lloronahoelife · 4 months
Chisme updates🎭
Litteraly been depressed after hearing that ig my ex (actually just a situationship but he called me his ex surprisingly) litterly did admit he left me for his fucking toxic butxh ex.. am i still hung up about him. Yes tf i am he gave me the affection i wanted but he showed me his true bitch asss whore side
Nyways theyr talking about babys and names but the girl who he left me for wanted their babys name after me 🤧 when she litterly fucked me up by going to steal him back (WHICK SHE ADMITTED TOO) but he got mad at that fact and was 'like tf no?? Not naming my kid after my ex' and she got mad cause she though i was just a side peice he was like "tf no" and she throws a fit while he was like yk what "insert her toxic ex name" would be cute as a baby name..SHE GOT PISSED and went off acting victum but my sister friend heared all this while being on the phone and then started poping off cause she hates that girl so much like she told her all the lies ghat that girl made up cause BITCH lemme tell you she did so much messy shit for what?? Like you already stole him back from me i dont want him back anymore girl! You two are toxic made for eachother<3
..but tbh she put it on herself cause girl i havent even talked to both of them i fact anyone bro ive been fucking addicted to tumbler and fortnite for the past month since it hPpened like ZERO CONTACT and this bitch still brings my name to her mouth... calling me a homewreaker and shit like girl thats you! not me!
im a fucking dumbass mostlikey on the spectrum and somehow got rizz but to be called homewreaker without doing so..honestly im honored to be mention that way??😭
🎀i love my name🎀
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