cjlancione · 8 years
Just your typical morning in #Whistler 😂 #vipcarservice #weridetogether #rideordie #crankworx #foxfam #foxmtb #liveepicly
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justmanny-blog · 9 years
A story I probably won;t come back to...but should
I don’t want to be guided. I want to wander and float across the infinite magic that lies in the breath of each new air, in the vibrations of each drum beat, in the radiance of every vibrant color! To get lost in villages full of uncharted faces; road maps to new adventures...
To swim in the waters of Fiji, and in the slopes of Mt. Fuji.
Its the dream to be seen, but mine is to see. 
For you see...
It’s not the motion in the ocean that propels my mind, its the sense of new discoveries across the battle of time...........Shit I think I’m starting to rhyme.
Too be concluded....going to procrastinate a bit
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