#lltk au
moonlit-dreamers · 6 months
been doodling for a while and made this bullshit for @bloodmoons-knife long live the king fic/au
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was originally just gonna be a doodle and figuring out wut she looks like then went "wait this looks like a meme-" and realized wut it was so i just. i just had to man
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i swear ill draw lunar and binary soon OTL
reblogs appreciated :)
ramblings under le cut
about the art- i decided to take advantage of this moment to fuck around with my art style. they have noses (ik, wow, crazy) and i tried to let myself be as imperfect as possible (ofc i was still annoyingly nitpicky but- i still like how it all came out). i didnt even sketch a single one of these. was that a bit stupid? maybe. but it was still very fun to fuck around and find out
when drawing nebula i wanted to have him look both very soft and kind but also fucking exhausted. at first i was unsure if i had gotten the wet cat energy right until i put a photo next to it and i was like "yeah. thats a fucking soggy man."
rust is forever gremlin, even if they just turn into a teddy bear the moment eridanus picks them up.
eri was actually quite fun to draw since ive never drawn mermaids before but- no time like the present and a pretty lady who must be drawn.
but onto the fic! i am. incredibly normal about it (lying)
the dynamics between everyone is just so fun to read through. especially when theyre all here for similar reasons: grief and loss.
watching them all grow and learn to cope through each other is so sweet to watch. and even tho nebula seems to be more content watching them heal rather than healing himself they wont let him neglect himself any longer it seems :) theyre grabbing a towel and fucking getting him whether he likes it or not. and if they dont then i will.
im so curious as to how lunar will come to fit into all of this as well.
we r putting these beasts into situations and watching them fight to survive and its wonderful
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
heyo! been reading ur lltk fic and wanna do some silly doodles of ur creatures so i was wondering if u have any references or just descriptions i could use to draw them
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pounding my fist on the floor while wailing over the thought of anyone drawing my beasties gnjfxdf
tragically i dont have any real refs or real descriptions for the cast so far, the best i've got is vibes and a picture of eridanus i posted recently. i will transmit the vibes, however!
nebula: hes got the orbiting star ocourse, and his big fluffy cloak. when i think of what kind of clothes he wears i think like. poet's blouse. black trousers. that kinda thing. maybe a crown? i do not know. hes very sad looking. wet cat of a man
binary: dull colors definitely! also just. librarian core. i really dont have much else for vibes its just "binary :3" in my head
rust: pretty close to bloodmoon v1 tbh, though with more practical clothing? since they go hunting and stuff. the hat stays on at all times however. kinda gives 2-tailed hat vibes tho. can work without. vampire fangies are essential
eridanus: she is BIG she is GLOWY she is DARK she is SPOOKY. she doesnt wear CLOTHES because theyre UNCOMFORTABLE. i refer to the pic ive posted of her for colors and things. orange stripes and underbelly, black scales, red eyes. out of water her fins are floppy and shes cute and i love her. her picture is in her tag if that helps searching for it btw
bird boy lunar: oh man ive got a Vision for him. a Vision. he's more based off of lunar's first proper design, the lil guy ya know? but also still not? idk. anyway most essential things are that hes birdy! bird legs, his arms are wings but on the wrist joint he has lil graspers. think bat for that part. he may or may not have tail feathers dont ask me i dont know things. hes like a species of insect to me.
hope these insane ramblings from a madman help you!!
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crazycatkatetrap · 2 years
SELF INSERT TIME Y'ALL🤩!!!!!!! (I am so sorry, the description is crazy long😅)
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Self-insert for @starrspice's cherub AU🎉🥳😇!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, I know what you're thinking; "SHE SAID NO CHERUB LOOKS LIKE A HUMAN!!!!!!!"
Well, unlike Eclipse's group, Kate doesn't belong to the lovey-dovey cupid cherubs, but rather . . . a darker group of cherubs; ones who . . . can't take an alternate body unless visiting the mortal world (her form is a wolf-dog with a "dogtag" that's actually her wings encompassing her necklace)
These cherubs are the few that have been through actual hell and were repaid for their perseverance. For example, Kate died in an . . . "accidental murder" in 2015. Despite everything that happened though, she showed an extensive amount of compassion towards her murderer the last few weeks of his life, and even vouched for him when he died.
Now she's one of the cherubs of compassion, helping out humans who have given up completely or can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. She mainly deals with people with severe mental health and Y/N (kind of like their guardian angel?? Idk, but she comforts them from time to time😐 And different from Sonny and Louis, she has small nautical rope instead of string, and no totems are provided to her. Plus, she interacts with humans WAY more often in person than from a distance.)
And while she isn't apart of the love department, she occasionally is called to help out Music Man (since self love and compassion kind of go hand-in-hand at times). They have a decent relationship, but entirely platonic.
She makes it a point to hang out with/annoy the hell out of Eclipse with her little antics whenever she stops by for a visit. They don't mind, as long as Kate doesn't try to mess with their cherubs. Basically whenever they see each other, it's like two old friends meeting up for a coffee<3 She also helps out Eclipse with certain humans, but it doesn't happen often. She's kind of like . . . . Eclipse's on-and-off advisor🙃
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tommy-thomas · 2 years
Yeaaah those break days were fun but it's time to go back to working!!
Next long live the king page on MONDAY, thank you all for the patience!
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A moment, then warm hands reached into the water, so very gently pulling Ecthelion free -- warm hands that grasped his cheeks and stroked them, then pressed two finger-pads against the pulse-point in his throat, then moved to quickly strike his back below his shoulder-blades to try to expel any water he had consumed. Warm hands drew him onto his side as someone else lay a cloak over him like a blanket, and a desperate soft voice whispered against his ear; 'breathe. Ecthelion. Please.' LLTK AU
Water. Water all about him. Water filling his lungs. Water, deep and dark and cold. So very cold. And yet, he had done this willingly, to protect the others. Or, if he is more truthful, to protect one person in particular. He had done this, and now he surrenders himself to his fate, and there is calm in his thoughts and in his heart even as breath and life are taken from him…
There is a brief span of time for which he cannot account. A nothingness akin to the void. There is no feeling. No memory.
And then suddenly, everything bursts back into existence, as though Ilúvatar had spoken it into being once more.
Only, it had not been the voice of Ilúvatar that had returned him to the world.
❛ Breathe. Ecthelion. Please. ❜
Dark eyes had snapped open, air re-entering his lungs with a faltering gasp, and then he had begun to cough. But he had not turned to face downward, that he might better get out the water. No, instead he had turned that he might see the face of the one who had spoken.
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“Laur’––f’nd’l!” he manages at last, past the coughing and the wheezing, wide-eyed and almost panicked attempts to bring air back into his lungs where last had been water…
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Rust: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life.
Binary: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Rust: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Nebula: Edible.
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bloodmoons-knife · 8 months
hey gang what are our opinions on dragons?
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Rust: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Eridanus: Ok so, apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Rust: I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time.
Eridanus: *cracks knuckles* Manslaughter it is!
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Eridanus: Good morning. As you begin your day, remember that violence is always an option and often the answer.
Binary: ...Please, go back to bed.
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Eridanus, talking to Rust about Nebula: He's trying to lure me into a false sense of security! Well, joke’s on him! I’ve never been secure in my life! And I’m not about to start now!
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Rust: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products!
Rust: *sprays hairspray in their mouth*
Rust: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Nebula: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined.
Eridanus: Heck.
Nebula: You're on thin fucking ice.
Nebula: Oh no-
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Eridanus, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey, Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Rust, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. You’re staying home and having my kids.
Nebula: What the fuck are you guys doing?
Eridanus: Playing systemic oppression.
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bloodmoons-knife · 6 months
Binary: Wake up! The sun is shining!
Eridanus: What do you want me to do, photosynthesis?
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