#lloyd hansen imagine fluff
imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Water Under The Bridge: Part 2
“…we, therefore, commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life…” He was there at the graveside service just as he was at the ballroom turned funeral parlour, his presence lingering at the back of your mind with a warning.
You were meant to be sitting close to your mother and Cade, you were meant to be sitting upon the white chairs that were set up and lined by the six feet hole in the ground that would seal your father up below the earth where he could finally rest.
His rest wouldn’t bring peace, or maybe it would and you were bitter enough to hope it hadn’t. Your relationship with your father, your mother and brother were never what they should have been, and you knew that it had everything to do with your grandparents. And Lloyd Hansen, the man who was coming to steal you like a thief in the night because you were meant to be his.
Your father had been the only child of your grandparents and had been raised in the world your grandparents had built with every expectation to take everything over with no restrictions. As it turned out, your father had made many mistakes and many enemies that had only been cowed down because of your grandparents, and it was a few too many mistakes.
Your grandparents hadn’t liked your mother, they held even more disregard for your brother who had carried all the same tendencies of your father, with the penchants for making the same crippling mistakes.
They weren’t willing to leave their legacy to your father without stipulations, and when you were born and had been regarded as somewhat of a mistake in your father, mother and brother’s eyes, your grandparents had stepped in. It was your grandfather who knew you could have been spared from the same toxicity that your father had inflicted upon your mother and brother.
And when your soulmate mark had appeared and his name had come upon your arm, your grandfather had changed the will and the future of the business he had built. Your grandfather had stipulated that your father would only get the business and the avenues, all the accessibility to have power if he had then passed it on to you.
Your father had worked on removing your mark and deleting it from any registries to keep Hansen away, and your grandfather had arranged for Val to watch over both you and your father. Val was more like your father due to him being your guardian all your life. He had worked for your father, but his true and hidden priority had always been you.
Even now that your father was long gone and being buried, Val was watching over you.
He had kept track of you when you went off to school and when your father had promised you that you would never have to come back here. Val had kept his eyes on you even from your place across the country when you attended university to forget your past, he was watching you.
“You can’t run from Hansen.” “…from ash to ash and dust to dust…”
“The family would like to invite you back to their home for a celebration of life-“ The graveside preacher was announcing the invitation while you had raised your head and gazed at your mother and brother.
The two of them were standing side by side, your mother was shedding crocodile tears on her designer dress, mourning the loss of the man who was fuelling her shopping habits. Your bother was standing next to her holding her hand but as you looked toward him, you had seen his lips getting pulled into a smirk and his eyes darkening.
He had taken the figurative appearance of a predator who was readying himself to strike and if you had to make an astute comparison, you would have thought he was something akin to a snake in the grass waiting to strike with fangs glistening. He wasn’t as subtle as he thought he was, and Val had given you an accurate forewarning of what they were planning. Between Lloyd Hansen and your brother Cade making plans to kill you to take control, you were rightfully screwed.
“You will be coming home,” your mother called over her shoulder, the birdcage veil had been draped over the right side of her face and eye, the curve drawing attention to her red lips coloured like blood, upturned in a snide and almost gleeful smirk.
“Of course mother.” You hadn’t denied her, you couldn’t have let her know that Val told you what she and Cade were planning.
You would happily play the part of the fool, let them have their fun and games while they could. You knew it would come back to hit them, you knew that for every scheme they had attempted to hurt behind the scenes a grieving widow and son would come full circle and knock them on their ass, just as you knew with absolute certainty that at some point Lloyd Hansen would take you.
It was a guarantee, not a matter of if but a matter of when, where and how.
“You can’t run from Hansen. No one can.”
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Your childhood bedroom had remained untouched almost as if it was a time capsule to your younger years, a surprising sight since you had left the day you turned 18, moving immediately to your university of choice. You would have thought your mother and Cade would have burned everything in the room to turn it into her second closet however it was as pristine as you remembered.
But perhaps the most surprising part of your childhood bedroom was finding the man who was described as a vile and sadistic bastard, laying on your bed with his ankles crossed. He seemed amused with his hands holding one of your yearbooks, his soft and apt hums coming as he read the details of your high school life.
He was taller than you anticipated, now that you had a better look at him, and your initial observation of him was undoubtedly matched with the appearance of a man who was strong and broad-shouldered, but he had also carried a great strength in his shoulders and chest.
“You don’t know how to knock?” You had broken the silence with a comment that made him close the yearbook with a snap and drop it to the bed, your view of him now unobstructed.
“Hello sunshine,” he turned and planted his feet against the carpet, still managing to keep one leg bent against the side of the mattress, “I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Have you?” Val’s warning had echoed in your head, and you had felt some initial fear of the man whose name you had been removing from your body for years, “I should’ve kept you waiting longer.”
You stepped further into your room yet kept your distance from him, contrasting his appearance with your bare feet and dime-store dress as opposed to his sleek Italian-crafted shoes. He was well dressed as you had observed earlier, only now you could detect the weapons he had on his person and the kind of soulmate mark that bound the two of you.
Your name was clear, it was concise as it remained on his forearm while his name was removed. Through painful and irritating treatments that you had to get twice a year, if not more, his name was removed and scuffed from your flesh in an attempt to hide you from him even though it would have all been folly in the end.
“Cute bedroom sunshine,” Lloyd had reached for one of the stuffed animals your grandparents got you for your 6th birthday, the material still looked untouched despite the time that had passed between you receiving the gift and you standing here today, “very delicate-“
“I know what you’re going to do and why you’re here.” You inhaled sharply when he had set the bear back down and turned to face you, his strong shoulders becoming taut as his eyes dropped to the space on your arm, his lips curled into a deep sneer that was communicative of his emotional state.
You had wanted to hide your arm behind your back, you wanted to obscure his view of your blank flesh just to have his penetrative gaze off of you, although in the end, you remained still. You let him stare you down, you let the weight of his gaze hover on you as tension and expectations had risen with uncertainty of when he would strike.
“You’re adept, not like your brain-dead brother.” Lloyd Hansen’s lips had twitched, barely forming a smirk before he frowned again.
He took a step toward you.
His footsteps muffled on the carpet as he languidly explored your childhood bedroom with his gaze, studying the possessions you had that were indicative of your treatment from your grandparents and the lack thereof from your father and mother. Lloyd had stopped once more before he approached you, his hand hovering over a picture of a hospital bracelet from years ago that you’d forgotten to get rid of.
It was dated for a day after you had turned 16, the third appointment you’d had since your grandparents died. You had shoved the band into one of your desk drawers after the treatment was over, wanting to forget the amount of pain you’d been put through to remove his name from your arm, pain that had only gotten worse as you got older.
“Your father was a snake.” Lloyd held no love for your father, spitting on the man’s legacy after he shoved your medical bracelet into his pants pocket, huffing once and then he rolled his shoulders back and stood straighter. “Your mother is a gold-digging whore-“
“I’m not going to make it easy on you, soulmate or not-“ You stopped talking and fell quiet when he laughed, almost pleasantly, and continued walking toward you with an air of humour among him.
“I’m counting on it, sunshine.” He reached toward you, his fingers curling slightly as he grasped a chunk of your hair, running his thumb and forefinger against your strands. “I’m counting on you fighting and trying to run.”
“No one runs from, Hansen.” Val’s warning had come again, a promise that Lloyd Hansen was playing for keeps
“Are you going to draw it out or get it over with?” You pressed yourself against the wood, your chest rising and falling rapidly with every breath as you truly felt like you were a trapped animal, waiting for the predator to strike.
“Are you that eager to go home, Mrs. Hansen?” Lloyd drew himself closer and raised his hand, drawing his fingers against his moustache.
“Home or hell?” You quipped, sucking in the air and holding it as he tried to reach for you again.
You had turned and shoved your shoulder into his chest, giving you the momentum to slip from your bedroom, nearly stumbling into the wall when your foot caught on the doorframe. You corrected yourself and moved to the staircase, gripping the railing as you hurried down the stairs knowing that he was after you and there was no rush or risk to him.
You weren’t so foolish to think that he didn’t have a small army at his disposal, and at the house, however, you didn’t fancy being manhandled by him.
“You little bitch!” your mother’s shriek had startled you, it had thrown you and you skidded to a stop as she came flying out of the sitting room with your bother following. “You whore! You slut!”
Her hand was raised as she came toward you, intending on striking you across the cheek in a blind rage fuelled by the vodka she had been diving into as a celebration for getting rid of your father and now you. You hadn’t been given the chance to react or negate her strike, but Lloyd had.
He had grabbed her wrist and twisted it painfully behind her back as she shrieked and cursed him out, his deadly and animalistic glare centred entirely upon your mother and brother, the latter of which was being held on his knees.
“We had a deal, Hansen! You bastard! We had a deal-“ Your mother kicked, she fought against him with some kind of resolve to keep herself prideful.
“She’s not yours to sell.” He kicked her feet out from under her while still holding onto her wrist, his blue eyes brimming and almost overcome with the drive to not just seek revenge but completely obliterate her whole world. “Take Mrs. Hansen out to the vehicle.”
Hands had grabbed your arms, fingers digging into your flesh had come loose when you shook them off and cursed in retaliation. You were made to follow them, you understand the order and had the knowledge that they would become much more physical if you didn’t give in. Still, you shook them off and followed as they moved, one before you and one behind you.
“Ungrateful whore! Everything we’ve done for you-!” Your mother was holding strong to her place as the self-appointed matriarch of this estate and business your grandfather had given to your father, her dignity hanging on by threads.
“What are you going to do with it?” You asked him, hovering by the open door, wondering what would become of everything your mother and brother had held so dear.
“Burn it.” Lloyd was looking at you but he was speaking to his men, the few that had begun pouring gasoline on the floor. “I want nothing left standing.”
“Hansen!” The door was shut behind you, your mother’s screams and protests muffled but not silenced.
The blacked-out SUV was waiting for you, the rear door opened giving you a view of the luxurious leather and hand-stitched interior that was likely reinforced and armoured. You had trounced down the steps yet hesitated to get into the vehicle even though you were outnumbered by his men, and unwilling to get a black eye or broken arm from trying to fight.
“Mrs. Hansen-“ You entered the vehicle and grasped onto the handle, slamming it shut in the brute’s face, nearly nicking his fingers in the process.
You looked out the window as smoke started to rise from the house, billowing and black, a preemptive look at the promise or order that Lloyd made, the directive that nothing was left standing.
You waited for the door to be open again, and he appeared with a single duffle bag in his hand and a sadistic, victorious smirk on his face. The right rear passenger door opened and he had thrown the bag in at your feet before he climbed in and joined you, the sour stench of gasoline and smoke clinging to his clothes.
“You have a choice, Mrs. Hansen.” He looked toward you, his hands resting on the space between you. “You choose-“
“Oh, I have options? I thought you were a totalitarian. Direct me like one of your pissants.” You snipped at him, angling your back to the door while kicking the duffle bag away from you.
“We go home,” Lloyd smirked at your attitude and licked his lips, “or we go somewhere private and sunny. Celebrate our early honeymoon-“
“Fuck you.” You grit your teeth and shoved his hand away from you, warmth bubbling in your stomach as your heart thrashed.
“Don’t be so eager, sunshine.” He tapped the roof of the vehicle, signalling the driver to had out. “Home it is.”
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Permanent Tags List: @jennmurawski13-writes @beardburnsupersoldiers @rebekahdawkins @supraveng @bookfrog242 @old-enough-to-know-better73 @loveitorleaveit20 @alexakeyloveloki @socalgem1124 @mogaruke @dreamlessinparis @frisky975 @dispatchvampire @hereforbuckyandsteve @jesgisborne @fairybnha3 @hallecarey1 @tang082646 @mrslokibarnesrogers @deputy-videogamer @posionivy0061 @loving-life-my-way @kaylamcd2000 @mercyy98 @rootcrop @whatinthestyles @slutforsteve @cornmousequeen @rededfoxy @yagurl-snow @glimmering-darling-dolly @patzammit @buckymydarlingangel @missusbarnes-rogers @andy-is-gay @nervousfandom @rileyloves5 @emi11ie @carelessreadersstuff @readingandwritingandreading @cynic-spirit @inkedaztec @gh0stgurl @cats-and-sheep @pono-pura-vida @seitmai @teambarnes72 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @miss-rebel-without-applause
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imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
Hey babe!! I'm beyond obsessed with your recent Lloyd/Ransom lollipop fic! Could we perhaps get a follow up where Lloyd tests out said lollipop on reader?👀🥵
hi baby! I'm so so so sorry for taking so long to do your request! I hope you like what I've done.
last part to wedding crasher and the prequel lollipop
summary - after your ex ransom crashed yours and lloyd's wedding and revealing your dirty little secret. your now husband wants to try it out for himself on your honeymoon.
warning - smut, food play, being called a slut, daddy kink.
18+ only please, the gif isn't mine and divider by @newlips
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After the wedding and your ex crashing it, Lloyd decided during your honeymoon that he should be allowed to experience your lollipop kink. So, that’s exactly what he did. After a lovely romantic dinner, he led you back up to the room and threw you on the bed, reaching over with a devilish smile as he pulled out a strawberry lollipop from underneath his pillow, bringing you into a rough make out session before he begins with his plans. Which leaves us too now.
“Stay still, Pumpkin. Let daddy fuck you with this sweet treat.” Lloyd growls, you’re sprawled out on the bed, lips puffy and swollen from your husband kissing you roughly, your cunt dripping as you anticipate what’s going to happen. Lloyd lies between your legs, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips as he eyes your glistening folds. One hand grips your hip, holding it down while the other rubs a strawberry flavoured lollipop between your folds. The lolly bumping against your puffy clit causes soft whimpers to fall from your lips. “I chose strawberry for us, Pumpkin. So, whenever you see anything resembling a strawberry, you’ll think back to this night.” He smirks, “Be a good girl for daddy.” He says with a hint of a warning behind his words, knowing how greedy you can be once he gives into your desires.
Your eyes roll back as he pushes the sweet treat into your cunt, his cock twitches as he watches you practically suck the thing in as though it were your mouth doing it. “L–Lloyd!” Smack “Daddy!” You moan as he coats the lolly with your juices, picking up the pace and swirling it around, hitting your sweet spot. 
Lloyd thrusts the lollipop faster and harder into your sweet cunt, his thumb connecting to your puffy clit, groaning as your back lifts from the mattress and you begin to squirm. Your fingers curl into the bedsheets as he fucks you hard, slowly turning you into his kinky little slut with each movement. Lloyd huffs out a chuckle, “Huh, your ex was right. You are a kinky little slut.” 
His words cause tingles to erupt throughout your body, juices flowing out of your now strawberry-flavoured cunt as you cum. You slowly sink back into the mattress, hazy eyes locking onto Lloyd’s as he gently pulls out the lollipop, you whimper as you watch him put it in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the treat as he collects your taste. Your eyes widen as he crawls up your body, leaning over you with the lollipop hanging loosely in his mouth. He hums, “I think I just found my new favourite treat, Pumpkin.” 
The rest of the night is filled with everything imaginable, not leaving the bed until two days had passed and you were utterly fucked out. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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eccentricallygothic · 7 months
|| The Storms ||
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Description: A day in the life of the Storm family. 
Pairing: Dad!Johnny Storm | Mom!You.
Disclaimer: I (unfortunately) do not own Johnny Storm. 
Warning(s): None of the explicit sort. Fluff, Johnny and his spawns being proper little menaces, stressed out human mom Y/n, mild marital affection, authoritative father!Johnny towards the end, d/s undertones. 
Note: Yes, this is very much a coping fic lmfao. The reason why this doesn't have a teaser is because it was supposed to be a drabble. Feedback is much appreciated 🩷
Read the nsfw part 2 here.
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Getting to trust and then dating Johnny storm was one thing. But marrying him and having kids with him?
One word. 
And as your youngest (at the moment) burst into the scorching flames all of your others had also done at her age, you had to step back before pinching the bridge of your nose to attempt composure. The smell of burning cloth and wood hit your nose before the alarm went off and water sprayed out, causing you to close your eyes as you focused on your breathing to remain calm. 
You liked to believe you had rather mastered your ability to cope with your little superhuman family's antics. 
"Hey, little Princess~" you heard your husband's much proud and smug coo from behind you before you could call out for him. Good. Your daughter who was still very much orange and in flames giggled and clapped her chubby little hands at the sight of her father, the fire control system having extinguished everything around her but not quite the source. 
"Dada!" The little ball of fire reached out for Johnny, the cause of all of this, and cackled along with the man when he easily picked her up as she was, unfazed by the heat. And though he absolutely adored his kids anyways, your husband was especially sweet right now.
Because it was a triumphant moment for him.
Ever since your eldest had inherited his power, you two betted everytime you got pregnant whether the next baby would be like you or him.
And you had just lost yet again.
It seemed your genes did not even try against your husband's extraordinary ones.
"Ohhh look at this here little Bree Storm following into her Daddy's footsteps!" You rolled your eyes and sighed, spinning on your heels before trudging to the kitchen while your husband baby-talked to your daughter. 
You loved your family and were very grateful for them. 
But it would be nice if at least one of your kids took after you and your ordinariness.
Because five hyperenergetic, extremely naughty and robust superhuman children along with their father who was honestly no better than them at times were a tad bit much for a very human you at times. 
And as you stepped into the kitchen, the scene unfolding before you pushed aside any guilt regarding the annoyance that you were feeling in this moment. 
Because Torus, your eldest (8), who had recently learnt how to fly was bolting across the expanse of the kitchen as he urged his successor, Axel (6), to follow into his stance, instructing her on how she could trigger the flight. 
The son you had had after them, Sonny (5), was happily sitting on a counter and swinging his legs back and forth with the marshmallow jar placed next to him as he fished one out, s'mored it and then put it in his mouth. 
The older of your youngest ones, Jacqui (4) was 'drawing' on a fine, much expensive canvas (if you said so yourself) that Johnny had gotten her when he had realized her artistic edge. The girl was seated in the safest spot as opposed to her siblings; on the floor. Only, she was using her hot red index finger to trace the patterns into the surface of the canvas instead of on it. 
You willed your widened eyes into closing again as you did another breathing exercise, the water from the fire extinguisher system still dripping down your nose that was so accustomed to the smell of fire that you didn't even mind it much anymore. 
Now your mind contemplated whether or not to call Johnny for help. Because it was a running challenge between you two that all of Daddy's babies needed him, which included you; the original one. But you liked to deny and prove that you could manage it on your own without him and did not need his constant help to handle your own kids. 
Except you did, but you would never admit it.
Though when Torus hit one of the lights that hung from the ceiling like the brat he was -something Johnny said the boy inherited from you, like he himself was any better- and almost knocked the cover and his own eye out, you decided pride could wait for now.
"Johnny!" You bellowed, causing the little deviants to look up with a startle only to start giggling when they realized that it was just you. A pout made its way on your lips as you huffed. Unbelievable! 
"Yes, sweeth…" Your husband appeared in the doorway after having put Bree in one of Jacqui's old rompers.
Your kids' clothes were all made of the same material as that of Johnny's uniform that they had managed to recreate at the lab. This was done to prevent wastage of the expensive baby clothes that he liked to personally shop for every child independent of your buyings.
But this time around you had only bought regular clothes as you had felt sure Bree was like you. 
Oh, Johnny was so gonna tease your futile confidence for months!
The bratty lot squealed and bolted past you to hide behind their dad, pretending to cower from your nonexistent wrath. "DADDY, SAVE US!" They cried in unison, drowning out your husband's voice in their playful cries that had a mix of knowing giggles and plotting hushed whispers in them. 
You crossed your arms over your chest as you pursed your lips tightly, shaking your head while eyeing them with an unimpressed look. 
This was routine. 
They would cause all kinds of chaos known to man and then the moment you tried to put your foot down -which was hard enough for you as it was because their faces that were such a perfect and synchronized mix of the one you loved so much in addition to your own were very hard to stay mad at-, Daddy was being summoned and put between your bodies like a rock. 
Oftentimes a traitorous rock for you, if you said so yourself.  
All their personalities were variants of his and Johnny made his pride and support for his naughty little clones very obvious. 
"Ho, ho, ho!" You heaved another sigh as you shook your head at the comical way your husband widened his brilliant blue eyes. "What is this that I am hearing?! What is going on?!" Johnny deepened his voice to mimic an authoritative one. "Daddy demands an explanation for this cruel commotion!" As the brats cheered, your annoyed eyes turned to him and his playfully puffed out chest deflated fast. 
Pushing one hip out, you raised an eyebrow and put a foot out to tap against the ground, cocking your head to the side. "You do, do you, Daddy?" The firmness in your tone had him spring up and turn to the kids to shush them like the most obedient husband ever. 
"That was for you little miscreants!" Now it was your turn to be smug as you smirked and jutted your chest out proudly. "You know the rule! No one misbehaves with Mommy and everyone obeys her!" The kids whined and tossed themselves left and right, the little lot now shuffling away from him and in your legs to be saved from the cruelty of their father. 
"Sorry, mommyyyyy!" You could not help but snicker as you shook your head at the wailing cuties, nodding at Johnny to stop when he went to reprimand them further only for your sake as you knew he did not like doing it on his own account. 
"To the breakfast table, all of you!" As the group shuffled before marching to their ordered destination like the most well-behaved little superhumans ever, you knew there was strength in numbers. 
"So you see, Mommy…" A silent gasp escaped you when your husband's huge and hot hand crept along your waist from behind before grasping one of your hips, mouth against the shell of your ear. "All of Daddy's babies need him" Bree, who was still enveloped in one of his arms, giggled and clapped as if in agreement. The baby girl loved to see you two just existing together in marital bliss. 
You snorted and rolled your eyes -a habit that had gotten you in trouble with him a handful of times- before holding your hands out for your toddler who gladly eased down and into your hold. "Well then," you paused to peck at your daughter's feather-soft rosy cheek. "Daddy should sit his big butt down and eat up so he can remain strong for his babies" your daughter cackled when Johnny clicked his tongue in disapproval after doing one of his dramatic gasps only for you to pinch him by the ear before dragging him behind you and towards your spawns.
"Language, please– wooaaah!" Bree's siblings joined in on the giggling and you couldn't help but follow suit when Johnny's big body awkwardly flailed as it bent downwards in your direction to keep up, plopping down in the Daddy chair at his end of the table when you finally approached it.
"Now, honey" you said after putting your toddler in her high chair and placing her baby plate in front of her, approaching your husband's seat as you waited for him to finish serving the kids. Your hands rested on his broad shoulders as he went along joking and scooping. 
"Yes, my sweets?" That earned him collective cringed out retches from the older kids and you. "Hmmm…" You could just imagine his conspiratorial smirk. "I don't know why but it smells like grounding season in here" Bree unknowingly blinked at her siblings' denying whines as she chomped on her baby food. "That's what I thought." You rolled your eyes at Johnny's smug snicker as he reinforced his authority, reveling in the apologies that were presented to him.
You waited for the commotion to die down before speaking. "Hun, would you be so kind as to tell our superkids about what we have decided?" Johnny took a bite of his toast that you shook your head at since he offered it to you first, nodding with a hum and clearing his mouth out with a swallow before he continued on with your request. 
"Of course, dear" he twisted a little to give the first forkful of his eggs to you as you weren't eating yet. "Okay, now." Facing your extraordinary lot, Johnny began. "Mommy and I have been discussing this for quite some time now and we have come to a mutual agreement" if it were not for Johnny now using his dad voice, you could just imagine Sonny asking him what mutual meant and then Torus calling him stupid only for Axel to defend her favorite brother and the conversation fading into chaos. 
But no one messed with Daddy when he meant business. 
A blush crept up your cheeks at the thought. 
The contrast between his usual bubbly self and authoritative father when it was needed was something even you had to admit was impressive.
And extremely attractive. 
You were more the pushover parent, helpless at the hands of your maternal impulses and the softheartedness that you had for the brats. But Johnny… He could play around as the fun parent all day long and then put his foot down as a strict father like it was nothing. 
Only he could have your deviants all line up in place like it wasn't his spoiling them that turned them into the little brats that they were in the first place.
But you did not actually mind their natures because, not that you were the sappy pro-birth kind of a weirdo mom, they were the best thing you had ever done. 
For they were the product of the love and bond that you shared with the best man you had ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Your Johnny. 
You slightly jumped as Jacqui squealed at something your husband said only to lower her head and mutter out an apology when Johnny glanced at her, the ordeal breaking you out of your reverie. You could swear your kids had better intelligence and coherence than other kids their ages. 
"Thank you, Jacqui" he firmly nodded at the girl who could pass off as his literal doppelganger because of how alike their faces were, only hers had a femininity to it. "Now, back to the discussion; house rules" though none of them whined, the scowls on their faces made you snort. "I am sorry, Mommy" you bit your lip as he only half turned his head to look over his shoulder. "But will you care to share what was so funny about that?" Your cheeks pinked and suddenly you were nothing but his little girl again. 
"N- Nothing, sir" that was the name he was called by the one who misbehaved. 
"I see" the edge to his tone made you mirror Jacqui until he turned away. "So, as I was saying before I was interrupted by two of my best girls…" He shot you both one last firm look before continuing. "Torus, no more flying in the house, buddy. We have been over this a couple times already at this point and…" The boy peeked up at his father through his thick blonde fringe as he munched on his cherry tomato. "Not cool" Johnny shook his head for emphasis. "It's a safety hazard."
You hummed in agreement, nodding authoritatively like you hadn't just been handled in a similar manner. 
"And everything that is dangerous like showing cool little tricks to the neighbors' kids" Axel lowered her head as her father's gaze set on her to make her feel called out. "Or making s'mores yourself" Sonny hid his face behind his plate when the older man leaned towards him. "Or using anything other than paints and colors to draw" Jacqui was pouting exactly like the man speaking to her did when he was annoyed, playing with her eggs quietly. "Will get you in serious trouble" he paused momentarily. "But above all, misbehaving with or disobeying Mommy, who looks after you all day long and loves you all so much, will earn you a talk with me from now on" they visibly shuddered at the thought. 
Johnny clapped his hands in a concluding manner now. "So I advise we all be good from now and respect her" then his stern tone changed to a more heartfelt one. "Because we can seriously hurt her if we're not careful" you softly pouted and squeezed his shoulders a little, feeling a bit conscious of your differences all of a sudden. "Now you guys don't want to hurt your Mama, do you?" The way they vehemently shook their little heads at once made your heart swell and you cooed, forgetting all about your momentary insecurity.
"No, Mommy!" Torus and Sonny reassured you. 
"We love you so much!" Axel, being the most emotionally intelligent one, looked nearly concerned. 
"Never wanna hurt you, Mama" Jacqui's earnest words made your heart melt and you were enveloping her in your arms before you knew it. 
"Oh, sweetie. I know you don't" kissing her forehead, you reached for Sonny as he was making grabby hands for you from beside her. And before you knew it, Axel and Torus came rushing to you from across the table, the bunch wrapping around you as kisses and reassurances were showered on you. 
Though you couldn't see it, Johnny was smiling at the sight before him with pure adoration in his eyes as your giggles rang in the kitchen that had been witness to nearly every sound of your lives.
Disagreements, chatter, laughter, cries, make ups, retches, moans, coos, wails, chuckles and love. 
Pure, concentrated, genuine, tender, ever-strong, unconditional love. 
"SUPERHUMAN SANDWICH!" As Johnny did his loud and deep monster voice before jumping up to collect Bree in his arms to collapse on you all to create a tangle of limbs, you craned your neck backwards to look up at his billion dollar smile. Your husband's laughter mixed with that of your kids as you held them tight, feeling your heart swell but only momentarily since you had to break into a series of alarmed shrieks when he turned the sandwich into a tickle fight.
Yes, your family was a fireball of superhuman menace. 
But the chaos made them who they were. 
And there was not a thing you'd change about it.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
Running so fast to your inbox!!!!!!
Smut list 2, number 28
And him!
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Daddy's Sweetheart
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PAIRING || Husband!Lloyd Hansen x Bimbo!Wife!Fem!Reader x Mobster!Steve Rogers
WORDCOUNT || ~ 700 words
SUMMARY || You've been married to one of the most feared men in the entirety of the United States. As soon as he met you - his kind, soft-spoken wife - he knew he had to have you, and when you allowed him to use you whenever he pleased, he couldn't be happier.
RATING || Mature (M)
TAGS || Established relationship. Bimbo!Reader. Soft!Lloyd.
SMUT || Daddy kink. Exhibitionism. Voyeurism. Dirty talk. Referenced unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!).
A/N || This drabble is part of Nicoline's Summer of Drabbles. Jen, as soon as I saw you requesting Lloyd, I immediately got excited! This is my first time writing about him, so I hope I have done him justice - I also can't wait to write more for him in the future! This isn't proofread; any and all mistakes are my own. 🤍
EVENTS @anyfandomaubingo || Mobster!Steve Rogers @lloydssluts LHWC '24 || "You know what I love about you?"
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Photo: Source || All other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Lloyd Hansen || Summer of Drabbles
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"You know what I will never understand, Hansen? You have such a pretty thing walking around here, clad in dresses that barely cover anything, yet you're still one of the grumpiest men I've ever known. Maybe you just need to fuck her real good for once, and you're suddenly a whole new man."
Lloyd listens to the man across from him - the famous mobster Steve Rogers, right-hand man to mob boss James "Bucky" Banes - with a relaxed expression, not in the least fazed about how he talked about you—his wife.
"Is that so?" Lloyd asks nonchalantly, swishing the glass of whiskey back and forth a few times before making eye contact with the blond mobster.
"Well, why don't I do that right now while you watch? Let's see if my mood changes after I fuck her brains out until she can't think of anything else than me until she's begging me to stop after I've pumped her so full of my cum it'll be dripping down her thighs for days."
Lloyd's demeanor hasn't changed at all as the words leave his lips, while Steve is certainly interested. With one push of a button, Lloyd summons you to the office - a place you usually only visit when he needs to let out some steam by fucking you until you're nothing but a limp mess in his arms. Within less than a minute, you knock on the heavy wooden doors, a flurry of butterflies going wild in your stomach at your husband's voice.
"There she is! Can you come here for a moment, Sweetheart?" Lloyd says, love clear in his voice. Steve's face contorts at the apparent difference in behavior - he's not used to seeing the soft side of the man across from him. The warmth on your cheeks spreads as you walk into the office, your short, pink sundress fluttering around your hips as you walk in, giving a smile to Steve as you do.
"Hi, Mr. Rogers," you say in a soft tone before bending down to give your husband a gentle kiss on his lips. As you do, you're giving Steve a look at everything beneath your dress and the fact you're usually pantyless when your husband is home.
"C'mere, Sweetheart. Daddy needs you to do something for him, but only if you're a good girl for me, okay? Mr. Rogers has been saying some not-so-nice things about us, and I want to prove him wrong by fucking you right here on my desk. How does that sound?"
"Really?" you say softly, a small pout on your lips as you look at Lloyd, but he squeezes your hip reassuringly. It's okay. Once you give the go-ahead - your husband would never do anything without your consent, after all - he gets up, pushing you with your thighs against the desk, a soft gasp leaving your lips as you feel his erection pressing into the soft flesh of your stomach.
"You know what I love about you?" Lloyd asks, his soft gaze still focused on your curious one as his fingers glide over the skin of your cheek.
"That you're such an easy little girl, letting Daddy do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. No matter who's watching," the grumble of Lloyd's voice sends a shiver down your spine, only turning you on more as you squeeze your thighs together.
''Yes, Daddy, only for you," you whisper as you crane your neck to make eye contact, making Lloyd smile before he leans in, capturing your lips in a deep, dominating kiss that has you melting in your spot as he does. Without pulling away, he helps you up on the desk as he steps between your legs, his erection now pressing against your bare pussy.
Steve's shifting somewhat uncomfortably in his seat as he tries to adjust himself at the sight in front of him, as he sees how willing you are for your husband.
"Let's give Mr. Rogers a show he'll never forget, okay?" Lloyd asks, and you nod as you shift to lie on your back, your head hanging off the other side of the desk, facing Steve. Lloyd quickly frees his achingly hard cock, smirking as he sees your hole clenching around nothing.
The first moment his tip lines up with your dripping hole, a soft whine leaves your lips, the moment feeling even more intense as you make direct eye contact with Steve. However, the next words out of Steve's mouth have you clenching too as a soft moan escapes your lips, while Lloyd grins.
"Take it like a good girl, and stop whining."
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Feeling Blue Without You - Lloyd Hansen
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Summary: Working at Hansen Security can be stressful. What would happen if you left?
Words Count: 2,365
Warning: None
Author's Note: Hello, everyone; this one-shot is for the Lloyd Hansen Writing Challenge hosted by @hansensgirl and @cuttlefjsh. I chose the prompt: "Now, I'm gonna stop you right there, cupcake."
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more
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“Sir, we need backup,” the agent said urgently to his boss, Lloyd Hansen, the head of Hansen Security. They were pinned down and surrounded by their opponents.
Standing before him, Lloyd clenched his jaw and grabbed his comm. “Send the reaper drone,” he commanded.
“No,” came the reply.
Lloyd's eyes narrowed. “No?”
A bullet whizzed past, forcing Lloyd to duck. “Can you hear that? They're shooting at us!” he barked into the comm.
“I did. I saw everything.”
“Then send the fucking drone!” Lloyd demanded, his voice rising in desperation.
“No. The air force won’t let us borrow the drone again since you destroyed it last time,” the voice replied coolly.
Lloyd rolled his eyes, frustration boiling over.
He ducked again, muttering a curse. “I'm dying here. If you don't want to use the drone, then what's the alternative?”
“I already sent one,” the voice replied.
“What?! A miracle?” Lloyd's voice dripped with sarcasm and desperation.
“1,” the voice started to count.
“What are you doing?” Lloyd snapped, glancing around nervously.
“2,” the voice continued.
“What does that even mean?” Lloyd demanded, his grip tightening on his weapon.
In an instant, a missile landed, obliterating their opponents. The shockwave knocked Lloyd off his feet. He wiped the dirt from his eyes, coughing.
“Can you tell me beforehand?” he shouted into the comm, exasperated.
“I did, but no one replied,” the voice said, a hint of amusement in the tone.
Lloyd took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. “I'm sorry. If you were here, you’d understand that no one could answer you because we were trying to hide from everyone shooting at us!”
“I'm sorry,” the voice replied, more sincerely this time.
“Fine. At least you made a good decision. Just don’t let it happen again,” Lloyd growled.
“Now send an aircraft to pick us up,” he ordered.
“It’s already on the way,” the voice replied.
“Good,” Lloyd muttered before turning off his ear comm. He sighed heavily, feeling more exhausted from the conversation than the fight.
Compared to Lloyd’s precarious situation, the person on the other end was in a much safer location.
“He’s a little bit angry, but at least we avoided any casualties,” one of the IT team members said, glancing up from their console.
“That’s what I aim for. Less paperwork too,” you replied, a hint of satisfaction in your voice.
You took off your ear comm and set it down on the table. “And we can get more bonuses.”
“Yes,” everyone nodded in agreement. Working at Hansen Security was stressful and dangerous, but the high salary made it worthwhile, especially with you.
Since you became the damage control advisor, the job has become less stressful because the team could depend on you to handle Lloyd’s wrath. Your nickname, "Raven," truly lived up to its reputation.
You used to work in the CIA, but even the corrupt officers there found you too irritating. So, they sent you to the most annoying person they could think of—Lloyd Hansen.
Even Lloyd couldn't stand you. Since you arrived, he found himself unable to do whatever he wanted. He used to revel in his freedom, operating without constraints. Now, there were rules and regulations, and you enforced them rigorously.
Lloyd frowned as he recalled the changes you'd implemented: no more casualties, no more shooting innocent civilians, no more reckless actions. He scoffed, shaking his head. He used to thrive in chaos, but you had stopped that.
Since you came on board, Lloyd has noticed that the calls from Carmichael or Susan have stopped. He used to hear, “Lloyd, keep it down,” or “Lloyd, what are you doing?” almost daily. Now, there was silence on that front.
He grimaced, remembering how he'd been forced to adjust his tactics. He clenched his fists, feeling the constraints you'd placed on him. He couldn't stand the way you had imposed order on his operations.
You, meanwhile, were fully aware of Lloyd’s resentment. As you leaned back in your chair, you glanced at the team, seeing the relief in their eyes. They appreciated the structure and safety you brought, even if Lloyd didn’t.
Lloyd arrived back at the mansion, dragging his feet because of the wound. “Shit. I need a medic,” he groaned.
“They’re taking care of the others who really need it,” you replied, your tone matter-of-fact.
Lloyd fell silent, realizing that it was only you to help. You were already standing there, holding a medic kit. “Don’t scare me like that,” Lloyd holding his chest.
“You? Impossible,” you scoffed as you cut his pants with scissors to address his wound.
“Geez, you reject going on a date with me but are eager to rip my pants,” Lloyd quipped, wincing as you applied antiseptic.
“Well, if we can’t be lovers, at least we’re good partners in crime,” you shot back.
Lloyd smirked, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “How do I look? Do I look handsome?” he asked, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
You raised your eyebrows, used to his random questions. “You have a muscular body and a good-looking face. You’re good in every outfit.”
Lloyd fell silent for a moment, then leaned closer to you, his expression serious. “Don’t say those kinds of words to anyone else—man, woman, I don’t care. Just me. Alright?”
You rolled your eyes. “Sure, whatever you say, Lloyd.”
Despite the banter, there was a palpable tension between you two. It was clear you both hated and cared for each other at the same time.
As you finished bandaging his wound, Lloyd watched you with a mix of irritation and appreciation. “You’re good at this,” he muttered.
“Better than bleeding out,” you replied, standing up and packing the kit.
The others nearby were already used to your dynamic. They exchanged knowing glances but didn’t interfere. This was just another day at Hansen Security—filled with banter and tension, but always under control.
“Try not to get shot next time,” you said, turning to leave.
“Try not to worry about me so much,” Lloyd said, smirking.
After an exhausting day, you always head to the bar to ease your stress. Swirling the ice cubes in your whiskey, you find a small semblance of relaxation in the motion.
Working in damage control with Hansen Security is stressful and demanding, and you often wonder what would have happened if you had never accepted the job.
“Are you really that stressed?”
You’re startled by the familiar voice and look up to see Susan standing beside you.
“Today I just stopped an unnecessary war. If you think that's not stressful, sure,” you reply, your tone dripping with sarcasm as you take a sip of your drink.
Susan makes an ‘ooh’ sound, clearly impressed with your ability to tame Lloyd. She pulls up a stool and sits next to you, her eyes studying your face.
“Perhaps I can help ease your burden,” she says, her voice softening.
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Hmm?”
“Our boss wants to hire you to work at headquarters. He likes the way you limit the damage Lloyd makes,” Susan explains, her eyes shining with excitement.
“Really?!” you exclaim, a wave of relief washing over you. “When can I go there?”
“Anytime you want,” Susan replies with a smile.
Without hesitation, you down the rest of your whiskey and stand up, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. You grab your jacket, a newfound energy propelling you forward.
Lloyd had just come back, and the atmosphere inside the mansion felt different. Had someone been here? He was sure of it. “Susan, what the heck are you doing here?” he demanded, storming into the room.
“I’m the new damage control advisor,” Susan replied calmly, standing her ground.
“Oh, hell no. Where is she?” Lloyd’s voice was sharp, almost frantic.
Susan’s expression remained neutral. “She’s working with the boss now.”
“Without my permission?!” Lloyd’s voice rose, his anger palpable.
Susan was taken aback. She hadn’t expected him to be this furious. She shrugged her shoulders, trying to stay composed. “Don’t blame me. It was the higher-ups who wanted her.”
“She also gave her resignation letter,” she informed him.
Lloyd stood there, stunned. You had just left without saying anything? He couldn’t believe it.
That night, Lloyd couldn't sleep. He never thought he would feel so blue after you left. When you first started working with him, you were a nuisance, always blocking every plan he made. He hated you for it.
But as time went by, your presence became indispensable for both the job and him. He liked to tease and flirt with you, even though it was futile since you never broke your cold demeanor.
Now, with Susan replacing you, he knew she was waiting for him to fail. She didn’t care if he made mistakes. She wanted him to be ruined. She didn’t care if the mission succeeded or failed.
Unlike you, who were strict but cared for him, watching out for his safety and the success of the mission.
Lloyd sat on the edge of his bed, staring into the darkness. He realized just how much he had relied on you, not just for your skills but for your unwavering dedication. He ran a hand through his hair, frustration and sadness mixing within him. He missed your stern yet caring presence, and it gnawed at him that he hadn’t appreciated you more when you were there.
Susan might be in your position now, but she could never replace what you brought to the team or him.
Lloyd stormed through the office, pushing away the secretary and security guards who tried to stop him from entering Monsieur Francis' office room.
“Mr. Hansen. What do I owe the pleasure of this abrupt visit?” Monsieur Francis, the French millionaire and main sponsor of Hansen Security, looked up calmly.
“I want her back,” Lloyd stated firmly.
Monsieur Francis leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable. He had always needed Hansen Security to clear his path but despised the chaos and repair bills Lloyd often caused.
“But she likes it here. It's less stressful,” Monsieur Francis replied diplomatically.
Lloyd slammed his fist on the glass table, causing it to crack. “No one can replace her.”
Monsieur Francis raised an eyebrow, maintaining his composure. “There’s nothing I can do. She came here of her own accord, and we welcomed a talented person like her with open arms.”
Lloyd's voice hardened. “Let her go, or I will expose all your misdeeds to the world. Everyone will be shocked to learn that the philanthropist has blood on his hands.”
Monsieur Francis clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white. “Leave. Before I change my mind. This is the last time you disrespect me.”
Gritting his teeth, Lloyd turned and stormed out of the office, leaving Monsieur Francis behind.
Lloyd leaned against the wall in the hallway, his chest heaving with frustration and anger. He ran a hand through his hair, feeling defeated. He knew threatening Monsieur Francis was risky, but he was desperate to bring you back.
Clueless about what was happening on the top floor, you were in the midst of a meeting with your new team. It felt surprisingly relaxing compared to your time at Hansen Security. The atmosphere was blissful, and you were starting to feel a sense of ease in your new role.
Suddenly, the door burst open, startling everyone in the room. All eyes turned as Lloyd stormed in, his expression furious. You stood up in shock as he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the building, leaving the room in stunned silence.
“Lloyd, let go,” you demanded, trying to free your hand from his grip.
“If you don’t want me to make a scene here, just be quiet,” he hissed through gritted teeth, his eyes darting around at the onlookers.
“I don’t want to work with you,” you asserted firmly, your voice tinged with frustration.
“Now, I’m gonna stop you right there, cupcake,” Lloyd retorted, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
“Stop calling me that,” you snapped, remembering the time he had discovered your pajamas with cupcake patterns and found it amusing.
“You don’t belong here. Like it or not, you’re going to stay close to me. Didn’t you say we’re perfect partners in crime?” Lloyd’s voice was insistent, almost pleading.
Damn, this man, you thought, feeling both frustrated and reluctantly intrigued. You couldn't seem to escape him.
Lloyd's jaw was clenched, his eyes searching yours with a mix of determination and vulnerability. He took a step closer, closing the physical gap between you, his presence commanding attention.
“Lloyd, this isn’t—” you started, but he cut you off with a shake of his head.
“Just... stay close,” he implored softly, his voice rough with emotion.
You hesitated, feeling the weight of his words and the intensity of his gaze. Despite your better judgment, there was an undeniable pull towards him—a magnetic force that defied logic and reason.
“I...” you began, uncertain how to respond, your own emotions in turmoil.
Lloyd reached out tentatively, his fingers brushing against yours. The touch sent a shiver down your spine, igniting a spark of something unspoken between you.
As you stood there, caught in the charged atmosphere, you realized that resisting Lloyd was futile. Whatever lay ahead, this moment marked a turning point—a shift towards a future where boundaries blurred, and the lines between duty and desire became increasingly intertwined.
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Taglist: @thezombieprostitute
Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
List of Dirty Asks (April 2024)
Dirty Asks from this game:
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A - Alone Time with Steve Rogers
B - O - W - Bondage, Outdoor, and Water with Ari x Reader from Bedrock and Blueprints series
U - Underwear with Ransom Drysdale
L - S - Lighting and Sleepy Sex with Ransom x Reader from The Root of All Ransom series
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I - N - R - Impact Play, Not Yet, and Routine for Jake Jensen
V - Voyeurism for Johnny Storm and Z - Zones for Lloyd Hansen
K - Kissing for Jake Jensen
K - L - S - Kissing, Lighting, and Sleepy Sex with Steve Rogers from Hideout series
K - Kissing with Ari Levinson
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E - Extra Info with Jake Jensen
R - N - Routine and Not Yet with Steve Rogers from Hideout series and Fools Rush In series
B - F - Bondage and Food Play with Steve Rogers
Z - P - Zones and Photography for Steve Rogers x Reader from Fools Rush In series
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A - Q - Alone Time and Quiet Please with Steve Rogers from Hideout series
E - Extra Info with Steve Rogers x Reader from Hideout series
S - Sleepy Sex with Jake Jensen
P - Photography with Jake Jensen
A - Q - Y - Alone Time, Quiet Please, and Yes, Master with Ransom Drysdale from before and after The Root of All Ransom series
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A - D - E - Alone Time, Dominance, and Extra Info with Jimmy Dobyne from Common Education series
A - B - C - D - Alone Time, Bondage, Crying, and Dominance with Johnny Storm
A - K - Z - Alone Time, Kissing, and Zones with Curtis Everett
A - Q - P - Alone Time, Quiet Please, and Photography with Lloyd Hansen
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D - S - Dominance and Sleepy Sex with Steve Rogers from Fools Rush In series
D - Y - Dominance and Yes, Master with Lloyd Hansen
W - Water with Steve Rogers x mermaid!reader from Sun, Salt, and Shield mini-series
C - Crying with CEO!Steve Rogers from It Had To Be You series
N - Not Yet with Ari Levinson
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F - Z - Food Play and Zones with Nomad Steve Rogers from Hideout series
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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universitypenguin · 2 months
The Lobster Trap
Word Count: 1,178
Summary: Princess finds out about Lloyd's views on marriage and his past when she over hears a conversation between him and Zach.
Author's Note: Thank you for the ask @yenzys-lucky-charm
Warnings: Fluff, minor (semi-intentional) eaves dropping, anti-marriage views.
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Thank you so much for your question! I’m thrilled that you’re still enjoying the story (and that you actually took the time to reread it!)
Lloyd has always been a closed book when it comes to his relationship and personal history. He avoids discussing the past, particularly his time in Europe and the Fitzroy kidnapping, which led to his arrest and catalyzed some very painful changes in his life. Despite doing a lot of inner work, Lloyd is still very uncomfortable with deep introspection and would rather avoid conversations about his past, especially the darker aspects of his time in the intelligence community. 
His experiences there, along with a traumatic childhood, have left him with a lot of memories he'd rather forget. He’s not the type to readily share them, especially not with Princess, who would be horrified if she knew the full extent of what he’s been through, and what he’s done. However, that reluctance doesn’t mean that Princess isn’t desperately curious about his past… she just respects him enough that she doesn’t pry. 
Your ask inspired me to write a scene where Princess overhears a conversation between Lloyd and Zach and learns a little about Lloyd’s past. Without further ado: 
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The quiet rumble of the Chevy Tahoe’s engine was a soothing hum in the background as you made the most of the drive home by catching up on sleep. Or at least you were trying to sleep. It was more like a very relaxed half-doze that you’d fallen into, the state between waking and sleeping where everything felt hazy but your mind was still above the surface of sleep, aware and semi-alert. 
It was a long drive back from Charlotte and the trip hadn’t fazed Lloyd or Zach, but you were exhausted. You were determined to hit at least one REM cycle, so you kept your eyes closed, trying to lull yourself to sleep. You felt the car shake as Zach passed through a railroad intersection that you remember from the trip down. It’s right before a small picturesque town, which you have to drive across to get to the highway leading north, towards D.C. you almost want to open your eyes and peek at the scenery but if you do, all hope of sleep will be gone. You keep your eyes closed. 
There’s a rustle of cotton against leather as Zach turns to check on you. 
“Is she still asleep?” he asks in a low voice. 
“Has been since we passed through Greensboro. I’ve been keeping an eye on her in the mirror,” Lloyd replies. 
They lapse into silence and you hear the tick of the turn signal as Zach comes to a stop at the light. The only way through town is the main road that goes past the businesses and the city park. Opening your eyes is even more tempting. 
The car swings left and you realize that from your seat, the park is on the opposite side of the road. Opening your eyes would basically be pointless. You snuggle deeper into the seat, sighing. Sleep is right around the corner, you can feel it creeping up. 
“Would you look at that?” Zach asks. 
You don’t open your eyes but they swing towards Zach under closed lids, in an automatic movement. 
“That’s a lot of dress,” Zach says, chuckling. 
“Especially considering she’ll only wear it once.”
You realize there must be a wedding going on in the park. 
“You think the dress is expensive?” Zach asks. “You’ve never seen a bill from a divorce lawyer. And mind you, mine was amicable. I don’t even want to think about what a contentious divorce costs.” 
Lloyd grunts. “Especially when there are kids involved.” 
You thought you heard something in his tone, a subtle shift that hints of something painful. Zach doesn’t seem to notice. 
“True. But marriage isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Look at Bishop—married fifty years and still crazy about his wife. Landon’s happy enough with Ellie. It works for some people.” 
“It’s like a lobster trap–easy to get into, hard to get out of.” 
“With the wrong person, yes. If you have the right one…” 
“You can keep pouring, but I’m not drinking the Kool-Aid,” Lloyd says.
“You make it sound like a death sentence.” 
“For some, it might as well be.”
Zach laughs. Lloyd doesn’t. 
“There are only a few reasons to get married and none of them apply to me,” Lloyd says.
“Yeah? What are those reasons?” 
“Religion, stability for children, and the legal benefits. I’m agnostic, I don’t plan on having kids, and as far as the legal stuff, no one needs those things from me.” 
“The legal stuff would be more of a downside in your tax bracket, though,” Zach points out. 
“I’m thinking more of retirement benefits, inheritance rights, automatic next of kin, that stuff.”
“Come on, Lloyd,” Zach says. “You’ve dabbled in relationships over the years. Not a lot, I admit. None of them ever made you think, even for a second, that she was the one?” 
Lloyd scoffs. “No. Not even for a second.”
The hardness in his voice took you by surprise. 
“What about… what was her name? Miranda? You two were serious for a while.”
"Michela," Lloyd says the name as if he’s testing it out. "We both knew the score until she wanted to change things and I wasn’t onboard with that. She told me what she thought of that, and me, before she split.” 
Zach considers this for a moment. “You never talk about the women you date. It always made me wonder if there was more going on than you were letting on.”
“Or less,” Lloyd replies. 
“Well, that’s harsh.”
“There’s no point in dragging up the past.”
“Mmmhh. Your past is full of regrets, I suppose,” Zach says.
“And yours isn’t?”
The icy way he spoke of his past relationships shed a tiny ray of light on Lloyd’s highly compartmentalized private life. Your heart aches and you wonder how deep the mental scars from his past truly run. It was impossible not to notice the bitterness underlying his attitude towards marriage. You wished he could see that not all relationships are doomed, but you knew better than to challenge such a deep-set belief. Zach apparently didn’t share your reservations on that subject.
“It’s not all about the past, you know? It’s about what you want for the future. You should think about finding someone who understands you, someone who could share your life–all of it, not just the parts you let them into.” 
“That sounds like a recipe for disappointment. I’ll stick with keeping my expectations low, but thanks.”
Tension hangs thick in the air, before Zach relents. 
“Alright. Maybe you’ll change your mind someday. Marriage isn’t all bad. When it’s to the right person, it’s actually pretty great.” 
There’s a sneer in Lloyd’s tone when he speaks again.
“I didn’t realize you believed in fairy tales, Zach. Marriage brings out the worst in most people. Unless you have a good reason to need one, it’s pointless.”
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 5 months
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Mustache Ride❤️‍🔥
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babyjakes · 2 years
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | whumptember 2022
prompt | losing something
pairing | soft!addy!lloyd hansen x little!reader
warnings | sfw regression - soft!!!!daddy lloyd (but also canonically heartless!lloyd for everyone other than babygirl), reader loses her favorite stuffie, lloyd throws a little tantrum and kills someone for upsetting his sweet little angel :^)
word count | 511
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can you imagine how sweet daddy!lloyd would be if reader lost her favorite stuffie? 🥺🥺
it was one of the first presents he ever gave her and it instantly became her most prized possession. a little white unicorn she lovingly named mr. sparkles 🥹 (and lloyd of course addresses him as such, not caring in the slightest how silly it might make him sound)
maybe she ends up sobbing at her daddy’s study door, he quickly ushers her in and asks what’s wrong. mr. sparkles is gone, when she went to her room after her morning walk and tea he was gone from his place on her bed.
“shhh my little angel, please don’t cry. daddy promises we’ll find him- okay, sweetheart?” the sight of her so distraught is just breaking his poor heart right in two 🥺 “it’s okay baby, it’s okay, let’s go look for him, alright? c’mon, let daddy carry you”
they look all around but he’s nowhere to be found 😔 “did you bring him somewhere, my love? to tea, or outside when you went on your walk? is he in your backpack? or in the bathroom?” but they just can’t find him
he’s rubbing her back and bouncing her in his arms the whole time, her little sniffles and hiccups nearly reducing him to tears himself 🥺 “my sweet little girl, it’s gonna be alright. we’ll find him, darling. and if for whatever reason we can’t, then daddy will buy you a hundred new stuffies, any animal you could ever wish for”
“jus’ want m-my mr. sparkles,” her answer makes him so soft and sad 😔 “special to me, first stuffie from daddy. c-can’t be gone forever, need him. please daddy” 🥺😭💔
eventually they do find him, he got moved to another room when some of his men came in to look for some documents that lloyd had left on her bed that morning; he was reading them while waiting for her to wake up. a few of her little things were taken with the pile: mr. sparkles, one of her hair bows, and one of her chewy necklaces.
“princess, can you go pick out some books for us to read before nap time? make sure to close your door,” lloyd instructs as he sends reader upstairs. turning back to his men, he’s furious. a moment ago he appeared to be the softest, most understanding and loving man in the world as he spoke to his special girl. but as soon as she couldn’t see his face anymore, that all vanished into thin air.
he waits to hear her bedroom door shutting upstairs, which means (thanks to the soundproofing) she won’t be able to hear any of what comes next. “which one of you was it?” he asks the four men. all eyes turn to the one on the end. shaking his head, lloyd almost laughs. “you thought you could touch my angels things? what a stupid, stupid mistake”
ofc he shoots him before the poor bastard can reply 💕 no one messes with his baby
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“Cuddle me already damnit” with Lloyd
Three times the charm. Both previous times I got stuck writing before I could even reach the quote. Turns out I just needed to start off with it and it worked perfectly!
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“Cuddle me already, damn it!” 
His voice was loud, angry, and accusing, only outdone by the loud bang of his hands slamming onto the wooden table. It should have scared her. The raised voice and his propensity to violence. It didn’t.
All she saw was a feisty brat who hadn’t gotten what he wanted and was now throwing a tantrum. It didn’t scare her, in actuality, it amused her. Lips twitching upward, she uncrossed her legs, swapping to cross the left one on top of the right.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” She cooed, jutting out her lips as a devious smirk appeared on her lips.
“Shut up and get your ass into the bed,” was all he growled at her, already working on ripping off his loafers as he sat on the edge of the bed. With a thud she closed the book previously balanced in her hand and made sure the bookmark sat securely nestled between the last page she had read and the next one to follow. 
Her book was left on the cushion of the armchair. Her own personal one, he had gotten her. It faced the bed, the one condition he had set to allow the furniture to enter their bedroom. So he could have a nice view while she read, preferably with spread legs and nothing between the skirts and dresses she exclusively wore. 
Sauntering over to the bed, she stalked along its edge and watched with observant eyes how he shuffled into the middle of the bed. Propped up against the headboard, he sat there, ankles crossed.
“Kitten.” He was losing his patience, she could tell. Another smirk curled her lips devilishly up as she kneeled on the soft mattress.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she reassured him, back arching as she elaborately slipped her shoes off her feet. Crawling up to him on all four, his burning eyes never left her. The moment she was within his reach, his arms shot out, pulling her towards him. She squealed as his hands wrapped around her middle.
Soon she fell against his chest, hands clasped into the soft fabric of his expensive sweater. He nosed along her neck, mustache tickling and causing her to giggle softly. She heard him exhale deeply as his fingers started to knead her supple flesh.
“You missed me that much, tiger?”
There wouldn’t be an answer from him, she knew. His actions spoke louder than any words could have at that moment. In contentment she sank against him, draping her body over his, as they molded into one form. He sank with her down into the many pillows, long hair mussed up. It was her favorite look.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Water Under The Bridge
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Reader (Pumpkin)
AU: Mob/Soulmate at (mark/name on skin)
Summary: After your father had moved heaven and earth to hide you from your soulmate, the truth comes out after your father’s death. Your mother and brother Cade are determined to keep you hidden like your father had, but as you soon realize, your family was really the devil and your soulmate, Lloyd Hansen, is the darkened angel come to save you
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
Can I please request best friends, dad!Lloyd, finding you masturbating in his bed!! Maybe include some toys+squirting?? Thnnnx!! Love your blog💘💘
hey honey, thank you so much!
summary - you've been pining over your best friend's dad and decide to take your chance, knowing he's out and your best friend is asleep, you be a little bit naughty and touch yourself on his bed, not knowing he's coming home early.
warning - smut, masturbating, voyeurism, squirting.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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You were sneaky, waiting until your best friend fell asleep so you could sneak out of her room. You’ve hung around enough to know that her father works late, only coming home early in the morning, sometimes covered in blood. You had a slight crush on the man. I mean, could you really be blamed? Wearing your tiny white nightie as you head toward Mr Hansen’s room, you sneak inside, not bothering to close the door as your friend sleeps deeply. 
Your trusty toy tucked into your hand, with your free hand, you drag it along his sheets, sighing as they are so soft. You get wet just thinking about Lloyd lying naked between the sheets, stroking his thick member. You whimper, crawling onto the bed and lying down. You moan as your body relaxes. Your eyes slip closed, and your fingers skim your nipples. They slowly slide down your body, landing between your legs and circling your puffy clit. 
You blindly turn your toy on, placing it directly onto your clit, causing soft mewls to escape your lips. Your mind begins to drift off thinking of Lloyd, imagining him walking in on you, degrading you, until he finally flips you around and thrusts into you. You are so caught up in pleasure that you don’t hear Lloyd arriving home earlier than usual or entering the house and making his way to his room. You don’t even notice him leaning against the doorway, and you whine as you arch your back, grinding down onto the toy. “Oh, Mr Hansen.”
Lloyd crosses his arms as he watches you with a smirk and clears his throat. His smirk grows when your eyes fly open, and you freeze, mouth opening and closing as you try and find an excuse for why you are in his bed, touching yourself. “Well, sweetheart. If I had known this is what I would’ve been coming home to, I would’ve come home much faster.” His eyes slowly move down your body, licking his lips when they land on the soaked toy between your legs. Lloyd waves his hand. “Don’t stop on my account, please. Continue.”
“M–mr Hans–” He cuts you off with a raised brow. You feel your body heat up and your cunt throb as he stares you down. You gasp as you press the toy harder against your clit, and your legs fall open, giving Lloyd a better view. 
“Mm, that’s right, pretty girl. Get off in my bed. I bet you wouldn’t even be able to stop even if my daughter woke.” He smirks, making his way over and sitting close to you on the bed, causing your mind to go fuzzy from his scent alone. You throb when he touches your thigh, stroking it as his gaze sticks to the toy between your legs. “You’re such a naughty girl, pining over your best friend’s dad… Hmm.” You look at him with wide eyes, mouth falling open and eyes crossing. “You thought I didn’t notice? It’s quite flattering, pumpkin. Why do you think I walked around half-naked? Or brushed up against you.” Lloyd smirks, stroking your cheek before gripping your chin and resting his thumb on your plump bottom lip. “Are you going to cum for me? Make a mess on my sheets?” 
You whine, nodding. Lloyd groans when your lips wrap around his thumb, and you begin to suck, staring up at him with wide innocent eyes. Your walls pulsate, and your clit throbs, toes curling as your end approaches. “Mr Hansen!” Your back arches, and your juices squirt out of you, tiring your body and causing you to sag into the bed. Your eyes flutter, the toy falling limp between your legs. “I–I’m sorry…” You realise what you have done and try to get up, but Lloyd stops you.
“Don’t be sorry, pumpkin. That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Lloyd grabs the toy, feeling his cock stir with how wet it is and holds it up, watching with a smirk as your juices create a string. “Naughty, naughty girl. Look at the mess you’ve made.” You watch with wide eyes as he licks up your arousal before throwing the toy aside and climbing on top of you. “Just because you’ve had your fun, sweetness, doesn’t mean you can leave. You don’t want to leave without letting me pump you full, right?” 
You shake your head, feeling your cunt throb in anticipation. Your fantasy was finally coming true.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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eccentricallygothic · 4 months
| Teacher's Pet |
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Pairing: Professor!Lloyd Hansen | Student!You. 
Warning(s): Puppy kink, hair pulling, m!dom, Daddy kink, mild meanie!Lloyd, allusions to punishment and sex, possible degradation, humiliation, size kink. 
It's exam season.
You hate exam season. 
Lloyd knows it. 
So he becomes just a tad bit lenient towards your tantrums and lash outs during. 
Because he knows you're just a harmless little puppy who is doing way more than they were meant for and the overworking of your baby brain causes you stress.
“Ugh!” You slam your books close and fold your arms before collapsing your head on them, feeling pushed to your extreme.
Lloyd, who had previously been working on his own bigger and less baby-like table beside yours approaches you with a soft smile on his face. 
You are convinced that you could spend the rest of eternity with him and his touch would still force your limbs and senses into all kinds of disarray upon contact. 
His fingers snake through the soft strands of your hair before the digits twist and cause for the locks to curl around them in a serpentine manner. Your heart leaps up and reaches for your throat when you feel the hold gently firm up so to hoist your form upwards.
“Ah, there is that face” you open your eyes to come face to face with the handsome man, the sharp tip of his nose nearly touching yours as that one silver bristle of his otherwise dark mustache becomes all the more visible from this angle. 
“D- Daddy…” You whimper, unsure of your own wishes.
You don't have the time and with him it is always a marathon. One that renders you physically unable to do much, if at all, later. 
But his mouth is so inviting, his breath is so warm and minty, his hands are so manly and stern, his chest is so wide and firm, and your body is so reactive. 
“Who's my good puppy?” You jutt out your tongue on instinct, all sense of dignity escaping your rational faculties like it had never been there in the first place. 
“Ha-ha-ha-ha!” You let out the jagged sighs that you have perfected at this point, your smaller hands appearing next to your face almost instantly, fingers closing into half fists to mimic the paws that he adores and loves to clench into his bigger fists when pushes you deeper and deeper into the surface of choice by the conjunction where your naked sexes meet in moments of depraved passion. 
“And what does my good puppy say?” His pride is evident by the grin that his smile is transforming into. 
“Wuf, wuf, wuf!” And then you continue to breathe the way he has taught you again, going on a limb to glide the blade of your tongue over his nose excitedly although he prefers you not act out of turn. 
His huge form shakes from the mirth. “Tell you what, finish this chapter within the next hour,” his greyish-blue gaze glides over the nearly crumpled pages on your desktop. “And Daddy will give his puppy a nice little reward” although your brain has already descended past the point of intellectual activity, you are yet to realize it. 
The professor smirks as he lets you bolt down to the papers which you overenthusiastically flip and browse while beaming brightly, ignorant of the inevitable.
“But remember, puppy” Lloyd speaks over his shoulder as he turns his broad back to you so he can attend to the coffee machine. “Bad puppies get punished just the same as good puppies get rewards.” 
For he knows you will not be able to finish the chapter now that your mind is no better than a puddle of mush.
Daddy is looking forward to it.
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sstan-hoe · 2 years
𝒊𝒊. 𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝑮𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒕
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — mob!andy barber × fem!reader × mob!lloyd hansen
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — they wanted you, they enjoyed the hunt just as much as you enjoyed being chased. You didn't make it easy for them but it only prepared you that life with them wouldn't be easy.
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — allusions to violence, mention of rape, no smut
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — I hope I'm not going to fast...reblog, follow and comment ! I hope everyone likes it!
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The police couldn’t help you, they said unless you had a picture of him or any other proof it would be a charge against a unkown person and most of the time the charges would be dropped.
Now after the disappointment you were even more careful, installed cameras and secruity alarms. It might only be a little and maybe not enough, but you would do everything to make yourself feel save.
You told Wanda about your problem, and she looked at you with a certain look. She told you to talk to Andy and Lloyd, but this was the last thing you wanted to do.
“I’ve got Alf, he’s trained and will bite the man’s dick off,” you shrugged while making a cup of tea, Wanda rolled her eyes in response. She loved Alf but Andy and Lloyd were more feared than the German Shepherd-Golden Retriever mix.
The red head shook her head and went back to her work but not before reminding you of something, “oh, by the way it’s Wednesday.”
Your eyes widened and you quickly turned around to Wanda who was vanished causing you to groan and a glance at the clock showed you that it was five minutes until 4 pm. With a little sigh you sat down on the stool behind the counter.
Exactly five minutes later the door opened, and the two men entered, Andy with a smile and Lloyd with a smirk. “Hello, sunshine,” “hello, darlin’,” they greeted you and sat down in their regular booth.
Taking your paper and pen you walked over to them, “hello, what can I get you?” Lloyd opened his mouth but was stopped by your phone rining, you quickly took your phone out and saw your dog sitter calling, “sorry,” you quickly apologized and turned around stepping away a moment.
“Sarah?” you questioned, concern heavy in your tone. “I gotta go, my mom she had an accident and I-I don’t know. I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to do,” she cried into your ear.
“Hey, hey, hey it’s okay! Go to your mom and bring Alf here, don’t worry,” you tried to assure her as she continued crying, your heart ached for her. “Okay, I-I will bring-bring Alf over,” she hickuped between sobs.
She muttered a broken goodbye and hung up, you gave a shaky breath before getting back to the two mob bosses.
“Again, sorry, I- we had a little incident. Just uh give me your orders and, yeah,” you mumbled distracted, clicking your pen anxiously.
Andy and Lloyd looked at each other, both concerned. Lloyd gave Andy a nod, it was a silent understanding to find out if everything was okay and if they could help you. Andy took notice on the way you were clicking your pen.
Gently he laid a hand over yours to stop you from clicking the pen, your head shot up meeting his blue eyes.
“Everything okay?” he asked with a soft tone. You weren’t sure what to say, “nothing, everything’s okay,” you pressed out, “just order,” you demanded, pulling your hand away from Andy.
“We’ll take two cappuccinos, one blueberry muffin and a slice of pineapple cake,” Andy said and laid down the menu, he still couldn’t shake the feeling off and a look to Lloyd revealed that his thoughts weren’t any different from Andy.
“You got it,” you mumbled taking off to the make their order, Sarah didn’t leave your mind. She would come in any second and you had no idea what to with Alf, he loved to meet new people and was good judge of character. He might not be able to sit still.
Just then a loud bark echoed through the café, quickly you turned towards the door where you saw Sarah and Alf.
The moment Alf spotted you and teared himself from his leash to run towards you. Kneeling down you welcomed him into his arms, hugging him tight before setting him behind the counter.
“Sarah, don’t worry, you can and I will transfer you the money. Go be with your mom,” you told her and hugged her too. She nodded and squeezed you tight with a thank you, then she practically run out of the café.
Meanwhile Alf had moved from his place and skipped over to Lloyd who was taken back when the dog jumped up on the seat. The black dog nudged his nose against Lloyd’s arm who looked at Andy for help, he just shrugged with a smile.
Slowly his hand came up to pet Alf who enjoyed his attention, “did you know she had a dog?” Lloyd whisper-yelled at his partner and leaned his head towards him.
Alf seemed to understand him and followed after him, his rough tongue licking a long strip along his face. Lloyd’s face fell at the realization and Andy tried hard to keep his laugh in, slowly Lloyd turned his head to Alf who panted heavily.
Not even a second later Alf repeated his action, this time Andy couldn’t hold in his laugh.
That laugh snapped you from your moment and made you turn around in an instant. Your gaze found the booth of Lloyd and Andy with…Alf? What was he doing with them?
You walked over to them with a confused expression, Alf wiggled his tail happily, “hello there Alfi,” you greeted your dog with a smile. Then moved your head up to face the men, “what exactly are you doing with my dog?” your eyes squinted together.
“He licked my face!” Lloyd exclaimed, you raised a brow at his words, “he does that to people he likes, asshole.” Alf barked and you giggled, “you’re right, that fits,” scratching his head as you agreed with him.
Lloyd was confused and took a little offense, “wait, what did he say?,” “gotta get your order sorry,” you told him and walked away with Alf.
Andy watched the whole thing with an amused grin, Alf was the cutest dog he’s ever met and even from little he saw he knew that your bond was special. The brunette also liked that the black dog liked Lloyd and the man didn’t even make rude comment, he seemed to like Alf.
“You really wanted to meet them huh?” you asked him with a smile while scratching his head, Alf nudged his nose against your making you giggle.
“Well given that you are here now, you can’t just be lazy here,” you lifted your finger and acted like a parent teaching their kid something.  “You will wear this and help Wands and me,” you bound an apron around him that was specifically made for him.
It wasn’t too tight around his neck and torso, also not too long so that would step on it while he was running or walking around.
“You look fabulous,” Wanda praised Alf as she walked by, a huge smile on her lips. She loved Alf and often gave him treats behind your back, well you knew but she believed you didn’t and let her in the belief.
Alf wiggled his tail and trailed after Wanda, already knowing what she would do. Wanda looked at you with her sweet smile, trying to hide her next action.
You mirrored her smile and finished the mob bosses order, acting as if you didn’t catch on.
“Here you go,” you mumbled as you put down the food and drinks. “Thank you, sunshine, so I see you gotta dog?” Lloyd asked as he leaned back in the booth.
“Oh, you noticed that?” you said with sarcasm dripping from your voice. “I’ve never seen a breed like him, is he a mix and how did you come to the name Alf?” Lloyd seemed genuinely interested and even if you would try to deny it, he was actually interested.
Lloyd wasn’t fond of pets, especially dogs however something about this black dog was special. Aside from the fact that it was your dog he really wanted to form a bond with Alf.
“Yeah, he’s a mix of German Shepherd and Golden Retriever, well the name it just came to me you know? I remember when I met him for the first time…I just looked at him and thought of the name Alf, then he instantly came running up to me with his little fluffy legs,” you grinned and had a happy glint in your eyes as you thought back to said day.
Andy’s eyes were glowing, he loved the passion in your eyes and voice. He himself never had a pet but always wanted one since he was a young boy, now in his job it was difficult given he didn’t have time.
Maybe if you ever gave them a chance, he could experience what it’s like to have a pet, a dog. However Andy wanted to be with you before knowing you had a dog meaning this was just plus point.
“I see you still need cutlery, Alf?” you raised you voice, and Alf came skipping over to you a little basket in his mouth.
Alf held the basket over to Andy first who took a little fork and spoon, “thank you, buddy,” Andy scratched Alf’s head in a thanking gesture. Next Alf walked to Lloyd who took a little spun, “thank you, blacks,” Lloyd thanked him too and caressed his fluffy ears.
“Oh, you two already have nicknames for him huh?” you teased them with a smirk, no one could resist Alf not even the two scary mob bosses.
“You two can be glad he likes you, the last man interested in me left with a bite mark…and not from me,” you tossed over your shoulder before leaving with Alf to tend to the customers.
“She was nice!” Lloyd exclaimed excited, Andy nodded along with a smile, “she was and the passion in her voice…,” he agreed with a dreamy sigh.
You lead Alf back into the kitchen and closed the door before cuddling him excitingly with a huge grin, “you like them, you like them,” you kissed his furry head over and over again. It was rare for Alf to like any men that came into your life.
The only ones he had so far accepted were your dad, Bucky and Sam your two neighbours who were gay which could be a reason given they wouldn’t hit on you. Although you could swear you once saw them with a girl in their bedroom and you also had to admit you were a little jealous.
Unkown to you Wanda had entered the kitchen and saw your reaction, she knew she was right.
“Well, well, look at this…,” she teased you, making her presence known to you. A little squeak came past your lips, “woman! You can’t scare us like that,” you complained.
“Admit it and accept the date,” Wanda demanded, she always did this. She didn’t leave any room for arguments and her voice held power, she looked at you with eyes that bore deep into your soul.
One look at Alf showed you that Wanda might be right, but that didn’t mean that you would give them what they wanted right away.
“Fine, but if the date is shit-,” “my beautiful, stupid bestfriend, those two men come here every Wednesday for the past one and a half year which are like 72 Wednesday – not counting the ones on which we’re closed. You really want to tell me it would be a shit date? And please they’re gonna worship you.”
Her speech hit something in you, you hated it when she was right and for her calculation, but you wondered if she was right.
“Go out there and get you men,” were her last words before she left the kitchen.
Your gaze met Alf’s who wiggled with his tail, “well then let’s see,” you muttered and walked with him out of the kitchen.
With a tray you went over to the two men who seemingly just finished their muffin and cake, “did you enjoy it?” you asked them while putting the plates on the tray. “Tasted amazing sunshine, just like you I’m sure…, why don’t we find that out on a date?” Lloyd winked at you with a smirk.
There it was, Lloyd usual, stupid pick-up line. You hated those pick-up lines, it made your scrunch up your nose in annoyance.
“That’s disgusting, can’t think of anything better?” you questioned with a hand on your hip and a raised eyebrow, “also how come only you’re asking me huh?” you genuinely wondered that.
Andy had only asked a handful of times and then Lloyd took over. At the beginning you refused because you didn’t want them, but then over time half the reason was Lloyd stupid’s pick-up line.
“Well, Lloyd thinks if I ask you then the chance that you will say yes is a lot higher, he also wants to be the first one to win you over,” Andy explained. It was easy for Andy to say sweet and meaningful things, they came naturally to him when he thought or talked to a person that meant a lot to him.
For Lloyd on the other hand it was more difficult, day and day he tried to think of something that would sweep you of your feet, but the moment he saw you everything became blank.
The moment they walked out of the café, he would kick himself for the stupid line he gave you. Then Andy would try to cheer him up and try make him see that one day he would say the perfect words.
“Maybe he-,” your words were cut off by a phone ringing, a phone which belonged to Andy. He looked at you apologetic and answered the call, “yes? God, do you know what your job is? If you did then you would know how to do your fucking job,” Andy’s voice got louder, and something changed in your body.
Alf barked when he heard Andy swear and Wanda gave you the swear char over the counter which you held over to Lloyd.
“That’s five bucks, we don’t swear here,” you told him with a little grin. Lloyd raised his eyebrows and pulled out his wallet, opening it. His wallet was filled with hundreds which had your eyes widen.
He put in a hundred dollars, “what, no, no, Lloyd you can’t put a hundred in that char,” you tried stopping him, but he laid his hand on yours, “don’t worry about it sunshine,” “thank you,” you responded with warm cheeks, “food and coffee is on the house jerk,” you added and turned around to put the char back.
“Hansen, we gotta go,” Andy said as he hang up the phone, “I’m sorry darlin’, wish we could stay a little longer,” he took your hand and kissed your knuckles.
“Goodbye, sunshine,” Lloyd added and kissed your cheek. Both actions had your cheeks burning. Never before had Lloyd kissed your cheek, kissed your knuckles yes but, no, never the cheek.
The mob bosses left the café and within a second Wanda was at your side with a wide grin, “When’s the date?” To your surprise sadness ran through your body, “I was about to do something…but then they left,” you explained a little lost in your thoughts.
“I’m sorry…, they will be back next week though,” she tried to cheer you up, which didn’t work out all too well.
Outside Lloyd and Andy were driving towards their restaurant, “I kissed her cheek, Andy! Do you think I’m on a good way?” Lloyd asked his partner who smiled proudly, “you are on a good way, and I think she might be about to say yes…,” he trailed off while resting his elbow against the window.
“I just, she’s the first woman I really like, and I know you like her too, but for you it’s easy…you know what you’re doing,” the man opened his heart, it wasn’t very common however when he felt save with someone it was a lot easier.
“It’s okay, we are working on it, and I think she could be the right one for us, yes even you. She puts you in your place and you’re listening to her,” Andy chuckled lightly, and Lloyd joined knowing he was right.
Even he knew that he was an asshole and a difficult person, besides Andy there weren’t many people who liked him and could tolerate him. Maybe there was really only Andy who could…he didn’t know.
This was another point, he couldn’t place his own feelings, nor could he understand the feelings of others. Lloyd was able to see if someone didn’t like him, but if someone was nice? He thought they were planning something, he didn’t trust anyone except Andy.
When it came to his own feelings it was even harder, he knew when he hated someone, despised them, but when he liked them? All he knew was that he wanted to worship the ground you walked on every second of the day, he wanted to lay in bed with you and have you cuddle him until the morrow.
Meanwhile you had clocked out and walked home with Alf. The events of today constantly replaying in your head.
Them quickly leaving made you rethink the decision of accepting the date, well you didn’t accept it you kind of rejected it. However, you were about to say something that would maybe let the date happen.
Of course, they would come back next week…right? Or maybe thought about and were tired of trying and now they wouldn’t come back, meaning you destroyed every chance because you weren’t in the clear about your own feelings.
Okay, take a deep breath. Everything was growing over your head, you needed a breather.
Putting Alf on his leash, he nudged your nose. It was like his own superpower, knowing when you were distressed and trying to calm you down.
With a thankful smile you hugged him, “thank you, it was just all too much for a moment. I mean look last week I was already not sure and today…you liked them, do you have any idea how much that means to me? For years you prevented me from bad people, you protected me. Does this mean they’re save?”
Alf answerd you with a bark which had you giggling, “good, then let’s go,” you said and opened the door for him
This time you walked a different route than normal, you wanted to test if the man would show up again – you also left at a different time.
Still, it was already dark, but you walked on a busier street which had lanterns and a restaurant, shops which were closed and bars. You felt a little safer here.
It took exactly five minutes for you to turn around again as a feeling was bugging you and he was there, the man was behind you again. Panic spread in your body and you picked up your pace, deciding to go into the first restaurant your eyes saw.
The woman at the entrance greeted you with a smile which fell when she saw Alf, “I’m sorry miss, we don’t allow pets here. You might-,” “please help me, there is a man, he’s following me!” you exclaimed.
She looked behind you and saw someone standing outside with his back to the restaurant, “that one?” she discreetly pointed at said men to which you nodded.
“Right this way,” she said and made a gesture to follow her and unknown to you gave a waitress a nod to the glass doors. She lead you into the back, it gave you a chance to briefly look around the restaurant, it looked elegant and as if only rich people ate here.
She walked up the stairs which led to a more secure area, a secret club it seemed. “My bosses can help you, I have a waitress keeping an eye on him downstairs. Don’t worry they will handle it,” she assured you with a comforting hand on your arm, “wait here, I will speak to them and then get you,” she added and vanished behind two big dark oak doors.
You stood there with Alf a little uncomfortable as you got weird looks from all the people around.
Suddenly the doors opened and your eyes widened in shook when you saw who walked out, how was this even possible? The chances were almost zero percent. Alf however jumped from your leash.
“Lloyd? Andy? What the hell?” you asked with furrowed brows while Alf already had his paws on Lloyd’s shoulders, “hey blacks,” he greeted the dog and caressed his soft ears.
“Darlin’ are you okay?” Andy asked, coming up by your side, confused you nodded your head however you couldn’t take your eyes of Alf and Lloyd. “Yeah, I just…panicked,” you said absently.
Andy followed your gaze and couldn’t hide his smirk, “they’re cute together huh?” he muttered against the shell of your ear and snapping you out of your trance.
“What? Them, no well Alf yes but not, uh Lloyd,” you tried to catch yourself without any luck.
Alf got down on his paws again and went over to greet Andy with the same excitement, “good to see you again buddy,” he smiled at the black dog and petted through his fur.
“Sunshine, why didn’t you tell us someone was following you?” Lloyd now came to you with concerned eyes. “Well I wasn’t really fond of you and it’s only been a few weeks at most, no big deal,” you tried to explain but soon realised they didn’t believe you one bit.
Lloyd gave Andy one look and immediately went down the stairs with the waitress, she showed him the man who was still standing there.
“Hey!” Lloyd made himself known to the man who looked at him lazily, “can I help you man?” the mob boss inspected the man more closely and he thought he looked familiar, but couldn’t place him yet.
“Why don’t we go inside huh? I think there is something we need to talk about,” he proposed, but left no room for the man to answer. Lloyd gripped the man’s shoulder and dragged him inside.
“Dude, really I don’t wanna talk, didn’t do a thing,” the creep tried to talk himself out, this had Lloyd chuckling, “aw pumpkin, how cute you think I care.”
They reached the upper club and Lloyd signaled two of his men to follow him into a back room.
Meanwhile Andy had sat you down on one of the cozy couches in the room, “darlin’ are you sure you’re okay?” he questioned again as he took your hand and rubbed patterns along the back of it while Alf had laid himself down on the couch next to you with his head on your lap.
“I’m not sure,” you admitted, this was all too overwhelming for you, “I think I’m scared, I mean of course I am. This man has been following me for so long and I went to police, they did nothing,” you breath became quicker and your chest tightened, it became harder to breath.
“Everytime, I noticed him, I thought he was gonna rape me or stab me, kidnap me. The feeling wouldn’t go away, I didn’t know what to do and today I took a different route but he was still there and what if he, what if…,” all damns broke loose, the tears came running down your cheeks.
Andy instantly wrapped his arms around your body, hushing your and wiping the tears from your cheeks. You kept sobbing and leaned against Andy wetting his dress shirt in the process, you clinged onto him. Finally feeling save.
Alf scooted closer to you until he was almost on your lap, he nudged his nose to yours in comfort. Your arms wrapped around his body, his head laid on your shoulder.
Your breath became calmer, the tightened chest slowly getting better. Andy saw the way Alf made you feel better with his presence and petted the dogs head, he looked into the loyal eyes and whispered, “good boy.”
Slowly you lifted your head and looked at Andy, “at the café…I wanted to say yes, I wanted to say, maybe he already won me over, but…you left…,” you whispered, it felt right telling him that.
Andy was stunned you told him that, but he wondered if it was only because you just cried your soul out and were hyper emotional. He didn’t want you to feel as if he used that to make you confess.
Your hand gently touched his cheek, “can I try something?” before Andy could answer you had your lips pressed to his.
The mob bosses breath hitched, and he didn’t know what to do, your lips felt so soft and wonderful, but it was wrong at the same time. Softly he took your chin between his fingers and guided your head away.
“As much as I enjoy this…you’re not in the right state. I don’t want you to feel like we use you,” he explained and pressed a kiss to your cheek instead, for this answer he got a big face lick from Alf.
God could these men get any better? You shouldn’t give them what they want yet, but maybe it was time. How should you know? Andy was here making you feel save and Lloyd was out there talking to the creep.
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𝑻𝑯𝑬𝒀 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑫 𝑴𝑬 𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹 — @smile1318 @wintasssoldier @xcaptain-winterx @georgiapeach30513 @alina02 @rogersbarber @antisocialwritingx
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | @sstanhoe-updates blog where new fics will always be reblogged in case you're not interested in the taglist as it has conditions
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Switched Sides - Side Story || Lloyd Hansen
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Lloyd with a baby girl? That would be so cute. She will be spoiled all the time. Thanks for the idea @jamespersephone
Little Doctor
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Character : soft!dark Lloyd Hansen x reader, Lloyd Hansen x daughter, Lloyd Hansen x OC.
Categories : Fluff and fluff.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Last Chapter
Side Story 1, Side Story 2
Main Masterlist || Buy me Ko-fi please 🥹
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"Baby shark dooodoodoo, mommy shark doododo."
These lyrics are supposed to be a cute children's song, but the person who sings makes it sound like a military song. 
The person who sings it is Lloyd Hansen. He knew this song a couple of years ago; he never thought that someday he would sing this towards another person. 
But Lloyd doesn't mind if he has to sing this song hundreds of times since the other person keeps laughing when he sings it. 
That other person is his daughter, Hazel Hansen. 
She's the cutest baby and always smiles at anyone. She only cries when she's hungry; other than that, she's a calm baby, and her brother loves her. 
"Dada." Hazel stretched out her little hands to Lloyd. 
Seeing her cuteness and the way she called him 'Dada' made his heart feel full. He put his hand on his chest, lowered his knees and lay on the floor. 
"Urgh. I need a doctor."
Hazel widened her eyes; she stood up slowly and walked towards her father. She put her hands on his chest. "Pain, pain, go away."
Lloyd chuckled, seeing his daughter look serious. She starts playing as a doctor when she sees Y/N treat Mark's hurt knee and Kendall bruises his forehead since the boys play sports all the time. 
She wants to be like her mother.
Mark and Kendall, who have been with them all this time, also want to be her patient. 
Mark touched his knees. "Aw, my knees."
Kendall was overacting, "Hazel, my shoulder hurts."
Hazel wiggled from her father and then ran to her brother to check on them. "Pain goes away. Brother is fine."
Mark and Kendall pecked her fluffy cheeks. "Thank you, doctor Hazel."
Y/N, who was knitting a sweater, shook her head. Looking at how the three boys are clinging towards Hazel, it will be difficult for her to get a boyfriend in the future. 
In the future. 
"Dad, I'm going to the library. I'll be back before seven." Before Lloyd could say anything, Hazel ran faster, leaving the house. 
Lloyd felt something didn't fit right. He had prepared all the books related to her school in their study room so she didn't have to go to the library. 
He doesn't want his baby daughter to feel uncomfortable in public places. 
"She told me she has a study group."
"Group? How many people?" 
"All female or with boys?"
Y/N smirked; the boys in this house would be on their guard if they found out that Hazel was studying with her crush. 
She teased them a bit. "Hazel only goes out to study, and you guys are already on guard. What would happen if she went to prom with a boy?"
Lloyd scoffed, "Over my dead body." 
Mark rolled his eyes. "Not a chance."
Kendall shook his head. "That will never happen."
Y/N laughed, hearing their similar answers. Poor Hazel, her future boyfriend will struggle to deal with these three men.
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Thank you so much for reading and following the series.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Last Chapter.
Side Story 1, Side Story 2
Main Masterlist || Buy me Ko-fi please 🥹
@sabrinaselina55, @magnificentsaladllama , @cherrybubblebullet @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters , @bagoffeelings @darkofimagination, @starsofcloud, @thatzolagirl, @distancedss, @mswgtsd @chibijusstuff , @jamespersephone
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Making Amends💫💫💫
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x female reader
Word count: around 800
Summary : Lloyd thinks you need more love but not from him.❤
Warning: Soft Lloyd, 😌self care , pampering🥺. Fluff!!!!!🥰😊😇 . As always no minors. 18+ only.
Look at me making him Soft 😌😌😌😌😊😊😇😇😚😚😚😚🤭🤭🤭(from his heart )
There is no actual description of reader. No use of y/n.
All mistakes are my own. No beta read. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
As always my beloved, comments, feedback and reblog are SO MUCH APPRECIATED!!!!! please leave some feedback!!!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Lots of love! ❤️
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"C'mon do it , Pumpkin" Llyod urges . You stay silent and don't reply right away . The chilly air makes you want to snuggle more into him.
10 minutes before :💫💫💫
He can come up with the most odd ideas and you don't complain. So , when he suggested you both spend some time on the rooftop you nodded at the suggestion. "Ah , but no clothes allowed, " he interrupted with a grin . You narrowed your eyes, a sign for him to proceed. "We will take the new blanket we ordered, " he said. You considered his request for a second, the blanket was expensive which meant you won't be cold besides he will be there to keep you warm. "But why no clothes?" You questioned as you walked closer to him. He pulled you closer by your waist and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. Sliding his large hand down your spine he smiled lightly ,"I need to feel you , skin to skin contact". His voice was soft, and you knew by the drop that he'd something in mind . "Okay " you whispered and the way his lips formed in a grin , that confirmed your doubt.
Back to present :💫💫💫
Now here you are , resting your head on his shoulder, your back to his and his hand covering yours on your stomach. He was leaning against the wall and had set up a mattress. He leans down and places a soft kiss on the hollow of your neck , the slow trail along it making you sigh with contentment. "Please," he requests and rests his chin on your shoulder. "Lloyd, " you mirror his tone. "I know you can do it " he urges again and takes your hand and settles it on your left breast, just above your heart .
"Do I really have to do it now?"you ask again and tilt your neck to look into his eyes. There's a hidden request in your gaze. You are a little hesitant to follow his words but Lloyd knows it too . He doesn't even blink and you know he's not gonna let this slide . He needs you to do it , of course if you are ready for it . But he'd seen no sign of you being not ready . You just need a little support and he's here for you , always. He once joked that even your own shadow can leave you in the dark but he will always be there for you. You don't doubt it .
His body heat is enough to keep you warm and the blanket is just a bonus. You hum and cup his face with your hand. You pull him down and crash your lips on his , gaining a soft moan in return from him . He cups your left breast with his hand , your own sandwiched between his big palm and your skin. He lazily strokes your tongue with his own and when you both are panting he gives a gentle nip to your bottom lip. He pecks your lips again.
"If you don't wanna do what I asked, it's okay Pumpkin but if you wish to follow I can wait up all night" he states. You know he will do as you say. "The later" you mumble and he hums in response. "Take as much time as you need" he replied with a little bop on your nose. You stare at the pitch black sky adorned with stars , the half moon providing a beautiful view. The air is cool although you can't feel the chill as your own personal heater is just enveloping you. You follow the slow drag of your breathing. In . Out. In. Out. In.
"I do. I forgive myself . I forgive me . For everything that transpired. I won't hold anything bad against me . I will not blame myself for the things which weren't in my control. And things which were in my control but didn't work out the way I wanted to, I forgive me." You release your breath. And just like that everything that's on your mind is whipped in the cold night.
Lloyd wanted you to do this , for you to forgive yourself. He knew you thought words which made you feel unworthy of love and happiness and it pained him to see you like that . So he did what he needed to , he asked you to forgive you. It never occurred to you that sometimes even you were hard on yourself but when he uttered those words, forgive yourself, it was like a switch flipped on .
Your thoughts were like a storm but after saying the words out loud there was silence, except Lloyd's breathing on your skin when he pulled you closer ,"Good girl " he whispered with a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I am so proud of you, Pumpkin" he whispered against your ear and just like that you fell more in love with this man.
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