#livetweet shipping
schploinky · 1 year
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ok yeah i couldn't even try to explain this one if i wanted to . i don't know when, why or how i started shipping this but you know what? i love these guys so much so that's ok <3
this also goes hand-in-hand with the transfem/gnc!vinny hc ^_^
i also apologise in advance to all fugi-dove fans out there for butchering his design so hard, i Was Not paying attention to that little image of him as reference
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mishkakagehishka · 21 days
Should i say something controversial
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Watching ‘The Cloud’ VOY and Harry Kim is so right about everything
#Harry was right about wanting to invite Janeway to sit down and he was right when he went '!? hey Tuvok - !! fuck you <3'#Every day I mourn us not having Harry Kim as a main focus of the show#He follows the rules he's an ideal Starfleet officer but also - ? He's not afraid to break them and question stuff and talk back#It's SO interesting to have Harry be the one to say 'Maybe we should invite the captain to sit with us!' and have Tom being the one saying#'NO are you crazy??'#livetweeting#also I love Neelix being a bit more ornery when not talking to people face to face#Neelix to the Captain: Hiiiii Janeway <3 You look great today~!!!#Neelix to Kes: Jesus fucking christ whY ...WHY did we have to be on this ship full of CRAZY IDIOTS.....#HEHEHEH he's so right too...I 1000% get why he's like you have a PERFECTLY good home/ship here and you guys fucking LOVE to find ways to#rip it up#'You don't ''care a great deal about your crew'' and introduce them to the spectre of death at every opportunity' HEHEHHEHE LOVE HIM#LOVE JANEWAY TOO...They're both right <3 everyone's right <3#Janeway's on a gameshow and every day the surprise guest is the specter of death#literally the only bad thing about early seasons Voyager is the Kes-Neelix relationship I love EVERYTHING else#if Kes and Neelix had just been friends or had a sibling type relationship?? -chefs kiss-#Tom: hmmm should I knock on Harry's door???? in the middle of the night?? nah....I'll just let myself in :) scare him a little#Harry's so damn brave I would have SCREEEAAAMED#ACTUALLY HEHHE I FORGOT THAT /IMMEDIATELY/ AFTER HARRY SAYS HE REMEMBERS BEING IN THE WOMB#Harry: (like he's tired of talking about it) I REMEMBER being in my mother's womb... -eye roll-#'Everyone knows about your BITE Sandrine' I literally thought she was talking about an STD hHEHE#'They picked your pocket?? On EARTH???' / 'Oh they just do it for tourists' <3#Neelix: Jonah....w ha le???? / Tuvok: -sighs- the fucking Jonah-Whale thing again....#Voyager said episode 6? Yeah. We're doing 'the ship goes into a body' episode - but the ''body'' is a BIIIG alien#Janeway: (in the weirdest tone ever) You like /dogs/ Mr. Paris ? :)#B'Elanna calling Tom a pig <3#EVEN TUVOK'S HERE!?!? HAHAHAHA TUVOK ACTUALLY CAME TO THIS WITHOUT BEING HELD AT GUNPOINT!!!#Janeway hustling everyone at pool <3#Janeway immediately committing appropriation oh NO!!#Tom Paris calling Chakotay 'the indian' ... this is a BAD ep for Chakotay sorry king
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critrolestats · 1 year
The Twitter Situation: July 6, 2023
Hello again. Yep, we’re back to this. Again.
When Twitter first went the way of the flighty billionaire, we attempted to diversify our reliance on it by setting up our own Mastodon instance. Because our audience is still much more established on Twitter, initially we simply pushed our tweets to Mastodon so that the users who flocked there would still have our feed without the bird. When the crossposting service we were using shut down back in February, we continued to host and pay for the instance, but have not used it since then.
As of now, we still don’t have a means of using Mastodon without completely abandoning the platform we’ve established on Twitter. We’ve noticed lots of people flocking to Bluesky; we don’t have an account there, and frankly, we’re not sure it’s worth our time to keep setting up accounts on whatever the new Promised Land is each month.
Accessibility has been one of the core reasons we do what we do. Regretfully, Twitter has gone out of their way to make their platform less and less accessible. Over the past few years, various directions from the services and companies we interact with have made our jobs as freelance, unaffiliated live lore journalists more difficult in small ways (nothing we haven’t been able to overcome… yet). With each added hurdle, the accessibility we provide to viewers is becoming less and less accessible to us.
So, what does this mean for CritRoleStats?
For tonight and the limited foreseeable future, tweeting will continue, since we haven’t yet experienced catastrophic failure. We’re going to continue to pay to host Mastodon as our backup if it appears that people aren’t actually able to view our tweets, if Twitter suddenly decides to shut us down out of the blue, or if they force us to start paying for the privilege to provide content on their website.
However, we are coming to the realization that if Twitter does become completely unusable, we’re less inclined now to jump from one ship to another and simply jump ship from livetweeting. If we come to such a decision, you will all know with plenty of notice before that happens, and what we’ll do until that day comes. Any exit we take will be graceful and with plenty of time for us tie up loose ends. We will continue to serve until that day comes.
So, summary! We’ll be on Twitter tonight, and will collect our tweets into our Livetweet article per usual. For everyone watching live or reading through before the article is up, please let us know if you have difficulty following along. If there’s enough negative feedback, we’ll likely be moving to Mastodon next week, and will announce on our usual platforms before then.
We love you very much. Please take care of yourselves, and… Hey, it is Thursday!
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txttletale · 1 year
what would you say are the flaws of thirsty sword lesbians? i got it in a itch.io bundle a while ago and i've been on the fence on whether or not to run a campaign with it since
things about tsl that suck
the name. its bad. im sure it was really funny to everyone involved when they pitched it in a brainstorming session and were like 'haha what if we actually called our game thirsty sword lesbians XD' but as the name of an actual game that you have to play and talk about with real people it fucking sucks. instantly dated. sounds bad to say aloud. awful
on a related note, the game has a particular sense of humour--a certain tone and tenor that was super in vogue among, like, millenials who livetweeted steven universe in 2018. there's a move in one of the playbooks called 'i ship it!'. there's another move called 'big dyke energy'. i personally find this shit incredibly grating and insufferable, but if you think it's fun, hey, more power to you. not necessarily a con i just wanted to be a hater
okay those two complaints are just me being a hater but i do have a much more serious one which is that the game's themes are at war with each other in a way that i find bafflng. like, 'you are queer people fighting against systemic oppression' is baked into the rules, to the point of forming an inextricable component of two of the playbooks--the game is built around the idea that you're going to be Fighting Oppression in a major way. like it is very unsubtle about that and often looks directly at the camera and says 'This Is About Homophobia'. but it's also a core part of the game that you're going to be doing, like, flirtatious swordfighting, getting seduced by and seducing Hot Evil Women, longingly gazing at your homoerotic nemesis. and this is also baked into the mechanics, there are special social moves you can only do while fighting someone! so you end up with this really bizarre paradox that to take both these elements to their logical conclusion you need to create a world where all the representatives/enforcers of Homophobia/Imperialism/Capitalism are sympathetic lesbians. and it's not doing something interesting with that either, this isn't the masquerade or helicopter story--it's not highlighting this or asking you to explore this--it's just kind of stumbled into this bizarre unforced error by not thinking through what the logical result of its mechanics & tone is.
now of course it's possible to play around that last one and figure out different things to do with it. the campaign i've been running has the players within a v. broad united front against imperialism, so i've made their homoerotic rivals are ideological enemies within that united front--but the fact that we had to work around the implications of the system as written is kind of a problem with the system!
and, since i don't necessarily want to put you off running TSL, here's my list of things about tsl that are good
the playbook design is incredible. a lot of the supplement playbooks fucking suck but every single playbook in the core book is like, peak PBtA playbook design--mechanically unique, thematically fulfilling, rich with opportunities to shape the world by implication when you design your character. they do really fun and interesting narrative things with the way the playbooks are designed and i like them all a lot.
the social move setup is my favourite that i've ever seen in a game--the phrasing behind the social moves means that you can never roll to 'make' an NPC do something or 'persuade' them to your point of view, only to make them 'give in to desire'--which is obviously phrased to enable seduction as a core gameplay mechanic, but it doesn't have to be played that way! other moves allow you to ask questions and figure out what NPCs want and what motivates them--you have a mechanical basis by which you can figure out that an NPC wants friendship, or security, or power, and the 'give in to desire' phrasing means you mechanically benefit from offering them that thing to get what you want from them. it really elegantly and cleverly circumvents the 'mind control persuasion check' problem that i've always found to be a deeply & profoundly antisocial way to model interaction (as inherently zero-sum, combative, dominatory) & leads to much more emotionally satisfying stories and tense and interesting social encounters
you know those are actually kind of the only two things. but they're really, really good things!
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rosyfingered-moon · 9 months
2023 drama roundup
Unchained Love: I still hum the unhinged flute intro on a regular basis, easily my fave intro of 2023! I didn't actually finish the show due to dwindling interest, but for the first 14 episodes or so I took a keen pleasure in it (and it made me go on a eunuch webnovel spree, expertly curated by @mercipourleslivres). I love it when heroines are allowed to be truly funny, rather than just quirky or ditzy. Also appreciate the goofy Lamp Prince turning into a brutal incel tyrant the moment he got power.
Six Flying Dragons: I don't think I can write anything succinct enough for the roundup format so I direct you to my "my sfd tag" if you want to access my enthused livetweeting. Show of all times, lives were changed.
Tree with Deep Roots: I literally can't think of a better topic for a tv show than Sejong the Great constructing hangul together with his band of nerds, one of whom he has a weirdly intense, vaguely erotic relationship with. Han Suk-kyu carried this entire show on his trembling shoulders. What an actor! What range!!! It was such a treat to watch him smugly debate his ministers, roleplay a farmer, and hiss half-mad soliloquies to himself in the dark. It took nuance and depth to portray the kind of inner conflicts and generational trauma that Sejong battles in the background of this drama. To be honest I didn't always enjoy the Milbon subplot which I felt got repetitive, and often found myself wanting to fast-forward the wuxia scenes. In a better world the show would have centered the whip-smart palace maids and their alphabet workshops. But I will definitely rewatch this soon. And maybe also write a fix-it where Sejong and Soo-yi fuck idk.
Quartet: Cute little murder mystery about a found family of freaks, liked it a lot.
My Country: The New Age: As entertaining as ever. Very fun to rewatch this back to back with Tree with Deep Roots, since Jang Hyuk plays diametrically opposite characters with the same vigor and commitment.
Gone with the Rain: Sometimes you watch something which you understand is technically a masterpiece but it doesn't do anything for you, and sometimes you watch a piece of campy silly fun and it makes you tingle with joy. This was the latter category for me. I liked the first and middle parts enough to make up for the lukewarm fizzle of an ending.
The Autumn Ballad: Has some fucked up elements that are difficult to stomach, but the parts that are good are really good.
Not Others: Bingeable! But imo they could have cut out the stalker/murder cases and just focused on the excellent family drama.
The Matchmakers: This surprisingly swooped in towards the end of the year as my favorite comedy of 2023, all thanks to a rec by @haraxvati. I adore Cho Yi-hyun in this role!!! She is so hot as a shrewd matchmaker with a fake mole and a twinkle in her eye. Love the virgin prince with his yearning-induced panic attacks (Rowoon didn't work for me in The King's Affection in a quite similar role, but he's so much weirder and lamer here, which is something I like in a man). I am obsessed with the side plot of the crossdressing romance novelist and the solemn police officer who is trying to capture her and ends up giving her free home renovations and smouldering looks instead. Also, Park Ji-Young and Lee Hae-Young are two of my favorite villain actors on their own, and here they are married!! Still have a few episodes to go, but I intend to binge them as soon as I post this.
Dramas I dropped or paused:
Our Blossoming Youth: I shipped the heroine and her cute maidservant a little too much to bear the dull prince they stuck her with. But I might rewatch it some day bc I want to write a Sherlock Holmes fic for the girls.
Little Women: A real disappointment, because I love Louisa May Alcott and I love Jeong Seo-kyeong. Once again, letting the women kiss might have solved much of it.
Island: Casting Kim Nam-gil as an expressionless cool-guy action hero offends me personally. (Yes Song of the Bandits I'm giving you the stinky eye also.) But Lee Da-hee and Cha Eun-woo were delightful!
See you in my 19th life: I couldn't, even for my most darling Shin Hye-sun, go beyond episode 1. There's something about a kid dating another kid even though she's a literal adult inside her brain that I can't really vibe with.
My Dearest: I do intend to finish this, but I lost the thread after the first half. It got a little too dark for me I think.
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miru667 · 6 months
How do you manage to stay in a fandom for so long? I'm always mario jumping from fandom to fandom every 3-6 months
Oh, so many reasons. I think I've answered this before but in a much more concise way so idk what happened here when I tried to answer again from scratch but uhhh I wrote a lot lol?? Long ramble time. 😂
I found this fandom at a point in my life when I really emotionally needed it, so I got really attached to it. I stayed because of the friends I've made in it and because of the OCs I got invested in, both mine and other people's, and every so often something invigorated my interest like a new roleplay I got to join or new concept art that got discovered.
I'm also just a really dedicated person (for better or worse) and I still have ideas that I want to get out there creatively. I don't get a lot of free time, and I rarely have energy for hobbies after work so my time passes slowly in the sense that I may still be in the middle of appreciating a thing, meanwhile everyone else has already sped through and processed it and moved on.
So I've gotta be really careful about choosing what to spend my limited time and energy on. It sometimes takes me a whole month to draw a piece of art that I'm proud of. It would be a huge waste of my time to spend so much energy on a fandom that after 3 months I think I might not care about anymore.
And like, if it's going to take me a month to draw 1 thing, what am I going to choose? Fanart of a character from a show that I just finished that I might possibly move on from in 3 months? Or art of my darling Audrey OC that I've been developing for years and whom I know will always bring me joy for the rest of my life? It's not a hard choice! Like I'm sure it's obvious by now but I really love my oc. It's gotten to the point that I look for her in every media I consume. I like characters because they remind me of her, and I like plots because they remind me of her. When I watch a movie and end up loving it, I'm not going to be drawing fanart for that movie, I'm more likely going to be drawing Audrey Grace in some way that's consciously or subconsciously inspired by that movie. I'm sure other people with beloved ocs can relate to that, too.
Back to media consumption: I'm constantly watching new things, shows, movies, letsplays, and I'm able to love them just fine, but I never participate in their fandoms (unless you count reblogging fanart as participation. I personally don't). I just don't feel motivated to and I feel like it's unnecessary. I shouldn't need to prove anything. You can appreciate media without engaging in fandom. In fact, I encourage it, because a lot of what I see in fandoms these days is just stressful, at least to me. And I don't want that stress. I'm much happier as a person when I don't have to read other people's opinions, discourse and drama over some show's themes or ships or whatever. I can just quietly revel in my own enjoyment of the show without being tainted by anything else, and my love for it is not any less valid than the person who's livetweeting their loud emotions while watching the same show and putting out fanart 1 hour after every episode. Bless them, though.
And I guess that's mostly what I do these days with the Onceler fandom, too. Appreciating it more quietly these days, I mean. It's just that...I have a fandom related oc so I draw her. And I have friends here so we do stuff together and we reference fandom inside jokes no matter what activity we're doing. If I encounter art that deeply moves me personally, I reblog it, just like I reblog art for other media on my sideblog. When anyone has a fandom history related question, I'm eager to answer because I don't want the past to be misrepresented or misunderstood. And also, since it's been over a decade, this fandom has long ago become my daily normal. I can do whatever I like but I can't really "leave" this fandom unless I delete all my social media and cut off all my online friends. And delete my memories of the past 12 years of my life as well. Just become a completely different person.
So I guess I can reverse the sentiment: I can't relate to people who hop fandoms every 3 to 6 months. 😭 All the power to you, but that's just not the way I happen to live my life, nor the way I engage with the media I consume! The Once-ler fandom was the one exception. It was special.
But who knows, anything can happen in the future. I'm not so proud that I'm purposely blocking myself from looking at other fandoms or anything. I just go with the flow! Right now I'm slowly making my way through jjba, an omori playthrough, a Plague Tale playthrough, and urusei yatsura season 2 (the new anime). Probably nothing will come out of any it except for a bunch of Audrey inspos, but again, who knows. XD I'm also going to an idkhow concert soon, and I've bought merch from their store already. Does that count as participating in a fandom? Maybe not. But now that I think of it, even if I "join" another fandom, it doesn't necessarily mean I'd leave the onceler fandom either, so maybe it wouldn't matter haha.
Thank you for the ask and thank you to anyone who's read my entire answer!
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hello-eeveev · 7 months
I prefer livetweeting on twitter to doing it on here, but I wanted to share the excitement here too.
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Tweets from Eve, all tagged with #CriticalRoleSpoilers
lol imogen forgot her whole sending spell
“Where’s Caleb?” He’s hanging out with his bf after a retraumatizing battle
Ask him how Essek's doing just for me
Can Caleb ask Essek to help with sending???
Caleb was really cute for getting stuck on the fact that Sending spells haven't been working and spending like half his words being confused about that 💕💕💕
"A little girl" ma'am that is a 30 year old woman who co-owns a fleet of ships
I have too much energy now I'm quivering like a hyper chihuahua
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wghsfew · 23 days
The synopsis of current livetweets pt1
HiMERU and Kohaku find out, that the PBB stuff that stands for Pastel Bee Brothers is actually a Doujinshi name, that was drawn by the most popular himekoha shipper. Somehow more and more people started shipping Himekoha and the number of doujinshis started increasing. Kohaku didn’t know a thing about it because he was more focused on school. He asked HiMERU if there were any explicit work, and HiMERU said that yes, unfortunately.
Then comes Rinne, shouting himekoha is the sweetest couple and stuff. Though after that he thanked himekoha cause because of them kurebi was like viral viral and his phone was blowing up from notifications. HiMERU was like isn’t it you getting cancelled? And rinne - nah, I’m already suspended
Nevertheless rinne was like yeah it’s good that we’re popular (not because of matrix, it’s not aired yet. The answer to Niki’s question) but it’s pretty concerning that this kind of shit happens rn. HiMERU tries to swipe it off cause it’s not for real it’s just internet but rinne reminds him that it’s still like the real life???
Kohaku feels happy cause he likes being appreciated but he’s also kind of nervous cause there’s so much pressure being an idol. Meanwhile rinne bought one of the doujinshis where there are two HiMERUs and they both are like having some kind of threesome with Kohaku.. HiMERUs like Kohaku how old are you? And the bingus’s like 16🥺🥺
Rinne is getting worried because it’s really a huge amount of job offers, but their reason is not quite pleasant, and he had even thought of declining them all and increasing the cost, yet it’s still a good opportunity (he explains all this to Niki in cooking language..) and then Rinne’s like okay, MERUMERU you choose. HiMERUs thinking about maybe making himself (??) sub-leader and just ponders about the opportunity
That’s all for now, it’s the synopsis of a synopsis so I have that I got everything right. The original is @seavenwaves on twitter
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Janeway really said “I’m gonna hunt him down no matter what the cost. No matter how long it takes. If you wanna call that a vendetta-” like ma’am you KNOW that’s a vendetta there’s no IF
#watching equinox and I love when Janeway gets to have a BIIIIIIG gun too big for#Also...can we take a moment and talk about the Equinox's first officers voice??? My GOD....why is his VOICE handsome??#also those shots of them going around the ruined Equinox ship in part one were SO cool...the ravaged ship and the bodies lying all over !!#their idiot evil emh still trying to look after his morally bankrupt crew...-pats his bald head-#Humans WOULD take good luck spirits from an alien culture and slaughter them to make their ship go faster that's just such a human move :/#specifically a...........no I shan't say it#livetweeting#I lovelovelove villains who are sympathetic while also being absolutely in the wrong#Like I feel so fucking bad for this crew of people running on fumes terrified out of their minds in this impossible situation they didn't#ask for or seek out (they were even worse off than Voyager being just a short term science vessel and losing half their crew IMMEDIATELY)#with their only entertainment being looking at interactive pictures of alien landscapes (with no people in them) but also they're killing#sentient lifeforms - aliens - people. & they're doing it with some remorse but not enough remorse to actually ever stop#Their black science officer dude ALSO has a handsome voice!!!! Just have those two at the helm when talking to aliens and I bet your luck#would turn around Ransome#EHEHHEHEHE Guy: That'd be murder#Janeway: You could call it poetic justice <- notably still murder#YEESSSS JANEWAY'S DOING ACTION villain LINES AGAIN!!!!#'We all make our own hell mr Lessing....I hope you enjoy yours.'#This episode is LITERALLY mirrorverse Janeway and it's just canon Janeway#Women DO contain multitudes! (the capacity to condone and commit heinous acts of torture when it satisfies a personal vendetta)#Janeway's literally SO pissed that Chakotay wouldn't let her torture a guy hehe my GOD...#she's SEETHING#SHE LITERALLY RELEIVED HIM OF DUTY BC HE HAD MORALS#Kathryn really walked off like it was a serve 'I was about to ask you the same question...' GIRL YOU ALMOST TORTURE-KILLED A GUY#HEHEH HE /SAVED/ HIM#Janeway said 'you not rocking with me??? I'm going to kill one hostage upon the hour.'#Also for some reason Seven & The Doctor singing Clementine is making me want to cry
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nochi-quinn · 10 months
candela obscura chapter 3 episode 1: oh god everybody's fucked up
I'm here, I fell asleep and missed the start but I'm here
lmao the immediate note-taking
ur really committing to that voice huh liam
marisha made an older character and liam said hold my dentures
heyyyy someone else makes the joke I picked up from a stargate episode 20 years ago
liam what was that look
absolutely love ashly's wig
sam looking like he got hit with a cattle prod
what's a sam reigel
why are we getting oscar's CV
"are they hot"
listen I saw the trailer he 100% uses that chain to beat people with
"no one calls you carey, oscar"
oh no he's hot
oh he's kotallo, that's why
the flat cap does look good on sam, I can't lie
y'all that's gay
I like cordelia's little halo
eloise best character
(maybe that's the look liam was giving ashly, eloise vs elsie)
elsie's a werewolf calling it
yesss the old people guilt trip
oscar: I'm gonna punch a ghost
"you're wearing a ball gown. it's the morning."
the maw??
haha it took me until literally this moment to remember ashly is aloy, my ship is reunited
"I'm using my bullshit detector" did you get that cleared with the gm
I like the term "blood and guts doctor"
I've been watching S1G play Slay the Princess and the more they describe her the more she sounds like a Princess variant
oh no lights
liam you did that on purpose
oh Aadtika (?) is a very pretty name
"lung, heart" liver, nerves
"you have an extra house?" "you don't?"
"you slick son of a bitch"
he IS a slick son of a bitch
oh sam's being THAT character
prepared to spend three episodes threatening to punch oscar in the head and throw him in the pool
("nochi nobody read your free! livetweets" well maybe they should have)
sam doesn't watch the product
liam always wants to roleplay fish and chips
[picks elsie and raj up and shakes them until backstory falls out]
"I'll be as subtle as I can be" smash cut to him beating someone to death with a chain
the docks seems like a terrible place to play baseball
did they do a dndbeyond for candela?
they did!
sam forgot he was short
"high stakes not for harm" but bc it's funny
rajan: oh I am NOT involved, you made that VERY clear
"don't waste that on me" "I agree"
I'm being gaslit bc I've always pronounced "copse" like "cope" with an "s" in it
shades of the old man at my previous psych office yelling about obama's secret weather machine
"I help by SCREAMING"
grandpa's making a wheel for it
[mabel pines voice] grappling hook!
the way sam rolls dice STILL kills me
oh good, everyone else also thinks they should fuck
"why can't we just be friends? oh right, because I don't like you."
what the fuck's a flashlight
"yeah! temperature play! :D" aabria
"do you go down my little hole" "of course!" aren't y'all divorced
oh no an ot3
don't say degloved that means something else
oh I dig that
oh no aabria's doing the voice
everything goes black, and you die
how could crcw not have prepared me for this
immortal asshole oscar grimm
oh he's an asshole because he gave up the non-asshole bits to bargain with death
hey sam what the fuck
oh hey ashly. ow.
thump thumps? why?
imagine if oscar coming back just freaked elsie right back into beast mode
there's another hour left of this wtf happens
yessssss "I'd take a bullet for him but I wouldn't go drinking with him" my beloved
local woman realizing that everyone around her is an absolute freak
liam's startled old man noise
"ohhh I'm not good at that"
wait I don't understand what he just did
oh he did a drug
little bird ;-;
his WHAT
it glows blue when there are nuns nearby
where's that one digital devil saga monster
I desperately need an artist's rendition of this orca-mantis-thing
excuse me
I keep missing the spelling of his sister's name
"oh god everybody's fucked up"
A WHAT built in his WHAT
augh eye stuff no quiero
is noshir lefthanded?
I kind of half-called that
"that felt like twenty. that was a season."
"do you know you're covered in bees?"
I like my women like I like my coffee
"because yours is super chill"
liam you can uncommit to the voice
(he will not)
"drop the skincare routine"
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hostilemuppet · 2 months
It seems like you’ve been posting less about Trollstopia than you did about TBGO so I’m glad you’ve found something to enjoy about it (bizarrely complex shipping chart)
oh ive been posting a lot about trollstopia but mostly on twitter! and originally my trollstopia livetweeting was only on priv (while posting the occasional funny clip to main) but recently ive started posting on main just because. but ive been enjoying trollstopia a LOT! the first season was kinda meh, mostly bc they made val such a deeply unpleasant character while acting like she was totally fine AND having her in so many of the episodes, but it picked up really quick after s2!
SOME people (alex) lead me to believe trollstopia was gonna be bad 🙄 but its really good! yeah sometimes the plotlines are kinda meh (which i know is bc i am NOT the target audience! i am a full grown adult watching a kids cartoon. i am self aware) and sometimes the morals fall flat ("you can only respect a foreign culture if it is identical to your own" was a highlight) but most of the CHARACTERS are amazing and theres so many great little bits between them. if you sit back and enjoy trollstopia as a character focused comedy show instead of "dreamworks movie cartoon spinoff for parents to sit their kids down in front of and ignore them" its a FANTASTIC time
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dualcastimpact · 3 months
dawntrail impressions pt. i
Back when I first started playing FFXIV, I kept up a livetweet thread of my impressions of the game all the way from A Realm Reborn to Shadowbringers, and it remains one of my favourite things online. I didn't continue the thread with Endwalker since Twitter no longer supports updating a thread with multiple tweets (and that's a serious pain in the ass, thanks Elon), so for Dawntrail I thought I'd try doing it on tumblr instead.
So here it is: my journey through Dawntrail!
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Spoilers under the cut, obviously.
Fun fact: everything here so far is non-canon to Raginmar. He's already in Tuliyollal by this point, having sailed there with his father's husband's crew, so this is more me reacting to the story in general.
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Ojika Tsunjika: "It seems he's managed to secure passage to Tural aboard a guildship vessel."
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Erenville: "It took some persuasion, but the gleaners' guildship has granted us places aboard a vessel bound for Tural."
I've already mentioned this in another post, but this tidbit got me excited because it allowed me to explain how Raginmar got to Tural before Wuk Lamat and co. did — getting themselves on that ship probably took some time and no small amount of bureaucracy and scheduling, so it's perfectly feasible that Raginmar could have gone back home to the South Sea Isles and then sailed to Tuliyollal before they did.
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Krile: "That's fine, Erenville. I doubt anyone expected we'd have a ship all to ourselves."
I'm being a little nitpicky here but why even feel the need to mention that in the first place? Any traveller wouldn't expect that, so why did Erenville have to apologetically mention that they'd have to be travelling with other people as if that isn't how everyone travels? I'm not dissing the writing, mind — more that I think it speaks volumes about Sharlayan society in general, probably, that they maybe subconsciously expect to travel privately because they're the elite or what have you.
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Wuk Lamat: "I'm sure there'll be a chance to speak with Papa. You can get your answers right from the source!"
This is an interesting localisation choice because in Japanese, she doesn't say パパ. She says おやじ, which you can probably roughly localise into "old man" and showcases a very different charm than "papa". Wuk Lamat is a very genki character, she's pretty much the closest thing this game's got to a shōnen manga protagonist, so I feel her saying "papa" feels a bit off for her character. Maybe it's more in line with the Latin American-inspired setting and localisation?
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Erenville: "The golden city is a children's bedtime story. I am part of this expedition only because the Third Promise has commanded that I serve as guide."
You tsundere, you. But also who the Third Promise is became clearer as you go through the game, but I have to admit it threw me for a loop because I don't remember Wuk Lamat ever being mentioned with that title in 6.55?
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This is non-canon, as previously mentioned, but the incongruity of Raginmar standing there in his summer vacation clothes while everyone else is in their travelling and/or battle garbs with weapons had me laughing for a good while.
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Alisaie: "Well, for once the fate of the world doesn't rest on our shoulders. We might even get a chance to enjoy ourselves!"
Don't jinx it, Alisaie.
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Erenville: "Though Tural may seem but a short sail away on a map, the vast seas between brim with peril. The treacherous waters of Shades' Triangle alone have claimed countless vessels."
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Wuk Lamat: "Perhaps, but my voyage here was uneventful enough. Disappointingly so!"
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Hello, person garbed in custom clothing who's suspiciously focused on in this frame. I'm sure you'll be important to the plot sooner or later.
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Alisaie: "I can feel my edge start to dull on these long sea voyages. How about some light sparring later?"
Good thing this isn't canon — and even if it was, Raginmar wouldn't have indulged her because Raginmar? He doesn't know how to spar. He takes combat too seriously to hold back, so if he ever fights in a duel you know it's going to be at least until someone has to yield from heavy injuries, if not to the death.
Also I like how they repeatedly mention this is a long voyage, which again supports my headcanon from before! It's such a mundane thing but I really like it.
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Retired Mercenary: "...Gah, I've had enough of playing the simpleton. There was a time when we took great pains to maintain the deception, but with more of you Eorzeans coming to Tural, it's become impractical."
Wait, what do you mean deception? What even did you need to pretend to be simpletons for?? I'm halfway through the main story quest by the time of writing this and I still don't know why they thought they needed to pretend to be simpletons while they're in Eorzea.
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Retired Mercenary: "I look forward to a long soak in the hot springs of Urqopacha. And no complaints when I dance the bathing dance."
WAIT, are you the Mamool Ja from that one fate in Upper La Noscea?? Outside the Warmwine Sanitorium????
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Swarthy Sailor: "Wait, I recognize you—you're the champion of Eorzea! If the Third Promise has you on her side, then that shifts the odds a fair bit! I might have to change my bet..."
Man's a literal gamechanger at this point, that's incredible.
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Self-assured Trader: "I'm a merchant myself, based in Ul'dah. Specially imports and exports, Eorzean and Turali both."
More confirmation that it is indeed possible for merchants and traders to sail to and from Tural! Raginmar's father's husband is the captain of a trading vessel primarily sailing between the South Sea Isles, but they do occasionally make the voyage to other continents.
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Erenville's narration: "What an extraordinary life he must lead to be able to operate such a device with practiced ease."
There was a storm and all manner of shenanigans including the Warrior of Light rushing to operate the elemental shielding devices on the ship to protect them from lightning strikes, and this comment just absolutely had me in stitches because yeah! Yeah, you sure do get used to it when you have to keep battling the likes of Leviathan and Bismarck! It sure is an extraordinary life, yes sirree!
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Erenville's narration: "In retrospect, of course, that battle against the storm would prove a fitting prelude to the coming contest for the throne."
Ooooh, how predictably ominous.
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Wuk Lamat: "You'll find much here you never knew existed! There may be a sea route now, but visitors to Tuliyollal are still few and far between."
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Wuk Lamat: "And as we don't build seafaring ships, only a handful of Turali ever venture abroad."
This was interesting to me because it highlights how isolated Tural is from the rest of the world, but when you really think about it — so was the Far East from Eorzea. Most Eorzeans had never seen an Au Ri person until Yugiri, and even Ilsabardians would rarely be found in Eorzea despite the continent being relatively nearby and I think connected by land? Travelling extensively between continents like the Warrior of Light is capable of just wasn't done.
More importantly, this reinforced my headcanon that Wuk Lamat has never met an Arkasodara so as open-minded as she'd be about it, she'd still be pretty surprised when she meets them in Thavnair.
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Erenville: "Mamool Ja sellswords, mostly. Those willing to play the fool sail with Lominsan merchants to secure employment in Eorzea."
Why do they have to be willing to play the fool in the first place? This isn't explained anywhere! I think it might be explained in a sidequest somewhere but I haven't gotten round to them yet — I really hope there's an explanation for this somewhere because it's driving me nuts.
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Mamool Ja Landsguard: "We will not abide interference from foreign agents seeking to foment trouble. What brings you to Tuliyollal?"
This made me laugh because we're not exactly seeking to forment trouble, but we sure are foreign agents, yeah!
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Mamool Ja Landsguard: "The Third Promise! If you vouch for them, then all is well, of course!"
Sure is nice to have someone influential on our side for once, instead of having to prove ourselves at every turn!
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Wuk Lamat: "N-No, not at all! Couldn't be better! The Third Promise does not get sick, no sir!"
That's a suspiciously specific denial there, Wuk Lamat.
And that's it for this round of impressions! Next up: Tuliyollal and meeting the Dawnservant.
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gwacha · 11 months
sakuatsu nation hear me out: foxglove as an alternate ship name
like the flower. fox = atsumu. glove = omi. I'm practically livetweeting because i randomly thought of it while chatting in my skts server i feel like it's really cute. im just posting this as a warning because i WILL be obnoxiously tagging my fics and art with it thank you
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fuck it I’m crossposting, here’s my livetweets for palisade 24. I put it on cohost too but I need to Post Everywhere you see
Also if anyone has suggestions on how I should live post spoilers when I have a disease and plan on posting on 3 different sites until further notice please let me know. The answer is to simply stop posting
I didn’t realize theres a whole sun mission moon mission situation going on here…. Also I feel actively unwell listening to this the content warning just obliterated normal functions. I too am feverish
ham slurpers
Mustard red does npc tiktok im losing m y mind
Everyone taking a big breath with this good roll including me
chimeric cadent… what does that mean…
man fuck off clem theres enough going on
ancient enemy of the iconoclasts… we have been three different people…….. i swesr to god if this is the waking cadent and signet and some third thing i will scream.
Its bug like in some forms. I swesr to god if my signet is still alive theory was right but like this …………………. Bro austin is pranking me right now im being personally trolled
“A third life in this place where life is sacred…” kamala cadence was the one who was hesitant about divines dying… reading the wiki real quick thats the reason why her and independence fell out huh
Actively jokerfying about this
I keep looking at the time hoping they wont have enough time to get to sun party gjshdh
IWAS RIGHT ITS BELGARD CADENT SIGNET. AUSTIN. IM RUNNING AROUND DOING LUNGES I need to catch my breath. I was going to not do capslock for any of my rot13 threads but i do not know how to how could I not
Barricade… Volicity…. Bounty…. Loyalty……….. just listing the ones I recognize
Nooooo back to sun crew
Its really going to explode in the next 20 minutes huh its just going to end when something so compelling happened on the moon party and its going to explodeand everyone dies huh
Im a little calmer at this moment and just being pre-dissapointed and I guess its poignant maybe if it all blows up but like cmon .
This didnt bother me as much but this is probably what people felt about all the divines and ships described in tm ep 00 just being there to die right at the start except its been like 40 episodes of build up
fifteen minutes left
the sun side has felt like theyve been diffusing a bomb since the beginning of this arc and the timer is counting down Fast
Nine minutes left
four minutes
failed roll is here
Okay. Music is on. Things have messed up but no explosion yet. So analyzing the ep, I don’t think they would put on a content warning just to keep spoilers vague (I mean I was assuming this whole time just in case but it does feel irresponsible)
the mass death/genocide warning was probably regarding chimera’s lantern and what happened when the principality decided to “eradicate” the last of advent OR its regarding asepsis’s actions against the equiaxed in partizan. Either way things are bad for sun side…theyve been ending the episodes like this every time so far lmao. But it has not exploded Yet. Imagine if the next ep is like 30 minutes long lmao
I feel like im breathing for the first time in two point five hours
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Epilogue 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Eichi, Tsumugi, Hiyori, Nagisa
Translator: Mika Enstars
"…Amazing. You were able to make both Hiyori-kun and Tsumugi-kun both uncomfortable with a single line."
Season: Winter
Location: OO Stage (fine-O)
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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Eichi: Rather, it was only able to be achieved because it is here and now.
Nobody wants to see a war where people hurt and hate one another. No, we had to wait for this opportunity to make it a viable product.
I’m sure you prefer showing off your cute smiling face rather than your sickened, wounded, blackened internal organs, Hiyori-kun.
Hiyori: Unlike you, I don’t scheme.
Nagisa: …But, yeah. That’s the right thing to do as an idol.
…That would be the “correct answer”, Eichi-kun.
Eichi: Thank you. You are always the one who understands me the best, Nagisa-kun.
Nagisa: …Amazing. You were able to make both Hiyori-kun and Tsumugi-kun both uncomfortable with a single line.
Tsumugi: Ah, well I’m not someone who’d be able to understand Eichi-kun, anyways.
Both back then and now, I don’t understand how you view things, Eichi-kun.
Eichi: … …
Tsumugi: Though, you have properly faced and reproduced Natsume-kun’s face, which I’ve never seen. I still think that’s pretty great, or well, meaningful!
I’m impressed.
Eichi: I’ve plagiarized a script he put his very soul in, that he never even asked for. There’s nothing for me to be praised over.
I simply fed the fickle migratory bird that had followed me.
By recreating a script he had crushed with his very hands, I was able to alleviate his guilt slightly.
Tsumugi: You’ve learned how to feed them properly, haven’t you~, Eichi-kun.
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Eichi: Not like you would have minded even if I hadn’t done anything for you, though. For a while—No, even now, I misunderstood that about you.
To be rewarded for your work, is like how you require food to live.
At that time, I didn’t know that. I never realized it.
That is my sin, my mistake.
After reflecting with this in mind, I have a reward prepared this time.
I’ll give you all a chance to help alleviate some of that sorrow and guilt you still carry around with you.
A chance to confront the Five Eccentrics, the people we had trampled, head-on—
No matter what the outcome may be, I hope it'll be a weight off your shoulders.
That is what I hope for.
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Hiyori: Hmm. Well, that’s very kind of you, Eichi-kun.
Eichi: Even I will draw up a kind story if I’m asked, you know.
It is a genre I am unfamiliar with however, and it is not one I like, so pardon the awkwardness.
It’s not my line of work to begin with. I’d rather Keito be referred for these things.
Tsumugi: I’m sure this is something Keito-kun would have wanted, too. He would have preferred to keep the records of the war hidden in the secret underground library, so they’d never be forgotten.
I’d like to see the current you face everything properly too, Eichi-kun, without pretending it never happened, even if it hurts—
You’ll even get credit for doing so, probably.
Eichi: But it seems that the script will all be thwarted in the end.
To be honest, I struggled quite a bit this time. It’s a bad habit of mine, but it’s possible I went a little overbroad.
While fulfilling my own objectives, I also had to fulfill the desires of ES and the former members of fine. To achieve this, I had to steer the ship in a sensitive and headache-inducing manner.
Tsumugi: You fell off-track after having seen so many things, huh, Eichi-kun?
Eichi: Perhaps so. It's hard work for those at the top.
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Eichi: Anyways, to begin with, I created a fictitious unit called “Altered”.
Rumored to be a unit consisting of the Five Eccentrics on the internet, it suddenly appeared as the “strongest unit”.
It’s true identity being the nameless idols from the former fine. Using power in numbers, they combined their votes and created the false image of “Altered”.
Of course, someone like Sakasaki-kun wouldn’t be able to overlook such an existence.
In the pipe dream he once drew, the name of the unit formed by the Five Eccentrics, the protagonists, was named Altered.
These idealized heroes of his were hijacked by fine, the people who trampled on them, of all people. This must have been very upsetting.
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Hiyori: As usual, you have a knack for irritating other people.
Tsumugi: Eh~? But I don’t think I’ve ever been irritated at Eichi-kun?
Eichi: Isn’t that just because your sensitivity is dead? That’s what makes you my worst enemy in a way, Tsumugi.
Perhaps I should be grateful you’ve never once been my enemy, from the past up until now, huh?
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Tsumugi: I’m happy to be your friend too, Eichi! ♪
Eichi: Nobody said we were friends, just that we’ve never been in opposition.
Please don’t get overly familiar with me. You and I will never go out to karaoke together in our lifetimes.
Tsumugi: Karaoke? Where did that come from?
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Eichi: …Anyways, Sakasaki-kun, irritated with this existence of Altered, has decided to handle the situation in his own way.
And so, he thought to replace the deceptive Altered with the truth.
I had guided him that way by eradicating other ways he could deal with the situation. He thought he’d figured out the correct answer on his own, but in the end, he was made to dance in the palm of my hand.
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Tsumugi: Hm~… Knowing Natsume-kun, he probably just rode along with your plan while already having guessed what your intentions were.
He’s not as stupid as you think, you know.
Eichi: Yeah. How nostalgic. You used to get angry like that whenever someone made a fool out of me in the past, too.
I’m a little jealous, Tsumugi.
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