day of August 15th, or right on the day of August 15th.
There's absolutely a sense of betrayal that Ene would feel following the reveal of his true intentions - he built up a relationship with her, on purpose, just to drop the worst possible scenario imaginable.
Like let's be real. The reveal of "I've been killing you and your friends throughout multiple Routes (timelines)" just sounds like a nightmarish scenario, especially if you've been fucking this guy, like come on. 😭
And something that would make Ene get especially pissed at him, is if he decides to reveal that he was responsible for orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths in the first place.
(In official media, Ene sees Konoha for the first time, on August 15th, 2 years after Haruka and Takane's deaths)
Though, there are probably KuroEne AU routes where Konoha and Ene don't get the chance to meet each other - Routes where Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body before the two can actually meet, so when Ene sees who she thinks is "Konoha" for the first time, it's actually Kuroha/Saeru. With this kind of setting, he could even pretend to be Konoha, if he wanted.
And then on August 15th, he proceeds with killing the Mekakushi Dan with sadistic glee (and even his S/O - though if he's feeling nice, then he can spare them, since he doesn't need to kill everyone), and forces Marry to rewind the world.
Thankfully, due to the nature of Ene's body and predicament, she won't feel physical pain when he kills her. And then, a new Route (timeline) begins.
Previous KuroEne Posts
In my new post (this one), I wrote more about the set-up of my KuroEne AU.
My old post has some more rambles regarding some general ideas of my KuroEne AU (since I didn't feel the need to copy paste the same stuff here too)
Shadow gate to love by Guilty Kiss
Source: (X)
These lyrics work so well for ships like LimGuda, XanLena, IdaTatsu, and KuroEne.
The song sung by the sub-unit, Guilty Kiss, in Love Live! Sunshine!! My favourite version of Shadow gate to love is this fan-edit that pitches down the song to match the original voice actors’ voices, compared to their characters’ voices (which are higher in pitch)
Shadow gate to love is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine.
It’s my song to fall back on if I can’t think of any other songs for my ships. I think it fits these 4 the best, though.
Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
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The lyrics of the song works for all of my meow meow mfs in general.
In KagePro, though, the mention of "Strong scented eyes" takes on another meaning cuz of the emphasis on EYES, particularly the Eye Abilities.
I also love the emphasis on the Light/Darkness aspect and seduction in the lyrics.
KuroEne: Kuroha seduces Ene by tempting her with carnal pleasures, and keeps the secrets of his plan to commit the Tragedy (killing the Mekakushi Dan on August 15th, Kagerou Day) hidden from her. He tells her "beautiful lies" in order to keep up his facade.
He decides to act tamer prior to the fated date of August 15th, catering to her desires and befriending and bonding her and spending time with her and actually getting to know her. They'd do soft and fluffy stuff like go to the amusement park together, play video games together, and eventually, get intimate with each other.
Due to his inherently dark and twisted nature, Kuroha/Saeru prioritizes his own desires and desire for immortality, and constantly keeps causing the Tragedy by killing the Mekakushi Dan, Marry's friends, forcing the time loop resets. He also believes that doing this allows him to be with his partner forever, because he can continue to come and meet them forever and ever.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[It's time to say goodbye to the World Tour. And so, the nightmarchers are going to watch it come to an end. At a safe, respectable distance.
I put that poll up about whether you guys thought whether using the nightmarchers as a tabletop monster was cultural appropriation or not. I did weigh all of your opinions, but the one that got weighed the heaviest was @abominationimperatrix, a good friend who I have made through this blog, and one of the people I know who knows more about monsters than I do.
She pointed out that the nightmarchers entry was written by someone with Hawaiian heritage as an homage to the stories their grandfather taught them. And the prohibition against looking them in the face is about respect to royalty and tradition. Some historical/folkloric entities there are legitimate prohibitions about representing in visual media (see Muhammed the Prophet). But there's plenty of art of the nightmarchers made by native Hawaiians. So, I decided to go ahead. This entry sticks pretty closely mechanically to the 2e version, and I made sure that my flavor text emphasizes respect and coexistence. ]
Nightmarchers CR 14 LN Undead (troop) This spectral precession contains dozens of men and women, standing proud and carrying regalia. Although they are transparent and clearly unearthly, the weapons, armor and torches they carry seem all too effective.
The nightmarchers are ancestral spirits. They patrol the royal highways on tropical islands, ensuring that the boundaries between nobility and the common folk are enforced, and that the hierarchy of societies is strictly enforced. Seeing the nightmarchers at a distance is seen as a weird omen by some, and a comforting one by others. But getting too close, regardless, can be dangerous.
It is said that to gaze directly upon the procession of nightmarchers, to scan their faces in the hopes of seeing the royal treasures they guard, literally or figuratively, is to invite disaster. One who supplicates themselves in apology, or who the nightmarchers recognize as kin and has not done them harm, is safe, although will often get a verbal warning. Those that try to fight or to gawk are admonished with fire, shot from a dozen torches and a hundred eyes. Anyone who survives this, but tries to strike back, is beaten down with phantom clubs and spears, showered with semi-real stones.
Because the power of royalty can be lethal or nourishing, nightmarchers can be dealt with in a constructive way—they know much of the Old Ways, and might tell those genuflecting of important secrets as they pass by. Even though the nightmarchers can walk on air and cross barriers with ease, they primarily stick to the royal roads. If they go off path, they are sure to avoid passing above certain sacred plants, those that they associate with their royal patrons. In order to ensure that the nightmarchers remain at a safe distance, many villages have these sacred plants growing around them as a territorial marker of mutual respect and boundary keeping.
Nightmarchers     CR 14 XP 38,400 LN Medium undead (incorporeal) Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., kinsense, Perception +25 Aura frightful presence (90 ft., Will DC 26) Defense AC 27, touch 20, flat-footed 22(+5 Dex, + 5 deflection, +7 shield) hp 189 (18d8+108) Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +18 Immune incorporeal traits, undead traits Defensive Abilities troop traits; Weakness limited incorporeality Offense Speed 30 ft., air walk Melee troop (5d6+5) Space 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks blazing admonition, volley Statistics Str -, Dex 20, Con -, Int 21, Wis20, Cha 21 Base Atk +13; CMB -; CMD 28 Feats Ability Focus (frightful presence), Alertness,Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will,Skill Focus (Knowledge [history]),Toughness Skills Acrobatics +19, Diplomacy +19, Intimidate +22,Knowledge (geography, local) +18, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion) +21, Perception +25, Perform (song) +19, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +21 Languages Common plus 5 others (often old or extinct) SQ phantom armament Ecology Environment warm islands Organization solitary or procession (2-4) Treasure standard Special Abilities Blazing Admonition (Su) As a standard action, a nightmarcher troop can shoot a 60 foot cone of fire. All creatures in the area take 15d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 24 half). Creatures that are prone, or who are kin to the nightmarchers, are immune to this damage, as long as they have not taken hostile action against this troop. A nightmarcher troop must wait 1d4 rounds between uses of this ability. The save DC is Charisma based. Limited Incorporeality (Ex) A nightmarcher troop is spectral, but does have some solidity. They cannot fly or pass through objects as other incorporeal creatures. However, they can move as if under the constant effects of an air walk spell. When passing over hazardous terrain (like lava), a nightmarcher troop takes no damage. Phantom Armament (Su) A nightmarcher troop deals an extra die of damage with its troop and volley attacks compared to other troops of its HD. A nightmarcher troop gains a +7 shield bonus to AC. If it has been tasked with bearing a physical item, the troop can carry it as if it had a Strength score equal to its Charisma score. Volley (Ex) As a standard action, a nightmarcher troop can hurl a volley of spears and stones. This effects a 10 foot radius burst within 20 feet. All creatures in that area take 4d8+5 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage (Ref DC 24 halves). The save DC is Dexterity based.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 11 months
TADC stuff!
Already left a comment to this effect but Kinger is just Rascal if she was a guy and swapped the wine for coffee. (Also check out all the stuff on Goosworx's personal channel, some of it is quite LN-esqe)
And as a bonus, have a link to my gratuitous headcanoning about all the crossed out doors HERE
Now onto that new LN3 footage!
The comparison you made between Pretender and Baby is extra interesting now that we know Baby can actually turn off her power, unlike Pretty :( I'm getting more attached to your idea of them becoming friends because of that though :D
The end shows the kids either in the mannequin seamstress' workshop (if you'll remember Noone said it had padded walls), or the CPI (Counties Psychological Institute) and I genuinely don't know which of those two would be worse.
I also might be working on a speculative map of the Spiral based on the tornado/hurricane theory so keep an Eye out for that.
Kinger is Rascal if Rascal was actually a nice person rather than being the world's biggest dickhead (affectionate and loving) /j
About the Monster Baby: I did NOT fucking expect that. It caught me by surprise because I assumed she'd be more similar to the Pretender in that aspect, especially considering her very young age, but it seems that she is more advantaged when it comes to that. The only problem here is her size. All babies have mildly destructive tendencies so a 60 meter tall baby could be an issue😭 I do not envy the people of the Necropolis at all.
Have been looking into the Buddhist references in LN with the help of some friends and (putting aside the gigantic impact this research had for the Ladies lore and for how I see Rascal as a character [I mean this positively]) now I'm wondering if she too is supposed to be some sort of parallel to some Buddhist entity. Maybe a spirit or a god/goddess?
The Necropolis itself does have some... interesting architecture when it comes to that aspect.
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(Provided by my friend @chorusofkhonshu who has gone mentally insane with me😊)
I'll have to do some research on that...
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chorusofkhonshu · 1 year
The Lady's powers and the Halfway Point
So while listening to the final episode again, for like the hundredth time it finally clicked. Since the 3rd episode where the Ferryman uttered the words "Two flows from one, and here, is made whole again". A part of her in Nowhere and the rest of her in the original world. As the episodes go on she's becoming more and more aware of being in the Halfway Point, dreams starting in a dark place before the actual location reveals itself. I don't actually think Noone was ever actually "in" Nowhere, I think maybe she's just been in the Halfway Point this entire time. It's the only reason I can think up for the dreams being manipulated slight, as I referenced in my previous post.
I'll stop myself before I go off on a tangent, but ultimately by the end Noone is fully aware in the Halfway Point after going there mid dream. The black mist all around her that she describes as "only the mist spreading its fingers so that I can see myself, as if rebuilding me piece by piece" then also near the end "smokey fingers are mixing with the blinking eyes and the moon is opening up, swirling all around. I feel like me again." Then the words that Noone speaks from then on all have an echo almost, not really a echo, but like two of her are speaking. She was split up, from 1 to 2, and now 2 back into one but this time on the other side, all fixed. Now onto Six. You all know the story. At the end of LN 2, Six was split into two basically by the Thin Man, giving way to Shadow Six, leading to her hunger, which led her to the Maw and then the Lady, ultimately leading to her gaining the Lady's power and fixing herself. A black mist swirling around her as she is finally fixed. Basically up until this point no one has really ever known the origin of the Lady's power that seems to jump from successor to successor. What if it originates from the Halfway Point? What if specific kids that see the Ferryman are Lady candidates with power hiding inside of them until they become the next Lady, to not arouse suspicion from other entities in Nowhere. "Why is it still here? That Darkness? That's the secret, it hides in this place, my body knew all along." And with each succession that power is stacking (like MHA One for All). Each Lady having been to the Halfway Point and the Eyes in the void liking what they see, and Six is the culmination of that growing power. This is of course all conjecture and what if, but if true, that power could do so much more than what we've seen Six do with it. She had no trouble making her way out of the Maw. That power fixed her, it could probably fix others. Maybe even Mono, but that is me being overly optimistic. I used to see a lot of polls of who would win. Thin Man versus Lady or Mono versus Six. For the most part the Lady's powers have always been seen as magic, and I'm sorry to say that is just not going to cut it when up against powers like the Thin Man that bend time and space, the very rules of its world. But now? If the Lady's powers do originate from the Halfway Point, a place outside the rules of Nowhere, which would mean it might not even follow the fundamental rules of Nowhere, a power that might even be stacking and growing. Yeah that defiantly sounds like something that could go against the Transmission. Of course, that's only if, every time Mono defeats the Thin Man, his own static remains stack with Mono's, could be. I don't know. The Transmission might not even be a power that can grow, it could be the type where its stats are super high but there will be no growth, I do have an idea for how it could grow its control, notice i said control and not power, but thats for next post.
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haemosexuality · 1 year
specifically like, what entities would each character be part of
first off: in my brain this is like, a world in which the powers succeeded at coming into reality, and the different places we see are kind of like.... different domains? but overall less separate than they are in the tma canon, its all sort of a mess. also obv since its a crossover au its quite different from my interpretation of how the ln world works.
mono/the thin man: obviously my first thought was immediately "EYE" but if you think about it he's WAY more spiral than eye. he can mess with reality, with perception. quite literally he distorts things. he is glitches and time fuckery. 100% spiral
the signal tower is a SpiralxEye mix, with the physical location of the tower itself being a manifestation of the Spiral, while the weird eye flesh thing is an obvious mix of Beholding with a touch of Flesh.
the tower fucks up reality, time and space, its full of impossible geometry and distorted things and time not working right. it wants to confuse and trap you, and unless you know what youre looking for (mono following the music box), ur gonna be running in circles in there forever (like how michael and helen managed to overcome the distortion bc they had maps).
the flesh walls does surveillance, it can watch the whole city through the televisions, it gets people by Knowing what they want most and showing it to them, and eventually pulling them through the TVs and into itself (the Flesh part). it watches the entire city and no one is safe from it.
the city is then mixed Spiral-Beholding domain,  the signal tower spread fear through the city with the transmission, distorting it, and then the flesh wall came in and hijacked it a bit, starting the surveillance.
the doctor: 100% stranger. its mannequins come to life cmon. the people that went to him tho were mostly affected by the flesh, unhappy w their bodies and wanting the doctor to "fix" them (the part of the flesh that deals with body dysmorphia).
hunter: the hunt. obviously
the teacher/school: this one im not sure, but i think Eye? not so much for six and mono who just kind of passed through there, but for the porcelain kids living there. like think about it, theyre all terrified of the teacher bc they know shes watching them and could get them doing something wrong. irl too, the fear of school comes from the paranoia that youre gonna be judged by other students, or Found Out by the teachers. so i like that as my final answer
the viewers: i have no clue tbh. they could be so much. they have both the eye and the spiral hypnotizing them, they fit the stranger cuz well theyre fucking weird, the whole hive mind thing they appear to have going on and the lack of free will reminds me of the web, and the mindless violence is very slaughter? i actually rlly liked the slaughter answer bc the tvs, the things hypnotizing them, are often playing music which is a common way the slaughter manifests? but that would mean tvs are slaughter ON TOP of everything else so idk
obviously its the flesh. theres not much going on in here besides cannibalism. Six, the chefs and the guests are also flesh.
shadow six could be a manifestation of the spiral, it Was created in the signal tower after all. its there to make six question her sanity. six's hunger exists for the same reason as it does in game (surviving the tower when people Definitely are not supposed to made her lose part of herself, like her spirit or soul or whatever, and so her physical body not being able to process something metaphysical like that, seeks to fill that empty space somehow. hm losing a part of your Self after surviving an encounter with an avatar is a thing that happens in the podcast actually, georgie and her fear. its kind of like that)
the lady tho, initially id say shes flesh too since she runs the place, but idk how much she actually... does? the maw seems to have its own force going on, shes just kind of there. strolled in one day and said Hey I Rule This Now and everyone just went Sure. and she herself doesnt seem to have much interest in the whole cannibalism thing going on? she doesnt Partake she just oversees it. I think the lady fits the dark very well, she can disappears into shadows or even kind manipulate them. she also fits the end since she literally has the power so suck life force out of ppl. which is probably how she survives, like that one statement giver who kept dying and stealing ppl lives. WAIT I JUST READ HER WIKI PAGE AGAIN AND SHES DESCRIBED AS "CASTING A HYPNOTIC SPELL THAT KEEPS [THE MAW] RUNNING" THATS SO WEB. theres so many possibilities aaaaaa. wait i have an idea.
"The Lady has been in The Maw for a long time. She’s learned all sorts of unpleasant things during her residence. It’s best that we don’t scratch the surface.". what if she's like mary or leitner? she has a huge fuck off library, which might be where she learned so many things from. she could be someone (maybe an avatar of the web) that learned how to use abilities of all the fears without falling into them. which is why she can sap out people's life like The End, manipulate shadows like The Dark, rule a domain of the Flesh, watch over people with the Eye (the cameras and overall eye imagery) etc. i really like that actually.
the janitor: idk stranger? he works at the maw but he also doesnt seem part of the whole cannibalism thing. hes mostly portrayed as a creepy guy (not in a great way bc the game is just like. wow look how weird blind people are with the way they. are blind. but it does end up being all he does in the game). plus he has dolls
runaway kid wasnt part any fears; he was just a victim.
more random stuff:in general, the way the game makes the kids really small and everything else really really huge to show just how powerless they are is like, capital v Vast. the nest is a domain of the stranger but idk enough about the lore of that place to ascribe fears to indiviual characters. also i havent read the comics in a while but i might do that at some point and then ill give fears for those characters too. thats all i thought of i think
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3xm-draconic · 9 days
Batlings (D&D Homebrew Race 5e) LORE part 2
I ran out of pictures :( so here's a gif.
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Mythology & Religion.
The mythology of the Batlings is heavily inspired from christian mythology and Aztec and Mayan Myth. Is similar to catholicism with a splash of blood sacrifice.
Their Creation Myth is that their God, an entity known only as “The Lord”, “our Lord” or “The Lord Almighty” created all things by flaying himself alive and giving his heart blood to the batlings to drink inorder for them to gain the knowledge on how to worship him.
In their eyes he gave them sentience and sapience and thus the ability to experience free will. That is why Batlings value freedom so much, they view it as a gift from god.
(Note: In actuality the batlings were created by a wizard. Like the Kuo-Toa their sustained belief in the misinterpretation of the wizard who created them as a God eventually elevated the manifestation to Godhood.)
(Batling God Stats.
Name: The Lord Almighty.
Alignment: (LN) Lawful Neutral.
Provinces: Creation, Life & Death, The Sun.
Domains: Order, Grave, Light, Forge.)
Batling Religious Rites.
1: The Rite of Scripture.
(Prayers are to be said in the churches, if not then they are to be said at personal altars or with holy symbols in hand. written prayers are to be written in blood.)
2: The Rite of Hymns.
(Songs of praise are to be sung in churches with the community or with family).
3: The Right of Blood.
(Blood is to be drunk and cookies/biscuits to be eaten during mass to represent the symbolic sacrifice of flesh and blood of the lord)
4: The Right of the Banquet.
(On occasion a feast is to be held in honor of the lord, all participants must bring food or give grace at the meal)
5: The Right of the Dance.
(On occasion a dance is to be held in honor of the lord)
6: The Right of Sacrifice.
(On occasion a prized cattle is to be selected, sacrificed by way of having its heart cut out and rolled down the steps of the church in honor of the lord to symbolize his honorable sacrifice of his blood. the cattle is then eaten by the church goers and clergy) 
If a Batling that has lived a particularly pious or pure life devoted to the clergy they will sometimes be declared a saint.
When they die their body is stripped of skin in one clean sheet so that it can be made into an Ibbil (batling holy text), next the flesh and organs are taken and preserved into small reliquaries so that they could be given out to the people and clergy. Lastly the bones are tended to in a sacred ritual.
1: They are washed in holy water and lakered in holy oil.
2: They are then painted solid black and gilded with gold and gems (some are carved with passages of the holy Ibbil in them).
3: They are arranged in a holy pose and placed within the church. 
The Illbil.
The Batling Holy scripture known only as “The Holy Ibbil” is a large tome consisting of 26 books all written by 16 paladins of the Lord Almighty's demigod son “Dioes Aceite”.
The first of the books are focused on stories of their God and history.
The second set of 8 books are focused on stories of saints and their lives.
The other 13 books are about the son of their god Dioes’s adventure until his self-sacrifice to end the summoning of “Old Scratch” the devil they fear.
The last book in the Batling Ibbil is about how their god will return to them in a great light of fire.
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itstimetotheorize · 8 months
They don't like what they see...
Near the end of chp. 6 of the sounds of nightmares, as Noone gazes upon the giant red eye entity/all seeing eye and its many eyes, Noone takes note of them staring into her...and knows they like what they see....but what exactly does this mean? We have always theorized the eye entity and its many eyes had always maintained a constant watch over the children,
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and with Residents like the Ferryman pushing children like Noone to realize the cruel and hopeless reality of their lives, to persuade them into believing the sanctuary they so desperately desire is in the Nowhere, we finally know now more than ever of one of the most crucial details about the eye entity...its preference.
Back when Little Nightmare 2 released, we theorized structures like the Tower and Maw always had a consciousness of their own and were some of many extensions of the eye entity, they were some of the many eyes theorized to have existed and remained linked to the eye entity itself.
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When we thought of the Tower, we realized it had been observing Mono and Six through the t.v.'s, throughout their entire journey...and it didn't like it one bit. It disliked seeing Mono and Six together, their teamwork and above all...it disliked knowing they could overcome anything if they stayed together, and had they stayed together, well...the Tower wouldn't be able to keep Mono anymore.
In chp. 3 of the sounds of nightmares, when Noone met the Mall, another living structure like the Tower and the Maw, it tried to offer her everything she could ever desire, only to be left in a state of devastation and frustration as Noone told it she did not want anything from it and never intended to stay. Now, what does all this mean exactly? It means the eye entity has always presented itself as a being who could fulfill the desires of its visitors and Residents...though to a twisted degree...but it could never claim them so long as they did not fully grasp and fall into despair over the true devastating reality of their situation and the world around them, all so they could succumb to its hypnotic light and accept it as their only means of escaping a life filled with nothing, only suffering.
We have always theorized the eye entity detested those who did not crumble at the reality of their tormented lives, who denied the comfort it could provide them, but if what we have theorized over the years is true then, it didn't just hate it...it feared it. We have seen what happens when a child learns to accept their reality for what it is and reject the eye entity's comforting light. Not only do they become capable of resisting the eye entity's influence, they become capable of becoming far greater monsters than the Residents who tormented them, but above all... they could even become far more powerful than the eye entity who continued to watch over them. Much like with Mono and Six, we theorized other children could take the power of other Residents for themselves and harness it to cause devastation onto the eye entity and everything it has built.
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We have seen Mono use his power to drag the Tower towards himself and we have seen Six lay waste to every Guest who dared cross her path as she made the decision to leave the Maw, making I and many other theorists realize something...children such as Mono and Six, have always had the capability to destroy the very structures which were desperate to keep them...they were always capable of destroying the world around them...they needed only to realize and accept the opportunities and the truth which stood before them.
We have always theorized structures like the Maw and the Tower feared the loss of their host, because without a host like Mono and Six, and the power they inherited, the Maw and the Tower could not survive, they would be doomed to die...just like the Mall from chp. 3 of the sounds of nightmares (more here), leaving the eye entity to suffer at the the loss of the most powerful structures it was linked to. Although Mono and Six's story remain unfinished for now, this does beg the question...what's going to happen to Low and Alone, our newest protagonists for Little Nightmares 3 ?
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Despite spending years in the spiral, Low has never lost hope in finding a way back home, and despite the horrors we know he has faced during those years, Low appears to have managed to persevere through it all thanks to two things, 1. a single piece of paper which we have theorized details the "mythical place" he is obsessed with finding, a place he believes holds a gateway home and will finally allow him to escape the nightmarish world he has been trapped in, and 2. his friend Alone, the incurable tinkerer who can't help but uncover the secrets of the spiral, down to its very source. From what little we have seen in the trailer and limited gameplay, Low and Alone's teamwork has allowed them to surpass obstacles neither would be able to overcome on their own, an all too familiar partnership and an all too familiar scenario we have seen in Mono and Six as they journeyed together through the Pale City to make sense of the Tower/Transmission. Such friendships between characters have always been a comfort to see in the world of Little Nightmares, it has always been a comfort to the characters as well. However, it is this very sense of friendship which has made I and many other theorists realize a cruel and unforgiving reality time and time again...such bonds...are detested by the eye entity who continues to watch over the children.
The eye entity and all extensions of itself, have always been theorized to maintain its survival and control over everything and everyone through the use of its hypnotic light and its many corrupted Residents.
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But it is precisely this level of control which has allowed the eye entity to break the will of others and leave them vulnerable to its influence, allowing it to continue to survive and thrive.
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It separates anyone from those they held dear and forces them to accept the only hope they have in escaping their cruel reality is by giving themselves to it. Those who fail to realize its existence and the control it has had over everyone and everything, are doomed to fall prey to it and its world…so then....what would happen to Low and Alone if their hopes were crushed??
As mentioned before, Low wants to find a way back home and escape the spiral, while Alone wants to follow the secrets of the spiral to its source. The two of them have thus far been shown to be loyal to one another, determined to accomplish their goals together...and yet...perhaps it is this very hope and drive which has displeased the eye entity.
What am I trying to say? Well, if the eye entity truly has a preference for those who have lost all hope in their lives, if it truly wants children like Noone to surrender themselves to it, to its world, and if the Residents are truly devoted to helping the eye entity accomplish it all, then...what would happen if everything Low and Alone believed in was put on the line?.... what would happen if whatever it is they found at the end of their journey... was not at all what they hoped it would be? Would they fall into despair, turn against each other and relinquish themselves to the Nowhere, to the eye entity itself? ... just as Noone did near the end of chp. 6...just like Mono did to the Tower near the end of Little Nightmares 2?(more here).....or.... would they discover the same truth Six did about the all seeing eye(more here )? Discover what it planned for them, what it did to them, and if they did...would Low and Alone make the decision to accept their cruel reality for what it is.... and fight against the very creatures, the very world, which has and will continue to torment them?....honestly who's to say.
At the end of the 18 minute gameplay which was released to the public back in 2023, we see Low and Alone together as a dark mist slowly surrounds them, the same dark mist Noone saw in the Halfway place(the space between the human world and the Nowhere), the very place the eye entity has always been hiding in.
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As Low and Alone stay close together, fearful of whatever is behind the mist, they take comfort in each other's safety as they hold each other's hand. As the two hold hands, all we hear is the sound of whispers beyond the dark mist, whispers we know all too well as the whispers of the eye entity and its many eyes...the eyes are watching Low and Alone, two children who continue to surpass the spiral together...and they do not like what they see…and if they do not like what they see, then....what will they do to Low and Alone?...I guess we will have to wait and see... For now, it's just a theory...a Little Nightmares 3 theory.
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kordeliiius · 2 years
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For my year-long senior project I redesigned 8 characters from across the LN series, composed reference sheets for each of them, and drew corresponding story scenes depicting their lives as a crew living on the Maw.
Part 1 here
Copy of descriptions:
Two: Attendant, Firestarter Two is rambunctious, short-tempered, and the quickest to start arguments, but bubbly and agreeable around those she likes the most. With her firepower, she can create sparks with her fingertips, but can’t actually wield flames unless she channels energy through an object. Her primary tool for the job is a fire poker that's longer than she is tall. Some of her main tasks include keeping the living areas comfortable and organizing inventory. (Scene setting: Fireplace)
Three: Crafter, Seer Three is known as the “gentle giant” for her towering presence coupled with her cautious nature. She possesses a weak form of clairvoyance, with which predictions manifest as in-the-moment gut feelings. Because of a permanent injury that limits her mobility and balance, Three took up a more stationary job as craftsperson, and was given her own space to repair clothes, modify tools, and grow her expertise. (Scene setting: Craft Station)
Four: Mechanic, Light Mage Four is a naturally timid and shyaway person who gradually came out of their shell by becoming more involved in group efforts. Their light magic makes their eyes emit a constant glow, the intensity of which can be altered, and they can form orbs from their hands. Four uses their unique ability to their advantage working as a mechanic in places where light can hardly reach. (Scene setting: Lower Levels)
Five: Communications Operator, Medium The youngest crew member, who is naturally understanding and optimistic and tries to make the best of any situation. He is nearly blind but can sense lifeforms around him, such as humans, monsters, nomes, and other entities that aren’t visible to most people, like lost spirits. Five likes to spend time at the crew's makeshift radio station, where he keeps an ear out for outside contact. (Scene setting: Radio Station)
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What do the comic characters do at the beach?
Sure~ LN, VLN, and LN2 Peps at the Beach found in the hyperlink
the Spoon Girl: Joins on helping Mono and Six burying the Thin Man in a sand pit the Lollipop Kid: Eats snacks and hangs out with the other kids. Has the unfortunate luck of getting pooped on by seagulls the Ghost Kid: Unsurprisingly, hangs out with Mummy Kid; but, they end up staying close to the Craftsman and the Butler on the pier the Toddler: Giggles and runs after the waves. The Granny scoops him up when he gets too close to the water
the Green Boy: Teams up with Long Hair Girl, Humpback Girl, and Strong Boy to play volleyball against the Twin Chefs the Refugee Boy: Terrified at the beach because it's open and the North Wind can appear at any minute. Keeps his eyes on the sky all day the Refugee Boy’s Sister: Also terrified at the beach, but is making the effort to not let the fear get to her. Flies a kite with Tall Boy the Long Haired Girl: All this girl wanted to do was go swimming, but she got dragged in a volleyball match with Green Boy. Doesn't enjoy her day the Humpback Girl: Only helps with the volleyball thing because Strong Boy persuaded her. Was the VIP of the game the Mummy Kid: Doesn't know how to swim and sticks close to bestie Ghost Kid. They end up exploring the pier and stick close to the Craftsman and the Butler the Tall Boy: After catching some rays, he helps the Refugee's Sister fly a kite. He literally just takes the kite and runs with it...without the string attached the Forked Boy: Chases the seagulls and throws wet sand balls at people. Would have caused more havoc, but the Lady gave him a very stern talking the Strong Boy: Wanted to go fishing, but ended up playing volleyball. Half way through the game, he switched sides to join the Twin Chefs, and still lost
the Ferryman: Fishes with the Hunter until North Wind blows in. Then, he beats with the wind entity on who's going to defeat the Twins in volleyball the Mirror Man: Joins in because someone brought a mirror shard. He doesn't do much, but enjoys spectating, especially the volleyball match the North Wind: Gambles with the Ferryman on who is going to at volleyball. When they lose, they're making a water spout out of anger
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anime-grimmy-art · 2 years
Hey question are the monsters/adults related to the tiny children in your little nightmares au meaning the humans in your little nightmares au are small till they hit puberty and grow up normally
Sry for the late reply, I havent been in the LN fandom for a while so I had to fact check my own AUs for a sec haha.
As for if I think they're related, kind of? (some spoilers ahead)
I'm fan of the theory that the world of LN hasn't always been this bad until a higher power (the eye/the tower) corrupted the adults. Some became mindless or controllable monsters like the Viewers and the Visitors, or they became strong entities working under the direct influence of the higher power, namely the Lady and the Thin man.
I think kids are kind of excempt from this corruption (mostly) because their minds are still too "young and innocent". However, with growing up and especially with everything bad happening to them throughout their lives in such a scary place, they become corruptable. If you're weak minded and manage to survive til adulthood, you become more of the mindless/controllable kind of monster, so, succumbing to the corruption. But if you're adept with the power, like e.g. Mono is in LN2, you can become such a higher power. I also think the neither Mono nor Six are the "original" Lady or Thin Man, but rather that the higher entity takes up kids that show potential of wielding its power and basically make them the successor to the former Lady/Thin man. Ya know, have to keep the meat fresh and all. I'd also imagine, if you're like Mono, and you're a kid and you manage win against the prior Thin Man, it also means that Mono is stronger and therefore the higher power would have a stronger individual under its wing.
The question of if they could even get out of this hell loop is something I really dont know tho.
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Let Your Dreams Be Your Wings | Chapter 4
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Chapters: 4/? Fandom: The Sandman (Netflix 2022, minor content from the Comics) Rating: Explicit Relationships Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x F!Reader Characters: Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, Lucienne, Matthew the Raven, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Hob Gadling, Death, Rose Walker, The Corinthian, other minor Sandman characters, Original Characters. Warnings: 18+ content (upcoming, minors DNI), explicit sexual content, POV switching, very long chapters to read. Summary: You always dreamed of becoming a successful Fashion Designer, sharing your creations with the world and making your father proud. But with him being very ill and so many costs solely weighting on your shoulders, things didn’t go as planned and you had to take a different path instead. An interesting offer led you to the elder Alex Burgess and you were hired as a new housemaid for a very good pay. However, your kindness and outstanding empathy convinced the man to give you an additional task for a doubled compensation; gaining the trust of Dream Of the Endless, held captive into the basement for over a century. Despite the shock of finding such an ethereal entity stripped of all his clothes and contained into a confined space, you had to accept for the sake of your father. But the more you got to speak to the mysterious anthropomorphic personification who didn't utter a single word, the more you were lost into his eyes that, conversely, seemed to contain the entire universe. A deep connection formed between the two of you, separated only by a thick layer of glass.
Little did you know, what started like a simple housemaid job was about to change your life forever.
Credits: The moon dividers were made by firefly-graphics.
Note: I had to split the chapter in two parts because it was getting way too long, so I'm posting Chapter 4 and 5 at once!
I also wrote something that you may recognize if you listened to the Dreamcast tracks on Spotify!
WARNING: This chapter includes an attempted assult with some minor physical consequences due to what it led to! It's actually nothing major and Reader will be totally fine, but if you get triggered by this sort of stuff, feel free to skip that part the moment you reach it!
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Chapter 4
You fell in love with a God. What could possibly go wrong?
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Another month had quickly passed and it felt like it had gone by the blink of an eye.
You would find yourself heading down the basement whenever your work schedule permitted it, growing more and more fond of Dream of The Endless despite his well known stoic presence and the one-sided conversations. The sense of companionship made you feel a little less lonely each time you visited, there was never a feeling of boredom or irritation coming from his stillness and it was a comfort to be around him even in the silence.
Unfortunately, it was also foreseeable that Mr. Burgess would call for you in his study at that given time.
You walked up to the door with slow, almost dragged footsteps. You took a deep breath as Mr. McGuire opened it for you, leading you into the antique room filled with more relics from the past and a set of wooden furniture that perfectly matched with the rest of the house.
Inside, Mr. Burgess was sitting on his large leather chair behind a mahogany desk and you began to feel the weight of the pressure that was now resting on your shoulders.
Mr. McGuire walked to his husband to gently lay a hand on the back of his neck, the tension within the room was palpable, creating an atmosphere of solemnity. You could feel Mr. Burgess’s eyes on you from across the study and you went rigid the moment he finally spoke. “Miss Y/LN, thank you for coming. Please have a seat.”
As you sat in the chair facing your employers, Mr. McGuire gave you a reassuring smile. You could barely return his comforting gesture with his husband’s cold gaze intensifyng your anxiety.
Despite this, you ignored the trembling in your hands and maintained a composed demeanor.
“I am sure you know why I called you here,” he said. “Pressuring you is not in my intentions, but you’ve been talking to Dream of The Endless for quite some time, even more so recently. I was wondering if you might have some… good news to share with me?”
Mr. Burgess wanted a statement of assurance from Dream that he would not seek revenge if they decided to release him. However, you were unable to offer that as Dream had not spoken once, also at your request. Though Mr. Burgess was providing The Endless with an opportunity, it seemed to also function as a bargaining tool in much the same way his father conducted business before him.
Their safety was of paramount importance, but it was unacceptable that Dream was still locked into the cellar for his silence. While he could not guarantee they’d be left unharmed, what Mr. Burgess was giving him was a cruel and unfair ultimatum that violated The Endless’s rights. Over the course of his century-long incarceration, Dream had been forced to undergo immense emotional suffering. He deserved to receive his freedom with no exceptions and yet it wasn’t happening because of an old man’s whim.
It was risky, yes, but what would the alternative be?
You straightened your back. “Well, he trusts me enough to accept my presence and handle my boring speeches almost every day. You have to let him go, Mr. Burgess. There’s no reason to still keep him where he is.”
The man didn’t respond, so you continued. “I’m sure it’s going to be okay, if you do so.”
Mr. Burgess took a few calming breaths to ensure he maintained his composure. Mr. McGuire gently placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it while looking at you in a supportive way.
“So, he didn’t tell you anything at all?”
You gritted your teeth. “No Sir, nothing.”
“No progress, then. Just as I feared.”
You sighed heavily, unfiltered statements were delivered (in)voluntarily. “You didn’t receive a single answer from him in over 80 years of try. Did it not occur to you that maybe he can’t even speak, or doesn’t really want to for obvious reasons? And even if he did, you can’t be so sure he wouldn’t just say what you want to hear. People would do anything when they’re desperate, Mr. Burgess. Even Gods, I’m sure.”
The man rubbed his forehead in frustration. “Yes… yes you’re right, of course. But, you see… the guards have told me the way he reacts whenever you’re around. Based on this fact I was thinking…”
“You were thinking you were finally close to get what you were hoping for.” Your frustration had returned with great intensity. “Don’t you think it is time to give him the freedom he deserves? Didn’t he suffer long enough?”
He considered your suggestion with thoughtfulness, then responded. "I guess.”
You knew there was a ‘but’ coming.
“But,” Called it. “it’s not me I am worried about, Miss Y/LN. Paul and anyone else involved in this matter, if not the entire house, might suffer from my inconsiderate decision. Even you.”
You clenched your fists and your knuckles turned white. You found it difficult to keep the anger at bay as it seemed to be mounting with each breath you took.
“How much do you know about Dream of The Endless, Mr. Burgess?” You asked.
“Enough to say that his power could possibly doom us all.”
“Exactly, possibly. Which means it could also go differently.”
The air around you seemed to be growing thicker and thicker by the second.
“Sir, I understand your concern. But the longer you keep him trapped into that bowl, the higher the risk for you, or us, will be. I honestly do not see how you could make it better this way.”
The potential consequences Dream’s power could cause were indeed an alarming possibility, but would he really wipe the entire mansion out of existence without batting an eye? While it remained unclear just how far such power could reach in fruition, you were confident that his capabilities would never result in a widespread destruction.
“Miss Y/LN,” Mr. Burgess’s voice was sharp like a razor. “You would tell me if he talked to you, right?”
‘Of course not.’
“Of course.”
Mr. McGuire called for his husband’s attention with a subtle throat-clearing gesture. “Come on darling, there’s no need to be hasty. She’s trying… and she did a better job than we could manage in such a long time.”
You stared back at Mr. Burgess with equal fervor, but the man appeared more relaxed after his husband’s words. “Yes, okay.” He removed his glasses to massage the fatigue from his eyes. “My apologies, Miss Y/LN. Please keep up the good work.”
Mr. McGuire was an invaluable presence in the workplace. He had consistently shown you great kindness and support, his level of patience and understanding was incomparable. He was greatly contributing to a welcoming environment even at the most difficult times and you were really grateful for it.
You forced a smile, slightly bowed your head in respect and politely said your goodbyes. As you stepped out of the study and the door shut behind you, their muffled voices resumed the conversation and carried on in your absence, but you were too disheartened to try and listen in.
With another long and deep sigh you continued walking, shaking off that hideous feeling from your chest and knowing for certain now that any form of persuasion would end up failing with someone as stubborn as Mr. Burgess.
What were you even thinking? Of course it wouldn’t be easy. 106 years did absolutely nothing to convince the man that leaving Dream imprisoned to the bitter end was not the right way to guarantee a prosperous future to his family. Clearly, speaking from the heart had proven to also be ineffective.
Dream needed help and the only solution seemed to be unconventional. Despite your reflective thought and effort, no plan presented itself except for direct action. You racked your brain over it, but anything that wouldn’t involve you smashing the glass to pull him out seemed futile and a waste of time you didn’t have the heart to invest into, for his sake.
They say that when all other options have been exhausted and no alternatives remain viable, a last resort may be the only remaining choice. Your entire working career may have depended on that choice, as sabotaging one of your employer’s “possessions” would have been counterproductive for your Resume.
You didn’t want to resort to taking an unfavorable path, but ensuring that Dream was released from captivity had become your own personal quest. You had multiple responsibilities to attend to and many pressing issues to prioritize, but you were also risking to neglect the most critical aspects of your life while juggling too many things at once and allowing your feelings to get the best of you.
As the days went on, it became increasingly difficult to control them. Thoughts of Dream occupied your mind constantly and you would often zone out while in the middle of a conversation or activity at work. His captivating eyes, full lips and one-of-a-kind aura simply left you spellbound.
You were falling in love with a being who wasn’t quite a man, drawn to an otherworldly creature who would never truly be yours. You knew you were setting yourself up for heartbreak, but you welcomed the joy and exhilaration of being in his presence despite the inevitable pain that laid ahead.
For as long as you could.
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Paul McGuire walked down a long hallway, past the various rooms and relaxation areas the house had to offer. He was looking out the windows to admire the beautiful colors of the sunset sky, but he came to a halt when his attention was quickly taken by your working figure in the garden.
You were wearing your outer suit consisting of light-colored jeans, sneakers, a short-sleeved shirt and a sweater that was carefully tied around your waist. He studied your activity as you planted a new batch of seeds, occasionally brushing a few strands of hair out of the way. Dirt and moss soaked into your clothes and your bare hands sank into the ground. Paul couldn’t help but smile, reminiscing about his days as a gardener. Your fingers smoothly glided through the grains of topsoil, memories filling his own nostrils with the scent of wet earth and fresh grass. He never was one to shy away from hard work, tending to orchards and vineyards, chopping wood in the blazing sun or in the midst of violent storms. The physical exertion of those tasks never frightened him, whether it meant breaking a sweat or braving the freezing rain. He was always up to the challenge, taking pride in his ability to push himself to his limits.
Alex often watched him while pretending to read a book, barely knowing the written summary or the title itself. It was fun, nothing short of invigorating and thrilling, creating a sense of excitement and joy that was hard to ignore.
You stood up from the ground, brushing the dirt off your hands and ensuring that the seeds were ready to grow. With that task complete, you moved to the bushes in front of you that appeared to need a bit of trimming.
Paul noticed that you had a preference for spending your day outdoors instead of doing your work inside the house, but he also observed that you approached each job with the same level of dedication, performing to the best of your abilities. Your punctuality and willingness to take on even the most difficult assignment did not go unnoticed by him. He admired your unwavering commitment to your goals and the sacrifices you were making to achieve them with tenacity and ambition.
At the same time, he felt a pang of sadness at the thought of such an extraordinary woman potentially giving up a better future for herself. From the moment you first stepped into their house, Paul was struck by your beauty, bravery, intelligence and compassion. You exuded those qualities in everything you did and he found himself enjoying your presence more and more each passing day.
If he had a daughter, he would have wished for her to possess the same spirit and good heart.
As he walked on, Paul could hear the guards chattering outside the basement. You were justified in disliking those two, given how often they seemed to slack off and treat their job so unprofessionally. Upon his arrival, they immediatly reverted from their relaxed and carefree behavior to their vigilant conduct. They regained their composure, but the embarrassment for having been caught was evident when they greeted him, lowering their heads in defeat.
Paul nodded, allowing them a brief respite before beginning the night shift in the next hour. He swiftly opened the metal door once the guards departed, proceeding towards the elevator and discending into the damp depths of the cellar without hesitation.
Dream was as still as a statue and in the same sitting position that Paul had found him in when he first went to the basement. The man felt apprehensive seeing Dream’s meneacing frown as he stepped onto the platform, the only recourse left open was for him to try and fix his own mistakes.
“Hello Dream,” he said with a smile, which the Endless plainly overlooked. He gazed at Paul inquisitively, his being there alone without Alex was an unusual event none of them ever experienced before. “I know… I’m not exactly the one you where hoping to see.”
Dream averted his gaze out of resentment.
“I’m not here to ask you to talk, I just want you to listen to what I have to say.”
Dream’s eyes seemed to reflect a sense of weariness, the lines on his face told a story of their own, each one representing a struggle he had faced and overcome. Although he managed to keep his head held high throughout it all, the weight of his experiences was heavy on his mind.
“Alex is a broken man, ruined by the cruelty of a father who left a deep scar into his soul.”
Dream’s fists clenched tightly and his eyes blazed with a fiery intensity.
“I should have tried harder to convince him the first time, but I let him handle it the way he wanted. I should have also freed you myself when I realized he wouldn’t do it, but I just allowed this to consume the both of you because I wasn’t brave enough to stop him. I chickened out whenever I felt like taking matters into my hands and I failed him, just like I failed you.”
Paul’s voice was laced with sorrow, regret and guilt poured out of him as he spoke. He had let fear and indecision hold him back for his lover’s sake, to the detriment of Dream who saw his freedom further denied and stripped away.
“Y/N had nothing to do with this. Alex involved her out of desperation and that poor girl is really trying hard for you. She wants your freedom more than anything else now.”
Dream moved ever so slightly hearing your name and Paul noticed it. “You like her.”
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Dream adverted the man’s gaze once again. Paul interpreted the silence that followed as the confirmation he was looking for.
“She won’t be here forever, Dream. She deserves better than the whole ordeal she’s been dragged into.”
He had witnessed first-hand the debilitating effects of consumption and mental exhaustion on his husband. Despite the presence of Dream, which kept them alive for an extended period of time, the toll on his partner's physical and mental health had been significant.
Paul had noticed that you were intentionally disregarding Alex’s wishes and doing what you believed was best for Dream. You were traveling between Whych Cross and the city every week to check on your father, in addition to managing the stress and anxiety caused by the Endless's situation while overworking yourself around the estate. Paul was concerned that you were pushing yourself too hard, risking your well-being for something you shouldn't have discovered to begin with.
He sighed. “I am at fault, too. I begged her to do as he asked and forced the pills into her hands. I don’t expect you to forgive me, what my husband did to you is undoubtedly wrong and I went along with it.”
The sound of his voice was like a dam breaking, unleashing years of hidden guilt and suffocated pain. Every word he spoke was filled with the weight of his suffering, a burden he had carried for far too long by himself. It was as though he had been holding back a flood of emotions, now pouring out in a torrent of raw and unfiltered truths.
”Maybe I was afraid to admit it to myself, but I realized that I owe you at least an apology.”
Dream wasn't looking at him, but the man could tell he was listening. Paul knew that apologizing for 106 years of confinement was not enough to solve the problem, but he hoped that Dream could at least understand where he was coming from. Paul's ultimate goal was to find a meeting point with him to put an end to that madness once and for all without having to involve someone else in the futrure.
“Seeing how strongly she cares about you, you could say that Y/N kind of inspired me.”
Your dedication towards Dream had motivated Paul to become a better person. The passion and affection you had for the Endless reminded him of his youth, when he would gaze at Alex from afar and lose himself into his own fantasies. Your feelings were infectious and Paul couldn’t help but be drawn to them. He began to approach life with a renewed sense of purpose and he wanted to live his remaining years with the man he loved without any string attached to their necks.
“If it comes to that, I assure you, this time I will take care of it myself.”
Dream pressed his lips into a pout and lowered his eyes once more. Paul knew the risks that could come with his release, but at that point in his life, he was willing to face them without cowardly running away. The alternative was not any better; his husband was already doomed and drained by something that had always been too overwhelming for him to handle. Paul weighed his options, and despite understanding the fallout he could cause, he was still willing to take the chance at the right time.
Paul didn’t want that responsibility to fall on you.
With his eyes filled with fear and determination, he turned on his heels and left the Endless in the familiar silence and coldness of the cellar that had sucked him in for over a century.
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As you walked towards your old bookshelf, a sense of excitement built inside you. Your father was lying comfortably on the couch, wrapped in a soft blanket and holding a warm cup of tea.
The bookshelf held many stories of adventures, tales of love and lessons of life. All those books had shaped, taught and inspired you countless times, undoubtedly becoming a part of you. You could almost hear the characters whispering, inviting you to join them on their journey once again.
However, your attention was focused on just one story that day.
“Are you looking for something in particular?” Your father asked.
“Do you remember the book you used to read to me when I was a child?”
“Ah, the King of Dreams? You loved that one!”
You inspected the books with eager eyes. “I thought I took it with me when I moved out, but I can’t find it anywhere. Perhaps I left it here?”
“I can’t say. It’s been a long time since I last went through those books and we've added so many over the years.”
The bookshelf was a treasure trove of memories, a portal to different worlds and a reminder of the person you used to be. Your father's presence was comforting and you could feel his warm gaze on you as you picked up one book after another, just like the old times.
As you knelt down to check the last books on the third row, you noticed one that had fallen behind and become wedged between the wall and the stack in front of it. With caution, you carefully removed it from the tight space, breathing a sigh of relief when you realized it was the volume you had been looking for.
As you brushed your fingers over the title, more memories of your childhood came flooding back at once.
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓶𝓪𝓷: 𝓐 𝓣𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓼
Your father noticed your sudden quitness and craned his neck to see what you were doing.
“Did you find it?”
You smiled brightly, turned around and held the book in front of him with satisfaction.
He observed your expression and his laughter erupted effortlessly. "That face right now..." He paused to reminisce. "It reminds me of when you were still a little girl.”
He was mentally transported back to a time when you were innocent and carefree, a time when he took pride in being your protector before everything turned upside down.
“Come,” he said, motioning for you to sit next to him on the couch. “Let’s read it together.”
Just like a happy child, you threw yourself onto the soft cushions and grabbed a piece of blanket for yourself. It’d been a long time since the two of you had enjoyed a peaceful moment, relaxing in front of a good book without him being in constant pain.
It was difficult to determine whether the medication was working as intended, or if a miracle had simply occurred after a prolonged period of suffering. Regardless of what fate had in store for your family, witnessing him regain his appetite and spend more time out of bed was something you wouldn't trade for anything in the world.
You took a deep breath and opened the book, reading the first lines aloud.
“He is said to sprincle sand or dust into the eyes of children at night, to bring on sleep and dreams. You have met him before and he has many names. He is the King of Dreams and Nightmares, he is Dream of The Endless.”
Those were the words you remembered the night you met Dream for the first time.
“He is The Shaper of Form, with the ability to control the subconscious mind. Be wary, my child; respect his power and always be mindful of what you're dreaming about when you fall asleep. The Sandman is watching and waiting to take you on a journey through your wildest dreams, or your darkest nightmares.”
As you turned the pages of your treasured book, you noticed the slight darkening and roughening of its once pristine appearance. The story was not new to you and it could only be just that - a story. Or a gateway to a world beyond your own.
Perhaps it was the intricate details of the Endless' dimension that made it feel so real, or the vivid descriptions of his powers and abilities. Whatever it was, you found yourself captivated by the possibilities that laid within its pages.
“He is a story, an idea, the anthropomorphic embodiment of dreams and imagination. He is that which you do not know and he is that which you can not know. He is a mystery to some, a legend to others. He rules his realm between the living and the dead. He needs no such things like food and water, or any other human emotion like sadness, anger or love.”
As you repeated the phrase "He doesn't need love" in your head, it was worth considering whether that statement was actually true. After all, isn't love something that every being deserves, regardless of their identity or status? Whether you're a human or a God, the need for love is universal. It's what binds us together and gives our lives meaning. Love has the power to heal wounds, bridge divides and create connections that transcend all boundaries.
Dream was unlike anything you had ever seen or experienced in your entire life. His eyes were full of emotions - fear, pain, rage, loneliness. Was it possible for a being like him to be bound to live his endless existence without any form of love?
‘It is not your love that he needs,’ those words echoed through your mind. ‘You are not like him, you will never be.’
Your heart cracked right in that instant.
You continued to read. “He can sense something deep, something that you need, something you want. What is it, child? What is the one thing you wish for, more than anything else in the world? Say it out loud and it will be yours. Speak, and the King of dreams shall make your world into paradise.”
You were so engrossed in your book that you almost jumped at the sound of your father's loud snore. Looking over, you saw him asleep like a baby himself and you couldn’t help but smile despite the disruption. You gently placed the book on your lap and adjusted the blanket on his chest. After settling him comfortably, you resumed your reading.
“Everything around you can shift, twisting like smoke. The Sandman's influence extends beyond the realm of dreams, as he is capable of affecting reality itself. His powers are vast and mysterious, many have tried to understand or harness them, to no avail.”
You thought of Dream, imprisoned in a glass sphere by a man who sought to use his powers for personal gain.
“There is no limit when you dream. The Endless can show you wonders unseen, take you on a tour of the infinite, to the stars within the stars.”
You felt yourself swept away by the idea of limitless possibilities. The thought of exploring the unknown and seeing things that had yet to be discovered was uplifting.
“Worlds beyond worlds, dimensions that you do not yet understand, universes so strange that they would shatter your mind.”
But as you continued to read, your eyes began to droop and the text in front of you started to blur.
An unusual sense of fatigue was creeping over you. Your hand slowly lost its grip on the side of the book, letting it slide onto the couch.
It felt as though your body was shutting down, the caffeine and sugar you ingested weren't helping you to stay awake.
And then, everything went black.
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As you walked through a dark and misty forest, you felt transported to a different reality. The towering trees reached out with skeletal branches in the hazy atmosphere, but you didn't feel afraid and continued on to take in the sights and the rustling sounds of leaves moving in the breeze.
The mist was so thick that you could barely see where you were going, listening to the occasional hoot of an owl following you. The damp air clunged to your skin and hair, your senses on high alert.
You didn't know your destination, nor how and when you ended up in that place. All you knew was that you wanted to continue walking and get out of the forest to find what was waiting for you ahead.
As you sprinted through the woods, your heart pounding with excitement and adrenaline, you saw a glimmer of light in the distance. You picked up your pace, your feet moving faster and faster until you burst out of the forest and into a natural clearing with a suspended bridge, stretching across a murky swamp.
Two brick houses stood on either side of the bridge, looking like something straight out of a medieval fairytale. The sky above was filled with clouds that danced and converged into a sort of twist, creating a mesmerizing pattern that you couldn't take your eyes off.
You crossed the bridge and were immediately struck by the gloom that surrounded you. Dry leaves crunched beneath your feet, fallen branches littered the ground and decaying ornaments were scattered throughout the area. The overall effect was one of abandonment and you started to wonder if you were alone in that unknown land.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden and explosive roar, which echoed through the sky not far from where you were standing. You saw a dark figure plummeting towards you when you looked up and you couldn’t immediatly make out what it was. As it drew closer, it shaped into a winged creature unlike any you'd ever seen before.
The animal landed heavily on the ground, which shook under its claws. You took a few steps backward, but in your panic, you found yourself stuck in the garden with nowhere else to go. The creature’s wings were not particularly big, but the head was massive and you could already feel its hot breath as it moved closer.
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Desperately trying to get away, you stumbled over a branch and fell on your bottom almost comically (but strangely, you felt nothing). You were rendered inert by fear the moment the creature approached you, sniffing your clothes with its large nostrils and stopping just a few inches away from your face.
Your heart was about to explode, but you didn’t react, unsure of what to do. The strange animal watched you with curiosity, its big and shiny eyes looked almost human-like, not at all threatening. You decided to take a chance and tentatively reached out your hand to touch its nose. Its skin was thick and rough, warm and bumpy. To your surprise, the creature responded with a happy, guttural sound that filled the air, smiling at you and jumping up and down.
You let out a sigh of relief and chuckled in amusement, it was surprisingly cute! You lifted yourself from the ground and stood before the animal, it was big and tall even if it wasn't fully standing on its legs. The creature bumped its nose against your chin and you laughed, taking its head between your hands and gently brushed them along the reptile’s face.
“Gregory! Is everything all right?”
You heard footsteps approaching from behind the creature. Two men appeared in the garden and froze on the spot, staring at you with surprise and confusion. It was clear that they weren't expecting anyone to be trespassing on their property, but they didn’t seem dangerous or hostile.
Both of them had slicked-back dark hair and long beards. One was dressed in a sleeveless green vest with a white shirt underneath, while the other wore a grey jacket and a red scarf around his neck. Their suits looked like they belonged to a distant era, quite a strong contrast with your modern attire.
“Hello,” you greeted them politely. “My apologies for the intrusion. I think I got lost.”
They were completely stunned, to say the least. They gazed at you as if you were a mirage or some sort of illusion. It took them a moment to answer you.
“We… we have a visitor…?” The man with the jacket said.
“It cannot be…” Said the other.
You laughed nervously. “I shouldn’t be here, I’m sorry.”
As you turned to leave, one of them spoke up. “Wait! Please don’t go. We’ve been alone here for so long… We’re not used to visitors anymore.”
Your eyes moved back and forth, from one man to the other. “What is this place?” you asked.
The man with the sleeveless vest responded. “This is the Dreaming, Milady. ”
Didn’t you already hear that before?
“The Dreaming…? Am I asleep?”
They both nodded.
You stood there lost in your own thoughts, gently caressing the face of the animal beside you.
“Have I been here before?”
The man with the jacket took a step forward. “Not here with us, no. Things are a little… different than they used to be without Lord Morpheus.”
“Lord Morpheus…?”
Again, you had a feeling that you'd heard that name somewhere else, but you couldn't quite recall the details of when or where.
"The King of Dreams abandoned us a long time ago and the Dreaming has been deteriorating ever since. No more dreamers have shown up at our door.”
The man with the vest's face began to visibly show anger, while the other seemed to be more sad than resentful.
“But today is a good day, because someone did show up!”
You smiled at them. The creature responded with another happy jump and a pleased growl, as if showing its approval for your arrival.
“Ah, our Gregory seems to like you!”
“Gregory? That’s a nice name. What kind of animal is he?”
The man in the jacket walked closer and tenderly patted Gregory on the back. “He’s a gargoyle! Such a good boy, isn’t he?”
As you stood in front of Gregory, you felt a sense of adoration for the magnificent creature. Despite his size and initially daunting presence, he approached you with the excitement of an oversized dog, eagerly welcoming you into his presence.
The man in the jacket spoke again. "I'm Able, by the way. This is my brother, Cain."
Cain smirked. "Greetings."
"Y/N," you replied, pondering whether their names had any connection to the well-known biblical figures, or if their mother was simply inspired by their original story. Since you were aware that you were dreaming now, nothing seemed particularly out of place in your thoughts. That’s just how dreams are, right?
Cain motioned for you to follow him to his home, which was one of the two enigmatic buildings you had spotted while crossing the bridge. “Please, make yourself comfortable.”
You took a deep breath and let yourself relax as your host guided you into his home, with Able walking in after you. The moment you stepped inside, you were enveloped by the warm and inviting aroma of freshly baked biscuits and tea. The inside looked rather spacious, it felt intimate and cozy with the woodsy scent of the room adding to the feeling of comfort.
As you settled in front of the fireplace, the warmth emanating from it wrapped around your entire body, providing a much-needed respite from the cold and damp weather outside. The sound of distant thunder grew louder as a sudden downpour erupted from the raging sky, the raindrops pelting against the windowpanes in a rhythmic beat. Looking out one of the small windows, you caught a glimpse of Gregory running away from the rain and disappearing somewhere into the garden among the trees.
Able sat next to you. “It’s really nice by the fire.”
Cain snorted. “Of course it is, powder brain. It's exceedingly cozy.”
Able shrugged and reached for the teapot on the wooden table. "Here's your tea, just the way you like it," he said with a smile.
And he wasn't lying. As you gently took the mug he filled for you between your hands, you were hit by the familiar scent of tea that you regularly had in the real world.
“You can take your shoes off, if that's more comfortable for you.”
Cain snapped. “Absolutely not, this isn't a barnyard!”
You could feel the warmth of the tea on your palms and the hot steam on your face. Your senses were heightened and everything was more vivid than you thought possible in a dream. The taste of the tea was just as good as what you would expect in reality - perhaps even better. It seemed to have a depth of flavor that you had never experienced while being awake.
The two men were nice too, welcoming and friendly.
Cain took a seat in front of you by the fire. “Now that everyone appears to be settled, we can tell you the first story. Our story begins-”
“Oh, our friend here already knows who we are,” Able interrupted him, looking at you with a pleased expression. “You look smart, even sleeping.”
Your cheeks turned pink as you smiled.
“Yes, yes I can see,” Cain continued. “Well, I was a farmer.”
”And I was shepherd,” said Able.
“We were competitive, as all brothers can be.”
“I don’t think most brothers are like you at all…”
“You are ruining the story!”
Their random bickering was entertaining to watch, their presence offered you good company in an unfamiliar world.
Cain let out a deep sigh, his eyes transfixed on the raindrops that were sliding down the windowpane, tracing their path as they went. The pitter-patter of the rain against the glass seemed to fill the air with a melancholic melody that matched Cain's mood.
Able followed his brother’s gaze. “It's really coming down out there.”
“I'll brew another pot of tea,” Cain stood up, breaking his trance from the rain. He picked up the half-empty pot and turned around, making his way to the kitchen to prepare a refill for the three of you. “it's a boring story anyway. I've told it a thousand times.”
You believed there was no such thing as a boring story, but you failed to express your sentiment and your mind started to feel clouded.
Able shook his head. “Don’t mind him. You stay in dream as long as you like.”
You wanted to express gratitude, but found yourself tongue-tied. You set the mug down on the table and your vision became unclear, everything around you lost its sharpness and your fingers looked incredibly weird. Although Able was speaking, his voice seemed too far away and you felt as if you were submerged underwater. The distance between you and Cain's house was growing, you were floating in a sea of confusing images, shaping and moving uncontrollably.
When you opened your eyes, you were greeted by the bookshelf in the living room and your father's snoring was loud in your ear. You blinked several times to focus and shake off the disorientation. You were certain that you had seen something, dreamt it even… but the more you tried to recall it, the more it slipped away from you. The name "Gregory" was the only thing that remained vivid in your mind, along with the lingering taste of tea at the back of your tongue.
Strange, considering you didn’t make any.
You took a deep breath and retrieved the book that had fallen onto the cushions. Although your insomnia still troubled you at night, you had begun to notice a pattern of random naps during the day. Maybe your body was so fatigued that it seized any opportunity for rest and relaxation when you didn’t have work to do, or maybe Dream's influence in your life was more powerful than you had imagined.
Somehow, you were inclined to believe it was the latter.
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As the days passed, you found yourself remembering fragments from your forgotten dreams. These recollections were sporadic, a sudden flash of images passing before your eyes like distant memories.
Did you actually see those things at all, or were they just some metaphorical visions from your subconscious mind?
You knew Dream wouldn't answer any of the questions that had been plaguing you for weeks, but he was the only living being that could at least understand what you were trying to put together.
During your last visits, the guards had stopped granting you the privacy you had requested. Upon further inquiry, you found out that Mr. Burgess himself had directly imposed a similar restriction out of nowhere. Given the growing suspicion he was developing against you, that sudden decision didn’t exactly come as a surprise to you. Any excuse related to your well being was beyond ridiculous, but you could only comply with what he wanted.
Despite the added pressure of being watched, you continued to visit the Endless whenever possible, keeping your voice low in hopes that they wouldn’t hear you.
During your most recent conversation with him, you described the detailed images that kept recurring in your mind. Although you weren't certain if those were actual dreams, he was taken aback by your descriptions and you could tell that he knew exactly what you were talking about. Somehow, that also led you to believe that you had gained access to something really big, something you didn’t even know how you could reach after a lifetime or dreamless nights with him sealed away.
You didn't want to be delusional, but Dream's eyes always seemed to soften whenever you were around. It was a truly inexplicable experience; you intuitively perceived his thoughts and managed to understand him just based on his body language and the way he looked at you. You had never felt such a strong bond with someone you hadn't even heard speaking once, it was a compelling sensation that continued expanding with time, leaving you longing for more.
But it also amplified your discomfort for your total inaction. Despite asking for his trust, you failed to provide anything that would warrant his faith in you. This lack of follow-through on your part was leaving you with the sense that you had let him down in some way and it was devouring you from the inside.
In an effort to address the situation, you decided to apologize to him. You expressed your regret, explaining that you had attempted to convince Mr. Burgess to change course, but your efforts had been unsuccessful. You were even contemplating rejecting the money they were still offering for your assistance, as it made you feel like you were just as bad as Roderick Burgess, gaining profit from his imprisonment.
You lowered your gaze and let out a shaking sigh, placing your forehead against the cold material of the sphere. You weren’t expecting much in return, but to your surprise, you saw his hand moving towards the glass. Witnessing this gesture of empathy, your heart warmed up and you could barely contain the joy coating it.
You smiled, sliding your fingers up to where his were waiting and let them rest just there. Your hand against his appeared small and delicate, which only made you desire to feel the contact of his skin. You longed for his fingers to intertwine with yours, bringing you closer together. You yearned to feel his heart, assuming he had one like humans do, and brush the tip of your nose along his cheek.
It was as if you were falling in love for the first time all over again.
Dream stared back at you without blinking or smiling. And yet, his eyes glistened under the dim light above and his Adam's apple bobbed, leaving you with no doubt about the honesty of his feelings.
The intensity of the moment was so strong that you literally snapped out of it when the guard called you from the other side of the platform.
“Oi. Get a room, shall ya?”
You rolled your eyes, cleared your throat and reluctantly moved your hand away from the glass. Dream did the same, looking away and clenching his jaw.
You turned slightly, glaring at the guard from afar. “Why, are you jealous?”
At least this time he didn’t point a gun at you.
The man didn't respond, but instead, snorted and crossed his arms in a pompous manner. The woman sitting next to him was giggling like a schoolgirl, adding to your frustration.
You gazed at Dream, disappointment and resignation written all over your face. His posture revealed the desperation he had been suffocating for many years.
"I should probably go," you told him, your lack of enthusiasm was evident in your voice. “See you tomorrow.”
Parting ways with him always felt like torture, knowing that you were leaving him trapped and mistreated every single time. You just wanted to free him from his cage and hold him close, feeling his warmth, scent and breath on your lips.
And yet, you found yourself turning on your heels once more, leaving Dream alone with those two individuals who only saw him as nothing more than a cash cow.
But as you walked away, you didn't notice a bit of paint from the bounding circle had ended up under one of your shoes. Dream, however, was looking at the very subtle smear that was starting to form on the ground, causing the left corner of his mouth to rise up.
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Another month went by and your life had become awfully repetitive.
You were working in the mansion from morning until late evening, running back and forth between Wych Cross and the city, serving guests and venturing down to the basement over and over again. But your salary was something to be more than satisfied about and your father's health was only improving with each passing day. These factors, combined with Dream being a stable part of your daily routine now, made all your efforts and physical exertion worth it.
That was, until one fateful night.
Mr. Burgess's and Mr. McGuire's "friends" were partying in the main resting area, enjoying drinks, snacks and various conversations about things that only made you cringe the more you listened to them.
There was a guest in particular who seemed to be captivated by your presence. He was in his mid-40s, showing up with a new branded suit every time. You couldn't ignore the fact that his eyes were constantly searching for you, and he even tried to strike up a conversation whenever you stopped next to him to clean up.
You had to politely turn him down at least three times, using your duties as a pretext to avoid his annoying advances.
The man was a regular visitor to the mansion, but before that moment, he had never shown any interest in you. Perhaps he had too many drinks and lost his lucidity, or maybe you had been too naive to even notice his glances the times he was there.
Things took an unpleasant turn when you went to the kitchen to refill the tray with fresh food and a couple more bottles of prestigious wine. He took advantage of the loud chattering and general distraction in the other room and followed you through the corridors like a silent predator. Sneaking into the kitchen, he stopped just a few inches away from you without even announcing his presence. When you turned around, you almost crashed into him and barely avoided splattering the food all over your uniform.
He was too close for comfort, staring at you with a pair of darkened, hungry eyes.
The chef's shift had finished half an hour before, leaving you alone with that man now who didn’t seem to have good intentions at all.
"Sir, you shouldn't be here," you told him firmly. "If you want something, I can bring it to you in the living room."
He snickered evilly. "Oh come on. Don't pretend to be all innocent now."
"I'm sorry, but you are misunderstanding," you said.
He moved closer and placed his nasty fingers on your waist. "Misunderstanding my ass. How about we have a little fun?" The smell of booze coming from his breath was nauseating.
You held the tray with all your might and tried to slip away from his grasp. Despite how drunk and unbalanced he appeared to be, his grip was quite strong on you and he started to push you against the wall.
"Sir, please let me go," you protested.
But he didn't want to see reason, forcing you to walk backward and causing the tray to fall with a loud crash. The bottles broke instantly, covering the floor with glass shards. The food was ruined, scattered everywhere as the wine spread into a big red puddle that almost resembled blood.
“What the hell are you doing?!” You squirmed between his arms, but he refused to let you go.
He sniffed your neck like an animal, ready to taste its victim. "Stop pretending. I know you want this."
You started to panic. The hard wall against your back was rather painful, so you finally threw away all your professionalism and shoved him off of you as hard as you could.
"Get away from me!"
The man stumbled, his expression immediately switching to full rage mode. "You damn bitch!"
He grabbed your wrist and yanked it so hard that you could feel it twist and crack slightly. The force in his gesture pulled you forward and knocked you down onto the floor, soaking your shirt and the tips of your hair with wine in the process. You felt a sharp sting on your back, indicating that a piece of glass was most likely piercing your skin through your clothes. Smaller shards were scratching your arms, pricking you like a bunch of small needles.
For a moment, you couldn’t even breathe from the impact. Judging by the way you could still move your limbs, there didn’t seem to be anything broken, but your wrist was burning like fire, your shoulder was most likely dislocated and some drops of your blood were staining the already dirty tiles, mixing with the wine.
You didn’t know what to expect. His state of utter confusion made him horribly aggressive, assaulting you out of nowhere and without warning. At that point, you didn't want to consider the possibilities of what he could have done to you.
But before he could kneel down and climb on your inert body, Paul’s voice boomed into the kitchen from the entrance.
“What is going on here?!” His tone was filled with authority and concern.
The man froze, looking at Paul and then back at you. He ran his hand through his disheveled hair and nervously adjusted his partially undone tie. "I-uhh.... She... she tried to jump on me. I-I didn't mean to push her so hard," he stammered.
"What?!" you exclaimed in disbelief.
"And what were you doing here in the kitchen?" Paul asked skeptically.
The man was sweating profusely. "Well, I... I wanted to get a drink-"
"This house is not a place for you to explore without permission."
You pushed yourself up with your elbows, your head spinning and your wrist throbbing with pain.
"Paul, my friend. Come on, you wouldn't seriously believe that I'd do anything bad," the man pleaded.
You saw Mr. McGuire take a deep breath, trying to calm himself down as he pressed his lips together and narrowed his eyes. If looks could kill, the man would have been dead right in that instant.
"Get out of my house," He said, his voice filled with so much anger that it almost shook you.
“B-but I-”
“I’ll bid a cab. You take your leave and never show your face again. Is that clear?”
The man was stunned. He dropped his head and nodded silently as Mr. McGuire escorted him out of the kitchen. He promised to return with Mr. Burgess's doctor right away, so you were left sitting on the floor, your heart beating like a drum and your body shaking uncontrollably. You held your wrist tightly against your chest, trying to steady your breathing and ease the pain in your shoulder that felt like it needed a good pull. You could smell the wine all over your clothes, feeling it seeping through the fabric and sticking to your body.
When Paul returned, he crouched down next to you and gently placed a warm hand over your good shoulder. The doctor took hold of your wrist and examined it carefully, twisting it slowly and causing a pained groan to escape from you.
They helped you stand, accompanying you to your room for better care and examination. It was discovered that your shoulder was indeed partially dislocated and although the procedure to fix it was quick, it wasn’t entirely pain-free. Your wrist was sprained due to the man's hard pull, so you were advised to use good bandages, an ice package and a pain relief cream to help with the healing process. With a sling also put on your shoulder, you needed to let your whole arm rest for a few days.
The piece of glass that had injured your back was stuck between the uniform and your skin, the thickness of your shirt preventing it from going deeper. Although the cut wasn't severe, you were certain you'd be left with a small scar there.
The tiny scratches on your arms were cleaned and disinfected properly. The doctor didn’t need to cover them with a bandaid, but your skin appeared as though it had been grated.
After the woman left, an awful silence fell over you. You were lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, unsure of what to say or do. Mr. McGuire took a seat on the chair next to you, his face was etched with pain, guilt and apprehension.
You sensed that he wanted to say something, to break the tension that had settled on the room. Finally, he let out a deep sigh and you turned your head to look at him.
"Y/N, I am so sorry for what happened. This is entirely my fault.”
You noticed that he had called you by your name for the first time, without even using "Miss" to address you.
"I've been inviting these people over because I wanted Alex to socialize," He explained. "He never considered them close friends, and we always knew they were only interested in what we could offer rather than our company. But you see, I was at least hoping that he could take his mind off all the things that are troubling him.”
You sighed. “Mr. McGuire-”
“I should have protected you. You are working for us and keeping you safe is our responsibility. But I allowed that to happen because I was so lost in my own head that I didn’t even notice he was following you,” Paul lamented.
“Please forgive me. I wish I could say or do something better, but I can only apologize to you.”
You thought to yourself that now was not the time to be formal with someone who had proven to be a good friend more than a common employer.
“It wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t imagine he would do this to me," you reassured him.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I am supposed to keep an eye on you."
"You talk as if I need protection 24/7. You hired me to be a housemaid, nobody expects you to be my bodyguard and keep my every movement in check," you pointed out.
Paul was distraught, his left foot was rapidly jumping up and down, as if he wanted to make a hole in the wooden boards. "I just wanted you to feel comfortable here with us. Knowing that one of my guests assaulted you like that..."
You bit your lower lip. "What's done is done. And what that man did, or tried to do, isn't really your responsibility. "
He chuckled. "I'm not sure I deserve your kindness after tonight."
"Why not? You stopped him."
"I'm not the good man you think I am, Y/N."
"Yes, you are.”
Paul surrendered, letting his back rest against the chair as he finally relaxed after a long and emotionally exhausting day. The silence that followed was complicit, an unspoken agreement that solidified the mutual respect you had for each other.
You could tell that Paul didn't want to leave you alone after the traumatic experience you had endured, but what you really needed now was a shower to get rid of the wine that had already dried off and was making you smell like a vineyard from head to toe.
After stepping into the shower, you were grateful for the privacy of the bathroom in your own room. With caution, you removed the sling and turned on the water, ensuring that your bandage and medication around the wrist did not get wet. As the water ran along your hair and slid down on your body, it washed away the wine, but not the misery and disgust that still lingered on your aching frame. The cuts were already healing, but they were extremely painful under the hot jet.
It became clear that Fawney Rig was not the place for you, not after that night. The environment and culture were not aligned with your values and aspirations and paying a rent for an apartment you weren’t even using was a waste you didn’t really want to further prolong.
Having the rest of the evening to yourself, you thought about going to Dream to satiate your need for comfort. You decided against it though, because you didn't want him to see you in your current physical and emotional state.
You put on your nightgown and sat on the edge of the bed with a towel wrapped around your hair, the sling back in place. You took out your phone and checked the message that Hob had forwarded you a few days before, as he was the person you truly wanted to talk to at that moment. Although you promised him that you wouldn't disappear again, you failed to maintain proper contact and even forgot to answer his last text. Hob never tried to call you, nor was he the type of guy who texted people over and over again until they finally reached out to him. You knew he was worried sick about you and you wanted to let him know that you were at least okay.
But were you really okay? Your body being a little worse for wear was one thing, but the bottles of wine weren't the only things that broke into a thousand pieces. You felt empty, completely lost and utterly devastated. Your pride had been immensely damaged and your entire self-confidence had crumbled like a sandcastle.
You tapped on your phone and opened the first conversation. Hob’s profile picture appeared at the top left corner, looking as charming and professional as ever. There was a time when you thought you were developing a little crush on him, but eventually, you realized that he was more like family to you than a potential lover.
You read through his text again, figuring out a way to answer.
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You began typing your reply, but then stopped midway. You contemplated what you wanted to say, deleting your words and trying again with a newly formed sentence. On your fifth try, you closed the conversation and opened your contact list directly, selecting his name and initiating a call. You heard the sound of a free line as you placed your phone against your ear, waiting for him to pick up.
Assuming he was already in bed considering the time, you let out a pained sigh and lowered the phone when he didn't reply. However, before you could press the red handset to end the call, you heard a familiar voice coming through the speaker.“Y/N?”
Your heart sped up and you immediately brought the device back to your ear. “Hob?”
“Bloody hell, Shortcake! You left me on read, where have you been?!”
You smiled, his caring nature managing to fill your heart with excitement. You needed it now more than ever.
“Hey. Sorry for going silent again. Work’s been keeping me rather busy.”
He let out a long sigh. “My dear, you sound tired as fuck. Are you okay?”
You wanted to tell him that you were absolutely fine. You wanted to reassure him and lift the worry he constantly carried for you. You parted your lips, ready to deliver the most positive answer you could think of, but the words just didn't want to come out.
You swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat. “Yes,” you finally said. “I’m fine.”
“Okay, seriously now. Don’t think I didn’t notice that pause. What happened?” He asked.
You were practically an open book to him, and you were absolutely terrible at hiding the way you felt.
The truth was that you wanted to scream, to cry, to punch something so hard that the entire house would fall down. There was so much you wanted to tell him, but you absolutely couldn't reveal all of it. Having secrets with the ones you cared about was something you could barely handle, so you only revealed the part that didn't need to be kept secure.
“Well, you see, there was an accident,” you confessed.
“What? What accident? Are you hurt?!” He was literally panicking now.
“I’m okay... sort of. Just a few scratches here and there, nothing to be worried about.”
You could feel his nervous laughter coming through the speaker. "Are you kidding me?! Of course I'm worried! Tell me everything. Now.”
Your mind went back to where everything started — to the glances that man gave you throughout the night, to the way he followed you to the kitchen, drunk and reeking. To his nasty hands over your waist as they pushed you against the wall and him abruptly grabbing your wrist, pulling you face down on the dirty floor.
You told him all that and more. You opened up about your fear of failing every time, about how much you tried to fit in, to ignore the differences between their world and yours. You admitted your strong desire to pack all your things and walk away, only kept at bay by something else you needed to take care of.
Hob listened silently until you were done. After a moment of evident shock, his voice came through the phone, louder and more agitated than before. “Y/N, are you crazy?! You can’t stay there, what the hell?!”
“I know Hob. But like I said, I can’t bring myself to leave just yet.”
“That bloody asshole assaulted you in your workplace and you got injured because of him! Do you really want to stay in such a toxic environment, only because they pay you more than anyone else would?”
You sighed. “Actually, it’s not that. Not anymore.”
“Then what is it?”
Maybe, just maybe, you were allowed to alter the story a little bit.
You closed your eyes, breathed in deeply and let your feelings spill out like a raging river. “Hob, I think I’m in love.”
You could almost hear the sound of his jaw hitting the floor. “You what?!”
You chuckled. “I know, it’s absurd.”
“Hold on a second. Shortcake, what are you talking about? Did you actually meet someone in that shithole?”
If only he could have known.
“I did.”
"And you want to stay, because of this lad?”
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. You were feeling foolish for admitting it out loud. "I know it's silly, but I can't help the way I feel.”
Dream had become such an important part of your life without even trying. You were in awe of him, mesmerized by his power and enigma. He was more than a God, the King of Dreams and Nightmares who you only read about when you were a child, then again when you retrieved that book from your old bookshelf. A being so powerful that he could literally shape an entire world from the ground up, so extraordinary that his grandness was far from your reach. His presence alone was enough to fill you with wonder, as if you were standing before an unfathomable force of nature.
He was a friend, a confidante, a source of comfort in times of need. Somehow, he was inspiring you to reach for greater heights, and you wished he could follow you in your journey for many years to come, guiding you through the twists and turns of existence.
But it was just a beautiful daydream. As you were on the cusp of closing that chapter of your life, there came a point where you could no longer ignore the inevitable approaching. You had to face it head-on, acknowledge it, and find a way to move forward on your own legs.
And it hurt you tremendously. “I love him, Hob. I really do.”
Love is a complex emotion that has the power to lift us up to the highest of highs and bring us crashing down to the lowest of lows. It is both beautiful and dangerous, bringing with it joy and happiness as well as heartache and pain.
You were feeling both ecstatic and terrified experiencing this new form of love after a long time. It was as if you were on top of the world and standing on the edge of a cliff simultaneously. Despite a part of you feeling complete and alive, you knew that this love was bound to end before it could even begin.
“Oh, Y/N.”
Hob was incredulous, but your sincerity had moved him deeply.
“I’ve known you for quite some time now and I’ve never heard you speak so fondly of someone before.”
So far, he had only witnessed a very brief flirtation with a man you had dated for a short period of time. Whenever he offered you the chance to meet one of his friends or coworkers, you always turned him down in fear of another waste of time you didn’t have the mental strength to deal with once more.
“I’m not going to lie to you; things are complicated between us right now. But there is something I must do before leaving, or I will regret it for the rest of my life.”
You could hear him smiling, breathing softly into the speaker. “I’ve been in love too. I know exacly how you feel.”
Although your story was far-fetched, Hob didn't want to pry and no questions were asked about the man who made you fall so hard.
The shock and dejecton were crushing you from within, but instead of wallowing in those emotions, you spent the next hour on the phone with your friend, who provided you with the perfect balance of humor and support. His jokes and words of encouragement were just what you needed to ease the burden weighting on you, his presence and the way he always knew how to make you feel better were absolutely indispensable.
When you noticed the tiredness in his voice, you thanked him for the company, wished him a good night and hung up the call, letting his uplifting words sink in.
He reminded you of your courage, allowing you to fight through your hardships instead of drowning in them. You were sensitive, compassionate and caring. You had nothing to reproach yourself for regarding how things turned out at the Burgess mansion.
Despite knowing this, there was still a voice in your head telling you that you could have tried a little harder, especially with Dream and the entire situation surrounding him.
Now you were injured and uncertain about the future, wondering how you would even face him looking like a total wreck.
After removing the towel, you brushed your hair with one hand while the sling kept your other arm firmly in place. You then got under the covers without bothering to use a hairdryer, as you massaged your sprained wrist in a circular motion. You could feel the nerves protesting and pulling under your skin, your upper arms stinging from what seemed like little electric shocks and the fabric of your nightgown rubbing against the small cut on your back, which made it burn unpleasantly even with the coverage that had been applied. Despite your efforts, you couldn't find a comfortable position that didn't make your body scream and twitch uncomfortably.
The more you thought about it, the more it resembled a movie that you had been watching from afar. It had happened so quickly and suddenly that you were still trying to come to terms with it all.
Objectively speaking, you had many things to be grateful for, especially now that you were succeeding in accomplishing what you truly wanted when you accepted to work for Alex Burgess. However, apart from the environment not matching your standards and being away from the city almost all week, something inside of you had clearly changed drastically since meeting Dream. It was more than just the feelings you had developed for him, more than a simple crush for an attractive “man” that you thought about all day. He was the answer to the many questions that formed in your mind about life and humanity, someone you had so much to learn from and were looking up to.
A creature you still knew so very little about, someone you weren’t even allowed to touch.
You closed your eyes, slowly falling into a deep sleep as your body finally started to succumb to exhaustion.
That night, you had no dream, floating into nothingness and sucked into a dark vortex.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 (currently reading) Chapter 5 ->
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