#little sad goobers must give them happy interactions for all the sad they have
hitwiththetmnt · 1 year
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Arm Swap!
(Could technically be P3 to this) @butterfilledpockets
Life is doing it’s thing so doodling has been a bit slow :}
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
Based on Twitter Liam is more excited to be back than anyone and it’s great
Ayyyyyyy Matt looking good with that facial hair
Sam as President of D&DBeyond?
I’d vote for him
Oh I’m excited about the future D&DBeyond ads now
God I missed them over the break
A nat20 in the first rolls of 2019 this is a good omen
Damn Matt still killing it with the maps
I miss Ashley again already
Sam’s flask: "I am available to host the Oscars" I’d actually watch the Oscars if he did
Nat1 for Beau so that’s a bad omen
Oh ouch a nat1 for Jester too
Oh god there’s so many giant ocean monsters
Oh damn Caleb killed one already! Good job babe!! First kill of 2019 goes to the wizard.
Still two big ones tho and boy they are ugly
Beau PLEASE it’s too early to be nearly giving me a heart attack
lol Marisha hit Liam and made him spill some of his tea
Nott is here to save the day! She is the true hero of the M9
"That sounds like a waste of Beau’s time" Beau you are being rIPPED IN HALF
Travis is looking stressed (probably because he knows how it’ll fuck Fjord up if somebody dies during his backstory mission)
STUNNED IT YES atta girl Beau
Yay Beau is freeeee!
Wasted enemy nat20 excellent
NICE just SHOVE that big crabby guy back
Yessss girl! They’re both stunned
Yeahhh nat20 go Beau!!!
My girl Nott taking out the next one yesss!
Poor Matt is a bit frazzled it’s okay Matt you’re still the best DM
Somebody get to Caleb quick now or he WILL go down
Beau and Fjord off to save their squishy wizard friend bless them
YESSS the ladies getting the job done tonight!!
Oh god CALEB
Paralyzed, poisoned, grappled oh no
Oh thank god for the transmuter stone
It’s a nest I’m calling it
Nott and Caleb are going to have to work things out soon
Cad talking to plants is my favorite
Cad is just my favorite I love him
I don’t like the idea of them going underground under the ocean nope
Nott hates Fjord but also trying to hook Fjord and Jester up still because as far as she knows Jester still like-likes him
J: "Do you want to climb through it?"
N: "I don’t want to but I will. It’s my job."
The whole group needs to come together and realize that they have put Nott in a position of feeling like she is the one expected to go first into the dangerous unknown and that she probably feels expendable because of that
Cad apologizing to the seaweed when Yasha rips it
I’m curious about why Fjord is so instant that he needs to leave one of the orbs at all.
Oh look another skeleton
Oooo mystery potion
Oh no
Oh no is it Vandrin...?
Look at Travis’ face when Matt was describing everything he looked like he knew something
Don’t touch the skeleton there’s something about the skeleton
Travis was REAL afraid it was Vandrin
...Maybe the seaweed crushes you as you try to get out
Oh or maybe the crabs crushed him it’s fine
Oh I have such a bad feeling
"If something does go wrong that should be my burden." Oh Fjord.
Fjord gives me so many feelings, like I think he wants to to the right thing but he also wants answers and he’s got guilt and he’s got fears and he’s like got no idea what he’s doing and the group keeps looking at him like he does and I just have feels about Fjord
"dont turn evil. I mean if you do I’ll still be your friend it’s okay some people are just evil" Jester <3
Cad casting "protection from evil"
Everyone’s so worried about Fjord
I’m worried about Fjord
Oh god oh god he’s loosening the bindings oh god
He better get some cool new magic from this
Liam and Marisha look as stressed as I feel
So that must be the third temple. On an island or some place with mountains.
Oh god I don’t like this
Wooo control water go Jester!
The clerics saving the day that geyser would have fucked then UP
...that’s actually bad tho god he shouldn’t have put that second one in. A single lock left isn’t enough security.
Oh god another ship RUN
Oh shit Caleb heard Fjord’s accent
Boy this whole thing has just been STRESS. I hope they just run away from this shop and leave sailing behind for a while.
We’re gonna have ourselves a proper sea battle here we go
Nope we’re gonna run?
Get Fjord and the clerics on the back to push
Goddd I can’t shake the theory that Sabien and Vandrin both survived and Sabien convinced Vandrin that Fjord was who blew up the ship to get the orb. And since Fjord now has U’kotoa as a patron it’s gonna look bad.
HOLY SHIT Cad capsized a fucking ship
Guys come on don’t fire on a capsized ship
Nott, Fjord, And Beau get WAY too caught up in the heat of the moment. If they weren’t so worked up they wouldn’t be shooting on an already dealt with ship
Oh sure now you pull in the survivors
"We just got taken out by the Ball Eater..."
A smiley face with risks and big googly eyes
Jester messaging her mom again I’ve missed that
So much loot!!
B: “We should put some money aside to pay the crew.”
F: “They die before we reach the shore.”
Everyone: 8O ???
Beau’s got lots of family issues that I can’t wait to delve into later
“You only get one family” FALSE she has found a new family you goober
Oh no
Oh Beau sweetie
Oh honey. That’s so sad.
Beau has a baby brother tho wow that could be fun later.
Oh baby giiiiirl.
Oh jeeze Nott’s tribe too...
Fjord just wants to find Vandrin like that’s been his main goal the whole time and I cry a little
Fjord wants out that’s good news
Although if U’kotoa does choose someone else then there’s only one temple left so that’s bad
Ooo the glowy orb will definitely be useful
Caleb says tree and Caduceus IMMEDIATELY puts the rock in his pocket
Nott should get the armor she rarely gets the new things. Although it would be cool if Jester had it too.
“I can claim ownership in name only, but we all know who the captain of this ship is” ORLI THAT’S SO SWEET!
That’s exactly how I hoped it would go tbh
“I wonder what Vandrin’s doing right now?” WHAT?!
“staying out of sight. making amends.” HE’S ALIVE!!!
I can’t wait to delve into Nott’s stuff. Going home. FINDING OUT WHO SHE’S BEEN SENDING STUFF TO.
The friend is the guy she freed isn’t he?
N: “You can make people see things that aren’t real and you can... can change things from one thing to another. You’re very good at that, aren’t you?” STOOOOOP
God I missed these nerds.
I’m not gonna be able to watch live for the whole next semester because I’m an idiot who signed up for a Friday morning clinic *cries* but I can’t wait for everything that comes next!
Happy Twenty-Nein-Teen, Criters!
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c2bend · 7 years
My SamCait Theories:
marking summer 2017. Sorry this is so long.
Some background on my fandom experience first.
When this show was advertising on Starz I knew I really wanted to watch it.  My husband did too.  It looked interesting and right up our ‘alley’.  So we showed up for the first episode, I know I’m going to continue watching a show when the first episode of any show ends and you just want it to keep going, I was hooked.  I didn’t even know it was based on books until the 4th episode when I actually read the credits, ok cool.  By the 8th episode I HAD TO KNOW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, so I downloaded all the books on my Kindle and read them – not sure how far I got before the S2 premiere. This was good and bad, now I had something to compare the film version to the book version – sometimes I wish I hadn’t read the books, since I love the film version so much.  Anyhow, I digress.
While watching this amazing show I became enthralled with Caitriona Balfe. (I love actors – really good actors – I wanted to be a casting director when I was younger and I appreciate talent when I see it) And Caitriona Balfe had a ton of it.  So like any obsessed fan I started digging into google to find out more about her, her past works, ok maybe a bit of her personal life, etc..  My initial reaction to what I found was how genuine she was, how she was with her friends on social media, her normalcy – she had not been celebrityized yet (yes I just made that word up ;) ) and I fell in love with her.  This was late 2014 early 2015, I hadn’t gotten into the interviews and the buzz publicity stuff yet – I had not followed an actor/celebrity since I was 12 yrs old (1970s) and back then all we had were magazines – so all this was actually rather new to me.  Though once I started finding these things online I notice her and Mr. Sam Heughan, and I was like hmmm?  So I looked to see if either of them had significant others in their lives.  I found some stuff on Caitriona that she maybe had a boyfriend, but very little info at the time.  I started stalking (erm looking at all the beautiful pictures) on her and her friends’ instagram and found a photo at Thanksgiving 2014 with her friends at her and Simon’s house in West Hollywood and there was a guy that was sitting next to her, but she just didn’t look very happy at all and I couldn’t tell if this was the infamous boyfriend or not.  To this day I have not seen this guy surface in her orbit and do not know who he is/was.  So because I was a naive celebrity follower and after reading trash articles that said she had a boyfriend already and seeing that Sam was apparently living it up in Los Angeles I figured okay they’re just friends, and enjoyed the cuteness of them anyways. (btw – I hadn’t seen Paley yet, it was off my radar).  Oh and somewhere in there I saw mention of Tony McGill and the Christmas video and other photos of him being within her circle of friends and was a bit disappointed that I COULDN’T FIND SHIT ON HIM and that their chemistry was so hohum.  So to keep enjoying the SamCaitness I started finding fanvideos of them and I was a shipper before I knew what a fucking shipper was – and all by myself – or so I thought!  
So by now it’s late Spring early Summer and I am one OBSESSED Sassenanch, for the show and SamCait!  Ahh – SDCC 2015 – sometimes it seems like it was ages ago and sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday.  That was my “who the fuck do these fuckers think they’re kidding, they are not only fucking they are seriously together and I’m squeeing like a school girl lovin’ it!” moment.  And I start scouring the internet while at the same time signed up for twitter, signed up on instagram, somehow came across tumblr and was like hell yeah I AM NOT ALONE! And signed up there too.  So now that I was no longer alone and there was all kinds of speculation, love of these two goobers and discussions galore you kind of end up in a herd mentality to some degree, especially the more you are on tumblr, like every fucking day – my new obsession to go along with my Outlander and SamCait obsession!  Who AM I?  I don’t care I am having fun and have found my peeps.  
Being on tumblr opened my eyes to so much more that I hadn’t seen, interviews, articles, friends of theirs, other interactions that I hadn’t seen yet.  And speculations and theories, antis – what?.  So as this little/big tumblr of SamCait shippers are going along we are getting rewarded with some incredible SamCait cuteness to the max.  There was a squee at least every fucking week for weeks.  The speculations were out of control – no seriously, looking back it was a frenzied hot mess, they’re married, she’s pregnant, she’s not pregnant, she already had a baby, omg look at them, ooh rings we see rings, ooh everything they tweet is double entendres, every photo posted on instagram has some sort of meaning to it. Every obscure photo we were analyzing to death. Omg they’re going to reveal at People Choice Awards or some other event. I mean seriously looking back we were pretty cray cray!  Then the IFH happened and our Ship took on some heavy artillery and almost sunk.  We were stupefied, how could they do this to us, how could we be so wrong, how how how…. What the Fuck just happened?
Personally, after I recovered the initial blow, it allowed me to step back and see how the frenzied atmosphere that we all perpetuated is what caused us to feel so hurt.  It allowed me to ship without being so emotionally invested yet still enjoy them (although will admit with all the peripheral fuckery going on it sometimes is a challenge).  So here we are today and things just keep getting weirder and weirder in SamCait land – why?  
The question of the decade – why did Shitner happen, why did Mackenzie Mauzy happen and continues to, why did the IFH happen, why was Kristin Dos Santos suddenly re-assigned, why the newest failed attempt of denying even though no one is asking, why do SamCait still give us cuteness yet don’t, why is ALL OF THIS STILL GOING ON?  With all these questions we need to step back and ask this one - Who is seeing this?  The average/normal fan – no.  The obsessed fans – whether a shipper or not – yes!  Newly acquired obsessed fans as the show moves forward – yes and no!  So again we have to ask why?
Who is creating this obscure Sam + Mac relationship – SamCait, The Powers That Be, Publicists?  Someone is orchestrating this narrative we are in, if we can figure out why, we may be able to make sense of it.  What is attempting to be achieved?  For whatever reason someone/s do not want fans thinking/believing that SamCait are together in real life.  So these things keep happening – we see it in real time because we are always watching (the obsessed fan/s).  But what happens is the trash articles are published all over the internet and I think about when I first started stalking erm I mean looking for more information on these two, I would read trash articles and not know any better that they are just that.  I was like oh okay, must be true – yeah I know naive as hell.  But then the question comes up again WHY do they – whoever they may be – want the fans/public to believe these two gorgeous people who are leads of a very romantic show not together? Why is it so fucking important that this narrative be pushed?  What does someone/s have to gain by having fans – current and future – believe this story?  And why is this ‘gain’ so important that they would go to these lengths – side note, here’s the thing, these efforts probably seem extreme to us for a couple of reasons – 1. we’re very aware of it all as it is happening and 2. we are not the entity who is orchestrating this and probably incapable of thinking like them, hence our confusion.  So if we can just figure out a why they want this narrative to be believed then we would be able to understand it – maybe.
So let us go through a few scenarios to see if one of them jives.
SamCait want us to believe they are not together – first question would be why? (always with the why!)  So back at the end of 2015 when the shippers were in a frenzy and then SamCait got back to Los Angeles where the IFH happened, some theories were expressed that one or both of them had been threatened regarding their ‘togetherness’ and they had to do something to diffuse this threat – IFH happened. So let us assume this is what happened, but going forward them being who they are, the ‘cuteness’ came back albeit not as intense as it was before and again threats were made.  So perhaps looking for assistance with this problem (this part I truly can’t fathom except they didn’t realize how bad it would go) they or their PR enlisted Shitner – he starts on his rampage against shippers and it leaves nothing but carnage and kind of backfires big time.  So time to bring out the ‘big guns’ enter stage left MM.  Next question that arises is who recruited her into this?  First photo of her and Sam is on a facebook page, there is a low on the totem pole Starz employee who ‘took’ the photo or was in the photo – HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS PHOTO.  Redflags are going off in the fandom.  Still assuming we are dealing with someone threatening our ‘babies’ did Starz get involved to help push the narrative forward?  Possibly.  So here’s where I start having a problem with this scenario – every fucking time SamCait are NOT in California especially and are in Europe or even South Africa, their ‘cuteness’ is on overdrive.  As soon as this starts happening OR they show up in the States, Shitner goes off, and MM is trotted out in either staged photos with Sam or innuendo photos from her or Sam.  Is there really a crazy person out there that goes off every time their ‘cuteness’ is shown? After a year and a half how come no one is able to catch this crazy fucker if the threat is real?  And if it is real how sad for everyone involved!!! Except Shitner the only sad thing about him is he’s a sad excuse for a human being.
Next up Publicists – if this is true I have no idea why and they should fire their sorry asses, nuf said on this.
The almighty powerful TPTB.  Alrighty then, what drives TPTB?  That is an easy one MONEY MONEY MONEY and POWER POWER POWER!  If ya’ll will remember SamCait missed the People’s Choice Awards because they got stuck in Costa Rica from the bad weather (I truly believe they were both there TOGETHER).   Now the PCAs for their category isn’t huge BUT it is publicity for them and THE SHOW! And lo’ and behold the stars of the show cancel at the last minute.  Big ass No No!  And now someone is in trouble!  What if TPTB did not know SamCait are together at this time, now the ‘cat’ is out of the bag and they don’t like it one bit.  They decide this needs to be ‘fixed’ NOW (POWER). So they force SamCaits’ hand and basically tell them in no uncertain terms – you see this ‘clause’ right here in your contracts? Being together in real life is not allowed and THIS is what you are going to do moving forward.  First deny that you are a couple, here’s your script SELL IT!  Well we all know how that went down.  At this point Shitner – is he just a loose cannon or did TPTB request his assistance in this ‘plan’ or was he just an unexpected benefit? Who the fuck knows and at this point it doesn’t really matter cos’ that asswipe happened.  Again SamCait being who they are they can’t control their ‘cuteness’ soooo TPTB ramp it up and bring in MM, puts her on the payroll to do what she’s been doing ever since she first appeared on the ‘scene’.
Okay, okay – we’ve heard this theory before but we can not fathom the why of it completely.  What if it is simply this, in their skewed perception of fandom and their belief that two leads of a romantic show should not be seen in real life as being together as it will somehow diminish and affect the bottom line (MONEY) –meaning their pockets.  Perhaps it is as simple as that and they will go to great lengths (POWER) to attempt to create this narrative for now and the future – as in future fans.  We as Shippers really do not matter, we are a fraction of this obsessed fandom and by having Shitner and the fucking twat Lynette Rice declare us as crazy anything we put out there to the contrary narrative will just be ignored (in their hopes).  I mean they can’t fire the leads, but they can enforce and make them ‘go along’ with this for now.  Of course, as we’ve seen time and time again SamCait just cannot contain their CUTENESS, as long as they keep showing it, TPTB will keep trying to manipulate the truth to satisfy their own ‘needs/wants/egos’…
So which theory is truth? I don’t know, I/we may never know, but it doesn't really matter because:
Always remember and never forget – IT IS NOT ABOUT US!  We are here for the SamCait CUTENESS.  That is all. 
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truemedian · 4 years
Kotaku Reacts To Animal Crossing: New Horizons
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Screenshot: NintendoTwo weeks have passed since Animal Crossing: New Horizons came out, and almost everyone on the Kotaku staff has poured themselves into trying to make our new desert islands feel like home. It’s been...a process—full of blood, sweat, and a lot of broken axes—and we have some thoughts about it.Hopefully by now you’ve read fellow staff writer Ian Walker’s excellent review of the game, but in addition, we wanted to share the opinions, reactions, personal tribulations, and success stories of others on the staff as we survive Tom Nook’s fascinating new time share scheme together.
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“My shitty house”—Maddy MyersScreenshot: Nintendo Maddy MyersI do not play simulation games. I spend no time at all on character creators. I’ve never played an Animal Crossing game before. And yet, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has become a game that I play almost every single day.I’m not sure if I’m even enjoying it. But I do know that it’s fulfilling a hyper-specific need for me right now. As an introverted person who already works from home, I don’t get a lot of social interaction in my daily life, outside of spending time with my equally introverted girlfriend. Before covid-19 happened, I would get a lot of low-impact socializing done in a typical week by chatting with the cashier at the grocery store, or making small talk with the other people at my gym. All of that is gone now.Instead, I make small talk with Timmy and Tommy. I discuss exercise with Flip, the jock monkey villager who lives in my Animal Crossing town. And, of course, I decorate my crappy Animal Crossing apartment and I invite my real-life friends over to (virtually) see it, and then I apologize to them, because it looks even worse than my actual real-life apartment. Animal Crossing allows me to perfectly recreate all the awkward but somehow fulfilling social interactions that I used to have when society still functioned.Will I keep logging in to Animal Crossing every day after the covid-19 pandemic has passed us over? Probably not. But until then, it’s given me a chance to see what it is that other people enjoy about this genre. It’s also made me realize that I need to seriously work on my interior decorating skills.
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Ian WalkerI only own two pairs of jeans in real life, but I’m rapidly running out of room for all the clothes I buy in Animal Crossing. Here are some of my outfits:Mike FaheyOn the day Animal Crossing: New Horizons launched, the 512-gigabyte micro SD card in my Switch died. Four days later, after my wife had started playing, her Switch suddenly stopped charging. While trying to get her Switch to work, my system, purchased mere weeks before the game’s launch, stopped outputting video. As I normally play in TV mode, that’s not great. I have a Switch Lite, but I ran it over with my wheelchair and cracked the screen.Nintendo’s warranty repair is down, so I have to wait until the world returns to normal to get any of these consoles repaired. With Nintendo supply down, it’s nearly impossible to buy a new Switch right now. So my wife went on eBay and purchased a refurbished Switch tablet for $250. That’s how much fun we’re having bonding over Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
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I can’t play when she can’t play. It’s just too sad. I feel bad sharing items I get, clothing I wear, and bugs I collect with her. For the several days we got to play together, by which I mean in the same room, it was much easier to forget pressing real-world concerns for a little while.We stayed up late to harvest bells. We got up early to see what occurred on our islands as we slept. The chores we must perform on our islands are much more entertaining than the ones we must perform in real life. They are still chores, but they pass the time and make us happy.Bklurbbbb...Natalie DegraffinriedI’ve spent 105 hours playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons over the span of a couple weeks. I suppose I kind of like Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Or my OCD is back with a vengeance. I keep going to celebrations for inclines and bridges even though I’m tired of them, so it’s probably the OCD.
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I didn’t think I could take the fine art of min-maxing to higher heights, but here I am in an endless cycle of Nook tickets, tarantula grinding, and organizing my inventory by item valuation. It’s all to fund my Able Sisters shopping problem, ultimately. I look fly as hell, though.
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Min-maxing in Animal Crossing is not for the faint of heart, nor is it always a great way to play. It might be even harder to do now that the seasons have changed. Will that stop me? No. I’ll keep getting upgrades and obsessively trying to pay them off in the same day. Do what gives you peace, I say.Just don’t be a fucking goober like my friend.
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Riley MacLeodNew Horizons is my first Animal Crossing—our editor-in-chief Stephen talked the game up so much I got really curious about it. I only actually started playing this week, so everything feels very slow—when I get the itch to do something, I keep wanting to switch to Stardew Valley, but I’m really charmed by how happy the NPCs are when you do the simplest tasks and how often everyone claps for you. I also really like that your character runs around with their arms out. I put face paint on my guy and I can’t figure out how to get it off, so he just has face paint now I guess.
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Ari NotisThe short version: This is the most annoying game I’ve ever played.And here’s how I really feel: At every turn, this stupid game presents a somehow brand-new hassle: how Blathers has to assess your fossils before you can donate them; how the Nook twins stop you to say thanks before you leave their shop, and how they say everything in not-quite-tandem (WTF is up with that); how you can only eat one fruit at a time; how your shovel is always breaking, your ax is always breaking, your net is always breaking; how two players can’t shop from the same person at the same time in co-op; how it’s impossible to dig a hole where you want; and how every damn day, that damn raccoon monster wastes my time to tell me there’s nothing new going on. I know there’s nothing new going on! This is Animal Crossing! Nothing new ever happens! This game is supposed to be an escape? Please. It’s at best a shoddy Xerox of life’s daily headaches.
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Luke PlunkettEveryone says this is the game the world needs right now, but the last thing I need is a second mortgage hanging over my head. At least this one’s on the beach.Heather AlexandraI’ve never played an Animal Crossing game before now. In some ways, I missed out on many Nintendo games as my focus shifted off the Nintendo 64 in favor of the PlayStation and especially the modding scenes of PC games like Half-Life. When I needed a fix for homes away from home, I played Harvest Moon. That led to Stardew Valley and long hours on a co-op farm with a former partner. I enjoy the quiet of village sims and farming games. I also struggle to find the time for them.I haven’t taken the biggest plunge into ACNH. I had to focus on Nioh 2, then Doom Eternal, then Resident Evil 3. So 20-minute sojourns to my island every day were a rare and delicious treat. I can’t compare New Horizons to the others in the series, but I can say that it is an incredibly cozy game during a time when coziness seems rare. Sometimes, a good day means little more than some new wallpaper for your room. In other cases, it’s figuring out where to put that memorial statue you found. Animal Crossing is simple, but that simplicity is why you play it. Planting a new tree, inviting a new animal friend to your island. Small things that don’t feel small at all.Now, if only that freako rabbit would get off my island already...
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Where every month is hoagie fest. Screenshot: Nintendo Ethan GachEvery night I shake all the trees, pick all the weeds, and smack objects with my axes until all of them break. In the morning I sell the stuff, and the cycle repeats. Conversations with other villagers scroll past as I smash the A button so I can get back to work. I buy everything I can from Tom Nook like I’m filling out a Sears Catalog Pokédex. I pay off all the loans thanks to the million bells I earned from New Horizons’ week-one infinite item glitch and subsequently invested in the Turnip market. I donate the wood and iron needed to build new homes for new residents. I capture new bugs and fish for the betterment of science. And all the while I wait like Vladimir and Estragon for an epiphany that will help contextualize each individual mundane task and help them culminate into a larger story I can derive some deeper sense of meaning and purpose from.Instead I’m left with a list of things that more closely resembles a CVS receipt. I suspect that’s a problem with me and not the game.Nathan GraysonFor the past week, I’ve been meaning to play through Doom Eternal and finally, properly dive into Control. Instead, I have mostly played Animal Crossing.I don’t really like it? I respect the relaxed pace it’s trying to establish, but by forcing players to step to its beat with fussy mechanics and NPCs who needlessly repeat themselves all the time, it’s managed to annoy me just as often as it’s lulled me into a state of balmy island bliss. Also, I’m bad at interior design, so right now my house looks like World of Warcraft’s Molten Core raid if Ragnaros was a disorganized college freshman who had no idea what to do with his dorm.Oh, and all my neighbors suck. In previous Animals Crossing (correct plural) , that didn’t matter so much, because I enjoyed doing little chores for them and feeling like I was creating a sense of community even among characters with whom I didn’t see eye to eye. In New Horizons, though, it’s all about land development, which feels less personal. I don’t want KK Slider to show up because I optimized my town. I want him to play some tunes for my villagers and me because he’s a chill, cool dude.All that said, this game has given me one of the coolest in-game moments I’ve experienced since we all got trapped inside our houses. I wrote about this at length in another piece, but the other night, DJ and streamer Clarke “Grimecraft” Nordhauser threw an in-game rave, and I attended. Surrounded by the avatars of people I did not know and dancing along with awkwardly improvised moves, I felt the same mixture of fear and exhilaration I’ve felt at countless shows in real life. After I shook my nerves (read: drank a glass of wine), it turned into a relaxing, nice time where everybody mostly talked about how good the music was and how much they appreciated the whole thing. Sometimes, a vacation can be 90 percent unpleasant, but then years later, all you remember is a soothing day on the beach or a perfect sunset. Animal Crossing has some really nice sunsets.
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“Me and my partner hanging out last night in AC”—Paul TamayoScreenshot: Nintendo Paul Tamayo I’ve already talked about how Animal Crossing: New Horizons couldn’t have come at a better time, but the ways it’s helping me keep in touch with friends by sending gifts in-game, getting help from my podcast listeners, and hopping on calls to visit each other’s islands has taken this game to another level for me. It’s also giving me the space to put care into my own island like it’s my own adorable bonsai tree. I get to care for it and improve upon it in a million different ways. My partner actually made the beautiful observation yesterday that even after island hopping through our friends’ islands, it really does feel good to return home to your own space. Read More Read the full article
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