#lm3 x reader
thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
king boo x a male reader who stumbles into the boos mansion due to a bad storm and the boos scare him before running into king boo(nsfw if its okay please!)
I didn't put NSFW directly in the fic, but it's heeeavily implied towards the end lol. Either way, here's the link on ao3, and I hope you enjoy!
King Boo x Male!Reader - Not a Wise Idea
You were soaked with rain. 
Figuring that it would be nice to take a stroll in the neighboring woods, you took a gravel path, walking along it for a good thirty minutes. However, when you were just about to turn back, it... started raining. You had checked the weather beforehand and it didn’t seem like it was going to rain, but luck didn’t seem to be on your side.  
So now, after finding and entering an abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods, you were wondering if it was a good idea to go outside at all today— especially since you could hear the faint cackling of Boos— a haunted mansion. You were currently dripping water all over the floor, but with the fact that there’s ghosts nearby, that was the least of your worries. 
You frowned, feeling just a little scared, and tried to wring the water out of your clothes so you wouldn’t feel so heavy or cold... Though, as the distinct cackling grew louder, you turned to leave— only to find that the door was locked.  
“D’aww, he’s so cute! Trying to escape,” you heard a Boo giggle next to your ear. 
Another Boo hummed. “Yeah... and I wonder how he’d taste, too.” 
A yelp escaped you, and you turned— only to find nothing next to you.  
You needed to get out of this mansion. 
Knowing that the door wasn’t going to work, you quickly went into one of the halls, looking around for a window to exit.  
You didn’t know if the ghosts were fast enough to follow you, or if they’d keep the windows locked up tight— but surely a wooden chair to a pane of glass would break any meek window, locked or not. 
You were just about to turn the nearest corner when the air became absolutely freezing, and before you could react, a large ghost with a purple gem in his crown appeared directly in front of you. 
Your heart sank to your gut when a deep cackle came from him, obviously sensing that you were terrified. 
“Oh, my Boos were right,” he began with a purr, “You are cute... And have nice curves, too.” 
You swallowed thickly, not liking the way he looked between your legs. Defensively, you held your hands above your crotch. “L-Let me out of here,” you tried to say in a brave voice. “I don’t want any trouble!” 
“Oh, I do apologize if my Boos have scared you,” the King said smoothly, licking his teeth in a seductive way with his large, purple tongue. You tried to back away, but something grabbed your ankles to stop you from moving. “Mh... you’re very cute... I’d hate to keep you in a painting day after day, so let's do something that I think you’ll enjoy...” 
You squeezed your eyes shut, expecting to be injured in some way, but when your damp clothes suddenly disappeared, you knew you were in for a long night with the King of Boos... 
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darkdragontail · 7 months
Omg I love it! Could you perhaps make another one pls???
I'll do Cannon X Kruller for this one.
Kruller is a bit bashful to meet someone, knowing someone who has the goods for kruller who can blame him?
You ask kruller if you want to hangout sometime after his shift is over and then he skeptically obliges to your offer. You two talk about what hobbies you enjoy doing and kruller just listens to you speak without interrupting. Then he would go on to say that he enjoys reading old comics from the late 1980s, listen to music from the 1980s (and possibly sings) and he likes to play jokes on others when he's bored.
Then at the end of the day you two say goodbye to each other and hope to see each other soon. Kruller will be like "oh my goodness, I can't believe this is happening..." And you'll be like "oh he's so sweet..."
Hopefully this one is better.
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Hellen Gravely and S/O who is a jeweler.
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything, but motivation has struck me in the night and I ended up writing this.
-Mod Pasta
Hellen Gravely with a Jeweler S/O
-Hellen admires and appreciates your craft in a way that many of the other ghosts at the Last Resort do not. There aren’t too many ghosts that enjoy jewelry like Hellen does – plenty of the goobs find it fun to wear and play around with in a careless manner, but Hellen takes note of all the finer details you put into one of your pieces.
-You’re her favourite jeweler, and she’s going to commission you often, being an avid fan of jewelry herself. She loves to wear whatever you make for her, showing it off to anyone around. She’ll do all the bragging for you, pointing out the intricacies of any jewelry you make; the time, attention, and focus required; and your skill overall. If you’re on the shy side, she’ll do her best to keep it down, but she loves to sing your praises to anyone who’s willing to listen.
-Even if she’d like to, Hellen can’t wear everything you’ve made for her all at once, so with what she chooses not to wear for the day, she has the rest of the jewelry you’ve made for her displayed around the fifteenth floor, almost like a gallery.
-Sometimes she likes to watch you craft or repair. She’s usually busy managing the hotel, but she enjoys the moments of spare time she has where she can watch the process. It’s interesting to see the planning and carefulness that goes into the work, to see how something can change shape into something so pretty. Watching gives her a new appreciation in what you do.
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Luigi x GN!Reader sfw and nsfw HCS
Might as well 💚
Warning: some bad grammar and smut hcs bc why not. Me being stupid in an attempt to come up with a simile ;-;
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Aight lets get one thing straight... you two are the cutest couple in the whole Mushroom Kingdom
Cuddles and kisses galore, not really in public tho, Weegee is too shy for that
So instead, lots of hand holding and the occasional kiss on the cheek
Luigi is clumsy and you may have to help him sometimes, from catching him when he slips, or helping him out of the dryer because Polterpup accidentally scared him and he fell backwards and got stuck in it. Nobody is safe, but thankfully nobody is seriously injured (yet lmao)
Luigi turns a bit red every time you kiss him.
Kiss him all over his face, he will be redder than a rose bush in the middle of a ladybug swarm (dont judge pls i came up w that on the spot ;-;)
Luigi isn't as on edge around you as he is everyone else, sure he's still a bit nervous around you, but only bc he loves you so much 😭💚.
This boi unfortunately snores, however its not that kind of snore thats so loud it shakes the glass on the windows (thank god).
He will be overjoyed and flustered if you make something for him, whether its food, drawings, plushies, he will love anything you give him ^^
If you insist on going with him to help Professor E. Gadd with another ghost problem... hes stuck to you like glue, not just because hes scared, no no no, Luigi wants to absolutely make sure your safe.
You two hum together while wandering the mansion (like he hums the theme in the game)
If you see a spider in your house... sorry yall but hes just as scared as you are.
Both of yall backed up in a corner screaming and throwing stuff at it until you get it or until Mario walks in🤣
Polterpup absolutely LOVES you. Ghost doggo jumps on you whenever he sees you (such a good boi)
Luigi will put (most of) his fears aside to help you if you're in trouble
Keeps track of your hyperfixations and hobbies
You two travel together sometimes and its the funnest thing ever.
You sit quietly, share ear buds, and hold his hand on the plane, bus, or train
Your guys's relationship is so fun and awkward ^^
AIght yall idk how to put a cut on these thingys so imma just warn you here, SMUT AHEAD IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT STUFF PLS SCROLL and thx for reading this far 🤗
Ooooooh boy
Where do i start
Switch, hes a switch
Yall put Polterpup out in the living room on his own little bed before yall actually do anything
Luigi is SHY AF, so you're gonna have to initiate this, you need to get him going
HES BIG imma just leave it there
Red faced the whole time
A bit shaky at first, nervous boi
He loves you though so he'll put the nerves aside and focus on pleasuring you
Hes pretty vanilla other than a praise kink, Luigi loves you and he wants you to know that
This boi loves your thighs, loves how squishy and warm you are
He goes pretty dang hard but will go slow and gentle if you ask
Checks up on you and makes sure you're ok
Tummy rubs
Lots of neck kisses and marks on your body
Kind of quiet at first but will get louder the longer yall are at it
Loves having you on your back and nuzzling his face in your neck as he makess love to you
After that he helps clean you up and cuddles with you, you two have a bath tomorrow morning.
Aight yall thx for reading :D
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kokoronbain · 4 years
🔏 paloma headcannon owo
Paloma was in first my self-insert where I wanted to do selfships with some Boss Ghosts (and (1) enemy ghost) whose I had a crush on. I read so much 'X reader' about them and I planned to draw some scenarios I had in mind.
But since I saw ghostsonas with Boss Ghosts, I was too scared to show my drawings about it and I thought it was definitely better to ship OCxCanon from others than mine.
Since I don't consider Paloma as a self-insert and specially since she has the *BEST* romantic relationship with another OC that I deeply love in all my heart, kokoro, corazón- WHATEVER!!!! Even if they aren't in couple technically herm herm my bad- I definitely don't ship anymore Paloma with canon lm3 characters.
... However... If you are curious, I made some little ship drawings on that in around marth... Ask me if you are really interested... Here an extract on it.
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
How about a Amadeus Wolfgeist x reader?
Yeah, I love that ghost! I wanted to try something a little different, so that's why it's exactly 500 words. Here's the link on ao3 and I hope you enjoy!
Amadeus Wolfgeist x Reader - Playing Again
You sat in the front row of the theater, smiling softly. Your dear ghostly lover was playing a Halloween-esque tune— something of his own creation. You often listen to him play, and watch him come up with new songs. Though, what you most liked about when he played was how expressive he was— His face would furrow, and his fingers would fly across the piano. He’d slouch over or sit up straight depending on the mood of the song. You may be biased, but... It was delightful to watch. 
A few other ghosts would sometimes sit and watch him play, but you were here more often than most. Currently, a blue Goob— aptly named Durian due to his love of the fruit— was sitting right next to you, smiling widely.  
“Enjoying the show?” You asked the little ghost, and let out a happy sigh when he nodded.  
You relaxed a bit more, staring at Amadeus as he played a more intense part of the music. There was only you and Durian in the theater, but more ghosts would likely show up in a handful of hours once they finished with their morning tasks. Amadeus sometimes will also play all day, but either way, you’re with him for the most part... 
...Though, he must’ve made a mistake or something of the sort because he let out a frustrated growl and stopped playing. His tail tapped against the floor in irritation and he eyed the sheet music on the piano, thinking deeply about something for several long moments. 
Slowly, you frowned. It was never a good thing when he would stop playing. “You were playing so well! I loved how expressive you were!” You called out, lightly praising him. You knew he liked being praised. 
He played the specific part a few more times, narrowing his eyes... “It doesn’t sound right,” he muttered, taking a pencil out and staring intensely at the music. He erased a few things, and Durian pouted.  
You looked towards Durian, listening as Amadeus played a few things to see what would fit that specific part better. “He’s so specific about his music,” you said teasingly, just loud enough to where you knew he’d hear. 
“I am not,” he scoffed, writing down a few new notes on the sheet music in front of himself. 
You couldn’t help but giggle. “You are! And I know you are because I’m with you all day!” 
Durian nodded to that fact. Most ghosts knew where to find you in the hotel if you’re needed. Sometimes you’ll be on Monty’s floor since Amadeus will occasionally write songs for the movies Monty makes, but you’re almost always with Amadeus. 
“But,” you began with a smile, “That’s one of the many reasons why I love you so much.” 
Amadeus paused for a moment... and became a little flustered, quickly busying himself with the sheet of music. He stared at it for a moment, shuffling back to the beginning, and without responding he began playing again. 
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Steward with a music obsessed so? I just wanna see the boy happy ;^;
Steward with a Music Obsessed S/O
-Steward likes music, too. He just… doesn’t have the time for it as much. He’s always overworking himself, and while some of the other ghosts will have headphones on to make the time pass faster as they work, Steward likes to keep his focus entirely on his job – for better or for worse. But in his spare time, sometimes he’ll put on some jazz music! That’s his favourite genre.
-So when you show up, bringing the music with you, it’s like you’re bringing a whole spark along. You’re so eager to show him all of your favourite music, and he loves listening to your passion for the whole thing. Whatever you show him, the chances are he’s going to get hooked on it, too, so you end up listening to the same music a lot of the time. But he’s happy to show you his small collection of music as well – he has a few vinyl records he keeps around.
-Sometimes you can hear him humming the music you showed him as he’s carrying things around in the halls. It’s definitely brightened his work days.
-You’ll likely end up spending a lot of time on the fourteenth floor with Phantasmagloria, so he learns to look for you there when you he has no idea where you are. He’ll come visit you on his breaks if he has enough time, and it’s immediately obvious to him that this really isn’t his type of scene. He can be a bit more on the shy side, so at first he’s just following you around. He loves watching you get excited over every song that plays, how you’ll tell him the name of each one, but he’s just a little bit nervous from all the flashing lights and noise.
-If you choose to dance on the dance floor, Steward will probably stand off to the side and cheer you on. Being in the center of it all isn’t really his jam, but if you insist that he comes with you, he will. He’ll end up copying what you’re doing if it’s simple since he really doesn’t want to totally embarrass himself in front of all the other ghosts by trying to pull off dance moves he can’t do.
-But when the two of you are alone together, he’s definitely more into it. He’s not shy to try some of the things he’s seen the goobs do since he trusts that you won’t make too much fun of him after he messes it all up. (Though you discover that he’s a fast learner when he puts his mind to it, and with some practice, he actually could replicate the moves). You two can dance the night away until you both are sitting back down, exhausted and laughing at the silliness of it all, just happy that you had so much fun together.
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Morty and Amadeus with an s/o with extremely good art, like the best art they’ve ever seen, yet s/o keeps on claiming that it looks terrible and cringes when they see their art?
Honestly a mood with this one. I relate to the s/o a lot, just when it comes to writing since I don’t draw. Hopefully this is all right!
-Mod Pasta
-Morty didn’t mean to offend you when he looked without asking! He was curious, and you were sitting there with your sketchbook, drawing away, and he looked over your shoulder out of instinct. It’s something he does when it comes to his movies, and he tends to move around to get a good look at everything without thinking about it.
-He couldn’t contain the excitement when he saw your artwork – the detail! The creativity! It was magnificent! He was overcome with inspiration in that instant, but on the other hand, you were absolutely horrified that he saw. The sketch was nowhere near complete, and honestly you didn’t think it was even that good, and you kind of wanted to tear it out and set it aflame, and now that Morty saw it, you were really embarrassed that he had to see what you were considering to be yet another failure.
-He was worried that he upset you by invading your privacy, which he genuinely hadn’t meant to do, but when he realized that it was that you weren’t confident in your artwork at all, he wanted to help. He’s familiar with the feeling, sometimes experiencing his (more dramatic) downs when it comes to film making.
-But he’ll give you so many compliments on your art. You’re going to drown in them. He absolutely loves your work, and he’s going to make that known. The colours, the linework, the details, he’ll tell you about anything that makes his heart flutter with inspiration. You almost think he’s making it all up, but he’s really not. He loves all forms of art, and it’s something that makes him passionate. He adores your work and wants you to know that.
-Morty tries other small things to improve your self confidence, knowing that it isn’t something that just appears overnight. For example, he’ll ask for your input on his designs. Making a movie comes with making a poster for it, and he values your opinion highly. Even if you follow up your thoughts with “but I’m not sure, it might be bad”, he’ll try it out and let you know what he thinks. You have a great sense of design even if you’re not confident in yourself, and often your ideas come out to be exactly what he’s looking for!
-Amadeus wonders what it is you’re so often working on in that sketchbook of yours that you’ll sometimes carry around. He only knows that it’s full of drawings because of the way your hand moves on the page – it’s not the way one would write words down, he observes – but he does wonder what exactly you do draw. Despite his curiosity, he isn’t one to pry, but he does hope that you’ll show him one day.
-He ends up seeing it on accident, too. You had left the room to go get some snacks, and of course, you carried your sketchbook with you, worried that someone would steal it or look inside when you weren’t present. But on the way back, the addition of a drink and your favourite snack available on the fourth floor of the hotel made it harder to carry everything at once. Sure, you could carry it all a little bit, but eventually the sketchbook just slipped out of your hand, and it happened to open up as it hit the floor.
-Amadeus was nearby, and naturally when he saw you struggling, and he reached down for the sketchbook to help you. He ended up seeing the art you had drawn – it was hard to not look at what he was picking up – and he was amazed. For a moment he was shocked that this is what you had been hiding from everyone.
-He carefully closed the sketchbook and held it out to you, saying that your work was lovely in an attempt to lighten up the situation, considering you were absolutely mortified that he saw it.
-When you denied the compliment instantly, shaking your head and saying that you knew the art was terrible and that he didn’t need to lie. If he wasn’t shocked before, he was certainly shocked now. You thought your art was bad? How? He thought it was incredible, so why did you cringe when he opened the sketchbook back up to the page?
-He understands how there are times when it’s hard to be satisfied with a piece, but it was clear that you hated all of your work. Each time you insult your art, he’ll point out all the details he likes about your piece. Finding small things is what he enjoys about such things, to see the more subtle parts that make up and add to the whole, so he’s got lots he can say on this subject with anything you show him!
-If you’re open to it, he’d love to let you design some of the portraits on the fourth floor. If you do, there’s still times where you cringe when you see it in the hallway, but all the ghosts love it all! You can often find a goob admiring your work, and they’re not afraid to let you know how much they like it, either. Amadeus is sure to let everyone know that it was you who made it if you choose to not keep your work anonymous.
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Angst: S/o gets murdered by a bunch of people who are bigoted towards ghosts, simply because she was dating a ghost. S/o passes and turns into a ghost and gets severe trauma from the event, even to the point where she gets night terrors. She is never quite the same, always looking over her shoulder and afraid of being alone. (Please use she/her pronouns for s/o, if you don’t mind.) The characters I’d like are Amadeus and Steward! Thanks for reading! :)
Steward and Amadeus with a Recently Murdered S/O
-Steward wishes that he hadn’t been a ghost, as if he had anything to actually do with your death. He knows, logically, that the blame rests entirely on your killers, but emotionally there’s a part of him that feels like he contributed. It’s not his fault, he knows it isn’t, but he still wishes he could have done something to change it.
-But he’s happy that you’re all right. Well, as all right as you can be, being a ghost. Sometimes the person doesn’t ever come back as a ghost, so he’s glad that you’re still around, but he also hates that you are a ghost, because you didn’t deserve to die. On top of that, you have some clear trauma as a result. But you can get through this, and he’ll be there every step of the way.
-Steward is practically living online when you’re asleep. He’s reading all the articles on how to help someone going through this, how best he can support you without overwhelming you, etc. He really doesn’t want to mess anything up because of how delicate the situation is; he’s trying his best and he’s doing everything he can to take the perfect steps to help.
-If you don’t like being alone, he could use some help with his work, as much as he’ll claim that he’s totally fine and that he’s working a perfectly normal amount for one ghost. You could work with him so that you’re almost always with him, helping him carry some luggage, organizing the reception while he speaks with guests, things like that. He’ll insist that you don’t stress yourself out and keep watch to make sure you don’t, though he understands the feeling of drowning oneself in work to avoid feelings.
-He’s happy to do the talking on your behalf if you want him to! You’ve become a lot more reclusive to anyone who you don’t know well enough, and after what you went through, he gets that talking to unfamiliar people is kind of scary.
-Part of him gets anxious when he sees you interacting with someone he doesn’t know as a result. Most people are decent though, so everything always went fine, but Steward is still so ready to drop everything and fly to your rescue if said person ends up being an issue.
-Even when you’ve recovered from the incident, he can still see the look in your eyes that never quite goes away no matter how much time passes. How you’re always acutely aware of your surroundings, how many people are around, and the like. He knows that it’s all in the past now, but he still wishes he could have done more.
-Unlike Steward, Amadeus isn’t as in tune with emotions, so sometimes the help he gives feels a little… stiff, like he’s following a script. He’s best at conveying his emotions through music (or anger), but this isn’t exactly a situation where classical music will help, so he looks to examples for the best methods of comfort and support. But he’s one hundred percent trying his best. He’s asked some of the other ghosts around for advice, and he’s bought a few books with some general ideas.
-He’s got all the time in the world to be there for you. His job isn’t so stressful on the timing of things, mostly just playing the piano and writing compositions. The only thing that is strict with the time is any concerts he has scheduled, but he can always cancel or postpone if there’s an emergency. But besides those few hours, he’s always available to be there to help if you need it.
-Due to the nature of his concerts, you can’t always be next to him. Besides the ballerina goobs, he’s the only one on stage during them, but he makes sure that you either have a front row seat or one of the boxes if you’d prefer to sit away from everyone else in the audience.
-Amadeus has quite the intimidating aura, so if you’re ever feeling especially anxious, you can always follow him around for a bit so strangers won’t approach you. It definitely helps a little when there’s someone giving you bad vibes, though still being near them will keep you on edge anyway, but it’s definitely better than being alone with them.
-Amadeus can make the polite small talk and will find a way to get people to get the idea that you and him aren’t up for talking right now, but anytime someone intentionally starts to bring up triggering topics, he’s quick to anger. He understands there are accidents, but he won’t tolerate any clear malice. If someone has some not so great opinions regarding your relationship, he will start yelling and have them dragged out.
-The times when you wake up in the night from a night terror are probably the most difficult to him because sometimes he just doesn’t know what to do. He’ll hold you and try to calm you down, but he feels like he should be doing so much more. He makes a note to look for what can help for times like these the next day, but for now, he hopes that whispers that you’re all right, that he’s still here, that those people who hurt you are gone, everything is fine now will be enough to get you through the night.
-Amadeus is patient with your recovery. He knows something like this isn’t going to go away overnight, and that it’ll probably take a long time. But he’s going to do whatever he can to help you through this and is there whenever you need him. He’s always available for you.
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Amadeus with a german S/O. It has to be done at some point.
Amadeus with a German S/O
- Same hat!! He’s glad to have someone else at the hotel that gets where he’s coming from (literally). He’ll often speak to you in German, and you two pass along notes to each other in German as well. It’s like a secret code of yours as very few other ghosts (possibly none) around know German!
- He has an entire stash of books and records of music that he wants to share with you, because you can fully understand it’s depth and beauty. And even if you don’t he’ll happily explain and converse with you on the materials. It’s a nice bonding experience special to the both of you.
- The meals! The holidays! All things he also gets to share with you that he hasn’t experienced in so long. He has been out of Germany and at the hotel for a long time, and he really misses the place. You’re like a little piece of home to him, and you remind him of so many great things… A void in his heart that he didn’t even know was there is filled with your company.
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Oooo Morty with a s/o who has dissociative identity disorder and has different plurals? (Maybe s/o’s other plurals also see him romantically?)
Morty with an S/O who has DID
It may take a light conversation to tell him that no, it is nothing like in the movies. Past that, he's real quick to catch on and learn! He for one welcomes you, as this means he has more friends to make!
He thankfully doesn't make a big deal out of it. Though every time a different plural fronts, he is enthusiastically excited to introduce himself and get to know them. He hopes to not be a stranger to the system! He'll also catch you up on anything you may have missed when you come back.
Morty has SO much love to give, when the plurals love him back its the best feeling. At first he's taking notes on everyone's likes and preferences, until eventually it becomes natural to him. He's sure to set aside proper time to ensure that you and the others are loved
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
King MacFrights and S/O who loves horses? They have a collection of horse figurines and a sketchbook of horse drawings.
I could never decide if MacFrights was actually some sort of king or if the whole thing was just an act for the hotel (leaned more towards the first one I think), but now I can’t stop thinking about him struggling to ride an actual horse around due to lack of experience aofjsa
-Mod Pasta
King MacFrights with a S/O Who Loves Horses
-MacFrights likes horses too! Not as much as you do, but he definitely can appreciate a good horse he can ride into battle. He’d love to listen to you talk about your favourite breeds.
-He puts together a horse for you to match the one he has. It may not actually be real, but it’s still cute in its own way, and you’re happy that he put the effort in to make it. Unfortunately, there’s no open field to ride around in on the sixth floor, but you and him can still do so in the arena.
-If you choose to show him your sketchbook, he’d absolutely love it. He’ll point to his favourite drawings and tell you some basic facts about that specific breed that he knows of (usually the things relating to how good or bad they’d be for battle. He’s not an expert in horses overall). He’d ask if you could draw him atop a horse triumphantly waving his sword, and if you agree, you better believe he’s going to keep it forever.
-The sixth floor probably sells some small souvenir action figures of horses, and MacFrights will bring you some of those to add to your collection. He loves looking upon your figurines like they’re trophies of your victories.
-If you’re up for it, he’ll venture out of the hotel with you to go find some actual horses. He’ll bring his sword and shield to protect you along the way, even if they’re probably not needed. You might have to defend him from any vacuums you might encounter along the way – those have all become his sworn enemies since Luigi and he will duel every single one of them.
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Can you do Amadeus with a visual artist s/o?
Amadeus with a Visual Artist S/O
- Having an appreciation for all forms of art, he takes great interest in your work. If you allow him, he would love to watch you at work and ask questions along the way
- Despite your differences in media, you're able to bounce ideas back and forth off of each other. Amadeus sometimes has ideas or suggestions when it comes to your art, and he asks for your thoughts on musical pieces he has in the works. Together you two have a steady cycle of inspiration and growth.
- It's especially fun to collaborate and plan events together! You get to set up your own exhibition and Amadeus plays a concert afterwards. He will gladly open up his floor space to your cause as well, just say the word.
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Steward with a s/o who like video games
Steward with a Gamer S/O
Steward never had much time to play video games... Nor was he ever really good at them. But whenever he has a free moment, he'll try to join you! On rare occasions too some of the goobs may even want to game with you, if you let them. Sometimes a family is you, a ghost, and his multiple hoard of similar looking ghost friends
More often though he'll want to watch you play. Its more fun for him, plus you get to show off your epic gamer skills (or lack there of)! Even if you mess up on something, you two have a good laugh! And Steward will encourage you to try try again.
You two sometimes plan dates where you both just sit in your room and play through a new game or finish one you've been at for a while. Its a huge thing too, with snacks and blankets and all! Steward gets suuper invested in the stories and challenges of puzzles, its a huge celebration whenever you or you both get past something difficult or through a main plot point. He's always looking forward to whatever more games you get!
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Serpci and S/O who does incredible pottery.
Silly anecdote, I got reeaallly really excited and thought this said 'poetry' at first. Thank god I realized this was pottery before I got too much into the poetry stuff! And luckily I know a thing or two about ceramics/clay as well!
— Mod Fish
Serpci with an S/O who does Pottery
She always had other skilled craftsmen make decor and pots for her own palace when she was alive. The details, the attention and care, she finds it all very interesting. And she's very curious to know how the craft has changed since then! She adores admiring and presenting your work whenever possible. If you gift her anything, she'll display it proudly in her room where it'll be safe.
She shares with you old techniques that her artists would use, which may inspire your work too! And she has a great time learning about all the newer tools you have as well. Your wheel is so stable! The different clays are so new! Serpci also still has old pots to help show examples and which you can study from.
Okay do you know that one meme of the super romantic looking pottery scene where the guy tenderly holds the girl while she's working. Please imagine trying to teach Serpci how to make a pot going like that. She's a little adverse to the mess at first, but she ends up having a lot of fun, even if her first pot isn't perfect! That just means she gets to spend more time practicing with you!
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lm3-imagines · 3 years
Morty with a so with depression if you are ok with doing that.
Sure thing! Hope its ok!
— Mod Fish
Morty with an S/O who has Depression
Morty is grateful to have his odd attention span that doesn't allow him to dwell long over his own sadness, and he understands it's not nearly as easy for you. If he hasn't seen you visit in a while, he'll go out of his office to come find you. A little bit of company helps him, so he hopes it'll help you too. Morty is quiet (unless you'd like to hear him ramble, or you to him) and will work on movie scripts while he sits with you
He may not be able to do much as himself, but Morty will do all he can to make himself and his floor as welcoming as possible! He has your favorite snacks in stock and on hand, and he makes a comfort corner in his office just for you, where you're welcome anytime if you need a quiet place to chill.
Morty is a great listener, he'll want to check in on you and help you through your feelings. Life is hard, and he'll offer solutions if he can (and if you want to hear them). He really does love you, and knows you are so much more than your emotions. He's sure to be patient and do his best to help you out in little ways that will benefit you the most.
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