Track of the day // Tiga & Hudson Mohawke - Silence of Love ft. Jesse Boykins III
From the album L'Ecstasy by Love Minus Zero, out December 1st on Love Minus Communications.
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jonna-thure-agnes · 2 years
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thinkatoryprocess · 2 years
So I knocked out a substantial installment of the romance novel because I was inspired - 7k, more than doubling what I had before, and with some seriously intense plot points. I'm on the fence about what to do with this story at this point, whether to just buckle down and write it until I'm prepared for a final edit and publish, or to find some way to share installments until that point. I don't know.
Patreon is rough. AO3's origfic section would mean having to pull it back down again when I meant to sell it properly. I'm tempted to put it up on AO3's origfic section and maybe link my ko-fi anyway. We'll see. I'm grateful I wrote this installment either way.
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akascow · 2 years
legit trying so hard in these tags HAHHA
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dutchspur · 1 year
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Reposted from @group4wheels 📸 @chokemetilidie
🚘 build by @bentonperformance
LMZ 16 x 6” aluminium steels.
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5ammi90 · 4 months
Why is there no gif set for season 16 episode 12 of Liv and Rafael talking about the lmz guy. I’ve seen the sudok gif but never the ‘motherhood has really changed you’ with the nice smile and then a serious face. It’s so funny.
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thekaijudude · 2 years
Important official Information about Dinas and its contribution to fusion lore
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So this comes from Dinas' official designer, Takahiko Waki, pay attention to every single point he says because it has pretty major implications which allows us to peek into the fusion mechanisms as well as the current power level of potentially every ultra that has ever fused before and the status quo of Decker currently. Ill just state out all of what he says before explaining what it means for the lore.
He first confirms that Dinas is a proto-state of Decker and would have evolved to Decker Flash Type when he is "fully completed"
Secondly, the original concept for why Dinas is to be purple due to the remnants of Cosmos' Space Corona Mode within Dyna from the time they merged into Saga (bascially the logic for Zero's standard forms). But he emphasized that this was just an idea.
Since I'm gonna be referencing my last post on this topic to provide some context, im gonna leave a convenient link to it here:
So lets start from the first point.
This narrows down the possible mechanisms at work here as stated in my last post about this topic. As this means that every permanent light is essentially the same, in the sense that they have the same stages of evolution. This means that when Decker Asumi first received the light from Dyna, he most probably started off with Dinas as well, before eventually evolving to Decker Flash Type, then further gaining Strong and Miracle Type. Then Kanata further evolved it to Dynamic Type.
Now ik this would sort of contradict another major point I made in the last post about the VoL because as we've clearly seen, each O50 Ultra's base form looks very different, however, this point can be reconciled by the implications of his second statement which I will get to later.
Another keyword used by Takahiko is that Decker is the "fully completed" form of Dinas, does that means that the base form of any of Dyna's "children" would be permanently Decker Flash Type? Remains to be seen since this a very new concept here and Im totally ok with this being left open-ended at this point for potential future relevance.
Now, the MAJOR one is all in the second statement, in fact, this is something that I have always been pointing out that Zero couldnt be the only one being left with the remnants of the powers of the other 2 Ultras since their merger of Saga. Ik the caveat here is that he clarified that it was their original idea and not canon, but the fact that there was no canon explanation in the movie or any other media means that they could simply just use this as the canon explanation in the future. And boy would this explanation have very HUGE implications on fusion mechanism itself.
Firstly, the obvious point would be the fact that Dyna actually has the powers of Zero and Cosmos within him. But what does it do for Dyna exactly here? We saw with Zero that this manifested itself into SCZ and LMZ. And we clearly havent seen anything new with Dyna since 2012.
So does this mean that:
a) Dyna has new power and speed forms that has integrated the relevant aspects of Zero and Cosmos within them?
But because we clearly havent seen them,
b) Another possibility could be that these aspects have been integrated into his existing Strong and Miracle Types.
However, considering that they still look the same, still might mean the first possibility but its just that we havent seen them. Or
c) It just boosts his overall stats without a change in appearance unlike with Zero.
d) And/Or the whole possibility of Dyna having Dynamic Type (based on Decker) could be due to having being able to integrate his, Zero's and Cosmos' powers into a single form to create said Dynamic Type essentially.
Which btw, this means that Decker himself has the powers of Zero and Cosmos (Justice as well) within him
And this line of reasoning applies the same to Cosmos as well.
So basically Dyna and Cosmos would most likely have access to new powers and forms that we have not seen yet.
You can even go one step further and say that this directly also improves the strength of Justice and Legend himself via the same reasoning
In fact, this applies to every single ultra that has been part of a Type 1 Pure fusion, and seeing someone like Taro is able to use the Cosmo Miracle Series only AFTER being fused into Super Taro supports this theory. So to clarify even further, this essentially means all the ultras involved in the fusion of Mebius Infinity, Reiga and Saga would all gain some form of permanent powerup since their fusion, which we havent seen yet.
And to bring this back to the earlier point of his first statement contradicting my previous theory on beings like the VoL being Ultras themselves. So, while all O50 Ultras look fundamentally different, this theory still stands because I could simply include the whole reason for this is because whatever Ultra the VoL was, he participated in alot of battles and fused with alot of other ultras over thousands and thousands of years in the past before being as powerful as it is rn, so it has a huge variety of powers mixed within him. And being this powerful, he could probably manipulate and extract certain aspects of his full power to give a unique ultra form to anyone that has managed to climb the mountain. And because all this new information still does not contradict any of the previously established links I managed to connect about O50 Ultras being able to evolve their base forms, and getting henshin devices and weapons from the VoL itself as well.
In addition, we know that there are hints of the existence of Ultras already that stretch far beyond just the range of a few thousand years. In the main M78 universe alone, King is 300 000 years old with the Monster Graveyard being 650 000 years. In the Neo Space Frontier Universe, entire pantheons of ultras already existed 30 million years ago, and the 2020 Dyna novel basically that the source of said pantheon still exists and still being able to bestow ultra powers to beings, which means that it still had the capability to propagate its existence. In fact, with this knowledge, Im surprised that the Neo Space Frontier Universe is not already filled with uncountable pantheons of Ultras from the DoL (Dimension of Light). Also back in the Z series, Z himself noted that the Z Lance Arrow was a weapon that was left by another Ultra 30 000 years ago.
So, there's clearly a lot of ultra activity that has persisted for potentially forever, so the VoL ultra having such a wide variety of powers shouldn't be all that surprising at all. And that goes the same for virtually all sources of all the ultra pantheons as far as we know of.
In fact, being a power source might be the final evolution of ultras as we know it since we know that the original Tiga also left his body behind before "transforming to light", in UGF3, we see that Noa himself manifested himself from light, so this means that at any point, all these ultra sources could still manifest themselves back into their original forms. But the difference we see here seems to be just how passive they choose to be in this "advanced state of existence" like it could be anywhere from the Plasma Spark, whose passive presence is already able to power the entire LoL and whose only other interacts come from whichever of its "children" that tries to come into direct contact with it (Belial and Zero) [The Ultra Mind also falls into this category], in the same vein, the other case would be source of The Kingdom, whose source is most likely the Absolutian Lord, whose power of its passive presence is going out of control the closer it is to his actual awakening.
To another degree of activity like the VoL that actively engages with its proxies as seen in the Origin Saga and the RB Novel even after bestowing them their powers by giving them missions and providing upgrades to them
Clearly as we near the awakening of the Absolutian Lord, more and more lore about the Ultra sources are slowly coming to light which is a very, VERY exciting prospect imo
In fact, as many of yall have also pointed out with Blazar, and I also floated the possibility that Blazar might be a proxy of Noa himself or something of the like due to the duality of the origins of the Supernova-Black Hole dynamics
All these new tidbits of information actually leave ALOT of room for future development because at any point in time, they could literally introduce any these concepts and it would be perfectly reasonable too
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cyarskj1899 · 11 months
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said a whole word tonight!
These “progressives” are NOT allies to anyone. Most of them are chaos agents trying to grift and get clout on people’s pain.
As I mentioned before, I will not comment on the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East.
With that being said, if you’re not going to vote for #BidenHarris2024, then either vote Republican or don’t vote at all. The last thing we need is people posing as Dems, but are deterrents. Nobody as time did the BS.
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male-spirit · 1 year
Tu sais que tu es quelqu'un de curieux quand tu vas jusqu'à déplier le petit bout de papier trouvé dans le Caddie que tu prends au supermarché et que tu lis la liste de courses du client précédent jusqu'au bout. 😁
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jonna-thure-agnes · 2 years
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
Apologies for doing... nothing, basically. I only have my job and my upcoming singing gig on my mind.
Maybe when I get out of "aen;aegnig;anodv;oadk/lmz" mode I'll be able to finish that epilogue. For realsies.
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panelki · 4 months
🔊Специалист по снабжению 💰от 80 000 ₽ до вычета налогов ⚡️АО ЛМЗ им. К.Либкнехта, Выборгская, Чугунная улица, 14 ☎️+79587790512, +79587820205 доб. 365 ✉️[email protected] АО "ЛМЗ ИМ. К.ЛИБКНЕХТА" ВХОДИТ В ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ ОПК (ОБОРОННО-ПРОМЫШЛЕННЫЙ КОМПЛЕКС) 👉ОБЯЗАННОСТИ: Планирование закупок; Поиск поставщиков; Контроль качества поставляемой продукции; Оптимизация издержек в процессе снабжения. ✋ТРЕБОВАНИЯ: Высшее образование; Владение компьютером на пользовательском уровне; Опыт работы на аналогичной должности будет Вашим преимуществом. 👌УСЛОВИЯ: ИНОГОРОДНИМ СОТРУДНИКАМ ПРЕДОСТАВЛЯЕТСЯ ПРОЖИВАНИЕ В КОМФОРТНЫХ АПАРТАМЕНТАХ; Официальное оформление по ТК РФ; График работы 5/2; Профессиональное развитие, возможность проходить обучение за счёт предприятия, повышать квалификацию; Социальный пакет: ДМС включая стоматологию; Жилищная программа; Компенсация абонемента на фитнес; Компенсация детского летнего отдыха; Премии к юбилеям, рождению ребенка, бракосочетанию. Коллективный договор, премирование по результатом работы за месяц, мед. комиссия за счет работодателя; Развитая корпоративная культура (спортивные и праздничные мероприятия, подарки сотрудникам и детям к праздникам, билеты на ёлку); Место работы в шаговой доступности от метро Выборгская. Если Вы не дозвонились или ознакомились с вакансией в выходной день -напишите свой номер телефона, разряд и в какое время с вами лучше связаться в рабочий день.
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dutchspur · 1 year
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Reposted from @group4wheels @autokennel
LMZ 16 x 7 & 8” aluminium steels
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railwaysupply · 6 months
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danielmania123 · 7 months
March 2024 Calendar - LMZ Hollow Tree by DanielMania123
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militaryleak · 8 months
Lipetsk Mechanical Plant Successfully Completes Contract for Self-Propelled Tracked Chassis
The Lipetsk Mechanical Plant (LMZ) under the Kalashnikov concern has successfully fulfilled its 2023 obligations for the supply of self-propelled tracked chassis (SGSh). The completion of this government contract marks a crucial contribution to the enhancement of the Russian Armed Forces’ capabilities, particularly in the realm of air defense. The LMZ has delivered the self-propelled tracked…
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