#need to edit another work which is glaring at me (sans eyes)
Allosexual romance. From what I gather, you don't read it, but is there anything that might tempt you to?
From this ask game!
Wait wait wait wait what makes you think I don't read it? Then I wouldn't read anything 😂
(I currently barely read anything, but that has time reasons 😭 don't try to juggle 3 projects and a mmo, guys. I need a new number on the exhaustion scale.)
I spent years reading the genre of bodyguard/ex-soldier/whatever romance, because there's a good bit of violence and a guaranteed happy end. I also spent years digging around for queer love stories, which honestly ends up being m/m 90% of the time, which usually means there's 2 more penises than I care to read about.
Most of the books in my book recs tag are definitely very allo.
Do I think that drawn out blowjob could have been replaced by a nice whipping? Hell yeah. But oh well. What can you do. With the exception of fewer books than I need my fingers for to count, there just isn't anything out there once you leave middle grade behind.
Sure, there's completely romance-less fantasy epic, but I don't have the energy for that anymore, either. Sex scenes are easier to skip than politics.
But finding so many ace chars (and authors 😅) here has been the best thing that's ever happened to me, and they definitely get a headstart on the scale for falling in love with them.
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ancha-aus · 1 month
RealAgeAU Drabble - Customers
I am back! And we are still with Ccino :D @spotaus drabble required tag <3
First drabble Prev drabble Next drabble
No edit or beta as always. we are here for a fun time!
Ccino snaps out of his staring as someone else stands before him impatiently. Ccino pulls up his best customer service smile and gets to work.
The line is long but it is for the better.
Keeps his mind off the damning newspaper that got delivered to him.
He makes his way throught the line easily enough though. Even if it is busier than usual. And with cross universe customers too. Which sucks for different reasons.
an Alphys and undyne walk up to the counter to return their things. Ccino takes it with a nod and a good day wish as he goes to wash them.
The Undyne speaks "hey... so... I know people have been... rude to you about the whole... letting the gang stay and stuff?"
Ccino rolls his eye lights as he cleans the glass "That are just rumours. I just said that we can't speak for reasons who gods that we don't understand."
Undyne huffs but ALphys mutters "Sorry... the news that Dream had been wrong was... shocking and well... people need time to process it adn stuff..."
Ccino puts the things away and crosses his arms "Anything else i can get you?"
Undyne glares "What the hell man? We are trying to apologise."
Ccino sighs "your apology misses the words 'I am sorry.'." and he stares at them.
Undyne glares but ALphys stops her before speaking again "We are sorry... YOu were right... most of us never understood what the gods did and why and assumed a lot... I am sorry... I am also sorry that the only way people were more open to it was... well..." she eyes hte newspaper before shooting him a smile "must be rough... never being able to at least tell him that you didn't judge him."
Ccino's grip tightens on the cup. Don't react.
the two fianlly take the clue to leave and do as much.
Ccino lets out a sigh in relieve and his sight finds the newspaper again. THe headline is clear as day.
Ccino glares at it before turning it over. Maybe he can use it to light the fire place later or something.
There is no way he is dead. Those idiots just gave up searching or looking out for him. Ccino can know. he actually read the whole piece instead of just the headline and figured out that they never found any clues that could prove he had died. They are just assuming he died because they hadn't seen any hints of him living anywhere.
Ccino knows this to not be truth. Mostly because Dream would at least tell him that Ngihtmare had died. they have an understanding after the last time they met.
Ccino huffs and looks at one of the cats "You would think they would learn a thing or two about assuming things." the cat just nuzzles his hand.
"Yeah people tend to keep assuming stuff."
Ccino jumps and turns around quickly. He hadn't heard the doorbell ring.
Before him stands another him. Blue hoody. pink slippers. black shorts. white eye lights. pretty much a blank slate of how most of them start.
Okay no that was rude. That is a bad way to think about it. Ccino met Classic. he is a great and helps sneak him quite a few supplies.
Ccino smiles brightly "Didn't hear you come in! sorry for that. what can i get you?"
the other, Ccino will just think of him as Sans for now, looks at the menu and hums before looking bakc at him "I don't want something off the menu."
Ccino raises a brow and keeps grinning "The adoption process can be started at any moment. mister....?"
Sans grins wider and tilts his skull "the skeleton. obviously."
Ccino can't help but snort "Why is that joke always funny?"
Sans looks rather smug "because it is. and here i was afraid customer service killed your humour."
Ccino sighs "oh trust me. it is tryin and testing me daily." he pets one of the cats that has gotten near "the cats make it worth it though."
Sans nods and leans on his fist "can't help but notice the little notice on your bullet board. the one about dream having messed up? What is the deal with that?"
Ccino frowns but figures out what this guy wants. curious dude it seemed who just wanted to learn stuff. Ccino shrugs "figured it would be good to keep the notice up for others."
Sans raises a brow "That is all?" He sounds... disappointed... maybe.
Ccino can't help but be a bit unnerved. this guy is really hard to read for some reason and he can't quite figure out why.
Ccino shrugs "I mean. It is also nice to see mister perfect mess up for once." ccino doesn't even fully mean it anymore. After Dream and him sat together and spoke?
ccino has more sympathy for him.
But Dream is also the reason Ccino isn't seeing Ngihtmare anymore and that shit still hurts and he is just worried about the other.
He really needs to get somekind of help because he is feeling protective over a god. that can't be healthy.
Sans chuckles and nods "Wiht that i can agree. Still weird that people would just think tiping the balance that badly would end well." he snorts and leans on his fist.
Ccino relaxes a bit and nods "exactly! Like. Sure i don't like being sad more than any other person and it sucks if bad things happen to you. but sometimes stuff jsut doens't go well and sometimes bad things happen! And i would honestly much prefer the ability to get pissed or sad about it over just the whole 'oh well! It could be worse!' attitude the whole time." it just sounds exhausting.
Ccino sighs and rubs his cheek "sorry for that." a glance.
Sans however doesn't seem bothered. those eye lights seem more intent for a moment and ccino feels himself freeze.
like a prey in the sight of a very very dangerous predator.
than the moment breaks and sans grins.
It is weird. he never actually did anything different with his eyes or anything. it was just the air around them. charged with danger. it is hard to explain.
Sans leans back "well it is nice to have some people agree with my unpopular opinion." he shrugs before poking the face down newspaper "what about the big news?"
Ccino huffs "i call bull. there is no way he is gone." he doesn't want to believe it. and unless he sees the dust of him himself or saw a video of him dying and actual solid proof Ccino will keep denying it.
Sans tilts his skull "you sound very secure. met him before?"
ccino almost answers honestly but pulls hismelf back. this is a stranger. and if anyone else knew that nightmare visits this place? No that is too much of a risk. Ccino wants this place to stay fully neutral and give his friend the ability to return here if he needs it.
Ccino shrugs "nope. never met him." ccino had gotten pretty good at lying.
sans just stares at him.
ccino just stares back. don't continue speaking. showing nerves can be a sign he is lying, which he very mcuh is, and he is trying to not get caught.
sans sighs "shame. i bet he would have liked the support."
ccino frowns and stares at sans "why do you say that? he had his whole gang right?"
sans looks a bit smugger and shrugs "still. he worked with those right? Must have sucked to be trying to fix soemthing for the good of the whole multiverse and yet have everyone curse you out and want you gone."
Ccino frowns and rubs his arm "yeah..." he imagined that before. there is a very good reason he was always excited to have nightmare visit. to have him take a seat and just drink and eat as the cats grew brave enough to attack the tendrils.
eventually nightmare would bring a book with him to read. and the few times ccino caught him having fallen asleep in the reading chair with multiple cats all over him.
ccino has no doubt it was terrible for him.
sans nods and ccino shoots out of his thinking. fuck what could the other have seen on his face.
Sans stretches "anyway. i should head home. nice to meet you ccino." he waves and walks towards the door.
Ccino watches the other exit. he pulls up a hood and takes a sideways step through a portal that just opens for him.
Ccino frowns as he suddenly realises he never introduced himself. both himself and his guest. yet his guest did know his name.
Maybe he heard it from others or-
Ccino looks down as his hand suddenly touches somethign. a letter and a bunch of gold coins.
Ccino counts out the coins first and notices it is enough to cover a coffee and little pastry. yet the other never ordered anything?
next he grabs the letter. it is closed with a little seal with a crescent moon on it. He opens the letter and freezes.
Hello. there is someone who would like to talk to you and we think you would also like to talk to him. If you are open to speaking with him. Make sure your shop is closed for the public tomorrow. make sure the curtains are closed. In short? Do what you would normally do if NM visited you. Just make sure to do it over a whole day. If tomorrow this isn't done? We will assume you have no interest and move on. If anyone is there who shouldn't be or if you tell anyone about this? We will move on and assume you have no real interest. See you tomorrow Ccino.
At the end a small crescent moon image again.
Ccino feels his soul and head spin before he rushes to his printer and snatches a paper. he quickly writes down that for personaly reasons the store will be closed for the next day, and he makes sure to mark it with the actual date as well.
He puts it on the window of the door before rushing back to the counter and rereading the letter.
This could be a trap. He should contact the stars.
But honestly? He just wants to hope this is exactly as it says it is. He just really wants to see his friend again.
Hello Journal.
I am still getting used to writing in this but today was a good day and I had some big feelings again. And Dusty did say it helps to write those down.
The feeling didn't happen today but a few days ago. We were outside relaxing in the nice sunlight as we took our times to check the grapes. Oh I was with Ror that day.
Anyway. Suddenly Killer came running over looking very happy. Aparently the multiverse had decided that with how inactive i had become I probably died. So they declared me dead.
I didn't even know Killer went out into the multiverse still. I don't like that, I am afraid he will get in trouble but aparently that isn't something i have to worry about anymore.
When I first heard the news? I was happy. It was such a relieve. People will really leave me alone. For real this time.
The others were happy as well, I could tell! Cross cheered and picked me up to hug me while Horror sighed in pure relieve. Dust had nodded and offered we could celebrate by going to the tavern and enjoying our night there.
Then... I got sad all of the sudden. It confused me. Why would i be sad? Everyone would think i was gone. everyone would really leave me and my dads alone.
So why would I be sad? I wasn't even sure why and my dads didn't either. They thought it was about Dream and well... Dream always brings up complicated emotions but this was different.
Then I finally remembered. I remembered one of the few universes i liked to visit myself. It kinda felt like i got busted? When I told them about Ccino and his cafe. The spot i could just be for a while. Just exist without anythign important. kinda like a self imposed time out.
I hated that i told them. I sounded so ungrateful! Like i still wanted more. So i told them it was fine and i know why we are hiding. It is straight up for me after all. to keep me safe because i am weak and useless and-
No. Cross said not to let those thoughts run free. There. crossed out. much better.
Anyway... yeah.. I felt bad about it but they said they would look into it. Like they do when we plan to visit Dreamtale for the graves.
Well, that is it for now. I am still not sure how to sign these off... so... bye i guess? Until the next part. - NM
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I wanted to write today, but then @revenantghost came along with this and a scene haunted me. Something, something, modern au, where plants and humans were separated, but are now integrating. Vash is a vet tech, Wolfwood is a former cop trainee that went to social work instead and Nai is a high-earning manager of a company called Plant Bee (either something for contraception because the less humans the better or something with bees... I like both ideas). Nai is an arsehole, but at least not evil? Edit: Now with part 2 more sillies
It was a joke gift, really. Vash should have known that Wolfwood would love it and wear it. There are some regrets, but they pale besides Wolfwood’s broad, proud smile when people take a double look. It is a white shirt. The kind of shirt on which you see the bad quality of the fabric just by how it falls. “Eat plantussy. It’s vegan <3,” is written in big, green letters - in Comic Sans, of course. Wolfwood doesn’t wear it for work, fortunately. The teens know Wolfwood supports plant rights and the kids do not need to know that he does more with Vash than holding hands and sharing kisses. Wolfwood knows how to dress adequately being around different kinds of company. Though, somehow, Wolfwood always wears it when they encounter Nai. 
At first, it was an accident, when they were lounging in the shared flat, then it became cruel with intent. The first time, Nai stared at the letters in obvious disbelief. His mouth hung open. His eyes even bulged a little. The utter shock was too immense. And Wolfwood beamed like Vash’s little joke gift was a gift that would keep on giving… And it has kept on giving. Wolfwood and Nai get along like cats and dogs. Nai being full of very polite and distant, but backhanded compliments and comments and Wolfwood countering by showing his roots. The shirt was just another layer added to Wolfwood showing his nasty side. Nai’s office party? Wolfwood has worn it. Celebration dinner with Wolfwood as his plus one? Wolfwood has worn it, under his suit jacket. Nai knew and was foaming, politely. And today, at Vash’s award? Wolfwood has repeated it.
Nai has even tried to appease the demon Vash has awoken in Wolfwood. He has gifted him high quality, silken shirts, a fitting suit jacket, he even used real compliments when he made Wolfwood try the clothes on. But to Nai’s dismay Wolfwood loves his worn-out clothes. Being a somewhat unkempt, gritty former streetrat makes the kid's trust come more readily and Wolfwood fosters that trust to the best of his ability. He'll never know if and which positive interaction reaches them, that's why any interaction counts.
“You will not take a step into my flat with that on,” Nai’s tone is low, growling. His patience has finally snapped in this very staircase. Vash sighs, trying to shimmy between them. ‘It’s our flat. I live there, too,’ Vash wants to say, but Wolfwood wraps his arm around his waist and moves him aside. God have mercy, please. 
Wolfwood tilts his head in his best delinquent manner, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Huh? What did ya say?”
“This,” Nai pokes his finger against Wolfwood’s chest on the white shirt. “This is nasty.”
Vash wails internally. Wolfwood grins like he has just received the biggest compliment. “Well, yer brother loves it.” In one fell swoop his suit jacket is in Vash’s arms and his shirt is off and offered to Nai.
Nai recoils as if he has just touched something slimy in the dirty dish water. “I mean what is written there! It is objectifying! And purely factually wrong!”
Nai just shoots a glare at Wolfwood, who trots behind him into the flat. “Because!”
“Aw, widdle Nini can’t give a reason why he’s pouty.”
“I can and I will elaborate!”
“Cool,” Wolfwood goes to their alcohol cabinet and pours them a glass of whiskey. Nai takes even more offence to Wolfwood drinking his whiskey warm than Wolfwood being topless in their living room. He pointedly goes to the fridge and gets the cooled metal cubes to put in his drink, Vash’s drink and then, while staring Wolfwood down, in Wolfwood’s drink. Wolfwood stares back and empties his glass in one swoop. Nai has to take a deep breath to not scream at Wolfwood for drinking whiskey wrong.
“This shirt mocks women, dehumanises… no, demammals plants and slams down on veganism as a cruelty free form of living. How can you live with yourself?”
“Pretty swell, actually. That said, I heard more than once that a man willing to eat pussy is at least not totally lost in the machismo sauce, because the act focuses on the woman and not on the male pleasure. Feminism is not my expertise, but that is a point to think about. The one who got me that shirt is a plant. He chose the lettering and the writing. He knows a joke and he knows I respect him and both of yer rights and will defend them. Ya know that one, too, buddy.” He pauses and fills his glass again. “I hope.”
 Nai clicks his tongue. “It still mocks vegans.”
Wolfwood deadpans: “Listen, we both know this is not about veganism, plant rights or women’s rights. This is about me eating yer brother out. Daily. Ya have no power here, man. Sucks to be ya, but I will rail yer brother until he sees stars as long as he’ll have me. That can be a week, that can be a year, that can be the rest of my human life,” Wolfwood takes the last swig of his whiskey. Vash lets Wolfwood talk, but the ‘rest of his human life’ has made a big knot appear in his stomach. Wolfwood keeps on talking, but Nai seems to have noticed it with the worried glance that got thrown immediately at Vash. Vash smiles back and waves it off. Completely unaware of the brother’s little, nonverbal talk, Wolfwood points a finger at Nai. “And ya have to deal with it. Yer brother likes sex. And! He somehow got a liking to me. That means, he’ll get it, all of it, any minute I can provide. Ya don’t like sex. And ya despise my existence. But that is on ya and not him. Ya can either accept that one of ya has good taste and the other one tames street rats in his free time, or ya don’t. But ya won’t make me disappear. So how about ya start being a good brother and let yer brother enjoy exploring his sexuality.” Wolfwood thinks for a second and continues: “Because he will do that with or without me and even ya have to agree that I am a somewhat safe partner. Or do ya have someone better in mind? For example, Lega…,” he can’t even end his sentence, because Vash and Nai scream in obvious terror or disgust.
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nagisadelune · 1 year
Promise Rings Chapter 5
(Definitely not edited)
Previous: Promise Rings Chapter 4
And I'm back at it with another chapter of Promise Rings! Sorry that this one is coming out later than normal; you know how life is. Either way, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
Age: 12
We were sitting in my backyard after school when he asked me a strange question. “Have you decided where you wanted to go for high school?” Tobio asked suddenly as we were enjoying nature from the porch. For a moment, I forgot how to answer. Where did I want to go?
“I… I haven’t decided yet,” I answered nervously. Why was I so nervous to answer him? “How about you?” I questioned him. I looked over at his figure, laying on the wood floor. Why was my heart beating so quickly from just looking at his figure?
“Hm,” I heard him hum for a moment, “I want to go to Shiratorizawa, but I still haven’t decided on a back-up school.” I slightly bit my lip as I looked away from his figure on the ground. I felt my heart sink a little when I heard that from him. I wanted to be able to go to the same school since I knew he could not handle his grades without someone to push him; his parents were always pretty busy with work which is why I stepped in to force him to work. 
“How are your grades though?” I jokingly questioned him, looking back at him. I watched his cheeks turn red, chuckling nervously as he sat up. I giggled at his antics as I looked back at the greenery around us. “You’re hopeless,” I quietly laughed to myself, barely loud enough to be heard, but Tobio heard me.
“Oi!” he exclaimed angrily, turning to glare at me. Surprised from his yell, I stood up and began to run away from him. Tobio was always freaking scary whenever he got angry. As I was running away, I heard him scramble from his position on the floor before his feet pounded against the wooden panels.
“Crap. I need to get away faster,” I muttered to myself as I was trying to figure out how to get away from Tobio before he could try to kill me. Before I could figure it out, Tobio and his long legs caught up to me, and he reached out to grab my wrist. Latching onto it, he spun me around before going for my legs. “Oi, Tobio-kun!” I exclaimed as I dangled over his shoulder. “Put me down!” I kicked my legs, trying to escape from his grasp, but he held onto my legs tightly.
“Not until you freaking apologize for earlier!” Tobio ignored my request. As I refused to apologize, he began poking my sides, tickling me.
“P-Please put me down T-Tobio-kun,” I managed to get out between laughs. My hands were trying to get him to stop tickling me, but his hand kept poking me. “Okay, okay!” I finally yelled out, making his hand freeze mid-air. “I’m sorry for making fun of your grades,” I apologized. I could feel him hesitate putting me down, but he eventually just carried me back to the porch in the end. When we got back to our spots, he gently set me down on the wooden floor before sitting beside me.
Why was my heart pounding so fast at that time? Why could I kind of feel his heartbeat when I was dangling. Maybe I was falling for him. Wait, no. I’m not falling for him. That was from running around too much; there is no other possible explanation for our hearts to be pounding so fast. Denial.
When I walked by her classroom, I noticed her head buried into a book, the bright cover catching my eye. I decided to check in to see what she was doing.
“Hey, you guys go on ahead,” I told them, waving my hand at them.
“E-Eh?” Kindaichi-san started. “How come?”
“You’re really going to ask that?” Kunimi-san asked him back as he slapped his arm and pointed at Karin-chan. His eyes followed Kunimi-san’s finger before staring at her and nodding, finally understanding my actions.
“Okay, okay. We’ll catch you later then,” Kindaichi-san stated before turning away and walking with Kunimi-san down the stairs. I watched their figures begin to disappear, and I eventually turned back towards her when they finally disappeared. I walked into the classroom, noticing the few students in the room before I stared at her figure. She was hunched over her book, focusing on its contents as she didn’t seem to notice me there. I tried to read the cover, but the foreign characters couldn’t make any sense in my mind.
“Karin-chan?” I finally decided to call out, and she lifted her head from the book. Her glasses sat on her nose as she turned to look at me, and I thought I could hear my heart pumping in my ears.
“What is it, Tobio-kun?” she questioned as she started pushing the frames a little higher up her nose bridge. The knuckle on her right pointer finger pressed against the purple rim of her glasses while her other hand closed the book. 
“N-Nothing,” I answered, trying to hide how nervous I was. Who knew that a girl reading could be so pretty? “I was just wondering what book you were reading,” I tried to cover up myself. I knew that I wasn’t actually there to actually know what book she was reading.
“Oh,” she muttered as she turned back towards the book to try and read the title. “It’s called Holes,” she answered, reading the title in English. I stared at her in confusion as I tried to figure out how that would be pronounced normally. “Holes by Louis Sachar,” she restated in a Japanese accent. I nodded when I finally understood her.
“Isn’t that an English book though?” I questioned, confused as to why she was so deep into the storyline of a book that she probably didn’t understand too well. She chuckled slightly as she removed her glasses from her face. She looked up at me with a bright smile on her face.
“I’ve been studying,” she explained, making my heart slightly race. I don’t like her. I don’t like her! I reminded myself as she stood up. “Who knew that English was actually kind of fun to learn?” she joked a little with a small laugh. “Anyways, is there anything else you needed from me? I know that you wanted to play some volleyball with your friends,” she questioned as we started walking out of the classroom.
“Yeah, but I told them to go on ahead without me,” I explained, trying to match my footsteps with her.
“Oh, alright then,” she responded while we started walking down the hall, descending down the stairs. “If you’re going to go play, you probably should just go. We’ll see each other later today anyways,” she reminded me, making me nervously chuckle.
“No, it’s fine,” I answered. “To be honest, I feel like they’re only really friends with me because of the fact that we play volleyball together,” I added a little quieter. I trained my eyes onto the volleyball in between my hands while we reached the outside area of our campus. 
“I’m sure they all still care for you somewhat. I don’t think they’re that heartless,” she answered, trying to stay on the optimistic side of the situation. “Plus, you could be wrong for all you know.” I sighed, knowing that she was right. For all I knew, I might’ve just misinterpreted their words and actions, making a slight weight on my chest release.
“Even so, I still want to walk with you,” I admitted in a small voice, earning a small laugh from her.
“This is why a lot of people think that we’re dating, boke,” she muttered as she lightly smacked my arm. I felt the cheek rising in my cheeks while I let my thoughts run through my head. “A lot of people are so weird,” she muttered as we arrived at the vending machine. From her pocket, she pulled out her small coin bag and started counting the coins. “By the way, do you want some milk or yogurt?” she asked as she looked at me.
“Sure, why not,” I answered as she started feeding coins into the machine. She pressed a few buttons that my eyes couldn’t really catch, but eventually, I noticed the item being pulled out of the machine. The machine dropped two cartons of milk, and Karin-chan slightly squatted as she pulled out the two cartons. After she stood up, she handed me the second carton before letting her hands retrieve the straw from the side and poke it through the top of the container.
“Can you hold this for me really quick?” I questioned. She nodded quickly before retrieving the ball from my hands as she started sucking on the straw. I copied her movements and started drinking, taking the ball back from her hands. “Anyways, you’re coming over during the weekend to help get ready for the Lunar New Year, right?” I questioned, trying to get my facts straight. She nodded as she pulled the straw away from her lips.
“Yeah. I noticed that your mom had a pretty long to-do list, so I thought I could help out,” she explained with a smile, making me smile back at her. “How come you’re asking?”
For a moment, I thought about my answer before stating, “Just wondering. Do you think you’ll need a hand?” She nodded as she sighed at the thought of the preparations.
“Definitely. Your mom had plans to make mochi and a full feast for dinner,” she sighed as she contemplated her life. “I’m going to be so tired after that,” I heard her mutter as she took another sip of her milk carton. I laughed at her, making her glare up at me.
“Alright, I’ll try to help out then,” I offered as I finished the last few drops of the milk. “Also, how much was this?” I questioned, knowing that I would want to pay her back eventually.
“It would be extremely helpful, and this was only about 100 yen,” she answered as she finished her carton. We walked over to the trash can to throw away the cartons before she pushed me to go practice. “We’ll talk more later, so go play some volleyball, you knucklehead!” I sighed at her words before glaring at her.
“Yeah, and go read some more books, boke,” I responded back, sticking my tongue at her. She returned it back before giving me a bright smile. With a wave, she turned on her heel and began to run back into the classroom. I waved my hand back at her before turning back towards the courtyard.
As I walked into the small gym, I heard a voice yell, “Kageyama-san!” I turned towards the voice, seeing Kindaichi-san waving his hand. I ran over to him before we started talking. “So how’s your girlfriend?” he questioned, placing an arm over my shoulders. My heart began to race at his words, and I immediately pushed him off.
“She isn’t my girlfriend!” I explained a little too loud. “She’s good though.” When I answered, I looked up to see Kindaichi-san’s cheeks slightly pink. What happened to him? “By the way, are you okay, Kindaichi-san?” I questioned as I squinted my eyes at him.
“He’s fine, but he just gets shy whenever Yamaji-san is involved,” Kunimi-san teased him, earning a small punch to the side of his body from Kindaichi-san. I sat up straight as I watched the two of them argue. Does Kindaichi-san like Karin-chan? Why does he like her? Wait, why am I getting so worked up over this? I pushed my thoughts aside as I finally held up the volleyball that I brought over.
“Anyways, are you guys ready to get destroyed within the few matches we’re about to do?” I questioned, making the two of them looking over at me. Their angry facial expressions changed into an annoyed one, making them slightly cocky.
“We’ll see how you eat your words in just a second,” Kindaichi-san answered as we started to walk onto the open court space. 
Age: 13
“You need to go faster! Higher!” I heard him scold his teammates as he noticed the team lagging behind on his sets. I sighed from the cheering section as his loud voice echoed slightly. His perfection was starting to become an issue. He has been trying to get his teammates to try and keep up, but I can tell that the team started getting annoyed. I bit the inside of my lip as I watched Tobio try to keep his anger in control. I watched his eyes glance over at me as I sighed and gave him a solemn glance. I watched him sigh for a moment as his anger dissipated.
This has been going on for almost a year. He was becoming obsessive about the plays that had to be done, how the team was supposed to play. My thumb runs over my ring nervously, trying to calm myself down.
After the game finished, I watched Tobio give me the signal, and I rushed down to the entrance. I knew exactly what I needed to do. I heard my parents calling out to me despite the fact that our routine always needed to be done.
When I arrived, I shivered from the open door of the gym. Oh, that’s why they were calling out to me. My hands began to rub the exposed skin of my arms as I felt goosebumps forming on my skin. I blew air into my hands as I tried to keep myself warm. I never noticed Tobio walking out from the gym. I heard his footsteps quickly approaching me.
“Oi, boke,” he muttered quietly as he grabbed his jacket to wrap around me, “you forgot your jacket again.”
Glaring at him, I huffed out as I placed my arms inside the sleeves, “Well, I’m the only one that can make sure you stay mentally sane.”  He chuckled at my answer as he zipped up the jacket. My cheeks blushed a bright red at his actions, and I hid my face in the jacket. The jacket smelled like him, but my cheeks were red from the cold, not him. “What about you though?” I questioned as my body finally warmed up.
“I need to cool off a little bit before I can put on my jacket,” Tobio responded as he placed the hood onto my head.
“Yeah,” I responded, sympathizing with him. “Both physically and mentally. What’s up?” He knew he had to respond to his little outburst on the court earlier. I stared at him as he nervously fidgeted with the edge of his shirt.
“I want to be able to get the points,” he muttered quietly. Sighing, the most I could do was look at him in frustration. “Like the only way they are going to be able to get anything done is if they follow what I say,” Tobio continued, trying to reason with me, “I control the game for a reason.” 
“I get it, Tobio-kun,” I began, sympathizing with his statement, “but you need to be able to cooperate with your team members. Do you think Shiratorizawa wants someone that controls the court too much? You’re supposed to play as a team!” I watched Kageyama play with his ring a little as he heard my lecture towards him. “Besides, a setter can only do so much to control the game. You have to remember that people are still people, and they’ll do what they want,” I continued.
“But I want to win…” Tobio’s voice trailed off. I giggled at his childness before I approached him and hugged him. 
“I know, I know,” I muttered, tapping rhythmically his back. His hands just wrapped around me as he held me closer to him. “But you still have to keep it cool, you know,” I muttered quietly, barely loud enough for him to hear. I felt him nod before we heard snickering from behind the door.
“Yeah, you’re TOTALLY not dating her, Kageyama-san!” Oikawa-san called out from behind. I felt him tense up for a second before releasing his grip a little to turn around to the voice. I peeked at the people behind him to find the entire team including the coaches chuckling at the two of us. I hid myself behind Tobio again as I heard them cause a ruckus behind him again.
“We aren’t!” Tobio called back at them.
“You can deny it all you want. Watch you date her anyways in high school!” another teammate yelled. Looking at his face, I watched his cheeks turn a slight tint of pink.
Before he could even get his next words out, one of his coaches walked towards us and tapped my shoulder. Looking over to him, he flashed a small smile before patting my head. “Take care of Kageyama-kun for us, okay?” he asked softly. Giving a small smile, I nodded my head before he walked away. Looking back to Tobio, our eyes met, and I felt my heart thump against my chest. Hopefully, my heart is not beating as loud as I think it is.
“Anyways,” Tobio spoke as he released the hug before awkwardly placing his hands into his pocket, “ready for some food?” Nodding and giving him a small smile, we walked out of the gym with the snickers behind us. Shy.
And that's the chapter! There's more to them being age 13, so let's return back to that next time. I hope you liked this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one!
Next: Promise Rings Chapter 6
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translytherins · 3 years
Saiki's What Now?!?
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Pairings: Saiki Kusuo x Male! Calm! Slightly Clingy! Fiance! Reader
A/n: I got this idea from a story on Wattpad about their male oc being Saiki's fiance and I thought that It was adorable and I wanted to write one myself. Hope you enjoy!!
It was the end of the school day and all Saiki wanted was to go home right away because his parents said that they had a suprise for him and that he has to back home right away after school and he couldn't tell what is was through his parents minds because all of their thoughts were either 'Kusuo's gonna be so happy!' and 'I can't wait to see his reaction!' he was secretly hoping it was a lifetime supply of coffee jelly.
"Hey Saiki! Wanna go get ramen?"
"He's not getting ramen with you because he's helping me track down Dark Reunion! Right Saiki?"
"I'm not going with either of you"
"Aww... Why?"
"Because my parents need me home"
And with that Saiki left his "friends" and went straight home to see what his parents had in store.
As Saiki approached his house, not only could he hear his parents thoughts but he could feel another person's presence coming from his house. He was slightly confused about who it was but as he comes closer to his house he felt a familiar aura that made his eyes widen slightly. He picked up his pace his heart beating rapidly, silently hoping it was who he thought it was. He opened the door to his house and saw a familiar male with [hair coloured] hair sitting and talking with his parents at the dining table. In a blink of an eye he had his arms wrapped around the [hair coloured] male whom jumped slightly before the male smiled softly and pecked Saiki's lips making said male smile. Who's the male you might ask? It's Saiki's fiance, (M/n) (L/n). Now you might be wondering why they're already engaged? Well... That a story for another day and if you want it please drop a request.
"Hey Ku... Welcome back... I missed you so much..." (M/n) said softly which made Saiki smile before he buried his face into (M/n)'s neck.
"I missed you too..." Saiki spoke out loud instead of telepathically because most of his powers doesn't work on (M/n) which Saiki was happy about.
They just stayed in that position while ignoring the fact that Saiki's parents were cooing and taking pictures of them until Saiki's mom cleared her throat to catch the couples attention which worked.
"I'm happy that you both are reunited again after a year of being away from each other! You both make such a cute couple! Also Kusuo... Little (M/n) over here Hey! I'm not little! will be joining you're class tomorrow!"
As Saiki heard that, Saiki was absolutely ecstatic before he realised that he had to share his (M/n) with his "friends" but that went unnoticed by his family and fiance as Saiki's mom continued to talk excitedly.
The next day came earlier thank Saiki would have liked because he would rather stay in bed and cuddle with (M/n) in his bed but (M/n) managed to convince threatened him that they had to get out of bed and get ready for school or no more cuddles for him :(. And with that Saiki reluctantly got out of bed and started to get ready for school.
Saiki and (M/n) were making their way towards PK Academy with their arms intertwined and (M/n) laying his head on Saiki's shoulder. Saiki was feeling very content right now. Just him and (M/n) and no one interrupting their mome-
"Hey Saiki!"
An annoying voice called out to Saiki which turned his content mood very sour. Him and (M/n) stopped turned their heads towards where the voice came from, arms still intertwined, and Saiki saw his "friends" Toritsuka, Kaidou, Aren and Nendou..
"Woah Saiki! Who's this hottie!" Toritsuka said, whistling slightly What the f*ck did I just write😂 before he was smacked upside the head by Aren.
"That's no way to treat someone Toritsuka!"
"I'm sorry! I was just stating facts!" Toritsuka whined before he got hit by Aren again.
Saiki just glared at them before wrapping his arms around (M/n)'s waist and pulled him closer towards him making (M/n) giggle slightly before he decided to introduced himself.
"Hey there. I'm (M/n) (L/n). You must be Ku's friends. *Saiki pinched (M/n)' s waist slightly* Hey! Stop that Ku. I'm talking to you're friends. Anyways... It's nice to meet you" (M/n) said and gave them a dazzling smile which left them slightly breathless and blushing.
He was so pretty! Maybe even prettier than Teruhashi!
Saiki glared at them before he unwrapped his arms from (M/n)'s waist before he picked (M/n) up bridal style, which earned an adorable squeal from (M/n), and continued walking to school which made his friends snap out of their thoughts and they started fast walking to try and catch up with them as Toritsuka and Kaidou were yelling at Saiki to slow down which only made Saiki walk faster with (M/n) in his arms as (M/n)'s arms around wrapped Saiki's neck and he snuggled up to Saiki's chest which made Saiki coo at him internally.
As Saiki and (M/n) were walking through the hallway, with (M/n) still being carried by Saiki, Saiki felt everyone staring at them and Saiki heard their thoughts ranged from 'Their so cute!', 'Eww... Disgusting gays' well f*ck you too or 'Is that the new student? He's pretty sexy ;)' the last one made Saiki slightly bitter but he just ignored them as they made their way towards their classroom. Usually Saiki tried to avoid attention from his peers and schoolmates but he couldn't find himself to care as he just focused on (M/n) who was still cuddled up to his chest. That was until he heard a familiar annoying voice that belonged to a certain glowing blueberry.
'Is that Saiku? It's Saiki. When are you going to get it right? Maybe I should go up and say hi to him! Surely today is my lucky day and he'll finally say oh wow to me'
And with that Saiki started walking faster to try to avoid her.
'Why is he walking so fast!?'
Saiki and (M/n) reached their classroom, losing the glowing blueberry along the way, and entered before Saiki placed (M/n) in a seat much to his (M/n)'s annoyance which he expressed with a quiet groan. Saiki chuckled lightly before he kissed (M/n)'s forehead and sitting down in the seat in front of him, facing (M/n) and grabbing his hand and intertwined their fingers. (M/n) smiled towards Saiki before he placed light kisses on Saiki's face which made Saiki's face heat up slightly but it wasn't noticeable. He continued to ignore the eyes on them and the thoughts running through everyone's heads and just focused on (M/n).
'There he i- Huh!?! Who's he and why is he kissing Sako!?! It's Saiki'
"Good morning Saiki! 'Huh... She finally got my name right'. Who's this cutie?"
'He might be pretty and handsome but I'm much better than him because I'm perfect inside and out!'
'(M/n) will always be 10 times better than you'
(M/n) stopped placing light kisses on Saiki's face and turned his attention towards her. He just stared at her for a few seconds before looking at Saiki, silently asking if he wanted him to awnser. Saiki nodded his head before (M/n) turned his head towards the blueberry again.
'Huh?! No 'Oh wow' from him!? Maybe he's shy just like Saiki? Yeah! That's probably it because no one can resist the perfect pretty girl! Alright! You're on shy guy!'
'Please leave us alone' Saiki thought to himself before (M/n) awnsered her.
"I'm (M/n) (L/n). I just transferred from [country name]. It's a pleasure to meet you" (M/n) said before giving he gave her his smile that always left everyone breathless including the glowing blueberry.
As she was about to speak, the teacher entered which made the students who weren't sitting, sit down in their seats and Saiki turned around ro pay attention to the teacher.
"Good morning everyone! As you all know today we have a new student so I want you all to welcome him to the class! Can you please come up here and tell us you're name?"
(M/n) nodded his head before he got up from his seat, made his way to the front and stood next to the teacher.
"My names (M/n) (L/n). I transferred from [country name]. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope we can all get along without an issue"
(M/n) said before smiling at them taking away everyone's breath as always.
"Is there any questions that you want to ask (M/n)-san?"
Almost most of the class had their hands raised and (M/n) calmly awnsered them.
"What's you're relationship with Saiki?" Teruhashi asked.
"I'm his fiance" (M/n) said happily while shooting Saiki a soft smile.
A/n: There was supposed to be more but I got tired of typing. Request or comment if you want a part 2 about the wedding! Have a good day everyone!
Edited: Part 2 is already out! Go check it out! Just Got Married!
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Sweatpants SZN (Angel Edition)
Characters: Angel Reyes x black!reader
Summary: Angel goes out dressed like a hoe. Inspired by this post about my frustration by the boys wearing jeans when they sleep.
Warnings: it’s long 3k worth 😬 and a whole lotta filth
A/N: Here’s another series for my Mayan men! I already have plans for Nestor, EZ, and Miguel.
A/N 2: Special dedication to @starrynite7114​ thank you for always indulging me and being a wonderful friend
To check out more here’s my masterlist and if you want notifications here’s my taglist.
Photo cred: @starrynite7114​
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When you first found out that Angel sometimes wore jeans to sleep it boggled your mind. You were the type of girl that took off her bra, kick off her shoes, and take off your pants as soon as you got home. So, to see Angel sleeping in his jeans was lowkey traumatizing.
As a dutiful girlfriend (and also a partly selfish girlfriend) you bought Angel some gray sweatpants. You wanted him to be as comfortable as possible and looking good at the same time. What you didn’t count on was that everyone else could appreciate the goods.
You were pouring yourself a cup of coffee of when Angel came home. He’d left early this morning before you woke up. “I’m back, querida.” You could hear him setting down bags on the table.
“Good morn-ingg,” the cheerfulness dropped out of your voice when you saw what Angel was wearing. A plain white t-shirt that was getting too tight, because of all the working out he was doing which made him almost as cut as EZ and a pair of those damn gray sweatpants you had bought for him.
“What?” Angel asked, confused at your sudden change in mood. “Do I got something on my face or clothes?” He started swiping his face and body, trying to clean the imaginary dirt off him.
“Nah, you’re good. Did you really wear that to the store?” Angel was genuinely confused. He didn’t see anything wrong with his outfit. “Yeah. Does it not match or something?”
“You really went out like that without me?” It finally dawned on Angel. He heard hints of jealousy. He didn’t know why he didn’t hear it at first, because he was so used to asking this same question. Angel did his best to keep his smile to himself, you were gonna pop a gasket when he told you where he went after the grocery store. “Yeah, you were sleeping. I doubt you wanted me to wake you up to go to the store and Vicki’s place.”
You almost spit out your coffee when Angel mentioned Vicki’s place. “YOU WENT WHERE?!” Angel began putting up the groceries because if he didn’t, he would’ve burst out laughing at you. “Vicki’s. Bishop called when I was at the store and asked if I could drop some things over.”
He was fucking with you. He was avoiding eye contact with you for a reason. “Angel!” He stopped putting the cereal on top of the refrigerator and turned towards you. He didn’t even last thirty seconds of you staring at him before he started laughing. “Screw you, Angel!” It didn’t even bother him that you were angry, your jealousy was cute to him.
Too enraptured in aggressively washing out your mug, you didn’t notice Angel walking up on you until he wrapped his hands around your middle and rested his chin on your shoulder. “C’mon you can’t really be mad, can you? Remember I’m a grown man and can wear whatever I want.” He threw the line you used at him the many multiple times when he didn’t agree with the outfit of your choice.
Damn it! You couldn’t think of a great comeback. “Its not the same!” Angel’s laugh vibrated throughout your body. “Someone sounds jealous.” He sung into your ear. You elbowed him off of you and started putting up the rest of the groceries. “No! You not even all that cute to be doing all of that for.”
“Oh really?” He arched his eyebrow at you before he reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Angel just made you eat your words. It was like you had a golden god standing before you and the only appropriate response would be to get on your knees to worship him. Thankfully, you had a modicum of dignity and only salivated at the man in front of you.
You were so spaced out that you allowed Angel to pick you up and set you on the counter. “What you staring at, baby?” Angel nudged his nose against yours then ran it along your neck.
“Nothing,” you pouted. Angel kissed your nose then your lips. “You sure?” He took one of your hands and ran it along his body. “Because it seems like you were appreciating my arms, my abs,” his voice got lower as your hand went lower, “my dick.” He emphasized the k. “You feel that? That’s all yours, mami. No need to be jealous, ok?”
“Okay.” You resigned your jealousy and tried to kiss Angel, but he pulled away from you. He reminded you of your agreement last night. No sex today until you and him were finished with cleaning the house, and he knew if he let you kiss him then he would end up fucking you right on the table.
Reluctantly you got up, but at least you were motivated to clean the house faster. Angel took on your shared bedroom and bathroom while you had the front of the house. There were stolen kisses between switches of cleaning supplies and smacks on the butt whenever you passed each other (which Angel pretended he didn’t like when you did it to him.)
You had just finished cleaning your part of the house when you finally allowed yourself to watch Angel cut the grass in the backyard. Grabbing two glasses of sweet tea, you went to stand in the doorway and watch Angel work. Even though they were gonna be trouble those grey sweatpants were a gift from god. They slung low enough on his hips that you could appreciated his Adonis belt. The sun beating down on him made him sweat and if it was possible you would pay an insane amount of money to be one of the sweat droplets rolling down his body.
He finally cut off the lawn mower and smiled at you perving at him. “Thank you,” he took the glass of sweet tea and chugged it down, some of it getting into his beard which made you think of other ways to get his beard wet. “All done cleaning?” He asked, backing you into the house. “Yeah,” you pulled him by the drawstrings until his phone started ringing. “Angel, no,” you whined, knowing it either wouldn’t be a short call or it would be call for him do club business.
Unfortunately, it was the latter. Angel apologized for the inconvenience and jumped in the restroom for a quick shower. Before he left, he apologized again and promised to make it up to you after the party at the clubhouse.
Angel dressing like a thot, being denied sex twice in one day, and being left alone to your own devices was not a good combination. You were doing a good job with keeping your brattiness tucked away, but when you were looking for an outfit for the party, your brattiness in the form of dark Kermit was bubbling up. In the end Kermit won.
As Angel predicted, you made it to the party before him and you were wearing the skirt, he specifically told you not to wear without him present. “Y/N, I’m begging you. Please, please go change.” The last time you wore something this risky at the clubhouse, Angel shoved you into EZ’s trailer and screwed you into tears on his bed. “Chill out, I brought my own car tonight. No one is going in your trailer.” That calmed him down only a tiny bit because he knew once his brother saw you, he was going to lose it.  
“He’s gonna kill you, Y/N.” Gilly told you while glaring off anyone thinking of trying to talk to you. No one was gonna approach his friend’s girl while he was around. “The only thing he is gonna kill is,” EZ quickly interrupted you, “Please do not finish that sentence.”
Outside Angel and Coco had just arrived from across the border. “Hey man, y’all got some honeys down here.” Paul from the San Bernardino chapter ran up on them. Coco entertained him while Angel listened. He honestly hasn’t paid attention to any other women since you’ve came in your life. “Then there’s one chick, mannnnnnnn. If Gilly wasn’t acting like some damn guard dog I would’ve talked to her already.”
“Gilly got a girl?” Angel asked, opening the door. “Not to my knowledge.” Coco responded stepping in after his friend.
“Oh, there she is!” Paul pointed out to you talking to EZ and Gilly. “Man, it look like she got some good dick sucki-,” Abruptly Angel grabbed Paul by the collar. “I dare you to finish that fucking sentence.”
Paul saw the fire in Angel’s eyes, and he knew he made a big mistake. “Shit, Angel! My bad! I didn’t know she was your old lady. I won’t even look in her direction.”
“Keep it that way!” Angel pushed Paul away and made a beeline towards you. First, it was EZ that noticed him. Suddenly, the prospect was really into keeping the glasses clean. Then it was Gilly who walked away from you in mid conversation, leaving you confused until you felt the familiar mold of Angel’s body against. “You got ten seconds to walk to the backseat of your car or I’m throwing you over my fucking shoulder.” He whispered into your ear harshly while deceiving everyone else into thinking he was just giving you a hug and whispering sweet words in your ears.
The ten seconds started once he released you and you wasted no time. When Angel got like this it was better to shut up and listen. Angel ignored the ‘hellos’ and ‘what’s up, man’. He was on a mission and nothing would stop him. You were just about to open the car door when you noticed that your car was parked in front of the clubhouse. It was close enough for everyone to hear all the ungodly things Angel was about to do to you. “Aren’t you gonna move the car?” You asked when he was still behind you when you opened the back door. “Get in the got damn car,” he ordered through clenched teeth. You scrambled to get inside, from his tone you knew you didn’t want to press your luck. Once inside, Angel wasted no time. He folded you in half like a table, moved your panties to the side and dived in.
Usually when Angel ate you out, he’d warm you up. A kiss here, a kiss there, small slow torturous licks, but right now all that was thrown out the window. This was as brutal as to all the actual rough fucking he would do to you.
His teeth ran across your clit and it felt like he hit every single nerve. “Angel!” You shout out, reaching out to grab his hair, but he slapped your hand away. “Did I say you could touch my shit? Keep your hands to yourself.”
“But Daddyyy,” you whined, still making grabby hands. “What the fuck did I just say?” Angel grabbed ahold of your wrists in one hand and choked you with the other. “To keep my hands to myself.”
“Then do that shit,” he growled. He released you and went back to work. You had to settle for the handlebar by the window because Angel wasn’t easing up. In fact, he added two of his fingers furiously pumping into you. “Look at you creaming all over my fingers. You don’t even deserve them. What did I fucking tell you about this damn skirt?”
“Not to wear it.” You whimpered about to reach for his wrist, but then you remembered his warning to keep your hands to yourself. “Then you understand why daddy’s pissed. Especially when I got brothers from other chapters talking about how fine you are and how you got some good dick sucking lips.”
“I’m so sorry, daddy.” He hovered over you to give you a quick peck. “It’s okay, baby. You’ll make it up to me by screaming my name.”
Still keep his fingers in you, Angel suckled your bud. The combination of his cold rings in your heated core and his tongue flicking your clit, your orgasm hit you like a freight train. “ANGELLLL, FUCKKKKKKK!” You screamed, beating on the surprisingly strong window.
“Keep cumming.” Angel’s voice was muffled by your pussy in his mouth, but you heard him clearly.
Finally, you calmed down but now you were jonesing for Angel’s dick. You went for Angel’s belt but he back away from you as far as the car allowed you to. “Daddy, I need you to fuck me please.”
“I needed you to be a good girl and listen, but we all can’t get what we want.” Angel felt bad when he saw your dejected little face. He decided to give you a little something else also you didn’t say his name enough for him to let everyone know you belong to him. “If you promise to be a good girl, I’ll give you something to hold you over.”
“I promise, I’ll be good!” Angel laughed at how quickly you agreed to it. He slid your panties off and scooted you closer to him. He grind his clothed groin against your bare one. The friction of the fabric of his jeans on your sensitive clit had you on the verge of tears. “Nah, don’t start that shit,” Angel slapped you. “We still have a party to attend.” Was this man fucking crazy? He expected you to face everyone after this?
Angel proceeded to dry hump you as if he was actually fucking you. “Oh my god, Angel! Just like that. Keep fucking me just like that daddy.” He bent down and wrapped his hand around your throat. “Yeah? You gonna cum all on Daddy’s jeans like a good little slut, huh?”
“Yes, please. I need it so bad, daddy.”
“Ok, just for you.” Angel pressed down on your hips and pummeled into you. “Angel, Angel, Angel,” you chanted his name over and over again while you came for the second time in less than fifteen minutes.
Angel enjoyed your shuddering underneath him, but he couldn’t enjoy it for too long. You two had a party to get to. Taking your panties, he rolled them back up and then fixed your skirt. “When we get out of here you stand in front of me since you made a mess on my jeans, ok.”
“Ok,” Angel pulled you out of the car and smoothed out your clothes. While he did that you tried to clean his face since it was soaked with your juices, but he wouldn’t let you.
The two of you came back in the clubhouse, where the lights illuminated Angel’s face. Gilly was outside when everything happened and when he just saw Angel’s face he shuddered in disgust and called Angel a nasty fuck.
After Gilly left, Liza, head of the Angel Reyes fan club walked up to you two, but she completely ignored you. “Heyy Angel. You looked really good this morning. Sweatpants season suits you very well.” With no shame she dragged her eyes all over his body but was disappointed when you were blocking his crotch.
“Yeah, my girl got them for me. Thanks babe.” Angel turned to you, gave you a kiss, and allowed you to take advantage of it. You took control and basically were swapping spit with him in front of this girl. “Mmm, you taste just like me.” Swiping your thumb across Angel’s bottom lip, you collected some of your lip gloss and juices, and then put it in your mouth. Liza stomped off and Coco called y’all sick fucks.
Just like Angel said, he used you as a shield. The entire night you were stuck like glue. His beer got empty and when you attempted to get up to get him another, he slammed you back down on his lap and yelled at EZ to bring him another. Soon, you figured it had less to do with his now dried and stainless crotch and more to do with your short ass skirt.
The evil bastard also did it so you could constantly feel his erection. It was so bad that you would zone out and think about how great Angel would feel inside of you. You were so deep in your thots thoughts that you hadn’t realized Bishop came and asked you a question. The men around the table laughed at your confused huh and Bishop repeated his question. Quickly you recovered and gave him a smart answer.
“Can’t focus, mami?” Angel smiled against your neck and thrusted his hips, causing more friction between your legs.
Fucking tease! Two can play at that game. The rest of the night you would grind in his lap, making him lose his concentration. You were the reason he lost poker twice that night. Eventually he got tired of your antics and you two finally left the party.
“Imma hit the shower and get all this desert off me. How about you sit and get ready for daddy, hmm?” Angel didn’t wait for your answer and began stripping, leaving a trail of clothes from your bedroom to the bathroom. While he showered you put on your canary yellow Fenty lingerie set. It was one of the few Angel didn’t rip because he loved how it complimented your skin.
Usually Angel came out in a towel or butt ass naked but this time he came out with those damn sweats on. And just like that all the pumping up and the shit talking you did was gone. At this point you were gonna let Angel ruin you.
“Fuck querida, you’re beautiful.” Still standing, Angel bent over, buried his hands in your hair, and kissed you to the point that you almost forgot your own name.
When he ended the kiss, you could feel the energy shift. Daddy Angel was back in the building. He backed away to sit in the chair, but never turned his back on you, so you could keep an eye on his dick print. “Come crawl to Daddy, hermosa.” He crooked his finger at you.
As you made your way to him, he pulled his dick out. You wanted to get to him faster, but that wouldn’t be sexy at all, so you paced yourself. Angel didn’t make it easy for you though. He took his dick out and started stroking it.
Fuck that slow shit, you sped up some more causing Angel to chuckle. “Grab it.” Angel took his hand off of himself and you quickly replaced it with yours. “Feel that, mami? That’s all because of you.” It felt amazing to know you could cause this type of reaction out of Angel.
Normally, Angel would slap his dick in your face, but since he gave you free reign you did it yourself. You enjoyed the hiss that came from you slapped it on your tongue. “See that’s your dick, baby. Now suck it like it yours.” Angel laced his hands behind his head as you went to work.
Keeping your eyes on Angel, you swirled your tongue over the salty mushroom head and kissed the underside. “Stop teasing, querida.” Fluttering your eyes, you tapped his dick against your pursed lips. “What do you mean?” Taking a chunk of your hair, Angel pulled back your head. “You know what I mean. Start sucking or I’ll fuck your throat until no sound can come out of that smartass mouth of yours.”
It really shouldn’t have, but that little threat turned you on more. Behind your back you grabbed opposite elbows, you were gonna make Angel lose his mind with no hands. Easily (thanks to much practice), you took all of Angel in. Bobbing your head up and down you made your man squirm underneath you. “Fuck, just like that baby.” Angel was close, you could tell by the hitch in his voice. So, you played the dangerous game and backed off, only to give him slow, long licks.
“Y/N,” he growled your name in warning. “What?” You asked innocently while unhooking your bra, letting your breasts fall out. “Keep playing this game if you want to. You won’t think it’ll be funny in a little bit.”
To appease your man, you wrapped your tits instead of your mouth around his cock, stroking him that way while occasionally licking the head. “Shit, shit, shit.” Angel abruptly pulled away from you, lifted you from the ground, threw you on the bed, and ripped your panties off. “Angel!” He shoved his sweats off and pumped his cock while he climbed into bed. “I’ll buy you another set. Fuck I’ll buy you all the sets.”
Just like in the car Angel had your ankles by your ears, but this time he actually had his dick inside of you and your orgasm was automatic. “Damn, already? Who’s making you cream like this, mami?”
“You are Daddy,” you whined, clutching onto him. “Mmhmm that’s right. Whose pussy is this?”
“Yours!” You screeched when Angel’s fingers found your clit. “And whose dick is this?”
“Mines,” you yelled as Angel kept hitting that golden spot. “Then start acting like it! Ain’t no other bitch about to take it. This all your dick.”
Pulling Angel by the back of the neck, you kissed him. “Keep fucking me just like that, Daddy. I wanna cream all over my dick.”
“Yeah?” Angel tilted your chin and nipped at your lips. “You like when I fuck you like a whore?” Angel drew back, almost pulling all the way out and then snapped his hips against yours. “Good fucking pussy. Can I cum in my pussy?” You nodded your head furiously. “Yes daddy, fill me up please.”
With a couple of more snaps of his hips Angel had both of you screaming in ecstasy. Each of your orgasms prolonging the other’s. It felt like hours before either one of you caught your breath.
“Sooooo, is it a good or bad thing that I bought some more sweats?” Angel asked, already going down on you, not waiting for an answer.
“Good, definitely gooood!” You shrieked when you felt the first lick.
Thank god for sweatpants season.
Tags: @starrynite7114​ @ourlittlesecretsoveragain​ @sambucky8​ @mygirlrenee​ @richonne4life​ @readsalot73​ @chaneajoyyy​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @my-rosegold-soul​ @angrythingstarlight​ @brattyfics​ @lovebennycolon​ @langiinspirations​ @chibsytelford​ @trulysuccubus​ @spookys-girl​ @brownsugarcoffy​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @fvckthisbxtchup​ @theartisticqueen​ @vsfavs​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @angelreyesgirl​ @marvelmaree​ @strawberrywritings​ @blessedboo​ @sadeyesgf​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @woahitslucyylu​
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
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Blue Skies Chpt 3: The Mexican Standoff
A/n: I know the title is hella weird so imma just drop a definition for yall. Mexican standoff- a confrontation in which neither party stands any chance of victory. (also this is not edited so sorryyy) Tag List is open <3
Tag List: @woodiegochile @mini-meanhoe @leggomylino @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @hoes4hoseok @jeonqqin @geminirules @mrsunshine999 @jisungsjheekies @hannie-squirrel00​ @cotccotc​ @kodzu-ken​ @konenichi​ @yangs-jeongin​ @binniebutter​ @orangegyu​ @little-precious-baby ​
Blue Skies TL: @etherealyoonghwa​ ​
Summary: Y/n and Hongjoong were only acquaintances in college. They were on the same dance team but never crossed paths until one day both took notice of the other. One magical night after a party resulted in Y/n leaving with a guilty and angry conscious and surprisingly a blue stick. Three years later, Hongjoong is a hit producer and Y/n is a successful single mom. What happens when their paths cross yet again?
Hongjoong’s POV
The three of us walked down the street, hands shoved in out pockets. Yunho’s little brother had told him about this awesome bar he had been to the other night and now the six foot man was dragging both San and myself all the way to Sangsu-dong just to go to ‘The Tipsy Devil Pub’.
“You guys are so slow. Come one!” The giant bellowed, already several steps ahead of San and me.
The red neon sign glowed in the night. It was hard not to smile seeing the cheeky devil design illuminating the street below it. “This place better have amazing food.” San groaned as Yunho pushed open the door excitedly. A buzz of volume leaked out of the pub.
“It’s not like you’re going to eat it. You’re on a diet.” I said with a laugh.
“It could be my cheat day. You don’t control me.”
As we entered the establishment my ears were greeted with a familiar sound. The door shut behind me and I watched my two friends ahead take in the dimly lit and packed bar. From the speakers my song drifted over the heads of everyone in the room. 
Blue skies don’t stay when yours is the only smile in my mind
Lips on mine.
Legs entwined.
Little Miss Blue Skies will never see the sunrise.
Not with me.
Little Miss Blue Skies,
Come back to me.
Yunho smiled turning around to face me. His long finger point up as if gesturing to sound waves in the air. “Dude! They are playing Blue Skies!” I nodded, getting my own look around the bar. 
“You think if we are with him we can get free drinks?” San suggested, pushing to the back of the bar. A row of booths lined the wall, a maroon velvet covering the seats. 
“If you can afford that Chanel belt, you can afford your own martinis.”
“That’s offensive,” San paused, not bother to look back at me. “You know I drink Daiquiries.”
Yunho scoffed, sliding his long legs into the curved booth. “Like that’s any better.” I sat on the outside of the seat- my eyes scanning the crowded venue. My eyes fell on a certain figure sitting at the bar. 
He was a pretty lanky guy, but his features were soft and very attractive. One arm of his was wrapped around a young boy who couldn’t be much older than three. The boy sat in the stool next to the man, feet dangling over the edge. 
A nudge to my shoulder brought me back to the conversation which apparently had moved on without me. San tilted his head as if to ask what I was looking at. Not really knowing how to justify the fact I was looking at a three year old, I just pointed to the bar. 
“Who the fuck brings a child to a bar?” The handsome man scoffed, tossing a cashew into the air and catching it with his mouth. He grabbed another handful from the bowl on the table. Guess today was his cheat day.
Yunho followed where my gaze led and pouted his lips a little. “Oh- Gunho, told me about that. Apparently that’s one of the owner’s kid. Sometimes if they can’t find a sitter I guess one of their friends at the bar watches him.”
“So that’s his dad? The owner?” I asked, pointing to the good-looking man at the bar. 
My friend shook his head, stealing some nuts from San. “He said his mom runs the bar with her friend. I think she’s single.” He looked around all the moving bodies in the space before pointing to a woman behind the bar. She was turned away from us, but she gave off an aura that sent chills down my spine in a good way. 
“Single moms aren’t usually your type, hyung.” San laughed, flagging down a waitress to order some drinks. Tearing my eyes away from the girl’s back I turned to my friend, brows raised and questioning his teasing tone. 
“Hongjoong’s type are usually the ones who leave,” Yunho struggled to say without laughing. Seeing my glare he chose to sip on a glass of water. “I could have said you like psycotic bitches..... It’s really a toss up between the two.” 
I rolled my eyes, thanking the waitress and she handed us our drinks. After a few rounds of some random drink in a rocks glass (Never again was I going to let San order for me), I felt a tug on my sleeve. 
Thinking some drunk stranger just bumped into me I paid it no mind. Feeling a harder pull I turned, vision not quite keeping up with the speed of my body. Once my brain could decipher through the alcoholic daze I saw the little boy from before. 
“Hey, bud,” I put down my drink and saw that Yunho had a goofy smile on his face looking at the kid. Should have known the gentle giant liked kids. “Can I help you?” 
The toddler looked up at me with big curious eyes. “What’s your name?” The boy asked in choppy words. My brother had a daughter and she talked like that around this age. I smiled, leaning over to better speak with him.
“My name is Kim Hongjoong. What’s yours bud?”
The little boy smiled, revealing a toothy grin. “Mr. Kim you look like my daddy!” 
I blinked a couple times attempting to process what the young child just declared. The other two men with me froze as well. “Hyung- is there something you need to tell us?” San stuttered, looking from the boy to me. 
“I-I... I don’t think so....I haven’t had a girlfriend since.....”
“Blue Skies- we know.” Yunho interrupted. “Maybe you just look like the guy?”
I nodded, trying to convince myself that Yunho’s suggestion was probably the most likely one. There was probably a ninety percent chance I looked like the kid’s father. Wetting my now dry lips I said, “H-how do you know? Where’s your dad?”
The boy shrugged, completely oblivious to the panic on my face as most kids would be. “My daddy isn’t here, but my mommy showed me a picture of them together.” He stumbled over some of the bigger words and if I wasn’t freaking the fuck out I would have found it cute. “My daddy had dark hair though,” The boy smiled, pointing to my fading blue locks. 
Pushing past the lump growing in my throat I asked the question burning in the back of my slightly inebriated mind. “Where’s your mom?” 
Fully turning around, the little boy pointed to behind the bar where not only the man from before was staring at me, but also a familiar set of E/c eyes. Staring back at me was a face I thought I would never see again. A face I thought I lost. A face that left. 
She looked just as beautiful if not more than when I remembered her. Unable to stop myself, I stood up trying to see her better from across the crowded room. “Hyung... is that?” Yunho asked, probably not wanting to say her name just in case. 
“Yeah.....that’s her.”
Before I could say anything else or turn back to the boy, a woman sprinted across the bar and scooped up the kid. As she was running towards the bar, the toddler waved at me with a clueless and happy grin. Even if I hadn’t just drank three...whatever San ordered...I don’t think I would have been able to process what happened in those next few seconds. The woman shouted something to Y/n, who nodded not even batting an eye as the in my eyes, kidnapper, rushed out the door with a man who challenged even Yunho’s height. 
Shaking myself out of shock, I pushed through the rowdy mass of intoxicated young people, Yunho and San following me. I never took my eyes off of Y/n, not even when she yelled something to a man coming out the kitchen and bolted towards the exit. 
The second she got to the door I switched directions only to be stopped by the handsome man from the bar and the guy who basically Naruto ran out of the kitchen. 
“Hey! Big fan! I’m Wooyoung,” Naruto said, introducing himself all while keeping me from following Y/n. “I’m one of the owners and I just want to say how honored I am you came tonight. Can I get you a drink?”
“No. I just need to talk to that girl.” 
“Sorry, dude. That’s not gonna happen.” The other guy stated. He obviously wasn’t strong and the owner, Wooyoung was holding me back the most but I got the feeling I didn’t want to mess with this guy. 
I sighed, looking back to Yunho and San who were being absolutely no help. “I just need to fucking talk to her okay!” 
The two shared a look, before the skinnier one turned back to me, shaking his head. He was about to open his mouth and say something when the more excited one interjected. “You know....I can’t let you go talk to her....but for the right price....I’ll give you her number.”
“Woo, you devil spawn.”
“He’s not going to agree to it-”
“Excuse me, what.....” Wooyoung turned away in surprise from the argument he was having with his friend. 
At this point I was desperate. Wooyoung’s eyes turned to saucers as I started pulling out all the cash in my wallet (which was quite a bit). “How much?” The two of the just stood staring at the money in my hand. “Not enough?” I heaved an anxious sight before looking over my shoulder at my friends. “Yunho give me your wallet.” 
Not batting an eye, the tall dancer gave it to me and let me start taking cash out of his billfold. I handed them the thick stack of cash, looking at them expectantly. Slowly, Wooyoung reached out and pocketed the money before speaking again. 
“You know I was just going to ask for a selfie, but that works too.”
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Blue Skies M.List
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Gifts From the Heart (Soft!Ojiro x Wolf!Reader)
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Art credit: Pixiv ID 4177162
Requested by anon: Saw the word Ojiro, came running. Can I request fluffy, wholesome Ojiro x Fem!Reader where Ojiro makes the reader a gift?
A/N: This is a chapter from my unpublished Ojiro x reader book that will be uploaded all at once very soon xD. Stay tuned!! there needs to be more ojiro content out there, this boy is so underrated
[anon, i got so carried away the full fanfic is at 50k words and its climbing im so sorry it took me so long to post what you requested, it spurred on my creativity and now i have a fanfic sitting in my docs waiting to be shown to the world lol]
✨Edit: this is part 10 of Ojiro’s fanfic series titled “Saving Her”. Masterlist for it found here!! ✨
Words: 3.8k
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It was a lazy Sunday and everyone was lounging around the Heights Alliance dormitory. Aoyama was sitting at one of the tables with Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka, serving hors d’oeuvres.
It made a great accompaniment to Yaoyorozu’s herbal tea. 
Ojiro gathered what he would need in order to make you your gift. It was almost done, but it was missing a few key finishing touches.
Throughout the time you had spent with them, he had found himself growing more and more attached to you and given your past, he wanted to show you just how much you were welcome here.
Alright, maybe it was a little bit more than that. Maybe it was more along the lines of wanting to confess to you badly, but if he went in with that idea, he was sure he would get rejected. Not to mention, he lacked the courage.
He had roped in the assistance of Yaoyorozu and Hagakure. They were the only ones who knew of his feelings and his plan for your gift, but they roped in the rest of the girls to keep you distracted while he put his plan into motion.
He had been surprised when Hagakure suggested it to him, since he wasn’t able to get you anything from that day at the mall when you all went. You didn’t want anything but what once was bewildering gave him an idea for your next present.
He was the only one who hadn’t gotten you anything, desperately wanting it to be perfect before he gave it to you. 
His lack of creativity was soon solved by one simple thing as his eyes fell on what you had discarded on his bed the day before.
While you were distracted by the girls upstairs, he got to work. Pushing up his sleeves alongside Sato and Koda, he started to prepare what he needed.
Meanwhile, you were having a blast.
Yaoyorozu was teaching you how to braid your own hair so it wouldn’t get in the way and so that your fluffy ears would be shown off and not hidden. You and Asui were talking about the upcoming week where they were going to get trained for the provisional licensing exam. Since you were so new, you wouldn’t be able to take it at the same time as everyone else but that didn’t deter you.
If anything, you were even more pumped to catch up to them.
Things had been rough. You had narrowly escaped a bad situation only for Ojiro to save you. Since then, things had started to snowball one after another, but in the best way possible. Aizawa had arranged a temporary agreement with Principal Nezu concerning your enrollment into UA which also enabled you to stay at the dorms. 
But what once was supposed to be temporary solidified into a permanent situation as Aizawa adopted you and now you were hoping that they would let you stay.
Overtime, you had grown close to all of them. The paperwork had all been filled out but you were nervous if they would all really be okay with letting you join their ranks. You just had to ask your fellow classmates if they would accept you. 
Orjio had been particularly nice to you, taking you under his wing and letting you explore your new surroundings with a safety net that he provided.
You gulped. Just thinking about him made your heart flutter and tail wag. 
“Oooo, Y/N’s thinking about him again.” Ashido teased, sidling over to you from her closet to where you were sitting on the floor by the window. 
“Huh?” You blinked, your fluffy ears twitching. “Who?”
Uraraka swatted your arm playfully, mischief gleaming in her eyes. “Oh come on!! You don’t expect us to fall for that again after all this time!! Who do you take us for?!”
You flushed, gaze dropping into your lap where your hands were folded neatly. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
Trailing off with a nervous mumble, you fiddled with your tail as Yaoyorozu shot you an empathetic smile. 
“It’s alright, Y/N-chan,” She reassured kindly. “You don’t have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“But Yao-Momo!!” Ashido pouted. “She was about to admit her feelings for him!!”
“No I wasn’t!!” You protested, then clapped a hand over your mouth but it was too late.
The damage had been done.
Squeals burst out all around you and you had the sudden urge to take refuge in your room, no longer wanting to be a part of this humiliating conversation. 
“How long?!” Ashido shrieked in your ear, tugging on your arm, wanting to know the exact time it started.
“I don’t know!!” You cried out, burying your face in your hands, utterly embarrassed.
Uraraka and Hagakure let out a gasp at your indirect confession but squealed excitedly as realization finally hit them.
“You guys would be so cute together!!” Hagakure gushed.
Uraraka’s eyes crinkled up joyously. “Aww!! I can already picture them out on their first date!!”
“Guys, give her space to breathe.” Jirou said, rolling her eyes at her overexcited friends as she freed you from their grasp.
Yaoyorozu seconded that, even though she was equally as excited as her friends at this new information. 
“I didn’t know you had feelings for Ojiro-san.” She lightly teased with a soft smile on her face, patting your back like an older sister would.
“I don’t!!” You denied but winced at the collective glare that was thrown your way. “... Maybe…”
Ashido sprang up to her feet. “She’s totally crushing on him!!”
You grabbed onto her arm to prevent her from leaving the room, finding Ojiro and outing your secret. “No I’m not!!”
“Are too!!”
“Am not!!”
“ARE TOO!!!!!”
The both of you fell back on top of the bed, bouncing a couple of times on the mattress as the other girls forced the two of you to sit down. 
Even Asui seemed on board. 
“I think you would be able to make him very happy, kero.” She relayed, a finger resting on her chin. “He already thinks very highly of you.”
You couldn’t help but blush at that, wiggling around uncomfortably as your heartbeat echoed loudly in your ears. 
Hagakure shoved your shoulder and you nearly toppled over, not expecting her to do that.
“Y/N!!” She chastised, wagging a finger at you. “You can’t be serious!! Haven’t you noticed it?!”
You were lost. “Noticed what??”
“Oh dear.” Yaoyorozu commented, gazing at you sympathetically.
“Someone tell her or else I’m going to explode!!!” Ashido shouted, throwing her hands up in the air.
You opened your mouth to ask just what was going on when the door suddenly opened and everybody fell silent. 
Todoroki didn’t do or say anything. He simply inclined his head to the side and the girls who were so docile for a few seconds burst into action. 
You weren’t sure exactly what happened but within the next minute, you were being shoved outside and hastily instructed to go downstairs in exactly five minutes while they all raced out, Ashido dragging a reluctant Todoroki along with them.
Since you left your phone back in Ojiro’s room and you didn’t want to be rude and barge in just to get it, you stayed outside in the hallway, counting the seconds that passed until five minutes had passed.
You lagged behind, not really sure what to expect. They had never acted like this around you before. 
Maybe Aizawa had told them of your permanent stay at Heights Alliance and they were all against it. 
But that didn’t make much sense since they went to such lengths to be so friendly and open with. 
Shaking your head to clear the muddled thoughts, you continued on down the staircase until you reached the first floor.
When you arrived, it was dark. All the lights were turned off, which was strange because you vividly recalled Iida saying something about how important it was to keep the lights on 24/7 so that none of the students tripped or anything. 
Mostly for your benefit since you tended to trip over air.
Claws sliding out, you narrowed your eyes, baring your canines threatening as you scanned for any signs of movement. 
Putting into the play the training Aizawa had taught you, you crouched low to the ground, slinking along the abandoned corridor. 
Adrenaline pumping through your veins, you crept around the corner, coming to halt just before the common room. 
Here goes nothing. 
You stepped out.
Then, several things happened at once. 
You were blinded as the lights suddenly flashed on and you shrieked, jumping on the nearest person out of instinct. 
“What the fuck, dumbass!!!” Bakugou raged as he caught you when you tunneled into him. 
You squeaked frightfully, backpedaling until you were a sufficient distance away from the group of twenty now standing in front of you, clearly seeing them for the first time.
“I told you she would get scared!!” Jirou chastised, smacking the sheepish-looking pikachu on the head.
“I’m sorry, I thought it would be fine!!” Kaminari argued back, gripping his head in pain. “Ow!! That hurts!!”
“Serves you right!!” She snapped back.
You retracted your claws, reverting back to the adorable wolf that they all knew and loved now that you realized there wasn’t any threat. Your ears perked up and your lips curled into a smile of disbelief.
Beaming happily as Ashido smothered you in a hug, you blinked back tears as your eyes fell on the banner that said, “Welcome Home!!!”, in bright lettering above the entire class of 1-A.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. “You guys did all of this for me?”
Uraraka gestured to the pile of presents behind Shoji and Tokoyami. 
“It was Ojiro-kun’s idea for the presents and Hagakure’s for a party.” She told you cheekily, pointing to the embarrassed boy hiding behind the counter to make himself appear smaller. “We just all pitched in to help.”
“You didn’t have to do all of this for me…” You said softly, in awe and vastly overwhelmed.
“You’re staying with us from now on.” Todoroki quipped plainly from the back row. “This was in order.”
Hagakure rushed over to you. “Do you like it?! Are you surprised?!”
You nodded and squeezed her tightly, thanking her before making your way over to Ojiro, who had yet to acknowledge you. At least, with words. 
He couldn’t tear his gaze away from you, completely under your spell as you padded over to him. 
Blushing, you tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, then cursed yourself for doing something so embarrassing in front of your long-time crush. 
“Mashirao?” You said curiously, noticing his arms were hidden behind his back.
Man, he was never going to get tired of hearing your sweet voice saying his name in such an intimate way.
Winding his tail around your waist, he tugged you closer until you fell into his chest. You shivered as you felt one of his arms snake around you, as if shielding you from the people who were crowding around you.
Your face burned and you were thankful it was hidden from all of your classmates as they ‘awwed’ at the two of you. Vaguely, you heard someone slyly note how cute the two of you were and you swore, feeling more self-conscious than ever. 
You didn’t get a chance to wiggle out of his hold to smack Ashido on the head for her comment since Ojiro decided to give you what was behind his back.
It was a small, carefully wrapped gift box, not impressive on the outside by any means, but your eyes sparkled and your heart skipped a beat. 
Seeing the expression on your face, his shoulders shook with laughter. Your eyes were shining in excitement at seeing his present as opposed to all the other ones that were much larger than his. 
He strangely felt touched by it. 
You placed it on the kitchen island, running your fingers over the velvet bow and pretty gift wrap. You almost didn’t want to ruin it. 
“Oh come on,” Ashido squealed in frustration the longer you prolonged it and everyone else crowded around you. “Open it already!!”
You shot her a playful glare, taking your time despite the many groans that sounded around you as you carefully unwrapped the neatly decorated box. By the time you finally finished taking off all the wrapping paper, everyone, even Bakugou, was leaning forward in anticipation. 
Taking off the lid so that it covered whatever was in the box from their prying eyes, even though there were several loud protests, your eyes widened as you saw what was nestled inside several layers of crinkled paper.
Reaching in eagerly, you pulled it out and held it up. 
It was a lion plushie. A beautifully crafted, complete with whiskers and a fluffy mane, stuffed lion. And you already adored it. 
There were some disappointed complaints that his present didn’t live up to the hype they were expected to believe, but Ojiro didn’t hear them, only having eyes for you. As they started to disperse throughout the living room, you couldn’t tear your gaze from the cute lion.
“I seem to recall someone getting ahold of the giraffe in my room.” Ojiro teased with a knowing smile. “You seemed to like to have something to hold onto at night, so I figured another stuffed animal couldn’t hurt, right?”
Your ears swiveled happily as you heard him say that and you couldn’t refrain from bouncing in place, tail swishing behind you. 
“It was so long ago, I would’ve thought you had forgotten by now.” You beamed, smiling from ear to ear as you tested out its squishiness. “Where in the world did you get this?! It’s so plushy!!”
When he didn’t answer you right away, you paused your shower of adoration over the beloved lion, tilting your head curiously at Ojiro, who was now bright red and mumbling something under his breath.
“Huh?” You squeaked, unsure if you really heard him right.
His throat bobbed as he swallowed, grinning at you sheepishly. “Well, it’s just— The stores didn’t really have any lions that looked cute enough when I took my sister to the mall and that’s when she suggested making one for you.”
Your jaw dropped to the floor.
“I remember you saying that you liked lions because… well, you said they reminded you of me so I really wanted to get you a lion.” Ojiro continued, not noticing your reaction, too caught up in his rambling. 
You had told him one night after playing with his tail to calm you down after you had a nightmare and he hadn’t forgotten it since.
“Holly-chan helped me sew it, I got the materials from Aizawa-sensei and Shoji helped me attach the tail and the mane and everything else.” He told you, pointing out all of the features that were carefully crafted together with the utmost love.
Your heart skipped a beat.
He hesitated, now picking up on the fact that you had yet to say anything. “Is… Do you like it?”
You would’ve punched him for his obliviousness if it weren’t for the fact that you didn’t want to let your lion go in order to do so. “Are you kidding?! I love it!!”
Ojiro’s chest deflated as he released a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in, scratching the back of his neck. “Oh, thank All Might.”
“You could’ve done this in private, you know.” You lightly teased, brushing your fingers over the soft material in awe. “I’m sure it would’ve been less stressful for you.”
He made it for you. You’ve never had anyone buy anything for you for the longest time, let alone make something for you with their own two hands. The time and energy it must’ve taken, not to mention the thought he put into it. 
That was it. You were going to explode with happiness.
“I was going to.” He said, shooting a look over your shoulder at a satisfied Shoji and a smug Tokoyami gazing at you from the sidelines while everyone else wrecked havoc on the common floor. “But everybody kind of wanted to see what it was. And your reaction.”
You giggled, hugging it tightly to your chest. “Thank you, I love it, Mashirao.”
He kissed your forehead, murmuring, “I’m really glad you do, Y/N.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you bit your lip to stop your smile from getting too wide. It was too much. You felt like you were going to burst.
“Y/N?” Ojiro asked worriedly, cupping your chin and furrowed his eyebrows. “Your face is all red.”
“Dummy!!” You pouted, pushing him away and clutching the lion plushie tighter. “It’s your fault, you know!!”
He chuckled, patting your head. Your lashes fluttered shut at the stimulation, throaty growl emitting in approval at the affectionate gesture. 
Ojiro’s gaze softened, brimming with love. He couldn’t believe how far you came from being that shy, wary girl back then.
You raised the stuffed animal up, tapping it on its nose. “Your name will be Koko!!”
Squeezing it tightly to your chest, you rocked back and forth on your heels, gazing at it with adoring eyes when you held it up. 
Ojiro’s heart melted at seeing you so happy. 
Your other friends insisted that you open their gifts next, nearly dragging you over the table. Everyone had given you something, even Bakugou. 
You objected to their generosity, protesting that they spent too much on you already the first time around but it was like all of them went deaf and ignored your objections, shoving box after box in your hands. 
Sato had made sure to have enough food on hand for moments exactly like these, when everybody got swept up in the energy of it all and were literally bouncing off the walls. 
Somehow, somewhere, Aizawa was found and dragged out of his cave to join his students in the party. But he mostly was out of the way, watching from afar as you were handed gift after gift.
Aoyama had gotten ahold of a painted tea set that looked very fragile and it was paired with Yaoyorozu’s jasmine tea she had gifted you. 
It took a couple of turns for you to realize that they had collaborated when giving you things. 
Sato’s cookbook filled with a couple of his own added recipes he knew you loved went with the polished pots and pans Shoji gave you. Tokoyami and Asui’s were combined into a patterned quilt that everyone had pitched in to help with. 
The two tickets you got for the autumn festival stumped you but that mystery was soon cleared up when Todoroki gave you what looked to be an extremely expensive, embroidered kimono.
“When you two finally go on a date.” He said monotonously, pointing a finger at Midoriya and Jirou. “They said that you two will have to confess first, though.”
Your jaw dropped and you and Ojiro both turned opposite ways, unable to look each other in the eye in case that claim wasn’t true.
You had to physically push Ashido and Hagakure away when they made kissing sounds at you, embarrassed beyond belief.
Ojiro had to fight to keep Shoji at bay but his friend was much stronger than him and the tailed teenager ended up losing his balance and careened into you.
You yelped as your face ended up right in front of his, a millimeter away. Breath catching in your throat, your heart stopped and he audibly gulped at your proximity.
Neither one of you moved. 
It wasn’t until you shakily held up the tickets Kirishima had given you did he blink.
“Would…” You swallowed hard, gathering your courage. “Would you like to go with me?”
Ojiro didn’t even think of saying no. 
A huge smile broke out on your face as he said yes and you covered your face with your hands as Uraraka and Ashido squealed, instantly hiding into Ojiro’s chest out of instinct.
He didn’t mind but the heat that was creeping up his neck turned into a full-fledged blush as he hugged you, keeping you close even after Shoji and Tokoyami sent him a pointed glance.
Mouthing for them to mind their own business, he held you until you collected yourself enough to face them. Even then, he kept you seated on his lap, running his fingers through your fluffy tail as you opened the rest of your gifts. 
He knew you were going to cry by the end of the night, most likely when the two of you were alone, but he couldn’t help but agree with everything that his classmates had thought of for you.
You had been without love for so long that when you saw it, you didn’t know what to do. He would take every opportunity to show you how much you meant to him and how precious your life was.
After hours of playing video games, eating Sato’s delicious cooking and getting caught up in Kaminari’s schemes as he tried to push you and Ojiro together not-so-discreetly before Jirou bonked him on the head, you were so tired you felt like you could fall asleep standing up. 
Aizawa had left a while ago, once Bakugou destroyed the TV remote, lacking the energy to deal with his students outside of the classroom. 
You had run up to him, begging cutely for a hug and he hesitated but didn’t refuse you. 
Everyone except for Ojiro’s jaws dropped as you called him dad so nonchalantly but they were even more shocked when Aizawa simply ruffled your hair and told you not to stay up too late. 
You had made your way back into Ojiro’s arms as soon as the older man left his student to their craziness, and you tumbled onto an empty sofa with him cushioning your fall.
He smiled at you fondly, eyes softening as he swept the hair away from your eyes, his heart stopping as you nuzzled into his chest. 
“Princess…” He murmured, tucking a lock behind your ear, as he had seen you do earlier. “Are you happy?”
A smile curled against his neck. 
“Mmhm…” You hummed happily. “Thank you, Mashirao.”
For the rest of the night, you didn’t let go of the stuffed lion he gave you once, eventually falling asleep on the couch with your new present tucked safely in your arms. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing you once as he used his tail to pull a blanket over the both of you. 
“Anything for you, Y/N.”
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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Uhhhh hi? Lol I dunno if anyone remembers this, but this past May I mentioned I was going through quite a lot, and at the time I had a Hazel-focused Mother's Day angst one-shot half-written, that never got finished.
Well, it's 3:30 am, and it's finished! 😃 this was written on my phone, so it may not be well edited, and I can't guarantee it's 100% in character; but it was cathartic as hell. I won't be including this in Together With Fruit (it just doesn't fit anywhere), but I will say it's 100% canon to Hazel’s character/story. That being said, you don't have to read it if you don't want to - it's a little heavy, imo, and I won't be offended if people skip it.
But without further ado, I present: The Problems with Mother's Day
TW/CW: Parental angst, estranged parent relationships, mentions of death, feelings of inadequacy (if I need to add anything lemme know!)
Word Count: 2,052
From the moment Hazel opened her eyes, she knew it was going to be a long day. The skies were cloudy, the waves choppy, and her roommate’s face was about ten inches away, smiling a little too sweetly.
“Ahh!” she yelled, jumping back in bed. “Nami, what the hell?!”
“Oh good, you’re up!” Nami chirped at her, doing nothing to alleviate the suspicion in Hazel’s gut. “I need a favor!”
“I told you before: if Luffy gets his head stuck between the railings, it’s better to just leave him there or he’ll never learn his lesson.”
“No, no, not that, silly!” Hazel glared further at the young woman, suspicion thoroughly piqued. “See, it’s Mother’s Day! Normally, Nojiko and I have a tradition of cooking a big breakfast, but since she’s obviously not here, I was wondering if you’d like to join me?” and then she flashed the biggest pair of puppy dog eyes Hazel had ever seen. Which was saying something, considering how often Ace had tried to use that on her when they were kids. 
There was just one issue.
“It’s Mother’s Day?” Hazel groaned, rubbing one hand over her face. Nami took her groaning as a sign of tiredness, and enthusiastically nodded her head.
“Please, Hazel? My sister and I do this every year, and I’d really like to share it with you!”
Guilt gnawed at Hazel’s gut. How could she possibly say “no” now?
“Sure, Nami...just,” she sighed, “give me a second to get dressed.” And then Nami let out a squeal, of all things, hugged the purple-haired girl around the shoulders, and bounded up the stairs.
Left alone, Hazel took a deep, shuddery breath. Then she took another one. Then another, on and on until they became steadier, and the world didn’t feel like it’d swallow her up right there. She stood up, padding over to the closet the girls shared, and quickly threw on a plain t-shirt and shorts; something she wouldn’t be upset about getting messy. She threw her curly hair into a messy ponytail, squared her shoulders, and with a firm nod of her head, she followed after Nami.
It was early, enough so that the sun had barely peaked over the horizon. With all the clouds in the sky, the seascape remained a rather dull blue, the orange of the sun’s rays blocked from view. Even Sanji, who normally woke up pretty early to get a start on breakfast, was still nestled deep in his hammock down below.
“How’d you manage to secure the kitchen for the day?” she asked as she entered the galley, deftly catching the apron Nami tossed her way.
“I told Sanji-kun I had something special planned, batted my eyelashes a bit, and he was convinced to sleep in for a day,” Nami explained, pulling the last of the ingredients from the fridge and setting them on the counter. “I’ve got the pancake batter covered, if you wanna get a start on the bacon!”
Hazel slid up to the counter, eyeing the array of food and utensils the navigator had set out. It had been a while since she'd made bacon - Luffy had a habit of stealing the still sizzling strips from the pan - but she dutifully set to work at the stove as Nami chatted on.
"One year, Belle-mere wasn't able to afford our usual breakfast ingredients, so Nojiko and I had to improvise," the younger woman was saying as she steadily dribbled pancake batter onto the skillet. "We snuck into the tangerine grove and picked as many as we could find, but we stuck to the smaller ones so they wouldn't be missed." Hazel hummed in acknowledgement, gut churning. "Nojiko set up an entire tray of tangerines cut into different shapes, but when Belle-mere tried to eat? Her face puckered up like this!"
Nami's face scrunched into an expression that resembled a dried up pufferfish, cheeks sunken in and eyes screwed shut, before she bust out laughing at the memory. Hazel smiled good-naturedly, piling more bacon onto the plate beside her, and Nami launched into another story.
"Oh! And then there was the year I tried to make the pancakes by myself for the first time! Normally that was Nojiko's job, but I convinced her to let me try," the navigator said, eyes far away as she expertly flipped another pancake. "The entire kitchen ended up covered in batter! I'm not even sure how it happened - I thought Belle-mere would be furious! I was so scared I hid in the closet, but I didn't realize I'd tracked flour behind me." Nami shook her head, smiling. "Belle-mere opened the closet door, took one look at me, and grinned this huge grin. She said it was the 'best year ever'..."
Hazel bit her cheek as Nami sighed wistfully. "Belle-mere was always saying that: it was the 'best year ever', no matter how much we ruined breakfast."
"Hazel, are you ok?"
"Huh?" Hazel glanced at her in surprise, then quickly resumed her task, tension coiling in her gut as she nodded. Just breathe, Hazel…
"Are you sure?" Nami asked, worry ringing in her voice. "You don't seem to be having much fun."
"I'm fine, Nami," Hazel grit out, flinching back as a drop of grease jumped out at her.
"No you're not! What's wrong?"
"Look, I said I'm fine, alright?!" Hazel snapped, turning from the bacon to glare at the young girl. "I just don't really give a shit about Mother's Day!"
Nami's gasp was accented by the galley door opening, their crew's footsteps halting as Hazel’s statement hung in the air. All at once, her anger fled, replaced quickly with burning shame at Nami's watery gaze. Swallowing against the lump in her throat, and the warmth growing in her cheeks, Hazel muttered a quick "sorry" before bolting from the room.
The others watched her go, breakfast momentarily forgotten, until the familiar thwap thwap of their captain's flip flops broke the silence, punctuated by Luffy’s excited cry: "Sanji! Food!"
"I just don't get it!" Nami yelled as she sat at the table, anger, embarrassment, and guilt all warring within her. Hazel still hadn't returned to the kitchen. "It's just Mother's Day. It should be a day to celebrate!"
"I'm sure Hazel-chan has her reasons, Nami-san," Sanji said around his cigarette, unhappy that "his girls" were at odds. Luffy scratched under his hat. 
"What's Mother's Day?"
Luckily for him, Luffy was used to the incredulous stares his crew often bestowed on him. Even Zoro was looking at him like he'd grown a second head. Wait. Could he do that?
"Even you should know what Mother's Day is," Nami scolded the boy as he inexplicably began to pull at the skin on his shoulder.
Luffy shrugged. "Nope!"
"It's the day you celebrate your mom!" Nami was met with a blank stare. "You know, the one who provides for you, even if it means she goes without."
"The one who encourages your dreams, and loves you unconditionally," Sanji added, a wistful look in his eye as he flicked his cigarette.
"The one who tells you stories, and tucks you into bed at night," Usopp chimed in, face alight with happy memories.
But Luffy merely raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Hazel already has a birthday, I'm supposed to give her two parties?!"
And then the room grew silent once more as the weight of his question settled on the others' shoulders. Nami felt her stomach clench, threatening to evict a breakfast she hadn't even eaten as she realized what had happened. She pushed herself to her feet, rushing out of the kitchen with barely a word to the others.
She had to find Hazel.
Nami found her standing against the railing, on the complete opposite side of the ship. Hazel’s arms were crossed in front of her, the wind blowing through her loose, purple curls as she gazed out at the sea. The navigator approached slowly, suddenly nervous now that she was here. But before she could utter any apology, Hazel beat her to it.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you. That wasn't very fair, and you didn't deserve it."
Nami's brown eyes snapped up to the other woman's face, still not facing her, and swallowed against the growing lump in her throat.
"I'm the one who should be sorry," she said, leaning on the rail beside her. "I should have asked you first. I shouldn't have assumed you'd be OK with it."
Hazel shrugged. "You had good intentions, at least. It's the thought that counts."
"Is it?" But Hazel didn't answer, and the two slipped into a heavy silence broken only by the crash of waves against the hull. "What happened to her?" Nami finally asked, shoulders tensed as she waited for the older woman to either answer or scold her.
Hazel only sighed. "Honestly?" she clicked her tongue, shrugging her shoulders and biting her lip. "No idea. Don't really remember her."
"But if you don't remember…" Nami started, eyes lighting up as an idea struck her. "Then she could still be out there somewhere! Maybe we'll find her-!"
"I hope she's dead."
The finality of the statement struck Nami dumb, mouth hanging open in shock at the woman's deadened expression. There was no waver in Hazel’s tone, no room for any doubt that she meant it. "What…?"
Hazel laughed through her nose, a bitter sound. "Sounds horrible, right? Especially today of all days? But it's true." Hazel’s jaw clenched, her fists curling around the Merry's railing. "If she's dead, then it wasn't a choice. If she's dead, then she didn't decide to -! She didn't just -!" Her shoulders shook, breaths coming out in ragged gasps, unable to finish the statement.
Nami reacted without thinking, pulling the shaking woman into her arms without hesitation. Hazel's voice broke, heartache echoing between them as she gasped out: "why wasn't I enough?"
"Now you look at me!" Nami cried, pulling back to lock her eyes onto Hazel’s. "Don't you ever think you aren't enough! Just look at everything you've done! We're all here because of you, Hazel!"
Hazel rolled her watery gray eyes. "You're here because of Luffy - I'm just emotional support." But Nami shook her head.
"Luffy may have brought us together, but he only got to where he is because you supported him! He thinks the absolute world of you, he loves you - we all love you! And you've done all of this without her! Screw her!" Hazel dissolved into a new round of tears, and Nami pulled her back into her warm embrace. "New tradition: from now on, let us show you how much we appreciate you, whether that's through breakfast together, or leaving you the hell alone."
Hazel choked out a wet, shaky laugh, fingers clutching tightly to Nami's t-shirt as the tears flowed through her. Finally, they subsided, and as she leaned back Nami helped wipe the remaining tear tracks away. Hazel took a deep breath, then another, feeling lighter than she had all day. Then, her stomach growled.
"I think I'm ready to go back to breakfast," she murmured, too drained to be embarrassed. Nami just smiled, linking their arms together as she led the way back to the others.
When they entered the galley, the pair were separated when a rubbery figure launched itself at Hazel. Luffy wrapped his limbs around his sister, squeezing so tight it was a wonder she didn't break a rib. "Hazel! Sanji made you coffee! He wouldn't let me try it but I did anyway - how do you drink that stuff?!"
Hazel just smiled at his rambling, wiggling her arms free of her brother's embrace, surprising the boy when she hugged him back (almost) as tightly, and kissed him on the forehead. "Heeey!" He whined, pulling away to angrily rub at the spot she'd kissed. "What was that for?!"
"Nothing, just…I'm proud of you, Luff." The boy's face broke into a grin.
"Shishishi! I'm proud of you, too! Now, let's eat!"
Finally, the Straw Hats gathered around the table, digging into their meal with an excited frenzy. Sipping her coffee, Hazel nudged the woman beside her. "Thanks, Nami," she said, smiling easily after the events of that morning. "But, for future reference? On Father's Day, you may just wanna let me stay in bed."
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● AN: Thanks to @succulent-momma​ and @drabbles-blurbs-words​ for editing this for me. A quick note before reading this Japan doesn’t foster in large numbers.  So most orphans or neglected children go to a facility called “Children’s homes”. Also, I wanted to take on the trope of the hero “breaking their lover’s heart to save them” usually it ends up with the said lover being heartbroken for years before the hero finds them again and voila! Everything is fine and dandy after the truth comes out. I really dislike this trope so I wanted to do a prompt to expand more on this.
● Warning: This prompt includes underage sex between two minors, explicit sex, consensual sex, and angst read at your own discretion. For those who are Nana fans I also warn you read cautiously. 
● Young All Might x Fem Reader
Y/N frowned at Nana-neesan; her frown became even more severe at the sight of the taller blonde man.
“What do you want, nee-san? You made it clear that you didn’t want me to interfere with your work when you left me here,” she murmured under her breath while keeping an eye on the blonde that was nervously looking from her older sister to her.
Here being the children’s home for abused and abandoned orphans. Yes, she had a living older sister who could have taken care of her but chose not to due to her dangerous job as a Pro Hero complete with a maniacal evil villain.
Nana sent a sorrowful smile towards her.
“I know you aren’t happy with my decision, but I promise I would rather you be alive here than dead with me. You being alive in front of my eyes means everything to me even if it means that I won’t see you as often.”
Y/N had heard this speech over and over again, she should understand her intentions by now, right? She understands that her older sister spends time-saving the entirety of Japan, but all she wants is to go home and see her family regularly. She wanted to see her infant nephew that was only 3 months old. So, she should understand, but Y/N couldn’t help the bitterness bubbling inside of her.
Nana gestured to the man next to her.
“This is my student and successor, Yagi Toshinori. I want you and him to get along. Think of him as your oni-san. He’ll protect you when I can’t,” she told her. The glint in Nana’s eyes showed the pride and joy she held for her student.
That revelation only made things worse for Y/N. What was nee-san doing now? Picking up strays off the street and replacing her real siblings? Sure, she didn’t have a quirk like nee san’s, but it didn’t mean she was worthless. It didn’t mean she deserved to be abandoned at a children’s home.
Y/N sent a vicious glare to the man well more like boy named Yagi.
“He is not my oni-san. I might live here right now, but I have a family. And I don’t remember my parents having a boy,” Y/N growled out and sent one last look at her sister. She seemed to be pleading with Y/N before a resigned look settled in her eyes.
She stomped over to the caretaker and told her that the visit was over. The official just nodded and politely asked Nana-neesan to leave. She only stared at Y/N for a few more moments before heeding the request and leaving her alone again in the facility. It shouldn’t hurt, after all, she had already been here since she was 15 and now her 16th birthday was only a few months away. And yet, to see her sister’s back as she left again, it tore another piece of her on the inside. The worst thing was Y/N should hate her with every fiber of her being, but she couldn’t. She wanted her family and her sister. Not this stranger who upheld the One for All legacy over the cost of her own blood.
So, Y/N hardened her heart and trudged back to her shared room with another abandoned girl who only smiled in sympathy at her plight.
“Ne Y/N, look I bought some snacks from the nearby convenience store with my allowance. Want some?”
She shook her head at the girl’s earnest look and scooted over to her friend. “I thought you were on a diet.”
Her friend only shrugged and held out a chocolate bar which Y/N took a generous bite out of.
“Trust me, whenever these parents or foster people come to check on us. We need this!”
Y/N didn’t voice her agreement out loud but took another bite of her chocolate as the two lonely girls chatted and comforted each other for the sorrows that were beyond their control.
Unfortunately, that last disastrous visit was not the end of it. It seemed Yagi had taken it upon himself to befriend the lone sister of his teacher. He started showing up at the facility even without nee-san. Y/N didn’t ask him if her sister knew what her student was doing. At first, she refused all visits from him, but he left presents for her. Snacks, chocolate, makeup (haphazardly bought but luxurious nonetheless), and even envelopes with small amounts of spending money. Finally, she got fed up with it and confronted him.
“Do you think I’m cheap and easy that you can buy my affections with all this stuff? I told you I don’t want another sibling, nor do I need one,” she huffed angrily at him. The idiotic man just smiled with jubilation in return to her censure. “Why are you smiling? Do you think making me angry and upset is funny?”
He quickly crossed his hands in an X and shook his head. “No! I’m just happy you’re finally talking to me and I get it. I know that it’s weird for someone to come out of nowhere and act like your brother. But that’s just Shishou’s wish for us to get along.”
Y/N could feel her annoyance build up and replied, “well it’s always been about what she wants isn’t it? Never about what I want or what my wishes are. Did she even think about how I would feel when she brought her student to meet me and ask me to treat you like family when she left me here? No, she didn’t! Just like she didn’t consider how all of this is impacting me. Does she even care?”
The last part ruined her and the lump in her throat caused her voice to break as she voiced out her deepest fears to the guiltless boy in front of her. Yagi stepped in front of her and grabbed both of her shoulders. Y/N let out a gasp when he pulled her close and she could see the depth in his ocean eyes.
“Gomen. I can’t say I know everything that happened between Shishou and you. I can see that her sacrifices have hurt you and nothing I do will ever erase those hurts. I won’t ever replace the family that you had nor the sister you want. But I can be the friend you need.”
His eyes shined brightly with resolve and she wanted to believe him. Y/N was so tired of this past year, everything that could possibly go wrong had gone wrong. Y/N tried to slip out of his strong grasp and separate herself from his expectations.
“Please,” he urged softly.
Y/N looked back into his eyes and felt her trepidation crumble.
“Fine. We can try being friends, but the second you act out of line. You will stop visiting me.” She warned him.
Again, he sent a delighted smile her way and brought her in for a tight hug. Y/N felt her cheeks heat up and tried to push him away from her.
“Thanks! I promise you won’t regret giving me a chance.”
Y/N scoffed and pushed against his strong chest even harder. “I already do,” she murmured to herself as the overly joyful man finally let her go.
Over the next couple of months, Toshinori made good on his promise and she saw him more often than her sister. She saw him after he got accepted into U.A. and he shared his elation with her. She saw him as he failed several times to defeat someone named Gran Torino. She even stayed and listened to him as he babbled on about her nee-san’s ideals of saving people with a smile. They grew closer than she ever thought possible. And so, it wasn’t a surprise that closeness evolved into something else.
“Here you go, Y/N-chan!” he handed over a gift wrapped up nicely. Her 16th birthday had included well wishes from the caretakers within the facility, her roommate, and her too often absent sister. But Toshinori had held off the celebrations until he was able to get a reprieve from U.A. to visit her.
She read the card first, it was a sloppily written card with her name on it. Y/N snickered at the butchered Kanji rather than the expected elegant calligraphy from her sister’s protegee. Finally, she took apart the present. It was a picture of kittens with bows on it. She felt her eyebrows twitch and sent Toshinori a glare. He knew how badly she wanted a pet, but the facility wouldn’t allow it.
She took the frame out and held it up to hit him with it. “You jerk! How could you do this on my birthday!”
“Wait..Wait! It’s not what you think!” he yelled out while avoiding her hits easily.
She huffed and said, “explain now! Before I beat you senseless with this cute frame.”
“Do you remember that kitten you saved from the streets and brought them to the nearest vet? Well, one of those kittens are him and the rest of those kittens have all found homes. They were going to be put down in the shelter due to limited space and because they were FIV positive. However, I’ve spent time and money to ensure that all of them found homes.”
Y/N looked down at the frame and sure enough one of them resembled the orange fluff ball she rescued from a storm drain.
“I know it’s not the pet you wanted. But until you can get one for yourself. I hope this is enough.”
She stared at him unblinkingly and he started getting unnerved with the way she was insistently staring without uttering a word.
“It’s a bad present, isn’t it? I’m sorry I thought it was a good idea and I’ve never bought a gift for a girl before. You know what? You can keep the frame and we can go out for dinner instead. My treat- Mprrh!” His rambling was cut off by her lips capturing Toshinori’s.
He didn’t waste a second, tugging her into his arms, and responding with fervent enthusiasm. He felt so warm, she couldn’t remember the last time someone just held her. First, she had lost her parents. And then her nee-san increasingly disappeared on her heroic crusade until she finally dumped her at this facility. It felt so right in his strong arms and a sigh of content escaped her as his tongue traced her lips as if asking for permission. She granted it and fell into a deeper escape. For the last few months, since she had gotten to know Toshinori, everything felt lighter. And the fact she was forsaken no longer weighed heavily on her being. He was the first good thing to happen that was entirely hers. Y/N’s feelings only grew more severe when she saw the depths he would go for her. But she feared that his kindness was something he shared with everyone or that he only cared for her because of nee-san. But now she could feel his tongue explore her mouth with zeal, tempting her body to respond with needy whimpers. Y/N was sure that her fears were unfounded. They only separated when air became necessary but even then, they stayed engrossed in each other. Toshinori rested his forehead against hers. She was unable to look away when he looked at her with such unrestrained and open adoration.
“Is it .… always like that?” he asked as he gasped for breath.
“I’m not sure,” she admitted, afraid to let him know that he was her first kiss.
He only stared at her with starry eyes and no judgment as he brought her into another kiss and another; until she could no longer spare time as curfew forced her to return.  
The rest of the year was spent with them sneaking out to meet each other whenever it was possible. Her nee-san seemed suspicious at the newfound familiarity between her imouto and student. But at the same time, she was relieved to know there was someone else to look out for Y/N. She never did suspect that the way Toshinori and Y/N were spending time was hardly in a way that normal friends ever attempted.
One particular weekend Y/N found herself at Toshinori’s apartment. He stayed there whenever he wasn’t training or was at U.A. It was a fairly decent apartment. It lacked any personal items only containing the necessity. She waited patiently in the apartment while the blonde went to the restroom. She couldn’t help herself when she went exploring through his space. Opening doors and peeking inside whatever that was unlocked. Y/N always did have a habit of being nosey and a sneak, so she didn’t think twice when she came to Toshi’s room and swung it open. Though, even his bedroom wasn’t much to look at; except he had a nice large bed instead of a futon. She was just about to leave disappointed when she spotted a sparkly gift bag tucked away on a desk.
Now normally going through people’s gifts and precious items was going too far even for her, but that gift bag’s logo was familiar to her. It was the bag of the most famous lingerie brand in Japan. She didn’t buy lingerie for herself, but she did buy regularly their bras and panties whenever necessary. So, the fact that her boyfriend had something from them in his room and she didn’t know about it, well she felt justified to look through said gift bag.
Y/N sifted through the purple wrapping paper and a receipt before coming across a babydoll lingerie. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized the garment still had its tags on it. Did that mean Toshi bought it for her and had yet to give it to her? She had to admit his taste in lingerie was very tasteful. It was sheer mauve with black trimmings on its edges and with a matching panty. Though the amount of lace on the fabric was kind of surprising, he didn’t seem like the type of guy who would like lace.
“Hey, are you in here?” Toshi yelled out when he came into the room only to let out a strangled gasp when he saw her standing there with the babydoll in hand.
Y/N only raised her eyebrow meaningfully at him.
“It’s not what you think!” he stuttered trying to find an excuse as to why he had that in his room. “Ok. It’s exactly what you think….. I like lace?.... And I thought you would look pretty in it?”
See if she didn’t know Toshinori as well as she did, Y/N would have thought he was lying. But she knew it was the truth; from the way he looked directly in her eyes and the fact that every time they got intimate, he acted angsty. Like he wanted more. She waited for him to ask permission to go further but he never did. Maybe this was his way to suggest it without putting too much pressure on her.
She looked at the soft revealing garment in her hand and his panicked face. Y/N started unzipping her hoody and let it fall to the floor.
His breath hitched and he murmured, “w-what are you doing?”
“Well, you bought it for me, didn’t you? Don’t you think I should try it on?”
Keeping eye contact Y/N unbuttoned her jeans and tugged them off too. She then reached over and pulled off her tank top and added it to the pile. Toshinori on the other hand had his entire face flushed red. His eyes wildly moved from her face to her body as if he didn’t know what to savor first. She reached behind and unbuckled her bra from its hook. She made sure not to look at her boyfriend while she shed her panty. Her last piece of clothing as she didn’t want to lose her nerve. Grabbing the babydoll she pulled it over her head and the slick material slid down her body. It barely covered her butt and her nipples strained against the material.
“So, what do you think?” Y/N asked with a nervous smile.
His nervous composure disappeared, and he confidently strode towards her. He touched her hair and loosened the bun she had pilled her hair in. Her long hair fell in waves and framed her face delicately, he smiled at the sight she made.
“Now it’s perfect. You look beautiful,” he said as he reached down to kiss her.
She didn’t know how they got from standing and kissing softly in the middle of the room and to his bed. Toshinori somewhere along the way had shed all his clothes, settling his hard body against her soft curves. Her first time was everything she imagined, the love in his eyes as she trusted him to take care of her. The horror stories of how much it hurt weren’t true in her case because all she could see was the exquisiteness of the ocean in his eyes. Did he know how expressive they were? They told so many stories from just their azure hues. She had seen them in sadness, fear, and joy. But they never shined with such brilliance until she stared above at him caging her tiny body protectively.
“Toshi.. hnggg~..” she whimpered out as he roughly palmed her breasts over the mauve intimate apparel.
He wouldn’t let her take it off, preferring her in it. Saying he liked the way her body appeared so sinful and tempting while she blushed and squirmed underneath him.
She let out another gasp when his cock slid in with the exact angle she needed, and her body arched accordingly. She spread her thighs more and hooked them around his waist so that he could move in easier without many obstacles. It felt like a warm entity had entered and filled her up just when she needed it. She felt Toshinori’s large hands secure themselves around her waist and lift her entire body. She let out a yelp and then a loud moan when he slammed her back down.
Y/N could vaguely hear his praises amongst his groans, the sounds of the bed slamming against the wall and the obscene wet sounds of their sexes intermingling. He told her how gorgeous she looked and how much he loved her.
She could feel herself spiraling before she lost it again and again. Y/N realized with frustration that Toshi was purposely changing his rhythm and speed.
Once again when her pleasure stopped midway, she let out a sob.
“Please, baby. I c-can’t.”
“Not yet. I promise I’ll give you what you need. Just wait,” Toshinori crooned as he ragdolled her body with his powerful thrusts.
Her short-bitten nails dug into his skin when she felt him lap at her perky cleavage. The thin soaked fabric clung to her body lewdly and it only encouraged his explorations. She grabbed the back of his head and encouraged him to suck the other neglected breast. When she felt him gingerly lick the fabric that covered the taut nub before sucking deeply, she finally lost it. Her muscles started squeezing around his member and the flutters started pulsing. The pulses came faster and faster as he helped her ride it out. 
The base of his cock felt heavy and tight. Toshinori slipped out of her surging cunt and spilled more of her juices onto his bedsheets. Keeping her thighs together, he used her thickness to stimulate himself and spilled his cum. He watched captivated as his sticky fluid ran down her thighs.
 The two lovers drifted off to sleep after their exertion. And when Y/N returned to the Children’s home the next day only to be punished for staying out without permission, she couldn’t help but think it was worth it.
Y/N ran through the hospital at top speed, trying to dodge oncoming patients and nurses. She spotted Toshinori standing next to a curiously short man.
“Toshi! Are you okay? I heard you and nee-san were involved in something big!” Y/N asked in a panic looking over his bruised and bandaged cheeks.
She looked up at him worriedly when he cupped her face gently.
“Y/N, Nana-shishou is… She’s gone.”
It felt like her entire life came to a standstill. “Gone where? Toshi, that’s not a funny joke,” she observed his face looking for any signs that he might be kidding, only to realize he wasn’t.
“No! That can’t be true. Nee-san was strong there’s no way!” There were no tears or anything that might qualify as grief. Instead, she felt anger.
“Of course! She left me here all alone! All for what??! A country that doesn’t even know her name? She’ll be forgotten like the rest of the heroes! Nobody’s going to remember her and what about Kotaro? Did she even for a second think about what would happen to her son?” Her rage growing more incense by each sentence.
“Now listen here, girl! I don’t care if you are family, but I will not let you belittle her sacrifice!” The old man butted in.
“Who the hell are you? And why are you butting in my business?” She snapped at the Oji-san that barely came up to her hips.
The old man lifted his hand like he was about to hit her when Toshinori stepped in.
“Gran Torino, please Y/N’s shocked right now. There’s no need for that.” He grabbed her hand and took her away from the hospital.
They both stood outside as the cloudy weather and humid air swarmed to create a gloomy atmosphere. She sobbed in his embrace as he hugged her close.
“I’m sorry. It’s my fault. Shishou was protecting me. If only I was stronger then I could have saved her.”
Y/N could have blamed him, but there was no point because taking it out on her boyfriend would not bring her older sister back. So, she only hugged him tighter as if she was trying to prevent him from leaving her too.
Although, she should have known in hindsight that people who were meant to leave always did regardless of what you wanted. A month after nee-san’s death, Toshinori stuck close. But as timed passed, he no longer could afford to as he had to up his training to fight the villain that caused her last remaining family’s death. He was drifting farther and farther away despite her clinging to him. She felt helpless.
So, imagine her surprise when she saw Toshinori waiting for her at the Children’s home as she returned from school.
“Toshi! You’re here! This is a surprise!” she squealed with happiness and kissed his cheek quickly.
She looked around to see no one in the garden behind the facility and so she pressed her lips against his in haste.
“I’ve missed you so much,” she murmured only for him to relinquish her hold and step back. His action caused her to flinch and her heart to clench. Y/N had a terrible feeling, was someone else dead now too? Was it Kotaro? She only knew that her nephew was given up to adoption.
“Toshi? What’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”
Toshinori only stared at the ground for a few minutes, his bangs hiding his face.
“Y/N, you and I have been together for a year and a couple of months, now right?”
She hummed an affirmative and shuffled closer to him only for Toshi to step back further.
“When I first saw you, I didn’t think we would make it this far. It wasn’t my intention. But we’ve come to care for one another. And I can’t lie to you anymore. I once told you I love you. And you told me the same, even now you look at me with expectations and love. I just can’t do this anymore. It would be wrong of me to lead you on like this.”
The words weighed upon her like someone was compressing her chest. Y/N suddenly felt like she couldn’t breathe, her heart racing out of control.
“What are you saying? This doesn’t make sense just a few months ago you were telling me you loved me. Toshi, why are you lying to me? And why won’t you look at me!”
He looked up from the ground to reveal his vulnerable eyes. The same eyes that would showcase how much he cared for her. Now they were filled with fear, only to harden with determination.
“I’m not lying. I did love you months ago. But now that Shishou is gone and I’m left with her legacy. I need space and I need to grow. I don’t need someone who will cling to me and expect me to solve all her problems! You’re suffocating me and I can’t breathe around you. When you needed me months ago, I felt like I could make everything better for you. But now I know the truth that even heroes can’t save everyone-“
She interrupted his tirade with a choked sob and his face twisted with agony.
“Get out,” she whispered.
Just like all those months ago when Nana-neesan left her behind at this lonely place, Y/N hardened her heart once again.
“I said GET OUT! I don’t want to see your face again!” She screamed.
“Y/N, I—” He reached out to her.
“Don’t! I never asked for your help. I never asked for you to come save me. I was fine by myself then and I’m going to be fine now. So, I’m giving you your freedom. Get out, Yagi Toshinori.”
She waited a few minutes for him to leave, only he wasn’t. He kept staring at her with torment.
“Fine, I’ll do you one last favor because in the past we loved and respected each other.” With that, she left him in that back garden only to keep walking until that facility was out of sight.
Y/N realized years later that the people who leave and those who you leave behind don’t really disappear from your life. The experiences and memories she retained left their marks on her like a blueprint. So, she instead decides to fill those spaces with new passions and loves. Y/N graduated from college and eventually went on to become a teacher. She figured that either she could despair about the circumstances she was dumped with or she could turn it into an opportunity. 
While remaining under the custody of the prefecture she was able to get financial help to further her education and make something out of her life. All the while searching for her last kin, Kotaro. There were a few paper trails as to who exactly adopted her nephew, but they lead nowhere; she kept an eye out for any information regarding him.
As she moved on and created a life for herself, he eventually came back to Japan. Bursting into the scene as a top hero, it was hard to see him at first. But even that ache disappeared as his face cropped up on every single piece of merchandise possible. She even reluctantly bought an All Might ramen only because that was her favorite flavor and it happened to be endorsed by him.
But she never did expect to meet him face to face years later.
A villain cackled as the hostages and Y/N waited anxiously for a hero to rescue them. She was just minding her business, trying to deposit her usual check when this unfortunate incident happened. However, she didn’t realize that the more frightening individual was the man coming to rescue them. Not the low tier criminal. All too soon she heard his joy-filled laugh, it uplifted the spirits of those surrounding him and flooded her up with more regret.
‘I should have just stayed home. This could have waited till tomorrow.’ She couldn’t help but think.
When everyone else was rescued, she kept her head down trying to escape before he noticed her. There were like 50 other hostages hopefully they won’t notice. But luck was not on her side as an EMT called her over and began checking for signs of distress. Y/N only scowled with annoyance at the pestering man who seemed to realize she wasn’t too happy and was all too eager to let her go.
Unfortunately for her, she also got stopped by an officer who wanted to take a statement. Regrettably, Y/N couldn’t intimidate the officer into letting her go and with reluctance, she started answering her questions.
“Name, age, and occupation. And what you were doing at the bank?” The officer drawled.
“My name is L/N Y/N and I’m 26 years old. I’m an elementary school teacher and I was going to deposit my recent check when this event happened.”
The officer continued with her bored composure writing down the answers before letting Y/N go with a bow.
She sighed with relief and was about to step away when at the same time she saw All Might turn around after talking to a detective. The two looked across each other through the mayhem and made eye contact. Even from far away, she could see the way his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped in surprise. Her face paled and she quickly took off in any direction trying to avoid the man she hadn’t thought about in years.
Y/N ran for blocks, hightailing it in her heels. The awful shoes pinched and dug into her feet. But when she stopped to see no one pursuing she relaxed and thought that the pain was worth avoiding the awkward past.
Only for All Might to come flying through the city and landing unceremoniously in front of her.
‘This just isn’t my day is it?’ her thoughts spiraled as she longingly eyed the street behind the robust hero.
“Y/N! I’m so glad to see you! I’ve been looking for you, but you disappeared after graduating college,” he began.
“Well, that’s what happens when you don’t want people to find you. Toshinori, why were you looking for me? We aren’t friends and we didn’t end on a good note. There’s no need for happy reunions now are there? Excuse me,” she replied trying to bypass the hero.
He grabbed her hand to prevent her from leaving.
“Wait! That’s what I want to talk about. When I left, I said some horrible things to you and despite everything, I still care about you. I never should have said any of it to you especially knowing what you were going through.”
Y/N paused and listened to his words; she licked her dry lips nervously and wondered if his words held any merit now.
“Back then you lied, didn’t you? You were leaving for America and so you decided to pick up on my nee-san’s bad habit of lying and misleading people to protect them.”
She turned around to face him, the man that broke her heart all those years ago.
“H-how did you know?”
Y/N let out a weak chuckle. “I tracked him down. When we broke up and I eventually lost my pride. I came to find you and convince you to give us another chance. But the Oji-san told me you already left for America. And that’s when I knew you were lying. I suppose you learned from the best. She never told me the truth, you know? I never knew about the burden of One for All and I never knew about All for One. All this time I was kept in the dark and I had all these questions running through my mind. I’m not sure if the answers would have made me happier but I would have eventually understood. And she even took that away from me.”
Y/N finally took a close look at Toshi and noticed all the hard edges to his face. He was more mature, and his body was rippled with muscles. But his eyes were still the same. Those ocean eyes she loved so much.
He looked at her sadly and bowed deeply. “I’m sorry, Y/N. Please forgive me. I just wanted to keep you safe. I lost Shishou and I couldn’t lose you too.”
She felt embarrassed at the reverence Japan’s biggest hero was showing her, a nobody.
“Please, there’s no need for that. I’m not mad anymore. I’m happy for you, Toshi. And I’m happy for your success.”
He straightened up and gave her a wobbly smile that didn’t suit All Might. Y/N decided this emotional reunion was getting too much for her, she stepped around him once more. He once again grabbed her hand to prevent Y/N from leaving.
“Where are you going? We just met after so long.”
Y/N only smiled sadly at him.
“I’m tired of people lying to me and I’m tired of waiting for people to come back.”
He only looked confused and tried desperately to reassure her.
“I’m right here in front of you and I’ve come back.”
She placed her hand on top of his and slowly unraveled his fingers and his tight grip.
“You didn’t come back for me. Go become the symbol of peace like she wanted. I’ll be watching and cheering you on. Safe and sound from afar like you wanted, but just not with you.”
Toshinori was speechless for the first time since he appeared in front of her. His eyes’ shine now seemed a bit duller and suspiciously wet.
Y/N repeated his earlier gesture and bowed deeply to him with respect.
“Thank you so much and goodbye, All Might.”
He didn’t try to stop her that time and let her leave. As Y/N walked down that empty street and looked above to see the crescent moon shining brightly, she couldn’t help but think to herself that she was all grown up now and no longer needed Toshi or nee-san to feel whole.
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kamari333 · 4 years
Got tagged by @starsgivemehp for this meme!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I'll go backwards from last update, if thats okay? First paragraph of each first chapter...
mind the tags and be responsible <3
iNVaDeR FeLL: The Nightmare Begins :: The Irken Empire (which had retained its name even after the shift in management brought about by the events of Operation Impending Doom I) was more alive than it had been in years. Signs replayed message after message redirecting convention-goers how and where to attend the Great Assigning in the Main Convention Hall on Conventia, one of the many planets conquered and repurposed for the good of the Empire. The teleporter ring was blazing almost as brightly as it once did before OID1, only this time, it brought to the surface not Irkens, but Monsters; creatures of every shape and size. They came not only from the 'kingdom' that had overtaken Irk (they called themselves 'Fell'), but those from the 'kingdoms' of conquered worlds as well, which had been expeditiously subjugated in a fashion worthy of the Irken Empire.
How Dance Got a Picture of Lust Covered in Kittens :: "there's sammaches in th' fridge," Red mumbled, feeling the lunchbox lid click shut under his claws. "'r if ya want some'n lighter, there's soup in th' freezer. just gotta nuke it..."
Burlesque Noir :: Lust peeked around the curtain to look out at the crowd, as he had done so many times before the last few days. The speakeasy was full and vibrant and alive as it was every night, as swanky a joint as Grillby could make it and still keep it safe. As packed as it was, however, Lust didn't see any sign of his favorite patron.
It Could be Worse :: Life... Could be worse.
An Anthology of Dreams :: Sans was at his desk, as always, analyzing his latest attempt at a synthetic soul compound. His last two-thousand-and-twenty trials had been devastating failures, but even Dr Gaster was intrigued by his steady progress.
The EMV Anthology :: Red had a love-hate relationship with the holiday season.
An Anthology of Nightmares :: Sans stumbled out of his room just in time to escape. He had no idea what was coming, he only knew his years of fighting for his life underground was screaming that he had to move his bony ass if he wanted to live. Just as he crossed the threshold of his bedroom into the hallway, there was a loud crash. When he looked back, his whole room was gone.
A Growing Future :: Red stumbled out of the house, squinting at the glare of sunrise peaking like a glinting knife over the neighbor's rooftops. The air had a crisp chill to it, made all the more shocking by his lack of a shirt, but he knew it would be overly warm in only a few hours, and there was a lot of work to do.
Kinktober 2020 : Kamari333 Edition :: HI FOLKS! Beyond this point you will find 72.5k words of pure, unadulterated, self indulgent, Undertail-themed SIN, ~57.7k of which was prewritten in September, the rest in October, all written and published for Kinktober2020. This year, due to conflicting schedules, the sin was written in September, to be published on time in October. Please note that there may be plenty of typos, although I will/have since gone back and fixed some of them since I'm garbage and read my own stuff, and this year I have been indulging in the use of my lovely betas!
A Night in the Woods :: Red bit back a curse as he once again had to detangle his phalanges from the flimsy tent material. Stupid-ass cheap plastic bullshit, so thin he could breathe on it wrong and watch it disintegrate, but the packaging said it somehow kept out wind and rain, and that was honestly all he could have asked for. That, and perhaps that the piece of shit stop snagging on his claws every five god damn mother fucking seconds, fuck-
Arum :: The room was pitch black, save for a nearly indiscernible ambiance that glowed low and dim like the twilight right before the true darkness of night. The walls and floor of the room oozed with a viscous substance that stank of fermentation and rubber. At the end of the room, upon a throne of black stone, sat a diminutive figure from whence the slime seemed to originate, itself drenched in it to the point of blackness save for the singular glow of one lavender eyelight, shining like poison in the darkness.
Poignance :: Sans Blueberry pulled on his modified gloves, rolling his shoulders to make sure his makeshift pauldrons were cinched tight enough. The scalemail he wore under his chestplate made a soft noise, not quite the clink of chainmail, but not quite the hiss of cloth or leather either. He fingered at the tiny plates over his torso before pulling his bandanna back on around his neck, grateful to Alphys again for donating her sheds, and Undyne for reinforcing them so they wouldn't turn to dust.
Those Feelings at the Bottom of a Bottle :: Ink carefully managed his supply of emotions, keeping his usual level of orange (excitement) and yellow (happiness) as he made his way back through the house. The crowd of people, with their ever-vivid colors and gold-glittered eyes, made it easy to blend in and keep himself inconspicuous to the ever watchful guardian. It was like a game of hide-and-seek: Ink hid, and Dream looked for anything potentially amiss.
A Skeleton Plague Doctor in Lord Dream's Court :: Falsi woke up from a restful sleep on his examination table, shifting under his thick black blanket (one of the few luxuries he was allowed, usually kept hidden away in his bedroom with all the other small luxuries he had managed to keep, like his collection of skulls, his beast fur pelt, his mask, and the tapes and videos of a more personal nature he had collected over the years). He slid down to the floor, thankful once again for the mercy of a windowless apartment, as he folded his blanket and stumbled into the adjacent room: his bedroom.
Bad Day :: Edge was used to getting ominous messages from Red at odd times. It was just the nature of any relationship Red was involved in.
Burlesque (Censored) & (Uncensored) :: Of all the bars Red frequented in Ebott City, this was his favorite.
Happily Ever Laughter :: It was almost midnight. Papyrus had been sitting at Muffet's bar, enjoying his third (or was it fourth? Fifth? Hard to say) glass of Spider Cider, when he got the call. He pulled out his phone, surprised. That was his brother's ringtone. He flipped it open. "heya, bro. wazzup?"
Egg on Arrival :: Slinky could feel it in his bones: the hum of his future, the tremble of his soul. Even if it was still cold as balls outside the nest, his internal clock said it was spring.
I think I'm Paranoid :: Red came back into the livingroom, popcorn in one hand and a six-pack of coke in the other. He lingered, taking in the scene in front of him.
Another Me :: Lust fiddled with the TV remote idly as he mentally went through the available channels in his head. He didn't dare cable surf, not when He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named was so prominent, and Pink's relentless job searching made his schedule so erratic that he could show up at any minute. The sight of the blackout curtain over the bookshelf (which served as the house's movie collection's honored display) reminded him of how understanding Papyrus had been of the need for temporary censorship.
...oh my some of these are terrible for catching the readers attention XD (why are all my hooks like 3 paragraphs in gdi).
EDIT: i forgot to tag folks! um... @deku-lily @silverryu25 @bonerpuns @msmkcreates @jellyficsnfucks @jellyfish-swims-through-gold @tkwolf45 @nanenna @dana-chan325 @skerbaderbadoo @keelywolfe ...im terrible with names and can't remember anyone else's handles ;-;
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cozy-neko · 4 years
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The Cherry On Top • Character Introductions • 01 | And so it begins • 02
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With each cup of coffee Y/N placed in the cupholder, a low grumble accompanied the action. Each thunk of coffee that slid into each holder was a little more aggressive and heavy-handed than the task need be, but the air of irritation that emitted from the girl was undeniably strong, and the unfortunate barista that was tasked to make this foul-mood customer’s drinks handed her the last of her order before quickly slinking away.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” Y/N continued to grumble under her breath the entire frigid three blocks back to the campus of where her office was located.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” A scowl was evident on the girl’s face the entire elevator ride up the tall skyscraper until it dinged and stopped at the 70th floor. It wasn’t until the doors slid open that Y/N sucked in a shaky breath and plastered a Crest-worthy, Splenda-sweet smile on her face as she exited the lift and entered the bustling office.
“Coffee’s here!” Y/N sang out and placed the two cup holders down on top of the front office’s counter tabletop.
“Y/N’s back!”
A scurry of workers crowded around the 21-year-old girl as she animatedly read off orders off the top of her head and handed them out, one-by-one to its rightful owner.
“You’re the best, Y/N-chan!” A senpai from the tech editorial department ruffled her head, earning a small whimper of protest as she tried to sooth her hair. It wasn’t like she spent twenty-minutes this morning trying to tame her unruly mane for nothing.
“Isn’t Y/N the best? She’s always so good at remembering who gets what.” Another senpai from the lifestyle editorial department chimed in and took a sip from her latte.
“Oh no, no! I’m just doing my job.” Y/N let out a forced chuckle, but it went unnoticed as her coworkers slowly disappeared back to their corner of the office to get back to work.
"Alright, you can drop the act, you fake."
The instant Y/N heard a snort coming from behind, the fake smile that was plastered to her face immediately dropped as she whipped around to face a chestnut-haired male.
"I hate it here," Y/N groaned and leaned her upper body onto the countertop. She let out a huff of air and blew a stray piece of hair away from her eyes. "I can't wait to graduate from coffee intern to staff writer."
"You're meeting with the Chief later today, right?" Oikawa Tooru removed his hands from the pockets of his slacks and eyed the remaining drink leftover.
"Mmm, yeah." Y/N let out a distracted sigh as her thumbs flew across the keyboard of her smartphone for a quick text. With the click of a button, she locked her phone and shoved it into her pants pocket and gave her full attention to the older male. "Chief told me that she had good news for me, and judging by all the overtime work and random projects I picked up over the past few months --"
"You mean bitch work?" Oikawa interrupted, earning a glare from the girl.
"For your information, my 'bitch work' got published last week! And that's besides the point. All that matters is that Chief has noticed that I'm a responsible worker who is willing to go above and beyond my day-to-day tasks and now I'm definitely getting the promotion that's been long due!"
There was a smug grin on Y/N's face while Oikawa rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, you are a hard worker, Y/N-chan, but that doesn't mean you should be doing other people's tasks when it should be their job to do them in the first place."
"Can't you just be happy for me?" Y/N whined. "I didn't graduate from UTokyo with over $100k in student debt just to go on coffee runs. And I don't even get to have my own drink!"
Oikawa sighed and placed a hand on top of the shorter girl's head. "I am happy for you. And proud of you. I hope you get the staff writer position you wanted, and when you do get assigned to my department, I'll make sure to run you dead with ten articles simultaneously." 
There was an evil, teasing glint in Oikawa's eyes which Y/N responded to by sticking out her tongue.
A ding! interrupted the teasing banter and Y/N checked her phone. She let out a quick squeal and a small hop.
"Gotta go! Ayame-san from tech has an article she wants me to write!"
Y/N waved goodbye and scurried away.
"Hey! I asked for a dirty Chai, not a mocha! What the fuck, Y/N?" Oikawa yelled after the retreating girl.
"Serves you right for making me do your coffee run too, Oinkawa!" Y/N's bubbly laughter echoed through the hallway as she skipped towards the tech editorial department.
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Oikawa sighed and tugged at the front pieces of his hair. It was already nearing the end of the day, but he was still at least half an hour away from completing his remaining task for the day. He was currently in the middle of copy-editing an article one of his staff writers submitted earlier today when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
Oikawa removed his glasses and pulled out his phone, rubbing his tired eyes while unlocking his phone. It was a text from Y/N.
She must've finally talked to Chief, Oikawa thought. He swiped his thumb to unlock his phone and read the text.
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Oikawa grimaced at Y/N’s text. It was obvious the meeting did not go the way Y/N had wanted it to. Sighing, Oikawa stood up and packed his things. Looks like the article was going to have to be pushed back a week; there was a more important meeting he had to attend to first.
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Y/N glared at her phone and bounced her leg, a nervous tick that Oikawa absolutely hated whenever she did. Maybe if he was here right now, he would've had the opportunity to scold her. Except his train was running five minutes late. Y/N groaned as she watched another minute go by.
Where's Tooru?
How much longer was he going to make her sit in agony at their favorite bakery and tea shop? 
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Right when Y/N was about to hit send on her phone, the shop door jingled, and in waltzed Oikawa.
"Alright, alright, I'm here. What happened?" Oikawa was slightly breathless, having sped-walked from the station and down the block to meet up with Y/N. He rolled up his button-down sleeves and removed his work badge from around his neck.
"So I got the promotion," Y/N began to which Oikawa cut her off.
"Okay, congrats, but that's hardly an existential crisis."
"No! Let me finish!" Y/N stomped her foot once, irritation beginning to seep in. Oikawa rolled his eyes, completely immune to Y/N's temper flare ups. Instead of retorting, he opted to take a sip of her fruit tea. "I got the promotion, but it wasn't the promotion I wanted."
"Did you get placed in lifestyle with Iwa-chan? I heard that department's kind of a mess right now. Iwa-chan told me their lifestyle editor's too busy hooking up with Hanamaki's layout intern to even run the department --"
"Tooru, for kami's sake, I'm begging you to shut up." Y/N groaned and covered her face with her hands. "I'm TK Mag's new gossip blogger. Chief wants me to freaking exploit influencers under the alias of 'Cherry' for the new Cherry on Top blog."
“The new what now?”
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end notes: 
→ the timestamps at the top of each photo are irrelevant. the timestamps that you want to pay attention to (or not. it really doesn’t matter) are the ones within the text chats.
→ if you see the word shanchou in oikawa’s and y/n’s texts, i accidentally misspelled the word shachou which means “president of the company.” i was debating whether i wanted to use the japanese spelling or just keep it as Chief. i changed my mind multiple times and decided to just go with the english version but got too lazy to correct the photo. 🤡
→ props to authors who only explicitly write smaus. creating each social post is so time consuming and slightly frustrating that i almost threw my phone across the room.
→ don’t come at me for my nonexistent and try-hard humor. 😔✋this is why i only write angst.
→ no kenma and akaashi this chapter, but they will be introduced in the next!
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kittasune · 4 years
“winter warmth”
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📘┊pairing. akaashi keiji x gn!reader
🔖┊tags. post-time skip, fluff, co-worker friends to lovers, mutual pinning, holidays, seasons abloom
📚┊wc. 4.3k
📖┊note. I wrote this for akaashi’s birthday but i’ve been meaning to write this fic for a long time now. well, here’s my first fic posted on tumblr! feel free to message me your thoughts! i plan to make this an on-going series of small one-shots so… please expect more in the future.
The biting cold that accompanies the change in seasons looms over the metropolitan city of Tokyo, the city where Akaasji Keiji was born, where his career is, and most importantly; where the love of his life is – the International Library of Children’s Literature. Literature has always been one of Akaashi’s passions to pursue as it opens endless doors of opportunities that could grant him success in the future. The majority of his stress stems from his work,
“Having a job and a stable career makes you successful!”
“You should have a steady income first before you pursue your passions so you have a stable foundation to fall back on just in case things don’t work out, Akaashi-san.”
He can hear the string of back-handed compliments and empty advice he’s received from co-workers and relatives alike echo in the back of his mind, clouding his thoughts and possible future realities he wishes to envision. Literature is one of his hobbies that became his career due to his love that caused him to become attached. Manga, novels, plays, poetry, and even textbooks sometimes caught Akaashi’s attention and he couldn’t help but consume the knowledge and navigate the uncharted waters that flow through the pages in inky waves. The beautiful thought of literature that had once been untouched and pure in Akaashi’s child-like wondrous mind has now become something as lifeless as house-hold chores to check off a list.
Now, as he sits at his desk in his office cubicle eying the unsurmountable manga panels that consume more than half of his desk with their shiny patent ink and crisp lines framing the edges of each page – he can’t help but sigh.
“You know, I’ve always been told that it’s bad luck to sigh.” Akaashi perked up at the sound of ceramic hitting the surface of his white acrylic desk. He looks up to see you holding a matching mug brimming with the café nectar that he so desperately needs. 
“Is that so? You sound so sure of yourself considering that your break ended 5 minutes ago.” Akaashi hid his face in his hands to mask the upturned corners of his lips pulling into a smirk.
“Thank you for the coffee, I know that I’ll need it considering that Hide x Seek’s 100th Chapter is going to be released in this edition of Shonen Jump.”
“I heard that from Udai-san, he seemed so excited that he wanted to make this chapter special by making it holiday-themed with all the holidays being piled all together at the end of the year.” You said with a look of contemplation as you sipped the burning liquid in your mug.
“Have you read Hide x Seek before?” Akaashi leans back in his office chair and sets his gaze upon you while placing the cup next to his lips, the creaky sound apparent from the quality of wornness and evidence of sleepless nights he’s spent hunched over reviewing and editing the work assigned to him.
“I think I’ve read it once before, it’s the one where the high school students hide from an intruder but they don’t know who’s the intruder… but it ends up being the ghost of a former student that seeks to kill out of revenge and spite the higher-ups who have wronged her, right?” You said while fixating your gaze to the edge of his desk as if to recall the synopsis from memory, your coffee mug was left forgotten on Akaashi’s desk as you appear lost in your thoughts.
“Not quite, you just said the plot summary of Peek-a-boo? not Hide x Seek.”
Akaashi said while looking pointedly at your mug on his desk that would surely leave a faint circle as he knows you tend to haphazardly spill its contents as you “vigorously” stir your coffee to ensure that all additives are well-mixed. He recalls asking as to why making a vortex in a cup smaller than his hand is necessary, to which, you responded,
“I need everyone to get along harmoniously and seamlessly blend with one another, imagine drinking a cup of coffee that you’ve prepared and longed for only for it to have lumps and chunks at the bottom, no-thank-you!”
The dim grimace on your face spoke volumes of a less-than-happy experience you must have gone through and as a result, the chaotic meticulousness of your coffee shenanigans intrigued Akaashi to befriend you.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice you flush red at the realization that you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of your co-worker, friend, and “potential suitor” as your friend lightly put as a shallow jab at your private love-life *hint – it’s practically non-existent.
You sigh. “Maybe I’ll give Hide x Seek a read during a vacation or something.” You mumble the words, cursing yourself for looking like a fool in front of your longtime friend, Akaashi Keiji.
The image of you grumbling and lamenting in front of Akaashi mirrors a panel sitting on his desk that has him fondly reminiscing the same image of you from last spring about how you had no one to accompany you to the Hanami Festival and so, he acquiesced to your invitation thus, establishing a tradition in your friendly relationship.
“I think it would be best to return to your desk, y/n, wouldn’t want to lose the privilege of seeing you every day and being the object of your admiration.” Akaashi propped himself up on his desk, resting his head on his forearms in a lazy slouch peering up at you with one eyebrow raised and a ghost of a smile playing upon his lips.
“You should really stop flirting with me at work, Akaashi. One of these days I might get the wrong idea and think you’re into me or something…” You chastise him while walking back to your desk which is conveniently next to Akaashi’s.
“I’m hopelessly enamored at the thought of you and it frightens me to think of a day where you’ll be missing from my side…”  Akaashi thought as he proceeded to leaf through the panels laid out strategically on his desk. He looked over at you as you started to situate yourself with your work and said, “I wouldn’t sigh if I were you, I heard that if you sigh it brings you bad luck.”
“Stop mocking me and go do your work!”
The clock struck at 5:00 P.M., then at 6:00 P.M., just right before the clock struck at 7:00 P.M. you blearily glance at the time blaring in the corner of your monitor and drift your eyes to the decorative hourglass sitting on your desk. The intricate gold timepiece hid tucked away in the corner of your desk hiding behind a framed picture of you and Akaashi posed in front of a bookstore where a work-related event took place. A faint memory surfaces from the back of your subconscious from earlier this year.
“Akaashi, why do you have a plastic apple on your desk?” You glare at the object as a red plastic apple seems so peculiar to associate with Akaashi, in your mind at least, so you questioned its purpose. Is it for sentimental reasons? Are apples his favorite type of fruit? Do apples have an artistic appeal or is it just a trend?
“It’s a tomato.” He responded, not once looking up to acknowledge your effort to engage in conversation. As Akaashi is seemingly focused on the task at hand, you further prodded with your innocent questions wanting his attention so you could lose yourself in the oceans that reside in his deep blue eyes.
“Then, why do you have a tomato on your desk?”
“Keeps me focused on the task at hand. Have you heard of the Pomodoro technique before, y/n?” Akaashi still focused on his work while you continued questioning.
“The time management one, right? I think I’ve read about it somewhere before if I’m being honest…” You lose yourself in your thoughts as you attempted to recall the correct definition from an online blog you briefly glanced at.
“Then you should know about how it helps you complete your work in a timely manner while balancing the efficacy and quality of the work produced.” Akaashi stopped in his ministrations and averts his attention to the now glaringly pointless object occupying space on his desk that was a prize Bokuto won at the Momiji-gari festival they attended together last October.
“Yes, that’s the time management aspect after all.”
“If I may then, why is it you stress about not having enough seconds in a minute, enough minutes in an hour, and not enough hours in a day to complete your work and yet have all the time to talk to me well over your allotted break time?” he swivels around in his chair to face you, steel blue eyes locked in a heated rage-ridden gaze with yours.
Too stunned to talk from the blunt harshness of his words, you reply, “Quite snappy today are we? At least I know now you pay attention when I mindlessly make a fuss about my workload.”
“I didn’t mean to offend you with my statement, I was going for light-hearted banter at best… I guess I can blame it on the weather. The heatwave must be getting the better of me.” Akaashi said while pulling at his necktie, an excuse to keep his hands preoccupied and mind distracted in avoidance from the awkward silence beginning to build between the two of you.
“Tell me about it, I never really liked summer as a season or the heat.” You crinkle your upturned nose in an act of disdain as you face the glass windows doing nothing to shield you from the overbearing sunlight pouring into the office.
“With summer comes the sun, with the sun comes light, and with light comes warmth,” Akaashi says so matter-of-factly that makes you wonder what’s his favorite holiday. He interrupts your train of thought by asking, “What’s your favorite holiday, y/n- san?”
“Winter, I like the snow. Or more of what snow symbolizes…” you trail off towards the end of your sentence deep in thought.
“Usually people like winter because of the holidays and spending time with their loved ones under a kotatsu. What’s so enchanting about snow? When you touch it, it just melts… not to mention it’s cold.” Akaashi looks over at you inquisitively that could almost be mistaken for scrutiny if a stranger were to eavesdrop between you two.
“If you are out in the first snowfall of the season with someone you like, true love will blossom between you.” You recite from memory what the old woman who owned the corner store grocery near your place told you during your times as a highschooler.
“Besides love, if you make a wish when the first snow blankets the city your wish will come true.” You swing your legs to-and-fro underneath your desk covered from the public’s eye but Akaashi can tell it’s one of your habits you do when you’re excited. The sparkle in your eye accompanied by the ecstatic hand gestures would also giveaway your feelings of excitement but Akaashi knows better. You stop in your motions and jerk towards him almost like you’ve had an epiphany, the sparkle in your eye flashed again mimicking that of a light-bulb going off.
“Snow also signifies that all lies will be forgotten, isn’t that refreshing? The thought of new beginnings with the first snow sounds so romantic! I wish I had someone to enjoy it with…” You take a chance and glance at Akaashi to gauge his reaction to your statement, he already beat your intentions by turning back to face his desk at lightning speed so you wouldn’t see the faint flush of red on his cheeks that bloomed after your profession of love for snow. He didn’t want you to know he was flustered because of the way you turned to him and uttered the words ‘besides love,’ to his face, and the realization that he was going to respond with a simple, ‘hm?’ had him leaning further into his desk in embarrassment.  
“Akaashi, what’s your favorite season? You know mine and my reason now.”
“Same as you, I like winter.”
“The holidays.”
You shake your head in strong efforts to clear the fog that clouded your mind during that flashback.
“Nodding off so soon?” Akaashi’s voice startled you back to reality as you whip your head towards him.
“It’s almost 7:00, we were supposed to get off work an hour ago like someone said..” you fix your steely gaze on his figure hoping he could feel the mock-resentment radiating off you in waves. “I hope we get overtime pay for this as this isn’t the first time this has happened.” You lean against the back of your chair raising your arms above your head in a half-stretch with valiant efforts to hear the satisfying pop of your back.
“I made no promises, I was going to tell you this when we got off but Udai-san said we have the day-off tomorrow. The reason behind it ‘to reward you guys for your dedication to the company’ were his exact words.” Akaashi said as he began to clear his desk wanting to get to his apartment as soon as possible to sleep. This week took more of a toll on him than he would like to admit, the endless piles of work, deadlines to meet, and the cold that accompanied the winter months were taking a toll on him. The holiday season’s cold seeped into the bitterness of Akaashi’s hidden emotions, like an ice pick scratching the surface of Akaashi’s lonesome facade he tried to hide under cool indifference. In stark contrast, you acted as sunshine that brought the warmth that he desired to thaw his endless winters.  
“Done with your work, too? Let’s go home.” His sunshine that spread light and illuminated the darkness that clouds his mind.
The walk from the subway station to the shared apartment complex was only a 10-minute walk but tonight it seemed never-ending to Akaashi. The time was almost 8:00 and the streets seemed less deserted than usual. The city lights glimmer looked dim in comparison to past nights and the mood almost felt too solemn with the holidays around the corner. Akaashi was lost in his thoughts that he failed to notice the crosswalk light flickered to red signaling the oncoming traffic to cross the road, if it wasn’t for you pulling him by the back of his jacket… he ignores the thought that briefly filters across his mind.
“Akaashi, are you alright? I wasn’t going to mention it but you’ve seemed more aloof than usual.” You said while gripping onto the back of his jacket tightly almost grasping him in a silent plea.
“I’m fine.” He responds curtly while maneuvering his tall frame in an off-handed demeanor that cues for you to let-go. This action only fuels your act of defiance to pull him harder in your direction causing your bodies to collide clumsily disrupting the systematic ebb-and-flow that is pedestrian traffic. As you and Akaashi apologize and wait for the crosswalk sign to turn green, you can’t help but laugh which makes Akaashi let-out a small chuckle as he realizes what a commotion your exchange must have looked like.
“We make for entertaining crowd spectacles,” He spoke softly through a genuine small smile that washed over his handsome features that could have rivaled ‘any top celebrity that calls themselves a pretty boy,’ in your words, not his. The cold weather combined with the hotness radiating from his silent chuckles caused a light layer of condensation to form on his glasses’ lenses. As the haze rendered him sightless, he took off his glasses, pulled out his handkerchief he kept tucked away in his inner jacket pocket, and proceeded to clean his square frames. You took this opportunity to admire the man before you. His brown hair fell gracefully in a light tousled manner as a result of his hands raking through them from stress. Your gaze shifted to his hands, his hands easily engulfed the metal frames balancing delicately in between his slender fingers that looked natural holding the awkward position for prolonged periods of time. Your eyes flit over his face that was normally impassive and difficult to read, now his cool indifference shifted to a look of frustration. The furrow of his thick brows and the faint vertical lines creasing in the center of his eyebrows almost made Akaashi look younger.
‘He looks like a petulant child being told what to do’ you mused to yourself. When he felt content with the cleanliness of his glasses, Akaashi scanned his surroundings to see where you led him to. He realizes that you stopped right in front of the steps to his favorite place in all of Tokyo – the International Library of Children’s Literature. Even with the library being closed as evident by the lack of people and dimmed lights, he still found this place breathtaking.
“The architecture of this library looks similar to the Palace of Versailles don’t you think so, Akaashi? That was one of my first impressions when you first brought me here, I just forgot about it but remembered after seeing this place again” You said as you stared in awe at the smooth concrete walls and tall glass windows with lattice fixtures intricately lining the tall double doors that greeted over 1,000 visitors each day.
“The International Library of Children’s Literature, originally called the Imperial Library, was constructed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government under the Meiji era in 1906. The artistic movement that inspired the architect was the Renaissance movement which explains the Western-like elements incorporated into the building’s design.” Akaashi recited from memory and turned to you after he finished his statement only to find you already facing him, eyes widened and mouth agape in surprise. After seeing your reaction he turns back to the building and says in a soft whisper, “This place brings back fond memories,” while unconsciously playing with his hands, fingers intertwining with one another in a playful open and close. He can feel your gaze openly assessing his figure standing awkwardly in the library’s pathway, he knows that you want the answers as to why he’s acting less like his “usual” self. You find yourself confused by Akaashi’s paradoxical behavior, sometimes he’s willing to let small cracks appear in his otherwise smooth facade of coolness, and other times he shrugs you off in efforts to maintain his cool indifference. His true emotions are caught and given to you in minuscule pieces and this frustrates you as you wish to be with the man that’s always beside you and occupies your mind all the time.
Akaashi can’t help but feel the subtle self-conscious feeling starting to arise after pondering how out of place you and him look at the moment, two people standing alone in front of a closed library engaged in a heated silent exchange. His heart sank when he realized that you two could almost be mistaken as a couple with the way the both of you look now, he wishes for this to be real, his wish is to be with you. Akaashi wishes for you to know his true feelings and declare his love for you and yet, he finds himself biting his lips to silence himself in spite of his friends saying he has a chance of being with you.
The shuffling of feet is heard as you shift your weight from right-to-left and your avoidance of all eye-contact are all tall tale signs of your unsureness, your actions break Akaashi from his own thoughts as he raises his head to see you standing closer to him than earlier.
‘You’re so close I could kiss you right now.’ He wants to say, even in a playful manner but is too afraid to be caught expressing his true feelings even through teasing comments.
“Akaashi, what are you thinking about right now?” You ask in a futile attempt for him to confide in you what thoughts occupy his brain that’s causing him to both distance himself from you emotionally.
Just as Akaashi begins to open his mouth he’s interrupted by an abrupt shout that causes the both of you to stop all conversation.
“Look mom, it’s snowing!”
Childlike excitement blanketed the distanced onlookers frolicking the crosswalks as snowflakes kissed the cherry red noses of daily commuters and people doing last-minute gift shopping. You and Akaashi fix your gazes up to the dark depths of the night sky now obstructed by the white flurries of snow clouds now hovering over all of Tokyo.
‘It’s now or never,” Akaashi thinks to himself, ‘if I can’t do it now, when will I ever get the chance again?’ Akaashi takes a deep inhale and closes his eyes to bask in the brisk coolness the winter air has brought with the changing of seasons.
“I think about how seasons shift out in a cycle of four and I find myself not being able to cope with each change.” He breathes out finally and continues, you stare at him in silent apprehension while anticipating each word.
“Seasons change, people change, and yet I find myself coming back to you… meeting in the same place where we first met each other. Fate has a funny way of telling us that we’re supposed to be together. Coincidence has a hand in pushing us together hinting that we’re meant to be. Destiny is telling me that you’re the one but, choice whispers it’s harsh words of reality only permissible when conditions are met that echoes in my thoughtless mind every sleepless night.” Akaashi locks your eyes in a steady gaze, your eyes widened in shock while his eyes portray a deep-rooted passion now surfacing after being hidden for so long.
“Our love is blossoming like the sakura trees in the spring, a love that mirrors the perennial endless summer hydrangeas in the courtyard in front of our apartment building. A love in which I catch myself falling for you like the leaves during the autumnal months. A love that engulfs me in the warmth of the fire, with its ember flicks illuminating your faint silhouette as we embrace each other in the moonlight. Falling in love with you was experiencing a life I have not lived before, for the first time I welcomed the uncertainty, my fears, my doubts never once clouded my mind. You are my moonlight that illuminates my path in the inky depths of nightfall. My starlight when I look to the sky brimming with untold stories in your constellations that guide me back to you. I want to be with you during the first snowfall of each winter. I want to experience each change of the seasons with you, I want you by my side to accompany me as we live our lives – I wish to be together with you.”
Akaashi finishes his confession of true feelings for you and a sense of relief washes over him as a weight has been lifted from his chest. Akaashi starts fiddling with a loose thread in his pockets starting to feel anxious at the sight of you as he begins to anticipate your response since you haven’t spoken since it started snowing. The feeling of temporary relief was now replaced with a sense of dread fueled by his self-doubts and the thought of rejection, he averts his gaze downward to avoid meeting your eyes.
Akaashi stayed cemented in his place with no signs of moving, so you decided to close the distance between you two. Feeling bolder after Akaashi’s profession as you were reeling from the excitement of seeing snow paired with your feelings being returned by the one you love, you grab his jacket sleeve to signal for him to remove his hand from his pocket and slowly begin to intertwine hands. He shifts his gaze from your interlocked hands to look at you, as he scans your face to gauge your reaction, he finds himself surprised by the beaming smile matching your bright energy and warmth that rivals the sun during the summer months. Your actions and the bright reaction is all the confirmation he needs to know if you reciprocate his feelings so he steers you, hands intertwined, in the direction of your shared apartment complex.
“What about your wish, did it come true?” Akaashi asks while he notices you started to swing your joined hands unconsciously, ‘probably out of habit,’ he thinks to himself silently while a smile threatens to breach his lips. You stop him and take his other-hand so now he’s facing you, you want his full attention as now, it’s your turn to confess.
“My wish was always to be with you, you’re my happiness and the reason for me to continue to live and grow. When I’m with you I’m at my happiest and your constant presence has always been comforting. The sureness in your voice and actions speak volumes about your reliability and the love you have for others. My wish was for you to see the light in yourself and for you to realize that you are loved and needed, not just I think this way but your friends Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma, and everyone else you’ve met and encountered will agree with me on this point I’m trying to make. I love you, Akaashi Keiji and I wish to be with you… if you’d let me.”
Compared to the shuffling of footsteps and avoidance of eye-contact from earlier that hinted towards your unsureness, Akaashi can see the confidence in your stance and actions as you grasp onto his hands, the unwavering sureness you exude while maintaining eye-contact has Akaashi falling in love with you over again. The brightness in your eyes and cheery playfulness reminds him of the reasons he fell for you in the first place and he senses that he will keep finding reasons to fall in love with you over and over again.
“Let’s go home now, sunshine. I’m afraid that your warmth will melt the winter snow.”
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httpbread · 4 years
Hey there again!! I was wondering if I could request another dialogue prompt scenario with Hanako x Fem!Reader again with #33 "I only ever thought there were two kinds of love: The kind you would kill for, and the kind you would die for... but for you, my darling, you are the kind of love I would live for" and #34 "I want you. All of you, and not just half-heartedly, wholly. And maybe that's selfish, but I don't care." It can be past Hanako or present, your choice! Thank you again!! 👻👻👻
Pairing: Hanako x reader
Words: 7048 (mistakes have been made)
T/W: death mention, injury mention,a bit angsty but with a happy ending
On god I’ve written more than 10k for this bad boy with the amount that i have  edited and cut and rewritten but i have finally finished it. sorry it took so long!!
“Kisses can’t fix everything you know."
This was exactly why she found herself sitting on the floor of the third-floor girl’s bathroom, the door locked and a first aid kit spread out before her.
The alcohol-soaked cotton ball falters in her fingers at the desperation in his soft voice.
"Can’t we just talk about something else?"
She peers up at him under her lashes briefly. Lucky or unlucky, the boy refused to return the gesture, staring stubbornly off, a crinkle in his brow and a weight in his lips.
(Y/n) looks back down at her work, but not without muttering, "Only when you stop bringing me all these cuts and bruises..."
She knows he’s going to huff and puff, so she interrupts before he can, hoping a change of topic might put him in a better mood, "Because of you, I talked to someone about medical school today."
Amane utters immediately, "Huh?"
"Tsuchigomori-san thinks I should look into becoming a doctor," she keeps her gaze fixed on the cut she was treating, delicately dabbing it clean with the cotton ball, "I’m inclined to believe him."
Her friend is quiet and so is she, working methodically as ever.
"You’re good at what you do..." he mumbles, scarcely loud enough for her to hear over the unending silence of the afternoon bathroom.
"I know," she responds, adding pointedly, "You give me plenty of practice."
Glancing up, she catches his sour look with her small, sly smile. Sour, sour, sour those eyes were. Like two little lemons glaring back at her. Not intimidating in the slightest.
"That’s low," he enlightens her, making her snort under her breath.
Was it really considered a low blow to point out the truth staring them both in the face?
She lets out a long breath, the air slipping slowly from her lips as she returns her focus to the task at her hands.
"It’s only because of you," she reaches over for the antibiotic ointment, muttering, "If it were anyone else, I never would’ve taken any interest in first aid."
Squeezing the small tube so it oozes the gel onto her finger, she then brings it to the back of his hand, ever so gently smearing it onto the cut, "I would’ve never even thought twice about what I was doing."
She never would’ve been so careful.
After all, she’d grown up always having to be cutthroat and serious to get things done. She never had time to just slow down and look at things. There were a million things she had to strikeout. She was meant to act better than a machine, quick, efficient, and perfect.
And yet...
Even if it didn’t come naturally to (Y/n), Amane showed her that there was a need in the world for that kind of softness she all too often crushed and buried away.
Unknowingly, he had taught her many things over the course of their sometimes rocky friendship, but most of all... He taught her that she couldn't get through all her life constantly acting sharp and rigid.
Her wandering thoughts fizzle with the feeling of his eyes trained on her.
"Because we’re friends...?"
For a moment, she forgets herself. She’d gotten lost in her thoughts.
The words left a bittersweet taste in her mouth regardless... Soft on him because they were friends... How peachy.
She avoids his gaze, retrieving a bandaid for the last of his injuries, "Because I care about you, Amane. I don’t want to hurt you, so it’s made me slow down and think more."
While her words were no lie, they were nowhere near the whole truth, either.
A subtle curve tugs at her lips.
She can’t help but tease him.
"I realized that every time I help some hurt stranger... that they’re just like you."
He scoffs lightly, those narrowed amber eyes snapping up to meet hers, "In what way? You’re saying every stranger and I are the same to you?"
She shakes her head with a small laugh at his flare of thinly veiled jealousy. Geez. Someone was feeling a little defensive today.
"No. They just remind me of you," she admits, gazing down at his hand for a moment, her own absently stilled, "and then I know that someone out there is probably worried sick about their idiot."
She knew she was always worried about him, at least.
She brushes over this matter with a new one.
"I’ll be in school for a really long time," she comments, busying herself with unwrapping the bandaid crinkling noisily between her fingers.
"And...?" He trails off, waiting.
"No. That’s all," she carefully slides the bandage out and places it over the cut on his hand, ever so lightly smoothing it out, "I just wanted to hear your thoughts on it."
Despite whatever thoughts and situations faced them, they were childhood friends after all. It made sense that she would care about his opinion... but maybe not as much as she ultimately did.
"Well, I think..." he’s quiet for a moment, searching for words, "I think you’d make a great doctor."
This makes the smile on her lips grow as she looks up at him, watching him gaze down at their hands, a thoughtful look marking his handsome features.
"You’re already good at scolding."
This makes her pause.
‘Bastard.’ She wants to huff at him.
And yet, instead, she pulls his hand up, (e/c) eyes flicking up to meet his quickly narrowing golden ones. She pays no mind to the suspecting look on his face and places an ever so soft kiss the bandaid she had just applied.
(Y/n) watches in silent delight as that familiar rose color blossoms across his pale cheeks.
She slowly sets his hand back down, though not releasing it from hers, muttering finally, "I suppose so."
She then gives his hand a squeeze, smirking a little, "Maybe I’ll even learn how to get my scolding through especially thick skulls like yours."
She couldn’t just let him slander her like that and get off completely scot-free.
"Okay, now you’re just being mean," he decides, stealing his hand away from her to cross his arms over his chest. Which, he was right, but only a little.
She only continues to smirk at him, undeterred.
"Says you," she notes, amusement lingering in her lowered tone, "You want away from me so bad you’re skipping planets."
"The moon is not a planet," he utters, scandalized by her words, his eyes sparkling a little with the way they widen incredulously, only allowing more light in their golden-colored depths.
She waves her hand dismissively, biting back her teasing smile, "Ah, right, right. Dwarf planet, yeah?"
(Y/n) turns her head away, adding the sprinkles to the top of her deceit before he can hastily protest, "Well, I guess since you’re kicking me to the curb, maybe I should find some rich husband to keep me company during my studies. Someone new I can take care of."
"Absolutely not!" Amane declares.
He was right, of course, but she was more than happy to let him think so highly of her. Her sharp tongue would never allow such a thing.
"Why not? Can’t you see it now?" She tilts her head at him, bringing a pointer finger to each corner of her lips and drawing them up in an award-winning smile, "Me, a trophy wife, a trophy husband, both fabulously rich. Three dogs. Maybe a kid."
He wears a look on his face that’s quite the opposite of hers, "Of course I can."
The sudden admission makes her falter in surprise.
"I just don’t want to," his eyes avoided hers.
She slowly lowers her hands, before setting them back in her lap.
"Then you need to get your eyes checked," she retorts bluntly, "The day I find someone who can tolerate me is the day hell freezes over."
Her eyes calmly find the amber ones now trying to burn holes in her.
"You, on the other hand..."
She can’t help her adoring smile.
"You’re going places, Amane."
She laughs a little to hide the slight embarrassment gripping her, eyes drawing to the window, "I mean, more than just the moon. I could see you going anywhere you put your mind to..."
The sun looks like it’s beginning to set, casting brilliant shades of oranges and yellows through the window to make the bathroom.
Yet, the sunset puts no hurry in her unmoving feet. She was sure Amane would walk her home, dark or not. He may be stubborn, and they did argue a lot, but he was loyal.
"Not without you."
She blinks.
"I’m not going anywhere without you, (Y/n)."
She turns to look at him, feeling almost incredulous.
"That’s a funny thing to say," she utters, cupping her cheek, trying to play it off to soothe her beating heart, "I know we’ve been friends for a long time, Amane, but..."
Her face softens with a teasing little smile at him, "Aren’t you tired of me yet?"
However, he doesn’t smile back, almost glaring at her like she’s said something stupid- sort of like when she muddled facts about the moon, except missing that shock factor, now replaced with something more firm.
He looks down at his hands as she blinks twice.
"I want you."
Her lungs abruptly come to a silent halt.
"All of you, (Y/n)."
Especially when he’s suddenly moving closer, taking her face in his kind hands, "Not just half-heartedly, but wholly."
For once, no protests come tumbling past her lips. She couldn’t even think of any. She almost wasn’t sure she had any.
He swallows, giving away his nerves, but doing nothing to stop those big beautiful eyes from burning bright.
"And maybe- maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care."
She forces her lungs to work again, almost robotically evicting the breath from her chest.
But she can’t look away from him.
Or keep the big smile from curving at her lips as she leans forward, ignoring her nervous heart as she places her hands on either side of his face.
"(Y/n)...?" He whispers, voice quiet but his pitch is higher than usual, giving away his fear if she didn’t see the obvious terror glittering in his eyes.
"Oh, Amane..." she closes her eyes, leaning her forehead against his, "You’re an idiot."
The slight hitch of his breath makes her audibly clue him in.
"I’m already yours," she won’t bite her tongue now. He opened up to her, and she’d be damned if she didn’t meet him halfway- if not further. "I’ve been yours for a long time now."
She pulls away- but only a little. Just so she can look at him again.
He still hasn’t seemed to have closed those eyes of his, trained on her unwaveringly, surprise dancing in their shimmering depths.
They meet hers, and her heart feels full.
"I’m not sure if I should be hurt that you just called me an idiot when I’m vulnerable..." he elucidates, making her grin further, "Or just be happy that you feel the same."
"Well, I’d say..." she slides her arms past his neck, coiling around him and drawing him in close like the snake she is, "Take what you can get."
He responds by pulling her just as near with a light tug on her uniform, tilting his head a little to seal their words with a warm kiss- and (Y/n) couldn't be happier to follow.
Neither of them could have ever guessed what had lied in store for them, however.
They were both so bright and ready to take on the world by each other’s side, with hands held and fingers intertwined.
Neither of them ever thought that the future would be three graves sitting in a neat little row next to each other, not even two weeks later.
Everything had slipped between their fingers in an instant. They were a snap- two fingers slipping past each other, perfect at first until the friction caught up to them. With just a single little bang, they were far apart once again, as though they had never met in the first place.
No fairytale wedding on the moon. No handing out lollipops to patients. No graduating. No nothing.
Every inkling of a dream they had built came crashing down abruptly, leaving nothing but carnage and broken hearts.
(Y/n) tugged at the bandage.
"Oi!" She mocks in a higher pitch.
The blond mean mugs her.
She spits his look right back at him.
"Baby," she comments tartly, looking back down at her work, "If you want to start making complaints, stop getting hurt, why don’t you?"
Just about every day this kid kept coming back to her!
Sure, she knew he was an exorcist and all that and a cherry on top, but she also knew one boy wasn’t getting into all of this trouble by himself.
Almost made her want to march right up to that bathroom and give that mystery a piece of her mind.
Mystery number seven...
That damned boy.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!"
"My bad," she quickly removes her hands.
Yeah. Okay. That time was actually her bad. That bandage was looking a teensy bit tight.
"Distracted, doc?"
She looks down at his wrist, gently loosening the bandage on it.
(Y/n) (L/n) was not a doctor, nor would she ever become one.
However, the school had a funny way of taunting her, withholding her as the rumored mystery number eight- the medical mystery, it so happened.
Mostly, her job consisted of patrolling around and taking care of the living idiots. Fixing them up, popping a sucker in their mouth to shut them up, before she was on her way again.
The rest of her official job as a mystery consisted of gathering... specific- er, well, exotic goods, like mermaid scales for example, and things of that nature.
It wasn’t much, but it tended to keep her busy.
Well, that was a lie. Her job was all she had. Not to mention it wasn’t an easy one either. Sticking with the previous example, Mermaids weren’t exactly jumping all over the idea of showering her with their lovely little scales. Despite being a healer, her line of work got her into more fights than not.
"So... do I still get a sucker...?"
She blinks, looking up at the blond, realizing she was zoning out again.
He smiles at her, nonetheless, a smile much like the sun, in the way that it makes her squint and look away.
"Yeah, whatever," she huffs, reaching into her apron.
She retrieves a handful.
"What flavor?" She shoves it at him, not at all intending to help him choose or find said flavor.
Okay, so maybe the candy wasn’t a required part of her job, but hey, a little bribery never hurt.
She’d much rather be rumored as the helpful little medic with the candy than the crazed doctor butcherer or something.
"Wh- Oi! Only one!" She slaps his hand away, glaring venomously as he laughs.
"Please, (L/n)-san!" He beams at her, bright as ever, not exactly begging, "The mokke are hungry too."
She looks down, not at all surprised at the gathering of pink bunny-like creatures at her feet.
"Right, right. Sorry."
She then promptly offers them the biggest smile she can muster, hoping to display just how sorrowful she was for them.
"Maybe I should start practicing my veterinary skills too!"
And just like that, they’re running for the hills, no more pink creatures crowding her, not even within her sights. It’s almost impressive.
She drops the smile along with the rest of the lollipops back into her frilly ivory apron in exchange for her usual deadpan expression, "Thought so."
But she notices there’s one particular annoyance left standing.
"What do you want, boy?" She drops a hand on her hip and her head to the side, (e/c) eyes narrowing "Got some internal bleeding or something I’m not seeing?"
He gives his head a shake, sending his spiky blonde locks bouncing.
"No. I was just thinking."
She comments immediately, "Well, I’m not into studying therapy either. Move along."
However, he only chuckles at this, amused as though she didn’t completely mean it.
"Aren’t doctors supposed to be nice?"
She looks up at the boy, and contrary to him, she is further unamused.
He only continues to smile at her, undeterred as ever, blue eyes bright with life.
"Maybe," she offers him a shrug, "I’m not a doctor."
(Y/n) decides she likes the way his whole face scrunches up when she pokes his nose, like she pressed some kind of button, "The only thing I am, is dead."
"Well, I think you’re very kind," he says, arguing his own point.
She flashes him a funny look. He was the one who implied she wasn’t nice. She just confirmed that theory. She agreed with him! So, why the hell did he feel the need to continue arguing with her? ... himself? She wasn’t even sure. What a weirdo this one was.
"You just show you’re kind in the way that you’re really mean and you nag a lot."
For a moment, the words make her falter.
For a moment, all she can see is loving amber eyes framed by long dark lashes and darker choppy locks.
For a moment.... they sound so much like something he would say to her...
"It just means you care! And you have a big repressed heart under all those sour looks!"
There’s a finger in her face, snapping her from those melancholy memories. She promptly brushes it away to reveal the scowl marking her lips.
"Yeah? Then explain why I don’t care, then."
But he’s on his feet now, waving away this idea as he grabs his bag, "You do. That’s why you help me all the time!"
That was mostly so Teru didn’t exorcise that idiot no. 7. If he saw all the cuts and bruises Kou got from working under him...
Well, not that she cared about that idiot either.
As far as she was concerned, all these boys were idiots- and she was just going to calmly stay in her lane, away from them all!
That number seven boy was nothing to her except a poor excuse for a boss and distant memories.
The other blond was just a slightly taller menace.
And this smiling idiot was nothing but that. An idiot.
And… maybe just a little bit of a friend as well...
She waves to him.
"Don’t come back," she says to him.
Yet, he responds cheerfully, waving excitedly, "I’ll see you tomorrow, (L/n)-san!"
Tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes.
Week in. Week out.
It was all the same to her.
She did her job. She helped students. She got what she needed. She finished her work.
She kept herself busy and never glanced his way.
That was how it was.
That’s how it was supposed to be.
That’s how it always was.
"Long time no see, (N/n)-chan!"
But that familiar voice shattered any vague sense of order she had gathered over the fifty years since she had last heard it.
There’s a black patch on his cheek now, but changing the cover of a book didn’t change its wicked contents.
Nor did it remove the pages stained with her blood.
"You look well," he tells her, voice high with a giggle, "How old are you now? Sixty? Seventy?"
(Y/n) flinches as his lithe fingers brush her cheeks with unseen stains coating them, but she can’t move away. Her feet have sunken into the concrete below, holding her in place as her chest seizes, ever nerve lighting on fire with the need to disappear.
"You really don’t look it!" He tells her, and she can only watch as his lips pull up to reveal his sharp fangs, "Nope, nope! You don’t look a day past your last living one."
Her lips part almost desperately, but there’s a weight on her tongue and a knot in her throat that squanders any attempt for the words she already lacks.
"Or- well, your second to last day."
His fingers brush past her face to trace through her (h/l) (h/c) locks, a thoughtful hum trickling into her ears "You weren’t much to look at in your last moments, were you?"
As he pulls back his hand, her knees wobble, threatening to slip out from under her.
"Or should I say there wasn’t much left of you to look at?"
"T-Tsukasa-" It’s only one word but it leaves her nearly gasping, the weight on her chest more than paralyzing.
She meets his eyes and finds her scarcely gathered will crumbling instantly.
Those big honey-hued eyes that could so quickly go from looking like someone she loved so dearly to narrowing, squinting as though he needed glasses, reminding her they belonged to something, someone different that was much more sinister.
"(N/n)-chan..." He says suddenly.
His voice is no longer light and airy.
It’s cold, detached, and the exact sound of all her hopes of coming out of this unscathed shattering at once.
"You know why I’m here, don’t you?"
Kou wears a big smile as he marches into the elusive number eight’s boundary.
He was going to show her today!
Because today, Kou did not have a single bruise on him!
The second he finished up with Hanako and found his feet pulling him instinctively back to the apparition’s boundary, the realization hit him like a train.
Knowing he was perfectly fine, for once, he found himself practically racing to get to her boundary, ready to rub it in her pretty face that he could take care of himself! She’d know now that he was cool and didn’t always need her to baby him.
"(L/n)-san, you’ll never guess!" He throws back another patient’s curtain.
Only to once again reveal nothing but an empty hospital bed.
However, with half of the nurse’s office still unexplored, there was still plenty of possibility for the apparition to appear.
That’s what he told himself.
But deep down, a strange feeling was cuddling in his stomach.
(L/n) was always in her boundary right now.
She’d never admit it, but he knew it was so she could be here to patch him up after his duties with Hanako.
And sure, they didn’t always stay in the office when she fixed him back up, but they always met here.
So, throwing back the last curtain...
His brows are knitted together as he asks the air around him.
Where the hell was she?
"I’m telling you! She’s missing! Vanished! Disappeared! Gone!"
Hanako draws a card from the deck sitting between him and the mokke in the third-floor bathroom’s window sill.
He places it down with the collection of cards littered in the space before him.
"Your move," he comments quietly.
He swallows.
Hanako should have known better.
He should have kept the boy away from her just as he kept himself away from her.
When Kou had first come to him about the pretty spirit he had stumbled upon- he had almost hit the nail right on the head, killing what could come from such an introduction instantly.
But he didn’t.
Because deep down, Hanako couldn’t keep away from her.
He needed some kind of tie- some measly form of connection to her- he longed for it, ached for it, craved it...
Until it came to him in the form of Kou, and his friendship with the medical mystery.
Kou was an open book. Especially when it came to (Y/n). One little question and he was rambling about the spirit. How she seemed, what she had scolded him about that day, how mean she was, how kind she was, how beautiful she was.
Jealousy would stick to his lungs like tar, making him feel sicker with longing than any cigarette would. The boy would talk about her like she put the stars in the sky- and would wonder to him just how she did it, a question he had been asking himself for over fifty years.
But on the other hand, hearing about her was refreshing. It was like a drop of water a second away from dying in a desert. He couldn't ever get enough of her. She was an addiction he could never quite get his fix of but sure as hell couldn’t get rid of either.
"Are you even listening to me?"
He was.
"I told you! She’s gone, Hanako!"
She was. She had been gone for fifty damned years.
Fifty years and he still didn’t have a single solid idea of what to do about it now.
"What if she’s in danger, or she needs help, or-"
"She’s dead."
The words leave a bitter aftertaste on his tongue. He’s not talking to the boy.
But he responds, none the wiser.
His eyes flicker over to the blond.
Kou stands tall as ever, his fists curled tightly at his sides, a burning emotion in his icy eyes that he didn’t even want to unpack.
"Dead or not, she could still need help."
He couldn’t even help her the first time she needed it.
What was he supposed to do now?
"Please, Hanako," Kou pleads, voice low with despair, "If something happened to her I would never forgive myself."
Hanako sighs at this.
Something had already happened to her once and Hanako still hadn’t forgiven himself.
He pushes to his feet.
"Only a quick look."
(Y/n) choked on her own breath, shoes slamming hard against the linoleum floor she’d known her whole life. The hall she’d walk to her classes in, linger in with old friends before everything hit the fan. The halls that once only held the danger of being late due to bustling crowds.
Burning liquid seeped between her trembling fingers as she pressed them firmer over her wound, a sharp gasp pushing past her already parted lips.
She just had to make it to the nurse’s office, her boundary.
Tsukasa couldn’t kill her there. Not as easily anyways.
The staircase was within sight.
She struggled to wedge a glance over her shoulder, fingers slipping from her wound slightly, making her grip her shoulder tighter.
Tsukasa only gazed after her blankly, dull eyes looking black, narrowed as he advanced, efficient and deadly in the way that he moved along after her.
A cry caught in her throat as she whipped her head back around.
The staircase! That was-
Oh god.
A dirty shoelace caught under a frantic foot.
The staircase greeted her greedily, peppering her face with kisses as it yanked her into its arms despite her protesting choked scream, wet hand slipping right off her injury as she desperately searched for something to hold, something to grab, something to save her as she came tumbling down.
But nothing could save her.
Nothing could ever save (Y/n).
She slammed roughly against where the stairs met the wall and turned, thrusting her hands out instinctively to claw at the wall in hopes of stopping only to accidentally shove herself down the rest of the depths.
Her butt met the stairs first this time when she hit, and she could only watch in blurry horror when suddenly her feet were soaring over her head- the next moment managing to slam her face against the floor again.
Fate was cruel.
Her head was spinning as she fought the earthquakes consuming her, forcing herself up on her hands and knees to stare down at a bloody floor. She needed to get a grip and she needed to get one fast.
Yet- her movements were painfully slow as she sat up and back on her knees, blinking the clouds from her eyes as she tried to look up, past the ringing in her ears.
Tsukasa descended the stairs in a much calmer fashion, grinning as he hopped down the last two- or four if her vision was anything to go by.
However, in truth, there was nothing to be done.
Her pounding head had been clogged with honey. Her limbs felt tingly from blood loss and the revenants of adrenaline. She was struggling just to blink in place.
Tsukasa smiled at her almost sweetly.
"Are you done?"
But they both knew the answer to that.
This story unraveling between them has already been written before.
She lifted her hands up to the crouched boy.
His smile curled into a grin as he grew ever closer to devour her as a whole.
But (Y/n)’s hands stopped at his chest and so did he.
She pressed. Pushing him.
Away. Away. Away.
It’s all her foggy brain could come up with in that moment.
His chest vibrates under her blood stained fingertips with a warm laugh.
It’s burning.
Scalding. Scalding. Scalding.
"Oh, (N/n)-chan... is that it?"
A labored breath falls past her lips.
"Is that all you’ve got?"
She squints up at him under the harsh lights above, fighting to give him the nasty look she so longed to give him- along with a piece of her mind.
She forces her lips apart, taking in a shaky breath.
Tsukasa hums, mirroring her surprise at the sudden interruption.
"Now you’ve done it," he tells her with a bored sigh, "You’ve gotten us both caught."
If he didn’t want to get caught, then maybe he shouldn’t always be trying to kill her.
That’s what she wants to snap at him.
But her face twists, body erupting into flame thinly veiled by the adrenaline rushing back into her veins as the cruel boy drags her up onto her unable feet.
"What did you do to her?!"
Adrenaline or not- she feels like screaming out as he pulls her bad arm around his shoulders, draping her like some kind of shawl, his other arm coiled around her waist with a vice-like grip.
"Oh, nothing much really!" His singsong voice makes her head ache, "Nothing compared to what I want to."
"Can’t you at least lie?" She hisses through her clenched teeth, wincing too hard to even look at him as she desperately tries to will the pain away.
"Lying is bad, (N/n)-chan!" He huffs and she doesn’t even need to lift her head to see his sour pout.
"So is being mean to girls."
Tsukasa and herself have very different reactions to this voice.
She blinks her eyes harshly, not able to catch herself from looking up for him.
The blur dissolves from her gaze, leaving her with the sight of an all too familiar boy.
Amane stands in the wake, cape flowing out behind him. Those short choppy black locks tucked under his cap, amber eyes almost glowing as they peer under the brim. They’re almost narrowed as sharp as the kitchen knife clutched in his hand, knuckles tinted white with effort.
She realizes then that she hasn’t caught such a glimpse of him in a while now.
Of course, the way their shattered connection- or lack of to be more precise- that wasn’t an odd occurrence at all. It was expected.
But she remained like a broken record player, the stylus still catching at the old cracks in her heart.
Even more knowing that this situation was almost all too familiar.
"Aren’t you the one who was always saying (N/n)-chan was special?" She flinches in surprise, snapped right out of her thoughts as a hand grips her face, fingers digging into the soft squish of her cheeks, turning her head. She blinks rapidly, meeting those inquisitive golden eyes. "So- she’s not just any girl."
A scowl makes its way to her lips as she tries to tug her face away from his unbudging hand.
"Let her go, Tsukasa. This isn’t about her and you know it."
Tsukasa looks away from her at this, releasing her head, "Oh, Amane. That’s rich."
His arm around her waist squeezes warningly, "(N/n)-chan and I are friends too, y’know! You should learn to share!"
What a damned hypocrite.
"Friends don’t hurt each other!"
She almost wishes her fun road trip down the stairs had fully knocked her out.
Swaying useless on her feet, pounding head victim to the yelling around her- it was almost more hellish than the stab wound in her shoulder and that was saying something.
"Don’t you listen, boy?" Tsukasa sighs as she lifts her hand, trying to be subtle.
Her shitty plan was to try and push him away again.
But he only snatched it up, before it could even reach him halfway, giving it a squeeze.
"(N/n)-chan and I share a special bond!"
Yeah, it’s called ‘death’- which is what all murderers and their victims shared.
She tries to wiggle her fingers free from him but he turns to her with an unsettling grin, "Isn’t that right?"
She does reply.
"Get off me." 
It’s just not the one he’s looking for.
Tsukasa sighs, shaking his head with a pout.
She didn’t actually expect her request to work though.
But her head slamming back against the ground again is a sure-fire sign that he had let her go.
"Whoopsie daisy," he chirps as her vision swims.
She can vaguely make out his figure, towering over her.
But those eyes glaring down at her are unmistakable.
For a moment, staring up at him like this, panic stirs in her heart.
The sight was a carbon copy of the one as she was met with as she took her last breath fifty years ago.
The only difference this time was that she was already dead before her heavy lids sank shut.
It’s almost homely what greets her as she creeps away from oblivion.
Though, not what most would consider homely.
After all, the stinging smell of antiseptic and the blinding lights unavoidable even behind closed eyes were as impersonal as impersonal things could get.
But they were something (Y/n) knew well.
So, she wasn’t at all surprised when she finally willed herself to crack open her eyelids only to find a shitty poster staring back at her.
It was the kitten one.
‘Don’t forget to wash your paws!’.
(Y/n) is glaring at it miserably when she hears it.
"You’re awake."
"No shit," she croaks, but people always said she was ambitious- which is why she closes her eyes in hopes of falling back unconscious.
Anything to escape the shitshow she had escaped the first time by doing so.
Speaking of which...
"What happened?"
She almost doesn’t want to know.
He answers.
"That should be the least of your worries right now."
It’s not the answer she wants.
Her eye twitches, but she fights to keep them closed, still hanging onto the idea of sleep.
"You do realize when you tell someone not to worry they do exactly that?"
"I didn’t tell you not to worry. I just said that shouldn’t be your biggest worry."
She doesn’t respond.
He jabs.
"I don’t think you’ve ever stopped worrying for a second of your life."
She opens her eyes at this.
But not very much due to her glare which she turns her head to the side to give him.
Amane sits at her bedside, a chair dragged up next to her. He’s got his arms crossed resting on the mattress, his head nestled atop them.
Those eyes catch her own.
She looks away, a tired sigh slipping from her lips.
She looks for something to fill the silence.
Anything, really.
She just doesn’t want to be left alone with him. Left alone with her thoughts.
Left alone with thoughts of him.
"Who did this chop job?"
She finds conversation in the bandages wrapped around her arm/shoulder where Tsukasa had stabbed her. She sure they had never even so much as watched one of those stupid hot doctor shows before playing doctor on her.
She looks up at him again, surprise pricking her.
She blinks at him as he holds her gaze again.
"You used to patch me up all the time... I must have picked up a thing or two."
"No, you didn’t," she squints at him, a scowl pulling at her lips, "This is the worst dressing I’ve ever seen- and I’m self-taught."
Her words linger in the air but are smothered by the silence after them.
They only gaze at each other for the longest time.
Before she watches the corners of Amane’s lips uncontrollably tug upward.
He quickly looks away.
"Really? I saved you and that’s the first thing you tell me?"
"Do better then," she turns away too, sticking her nose up as she utters, "Maybe open your ears and listen for once and I wouldn’t always have to scold you."
But she’s stunned, staring off as his soft chuckle sneaks into her ears.
When was the last time she had heard him laugh...?
She’s still as her hand is lifted.
Squeezed lightly.
"How do you feel? Can I get you anything?"
She can’t help but turn back to him.
She must look as sad as she feels because his face falls.
(Y/n) swallows, speaking up before he can.
"No. I’m fine."
But he still holds her hand in his.
Watching her.
But for what?
She was waiting too. Gazing right back. But she didn’t know either.
"I’m sorry."
She did know this wasn’t what she wanted, however.
He wears a deep frown, a vulnerable sparkle in his honey shaded depths as he looks down, holding her hand tighter.
"I knew he was back," he’s almost mumbling. If they were even an inch further apart she was sure she wouldn’t be able to hear him. "I just... I didn’t think he would find you so soon."
Her heart weighs.
She sighs, squeezing his hand.
"Amane, I’ve told you already."
She gazes down at their hands, telling him again.
"It’s not your fault. It’s not your job to protect me."
He never stays quiet after these words.
"It is. You should never have gotten hurt in the first place. I should’ve-"
She interrupts tiredly, "-Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve. It’s been fifty years."
"You might be able to change the future- but the past is the past," (Y/n) reaches out with her other hand, gently hooking her fingers under his chin to get him to look up at her, "Amane."
He reluctantly shifts his eyes up to find her (e/c) ones gazing deeply.
"There’s nothing to be done. Let it go."
She watches his brows pull together.
"I don’t want to let it go," he says firmly, lacing his fingers with hers, "I don’t want to let you go."
She lets out a quiet breath, "I’m already gone."
He winces.
She’s unhesitating as she tells him, "But you weren’t supposed to be. You were supposed to live."
This was the part where he snapped at her. This was the part where they usually began to fight.
This was the part where they fought, got mad at each other, and then proceeded to avoid each other for the next ten years.
"Back then..."
His voice is low, tentative.
"I only ever thought there were two kinds of love."
She looks down, watching as his thumb runs along hers, listening to his careful words.
"The kind you would kill for," she immediately jerks her eyes back up to meet his, but he avoids her eyes, still looking down, "and the kind you would die for."
She guesses that was understandable to think given the rocky road of what their relationship had been.
"But I realize now... for you..."
He finally looks up at her, eyes gentle as they greet hers.
"You are the kind of love I would live for."
His words stun her.
So much that she’s genuinely speechless for the first time in a long, long while.
Amane seems to grow a little nervous with her silence, now looking down again, toying with her hand limp in his.
"Well..." she finally finds her voice.
And a scolding as she reaches forward to knock her fist atop his hat.
"It’s a little too late for that!" She tells him sternly, almost exasperatedly, "Fifty years? Couldn’t you have thought of that before you died?"
"Wh- Hey! Don’t be mean!" He glowers, trying to brush her whacking hands away.
But she leans forward just as quickly, yanking him ruthlessly into a hug.
"You idiot!" She huffs at him, despite the way she squeezes him tight.
It’s like a breath of fresh air- acting on age-old cravings like this.
Sometimes when you wanted something and found yourself longing for it- it sounded way better than what it actually was.
But this was exactly as she remembered it.
A big smile breaks out onto her lips, which she’s able to bury in the crook of his neck again, just like she once had. She melts like putty as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her close.
"I know," he grumbles sourly, admitting defeat, "I’m sorry."
"You better be," she says, uncaring that her words are muffled.
"If I say I’m stupid will you forgive me...?"
She pulls away from him after carefully masking her smile.
He blinks at her stony expression, worries instantly finding him.
She can’t help but give into temptation.
"You know, I’m pretty sure I read in one of my biology textbooks that kisses make everything better."
His anxieties melt right off his face- leaving him almost offended for a moment that she was teasing him now of all times.
But he smiles, running his hand up along her back to cradle the back of her neck.
"Oh?" He pulls her in close, and she can feel his breath tickle her upturning lips, "Well- I may suck at bandages, but I’m actually pretty great at kissing."
"Yeah?" Her eyes flicker up to meet his under her lashes.
He responds by closing the minuscule gap between them, his movements almost too sweet as she melts into them.
He was right. He was pretty great at kissing.
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vampcubus · 5 years
Izuku with a reader with a vampire like quirk (acts like Marceline from adventure time) and likes to sing. She and Uraraka argue and fight for his attention and affection. Fluff and angst at the end please. I really like your writing luv! Keep up the good work!! UwU
| A/N: I had so much fun writing this so it got pretty lengthy! It’s also not as fluffy as I had first intended, but I hope you like it nonetheless! |
(Edit: It’s been split up into two parts due to text block limitations.)
♡ Warnings: Angst, blood-drinking.♡
♡ Words: 2200+ ♡
See part 2 … here
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Bite Me (Midoriya/Vampire!Reader) [Part 1]
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You reclined on Midoriya’s bed in his dorm room, fingers plucking at the strings of your guitar to find a good rhythm that stuck. You were technically here for a friendly study session with Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka, but your bluenette friend canceled last minute so it was just you three. Which, was fine you could still get a lot of work in.
The only thing was, it wasn’t fine. Your eyes drifted from the strings to where Ochako and Deku sat adjacent to you, laughing about something you didn’t care to know about.
Midoriya has barely paid any attention to you the entire time you’ve been here and it was getting on your damn nerves. You frowned, leaning further away from the rays of sun that shone through the slightly open curtains. He always made sure to close them for you when you came over. I guess he was too busy with Uraraka to care.
Not that you couldn’t close them yourself! But that wasn’t the point.
As selfish as it may sound you like to think that he thinks about you. And normally, he does! But when Uraraka-san’s around… not so much.
Why did he like her so much? Was she better than you? Was it because she had a more reliable pulse? Better impulse control? Fuck, now you’re just making yourself feel bad.
While sifting through your bitter thoughts your fingers subconsciously caught onto a good tune, and you closed your eyes, humming to the rhythm and trying to think up some rad lyrics to pair with it. A bit early, but you were never a conformist to basic music composition anyways.
You heard Uraraka giggle and Midoriya chuckled back, the sound making you snap your eyes open and strike a harsher yet kind of nice-sounding chord.
You continued playing quietly to yourself, whispering a few different lyrics every now and then to sound them out and see which ones stuck. As you build a good foundation, you had unknowingly captured the attention of your classmates who finally turned away from the assignment and one another to look at you as you played.
She looks so concentrated! Midoriya thought as he watched you with sparkling eyes, feeling blessed to have been given the opportunity to bear witness to your creative process. He’s always admired you, especially your way with music. And now that you’re properly hanging out as friends more often, he’s written almost an entire notebook about you and your quirk! You were so cool!
Your quirk was very vampire-like in nature. You had increased physical strength and speed, the ability to float, and the more blood you consumed the stronger you were. Not only that but you could shape-shift into a bat! A cute one at that… Midoriya smiled crookedly at that, reminded of the time you fell asleep in class and when Mr. Aizawa smacked a book down on your desk. You got so frightened you poofed into a little bat version of yourself!
He might have drawn your bat form too…
Some might say your quirk was a little villainous, but he didn’t see it that way at all! You’d make a great hero one day, regardless of how er… exotic? Morbid? Your quirk was.
“Wow, Y/N-chan, that sounds really good so far!” Midoriya gushed a little, shaking you from your focused trance and negative thoughts—accidentally pulling the wrong string, making you cringe.
“Oh-uh, thanks!” You blushed, feeling the blood rise to your usually ice-cold cheeks.
“You’re going to make a great artist one day. After you go pro that is.” Deku flattered, freckled cheeks lighting up with the slightest dusting of pink. That’s also when he noticed the weird angle you were leaning to keep out of the light streaming through the curtains.
“Oh no! The curtains! I completely f-forgot, I’m so sorry, Y/N-chan!” He stuttered apologetically, scrambling to his feet to go and pull the curtains shut. You sighed in relief leaning back into a more comfortable position. “You should’ve said something.” He frowned, the guilt clear in his mesmerizing emerald green eyes.
“D-don’t worry about it, Deku. You looked… busy.” You coughed awkwardly, fingers subconsciously returning to strumming across the strings to distract yourself.
To your delight, Midoriya sat closer to you this time. And you shot Uraraka a subtle-yet-victorious glance, to which you were met with her frustrated one. It was almost like there was an invisible bolt of lightning between you, cracking challengingly between two rivals as you shared a familiar look of ‘friendly’ competition. You knew she had a crush on Deku, and she knew that you had feelings for him in turn. Neither of you wanted to step away, both dead set on winning Deku’s affections for your own. Of course, the little green ray of sunshine had no idea about this, but he didn’t need to know.
“Can you—um… c-can you possibly… teach me some things?” Midoriya asked bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck, eyes darting from your own now-softer ones and your guitar. Your normally-still heart swelled and beat a few times, your cheeks burning. You felt the excitement bubble inside and you couldn’t help but give him an enthusiastic fanged smile. You didn’t even have time to send Uraraka a bragging look, you were too eager.
“Of course!” You exclaimed, slipping your guitar strap off your shoulder. “Scoot a bit closer.”
A while later you found yourself sitting behind Deku, arms wrapped around him to guide his clumsy hands across the strings of your favorite guitar. He had been incredibly nervous the first few lessons, especially with you touching him like this, but he relaxed once you got him into the zone. Uraraka scribbled away at an assignment to your left, sending you glances every now and then.
For once you weren’t worried about her though. All you could think about was the rough texture of Midoriya’s hands under your own as you adjusted his posture once more.
“Hey, there ya go, you’re getting the hang of this!” You complimented, and he flushed, cringing when his fingers fumbled and played the wrong tune. “You’re fine. You’re a natural, Deku!”
“You think so?” He asked, eyes shiny as they glanced over his shoulder at you. You avoided his gaze deliberately to hide the heat that had risen to your face.
“Mm-hm.” You hummed, trying to contain your excitement as he managed to play a few basic tunes. You were so proud!
“Hey, Deku?” Came Uraraka’s voice out of nowhere. You’d forgotten she was there… Midoriya turned to her, asking her what she needed. “I’m having a hard time with this problem, can you help me out?”
Ochako smiled charmingly, tilting her head to the side in a cute way as her pink cheeks spread with her grin. You scoffed, covering it up with a fake cough when Midoriya gave you a questioning look. She wasn’t that cute.
Apparently, that was an unpopular opinion because Midoriya gingerly returned your instrument and scooched over to the end of the bed to help Uraraka with her assignment. You weren’t saying that she didn’t actually need help, but you weren’t saying that you trusted her either. You knew she was just trying to deter his attention from you and onto herself.
You sighed, standing up from the bed with a look of temporary defeat.
“Sorry, guys. I think imma leave, catch you later.” You announced, and while your back was turned you missed the look of disappointment on Midoriya’s face. You slid your guitar over your shoulder to rest on your back and slung your book bag over your other shoulder. Your green-haired classmate didn’t have much time to say goodbye before you were crossing the room to the door.
“Oh, okay I’ll see you—” the door closes before he can finish. “Later…”
.   .   .
The next morning you sat on the steps at the entrance of U.A. with your guitar, doing your usual morning fiddling around with a new song. The same one you started the night prior. You’d gotten pretty far, an open notebook with scrawled lyrics and music notes balance on your outstretched knee crossed casually over the other.
You used to do this while waiting for your friends to come to school, perhaps serenade them jokingly as they approached. Even after moving into your dorm, you couldn’t quite shake the habit.
The sun wasn’t ideal, but you had a giant sun hat and the appropriate clothing for being outside in it. Deku usually met you on the stairs anyways so why would you move?
“Hey there, Y/N!” You hear Deku call from behind you.
Speak of the devil.
You turned your head to look over your shoulder, flashing him a fanged smile while your finger continued dragging your pick across the strings. “Heyyy, g’morning sleepy, you’re later than usual.”
He laughed nervously, walking over to sit down on the stairs beside you. Now that you got a better look at him, you noticed how drained he looked, the bags underneath his eyes more prominent in the light of the morning sun. A gentle wind rustled his curly green hair, and his jade eyes reflected the glare of the sun, making them almost glow.
Your cool cheeks darkened and you cleared your throat, eyes darting from him to save yourself the embarrassment.
“Long night?” You asked and he nodded sheepishly. He’d spent most of the night studying with Uraraka who was unusually… enthusiastic? He wasn’t sure how to put it.
“You usually stay up with us. Was something wrong last night? You left… so suddenly.” Midoriya looked to you expectantly, eyes crinkled with concern and something else you couldn’t quite place. You tried to laugh it off in your usual cool, smooth way, playing a bit more enthusiastically in an attempt to sell it further.
“Nah, man I’m cool. I was just… I was just.” Your words failed you when you were suddenly taken back to last night, the stare Uraraka had given you, how jealous you’d felt. So much so that you just couldn’t stand being in the room any longer. The same reason the lyrics of the same song you’d been working on since then were so bitter. You couldn’t help it, really. The way Ochako looked at him sometimes sent your blood way over the boiling point.
It was like a parasite, feeding on your patience with every tiny competition for Deku’s attention until eventually one of you cracked. It wouldn’t be you.
You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder and whipped your head to the side to see Midoriya with a sympathetically worried expression, hand twitching on your shoulder. The coolness of your flesh crept through even your sleeves and for a moment he was mesmerized by it. He made a mental note to scribble it down in his notebook later. You felt the frosty sheen of your resolve melt under his touch. Not many had the balls to touch you.
“You were just what? Are you okay?” He asked, not sure if the surprised look of confusion swirling in your eyes as they reflected some of the morning light—even from under the huge sun hat on top of your head—meant that you were going to get angry or not. You didn’t normally respond well to others worrying about you when you could obviously take care of yourself.
“Pssh—Yeah! I’m fine, quit worrying. Wouldn’t want any of your pretty green hair falling out for me.” You chuckled, and his spotted cheeks bloomed a light pink. Did you just say he had pretty hair? You looked away from him and back to your guitar with a newly-lit smile. It was alarming how much effect this boy had on you, being able to cheer you up just by worrying for you. “And uh, if you’re free later…”
“Yes!” You blinked at him as he blurted it before you could even finish your sentence. Did he even know what you were going to say?
“I-I mean, um…” Izuku blushed madly, realizing that he’d just gotten way too ahead of himself. He must sound so desperate right now! The truth is that he would’ve said yes regardless of what you asked, never the type to pass up the chance to hang with you. “S-sorry, please continue.”
“I was going to ask if you wanted s’more guitar lessons.” You giggled at his embarrassed posture, palm shielding his face from you as it reddened.
“O-only if you promise to train with me!” He blurted out without thinking, eyes shining with emerald stars as he stood up from the stairs.
He couldn’t help it. He’s been wanting to ask you to train with him for such a long time but never knew how to ask without coming off as strange. Your quirk fascinated him, and he still knew so little about it! And what better way to evaluate your quirk than in a fight?
Again you blinked, caught off-guard by his enthusiasm.
Hah, what a fanboy. Can’t blame him though, I am pretty rad.
“Deal.” You grinned, showing off your pearly-white fangs, floating into the air and strumming your guitar as you made your way inside.
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Swallow (Jason Todd x Reader)
✾ A/N: Hope you like it, hon!
✾ @thatgaypostsworld 's request: Do you think you could do Jason Todd from Titans x trans male, he's Hanks younger brother. They meet in Gotham and work together kinda like how Dick worked with Hawk and Dove and start dating then he Joins Titans to be closer to Jason and finds out that Hank knows Jason and can there be lots of fluff and protective older brother stuff from Dick and Hank cause Dick would have known him since he was like five. And Gar and Dawn being all for reader and Jason. xD
✾ Warning: request slightly edited from OC x Jason to Reader x Jason.
‘'It’s over, bird boy.’’ The blue-eyed woman smirked at Jason as she pressed the barrel of the gun against his neck. Suddenly, the idea of ​​going after a drug dealer alone to impress Batman didn't seem like the smartest thing to be done. ‘’Batman probably won't miss his dumb pet. ’’
‘’You talk too much.’’ An unknown voice was added to the conversation, followed by the typical noise of a punch. Just like that, Todd was no longer between life and death, and his main target laid unconscious on the floor among his passed out henchmen. ‘’Come on, villains. Don't you know that monologuing only gives pretext for someone to come along and save the victim?’’
‘’What did you just call me?’’ The new Robin finally turned around to face his unfortunate savior. He was also dressed in a superhero costume, although Jason couldn't quite put his tongue on the name. The outfit was, in his opinion, ridiculous. Mostly blue, but with a white front and an orange mask. At least his body looked pretty hot in that. ‘’I'm not a fucking victim, bro. Who do you think that beat the fuck out of her crowd?’’
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. Batman's new apprentice was really petulant. If Hank was there, he would probably say it was a prerequisite for being a Robin. ‘’You, me, and your ego are on the same side. By the way, I am Swallow.’’
‘’Do you suck too?’’ Jason answered in irony, already picking up his customized batarangs that had been thrown in battle.
‘’Very funny. Swallow as in for the bird, Robin. Just like you.’’
When Bruce and Dick decided it would be good for Jason to spend some time away from Gotham, it didn't occur to Jason how frustrating that could be. After all, why would he even consider that idea? Todd would stay with the Titans for a few weeks and come home as fast as possible.
‘’It’s boring as fuck. I wish you were here.’’
However, now, after two months in that tower, with Dick treating him like a child and away from home, Jason had to admit that he didn't imagine this scenario. Everything was boring compared to Gotham. He didn't go out to fight crime with anyone. In his city, every night had someone to be saved, either with Batman or (Y/N).
(Y/N) had become Todd's confidant out of necessity. Although his first mission to conquer Bruce's respect had gone wrong, Jason wouldn't stop trying. He was valuable and could be as good as Dick Grayson once was. Bruce didn't have to protect him or anything, and he would prove that.
It worked a few times, mostly with help. Jay was still inexperienced, a Robin barely for months back then. (Y/N), on the other hand, had been Swallow for years. Robin certainly didn't call him, but somehow they always ran into each other during Gotham's night routine. After a few cases together and some make-out sessions in places extremely inappropriate for any civilian, they decided to try for real. A committed relationship, Jason's first.
Video calls happened, of course, just like the one occurring in that instant. But it wasn't quite the same, at all.
‘’Me too, babe. Don’t worry, we will see each other soon. I need to go now, just arrived at the supermarket,” you said, waving your empty hand at him through the phone as your face disappeared on the screen. It was replaced by your call duration time. You smiled at the street you were on. Jason surely would love your surprise.
Todd grabbed whatever comic book he had left around the room to distract his mind. He missed his boyfriend and the excitement of his hometown. And even though he invited you a million times to become an honorary Titan, the answer was still a no. If Jason had to bet, and he was good at it, he would say that you were afraid of history repeating itself among your brother's old team, even though he had stated that Hank was not there and had never visited since they arrived at the tower.
A subtle knock met the door of Robin's room, soon followed by Gar's voice. ‘’Jason, you have a visitor.’’
He tossed the graphic novel in his hands towards the chair across the room, smiling victoriously when he hit his target before getting up and leaving the room. It must be Bruce, finally showing up to get him.
‘’About time, Bru—(Y/N)?’’ You weren’t the person he was missing that appeared in the Titans' living room, but you were still a wonderful surprise. Jason marveled at you, his heart pounding happily. ‘’What are you doing here?’’
‘’I missed you and decided to accept your invitation.’’ Your words didn't obtain any reaction from Robin. He remained there, astonished. ‘’I could always go back...’’ (Y/N) teased, the side of your mouth curved into a playful smile.
‘’Don't even fucking joke about it, baby.’’
Jason approached you, pressing his lips against yours in a needy kiss, which screamed how felt your absence had been.
‘’What the fuck is this?’’ Hank's voice surprised the two young men, causing you both to separate immediately. Gar - who had gone to the training room after calling Jason - arrived in the place with Dick. ‘’What the hell is Jason doing to my little brother, Grayson?’’
‘’I don't know,” the rising leader responded, frowning as he mentally analyzed the scene. Jason didn't have enough stability to fight in a team yet-- a romantic relationship should be his last concern. Dick himself knew how it could affect teamwork, but then, he wasn't one hundred percent ready to lead the Titans yet and had started a complicated situation with Kori months ago. Therefore, Grayson was not the best to offer advice in that department. Pursing his lips, Dick added, ‘’Anyway, I'm glad you two came back.’’
While Jason's older brother had decided to ignore the surprise in his living room to address more urgent matters, yours didn't follow the same line of thought.
‘’We came here to help you and found the new problematic Robin sticking his tongue in my little brother's throat. What the fuck, Grayson? Since when (Y/N) is with the Titans? You want to fuck up their lives with my brother's life like you did to ours?’’
Dawn placed her hand against Hank's chest in an attempt to convey some serenity to him and prevent the male from attacking Dick in a fit of rage. She smiled sweetly at the couple – Jason’s arm around your figure as the old Titans argued.
‘’He didn't know I was here, Hank. I just arrived. I wanted to see Jason.’’ You shrugged. There was no real concern for the eldest Hall's reaction. You knew your brother. He had an explosive and exaggerated tendency for being. Especially after you came out as a trans guy, which increased his protective behavior. ‘’I have known Jason since the gap year in Gotham. We are dating.'’
Hank opened his mouth and everyone in the room waited for another round of swearing, most likely to be directed at Dick and Jason, when Gar's voice interrupted, ‘‘Can someone handle Jason willingly?'’
You chuckled when Jason showed his middle finger to his teammate. It caused tiny, relieved smiles from the present adults. Dick and Hank exchanged a suggestive glance. It was the same they gave each other when a difficult mission had worked out after a few mistakes, but they were too exhausted to argue at the moment. A truce, it meant. For now.
‘’Well, I'm happy for you two. Talk to me if you need tips on how to deal with a hot-tempered Hall.’’ Dove joined the joke, eliciting more laughter and a betrayed glare from Hank, who dramatically moved away from his girlfriend.
Jason grimaced when being compared to Hank, and you placed your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. His brother tried to convince Dawn that his anger was directed to who he deserved it, which didn't make him hot-tempered. Dick stood with crossed arms, a simple smile on his face as he surveyed the room. Gar was laughing still, his old friends disagreeing in a relaxed way, and Jason was pouting, being treated by his boyfriend with quick pecks on the cheek that made him smile like a happy child.
That reunion was better than he had anticipated.
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