#living for the holiday next week which I'll probably spend overwhelmed in bed and then feel worse after
i-can-even-burn-salad ยท 1 year
Allosexual romance. From what I gather, you don't read it, but is there anything that might tempt you to?
From this ask game!
Wait wait wait wait what makes you think I don't read it? Then I wouldn't read anything ๐Ÿ˜‚
(I currently barely read anything, but that has time reasons ๐Ÿ˜ญ don't try to juggle 3 projects and a mmo, guys. I need a new number on the exhaustion scale.)
I spent years reading the genre of bodyguard/ex-soldier/whatever romance, because there's a good bit of violence and a guaranteed happy end. I also spent years digging around for queer love stories, which honestly ends up being m/m 90% of the time, which usually means there's 2 more penises than I care to read about.
Most of the books in my book recs tag are definitely very allo.
Do I think that drawn out blowjob could have been replaced by a nice whipping? Hell yeah. But oh well. What can you do. With the exception of fewer books than I need my fingers for to count, there just isn't anything out there once you leave middle grade behind.
Sure, there's completely romance-less fantasy epic, but I don't have the energy for that anymore, either. Sex scenes are easier to skip than politics.
But finding so many ace chars (and authors ๐Ÿ˜…) here has been the best thing that's ever happened to me, and they definitely get a headstart on the scale for falling in love with them.
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