#lmk if there's something more you'd like to know or if that up there clarified nothing
stars-and-darkness · 9 months
Hello hello! Your kc autumn exchange gifter here - I am VERY excited by your request and can't wait to get to work. For brain storming purposes, there are a few spots I'd like specifics on:
Please rank the original siblings in order of most to least favorite (Klaus will obvs be featured no matter where he ranks lol) - you can choose to include Freya and Henrik if you wish
If I can account for most of your likes (humor, angst with happy ending, banter; original sibling relationship; Caroline's relationship with Liz) - how important in that case would it being canon compliant be? I have ideas that require some liberty but are filled with original sibling hijinks
No human au overall, but how would you feel about either of these scenarios: Caroline as a human with the rest of the originals as the vamps they are OR Caroline as a vampire but flashbacks to when she was human
For the relationship with Liz - is it necessary she be alive, or can she have passed but be fondly remembered and a significant portion of Caroline's life and relevant to her characterization? While also not making it a fic centered around grief, just getting your feelings on this
All this to say your ask is WONDERFUL and I'm so excited to create something you'll love!
i cannot believe you're making me rank the originals. that's like making me pick a favourite child, except i care about these fictional characters more than i would about a hypothetical child i don't ever plan to have. oh my god.
anyway, after lots of agonising, i suppose that rebekah takes the cake--i cannot help it, i am Not Normal about this woman--followed by either kol or elijah since i simply CANNOT decide, and then poor, murdered finn. i generally prefer freya and henrik dead, since they're not really characters, are they? they're symbols, there to mark the loss of innocence in mikael and esther, or the original sibs.
and ofc, klaus is in a class of his own, not that it needs to be said, lmao.
as for everything else you've outlined, i'd honestly be down for it all. fell free to flout canon compliance, especially. for instance, my .... eh, i don't want to call it dislike, but perhaps wariness, of human aus stems from the fact that it's very hard to preserve the nuance and the moral ambiguity of these characters when they're human and the stakes are different, not any innate dislike of the trope itself. caroline in s1 when she was human is incredibly dear to my heart, and honestly any portrayal of her as a vampire that doesn't draw heavily on her human days is probably lacking.
as for the final point, as my favourite minecraft youtuber (i am not proud.) would say, go bucknutty.
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dinxieyinxie · 5 months
I beg ya tell me about your OC Yonal and Snape, I need to know about them.
omg,, my heart is so full rn qwq i didn't really expect anyone would be interested in them so idk where to start DFHFDHJ
Yonal isn't fully fleshed-out yet but I made a post sometime ago about them to kickstart their story and a snippet of their friendship with Snape but I'd like to add a few new info for their lore (I did mention that I'd delve deeper into their friendship) so buckle up!
(I am not well-versed with words so lmk if you'd like me to clarify something! ><)
Their friendship is something these two weren't expecting at all tbh and the fact that they managed to build such a strong foundation is somewhat peculiar to me, in a way that they have the most contrasting personalities that it even clashes from time to time but still having that "homey", cozy feeling about it. Yonal being carefree and chaotic, the type to just "go-with-the-flow", and thinks that the glass is half-full while Severus is completely on the other side of the spectrum, with him looking at everything realistically and pessimistically at the same time. I could describe their relationship as:
Sun and Moon
Yin and Yang
Achilles and Patroclus
Red String of Fate
There's more but they're basically rocking that "opposites attract" typa energy HAHAHA
Yonal is most of the time, if not, completely, unaffected by Severus' attitude but rather he (Yonal goes by he/they!) chooses to respect and understand why Severus is like that and would even offer insight in which Sev would always be taken aback. (Not saying Linx is a dunderhead but he can be quite clueless LOL) I like to think Severus learns to accept Yonal the way he is and even appreciate it (He wouldn't outright admit it tho)
There's a lot of things Yonal and Severus don't particularly agree in but there are a few that allows them to connect with each other like the thirst for knowledge, great interest for the Wizarding World, socks, dead-beat dads, loneliness, and other things that I cannot think at the top of my head rn hehe
Idk if I've mentioned this already but even though Yonal loves being an absolute headache to Severus, he deeply respects that raven-haired mf and wouldn't dare ruin their deeply-rooted friendship in any way. I explained in this post how he's willing to bend his habits for him and it is still true to this day!
What fascinates me about them is that they definitely keep each other grounded in a sense that they have that ability to calm each other's turbulent souls, which opens to a lot of vulnerable moments. Something that both of them don't really allow themselves to be in. I like to think they'd grow closer as they confide with one another. Sometimes, home is a person.
Back in the day, they had underlying feelings with each other but these two dumb mfs didn't want to poke and probe in fear that it might end the bond that they have so they set these emotions aside but it does slip out sometimes teehee! In present times, the old flame ignited on its own and over the course of the time they have together, I think it's safe to say that they'll eventually finally confront these feelings and get it over with. But for now, I'm evil and love to hurt myself so im subjecting them to a slow-burn love (angst included!) <333
There's much more that I want to spew but I think that would be for another time. Honestly, I just want Snape to be happy bc God forbids he have peace in his depressing life
As a treat, here's a silly one I made uwu
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lxstfuck · 2 years
Hi so I wanted to make a request if u can do a momojiro x fem reader then please consider doing it if u dont do this stuff just tell me u wont so I know so like if ur going to do it
It is basically that the reader used to ship momo and jiro so hard and at the same time loved them both so when they get together the reader is broken cuz she wanted to be a part too so when they knew they talked it out and asked the reader if she wanted to be with them
I would be really happy if u wrote it
A/N: We all love angsty romance in this household. Since you didn't clarify I made it like this Romance>Angst>Romance. I hope you enjoy this!
Tags: Mineta, romance to angst to romance, fem reader, reader is in class 1A but we don't mention quirk usage yet, drama. If i forgot anything lmk.
«Rooting for us you»
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It was a sunny day, wind blowing softly as it rocked the branches of the trees that adorned the place. Truly beautiful. At least it would be beautiful if you got a chance to admire it. Instead, all were exhausted and fighting, again, to be the last one standing.
“The game is very easy:" The monotone voice of the teacher started to say. “be the last one on battle. You'll be fighting until one is the winner!" He raised his voice and a sadistic smile had appeared on his lips. Chills ran down everyone's spine, meanwhile, Aizawa kept explaining the rules: absolutely none. Quirks were to be used. But they did expect them to use brute force as well. Pairing up was not an option. You looked around, eyes wandering to the two girls that made the perfect team. Kyoka Jirou and Momo Yaoyorozu. Not only they made a perfect team, but also a perfect couple. It was jealousy perhaps? For a time you didn't know you didn't know if you felt envy towards one or the other. Eventually though, you came to realize it wasn't jealousy that you felt. It was love. True pure love.
You meditated about the feelings you had. Love. You loved them. But you felt guilty deep inside. How embarrassing and problematic would be if you confessed to them. They would have problems? Would they break up? No. It can't happen! You like them together. They are beautiful together. It was adorable. They were adorable. Whenever they laughed at something. The way they held hands in a way that seemed so romantic. The little presents on special occasions. Yet, you wanted to be there. At least to hype them up. And you did. For a long time you managed to help them set up dates, choose gifts, sometimes you'd even help them get ready for the dates.
Mineta of course realized that and tried to convince them to kiss or do more. You stood up for them and figured out that a single threat was enough. You would activate your quirk and show him you weren't scared and you weren't going to let it slide.
“I was rooting for us" You say, hiding in a corner, waiting for someone to attack you or for you to attack. A single tear streamed down your cheek and slide to the corner of your lips, the salty taste of it making you lick your lips out of instinct. You repressed a pained sob when you spotted them. Right under you. Little giggles and soft whispers that you couldn't figure out. Oh dear. The lighting wasn't good but you saw them smile and it made your heart sink.
Why? Why?! WHY?! Why her? Why couldn't you have a happy ending too? Life was truly unfair with the ones that don't deserve it. Everytime you think you might be letting go of that hope of getting together, you are reminded and proven wrong in the worst way possible. Like right now. Was it truly necessary for them to be there? Of all the cold, dark places. Here was the perfect place?
It ends here. You couldn't see them, so you decided to not look at them for the rest of the game. You needed them out.
“Nice view?" a voice startled you, out of instinct you threw a punch. A thud made it's way to your ears and you looked down to see the girls gone and Ojiro on the ground.
“I'm so sorry!” I exclaim but all i got was a thumbs up while he stood up and took impulse to hit you. “In my defense, you scared me" You shrugged and jumped to another place, sometimes swinging on the edges to get better angles. He had a powerful, strong quirk so it was all about getting him exhausted or finding a way to bring him down. You look down while swinging and saw acid, Kirishima was the only one who'd survive that. Maybe i could find someone to do the work for me. Yes! That was it! You screamed, making sure to let someone know your location and hoping someone would take the bait. And it wasn't long before explosions were heard. “bingo" you say under your breath and move up quickly.
“Oh fu-" Was heard before an explosion went off. Some dust going up. You laughed a little too loud and ran for it. Your quirk was more for protection than for attack, so of course you were scared for your life. “Come on out!” the echo made it impossible for you to figure exactly were it was. Ojiro was down but you were standing.
How many were left? You calculated the chances and figured if Bakugo was here maybe Deku was too. Maybe they hadn't had an encounter or you would have heard about it. It's easy to tell when they're fighting because of the amount of words they say. Mind running calculations you couldn't help but think about them again.
Where were they? Were they ok? Have they fought someone? Have they lost yet? You couldn't help but worry. You needed a plan to take out Bakugo. He was stubborn, and a hot headed. Maybe that was it? You would use that on your favor.
“Im right here, dumbass!" you yelled, jumping from a building to another. A laugh was heard from his part. Deep and scary. Those words fit him perfectly. Now it was time to lost him. Plus ultra!
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It didn't work out.
You were currently on the nurse with some horrible scratches and a broken leg. And it hurt so much you yelled curses at him and your quirk managed to put a fight for you and protect you.
15 years and never broken a bone. Yet, on a stupid game, you broke a ful leg. Bakugo was almost surprised when you cussed him like a sailor. Some went to check on you. Recovery girl saw the distorted leg and frowned almost asking how did that happen. However, she remembered the many times she saw Midoriya coming with more than two broken bones.
After treating you, you heard the curtain being opened and saw the two girls that were in your dreams every night. The girls you had helped so much and cheered on to be together.
“How are you feeling L/N-san?” Momo sat down at the edge of the bed and grabbed your hand gently. She was shaking. You gave her a soft smile.
“I've been better. How are you two? Who was winner?" you asked, changing the subject because it'll made you think of something else.
“Kaminari won. Dumbass shocked everyone. Literally." laughed Jirou. ”The only ones standing was him and Deku but he forgot the shocks got in buildings too and Midoriya almost short circuited". Momo shook her head, worried.
“I didn't notice but your hair is long" You said absent minded.
“I told her I loved her hair. She's just a little shy about it yet". Kyoka poked her sides, making Momo laugh a bit.
You were a little pained.
“Listen we... Wanted to talk to you". Oh no. They figured out? Were they mad? Disgusted maybe? Maybe they won't talk to you ever again? “Don't worry, good things!” They must've seen your face of panic because they tried to calm you down. You took a deep breath and tried to sit down. Jirou helped you up and a pained whine was heard. “Must've been horrible huh?"
You nodded with a smirk on your thin lips. But you shrugged it out.
“We wanted to thank you" They smiled at you. “You were rooting from us since the beginning. You've helped us so much and we're grateful for being our friend, Y/N". You could only think of two things.
How the name came so naturally out of her mouth and how she called you a friend. Pain. That hurt you and if anyone heard your inside, they'd hear your heart cracking a bit more. But you liked the pain. Maybe you were a masochist.
“We love you”. They hugged you slightly. “Noy like a friend.” You gasped.
“Like a best friend?" you had to make sure. Not even in your wildest dreams would this happen. Maybe the anesthesia was kicking in.
“No, Y/N we love you” The emphasis made your heart squeeze. Your vision was cloudy and tears formed in your eyes. “We're sorry and we understand if you're disgusted by it but we love you. We want to be with you." You sobbed. Happy tears streamed down your face, your hands wrapped around them to secure them. As if they were going to scape any moment.
“Is this...” You hiccuped. “is this a joke?”
They laughed. Not a mean laugh. It was soft, reassurance in it.
“Would you like it to be a joke?" you shook your head hurriedly. A clear answer to them. They kissed your cheek and forehead.
“Now you can be rooting for us three instead of us two" Momo said softly as she placed a gentle kiss on your hand.
“I'll be in your care then. I'm rooting for us”
If it was a dream, which was not, you prayed to never wake up.
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I very much enjoyed writing this down!
Fun fact: i can't write angst for shit. Unless i have a clear scenario in my head. So writing angst for this was hard.
I hope you guys enjoyed this and my asks are open, so are requests and thirsts!
Make sure to check my master list for rules and here you may find for which fandoms I'll be writing for. Take care everyone, remember you're all absolutely gorgeous!
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jenojaemssss · 3 years
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synopsis: in which mark was happier with you.
pairing: mark x reader (i attempted to write the mc as gender neutral, so lmk if there are any tips on how to be more considerate! i wanna be able to write as inclusively as possible heh)
genre/category: angst, exes!au
word count: 2.4k
a/n: i have an assignment due in like 20 minutes (so i did not get a chance to proofread!!) but i got distracted thinking about mark while listening to my 2017 simp playlist :D so here's a mini-fic (that was supposed to be a drabble) based on this song!
I saw you walk inside a bar.
When Mark looked up from the almost-empty bottle sitting in front of him, he didn’t expect to be greeted by the sight of you. But what caught him even more off guard was that you were entering the bar hand in hand with someone new.
You, not yet noticing your past lover's hunched figure, walk towards a set of empty bar stools, another man's arms wrapped around your waist like possessive belt. Mark began to stare then. He stared at what used to be his reason. What used to be the one who'd wake him up in the morning, who used to be his reason for coming home when the days were too long, yet somehow eventually bled into nights. He continued to stare at what had been his true source of happiness.
In his eyes, you still were. You were his only radiating source of light that made him feel warm. You were his comfort, like a warm blanket during a rainy day, or an iced tea when the weather was too hot to do anything else but lounge around the house with all fans on full blast.
He said something to make you laugh.
Mark noticed how the one that accompanied you looked at you with a small spark in his eyes as you cover your mouth in attempts to shield your erupting laughter. That was a cute habit of yours when you laughed, and he used to stare at you the same way; he was staring at you almost identically as he's sat across the bar at that moment. The only difference now was that Mark stopped being the reason for your bright smiles and warm laughter.
I noticed how both your smiles were twice as wide as ours.
The first encounter between the two of you would forever be engraved in the mind of Mark Lee.
He was walking around a lake during a camping trip with a few of his friends, mindlessly swinging his arms around to cool off. Mid swing, though, he made contact with something he later found out was your face. He apologized so many times that you had almost busted a lung laughing at the poor boy's terrified features.
Soon, Mark joined you, laughing in harmony because apparently being smacked in the face by someone was the funniest thing to the both of you. Mark proceeded to awkwardly ask for your contact information, hoping to make up for the mishap, and you complied because the man was so darn cute.
One meet-up (he never specified it as a date) turned into two, which turned into three, and soon, you were seeing each other everyday in a small cafe hidden within the corners of your shared campus.
The two of you attended the same university, but due to being in different departments, there was never really a chance to come across one another while running to your next classes, but this cafe was the one spot you two had in common.
The cafe meetings soon turned into cafe dates (he clarified this time that they were in fact, dates), and soon enough, you were both head over heels in love, moving in together as you approached your final years of college.
Mark and your's relationship wasn't perfect, but it was always so much fun. Mark was always able to make you laugh because of how awkward he was, and one time you to left him behind on a trip to the grocery store because he was so embarrassing, making stupid puns at the poor worker just trying to stock the shelves of the cereal aisle. That day, you bought a watermelon the size of both your heads combined to make up for leaving him behind.
Mark bitterly smiled at his recollection. That was one of the last times he and you were able to smile together.
You looked happier.
The last time Mark saw you, it was on a sunny, Saturday afternoon. You were on your way back from a trip to your local convenience store, bags of chips, a tub of ice cream, and boxes of candy spilling out of the watermelon themed reusable bag he had left behind after moving out. You were still wearing his hoodie, then. He left that behind for you too.
It made him smile, knowing that you kept it.
Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you.
You felt as though you couldn't breathe. When you entered Mark and your shared apartment, you sensed that something was wrong; that something was missing from your normally warm environment. Mark and you have been arguing more frequently recently, and the night before, it was the worst it had been in years.
Mark had been going out later into the night, sleeping on couches of friend's houses more than in his own bed. Your shared bed. You more often than not woke up to nothing, the radiating warmth missing from your side.
You'd had enough of it, and confronted the man when he walked into the apartment at 2 am. Words spewed from either side, along the lines of "I'm sick of this" and "What is there to be sick of?" Mark ended up sleeping on the couch that night while you cried yourself to sleep, clutching Mark's pillow and attempting to hold onto what used to be the warm, delightful love of your life.
The next day when you woke up, he was gone. He texted you saying he had to leave early for work and that you should go ahead and start your day without him, and you did. You began planning ways to talk things out, to fix things with Mark over a nice dinner.
You set your plan to action and made your way to the local market. When you returned home and stepped foot into the kitchen, though, your eyes landed on a small note placed right in the center of the dining table. Written on that note in Mark's sloppy handwriting were the words, "I'm sorry, but I need to clear my head."
You dropped the note and ran into your bedroom, only to see that Mark had taken almost half of his belongings from the cramped space, along with one of the suitcases the two of you placed behind the closet when you first moved in. He was gone.
But ain't nobody love you like I do.
He'd been gone for about 10 days when you receive a call from Donghyuck. The brown-haired boy informed you that Mark has been sleeping on his couch for over a week and would be stopping by within the next few days to take up all of his friend's belongings he'd left behind.
You hummed, almost numbly, and before hanging up, you mustered up the courage to ask Donghyuck if Mark was currently there with him. He hummed in response, and you mumbled a good before dropping the line completely, falling to your knees and sobbing until you no longer had tears to let fall.
You were broken, and it was all because of Mark, yet a piece of you continuously hoped and prayed that he was safe. That he was living in a proper home with a place to sleep, and that he wasn't too cold because he often got cold very easily.
Mark, on the other end of the line, was silently holding in his cries as his best friend hung up the phone, disconnecting him from his one true love. Mark never intended to hurt you the way that he did, but in his mind, because he loved you so much, too much, he had to let you go.
He was noticing how much he was holding you back, from job opportunities to your social life, he believed he was the reason. He was the reason you declined the job offer in the neighboring city because that meant you'd have to either move out or drag Mark with you, and you chose on neither and stayed. He was the reason you never left the house on weekends because only then was he ever home. He was the reason you had bags under your eyes, he soon realized.
You'd been staying up night after night, waiting for him to come home. You'd been crying because he would come home with bags darker than yours. You'd been losing sleep because you spent too much of your time worrying about him.
He was holding you back by loving you.
So he decided to let you go.
Promise that I will not take it personal, baby.
A few months have passed and Mark's finally settled down in a new place in the town you had rejected the job offer from all those months ago. A part of him wished that moving away would offer you closure, knowing that Donghyuck explained his side of the story to you. Mark wanted so badly to be the one who spoke to you that day, but he was afraid of the confrontation. He was scared he'd break and hold you into his arms and promise to never let you go, bringing himself and you back into the endless loop.
So he left. He moved away and had Donghyuck clean up the mess he'd made. Mark owes him one.
The other part of him, though, hoped that you contacted the agency that offered you the job all those months ago. The selfish part of him prayed that the agency granted your request and offered you the job you passed up on in this new city. He hoped that you and him could start over in a different setting, and maybe a few years from now, run into each other again. You'd be in better places in your lives and the two of you could start over.
He knew he was hoping for too much, but oh a man can dream.
If you're moving on with someone new.
Mark was brought back to the present when he hears a loud shattering of glass. He averted his eyes towards the source of the ruckus and landed his eyes on you. He noticed how your eyes grew into large saucers when he displayed similar shocked features.
He quickly and clumsily packed up his belongings as he waved down one of the waiters, asking for the tab. Noticing Mark's shaken composure accompanied by the glares being sent in his direction from the other side of the bar, the waiter sympathetically printed out the bill as fast as he could and didn't let out a peep when Mark underpaid about 10 bucks.
Mark rushed out of the bar, only to be caught by the sound of your voice calling out to him.
"Don't you dare run away." The voice was cold.
"Not again, Mark." It was almost shaking.
You caught up to the man. He turned around, slowly, wishing that this was all just a messed up dream, and the alcohol was only playing tricks with his mind.
Indeed, though, this was his reality. Mark remained silent, only staring at his feet as you approached him.
"Look at me," your voice was softer now, but he noticed the stern edge laced within your words. You were never one to raise your voice, not even when Mark would spew incredulous things at you during an argument. You were always calm.
Mark shifted his gaze from the ground towards your face and noticed you looked wiser. He noticed how your soft features were now more sharp. He noticed how you wore your hair differently. He noticed how you'd ditched your casual jeans and a shirt for something more business-casual. He noticed how your aura had changed into something more serious. He noticed every little change about you.
He also noticed how, beneath all the physical changes, you were still you. You still had the same stars in your eyes. You still had his favorite scent. You still had the same quip in your lip when you spoke. You still had the same smile.
You were smiling at him.
Mark finally managed to meet your eyes, and as you opened your mouth to speak, he cut you off before you could get a sound out.
"You look happier."
Your smile dropped a bit at his observation. He was right, you were happier than you were after the breakup. But you were happier when you were with him. Using other men to distract yourself from Mark worked for a while, but it was never the same.
It's been over a year, and you still missed him. You missed everything about Mark; his smile, his laugh, his posture when he was furiously typing away at his keyboard because he had an essay due in 10 minutes. You missed the way he'd sing to you at night when you woke up from a nightmare, and the way he'd pet down your hair when the two of you wake up in each other's arms after a nap.
And although you missed him, a part of you was still angry at him. Angry that he left without an explanation, and had Donghyuck be the bearer of bad news that he wanted you to be happier. That he wanted you to have a life not revolving around him and his actions.
A part of you hated how he was so selfish, and how he never looked to you for his decision. Yet the other, wiser, part of you was thankful. Thankful that he cared about you enough to let you go, cared about you enough to put your priorities above his own feelings for once. Most importantly, you were thankful that he was your first heartbreak.
Before he was the boy who broke your heart, he was a friend.
You tilt your head a bit sideways, plastered another smile and nodded in response.
"It's a process."
He smiled back, toothy grin warming your heart. "I'm glad you're doing okay."
Maybe it was the universe finally hearing Mark's wishes of starting over, or maybe it was just a mere coincidence that you ran into each other that day. But nonetheless, the encounter made him realize one thing.
"I was happier with you."
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sinfulwonders · 5 years
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Oumasai Prompt Requests are Open!
If you'd like to request something feel free!
The easiest way to do it would be by putting the # first and then details on what you'd like. (Ex: #68 angst with fluffy ending)
I'm open for almost anything including NSFW things. (If for some reason I am uncomfortable with a prompt or unwilling to complete it I'll just ignore it.)
I'm down for attempting pregame stuff, but please let me know your headcanon for pregame since it varies a bit person to person. (And let me know that you'd like pregame personalities in the first place!)
The requests will be going up on AO3 as well as on here. I'll also work on compiling a list of all my works so they're more easily accessible.
This is my first time doing this, so I hope it's clear enough! If you have any questions feel free to message me and I'll try my best to clarify!
(Also, I found this prompt list on wattpad but its originally from an uncredited tumblr user. So if you see this and want credit lmk and I'll attach a link or reblog your prompts directly!)
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