#yandere redson
I tell you to get an Ao3 account and this is what happens. smh
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boonalina · 2 months
LMK Successor AU:
The Sun's Hero
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Successor AU was created by me. It's a fic I'm currently writing and will periodically make art for. Basically it's a timeline where Mei and Mk were born around the same time Redson was. Wukong raised Mk, and Macaque raised Mei. Wukong acts sort of like a parental yandere in this.
(Oh and also Redson was raised by Nezha in this AU. Now you can probably see why it's called the Successor AU.)
Follow me to keep up with the AU.
Successor AU Fic Link
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silkythewriter · 2 years
May I please request a one shot of Yan Macaque x Fem reader x Yan Red Son one shot where they are team up together to catch y/n either for escaping or just to capture them? (You can choose! I like the two scenarios so I can't decide sorry :') ) Thank you so much ☆
Yan!macaque x reader x Yan!Redson
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: macaque picture: Jossy Rodriguez on Pinterest. Redson picture: unknown. Art produced by: Flying Bark Productions!
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Simon Lucas
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yanderes, Obsession, stalking, toxic relationship, OOC macaque, OOC redson. ALSO JUST WANNA SAY I LOVE ALL THE LMK REQUEST IM GETTING THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH IVE FOUND MY PEOPLE!!!!!
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
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Your hum’s filled the empty streets as you walked down the side walk not paying much attention to the closed buildings and some destroyed ones. Another demon attack fell on the city, clearly due to all the small chucks of buildings and trees and other such things covering main roads, blocking anyone from coming in or out the city. Usually on days like this you’d stay home but as luck has it you ran out of food and other needed supplies, you could only let out a bored and tired sigh as you stepped over what seemed to be the 100th branch covering the side walk. “Jeez, when are these cleaning crew getting here?” You asked yourself as your eyes scanned over the most mess parts of town. Finally after what seems like hours, you made it to the only open store, it was a bit rundown from the looks of it, you took note of the sketchy street it was located at before walking in, making the small bell on top the door ding alerting the old lady behind the counter. She gave a small but warm smile as she waved at you. You gave a small smile back before wondering the isles looking for the supplies you needed.
Once you put the last needed item into the small plastic basket you held, you made your way to the counter before carefully laying out the few things you picked out. “Will that be all?” The elderly woman said as she scanned your items and placed them into small plastic bags. You only nodded as you took out your wallet and paid as she handed you the bags. Once the exchange was done she waved you good bye as you headed out, you heard her voice in the distant warning you to not stay out late for to long, you could only chuckle and nod while doing the same before finally stepping out the store, with grocery’s in hand. “Sunsetting already huh?” You said with a small hum before walking off, a bit faster then last time due to the growing unease of the usually bustling streets now empty. By the time you made it to the second turn leading to your (whatever you choose to live in <3) the street lights already dimly lit the streets as the last bit of sun disappeared. You only held the grocery’s bags tightly in hands as you nervously speed walk down the streets, even if you were or weren’t powerful it was never a good idea to stay out this late especially with all the demons popping up randomly. You continued walking trying to avoid any allyways, but then a small rustle came from the small alleyway you were passing, you stopped in your tracks, before shaking your head in disapproval of going to check, and kept walking.
Silence once again took over as you could only hear crickets and owls making their usual noise. But something broke that silence very soon as two foots steps were heard behind you. A pit formed in your stomach as you quicken your pace, but so did the foot steps causing panic to set in. You quickly whipped around trying to get a good look at who ever was following you, yet nothing came into eyes view. You let out a shaky sigh, one you didn’t even know you were holding in as relief washed over you. You shrugged it off before whipping back around, only to see a smirking face, you let out shrilled scream as you jumped back in surprise. Oh how redson loved that face you made when you tariffed it never failed to send shivers of delight down his spine. He watched as you scrambled backwards trying to make some distance from you and him, to only back up against a hard but furry chest, making you confusedly turn around before seeing the six eared macaque. You let out a small squeak in surprise as you backed away from him, now cornered in against a wall as they both snickered at your shaking form “no need to be scared” macaque said in a teasing voice redson only chuckled along before crossing his arms with a smirk before speaking “I’m afraid you’ll be coming with us now” he said. You only dug your nails into the brick wall you were against as your mind raced with ways to escape from the two powerful demons, but your mind came blank, as one thing over took your senses. RUN, you mind shrilled at you, as you legs began to move by themselves. You quickly shoved both of them. Enough for you to squeeze by and run off you screamed for help, begging for help yet no one came to your cries. People only closed their windows tighter not willing to danger their lives by going outside. Your tears ran as you desperately banged at doors trying to get people to answer yet no one seemed to give mercy. You gave up on getting people to save you and opted to run, hopping you could book it to your place before they could catch up to you
Macaque hopped from building to building watching you like Pray, while redson stalked the allyways watching you desperately running. It was musing to see you like this, all scared and disparate when they haven’t even begun with the real fun. “My love, why are you running away?” Redson asked as he appeared in front of you after emerging from an ally way, and in the process startling you making you trip on a fallen stone from the clasped building you were running by. You groaned in pain as blood trickled from your forehead, and a stinging pain in your ankle. Macaque finally appeared behind redson and put his hand on his shoulder as they both took in your beautiful form. “Who even are you two!” You screamed out as pain coursed through you making you sob. They only looked at each other before back to you “why your lovers of course” redson answered as he walked towards you, making you desperately try getting up but failing miserably “I suggest you don’t fight it” macaque said with a smirk as he watched redson carrying you bridle style. You started pounding at his chest, making him only roll his eyes and hand you to macaque, he threw you over his shoulder as he began to speak “you have no idea how long we’ve waited for today” he said sighing happily “so much planning done just for you, now aren’t you a lucky thing?” He hummed as redson walked over and behind macaque to take a look at your face, he grabbed your face roughly as he made you face him “you look so lovely my dear” he said planting a kiss on your bleeding forehead “now lets get a move on you’ve already made enough of a disturbance tonight” he said as macaque began to summon his portal and walking in leaving redson to trail behind you with a pleased look on his face
The tapping of rain against a window became apparent. Making your eyes flutter open, white bright lights blinded you, making you slap your sore arm over your face, making the badge wrapped around your fore head brush against you skin. You grumbled slightly as your fingers light ran across it, making you confused are you in a hospital? You questioned in your mind as you sat up slowly looking around the room. No…no… this isn’t a hospital, the oak bed frame and to nicely decorated room said so, no hospital would look like this. You began to question yourself as you tried to think to what happened the night before. Your eyes widen in realization of the danger you might be in currently. This thought makes you scramble out the bed in hurry as you made you way over to the door and swinging it open, revealing a long hall way, you poked your head out the room and began to scan the area before you quietly made it down the hall only to bump into someone’s chest, not redson or macaque, no this was a robot, you could tell by its metal chest. It only gave you a pitiful look before grabbing your arm and dragging you along with it, you fought with all you had yet it didn’t seem to budge.
After it came to a halt in a big area covered in luxurious future ones you swore you’ve never seen. Out of the Conor of your eye you could spot redson bickering with the six eared demon, as macaque only rolled his eyes while chuckling. But he stopped once he spotted you, causing you to try to hind behind the bull robot but it quickly moved out of the way revealing you “well,well,well what angel fell from heaven?” Macaque laughed as he stood up and walked over to you, taking your hand and leading you to the velvety couch they both sat on, and forcing you down to take a seat between them. Macaque brought you to his chest, as he made your back lean on him while resting his chin on your head. By now you’ve given up at least for now, as you finally fully realized the little chance you had against the both of them. You needed a plan, but that would have to wait due to your weak and healing body from the day before.
Redson sensed your body becoming soft in macaque hold. Making him quirk an eyebrow “Giving up I see” he hummed in amusement before snatching you from macaque, making the demon scrawl at him. But redson payed no mind as he made you lay your head on his chest “you should continue to get some rest my dear, you have no chance of escape now. But it was fun while you had I suppose” he said laughing as he held you a bit tighter. You only mumbled in hearable words as your eyes grew heavy once more. Maybe getting up from that bed wasn’t the greatest idea, but oh well, you should already come to terms with your current situation
There is no chance getting alway from them is there?
AHHH TYSM FOR REQUESTING I LOVED WRITING THIS!!! <//3. Also redson is like my third favorite character in lmk outta swk and macaque SO I LOVED WRITING THIS!!!! Thank you guys so so so so so so much for letting me write for fandoms I love!!! EEEEE!!!! \(^ヮ^)/
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spaghettimachete · 2 years
Hello! I come from the other side to ask if you a yandere request! Let’s get some yandere ex boyfriend Syntax being absolutely pissed off the the reader is with our demon prince Red boy! (Sorry they are both literally my favorite and I couldn’t pick between the two!😅)
Red is a very low-key kinda yandere and he is knowledgeable enough to understand that the yandere tendencies are what made Syntax a “ex” in the first place so he tries for the reader. He is a powerful enough demon to protect the reader and himself from Syntax! Thank you I hope you are very blessed day
Happy Holidays Y'all!
Whatever holiday you celebrate, I hope you have (or had) a wonderful time celebrating it! (And if you don’t celebrate anything, I hope you have a wonderful day anyway :})
Syntax in this is Post Spider Transformation!
ᏔᎪᎡNᏆNᏩᏚ: Yandere, mentioned kidnapping (you get saved)
• When you finally gained the courage to break up with Syntax, due to his obsessive and violent behaviour, lets just say he was less than happy
• He was even more pissed when he was told that you were leaving him for Redson as well.
• He’d likely try forcing you to be with him, trying to take you away right then and there, but Redson easily stops him and leaves with you.
• Obviously, instead of looking at himself as a person, being understanding, and realising he needed to make some adjustments, he tries kidnapping you again.
• He would likely do it while the two of you were asleep, using his slick technology to muffle any noises and not wake up the flaming boy who stole his love
• He wouldn’t be ready to fight Redson
• Not then, at least.
• While you were in Syntax’s care, he’d spend every second of what little free time he’d have with you.
• Holding you tightly as if you had any chance of getting out of his grasp on your own.
• It wouldn’t matter anyway, he made sure to thoroughly block any possible escape, setting traps upon traps in any small openings in any small gaps he made.
• Only he know how to swiftly avoid all the sensors
• He’d scold you for even thinking you could leave him
• And then almost immediately start praising you for “being in his arms again.”
• Much to Syntax’s dismay, Redson would immediately come to rescue you.
• Syntax would then find out that you had somehow escaped, despite his elaborate array of traps, he’d not only be mad, but also embarrassed.
• Not just because Redson had somehow gotten past his genius inventions, but the little shit had also found a critical error in them, which allowed him to easily get past them.
• …The error being that they weren’t flame proof.
• Syntax would overwork himself trying to create a material strong enough not to melt under Redson’s heat.
• His determination to get Redson will rise immediately. Working even more quickly to make a new invention that will help him get you back.
• Syntax would not be giving up on you, he WILL have you back, no matter what it takes.
• There would be multiple attempts to get you back.
• All, however, would immediately be shut down by Redson
• who would grow more and more annoyed with the “Pesky Bug” as he called it.
• It would get harder and harder for Redson to hold back burning him to a crisp right then and there.
• But he knows better.
• He’s well aware about how you would feel about his… urges, and would rather not have you (try to) break up with him over something so minuscule
• He’s much rather have you be with him willingly rather than by force.
• So, he will resist (for now)
• After all, wouldn’t want a repeat of the “disaster of your previous relationship”
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
Master Post - Phoenixeclipse LMK Pirate AU
Phoenixeclipse Pirate Au Idea
Phoenixeclipse Pirate Au Ideas pt 2
Phoenixeclipse Pirate Au Ideas pt 3
Shared History
Phoenixeclipse - Meeting (not posted)
Phoenixeclipse - The Misunderstanding
City Noise
Cub Qi Xiaotian Pirate au
Cub MK meets The Monkey Kings
The Monkey Kings and Their Cub
Teen MK pirate Au
Note! I call this teen MK Pirate AU but he is 19. So while he is a teenager he is also an adult!!
Shipwrecked Pt 1
Shipwrecked Pt 2
MK meets Sun Wukong
MK meet The Six Eared Macaque
Ao Mei Joins The Brotherhood
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ultrastarseeker · 2 years
Mei as a Yandere
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I decided to make Mei dragon’s colors what they’re supposed to be in Chinese dragon mythology which is white and gray but I couldn’t help but keep her jacket.
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This is her without the jacket, showing her epic scars from the people she killed and amazing abs.
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This is kidnapped MK and Red Son with new accessories
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
I have seen many yandere parental figure so how about yandere offspring? Like Yandere mk/nezha/redson/mei to his parental figure? How would their parental figure to their child "strange" behavior?
Yandere Children:
Red Son and Ne Zha
(This is the first time I’ve written romantic yandere for Y/N. Not too surprised that it was for Bull King and Iron Fan.)
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I like to think of this particular Y/N as a demon born of ice, someone who owes a serious debt to Princess Iron Fan.
When she finally calls it in, you head immediately to her fortified residence, seeing the former celestial standing outside with her husband, a small bundle in his arms.
You expect the worst, and prepare accordingly. The favor you owe is great- no task is beyond her asking. Your blessing, or a fragment of your power. Your service as a guard or war companion. Your compliance in a murderous scheme. But Princess Iron Fan does not wish for any of that.
Instead, she wants a babysitter.
“We were hoping… that you might be a suitable caretaker for our son. It could be that your natural affinity for ice will help to neutralize Red Son’s wielding of the Samahdi Fire.”
So the little boiling bundle is pushed into your icy arms, steam hissing and filling the air on contact.
His temperature lowers as yours rises, the little baby cooing and laughing at the humid mist swirling around you.
“…I didn’t know you had a son,” you say, poking the plumpness of his little scarred cheek. “And what a big and healthy thing he is, too.”
“A worthy heir to my throne!” The Demon Bull King proudly announces, watching closely as you handle his cherished son. Gently, you press a kiss to his bindi. Pulling away slowly, your lips leave a glittering ice-blue mark upon it, reading simply: 凛.
This is the life you settle into, a mostly peaceful passing of days spent playing with the growing boy and helping to tame his deadly flames.
Any time they grow out of control (and it happens frequently) you quickly reapply your blessing to his forehead, chilling his internal temperature and forcing his body to redirect the fire to heat himself up.
His parents watch on in awe, seeing you so easily and calmly reign in something so deadly and uncontrollable. You quickly become more than a temporary babysitter, given a lavish room furnished with every luxury that a demon could desire.
(Let’s be honest, there’s some real poly energy with you’ve got going on with PIF and DBK. ‘Live-in babysitter’, my ass.)
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As the three of you grow closer, so swells your bond with Red Son, serving as primary caretaker and educator. He’s a prodigal learner, taking quickly to magic especially. You learn that the boy has a knack for putting things together, spot-welding any pieces of metal he can find. These little jagged creations are often gifted to you, and you have a shelf entirely dedicated to displaying them. Often will he reject his own bed to sleep beside you, finding comfort in the coldness of your skin.
But, in spite of all sweetness…
Red Son is still a demon, things that are horribly powerful and often violent or deceitful, if not outright murderous.
And he grows to see Y/N as being something that belongs to the Demon Bull Clan. And sure, with the nearly unpayable debt you owe to Iron Fan and your budding relationship with his parents, he’s not exactly wrong.
A caretaker, a maid, a teacher, a mentor, a friend. These are all things you have become in grateful service to this powerful family. And eventually, all those things bleed to what they really what:
A spouse and a parent.
It’s hard to tell exactly when the shift in their perspective occurs, because their obsession is a slow, drudging creep. But the shift in their actions once they realize their obsession is instead blindingly quick.
One day you’re sitting down with Red to teach him calligraphy, gently and reassuringly fixing his brushstroke and complimenting every line he gets right, all while he demands to sit in your lap.
Then night falls and it is made very clear to you what your new role in the family in, complete with a shift in sleeping area and clothing.
You’re pressed flush between Iron Fan and Bull King as they slumber, dressed in a red silk gown and bearing purple-jeweled rings across many of your fingers. Red Son sleeps on your chest, his grip immovably tight.
And this is the new life you must grow accustomed to, either to repay your debt or perhaps… because you have come to like it.
Loved isn’t the worst thing to be, after all.
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(Personal headcanon: befitting his status as the Third Lotus Prince, most offerings given to Ne Zha consist of foods containing lotus seeds, lotus root, and lotus paste. At this point, he’s grown somewhat sick of the sweet taste. He actually prefers meat and vegetables.)
“Ne Zha,” you call, exploring the halls of his palace. “Little one, it’s time for dinner!”
All that meets your words is the clanging of metal and the tearing of leather. He’s training again, as always.
You push aside a silk curtain embroidered with many lotuses, revealing a well-stocked armory lined with dozen of training dummies.
And in the middle is a very worn-out Ne Zha, the little prince dripping with sweat.
“Little one,” you say, causing the boy’s sash to stand to attention, startled upwards like the tail of a cat. “What did I say about training so late?”
“I, um… I’m not supposed to train… so I won’t want to sleep in late to, um, make up for lost energy.”
“That’s right, sweetpea. Come on, let’s get something in your stomach. And then you’ll need a bath.”
“I already took a bath today,” he huffs, slotting his dual-tipped spear face-down into a holding pot. “I don’t need another.”
Timed to the click of your tongue, you swipe a finger across the young boy’s forehead, dragging a line in the built-up sweat. “I think you do, Ne Zha.”
“…hmph,” he pouts, his little cheeks puffing out. Though the prince is much too polite to outright refuse or go so far as to throw a tantrum, he still shows his displeasure in a quiet and mild way.
It’s one of the things you cherish most about him. Ne Zha is well behaved and rather mature, to the point where you have to encourage him to play and take breaks. It feels a little unfair, really, that someone so young has been saddled with so much responsibility.
You ply the Third Lotus Prince with plushies and paints, allowing him to explore avenues of creativity and make-believe. It’s nourishing for both his mind and body, a period of well-earned rest to slowly recuperate from the constant training he’s so insist on enduring.
In turn, he’s viciously protective of you, and often asks for your explicit attention over any other maidservant in the Celestial Realm.
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Expect him to ward off any would-be suitors by challenging them to duels. It’s a lose-lose scenario . They either somehow win and beat the hell out of a little boy, or, more likely, get the hell beaten out of them by a little boy. Either way, it’s not exactly something that endears them to you, watching grown men and women raise their blades to your protective charge.
Kissing his wounds and fixing his hair, doting on the little lotus prince as your would-be suitors seethe, wishing that they were the ones receiving your attention.
Eventually, Ne Zha will properly dress himself (that’s a lie, he needed your help) for an audience with several important deities in the Celestial Realm, he asks for your permanent placement as his personal parent maidservant.
And what reason do they have to deny such a loyal warrior?
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
yandere concept for redson lmk? please
Sure...! Hope you like it :)
Yandere! Red Son Concept
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Denial, Dark themes, Stalking, Delusional behavior, Condescending behavior, Unhealthy relationships, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Violence, Branding briefly mentioned, Isolation/Kidnapping, Dubious companionship/Forced relationship implied
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I feel like Red Son would be the type of yandere to think he doesn't like his obsession... yet does at an unhealthy amount.
Due to how Red Son acts with people, I can see him in denial at the idea of liking anyone but his family.
This goes for both friends and family.
He just... doesn't think he can do such a thing.
He sees everyone as peasants compared to him and is too prideful to stoop to such a level.
He's dramatic and temperamental, he isn't used to being close with people.
So much that he gets uncomfortable with physical affection and fears being emotionally vulnerable.
As a result, I feel Red Son would be very rude to his obsession at first.
If this sounds familiar... This is because he seems like he'd fall a bit into the 'Tsundere' archetype at first.
Red Son acts like he hates your guts, like he only sees you as a peasant and wants nothing to do with you.
He may even sense this odd attachment to you but tries so hard to ignore it.
He can't seem to get you out of his head no matter how hard he tries.
In response, he may even be a bit more cruel in his words towards you.
He doesn't understand why he can't stop thinking about you.
Which makes him vent his frustrations about you... at you.
Red Son comes off as condescending at the start of the obsession.
He thinks he should see you as beneath him.
Yet, Red Son is quite the lonely demon due to his personality.
He's so deep in denial when it comes to you.
The moment he thinks of you fondly, or even finds himself wanting some sort of bond between you...?
He immediately thinks you did something to him and not that he wants to be friends.
Red Son would either take a long time to confront his obsession, or need someone to help him.
Said someone is most likely MK or Mei, which is a humiliating experience for him.
MK and Mei were most likely his first friends/allies, so if he ever did break and confess his situation... They'd probably tell him he wants to be your friend or something similar.
Red Son doesn't even consider romantic feelings until he becomes friends with you.
With some help, he finally manages to talk to you.
And you're so nice it's both sickening yet pleasing to him.
Even as "friends", Red Son struggles on connecting.
Yet he's less condescending now thankfully.
He does realize that his words have hurt you... and he doesn't want that....
He isn't the most affectionate friend, mostly closed off as he rants to you about something.
He's actually surprised you even listen to his rants.
It... feels a little nice, actually.
Keep in mind that Red Son is not used to anyone caring about his emotions.
So the fact you let him vent is a... nice yet foreign change.
Red Son would probably not see his behavior as bad once it starts manifesting.
He is still new to the whole friend thing... so jealousy is probably something he thinks just... happens.
He feels a bit embarrassed at first to admit he wants to hang out.
Yet when he puts aside his ego, he really does enjoy your presence.
Maybe you aren't a peasant....
Due to his temperamental nature, I think you can tell when he's jealous.
He's seething when your attention is taken away from him during one of your hangouts.
After all, this is time for just you two.
Why does someone else have to ruin it?
Due to his entitlement, Red Son would make a fuss over someone paying attention to you.
The moment you ignore him he has a fit.
No, no, no! This is your time together.
I can see you trying to prevent a fight due to Red Son threatening whoever decided they would speak to you.
Best you calm him before flames start sparking.
Red Son definitely thinks it's a privilege to be his friend.
He deserves your time and will get it no matter what.
Even when you don't hang out, I can see him still trying to watch what you're doing from afar.
After all... are you having more fun with other people?
In that case... He just needs to plan how to win you over better.
Until someone mentions something, Red Son may not realize his behavior stems from romantic feelings.
Isn't it normal for friends to be jealous of others?
Isn't it normal for him to enjoy your smile when he shows you his inventions?
It's gotta be normal for him to feel giddy at the thought of being alone with you... just you and him.
The longer he knows you, the more vulnerable he is with you.
Except he never notices until you point it out... immediately causing him to grow defensive at your words.
It probably isn't until someone comments on his behavior that he considers his feelings for you aren't friendly.
Someone probably mentions he could have a crush on you in a teasing tone, only for him to tell them off.
Only to realize... maybe they're right?
He'd be in denial of his romantic feelings for a long time.
But then... Hey... It makes sense to him.
Why else would he be so possessive around you?
You're even the only person he tolerates physical affection with.
He's easily flustered but he will admit your hugs are addicting... He keeps thinking about them even at home.
The issue is... He has no idea how he'd even confess such a thing?
Which, for a long time, leaves Red Son silently fighting with his feelings.
It doesn't help that his heart flutters when you smile or his skin heats when you touch him.
You're clearly trying to be friendly, but it just has an entirely different effect on him.
Even now he still can't hide the jealousy he feels when others get your attention.
Part of him wonders if he asks you out and you date... if that means you're his now?
If he makes you his partner, does that mean he has control over you?
All of this is so new to him... and he is a demon.
Demons are naturally possessive of what they enjoy.
Especially him.
I can only imagine Red Son's is something he tries to make grande.
He plans it all out as some big reveal before dragging you towards him.
He'd say that it should be an honor to have his heart considering his parentage.
He'd accidentally be condescending in this... which may make you say 'No'.
If you said 'No', he's baffled.
How COULD you decline his offer!?
He worked so hard to make this perfect!
He'd throw a fit, give up for a bit, then realize he still very much needs you and decides to try again.
If you said 'Yes', he's smug.
He knew you'd agree with some convincing!
Truthfully, he was never going to take 'No' for an answer.
Now that you're dating, he feels entitled to you.
He's clingier and more demanding, often wrapping an arm around your waist.
Now he's overconfident, braggin to anyone that'll listen that you're his.
He's obsessive about you to an alarming degree.
He refuses to let you out of his sight without throwing a fit.
Scold him if you want, he isn't listening, probably will just tell his parents about all of your fights.
He's a brat that isn't afraid to burn someone if it meant he got you to himself.
By this point there's no going back.
People can correct him, but he's not listening.
All he really cares about is having you to himself.
He's never felt this way towards anyone else but you.
He'd be a fool to give you up now.
In terms of if Red Son would hurt anyone over you? I don't doubt it.
Sometimes he can't control his flames, which may lead to someone getting hurt.
That and I can see him eventually trying to have you move in with him.
After all, he lives in a castle.
Don't you want to live in a castle?
He'd definitely convince you to stay at Demon Bull King's Fortress.
He'd als desperately look for his parents' approval of you.
If they say you're a good fit... Then you never have to leave!
His kidnapping is typically coercion, carefully drawing you in like a moth to a flame.
Then he can keep you isolated in the castle, just so he can keep you to himself.
After that I can see him clinging to you, surprisingly giddy at the thought of having you to himself.
Now he doesn't need to share!
Seriously, who's willingly going to come here?
Not many! Which means you're all his.
Now you can love in peace!
This may seem OOC, but maybe Red Son could brand his obsession as punishment?
It's definitely way later into the obsession, most likely when he isolates you in the castle.
By that point he would've had to snap in order to make such a decision.
He'd brand a specific symbol or pattern to remind people that you're his, then immediately attempt to comfort you afterwards.
Ironically, Red Son is like playing with fire.
You're completely oblivious to what you do to him.
You think being friends will be nice.
Unfortunately... He just gets worse.
If you stay with him despite the warning signs... you're merely growing the fire deep inside him...
Soon his obsession will grow and grow if nothing is done to prevent it...
Leaving you to get burned.
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angelzlibrary · 1 year
࣪   .   𝄞 ㅤ۪  ࿙࿚  ◌ . ࣪   𝒫𝒜𝒫𝒜 𝐵𝐸𝒜𝑅
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𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 : Yandere! Redson telling everyone that your dating even though you guys are just close friends, imagine going to his house for dinner and dbk asking how long you guys have been together and your'e just, so confused. 𝙩𝙬 : yandere if you squint, awkward family dinner, DBK
Maybe it’s your fault for accepting his invitation. 
Ok, no, it’s not your fault, you didn’t expect this.
When Red Son invited you to dinner at his house, you expected 1 on 1 time, maybe even a group hangout, not sitting next to him at the large dining room table as his parents looked down on you. Over in your peripheral vision, you could swear you saw Red Son’s smug face beaming up at his father, the Demon Bull King, who was glaring down at you from the other end of the table. 
Finally getting away from DBK’s prying eyes, you redirect your attention to the bustling bull clones fluttering about the home. “I made them myself!” Red Son boasted, shocking you back into reality. He held his head high as you looked at him, proud of his heritage. Laughing a bit, thankful for the lightening of the mood, you brought the focus back to the situation at hand.
After a beat of silence, Princess Iron Fan (Red Son’s mother, if you remember correctly), speaks up.  
“So, child, how did you meet our son?” The question is simple enough, and you answer with no problem, calmly retelling the events of your first encounter. Leaving out the detail of him attempting to burn you to a crisp, of course. PIF nods contently, slightly softening her stiff posture. “Good. I trust that you treat him well.” Taking that as a good sign, you relaxed, watching the bull clones lay trays of food. (Majority of it was your favorites, did you ever tell Red Son that?). While eating you finally let your guard down a bit. It was just dinner, you were fine. They just want to meet their son’s friends, nothing to worry about. Just as you finally were at peace, DBK’s booming voice echoed throughout the room.
“How long have you been together, surely you’ve been courting them, boy?”
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olinblogin · 10 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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Edgy MK
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Was supposed to draw Macaque, but it turned, out to be more like MK, if he had an emo phase XD or, in those Swap AU.
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pamgkrthwrites · 10 months
anyways since ur reqs are open for lmk can i get aaaa yan!redson with an reader whos like amy rose personality wise (which means she has a HUGEE crush on red since season 1 and theres a "she fell first but he fell harder" trope) was the host of lbd, and is MK's younger sister?? sorry if its too much i made reader based off an lmk oc i have 😭
I have a confession. I have based my entire personality and life around Amy Rose. I love her so much. She's my favourite character of all time. Literally without her, I don't think I would've become creative, or be as chronically online as I am. I owe her my whole life. And if you were to squint at my LMK OC, you can see the Amy Rose inspiration. So I know, I know.
Warning, the following content has disturbing/triggering themes such as; Yandere Themes, Abusive Relationships, Obsession, Obsessive Love, and others. I do not support or encourage these themes or actions, they are merely written fictional events for entertainment. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20.
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Before you were possessed by Lady Bone Demon, you would beg MK to let you tag along so you could see Red Son. Whenever you see him, you are sighing with hearts. MK looks at you with a concerned look but on the other hand, its what makes it easier for him to try to get Red Son on they're side.
So MK comes back from training with Monkey King and the gang comes to save him, you are crying about how Demon Bull King took over. He still his goofy self when doing it of course but is careful of you.
After Demon Bull King is defeat, you quickly and tightly hug Red Son but he tries his best to push you off. Of course, he leaves with his parents, looking over his shoulder to see you smiling and blushing at him.
Only for you to go missing.
That's the reason why he stays in the city, because he is looking for you while MK is training with Monkey King. When he sees you - though possessed with Lady Bone Demon - the reality of the situation hits him like a tone of bricks. He hopes his cure for spiders will help, but it doesn't
He becomes obsessed with trying to find a cure for you, to get you free of the Lady Bone Demon. So when you are finally free and he sees you being carried by Macaque, he very quickly pulls you out of his arms.
"Fuck off, scumbag!"
Maybe his langue wasn't your cup of tea but holy fucking shit your heart is doing laps.
Red Son is holding you holy fucking shit.
You snuggle into his embrace and his grip on you becomes tighter. He is never going to let you out of his sight ever again.
When everything is fixed, he gives you a week to be with MK before taking you back to his family home. If MK comes around looking, he won't be able to find you unless you ask to see MK.
He kisses you all over your face and holds you close, telling you that he loves you and will never ever let anything back happen to you ever again.
His parents sometimes look over, seeing him have you sit on his lap and feeding then look back at each other with concerned looks. If they thought you were overly affectionate, then imagine what their thoughts about their son.
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boonalina · 1 month
Excerpt from Chapter One, The Moon Guides the Tide, of my Successor AU fic:
Macaque and Mei
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Originally in the story, Macaque is wearing his hood to hide his identity. But I decided to take it off so that y'all could fully see what this version of him looks like.
Mei doesn't have her green highlights at this point in the story. She slowly gains them overtime after she unlocked and mastered her dragon power.
Q & A:
What is the Successor AU? -An alternate universe where Mei and Mk were born in the same era that Redson was. -Macaque raised Mei, Wukong raised Mk, and Nezha raised Redson. -Story has shadowpeach implications in it. Don't like? Don't read.
What are the changes to this universe? -Shapeshifting and glamour don't exist. Hence why Macaque can't hide his eye or his ears. -Macaque was on the Journey to the West with Wukong -Wukong never killed Macaque in this AU -And other changes, but for the most part, it's the same.
When and Where does it take place? -The story takes place around 95 years after the journey to the west ended. So it takes place in like ancient times. -Takes place in China (supposedly, I mean, I'm assuming the JTTW took place in China.)
Why did Macaque, Wukong, and Nezha raise those three? -I can't answer for Macaque and Mei cuz that's a spoiler. -Nuwa created and gave Mk's stone egg to Wukong as a sort of challenge to see if he could raise a child. (There's more detail to it but that'd be a spoiler.) -Nezha is the god of children, so he took it upon himself to take responsibility for Redson after Princess Iron Fan was put in jail. He calls himself Redson's "older brother."
What's the story summary? -Basically, I just wanted to create a possessive Wukong AU. Most of the story is basically a game of hide and seek. Where over the years, Wukong tries to find Macaque but keeps just missing him. Redson finds Mk stuck on Flower Fruit Mountain and they bond over time. Mei eventually finds Redson and Mk while she was on her own journey. Read the story to find out what happens!
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Hey! So saw your ask yanderes and I decided to ask :)
It is okay if I ask : MK, Mei, Redson, Wukong, Macauqe, Syntax, Mayor, and Nezha ?
If I can then what would they do if their darling decided to just end the friendship because of their issues? Ahaha... TRUST ISSUES. their darling don't trust them no more and decided to end the friendship. And their darling will not be hearing any excuses from them and will end that friendship right there.
(My issues😘)
Hope you can do!
- 🌼 (did I request too much?)
A/N: You're good! I said no character limits, so no limit shall there be. Just a lil heads-up for anyone else, yes there are no limits, but do be warned I'll be taking extra time on longer asks to make sure everything flows properly A/N: Since Tumblr won't let me write too much (and started not letting me post it) I had to break it up into two parts! Don't worry I'll be posting it soon after this one <> CW: Kidnapping 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 "Wait- what do you mean you don't want to see me anymore?" MK felt tears beginning to sting his eyes. "Listen, I know sometimes I kinda got intense, but I told you I don't mean to scare you. It's just- when I see someone who looks like they're gonna hurt you I get really angry, and I want to keep you safe. Y/N, please! Don't go!" He suddenly grabs you by the shoulders. "I can change, I swear! Just don't leave me!" As you turn and begin to walk away, his breathing gets shorter as panic begins to swell within his heart. In a blink, he's struck you unconscious. "It'll be okay...it'll be okay...I'll just get you home. Then we'll talk this out, it'll all be okay..." MK repeats this to himself like a calming mantra as he carries you off. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Upon you saying you're breaking things off, Mei laughs. "Ahh, that's a good one Y/N. You really had me goin' there for a minute." When you continue to stare at her, she slowly sets down her milkshake. "You're...not kidding? But why would you want to stop hangin' out with me? Don't we have fun together? Don't you like hanging out with me?" She stands up from her seat, hand twitching towards her jade sword. "Who is it, huh? Who's so much better than me that you're willing to just throw away what we have for them? What do they have that I don't?! Are they prettier? Smarter? WHAT IS IT?!" Mei can feel her power beginning to spark up, but she's too upset to truly care. "TELL ME!!!" ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Before you can even get the words out, Red Son's got you by the throat and is lifting you up into the air. His hair is completely aflame, and his eyes are blazing. "So that's it? You think you're just going to leave me? Well there's just one teensey little problem there, Y/N." He pulls you closer until your faces are inches apart. "You. Are. Mine. And I am not in the habit of letting go of what I rightfully own." Red Son's fingers are squeezing your throat, he doesn't seem to notice how much force he's using. "Now we are GOING back to my home, you will SIT in the dungeon and THINK about what you've done, and I EXPRESSLY FORBID YOU from EVER mentioning leaving me again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 "Aww, it's cute that you think you can leave." Unbeknownst to Y/N, the seal to the entrance to Flower-Fruit Mountain begins glowing brighter, sealing them in. "Look Y/N, I think you've had a very long, very stressful day. Why don't you..." He picks from his fur a few strands and blows on them, transforming them into the sleep bugs he's used so often in his Westward journey. Before you can jerk back, he's got you by the throat and has dropped them upon you. "Take a little nap? Then when you wake up, you'll feel better! I'm feelin' like goin' out for dinner, we can talk then!" As the world begins to fade and your eyes begin to close you hear his laugh before he says, "Sweet dreams."
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purble-turble · 5 months
(Sorry for always doing Battle Nexus questions but something did appear in my head that I wanted info of-)
Soo We have DKR who is highly possessive and obsessed with MK, none of the MK’s want him, the solution? Just give him Yandere MK. He’s almost as or even equally as Obsessed with Redson, and none of the Red’s want him, soo Just pair them up and DKR and him should leave the others alone
Unless they just end up plotting together to take the MK’s and Redson’s to themselves.. I think I just accidentally made a powerful Duo, uh oh..
No worries! I love the Battle Nexus, it's a mash up of every AU ever and is fully self indulgent, so obviously it's the best thing ever!
If I remember correctly, Yandere MK actually originated as part of a Battle Nexus question in the first place, and his interactions with Demon King Red there are extremely unique and toxic haha.. When there is an MK as possessive and evil as DKR also running around, the two are obviously going to gravitate towards each other.
Mostly what ends up happening is the two of them go off alone together to some distant, empty room and make out for who even knows how long. Then when they're finally satisfied with that and think it's time to go home, they both say they want to take the other back to their own universe. They each of their own (but actually the same) reasons for needing the other to go back to their universe.. DKR wants to bring this MK back to his palace where he knows he can keep him safe, and Yandere MK wants to take this Red back to his own universe where he will have the surest control over every aspect of him.
Anyway, unless the two are interrupted by someone trying to "rescue" one or both of them from the other, they just end up arguing and fighting about whose universe they will be together in until the Nexus ends up closing for the night and they're both automatically teleported back home.
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Phoenixeclipse-lmkau Introduction Page
Hello everyone I wanted to make a new introduction page for myself! My name is Phoenix (pen name). I'm now 21 as of August and I am female for those who want to know.
I am reading/writing for the Jttw and lmk fandoms because they are so much fun! Love those Monkey Men, not that I’d admit that in real life, but eh. They are adorable!
I also like yandere and tsundere content.
- Prompt Request Page -
Other Accounts
A03 - PhoenixEclipseLmk
Yandere themes
Blood and Gore
Fandom Ships (The Ones I like)
Some of these are minor ships in my fanfics, but they are the ones I like and personally like to see/ read or write about. If you don't like them that's okay, just don't give me any hate and were good.
Phoenixeclipse (Sun Wukong x Macaque x Phoenix -OC- )
Shadowpeach (Sun Wukong x Macaque)
Sunphoenix (Sun Wukong x Phoenix -OC- )
Shadowphoenix (Macaque x Phoenix -OC- )
Sun Wukong x Reader
Macaque x Reader
Sun Wukong x Macaque x Reader
Freenoodles (Tripitaka Tang Sanzang x Zhu Bajie |Pigsy|)
Spicynoodles (Qi Xiaotian x Redson)
Azure x Phoenix (Onesided)
Spiderqueen x Wukong (Onesided)
Phoenixeclipse AU Masterlists (Lmk/JTTW)
The Journey Out Of The West Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Pirate Au Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Shadowbone Au Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Collage Au Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Forgotten Au Masterpost
Short Story Masterpost
Oneshots Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Oc / Character Masterpost
Shadowpeach x Reader AU Masterposts
Currently, the main fic I am working on is Cursed Warlords.
Cursed Warlords AU - Masterpost
For those who read this au, you should check out the comments of the posts. I respond to people who comment as much as I can and might give extra info that I forget to put in the posts.
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