Cinderella AU (Possessive Red Son x MK)
The original chapters, was posted from my other Oneshot fanfic 'Infatuation' . I've rewritten a few details as I was planning to make, it a stand alone book, or whatever it's called, lmao.
TW: Third Degree Burns, Manipulation, Toxic Mindset & Hostage Situation.
Standing by one another, the bodies were illuminated by the moon's light. The shadows cast on the tiled floor were reminiscent of the people that made them, although one looked more menacing than the other, but was hardly noticed.
"Aww, What a shame, I...was looking forward to spending the entire night with you" Speaking bluntly, The noble's tone was laced with disappointment and lack of sympathy for the brunette's situation at the dark- auburn, individual, regarding their sudden request to leave.
Days prior, They were having the time of there life, qcting like children, and chasing each other in the long hallways, of the Imperial Palace.
The memory, of giving into the moment, and shyly leaning in, the two sharing a short yet endearing kiss, and dancing the night away, staring deeply to those chestnut eyes, was still burnt in the back of the Prince's head.
The night was filled with love and laughter but sadly, It was always cut short as the clock stuck at midnight.
For this night, They were chit-chatting, about the tales of Sun Wukong, even when Red Son, himself never enjoyed grand stories of his nemesis, to the point where he loathed it as it made a dent in his father's honor. He, couldn't stop the fiery passion that his beloved was showing, when narrating each new tale.
It soon shifted to the story of Cinderella, He heard the original tale, numerous of times, but never have heard the more westernized version.
The Imperial Prince, was drawn in the story.
He has yet to hear, whether or not the, Fair Maiden was rescued bg her prince, nearing the end of the story telling, It abruptly ended, when the clock hit midnight hour, not giving him a conclusive outcome.
In the version, when he was told as a Child. The story, would end up, in a 'tragic' downfall, so only assumed the worse.
"What can I say? This kid got some plans. It was nice talking to you though"
The young adult, with olive-hue skin, only shook his head, at his acquaintance's petty reaction, meeting him only two moons ago, so couldn't call Red Son a friend yet, much less, more than that.
If Red could hear their thoughts, about just being an acquaintance and barely even a friend, He'd be in total dismay.
A sad smile formed on the brunette's lips and placed their palm on his shoulder, giving it a light pat, that may or may not have sent shivers done the pale demon's spine.
Aside from that, MK, never realise how comfy, and smooth, the fabric was, of the Prince's deep crimson hanfu; an elegant set of robes with colors that was gradient shades of red and, with golden lining to make it pop out. The softness of the clothing was a huge contrast from the MK's hand that was rough on the palms, due to all the laborous work, from all the jobs, he was in before settling down, in a noodle shop.
"Don't worry, Red Boy. We'll meet again someday"
Though, The heir to the Demon Bull Clan didn't approve of being called, his old title.
He'd make an exception, for Monkie Kid, it was an odd name indeed, the older demon couldn't help but question if this was a nickname or an alias. Either way, That wasn't his main concern.
What concerned Red Son greatly, was the way the taller human said, 'Someday'
Unlike, The previous two nights, He would always say tomorrow or a specific date. How come this one was vague-?
"Don't worry, we will meet again someday" Hearing MK, reassuringly repeat the same phrase. His thin and bony fingers tapped hastily on the balcony's ledge, as it didn't reassure him at all. It only made the orange-eyed demon, go deeper into an anxious state even worse, that beads of hot sweat came running down his face.
The sweat looked like sparks, of fire, and molten lava.
Red Son's Cinderella, was already stepping away from him, casually walking towards the metallic door, and holding on to the knob, as his back was facing the noble demon.
Their calloused hand, that was by his side, was now reaching towards the knob, a tight squeeze.
"Someday?" The male, in silk-like clothing, repeated to himself, voice quieting down, almost similar to a whisper, but more of a broken record. As if it was set to flames, that could no longer play correctly.
The crimson-haired Yaoguai, refused to make the same petty mistake, as the Prince did in the story, by allowing the Princess to run away.
He wasn't the type to let History repeat himself.
The noble, didn't need to be a genius, to know that his beloved flame, should even escape this grand palace in the first place.
"But when will someday happen?" The imperial Prince voice grew louder as he stared down at the other man but maintained its low whisper-like tone, as if he wanted to keep the question to himself but still wanted them to hear it
" I-I don't know but please be patient"
The tanned-skin adult felt a bit frightened by the abrupt voice change, with how the royal heir, emphasized more on the word someday, making his frolicsome and casual demeanor flatter, and wither away. It felt a bit too eerie.
It, was cold at night, the temperature sloy dropping, in the middle of night or to be specific, close to midnight, but that didn't make sense, on why the knob was heating up.
Especially, for The Prince's hair was gradually glowing, a bright rose like hue, resembling closely, to a radiant lantern being lit up, flowing up into the night sky. The strands, of his hair, slowly curled upwards but reasoned, with themselves that it was just the trick of the eye, and that it, actually was the lantern's glow from the festivities, and not just a comparison.
The Prince's hair, was already an unusual crimson hue, that villagers, would make that their favorite subject matter, and, rumors spread, that the royal family had demonic blood flowing in their blood and veins. Of course, Not all demons are scumbags, but they're not respected, more feared, or mocked.
But the young adult reassured himself and blocked out those thoughts, The unnatural hue, was, some blessing from God, to have hair-like, flames. The Prince did have a fiery personality, after all.
Even when the brunette was curious to ask about the rumors, whether it was true or just false accusation.
Mk already wanted to leave.
"I, bid you farewell...-" Their voice was strained as if MK, couldn't find the words to say, and his breathing started to fasten, quick and short, was a way to describe it.
Red Son, turned around in a swift motion, facing him when MK bid, his final goodbye. His warm orange eyes were filled with strong emotions, swirling with uncontrollable flames yet looked dull, one couldn't possibly describe the paradox of the Prince's eyes.
He continued to stare longingly at the brunette before waving him a goodbye, as well.
Although The crimson-haired man didn't speak yet nor said a word for some time, A grin crept through his face, baring off his teeth; teeth that were oddly a bit sharper than an average human.
The brunette, finally took that as his cue to leave, their hands that were originally by the noble's side, started to move towards the doorknob, giving it a small twist for it to open but the knob didn't budge, no matter how much, he tried to rattle or even shake the dark oak door.
Unbeknownst, to the poor lad, that the door, was no ordinary one. It was a mechanical one, created by the Prince, himself.
"Your Highness" MK's mouth uttered the title of the Prince, his face filled with fear, knowing it was almost close to midnight, the door in front of them was locked and the only way to go outside was to hop, off the balcony, and that was a long way down.
Not a human being could survive that, but a demon could.
"The door is locked, I think we're stu-" His sentence was interrupted, as the ebony-haired adult, heard low octave, chuckles, coming from the man behind him, the only heir of the Bull Clan.
It co-aligned, with the doorknob melting, as if it was liquid. It's iron substance, burnt through MK's hand, as it drips through his fingers, and coats his palm.
"!!!" It melted through his skin, the substance seeping through his flesh, and instantly let out a sharp painful scream, unable to muffle his screams. The same hand, that was burnt, was the same, he used to touch Red Son's shoulder.
Mk glanced behind his shoulder, while his knees trembled from the immense pain, unable to stand properly, no longer having the strength, to correct his posture nor make coherent sentences, yet still demanded an explanation, from his companion or foe, about this unfortunate event.
Much to his dismay too, Bright Flames, with a tinge of yellow and mixed with orange, were coming out from his eye sockets and seeping from his teeth. Strands of hair were replaced with large flames, It protruded out from Red Son.
Now, He believed those silly rumors about the royal family, being demonic and such, It wasn't quite silly now.
"It's rude, to make royalty like myself have to wait, Noodleboy"
Mk, shook his head when the Fiery Demon extended out his hand, which lit up small sparks of flames.
How did Red even know about him, working at a noodle shop?
"How about another dance to properly end the night?"
The balcony was slowly engulfed in flames, with their hand, scorching so much. It hurts so much. MK, panted, accidentally inhaling the blackened smoke.
It overwhelmed him to the point where they thought, they would die from heat exposure.
Though, it didn't even matter how the Prince, obtained all the details of his personal life or knew about his job. He just prayed, that his death was swift and his family, that took him in, wouldn't be dragged into this mess.
"Won't you stay, with me even for another hour?"
No, No, No.
"Let's dance, under the moonlight, Qí Xiǎotiān"
Their real name. Their actual name.
"I did some investigation, after all, as I refuse to let History repeat itself" He squeezed on his hand. The lad, felt Imperial Prince fingertips, brush through his wounded hand as if admiring the bones, that revealed themselves and, the mushy burnt flesh.
Even with the large flame, engulfing part of the building, The smoke, seemed to be controlled, as if the wind was trying to control the gray smoke, to
avoid attention from any unwelcomed onlookers.
If only MK, hadn't come here, at the last third night, if only he left an hour sooner, if only he denied the request to meet him at the balcony.
Then, he would have been, peaceful sleeping on his bed, to Pigsy, screaming at him for being late, to Tang, slurping a bowl of noodles, and to Mei, giving her usual greeting & trying to get him to leave at work to ensue some hijinks.
"For Centuries, My family has given everything to you townspeople!"
It was night, but the warm lit up more prominent features in both of the male's faces. The noodle delivery boy wished, he saw the signs sooner.
The balcony area, where the two males stood was slowly withering away, into gray ashes and soot.
"Is it really wrong for me to be a bit selfish?"
Floods of tears, came rushing down the tan-skinned adult's cheek, The tears quickly evaporating as soon as it hit the floor, but didn't care.
He just wanted to go home.
He didn't want to be another Cinderella
It was night, but the warm fire lit up more prominent features in both of the male's faces. The peasant wished, he saw the signs sooner, and had left, instead of being so kind by returning the garment.
The balcony area, where the two males stood was slowly withering away, into gray ashes and smoke.
The only liquid there, was a single droplet, a tear as some might call it.
"Did Xi, come home yet?"
"I-I was hoping, They were with you"
Days turned to weeks and weeks, turned into a whole month, Pigsy sat there on the wooden stool, with a cold bag of peas, on his forehead, covering the purple bruise while Tang, whispered sweet nothings into his ear and reassurance, painting the chef's shoulder as a way to soothe him.
His, full-on rage, caused the anthropomorphic pig, to storm the palace gates, demanding an explanation of why his son never got home, at all.
Instead of an answer, The Prince ordered the Guards, to dispose of the Peasant, but there was hesitance, shown on his face, before changing his demand to give him a small parting gift.
The parting gift was a large bruise on the Pig's forehead.
Ever since then, The chef blamed himself, for convincing Qi Xiao to try and go to the festival without any supervision, his only child, even though not his biological one. He still loved him dearly, It didn't matter to him, if his son was blood or not. He just wanted him back and desperately sought out answers,
Only the Scholar, and the Fisher, from the river, could comfort the Noodle Shop Owner, and assisted, in hanging posters of the young adult all over town, desperately seeking any leads, hoping to Buddha, if anyone knew about his disappearance.
But no news at all.
Not even a single speck, as if Qí Xiǎotiān existence was burnt out of existence.
Similarly, how the news of the balcony being charred to a crisp, was covered up, and nobody but the most loyal of servants knew.
Although Pigsy couldn't forget about his son, He slowly, tried to move on, for a few months but refused to ever give up any hope, and still, He knew that the young adult, was out there and alive, somehow.
He just needs someone to save him, maybe someone like the Monkey King.
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