#little stumpy stabbers
invisiblewashboard · 5 months
Small Child’s Thoughts on “Helm’s Deep”
Sounds like there are way too many bad guys.
Are they happy because the king is there? Hm. Because the king will help them fight the bad guys? I feel happy when my dad comes home because he helps me fight my sisters.
I think you should maybe not listen to someone named Wormtongue. But maybe it’s not his fault that he’s named that. Maybe his mom and dad just didn’t like him.
Mom, can I have a horn to make horn blasts with? (No.) But I would only use for good things, like to tell you if there was danger!
The van? If they have vans they can have trains. (No, no, Small Child, that means “vanguard.”) Hm. That is boring. They should have a van instead.
Gimli wants to kill lots of orcs and that is very good. I like that.
Hundreds and hundreds more bad guys is not a good thing.
Lightning plus bad guys is going to equal a very bad time for everyone.
I just do not really know what is happening. You are reading lots of words but I am confused. I only know there are orcs and lightning.
Why did Legolas spend all his arrows? (Because that’s what happens in a battle.) Well, he should have just brought more with him.
I tried to jump off a wall once. And you told me it was bad. But Gimli did it and you said it was good.
Wow! 21 is a lot of orcs! Good job, Gimli. You’re doing very good work!
Two dozen? (A dozen is 12, so how many is two dozen?) Oh, I see. 24! Legolas is winning now. Who is going to get more points? I do not want to wait to find out, I would just like you to tell me now. (Just be patient! You will find out soon enough.)
How many orcs did Aragorn kill? (I don’t know, I don’t think he is playing the game with Legolas and Gimli.) Why? He should play and not ruin the fun.
So, Mama? Blasting fire is like a bomb, right? Like a big explosion? I think if they have that, they can maybe have trains soon. Trains would make things easier because they could go places fast.
Saying his spear was long seems just so unnecessary. Spears are long. That is why they are spears and not just little stumpy stabbers.
Is that Gandalf the White Rider? Good. I think things will be okay now if he is here.
Hey Mom? You told me that if I was patient I would find out who got more points. But you stopped reading and I still do not know.
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