justmanny-blog · 9 years
One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today.
Dale Carnegie (via quotemadness)
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justmanny-blog · 9 years
Ziggy:Out of This World & Loved
Never let me down, Earthling,
    the Diamond dogs are scary Monsters
   and I am not the Man who Sold the World
Let’s DANCE tonight, Oh Buddha of Suburbia
   the stage is set in the hours of Reality
   for the heroes & heathens alike
Outside the sounds of Black Tie White Noise 
   are all that’s heard in this Hunky Dory world
The next day I dance with the lodger in the woods and his pinups 
His songs JUMP from Station to Station 
with low hummmzzZ that send a musical signal to the black star above............
There he lay, the Stardust child and the spiders from Mars                                                                                                 
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justmanny-blog · 9 years
The Madness in the Writing
Such soft and brittle things are the passing passions in one's life.
The push to heal before its time has its consequences, and my wounds reopen to the bitter air of my echoed fault. 
The unforgetting, unrelenting mess of it all leaves the bleeding heart to mend in its own puddle of remorse and regret.
I keep my sanity through my writings by letting my insanity roam free upon my pages
My thoughts are held captive by the ink, 
without it I don't know what beast could be unleashed from that prison...
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justmanny-blog · 9 years
A story I probably won;t come back to...but should
I don’t want to be guided. I want to wander and float across the infinite magic that lies in the breath of each new air, in the vibrations of each drum beat, in the radiance of every vibrant color! To get lost in villages full of uncharted faces; road maps to new adventures...
To swim in the waters of Fiji, and in the slopes of Mt. Fuji.
Its the dream to be seen, but mine is to see. 
For you see...
It’s not the motion in the ocean that propels my mind, its the sense of new discoveries across the battle of time...........Shit I think I’m starting to rhyme.
Too be concluded....going to procrastinate a bit
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justmanny-blog · 9 years
Epiphany In Procrastination
I misspelled procrastination when writing the original title for this post, “Beauty In Procrastination”, and when I looked for the auto-correct feature on my phone it read *Definition not found* *word not in dictionary*, I immediately saw some profoundness in such a simple thing. I thought to myself, “The word “Procrastination” really shouldn’t be in anyone’s vocabulary! It is the ultimate roadblock to success!” Naturally I then googled images about procrastination for 20 minutes...oh the irony... *Facepalm*
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justmanny-blog · 12 years
Listen. Love it. Share it.
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justmanny-blog · 12 years
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justmanny-blog · 12 years
I know I can be...
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justmanny-blog · 12 years
I wanna take more pictures...
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justmanny-blog · 12 years
Rationality of an Echoing Heart (Prose for thee)
Rationality of an Echoing Heart
by: emmanuel valadez
My mind has begun to struggle with the rationality of the choices laid at my feet. My heart, now consumed with the grief of what's to come, beats with sorrowing pulses that echo through my body in an undeniable wave of emptiness. My only plea is that I ask that my character be not judged by the actions that I take, for they were not done without a sense of self inflicted pain. A pain that dwelled in the cavalcades that brought me to this point and the brink of tears.
The course that I now take will forever be engraved into the conscious of my daily life.
Yet I regret not a moment that has come to pass between our deep embracing nights. The wondrous and intriguing conversations into the morning’s dawn hold inspiring thoughts that will not soon be forgotten. The laughs that filled our lungs with jovial sounds of care-free innocence will transcend whatever heartrending emotions may follow in the time’s passing.
But the flutter in my words holds the truth and the pain that I must so regretfully share. I can only ask that you not hold hatred or resentment, for I could never bare an ill thought of you.
In the confines of my heart I’ll keep our chance encounter as a moment of fortune’s grace in my life and find gratitude in the heavens that gifted your presence in my life.
I am left but to say the most important thing in the simplest way that I can… thank you. Thank you for your music, your passion, your smile and your sincerity, but above all, thank you for your friendship which I will cherish always.
Thank you.
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justmanny-blog · 13 years
Echoes of the broken pieces
A troubled mind knows no sleep, and the stuttered dreams blend an unconscious reality into the realm of false truth.
Here the facts hold a dim candle to the illusions reflected in the shadows.
The midnight's echo looms across an empty thought, and rests upon the unseen path that guides an aimless soul.
Weary followers cast the die in hopes of landing on fate's good grace, but chance seldom favors a fool's attempt at blind redemption.
With eyes still bound from a tainted past, a hero's curse is felt through the nightmares of his shattered memories.
The bits and pieces buried by the sands of time are slowly gathered in the depths of the ethereal.
But the twilight’s taunt leaves a starry sky dwindling in the midst of a near completion.
The light soon drowns an open mind and leaves the lingering impossibilities back in the land of the surreal.
I lay awaken from reality...
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justmanny-blog · 13 years
Amidst the Crimson Floor
I hold my darkness hand in hand, through pale light where heroes stand Grim be thy fate of a stranger’s venture, whose telling of his tale leaves a weakened soul indentured Not time, nor moment’s pass, shall cause his name forgotten, for from my hands his life did hang, he then unto me begotten A midst a crimson floor I did there lay, on knees and hands over his body I did pray, in thundered silence I did pray! with screaming echoes I did pray! The seconds held captive for years, they did seem, but what’s to come shall remain in marish dream
For as I held his wrist firm tight, I saw his eyes un-gazing, fully pitched in night Then and there I felt the ticking stop, and twenty-one grams I then sensed drop
Yet with stubborn hope I called to him still, trying vainly to undo the reapers will But alas the stranger did depart, in hands of medics searching absent heart. Regrettably so, we met at fate’s time’s end, He, my brother, whom could have been my friend And though the crimson floor no longer thus remain, I hold the burden of a life unsaved, and all its final tragic pain Rest now my brother never known, rest now your story has been told
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justmanny-blog · 13 years
A man was stabbed to death next to me at a club earlier this month, while most everyone stepped back in panic, I stepped in and tried to save the guy but to no avail. He basically died in my hands. After the medics took him away I realized I had his blood on my hands and clothes, so I simply went and washed it out. No real emotion overcame me, and as I looked around at the strangers, some crying, screaming, and others just utterly broken, I was left with a sense of confusion. I had not reacted, I was blank, no sadness, or fear, maybe a bit of frustration over not being able to save him, but alas I was numb in all sense of the word. The next day I just wrote an elegy in respect for the man that'd passed away. I saw intense emotion in my words, but nowhere else. When I'd finished writing, I merely set the pencil down, and left to work.
I don't think one can judge this normal or not, but regardless, death will never feel normal, whether friend, family, or in my case, a stranger.
Maybe that’s all Death is, a stranger; unknown. And the emotions it instills are that as well.
Sure wish I knew the answer, maybe then things would be “normal”.
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justmanny-blog · 13 years
Not gone just MIA
This is the first time I've logged back on in quite a while. So much has happened yet it feels like so little has changed. I often wonder if Time simply held the moments of the past in a tightly closed jar this entire time, just to let it break open in my life once again because I swear this is all happening again. But something's different...there's a sense of calm this time. No anger or resentment, still plenty of sadness, but its a hopeful sadness, as if things will be fine no matter the outcome.
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justmanny-blog · 14 years
Drinking with strangers
You ever get the feeling that life just loves throwing you curve balls when you least expect them? Last Friday, after our weekly softball game, our team decided to get some drinks at BWW's to recover after our 5-10 Loss. After tossing back a few shots we all got a bit social with the tables around us and ended up inviting over a group of waitresses from another restaurant that were there having fun after a hard days work. We then played a few pub games and shared some funny stories. As time flew by, my teammates slowly left me by myself with the waitresses. Yet rather than feeling like a "man-god", I became very uncomfortable with so many lingering women in my pressence.
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justmanny-blog · 14 years
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justmanny-blog · 14 years
The hawks' black wings will cast a dark shadow over the dismal flyers beneath them. May god have pity over their flightless bodies.
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