schploinky · 1 year
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ok yeah i couldn't even try to explain this one if i wanted to . i don't know when, why or how i started shipping this but you know what? i love these guys so much so that's ok <3
this also goes hand-in-hand with the transfem/gnc!vinny hc ^_^
i also apologise in advance to all fugi-dove fans out there for butchering his design so hard, i Was Not paying attention to that little image of him as reference
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stellarwaffles · 9 months
Lego Ninjago ship names pt 3
Wu ships
Wu x Misako - wusako
Wu x Ray - lightfireshipping / sparkshipping
Wu x Aspheera - wuspheera
Garmadon ships
Garmadon x Misako - garmsako
Garmadon x Chen - garmachen
Garmadon x Clouse - garmaclouse
Garmadon x Ray - ashshipping
Garmadon x Libber - surgeshipping
Garmadon x Vinny - survivalshipping
Garmadon x Saeko - garmasaeko
Garmadon x Ray x Maya - bladeshipping
Garmadon x Vinny x Trimaar - tsunamishipping
Garmadon x Misako x Ray x Maya - catastropheshipping
Misako ships
Wu x Misako - wusako
Garmadon x Misako - garmsako
Misako x Aspheera - scrollshipping
Misako x Maya x Libber - absentshipping
Garmadon x Misako x Ray x Maya - catastropheshipping
Dareth ships
Dareth x Ronin - scruffshipping
Dareth x Cyrus - coppershipping
Parents / prev ems ships
Wu x Ray - lightfireshipping / sparkshipping
Garmadon x Ray - ashshipping
Garmadon x Libber - surgeshipping
Dr Julien x EM Ice - frozengearshipping
Dareth x Cyrus - coppershipping
Cyrus x Acronix - futureshipping
Cyrus x Krux - pastshipping
Garmadon x Ray x Maya - bladeshipping
Garmadon x Vinny x Trimaar - tsunamishipping
Misako x Maya x Libber - absentshipping
Garmadon x Misako x Ray x Maya - catastropheshipping
Misc ships
Dareth x Ronin - scruffshipping
Fugidove x Vinny - livetweetshipping
If I got any wrong or missed any, let me know so I can update the list!!
Here’s the masterpost
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