#llf hc
Friend I swear those hcs for longlostfriend!Reader are pumping out the inks(pun intended) of creativity where I've had art block until recently. But on the other hand, Ink Demon's voice. No doubt I'd fall asleep to it.
I'd like to think LLF!reader as a child loved narrating/practicing lines with Bendy and probably slept to Sammy's music. Fast forward to batdr, Sammy may be nowhere to be seen, guess Reader would try reciting lines with Bendy, cartoon or ink demon form like they used to do to in lulling reader to sleep.
Bedtime stories
"Hey Bendy?" You said, sitting in the large demon's lap.
He replied in a quiet, rumbling tone that shook your whole body.
"Remember...Remember when..Sammy used to play his uke and we used to sing along?..That...That was fun..." You started mumbling, memories filling your mind.
Oh how you miss those days.
"Oh how the days fly by.."
"With whispers in my mind.."
"Oh dear holy grail"
"Won't you clear my mind~"
Sammy and Bendy were both sing along to a song meant to be on next week's show, along with you clapping to the beat, giggling your heart out.
"Hey darling?..."
Bendy's quiet yet rumbling tone brought you back too where you are now.
"Yeah, Bendy?"
"Would you..like to sing? Together? "
Bendy had said, looking down at you as you looked up at him.
"Yeah, sure, what song?.."
"What about...lilies?.."
Bendy had seemingly pulled you closer to him, humming the song that was on the last episode of his show.
"Oh darling won't you like a pile of lillies~"
"There are shades of red, and blue, and purple..."
"And I wonder where you've been..."
You had started to nod off to Bendy's low, deep voice.
Too be honest, it was welcoming and quiet.
You fell asleep while Bendy had finished the lyric.
"Flowers..Oh darling, don't leave, I'll be here, for you, just pick up a pile of lillies~ and we'll stay together...forever.."
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Thanks for sharing some headcanons with us, I have many feelings about love like fools as well! Looking forward to reading the Sara and Jay ones and whatever else you want to share.
“Whatever else you want to share” oh if that isn’t dangerous my friend... Here you go, my own personal Saddest Headcanons about the alternate epilogue I mentioned AKA “What if Ava hadn’t walked into Marley’s diner on that faithful day?”
[All “love like fools” heacanons and additional posts are tagged “llf hc” by the way]
- Ava’s 10 year high school reunion happens in May, the very same month and year they get married in the LLF timeline. In the alternate epilogue, they haven’t seen each other in a decade and instead of their wedding they go to a party in a gym (Sara is there with Laurel, who’s convinced a night out is what her sister needs, and seeing some of their old friends will be good).
- So, what would be different for Sara and Jay? Well, first of all, Sara still works at the diner (Ava’s moral support and the fact she was spending time with Jay at the time allowed Sara to do some job searching/interviews she never did); Jay’s attending a private elementary school that Oliver has paid for before disappearing from their lives again when he didn’t just magically turn into the son he wanted (Jay doesn’t like the school, doesn’t like uniforms, doesn’t like the dress code, doesn’t like the teachers); not having attended the charter school, he hasn’t met Lita; not having been friends with Ava’s friends, he’s never met Sandy either and Sara has never met Ray and Nora; Jay isn’t dancing; there is no porch swing in their backyard; Jay doesn’t wear hair clips or nail polish (he will, he’s just not healed from the things Oliver has said to him quite as quickly).
- What would be different in Ava’s life? She came back to SC, she’s worked at Queen Consolidates for a while, then quit when Oliver came back; now she’s at Palmer Tech, there’s no Astra so she works 12 hours a day bascially; she’s bought a house not far from her parents, things with them are still tense, they don’t talk about Ava’s love life or anything like that, but they’re polite and they care, so Ava tries to forgive them for things she isn’t sure they’re sorry for; Ava doesn’t actually have a love life truth be told, but that’s fine: her job’s the love of her life anyway; she got over Sara; she did; no, really, she totally never asks herself what could’ve been if she’d been a little braver; never ever.
- So, they meet again. Laurel and Ava chat until Laurel excuses herself to go “stop Tommy from spiking the punch”. The silence is tense at first.
- I mean, Ava was in love with the man she’s had a kid with, right? And Sara even took him back recently, briefly, before they’ve imploded again and he’s left her and Jay for good (that’s for the better: Sara will never take him back now that he’s rejected her son, at least). Oliver’s told her Ava quit QC when he came back so she probably still has a grudge.
- But with her Ava’s nothing but cordial, she’s polite and softly spoken, there’s no double edge to her words, there’s no edge at all. So Sara indulges the small talk, until Ava asks if she’s a doctor and Sara tells her she dropped out when she got pregnant at 19. Ava is silent, doing the math in her head. So Sara, trying to avoid a scene, tells her: “High school was so long ago. I know you loved him, but-”
- Ava laughs. “I was never into him, he made it up after I rejected him when he tried to kiss me. I’m a lesbian. It was never him I was in love with, and it was so long ago... none of it matters anymore.”
- But obviously it does matter.
- Because that has to mean Ava was in love with her.
- Ava Sharpe. Ava Sharpe was in love with her.
- Ava Sharpe tells her none of it matters anymore.
- Life is okay, you know? They’re both so strong, so indipendent, it was never like they needed each other to survive, Ava even says it in the show. Life is okay. It’s grey. It’s... (Sara says it in chapter 3) an empty spot in her heart meant to be vacant, to be left for someone, but that someone never showed up; it’s an empty chair, someone missing during family brunches, it’s the absence of something she’s never quite able to grasp. It’s the lingering feeling of having forgotten something but you can’t quite place what.
- Until one day, trying to grab a quick lunch while on her break, Ava walks past an old diner she remembers loving in her youth. She gets in, sits down, and Sara Lance brings her coffee. (It plays out quite differently than in LLF, and obviously a lot of the things they got to have there, here they can never quite recover, but they do make it through).
- From then on, life is in technicolor.
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eileen for sure knows dean is bi & closted, it llf not from her own perception, sam has *certainly* lamented to her about how he is with cas. so, i feel like she would have fun with this. i hc that one day her & dean are talking & she mentions she dated like a cheerleader in highschool or something & dean's like, 'ah, a guy who was a cheerleader? was he a mascot lol' (bc internalized misogyny) & elieen just smiles & is like 'no, she was the captain <3' & dean chokes on his beer like 'she??!??' & sam's like 'eileen is bi, dean' & deans like, internally, 'well i guess that means sam's okay with that' but it still take a Lot More stuff like this for him to feel comfortable accepting his sexuality & come out
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In related to the keeper ask (as well as with a shitpost I did on my Tumblr), llf y/n got third upgrade for gent pipe and perhaps had a swiss army knife with them before they got dragged into the ink realm (by Wilson?? Maybe?? Still working on that). Finds a certain Keeper recording.
Bendy apparently finds them standing before a now dead keeper, with a bloody(inky?) Gent pipe and stains on them.
Y/N: whoops guess I don't know my own strength when all I felt was rage
Hcs or fic, that's up to u
Quiet noises
Fear pulsed through my veins.
I...I just heard something scream...and it didn't sound like a lost one nor an ink searcher....
Touching the wall, I went through it, sliding through easy.
I quickly noticed my hands were shaking.
Why am I so scared?...
I slid through another wall.
I could hear someone talking.
"Well, guess I didn't know my own strength. You hear that Wilson? I'M STRONGER THEN YOUR STUPID KEEPERS OR WHATEVER THEIR CALLED!!!" The weird person thing yelled.
It looked kinda like boss, except younger and was holding a gent pipe, with different golden glows on it.
But I flinched when it yelled. And I hit the table behind me, causing noise.
"Who’s there?" The weird person quickly said, looking around.
I quickly shoved myself under the table.
I'm scared....I'm scared....
My breathing increased, but I covered my mouth. I closed my eyes as well.
"Woah, hey little buddy...."
I could hear it right in front of me. I could feel my body increase in fear.
Then, I felt something touch my head.
I panicked and let out a mix between a growl and a whimper.
"Woah, it's okay, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise." The weird person said calmly, rubbing my head slightly.
I opened my eyes, staring at them.
"Well hi bud. See? You're alright, I won't hurt you."
I nodded and slowly came out.
(I decided to write from Bendy's point of view, hope y'all like!)
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Aww I'm sad that love like fools is over. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story! Jay wanting everyone to know how important Ava is and how much he loves her too is so so so sweet!! How many kids did they end up having? I'll take all the headcanons that you want to share, please and thank you.
I imagine 4, and something like 8-10 nieces and nephews (they already had like 3 so that’s not that much of a stretch). I’ll try to elaborate a bit if you don’t mind (Warning: this is gonna get long as heck):
- About a year after they get married they adopt Violet, 6yo (so 2 years younger than Jay). Vi is a literal princess. Okay, maybe they do spoil her a little bit, but so what? It’s not like they haven’t given Jay everything that was good for him, too, so can’t fault them, really. She’s so softly spoken and well mannered and so alike Ava in temperament that to say Sara completely adores her would be an understatement. Not that Ava doesn’t love her as much, Sara is just a little more powerless when faced with her angelic smile and pleading brown eyes. Yeah, as mentioned, maybe they spoil her a bit. Maybe. (But she’s confident and has the attidute to follow in her mama’s footsteps and become a lawyer; she decides she likes her mom’s former plans instead and becomes a doctor. Sara won’t stop bringing it up. So, you know, maybe the spoiling wasn’t that bad.)
- When Jay turns 16 and Vi turns 14, they get asked to foster twins (8 years old, Miles and Julia) for a couple of months and accept even though they have to get rid of Ava’s home study to get a new bedroom.
- The first year of having the twins is... not easy. First of all, they aren’t as affectionate as Jay and Vi, they’ve been in foster care long enough to think that the arrangment won’t last, they don’t trust them. They yell, fight, disobey them. Ava and Sara love them, but can’t get through to them and think when the time comes they’ll want to change foster parents.
- But. Miles adores Jay. Like, he adores Jay to the point he starts growing his hair out. And Julia only trusts Vi. And Vi certainly isn’t shy in being the confidant Julia needs.
- It gets to the point where Sara and Ava just agree that “the twin might not love us, but they love Jay and Vi and we love them so much that at this point we can’t even think about never seeing them again without tearing up” and, even thought Ava insist they should give them more time to adjust, to decide for themselves if they want to stay, maybe foster them until they’re a bit older and know what’s in it to gain and lose, Sara is surer by the day the twins are meant to be theirs.
- Julia gets hurt one day, the first week of fourth grade, and she refuses to get checked out by a doctor if “her mom isn’t there” and won’t calm down until Sara’s holding her hand. She has a mild concussion and they have to wake her up every few hours to check up on her. Miles tells her the next day Ava’s stayed beside her the whole night without sleeping to make sure she was still breathing.
- Miles is quiet, but he’s the first one who makes it clear something has changed. He hugs them both every night before bed. Ava almost cries the first time he does. She just misses kids, okay? She misses Jay climbing between them on Sunday morning and Vi watching movies sitting on her legs. Teenagers aren’t that affectionate.
- The day comes that the twins, now 9, ask them how long can they stay for, because they have to know if they’re gonna send them away. So they sit down and explain it’s ultimately their choice, that if they don’t like it there they can of course try to find somewhere else, but that to Ava and Sara this isn’t a temporary arrangement anymore, that they want to twins to stay. They ask for a moment to discuss and leave Ava and Sara, flabbergasted, behind. They hear cheers and giggles and laughs from the next room and a moment later they walk back in and Julia just tells them “we accept” and they scurry away like Sara and Ava might change their minds if they’re not quick enough.
- They adopt the twins when they’re 10.
- So this is basically how it goes. Sorry if it got really really long. I just have so many feelings about this story, you know? But anyway, tldr: they’d have 4 kids.
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Now I can't stop thinking about Jay's reaction when Ava told him that she was going to ask Sara to marry her.
Okay, anon, this was one of the first asks I got about love life fools for headcanons, but I haven’t gotten around to it because (raw honesty here) I kinda skipped it in the story because I didn’t know how to write it, but I’m gonna try <3 (look for the tag “llf hc” on my blog for other headcanons for this story!)
So, how Ava has enlisted Jay to help with the proposal:
- So, Ava has the speech, but it’s Jay that comes up with the date.
- She tries to approach the topic on a Saturday morning when they’re alone, so there’s no risk of Sara overhearing. To make sure there aren’t any misunderstandings, she starts off by showing him pictures of her parents getting married, then of Sara’s parents, then of Ray and Nora, and explains to him what a wedding is, what a marriage is, over the course of a few weeks. Jay knows, of course, but Ava tries to sweeten him on the idea of going to one, she tries to be subtle about it, you know? Gets the idea into his mind.
- Then, one Satuday, she tells him she’s thinking about asking Sara to marry her, and asks him about his opinion on the matter, saying of course she would never do something he didn’t like.
- Jay is overjoyed, and poor Ava has to reign it in, to explain she has to propose first and Sara has to agree, they’re not just getting married in a week, which is exactly what he said when she asked by the way: “that’d be awesome, can we do it next Saturday?!”
- So, he agrees. And Ava then swears him to secrecy, explains she’d like him to be a part of the proposal and everything. Jay tells her that she should do it on his birthday, so they can all get a gift, Sara can get the ring she’s showed him and Ava can get a yes. Because Jay has absolutely no doubt at all Sara will say yes. And his mama’s been acting so nervous on the topic, he has no doubt she’ll agree that hearing “yes” would be a gift.
- The birthday is a few weeks away, but Ava thinks it’s perfect. They’re in a bit of a rough patch with communicating properly, and Oliver’s always around anyway, so waiting until things settle can only be good, what’s the hurry anyway, right? They have the rest of their lives to be married.
- Now, Ava has stashed the ring at Nate’s. Because Nora, wife of a billionaire, doesn’t have a safe. Her reasoning is that their whole house is a safe, with Ray’s alarm system, but Ava needs to know that thing is locked and secured, so she asks Nate. Then, a couple weeks ahead, she moves it home and asks Jay to keep it hidden from Sara. He finds the perfect spot for the box in his closet, under his favourite blanket that they don’t use because it’s summer. Ava is a little nervous and checks it too often, until Jay tells her she needs to be less obvious or Sara’s gonna notice and think they’re up to shenanigans (which, they are, but still).
- Ava tells him the plan, which is to keep the ring in her pocket and just propose after his birthday dinner. Jay tells her that’s dumb because Sara’s sitting in her lap more often than on a separate chair. “I’ll bring it to you. Start your speech and I’ll bring it down and you give it to her. And she says yes, you get all mushy and then we celebrate again.”
- Ava can’t say no to him. Even if she could, this time she wouldn’t have: the plan’s perfect.
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Do you have any thoughts on Laurel in love like fools? Do you think she knew what was up back in high school when everything went down between Oliver and Ava? Thoughts on how Laurel and Ava maybe reconnected after she starts dating sara? If you want to share :)
OH BOI do I, well... Laurel in LLF:
- Roles are basically reversed here as they were in the show, except Laurel being the golden child never thinks about being with Oliver once he gets with Sara. She still pines after him.
- Laurel and Ava get along really, really well. Laurel thinks, if her sister didn’t hate her, they might’ve been besties. As it goes, things can’t quite work out like that.
- Once Sara and Ava reconnect, Laurel feels awkward asking her to hang out at first because she doesn’t know exactly what happened in high school, they stayed civil but... you know, awkward.
- Sara tells her what happened one day, and Laurel thinks it actually makes a lot of sense, so she asks Ava to hang out and they actually go for drinks before Ava and Sara are even an item officially. They still get along super well, but things are still a little awkward. Eventually, they clear the air up and Laurel feels good about her dating Sara.
- Laurel thinks she actually starts dating Sara weeks before they do. They “act like a couple, seem like a couple, what do you mean they aren’t dating, mom?!”
- Laurel is dating a douche for a while and Ava is actually the person she goes to talk when she feels she can’t talk about it to Sara (because he has a background so similar to Oliver’s, her sister would probably dismiss him without even hear her out). Ava is far more precise in her takedown of douchebag mcdouche and eventually convinces Laurel to drop his ass.
- Ava and Ray cohoperate with law enforcement from time to time, they mainly provide them with surveillance tech (i.e.: body cams), and Ava meets this cop she thinks would actually really get along with D.A. Lance, so she introduces Laurel to her. When Laurel goes to the wedding with Dinah Drake as her +1 Ava is pleased but not that surprised.
- Quentin adores DInah D., obviously, and when Laurel tells her parents Ava set them up, it cements his opinion of his daughter-in-law as one of the best influences on his daughters lives. Well, it’s awkward that she has the same name as Laurel’s mom, but... that’s the irony of life for you.
- Laurel is the person Ava goes to when she’s stressed about work: they’re both lawyers, so Laurel understands the pressure; she can’t go to Ray or Nora, working for Palmer Tech; she can’t go to Nate because his methods of destressing are... not lawful. She goes to Sara, too, but it’s just different to vent to a friend who does the same job.
- After they get married, and Laurel introduces her girlfriend to them, they institute a weekly dinner at their place so Laurel can be with her nephew and they can get to know Dinah. Laurel and Sara are so close it’s just natural that they see each other super often.
- Most importantly, Laurel lives a very long very happy life and nothing else is ever even thought about. Because I said so. Becsause, really, why create an AU where you can literally do whatever you want with the characters and not give Laurel Lance the happiest, longest, awesomest life ever?
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Could you tell us more about Jay, Mari, Sandy, and Lita please? Do they get into all kinds of trouble together? Or do they mostly play dolls, princess, and do their hair and make up?
I do have some headcanons about the next gen of love like fools, and here are some:
(I’m going to get through all the asks for hc’s, so if you don’t see yours answered it’s coming up asap don’t worry! I also got an ask for Avalance’s kids and that’s coming separately, so this focuses on Jay, Mari, Lita and Sandy. Also, reminder that all the posts about the hc for this fic are tagged “llf hc” so they’re easier to find on my blog.)
- When they’re 8 (sandy’s 6) they decide to institute their own secret society. They call it the Bestest Friends Society, because Mari is Nate’s daughter and what else would they call it. They have a statute and everything, which is mostly stuff like “when at the park always look for cool rocks to bring to the next meeting” and “no best friend is left behind”. They honor it for life. They use it as a way to lure each other into shenanigans, too: “do it for the BFS” ... but that is something their parents don’t need to know.
- There’s a few months, they’re about 15 and Sandy’s still in middle school, that she feels like they’re growing apart. Jay, Mari and Lita are the same age, have been in the same class for years, so it’s hard on her sometimes. But it lasts just a few months: she confronts them about leaving her out and they all promise it won’t happen again. From then on, they try their best to always include her in their plans, even when it’s inconvenient. For the BFS, they remind each other.
- Things with Mari get super complicated when they’re 16-17. Mari’s always around, like she’s always been, but they’re not 6 or 10 anymore... She stays for dinner, sleep overs - she sleeps in Violet’s (Jay’s younger sister) bedroom (before they get the twins, they only have 3 rooms, and the fourth is still Ava’s study so there isn’t a bed, so she stays with Vi; once the twins are in the fourth room this is routine so they never change it). She goes camping with them. Amaya says she’s never really talked about boys or girls, so she doesn’t know if she likes Jay for sure, but she does know she always does her hair extra carefully when she goes over. And they see it, the way Mari is so polite with them, so careful, so sweet. Like she’s trying to impress the in-laws. It’s super charming, but also… a little bit heartbreaking.
- Sara sits Jay down and tells him he needs to tell Mari he doesn’t feel the same, it’s not nice to string people along. Jay agonizes over it for days, weeks. Mari’s her best friend. She’s his world, you know? Jay’s not in love with her but if she like him then… wouldn’t it be fair to at least give it a chance? If the alternative is losing Mari, if she doesn’t want to be his friend anymore because he rejects her, than anything else is better. On the other hand, Mari’s like a sister to him, they grew up together, being with her would be… an extra kind of weird. So he resorts to Sara’s tactic of deflection and avoidance. It works, for two weeks.
- Mari’s talking about how they’re going to spend Christmas apart but maybe, hopefully, someday they’ll be able to spend it together; and he absolutely loses it. He starts tearing up and hugs her and begs her to stay friends even if he doesn’t feel the same and… Mari is beyond confused. Vi sees the whole scene and starts laughing so much she gets tears in her eyes. Mari’s like “Jay… I’m ?? I’m dating your sister.” And Vi tells him she’ll kill him if he “run to tell moms, ‘cause they’ll never let us sleep in the same room ever again” and that’s why the secrecy. They thought Jay had at least figured it out, they haven’t exactly been… subtle. He’s so relieved it isn’t until much, much later that it downs on him: his best friend and his sister. Yikes. Aw, but mostly yikes.
- Lita’s dad comes into town when she turns 17. Ava hates him. But Ava is also Lita’s aunt and heroine, so she helps Mick win her over. Mick and Ava become inseparable. (Yes, Ava’s in the dads club. She’s bff with Nate, Ray and now Mick. It’s just… happened. Somehow. Despite Ava being *that* feminine. It’s life.)
- Anyway, Lita’s dad is an asshole and Jay’s biological father was also… an asshole. So they bond over it, start talking it over, it brings them a lot closer. Plus, well, Mari’s dating Vi now, so she’s with them a lot less. Jay holds her when she vents about her dad, Lita punches in the face anyone who disrespects his gender presentation, Jay does her chem homework for her, and Lita teaches him how to cheat at minigolf, and… well. Jay kind of, sort of, possibly falls in love with her. Lita kisses him first. Jay asks her out. They… don’t rally like to explain it, it’s just a thing that is. Moving on.
- Jay, as previously stated, goes into law. He becomes a DA and, honestly, Ava couldn’t be prouder if he chose her own field. It suits him. Mari becomes a fashion designer (just like in the comics, yes I know I’m unoriginal, thank you). Lita goes into business, but she changes to an English major halfway through: always follow your heart, but pay attention to your heritage, her father has taught her; she becomes a published author pretty young and writes, you guessed it, fantasy romance novels. Sandy goes - and stays - into business and takes over her dad’s company, eventually, but she also gets really into computer science and tries to follow in his side projects as well (not all of them legal or realistic, but you know how Palmers are).
- When Jay’s older he finds his old journal with “Bestest Friends Society Rulebook” written across the front and gets cover to cover in one sitting. There’s all the rules, sure, but then it turns into a diary of everything they went through as kids and then tweens. He feels so lucky they’re all still so close to each other that he’s all choked up by the end of it. He gets it, now, the pull their hometown has always had on his moms, why they never left a tiny city that hasn’t always treated them right: it’s not the town, it’s the people. It’s the roots. It’s the feeling you get when you go to a diner and sit at the same table you’ve sat on a million times before: it’s belonging.
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Lmao Mari is dating Vi and isn't interested in Jay. What a plot twist lol.
I mean, they fooled them all. Even Sara and Amaya were like “oh no. oh no no no. What now. If she’s in love with jay how do we keep them apart they’re attached at each other’s hip, do we institute an open door policy? What if they fight? What if they break up? What if omg jay doesn’t love her back?! Omg. Oh no no no no no...”
But I like to think maybe Ava at some point saw Mari and Vi holding hands under the dinner table and dropped off of the panic but didn’t say anything bc she didn’t know if they were ready to come out n everything, and when Sara tells her she told Jay to let Mari down gently Ava looks her in the eyes and goes “I somehow do not think she’ll be inconsolable”
One day she’s drinking a beer with Nate in the backyard while Jay and Mari are talking in hushed whispers a few feet away and Nate goes: “so... I think our wives are in a bit of a panic about... that,” he points at the kids, “But uhm, idk how to tell you this but my daughter talks an awful lot about how amazing your daughter is” and Ava without thinking goes like “yep, talked with Vi, doors open during sleepovers, feel free to never talk about that with me ever again,” bc honestly the less Ava thinks about her sweet princess dating the better, she loves Mari but her children are... her babies. At least she isn’t dating Jay, that would’ve been a mess, they are NOT compatible like that.
Sorry, this got so long it’s basically bonus headcanons, im a mess about this fic 🙈
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Yes, happy epilogue please! If it's not too much trouble, could we please get a Sara and Jay scene? Or maybe headcanons if that's easier? I feel like we got several Ava/Sara, Ava & Jay, Sara, Jay & Oliver, Sara & Oliver, Ava & Oliver, and family scenes, but very few Sara and Jay scenes. If you don't mind, I'd love to know a little more about their dynamic. Of course, please don't feel obliged to do any of that if it's not something you're interested in.
So, I know love like fools focused on Ava and Jay developing a relationship, but I have so many feelings about this so here’s some Sara&Jay headcanons:
- Jay is - and this is going to be an absolute shocker - a mom’s kid. Jay absolutely adores Sara, to the point there’s a time period of about a year when he’s 2-3 yo, where he’ll want to be constantly in Sara’s arms. No walking. No stroller, no highchair if they’re eating out. His place is Sara’s place.
- When Sara says she has to have Dinah help set boundaries she is not joking: she would spoil him rotten if unsupervised, especially right after he’s born. Sara has a lot of guilt because, getting pregnant at 19, she isn’t immediately sure she wants to have him/raise him. When she first holds him in her arms? Love at first sight. Sara would pick the moon from the sky and give it to him, damned be the tides.
- She has to learn to resist him and say no to him, and it kind of becomes easier because he’s such a mini-Sara that she knows if boundaries aren’t set he’ll turn into a hurricane. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Sara almost buys him a horse, once, because he just asks so nicely, and if her son wants to have a pony so he can play princess who is Sara to say no, really? (”His mother, Sara, it’s literally your job to say no to him,” is what Zari says to make her see reason)
- Sara cries the first day she has to go to work after giving birth to him. She’s spent every waking second with him ever since he’s been alive, it’s not that easy to relearn life without him.
- When Jay is hurt/hurting/hill, nobody who isn’t Sara will do. That extends (through the first year of her being a parental figure to him) to Ava as well. Sara treats his boo-boo’s, kisses scratches and fevers better, takes her of him when he has a runny nose. Ava learns, and eventually he trusts her enough to extend the privileges to her as well, but Sara’s always his go-to when he isn’t feeling great.
- Sara and Jay wear matching nail-polish ever since he gets into it when he’s around 6 yo. They do, for years, and when he goes away to college Sara texts him a picture of her nails every time she paints them, so he can do the same colour to his if he wants to. Often, Jay sends a picture back of himself wearing a similar color after just a couple of hours. It keeps them close, even when they’re far away.
- Jay knows he’s needier when it comes to Ava, and when he’s older he asks Sara if she’s ever felt jealous because of that. Sara almost laughs. Of course she hasn’t: he was needy with Ava because he was afraid he’d lose her, that as suddenly as she came into their lives she’d leave again; Sara has always been there, his whole life, and he was never afraid she wouldn’t be. Sara has always been glad he was needier with Ava: it meant that (1) he really wanted her there and wasn’t getting along with her for Sara’s sake, not even in the beginning and (2) he knew Sara would never, ever leave him. He agrees, and notices how he’s less needy with Ava now that he’s older and understands nothing can separate them again, whilst his younger siblings are just as needy with both their moms.
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Hi! I'm the person who asked for more Sara and Jay, and I was not disappointed! Thanks for sharing your headcanons. The two of them wearing matching nail polish is so sweet! It's so funny that Sara was like, "Sure, I'll buy Jay a horse. No problem!" Jay asking whether Sara was jealous, please he's so pure!
Sara is like “no, too much chocolate will be bad for him. on the other hand a horse is reasonable, he can exercise, get fresh air, play princess... win on every front”
I’m glad you weren’t disappointed <3 I’ve started using the tag “llf hc” specifically for the love like fools headcanons btw, so they’re easy to find on my blog for whomever wants to read them (only 2 posts for now, but a third is coming soon bc i’m a useless sentimental idiot XD)
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