#lmao @ myself being such nct trash even in tags
heebiejbies · 7 years
Drabbles Game!
Update: Closed as of August 9, 2017
So, I’ve collected a list of prompts from around the web that I thought were neat ideas. Therefore, I have decided to do a little drabble/mini-scenario game with them! I will only do one prompt once so I will mark them off as they are requested. The list of groups that can be requested are after the prompts.  A lot of these are AUs because I really love AUs omg.
Here are the prompts:
Instead of having a guardian angel, you have a guardian demon. His methods are often much more violent, but much more straightforward.
Guardian angels are granted a life on Earth for as many years as they keep their assignment alive. Determined to succeed, you set out only to find you’ve been given one of the worst assignments possible.
Greatly over-exaggerate someone opening a Peanut Butter Jar.
You are a serial killer and have been hiding your murders from your spouse. One day, while cleaning up your newest kill, your spouse walks in on you. They calmly raise their hand and say, “It’s okay. I know.”
Your parent is a therapist, and they have recently brought home one of their patients—someone who is deathly afraid of other people. Cue you trying to convince them that you are harmless and wow… They’re also really attractive.
You are depressed, and then become possessed by a very nice ghost. He works to improve your life.
“We met in an online chatroom and you were too afraid to meet me because you are paralyzed from the waist down and didn’t know how I would react.”
You accidentally summon a demon by trying to pronounce Ikea product names.
Most people are born with three names tattooed on their wrist: Their true love, their biggest enemy, and their greatest ally. You only have one name.
Traditionally, vampires could not see their reflection because mirrors were silver-backed. With the invention of aluminum-backed mirrors, a vampire sees their reflection for the first time only to find out they are the ugliest thing they have ever seen.
“You just knocked on my door and I opened it yelling ‘I don’t want any damn cookies’ and you just moved in next door. I’m so sorry”
“You’re the ghost haunting my house and I can’t see you, but I just bought an ouija board so we can talk.”
You have a messaging system built into your body but you can only contact your soulmate.
“Will you stop flirting with me you just got seriously injured and I’m the EMT trying to tend to your wounds in the ambulance, I don’t give a fuck that I look cute when I’m concerned, you’re lucky you’re not dead you dipshit.”
“You’re living in my old apartment and you’re really cool but I’m a ghost and I’m not sure how to hang out with you without scaring you away.”
“Dude, just because I come from a different planet doesn’t mean I can’t understand English. Yes, this does mean I did understand that comment you made about my butt.”
After an incredibly scarring supernatural experience that still had a happy ending from when you were little, you decide to share your true story on the subreddit, “Let’s Not Meet.” Many people read your post and comment on how terrifying it must have been, how disgusting the monster was who put you through such an ordeal at such a young age, etc. However, there was one comment that chilled you to the bone. It said, “I can’t wait to see you again.”
“Of course I’m angry at you! You kept kicking the back of my chair while I was trying to watch the movie!”
“You tried breaking into my apartment when you were drunk because you thought it was yours.”
“You repeatedly come into the store I work at and pick up a head of lettuce then halfway through the store decide you don’t want the lettuce and you put it back on the shelf next to you regardless of what aisle you’re on.”
“We were goofing around with an old ouija board, but now the lights are blinking and there’s a screaming coming from outside of the house, so I think it’s safe to say that we done messed up.”
You find a doll on your doorstep which has a certain something that draws you in; soon after, the doll begins whispering sweet nothings into your ear, like the serpent it was. With its tendrils so deep already, it was easy enough to get you to follow its commands…even if it meant harming your roommate.
You have just moved into a new apartment with your best friend and one night, while you can’t sleep, you see somebody that is definitely not your friend walking through your apartment. Freaked out, you scream and the “person” vanishes. You continue to see and hear this “third person” moving around the apartment at all hours of the day, but your friend continues to tell you that “it’s just the hot water pipes” and that there’s nothing to worry about. You really, really wish that you could believe them, but lately, you have been seeing the mysterious person in your dreams, and it’s determined to not let you sleep while its spirit isn’t at rest.
You are a writer who’s taken a retreat to the mountains to find inspiration for your new romance novel. While up there, you meet a clairvoyant who says that you are in danger. This wouldn’t bother you – you’re not superstitious, that’s silly – but you’re getting the unsettling feeling that something is stalking you.  
You are a detective whose memories of your past decade are fractured. Almost every time you try to recall an event, it seems like something or someone is missing. The only thing you know for sure is that you have a wedding ring, but your partner is nowhere to be found. Someone with unusually pale skin hires you to solve a murder. Soon, you realize that they were the victim of the murder. As you unravel their death, you also come to realize that they are the key to regaining your lost memories.
When you were alive, your favorite place to hang out was in the library, so it only makes sense that you would continue to hang around there even after you had died. The librarian is highly skeptical of the ‘ghostly activity’ that everybody has been reporting – the cold spots are from the drafty building, the whispers are from the patrons, and the creaking is from the old book shelves, obviously. One night, while shelving books, they accidentally bump into the ghostly form of you.
A few days back, you got bitten by a vampire and since then, you’ve been holed up in your room going through the painful transformation from human to undead. Coming out of your room, you are ravenous and ready to flee into the night to find something to feed on – but that’s right as your roommate walks through the front door.
It’s nighttime and you made the foolish mistake to walk home alone. With your knife at the ready, you are jumping at every shadow and small sound, so when a stranger emerges silently from the gloom, your first reaction is to stab them in the chest. They are a hungry vampire who was trying to find a bite to eat when they accidentally bump into you and find a knife protruding from their chest. It won’t kill them but golly it hurts and they sure are angry now.
You are working at a funeral home, and you’ve been given the task of putting makeup on a cadaver. This doesn’t really squick you out, but while you’re adding some more blush to their cheeks, their eyes snap open. They are a new vampire that’s been mistaken for dead. Opening their eyes, they are expecting to see their sire leaning over them, not the horrified face of you.
“I mean, yes I’m technically immortal, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t still feel pain! Getting stabbed really hurts! Rude!”
You have recently moved into a new house, and you’ve had a weird bout of bad luck recently. From almost falling down the stairs, to leaving the stove on, to forgetting to lock the door at night, you just can’t believe how sour your first few weeks have been. Unbeknownst to you, there is a ghost haunting your house, and they’re convinced that you are their old nemesis/ex-lover/killer/etc. and is hellbent on making you pay for hurting them. Unfortunately for them, they don’t have the ability to do much more than give you small shoves and be a general nuisance.
You aren’t special, you’re just a regular human trying to live your life and stay out of trouble, but when you do a kind act for a stranger, it turns out that you helped an angel in disguise, and now they are your temporary guardian angel. This would be cool, except they are nauseatingly helpful and it’s driving you up the wall.
You feel like you’re dating the perfect person.They’re smart, funny, and they honestly care about what you have to say. When they tell you that they’ve been keeping a huge secret, you weren’t sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t: “I’m an angel on Earth.”
“Yeah, I’m dead. In the beginning, I was all like, ‘Oh no I’m dead this is so tragic’ but now I’m all like ‘dude I can float and go through walls, this is amazing’ and anyway, hi, this is – or was – my house. What’s your name?”
While moving into your new home, you receive an ominous warning from your neighbor that your apartment/house/dorm room/etc. is haunted. On the first night – thoroughly spooked and ready to fight any ghostly apparitions – you walk into your living room, only to find someone standing there, criticizing your furniture and decorating options. No matter how many times you put your furniture back in place, they always move it, insisting that it looks much better.
“In a completely hypothetical situation, if I told you that, I don’t know, that the roommate I found on Craigslist turned out to be a ghost, what would you say? It sounds crazy, right? Like, ghosts can’t start an eBay store out of their room and pay rent…but apparently, they can.”
You are a firm non-believer in anything relating to religion, the supernatural, or anything that cannot be proven by hard science. There is a ghost that’s been haunting you for what feels like ages, and they are so fed up with your “too cool for ghouls” attitude. When you advertise that you’re in need of a roommate to split the rent with, a self-proclaimed medium takes up the offer. Upon meeting you and your ghostly roommate, and feeling all of the bad energy between you two, the medium dedicates themselves to doing a sort of “couples therapy” for you and helping you realize that yes, ghosts really do exist.*
You are a magic user who is trying to summon a low-level demon. Suddenly, in the middle of the summoning, you are shaken by an earthquake and almost crushed by one of your falling bookshelves, but the demon appears just at the right time, pulling you out of the way, and saving your life.
You are a ghost who has chosen to stay in the house/apartment/etc. where you died. About a decade later, someone moves into your old house/apartment/etc.; you are annoyed with this turn of events, and get back at them by playing small pranks on them – leaving plastic camels all over the place, taping Shrek’s face onto photographs, removing the labels off of canned goods, etc.
When you finally break your old phone, you drive to try to buy a second-hand iPhone off of Craigslist. Everything seems to be in order, except when you start receiving text messages from the past owner.
You are a DJ that drowns out your anxieties in the heavy, thumping bass at the club where you work. Most nights, you are too engrossed in your work to really pay attention to what’s happening on the dance floor, but at the same time, it’s hard to miss what a certain someone’s hips are doing when they clear out the dance floor. They have been dying to get the attention of the cute, stoic DJ. After a night of extreme partying, they are getting ready to hang up their dancing shoes when you walk up to them.
You are a hit man that has planned on getting close to your latest target, by inviting them out on a date. While out on this date though, you are actually really impressed by them and aren’t sure if you’re okay with going through with the job.
You feed off of affection…literally. Without love and attention, you will wither away. In order to stay healthy and strong, you have a string of people you’re not-quite dating so that you can cuddle on a regular basis, but you make sure not to develop serious feelings for any of them. It’s been working pretty well. Then you fall in love with the least affectionate person ever.
You are a scientist, and you hear about a series of experiments being done on a rare mermaid. Out of curiosity, you go to visit the mermaid in its tank and you see how miserable it is.
After going on a lovely date with someone, you think that the two of you really hit it off and can’t wait for a second date…but they never text you back. After a few weeks, you assume that you’ve been ghosted – meaning they weren’t interested and are ignoring you – and move on. Unbeknownst to you, they actually died, and their spirit can’t move on since they have unfinished business on Earth.
When you move out of your family’s house and into a small apartment, you realize that the apartment is haunted by a spirit who, after learning that you aren’t going to drive them out—it’s pretty cool to have a ghost for a roommate—finds infinite enjoyment in mapping out your romance life with two other people—their best friend and older brother.*
“So the world is being invaded by aliens and the only way to tell the difference between a real human and a human imposter is by shining a bright light in their eyes, so hold still and let me put my flashlight up to your face. Stop struggling! You’re not making a convincing case for yourself!”
“It’s been like ten years since we made alien contact and while it’s weird to have been chosen to foster an alien in my house, it’s not as bad as you would think; it’s weird, but in a cool way.”
You have recently been crowned as the new ruler of your country, and you’re throwing a masquerade ball to celebrate. With all of the guests in fancy outfits and masks, you are able to slip away from the crowds of people and take a stroll through the empty gardens, which is where you meet an assassin that’s been hired to kill you. Arriving at the ball in formal attire, they follow you out to the garden, saying that they want to make sure that you are feeling okay. They had planned on this being an easy beginner’s assignment – with the mask covering their face, they’re practically anonymous – but as you begin to open up about your apprehensions about taking the throne, they aren’t sure that they can go through with killing you.
You and your boyfriend are actually the same height, but you love to wear shoes with a heel and like to annoy your boyfriend with short jokes when you are both out.
“Listen, I love you and all, but can you please stop hiding all the good junk food on the top shelves where I can’t see them?”
You grew up in an environment where you weren’t offered very much affection as a child and now that you’re older, you have a lot of trouble conveying any emotions outside apathy, sarcasm, and being mildly interested in something. But after befriending an extremely lovey and affectionate person, you begin to fall hard for them. Awkward romance shenanigans ensue as you get flustered over hand holding and hugging because affection is relatively alien to you.
“We’re both psychology majors, and it’s great and all that we know everything about the topic, but it would be awesome if you could stop diagnosing me with being a dick - it’s unnecessary and definitely not a legitimate condition.”
“You found me crying in Barnes & Noble and thought that I was reading a sad book so you tried to comfort me but really I was just super happy that the dog didn’t die at the end.”
As your New Year’s resolution, you are trying to kick your addiction – to substances, adrenaline, shopping, crime, etc. – and every time you feel the need to indulge again, you go out and buy a house plant. Soon your apartment is filled with plants and you’ve become close friends with the gardener who has been selling you plants and giving you tips on how to take care of the different plants.
You don’t think that you’re an attractive person – and maybe you’re not – but to them, the literal grim reaper, you are one of the most beautiful people that they’ve ever seen. Cue them purposely going out of their way to extend your lifespan and to make your life a little better for them.
“I’ve killed 89 members of the royal family in my time on this Earth, but NEVER have I met one target as impetuous as this one. They quite literally saw my grappling hook catch their windowsill then just sauntered over with a pair of nail clippers and snipped the rope, waiting until they heard the *THUD* of me hitting the ground, then proceeded to turn on their iPod and blast “Oops, I Did It Again.” …I’m going to murder this brat until they are absolutely and completely dead, you mark my words.”
“If you put that needle in my arm, you’ll be losing much more than your medical license, my friend.”
You love to watch the night’s sky, and one night, while looking up at the stars, you see a blindingly bright light streak across the sky, and land in the woods/a park/a lake/the desert/etc. near your house. Going to inspect what just fell, you find a softly glowing figure that’s safely nestled inside of a smoking, broken asteroid.
“My familiar keeps wandering underneath my porch and won’t come out unless I beg it to. I’ve been wondering why it has spent so much time under there these past few weeks and I found my answer when I went looking myself only to find another person’s familiar cowering in the dirt.”
After you inherit a box of antiques from your deceased grandparent, you discover an antique mirror that holds the soul of a 1900′s show performer. Even though the two of you are separated by almost a century, you find out that you have more similarities than you would expect (and they give great makeup advice.)
“I know I probably look like just another predator or scientist or something that’s going to hurt you, but I promise, I only want to help you and get you off the streets.”
You are a history buff, and while looking through an old textbook, there’s a picture of a portrait that happens to catch your eye. Not just because the person in the portrait is really attractive, but because the person looks exactly like your roommate.
Your roommate is notoriously tough and strong and one day is frightened by a cockroach. They yell for you who comes running to the rescue, only to find yourself slipping on the wet bathroom floor. This ends in, shall we say, quite the awkward landing.
“You are in fact the worst burglar I have ever seen!” “How many burglars have you seen???” “Exactly!”
“Okay, I know I told you I’m an alien and everything but I swear to god if you try to get me to say ‘greetings earthling’ I will punch you. Of course no one says that! What is this an ‘80s film?!”
“I don’t know what would’ve been worse, me finding a bear in my kitchen at 4 AM eating all my food or a cute alien eating all my food at 4 AM.”
“I got hunted down and dragged out of hiding and now I’m in some scary lab (pretty sure I’m about to be dissected) but just before the operation, this scientist came in to check if everything was alright. Wait what… you’re unhooking me from the machine now we’re running away out of the science lab? Man, maybe humans aren’t that shitty after all.”
“I lost my cat a few days ago and I saw you carrying my cat in your purse and and you looked intimidating so I couldn’t ask for them back.”
“You come to the pet shop every day and look at the dogs but whenever I ask, you say you don’t want one… But you keep coming in. Are you sure you don’t want one because that one time I let you hold a puppy you nearly cried.”
“I’m babysitting this kid in the park but a dog startled him and he dropped his ice cream, I can’t believe you bought him a new one that was so sweet of you.”
“My pet tarantula escaped and I forgot to warn the guy below me who is scared of spiders.”
“I need you to pet sit my pet this weekend and I forgot to mention it’s a giant snake, the mice are in the freezer, thanks bye!”
“One of my neighbors went blind as a teenager and he’s never asked me what I looked like until today and I completely lied to him about what I looked like.”
“My stupid cat sneaked out on the balcony and into your open window and he has this habit of destroying furniture and peeing everywhere so I followed him inside and you came home earlier than I expected and found me in the middle of your living room but I swear I’m not a burglar okay.”
“So you’re the asshole that took my username.”
“I rented the apartment above your flower shop and in the last two months you’ve gotten a new flower I’m allergic to so I keep buying bouquets until I can figure out which kind it is”
“Um, hi, I know how this looks but I promise you I’m not a burglar. I’m a celebrity from a foreign country and as I was being chased by fans, I saw your garden so I hopped your fence to hide in your plants and I’m so sorry that I crushed so many of them but please don’t make me leave yet.”
“We met in a movie theatre and now you’re clinging to me because you’re terrified and I’m okay with that because it means I get your popcorn.”’
*For these with more than one character mentioned, you can request more than one person. 
The list of groups I will do for these are as follows:
Big Bang
Block B
EXO (OT12 s/o to my first love Tao)
Monsta X
NCT 127
NCT Dream
VIXX (Closed)
So, yeah, you can send those in! If you have any questions, feel free to ask~
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negrowhat · 3 years
Hello :3 I saw your blog answering anons on the timeline, so a random A.C.E rant from a somewhat new Choice is coming if you’re ready. I’m not actually mad typing this all down but I’m frustrated and trying to find ways out to make A.C.E bigger with my social media managing/marketing/business lectures I’ve had in the past lol. Sorry if this is long but I need to hear opinions other than mine </3
I’m also an ARMY and saw a thread called “Jimin Being Tiny” and it was a bunch of pics him being cute and I enjoyed it so much. Now if I wanted to do the same for Byeongkwan for example, I know more than the half of the Choice fandom will literally be threatening me just because I called him small (FOR THE REASONS OF AN IDOL ACTING CUTE FOR THE FANS AND NOT THAT I DON’T RECOGNISE HIS STRENGTH). A populer choice on twitter would say “don’t call byeongkwan tiny he doesn’t like it” and others literally will be okay with it like they know as if byeongkwan is their cousin. I just know for a fact this fandom is so focused on attacking others AMONGST THE FANDOM and that is exactly why we can’t grow. It’s almost like popular choice accounts are gatekeeping A.C.E. Everyone is afraid of being cancelled and don’t talk about A.C.E on social media other than saying they are “talented” and “underrated”. They are very talented indeed, but Choice needs to understand that could be the least of marketing in the Kpop industry- especially if you don’t have a bigger company. Beat Ceo-nim is not doing the best job to promote them already, they almost never get a use of social media, when it basically is where everyone is into now. TXT for example, got so much attention just from several Tiktoks, promoting their music or hopping onto trends. They ain’t showing titties or anything, just some dances and songs. I mean A.C.E are already showing tits with this comeback lmao. I believe they have such hidden gems and would make a great use of them on the social media entering the trends. I know it’s not up to them, but it would’ve been so much better reaching out to new people. Another thing. I love their music, but as a BL lover, i first got into them with Wowkwan. Then, on a q&a their manager(?) says “Wowkwan is a fantasy, not real” (*screams* what was the reasonnnnn) and everyone in the fandom suddenly was against wowkwan and was “protecting boys” from the “rumors.” They won’t understand no one ships idols romantically already like it’s all about cute interactions and being close and the rest is up to imagination as any fan would do. For instance I can’t think anything like this happening to Woo/San from Ateez or Chan/Lix from Skz. I’m so upset about this lol. I love A.C.E and i’m an OT5, but we almost never get unit or OT5 interactions (the hotel room and the Christmas vlive were exceptions). For BTS, you could find millions of moments they give us as friendship moments or emotional moments with each other as a team, but I feel like A.C.E falls more into the individualistic category, where it’s important for every each of them to shine, rather than as a team. I’m not saying they don’t care about the team, they care about each other a lot and you can feel this from the letters they wrote each other or on that Sehyoon birthday vlive, I just don’t think they have enough interactions or moments that they showed a lot of emotions. It makes me question if they are not fully comfortable with each other or rather, stopping themselves from acting too much in front of the camera. Are they friends, or a team that was formed for a job? Junhee often talks about how being an idol is a job, but people on social media are on the social media just because they want to see the emotions they haven’t had the chance to feel irl. We already have struggles as international fans with A.C.E cause of the language barrier, unlike for example SKZ or NCT, we just need to understand as a fandom that this is a competition for A.C.E in the industry, and gatekeeping content or constantly fighting each other isn’t helping. For a win, we need to be promoting a bit more out of our comfort zone (also Beat Ceo-nim please hear me out) and stop being mad to each other for things like calling members positive adjectives, for liking an interaction between members or even for not streaming.
I'm pretty new to the fandom myself and haven't encountered any toxicity yet, but I've also only talked to Tumblr CHOICE. I know all the toxic stans play on the Twitter playground because it's a more popular platform and they'll have a greater chance of being seen to spread their negativity.
I feel like if you want to make a soft Byeongkwan thread on the bird app then by all means please do. There's going to be antis on the platform no matter what kind of thread you make. It doesn't matter how you word it, it's gonna offend someone. The antis are loud on Twitter on purpose. Their job is to push down the positive and bring up the negative.
I also don't really know how promos go for A.C.E. This was my very first comeback for them so I didn't know what to expect, and since they're from a small company it wouldn't have been fair of me to compare the quality to a group from the Big 3 or BigHit.
I mean they did a pretty great job with promotions prior to dropping the album and title, but I do know they they did a trash job of preparing CHOICE for when the actual song would drop. I remember seeing a lot of upset stans in the tag. Also I didn't know that they would only drop the MV on 1theK and not their own channel. Usually with MVs they're posted on 1theK as well as their own channel so there is dual exposure and more views. So that was pretty negligent too. IDK if A.C.E will be promoting a full month on music shows or just a couple of weeks.
I agree that TikTok would be a good platform for A.C.E as well as any kpop idol to promote on just because it's literally the most popular platform right now and they could be working on making one or maybe the members don't want a TikTok, honestly there's no real way of knowing about anything like that.
As far as interactions. I know nothing of the ships except maybe DongJun because they hang out a lot together. Also fans being mad about certain member interactions in a group is a toxic tale that's old as time. It happens in every fandom so I'm not surprised but what I've learned is that fans don't really dictate who interacts with whom, though it may seem that way to some stans. A.C.E spends most of their time with each other so they're not just going to stop interacting with a member because some immature and spoiled fan said it's messing with their ship.
I never really noticed a lack of ot5 content, but then again I don't really watch any lives of any idols because I don't have the time. I do know that both Byeongkwan and Sehyoon have taken personal hiatuses to work on their mental health so that could be a reason for lack of ot5 content. This job is stressful if not overwhelming most times, maybe some alone time is just something they really need to keep going. It doesn't matter if they're real friends or not (it's not really my place to say. Tho I think they are actual friends). Maybe one or more members is too tired to do a group live or maybe they're doing something else that they rarely have time to do. A lot of factors could go into why there may be a lack of ot5 content. That also could be a reason why they don't have personal IG/Twitter accounts. I could go on and on about possible reasons.
I'm sorry I'm not much help in these matters, my judgment is very impartial these days. I try not to be where any of the negativity is because it ruins things for me.
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maetaamong · 7 years
Ninety-Two Truths Tag
Tagged by the power couple @achuu-nice​ and @lipstick-chathao​
Rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged
drink: I tried making a black sesame latte tonight and it failed miserably so I made a cup of miso soup and drank that  phone call: I don’t really call people??? On my phone it was my horse riding coach, and on Skype it was my friend Jordan and @undinefin​  
text message: Phone: “okay” and Skype: “wow I love him” (I was referring to NCT’s Doyoung lmao) song you listened to: new by LOONA time you cried: mmm a few days ago because of something my mom said???
dated someone twice: mmmm I don’t think so been cheated on: thankfully no kissed someone and regretted it: nope, but I have kissed someone and gotten into deep shit for it lost someone special: ...Jonghyun 
been depressed: I’ve had my fair share of low points but I always manage to bounce back up, so I’d personally say no been drunk and thrown up: I only just tried alcohol for the first time a few days ago (it was 4% and was with my mom let me live, I’m a smol)
made a new friend: I’ve made so many new friends in this past year, both online and offline, and wow I love you guys so much 
fallen out of love: a couple times 
met someone who changed you: I’d probably have to say @lipstick-chathao​ and @undinefin​ both for many many amazing reasons but thIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR SAPPINESS found out who your true friends are: definitely found out someone was talking about you: I don’t have any vivid memories of that happening (at least not good ones haha)
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: I know just four 
do you have any pets?: one Portuguese water dog, one Egyptian uromastyx, and one horse (she’s mixed idk her breed okay) do you want to change your name?: ahh I really like my real name, its kinda weird and kind of a mouthful but I think it suits me what time did you wake up this morning: 8am in a full blown panic cause class started in 25 minutes 
what were you doing last night: doing homework something you cannot wait for: moving out :) 
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: lmao yes, a guy at my past school was named Tommy what’s getting on your nerves right now: my mom 
blood type: - O 
nickname: Kiki or Kinki 
relationship status: single and Cuddle Horny™ zodiac sign: gemini 
pronouns: she/her
 favourite show: Black Mirror!! (I’d addicted send help) college: theres one that I have in mind that I really want to go to but my parents don’t support it so ehhh 
hair colour: think of golden, sun-dried hay... yeah that 
do you have a crush on someone: kpop? yes, his name is Kim Hanbin. irl? maybe... shhhh 
what do you like about yourself: ...I like how quick I am to learn things??
first surgery: when I was bitten in the face by a dog and had to get my nose fixed 
first piercing: I don’t have an piercings... needles are scary 
first sport you joined: oh god, I’ve been doing sports since I could breath. But if we’re thinking team sports then I’d say soccer 
first vacation: Cozumel first pair of sneakers: again, been doing sports since I could breath (not even kidding, my parents were the ones to bring their rolly-polly babies to the pool to dunk them in the water swim) so I have no clue
eating: I’m not eating anything currently but I finished making myself a lunch for tomorrow about half an hour ago and tried a fish ball 
i’m about to: go to sleep after I finish these tumblr tags 
listening to: LOVE ME by iKON want kids: most likely, but in the future. I’m only sixteen lmao get married: I’d love to get married someday. I love love 
career: currently I am a high school student, but someday I’d love to get into horse training, breeding, or showing
lips or eyes: lips, I’m a sucker for kisses 
shorter or taller: from a romantic perspective, I love tall boys and short girls troublemaker or hesitant: troublemakers are more fun in my eyes 
older or younger: either! 
romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous, more fun that way
 sensitive or loud: somewhere in between 
hookup or relationship: relationship, I need a cuddle buddy not a fuck buddy
kissed a stranger: yep drank hard liquor: nope 
lost contacts/glasses: I wear neither sex on first date: I’m still a virgin 
broken someone’s heart: yes I have been arrested: nope, I’m a good child 
turned someone down: assuming we’re talking about being asked out, then yes... a few times fallen for a friend: unfortunately so
in yourself: deep down I do, but sometimes I falter and don’t miracles: nope :) 
love at first sight: I believe in infatuation at first sight
I’ll tag my crew (even tho I’m sure some/most of you have already been tagged) @thedaysix @undinefin @busanschubs@cinnagyeom-roll @llavkey @sambashua @jinglehoonie @seventeen-teen-teen-trash @astrayminho @jeongn @smittenbyschmidt and @joy-bangtan
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sierahrt-blog · 7 years
tagged by @daestopiaa ^.^ 10 songs i’m vibing to! (if i can remember 10 bc. ye.)
1. B.A.P. - Honeymoon (honestly is this even a surprise)
2. B.A.P - All the way up (what a surprise, huh)
3. Sunmi - Gashina (THIS SONG IS EVERYTHING OK i’ll probably try to learn the choreo when i’m not being lazy or when the heat doesn’t make me feel like shit when i move one (1) limb ok)
4. Zayn ft. Sia - Dusk Till Dawn (sticks in a song that’s not kpop i confess i only listened to this bc sia (i freaking love sia ok) and it turned out to be p good so here i am)
5. Halsey - Don’t Play (i’m halsey trash, and i rediscovered this by like the 10th time yesterday when i was randomly listening to music and i. i still love it ok)
6. NCT Dream - We Young (THEYRE SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEE and the song is so cute it gives me so much peace like i just spent five hours watching funny videos and have laughed the life off myself so i just sit there blissfully with a dumb smile on my face. love it)
7. GOT7 - If you do (forever mood. idk why i love this song so much and why it gets stuck to my head every single sunday, and today’s sunday and it’s stuck to my head again. welp. what kind of magic is this)
8. Exo - Power (i don’t know............ sometimes it gets stuck to my head and i wonder........ why. sm sure has a talent of coming up with songs that easily get stuck to your head............)
9. Kesha - Woman (a bop. that’s all you need to know)
and that’s it. lmao. i can’t think of a 10th one, i’m sorr y (but i’m actually surprised i managed to get this far wow) anyway that’s it, and i’m not tagging anyone ^.^ but if you got to this part, hope you have a nice week :3
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konowhore · 7 years
PD101 Get To Know Me Tag
tagged by @daehwi-protection-squad and @darkpastwoojin (thanks for tagging me ^ ^)
Name: Summer 
Nickname: Sunny, Sun, Sum, Summy (all of you can call me that i guess but i usually hate it when ppl i don’t know do this)
Age: 15 (02′ liner)
Star Sign: Taurus
Height: 5′ 3.5″ - 5′ 4″ = 163-165 cm (i used google for this but 5.3 ft would be like 5′ 3″ right?? plus i’m tall for being an asian girl my age lmao)
Sexual Orientation: bi? straight? Figuring myself out these days 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor i guess (lowkey slytherin???)
Favourite Colour: That sea green-blue. It’s absolutely stunning 
Average Hours of Sleep: I’d say 3 hours maybe idk I’ve had like 10 hours of sleep before lmao
Number of Blankets: 2 because my fluffy one is my pillow (but mostly 0 because it’s hot)
Favourite Singer/Band: None because it’s super hard to choose. My top singer like a vocalist though? Probably Lee Taeil. He’s just one of my favorite singers in kpop. Band, probably... I’m not sure. To be completely honest, I stan too many groups to pick one. But if I really had to, probably SEVENTEEN. (they literally do it all. seriously.)
Dream Trip: Being me, I would say South Korea, like Jeju Island. But I really want to go to a place with waterfalls. They are so beautiful. Along with those kind of places, I’d like to go to Hawaii. 
Dream Job: Unrealistically, a Korean singer (I feel like I’d enjoy it more than in the US??? idek if that makes sense). Realistically, a stylist (like for fashion) or an author)
When Was Your Blog Created: Last month. Four weeks ago???
Current # of Followers: 495????????????????????? WHY DO YOU GUYS LIKE MY BLOG?? IM TRASH
What Made You Create Your Tumblr: Because I just really got into PD101. And I already knew the Tumblr basics by then because I have an SF9/Multi-Fandom acc. ( @sunny-feeling-9) and an NCT blog ( @nctdreamwithme ). 
I will tag @kpoppoopie @produce101bias @justkiddingitskris @wannaoneioi @seonnho @extraongdinary
Feel free to just read this or join in on the tag! ^ ^
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peachyhyvck · 7 years
tagged by @sunny-feeling-9 thanks babe (’:
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 ppl…
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my brother called me and asked me to drop some stuff off at his friend’s house for him 3. Text message: I just pulled in! (to my mama) 4. Song you listened to: Young Dumb & Broke - Khalid
5. Time you cried: last night because I was watching a really sad youtube vid (Idk why???)
6. Dated someone twice: kinda? I mean we broke up for 3 hours then got back together... so idk if that counts or not.... 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: sadly, yeah //: 8. Been cheated on: nope (knock on wood......) 9. Lost someone special: my great grandma passed away when I was 9... that was fucking hard.... 10. Been depressed: when am I not 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nah I don't drink 
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: blue, black & grey
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yep! 16. Fallen out of love: nope 17. Laughed until you cried: pretty much every time I laugh 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah, my damn coworker !!! 19. Met someone who changed you: indeed (’: 20. Found out who your friends are: pretty much an ongoing thing for the past 3 years,,, 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: do my parents count ???
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them 23. Do you have any pets: I have a dog (a Boston Terrier) named Buddy!
24. Do you want to change your name: nah, i'm good. I like my name! 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: spent the day at softball practice and celebrated with my family 26. What time did you wake up: 12pm oops 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: probably scrolling through Tumblr and listening to music 28. Name something you can’t wait for: my anxiety to calm the fuck down and let me be at peace for like,, a second (’: 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: literally 10 mins ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: not being lazy/stop procrastinating 31. What are you listening right now: Summer 127 - NCT 127 !!!! 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: omg yes and he’s the biggest fuckboy I've ever met.... 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: myself lmao 34. Most visited Website: tumblr and youtube 35. Elementary: finished 36. High School: gonna be a senior yo 37. College: jfc dont even talk about college to me rn 38. Haircolor: naturally dark brown but I've gotten blonde highlights and I think I'm gonna get more whoop whoop 39. Long or short hair: long (I look like an egg with short hair) 40. Do you have a crush on someone: does my bias count? 41. What do you like about yourself: my sense of humor, my ability to give good advice/make people feel better, and my caring/loving nature (’: 42. Piercings: my ears are pierced 43. Bloodtype: I'm actually not sure...?  44. Nickname: ali, al, aya, ayaboo, ayabee, aligal, aligirl, aligator, etc. 45. Relationship status: singleee 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: law & order: svu, king of queens, Chicago PD, golden girls, etc 49. Tattoos: none but I definitely want some in the future!
50. Right or left: right 51. Surgery: I got my tonsils and adenoids removed when I was in first grade 52. Piercing: didn't I just answer this ?? 53. Sport: softball/baseball 55. Vacation: South Korea or Italy 56. Pair of trainers: air jordans (I stole them from my brother lol)
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: W A T E R M E L O N !!!!!
58. Drinking: water, milk or apple snapple 59. I’m about to: try and get some of my damn requests done 61. Waiting for: me to stop stressing over every little thing in life and take a damn breath 62. Want: to be genuinely happy and stress-free 63. Get married: hopefully by mid to late twenties 64. Career: as of now I'm a hostess, but my dream job is to be a behavioral analyst (criminal profiler) for the FBI !!!
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: I'm a sucker for skinship so why not both (’: 66. Lips or eyes: well, I love a pretty smile, but if your eyes draw me in, I'm done for... so imma go with eyes 67. Shorter or taller: probs taller 68. Older or younger: hmmm older? tbh I don't really care about age. If I like ya, I like ya 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: honestly I could care less. I look at personality rather than appearance 71. Sensitive or loud: I'm gonna say both 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship, hands down 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: urrrr both, again?
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: Ive had champagne, but not hard liquor 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yeah... 77. Turned someone down: yeah... a few different times.... and it makes me feel so bad omg 78. Sex in the first date: woah no thank you 79. Broken someones heart: I sure hope not ?? 80. Had your heart broken: at the time I thought so... but no lmao 81. Been arrested: no, thank god 82. Cried when someone died: yeah )’: 83. Fallen for a friend: yes... AND I STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST IT !!!!
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: at times.... but it’s a work in progress 85. Miracles: yeah, sure? 86. Love at first sight: ehh no 87. Santa Claus: ho ho no see what I did there (; 88. Kiss in the first date: sure, go ahead and lay one on me 89. Angels: very much so, yes (’:
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Aubrey and Adriana
91. Eyecolor: get ready... they’re mostly green, a little brown, with a grey rim on the outside, and on some days theres even a little bit of yellow in there, as well !!! 92. Favorite movie: oh god I have too many... if I had to pick one, probably Bad Boys 2 YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT IT’S SO DAMN FUNNY 
I’m tagging: @houseofvmin @rook-10 @jae-yoonie @mystic-astro-trash @b00mingsystem @chittaporno @thereisnofuckingreason @secretlymadeoutofcups @nctreacting @markhyuck-is-real-af @smoltaek
if you've already done this, or just don't want to, then ignore this and sorry for bothering you !!!
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heejinsgf · 7 years
get to know me tag?? i think
Tagged by @12moonas ♡ 
This is probably going to be wayyy too detailed… oops? Some more nsfw things will be under the cut (it’s also super long for this blog i’m very very sorry :< )
Drink: water !!! stay hydrated, kids
Phone call: asking my mom to rescue me pick me up
Text message: replying to my close?? best?? friend after a rant about her day
Song you listened to: Sogyeokdong by Seotaiji, sung by IU ♡
Time you cried: last night because i felt really sick :(
Dated someone twice: two times zero is still zero !!!
Kissed someone and regretted it: what is kissing
Been cheated on: what are relationships
Lost someone special: my first dog, Percy. I miss you so much, bud.
Been depressed: this morning when i found out someone i knew had passed away this year…
Gotten drunk and thrown up: I Am Underage. Only adults can vomit, obviously.
(idk if the last five were supposed to be under “THE LAST” category but… i’m just rollin with it)
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: (surprise surprise i’m canadian yes i spell favourite colours with the u’s)
Blue (my dog’s name too)
Made new friends: yep!
Fallen out of love: what is love
Laughed until you cried: probably lmao
Found out someone was talking about you: nope?
Met someone who changed you: ok i didn’t meet them, but i’ve become a big fan of the chinese women’s national volleyball team i’d say they (esp. certain fave players) have definitely changed me
Found out who your friends are: idk? what are friends
Kissed someone on your Facebook list: n o
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them :D don’t talk to strangers, kids
Do you have any pets: my lil pup, blue ♡
Do you want to change your name: no?? Candy is easy and memorable lol, although i can’t say the same for my last name…
What did you do for your last Birthday: uhh i was probably drowning in either physics or bio :/ my bday’s during exam season
What time did you wake up: i woke up multiple times (damn you, you weird illness thingy), but meant to wake up at 7AM to watch China play Russia in the FIVB Grand Prix Preliminaries 2017 :D (China won!!! the match was so close it was magnificent)
What were you doing at midnight last night: either trying to sleep or rewatching the previous day’s China vs. Italy volleyball match lol. i am a piece of trash, i know :<
Name something you can’t wait for: my two week break before school begins!!!! *cries*
When was the last time you saw your mom: two hours ago??
What are you listening right now: NCT’s Cherry Bomb :3 but Neon Bunny’s New Moon is next !!!
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: who is tom
Something that is getting on your nerves: that nakamoto yuta’s vocals are not appreciated fully ://
Most visited website: messenger.com ;)
Elementary school: too many to remember
High school: a self-paced school in ontario
College: i want to get into a health sci program at either the University of Toronto, or McMaster University :)
Hair colour: black woot woot
Long or short hair: ok well i have an undercut with long hair because it’s super thick, so i guess it’s sort of half and half lmao
Do you have a crush on someone: someone i know personally? n o. someone halfway across the globe? Yan Ni, Ding Xia, and Zheng Yixin currently :)
What do you like about yourself: I’d say i’m a good student, friendly, and um… i don’t give a shit about my appearance so that saves a lot of stress 
Piercings: I DON’T HAVE ANY BUT i really want to get some this summer (a single, !!uninfected!! helix ring or stud is my dream)
Blood type: idk :(
Nickname: is Candy not enough of a nickname already
Relationship status: been single for 16 years and 1 month!! (i was born in june 2001, do the math)
Pronouns: she/her
Favourite TV Show: ATLA !!!!!!
Tattoos: nah. too much commitment lmao
Right or left handed: right !!! 
Past surgeries: nonono 
Piercing: why is this here again
Do you play any sports: welp i used to do badminton, running, and long jump but nahhh
Vacation: i’ve never been on a vacation in my life :) !!! BUT I’M GOING TO MONTREAL THIS OCTOBER TO SEE THE ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS i am so blessed (kohei and kenzo and songsong pls stay healthy)
Pair of trainers: what does this even mean??? If it’s asking if i have a pair of running shoes, then yes i have multiple, but i have to get new ones and orthotics from a podiatrist soon, so :/ who knows
Eating: love it!!! buy me a roast duck, cherry tomatoes, and/or cheesecake, and i will love you forever
Drinking: i now see what they mean by “more general” now lmao. well i basically drink water 24/7
I’m about to: procrastinate on do hw :/
Waiting for: life to sort itself out ??
Want: stable income, a career i enjoy, health for me and the people i care about, healthy pets, fun experiences, a less… vile world, being able to safely come out
Get married: idk bud
Career: health profession
Hugs or kisses: idk i’ve done neither as far as i can remember
Lips or eyes: i think both are great and some can be very pretty, buuuttt it’s really hard for me to look people in the eyes so i’m gonna have to say lips lmao
Shorter or taller: doesn’t matter :)  (but i’m like 5 feet tall so they’d probably be taller anyways)
Older or younger: uhhhh
Nice arms or nice stomach: I Am Obsessed with hands, wrists, and forearms !!! is that a kink
the ~rest~ under the cut lol
Sensitive or loud: what
Hook up or relationship: idk but both sound great when done right lol
Troublemaker or hesitant: what
Kissed a stranger: noooo
Drank hard liquor: noooo
Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes :< had to spend a day walking around in a blurry mess
Turned someone down: noooo
Sex in the first date: what
Broken someones heart: what
Had your heart broken: look i have had z e r o relationships o k aa ayy
Been arrested: noooo
Cried when someone died: once, for my dog Percy 
Fallen for a friend: for like 2 days ok
Yourself: y-yes?
Miracles: idk
Love at first sight: i dkdkd kdk kk
Santa Claus: who is that
Kiss in the first date: that doesn’t sound too bad ??
Angels: what are those
Current best friend’s name: V******* aka vanilla bean
Eye colour: dark brown?? i srsly can’t even look myself in the eye in the mirror OTL
Favourite movie: i don’t watch movies?? do the last 4 episodes of ATLA count lmao
ok so idk who to tag, so whoever wants to have fun, just go with it!! also, if you read this entire thing… i am so sorry lmao
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