#lloyd bailey
tootalltech · 1 month
okay. i feel like theres still Some People who may check the land of stories tag on here the way i occasionally do i know theres some fans of the series here at least. since a while back i wrote out an entire paragraph to briefly explain why im insane about lloyd bailey to my friends who dont know tlos, i figure, WHY NOT POST IT ON HERE where people who also know the series (and therefore this character) might see it <3 its at least a little funny to see how i try to explain things in tlos like the hall of dreams briefly with little to no details. this is also kind of like a brief summation of everything we know about lloyd AND JOHNS childhood which is interesting. see below.
sits down. let me set the scene. lloyd bailey is the younger son in a set of two. his mother is a very powerful fairy (#fairygodmother) who’s kind of like the chancellor of an entire kingdom. lloyd and his older brother john both very much have magic in their blood because of this. lloyd’s father dies when he is very young. he is “not the same” afterwards. he thinks his older brother john, who handles his fathers passing arguably “better”, is the favorite child. john is happy and cheerful and everyone loves him. lloyd sits in his dark room and reads books like the iron mask all day. lloyd’s mother does not know how to get to him. she figures out how to make a potion that can bring books to life, since he likes to read so much. she offers it to him. he turns her down. she goes into this magic little hallway (infinite space) where she can see what people truly desire. lloyd the 11 year olds desire (i don’t know how old he is.) is to take over the world. hm. a bit concerning. his mother takes him out into the forest on a nice walk, chains him to a tree, and drains his magic from him. lloyd is not a fan of his mother for this. he tells her that she never would’ve done this to john. his mother considers her action stopping him before he wreaks havoc on everything. lloyd considers this having his “birthright” stripped from him for “a crime [he] never committed” (direct quote). lloyd despises his mother. he runs away from home not long after. he considers the potion his mother made his. he only comes back home to try and steal it. he fails. he is sentenced to life in prison. his mother gives him a mask to wear so no one knows he’s her son. john moves to the otherworld and starts a family. lloyd rots in prison. lloyd’s son who he doesn’t know about is born. lloyd rots in prison. john dies. lloyd rots in prison. his mother loves john’s children and starts to train one of them in being her successor. this could’ve been lloyd. lloyd rots in prison. he doesn’t escape until his niece and nephew are teenagers and his niece is about ten times more powerful than him. because she has the gift that was ripped out of his hands. lloyd hates the world he lives in and its people and seeks to destroy it as soon as he’s out. i wonder why. in conclusion. im normal about him.
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invictusmmaneo · 9 months
Xanthous, awkwardly picking up a crying baby Lloyd: it's okay, when you grow up, you'll learn to do this on the inside
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fourayedasshole · 1 month
Lloyd Bailey was such a dramatic asshole. I love him
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jayreyen · 4 months
I'm crying kicking and screaming WHY is there such a lack of information on Lloyd and John's relationship with each other.. I'm DYING to know what they're like and what they think about each other and what John's reaction to Lloyd's magic being taken away is. I need to know if John thinks Brystal did the right thing or if he disagreed with his mom's choice.
What where the exact events that happened after Lloyd had his magic taken removed.. Did he run away? Did he stay in the fairy kingdom for a while? What does John think about him AAAA crying and kicking why why why why
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duaghterofstories · 1 year
If I made a TLOS TV show/Movie, I would make Lloyd the most cringe-fail anime phase bitch. He does anime poses and monologues with his villain-sona. If it doesn't make everyone cringing while remembering their anime phase, I'm not trying hard enough.
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scenesandscreens · 2 months
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HALO, Season Two (2024)
Directed by Debs Paterson, Craig Zisk, Otto Bathurst & Dennie Gordon
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clairedelune-13 · 1 year
Voice actors deserve more recognition.
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jasvvy · 6 months
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matiiiih · 2 years
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A row of kittens!!
Okay after some struggling with placements and poses, this one was so fun to make! Playing with the shapes, making all the kits different from one another and giving them oversized leg warmers! You’ll also see me kinda hinting with the designs who I headcanon to be each kitten’s parents/family when I’ll do more of these!
“I guess I’m drawing all the Cats- characters”
Deme and Bomba
Mungo and Rumple
Tugger and Munk
Misto and Tori
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prettyfamous · 9 months
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Lana Condor, Lucy Hale, Madison Bailey & Maia Mitchell | Jason Lloyd Evans | September 2023
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oceanusborealis · 3 months
Halo: Halo and Season 2 – TV Review
TL;DR – It was a season of highs and lows, but it ended in a wave of potential.   ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Disclosure – I paid for the Paramount+ service that viewed this episode. Halo Review – Well, we have reached the end of Halo’s sophomore season, and oh, do I have a lot to say. It was a wild swing from impressive to frustrating as we both rose above the mess of Season One while also…
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frankjamesbailey · 1 year
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I saw this and had to share. He's ON The Mandalorian and he's in a DeLorean. Cute! #delorean #themandalorian #christopherlloyd #starwars #DisneyPlus
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badmovieihave · 1 month
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Bad movie I have The Object of Beauty 1991
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fourayedasshole · 4 months
name da fish
i want to get a fish and when i do i have 2 names picked out
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jayreyen · 5 months
The fairy godmother wouldn't have done the same thing to John
(Feel free to correct me if I've gotten any facts wrong)
After Brystal took away Lloyd's magic, he said she never would've done this to John, and that she always liked John more.
While I do believe that Brystal loved them both, I do agree that if the roles were reversed, she wouldn't have done that to John.
John is an energetic and joyful kid who got along well with the other fairies and loved playing outside.
Lloyd was a kid who was always reading in his room and nothing seemed to make him happy.
Brystal wanted to cheer Lloyd up, she was sad that he was always so gloomy. She went through great lengths to make him happy, inventing a potion that'd allow him to enter books like a portal.
That potion is incredibly powerful, and I'm amazed she was somehow able to make it. It's the coolest thing ever and I'd freak out if I was given that.
But that potion, probably the most powerful potion ever, was not enough to make Lloyd happy. He didn't want it.
So, Brystal is obviously lost. If that potion can't make him happy, what will? She turned to the hall of dreams to see what could possibly make him happy.
The dream she saw was of him taking over the world.
Brystal thinks that it's the only thing that could ever make him happy. She thinks her son is doomed to be a villain. That's why she took his magic away, or "chewed his claws out."
BUT if it were John instead, the story would be different.
Brystal knows other things can make him happy, she can see him be a good person, she can see him play and have fun. She believes he's redeemable. She never would've done that to John.
So, unlike what she did to Lloyd, I believe she would've taught John not to use his claws for harm, instead of chewing it off.
(@fourayedasshole @/ing you because I think you'll appreciate this)
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scenesandscreens · 2 months
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HALO, Season One (2022)
Directed by Otto Bathurst, Roel Reine, Jonathan Liebesman, Jessica Lowrey
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