#lnds talia
skynapple · 4 months
Madi Caught Slipping: aka "How Jeremiah falls for every character in the book"
Scroll to find your favorite characters. Some are kinda crack ships. Have fun.
The girls:
Tara: This one's easy. They caught each other's eyes through MC and Xavier. He's at Xavier's place, they met in a common area. Jeremiah is trying to be a good wingman but he knows better than to use old tactics of flirting with MC on purpose to make Xavier act out in jealousy, he can do that when the trio is alone. That day he directed his attention to Tara, some small talk and flirting, maybe slung an arm around her shoulder to drag her to get a bucket of ice or anything for the other two to be alone. But she's adorable and he thinks, what the heck, a date won't hurt. She's pretty, and again, it's a good excuse for causing more circumstances to fall into place. The last thing he expects is to fall in love but it doesn't take much. She's earnest, tightness, selfless, and sweet. And look, who else is he going to gossip about Xavier and MC with? Good luck, Jer. Crystals in his pockets. He doesn't believe in any of her witchy stuff but doesn't mind it if it helps her feel like she's connecting to him or keeping him safe somehow. His religion he feels doesn't really affect it, he's only semi religious anyway. Cute planned dates. Flowers on her desk. Starts carrying some things of her recommendations in the shop. It's an easy, refreshing, comforting, and syrupy sweet relationship. Like two kids giggling in a pillow fort.
Jenna: This one's not easy. But, she's Xavier's "Captain" which, ok, Xavier is Jeremiah's "Captain" so there's the good soldier dynamic. There's a chance -depending on how Infold wants to play it- that Jenna and Jeremiah have a already met. It may be through Backtracker work, anti-Onychinus logistics, Jeremiah's research, something. If they have, it's an easier door. Either way, all they do is talk logistics and mission stuff to begin with. Then it's random small talk. Jenna is fun, and always thinking of others. There's a sense of "we're in this together" that bridges a gap. Maybe he senses that she's overworked. Maybe he hears from Xavier that they lost a hunter on their team. He sends her flowers. Then just keeps sending her flowers so she always has something to brighten her day, because he feels some compassion for the stress she's under, and secretly he's grateful that someone else is looking over Xavier. It's a slow burn. It's dependable, and sweet, and then it's a strong. They're a candle that keep others going, just trying to make it another day, but they keep that candle burning together.
MC: See Budding Romance. Anyways. This one really only works if like, MC has eyes interacts with him a lot more than Xavier. Because Jeremiah is always realistically going to be putting Xavier's needs first? And he really has shipped those two for centuries. He's probably absolutely had it up to here with them (imagine I am gesturing to something really tall for the metaphor.) But it also only works if he realizes he's loved her, because he has to get past a sense of 'She's Xavier's but I want her too.' It also only works if Xavier's holding back a bit, like he senses there may already be something going on between them? If he's confusing MC and she gets comfortable with Jer enough, then maybe, maybe. OR, she is just a version of MC who just doesn't have interest in pursuing Xavier at all, similarly to the MC's that end up with literally any other love interest, this MC would just... be particularly inclined towards Jeremiah to begin with, regardless of meeting Xavier first. Which, Jer would still have to get past whatever he's going to deal with, but once they're together, God. The manic things I've thought.
The way he's loved her for centuries, even if platonically before, to stay at her side in unwavering devotion for centuries, to abandon everything he knows on a chance of saving her, being her second-in-command, probably being the one to hold her tears when she could've easily felt very alone. He knows MC inside and out, TOO. And I think it would be very easy for him to want to slip back into a sense of companionship and want to by her side in any capacity of her life. Jer needs to feel attentive and needed, and I think it would be easy to want to stay by "his commanders" and "his Queens" side purely out of loyalty, and maybe... there's a sense of: It's always been me, I don't want it to be anyone else.
Yvonne: This one's funny. It definitely has to be a coincidental meeting. Jer's not going to any hospitals anytime soon. They have to meet outside work before, either on accident or she's a patron of his store, something like that. But the energy, please. She's beautiful, snarky. He can get behind that. She's also probably overworked. It's easy for him to be a sounding board, listen to all the gossip, or the frustration of incompetent patients. It's easy for him to be a comfort, patients get under your skin sometimes no matter how high the walls. Losing patients is never easy but god if Jeremiah hasn't been used to losing people all the time. It's easy for him to go along with antics. Prank bouquets to unwitting hospital members. And maybe if he's comfortable, he's appreciating that he actually knows a nurse. He teaches her how to care for Philosian differences in physiology, because there's probably things that are different and things he's had to DIY. Oh she'd absolutely shred him an earful if she finds out he's doing something stupid post-Wanderer hunting excursions. He absolutely makes her vision of beautiful custom scrubs come true.
Talia: Lord, Jeremiah as her nth husband? Sure. She's definitely ordering a lot of flowers to pester at Rafayel. Or she's getting flowers for her nth wedding. Maybe Wedding Planner style, it doesn't work out, but hey that florist is kinda--. And honestly, Jer probably picks up on some things. She's not from around here, neither is he. There's a certain vernacular Lemurians use, and there's a vernacular Philosians use. Maybe it's easier to tell earlier on. Kinda like Hispanics and Filipinos can immediately just pick each other out of a crowd. (Source: Is Hispanic). So there may be some companionship in, hey we're not here by choice, something drastic happened. And she's,,, way older century-wise probably, but he's not actually young, and they both have the bodies of a twenty-something. It's fine. They probably can find things to relate to. Old stories, old myths, old movies, old music. It's nostalgic and sweet. Maybe she likes the fact that he's not going to die, unlike her previous human boyfriends.
the boys:
Xavier: I could write a book but. Just the constant companions and devotion. The loyalty. The "I'm with you to the end" and the fact that Jeremiah was someone he immediately told everything about MC. How, despite Xavier's jealousy, he still depending on him to look after MC and still needed him. Honestly, Xavier needs Jeremiah a lot more than I think he lets on. Vice versa. Xavier wasn't there for him when Jer lost the love of his life, and unlike Xavier's who reincarnates, he's never getting her back. It's a very permanent grief that Philosians seldom had to deal with. I'm sure Xavier feels a sense of regret. At the same time, it just makes Jer more fiercely loyal. I said it above, he deeply needs to have a sense of duty. He desperately needs to be needed by Xavier, to be ordered around and feel like he's contributing. He doesn't want to let him down, and he desperately doesn't want him to ever go through what he has. They know mostly everything about each other. They do love each other, already, so much. It doesn't take much. One or both could've already questioned things. Or they're in a universe where MC already chose someone else, so it's a matter of comfort and redemption and trying to let Xavier heal and grow into someone independent of MC. Also. I think about the fact that in CANON Jeremiah specifically made sure that he brought Xavier's favorite flowers with them from Philos and if that's not love I don't know what is. In this essay I will---
Zayne: This one is the most crack to me because again. Jer and medical staff? Probably not going to mix. They must meet at an outside time and place. Jer can't know Zayne's a doctor until later. It definitely has to be a universe where MC is pursuing someone else, but that may not stop Zayne from buying her flowers? Especially if she's not dating other guy yet, and on her birthday, something like that. So they could meet at the flower shop. It's not love at first sight, it can't be. Jer gets him with sweets. He uses one of Bella's old recipes maybe when he's mourning her death's anniversary? Zayne has plenty of loss experience. He's just a customer that day but he takes comfort in letting out the story a little bit. Zayne makes a recommendation. Jer makes him something else to thank him for his patronage. Its just sweet sharing back and forth until they actually decide to go somewhere after work. Not a date. They're too manly for that. Both assume the other is friend zoned. The crowd is banging through the floorboards at these two. Jer baking a lot, Zayne eating and tending to Wanderer wounds. Very slow but, comforting and sweet. Pun intended. Cause that's what it would be. They heal each other in more ways than one.
Rafayel: If I speak- ok. Listen. Talia or fans still is ordering a lot of flowers for Rafayel. Jer gets used to dropping them off. He knows Rafayel is probably hiding something, again, vernacular, however I've seen Rafayel tends to hide his better. But those muscles are way too toned for Rafayel to be some random painter. Pls. I know too many art majors. Jeremiah making Rafayel clothes. Because he's talented (hello Lumiere costume) and can definitely do some cool stuff (fireproof, effect stuff). Also, Jeremiah like,,, is on the dark web scouring for content for stuff to build ship parts and also keep an eye on wayward Backtrackers. There's no way he doesn't know Rafayel's wanted. Maybe he helps take care of it. You know Lemurians and debts. Idk. Just lots of snark. Lots of trying to take care of each other. Cooking together. Maybe even fighting together. Jeremiah being weirdly assertive with Thomas, a la "He said no pickles" style. Again, very easy to slip into a loyal companion mode. Very easy. Plus like. It's a very, very acts of service relationship. They squabble a bit but only cause they care. Also, same dynamic as Talia, they've been around a long time, they'll be around a long time from now. There's comfort in that.
Caleb: If Maverick himself is alive somehow, it either comes through mutual connection like MC wanting to introduce her "brother" or Caleb maybe stalking out people in "his sister's" life. So honestly he may have met him at a party. Its a work party. Everyone gets a plus one. MC brings Caleb, Xavier brings Jer. I have a hc Jer is a hopeless drunk, but nothing happens at this party cause earth beverages from what we've seen with Xavier don't honestly have much effect. Unless... Caleb himself gets.. yeah. Maybe he retaliates that MC is showing Xavier a lot of attention when he's s'posed to be the date. Fine. Two can play at this game. He goes after Jer. Sloppy kiss. Jer would be... admittedly weirded out, and probably more concerned about the guy. Next day some kind of humiliated apology at the flower shop spurred on by MC. But Jer's soft, and sweet, and kinda teasing. Oh no god help Caleb. They might bicker a lot, but they both care about MC and later on each other deeply. They might just start hanging out for the sake of it. But they both have soldier's hearts, and are protective people. They become protective of each other. Jer starts watching the sky scanners, keeping up to date on any relevant threats. Secret information passed along through a channel Jer engineers. Caleb frantically watching his watch that's connected to Jer's when he assumes Jer goes wanderer hunting. Fishing trips, cooking. Arcades. Nostalgic movies. Somehow they have synergy. Somehow.
Nero: Jer's an alien so that's cool. Honestly, I wonder if they already know each other. Not in person? But online? If Jeremiah's ever submitted anything for private analysis and Nero's the wanderer expert. He might've been connected just through accessing Xavier's portal to the deepspace organization. They start meeting in person to trade stuff. It's very secretive. Nero catches him out and about. Doesn't recognize him, couldn't possibly begin to, but he knows that voice anywhere. And oh no Jer's beautiful. He starts doing his own investigation. Shows up at the flower shop once he's sure, and slides him something only they would know. Jer's incredibly impressed. Wants to hang out more. They talk nerdy, and honestly it's probably worse the more Nero knows. Like, you mean there's alternate timelines and dimensions? You mean you can pull a sword out of your arm, too? You mean this metal is from another planet? You mean there's even more wanderers? You fell through a black hole?? Just on and on. Jer doesn't mind the obsession, it's nice to be open and talk about home. It starts as just kinda friendly besties but they grow to actually care about each other. Maybe they worry about each other somehow. They definitely try to outdo who does more for who. It's very relaxed, and not constrained. They don't have to be together all the time, it's comfortable.
Thomas: Again, something to do with deliveries to Rafayel. He starts being around. Maybe Thomas contacts him to do an event and Jer is just? Helpful? A nice guy? Hey Thomas looks like he needs a drink, that's all. Or maybe Thomas forgot something, requires Jer to back and like. They just?? Talk? For a long time. That kind of comfort bond builds first. Jer is easy to talk to. Jer's also like, nice and insistent enough if he finds out Thomas is an artist like, insists he wants something from Thomas specifically and wants to trade for some kind of arrangement. Well how about a drink? It's just relaxed and comfortable. This is a relationship Jer might withhold some of the aliens from outer space stuff a little longer, just until he's more sure of things and outcomes. But it's easy, and he likes hearing the stories. Thomas tries to paint what he thinks Philos looks like based on his descriptions. Jer cries. Jer cultivates a specific type of rose after Thomas. It's very luxurious type of relationship. Doesn't have to be money consuming but. Museums. Botanical gardens. Whiskey nights. Private lounges. Jeremiah makes him a custom suit. Just a lot of gift giving back and forth.
Greyson: Like Zayne, there has to be some circumstance outside of work. But Madi you wrote that for Yvonne too. AND I'M SAYING IT HAS TO. But if it doesn't for some reason, let's say Jer overdoes it, gets kinda beat up, some citizen finds him and he gets dragged to a hospital. You know how Philosian heart beats are slower? God, imagine? Oh they think he's on his way out. Rushed to the ER. Jer just like, coming to cause maybe the sedatives don't work the same, grabbing Greyson by the wrist like, begging, desperate, Don't hurt me. And oh no. Deepest shade of blue eyes on pools of hazel that are desperate. He might break. He doesn't want to become a science experiment. Ok that's dramatic. YEAH. Like does he break out of the hospital? Does Greyson flip out and have A Moment™️ with the other surgeons in the room? This is literally what Jer's been dreading for 200 years he's shaking he's terrified inside but he's also a soldier. He bites down that fear and idk maybe gets out of there. He thinks he's safe. Freaking runs into Greyson at a cafe or something super what-are-the-chances. And before Jer can run Greyson grabs him like, hol' on a second. ANYWAY. I'm just saying. It has to be dramatic or super mundane, for it to work. But if it does work out (somehow) then its. Cowboy and Alien. Jer is very doting, he can get to Greyson's cheesiness level. Who can outfluster who? who will survive? Dad jokes. Tormenting friends. Prank wars. Teaching Greyson to bake. He thinks he'll teach Jer how to ride a horse, surprise he was a Knight and already rides bareback. It's a fun dynamic.
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akuma-ren · 6 months
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Made a rough fan design of aunt talia since deepspace devs refuse to give us an official one.
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yvonnesrespite · 4 months
In the muted light of the hospital room, the diva of the opera world sat in silence. The woman, whose voice once commanded the stages of the grandest theaters, now found herself grappling with a silence that was not chosen but imposed. She had woken up one day with her voice completely gone, muting the soaring arias and the delicate melodies that were her life's work.
From her perspective, the hospital was a world away from the velvet-draped backstage and the spotlight's warm embrace. Here, the sterile white walls were her only audience. She has never been a fan of hospitals, at all.
Still, however, Talia looked at the young nurse running the reception desk and smiled charmingly at her, keeping her fear at bay. She was here to get her throat checked up, just to find out why she had lost her voice.
Copy, paste, save. Copy, paste, save. Click, drag, shift and ugh, why are spreadsheets so mind numbing?! A scrutinizing gaze befalls the paper in the nurse’s hand at the reception desk. Anyone walking by would instantly clock this young lady as the mean girl type. Ironically she’s more commonly known as one of the sweeter nurses there. Her – for a lack of better words – resting bitch face tends to emerge when she’s handling spreadsheets.
A spectral tickle on the back of her neck draws Yvonne’s attention from her personal spreadsheet purgatory. No, not purgatory. It’s just a new circle of Hell that Dante’s Inferno didn’t cover. Honestly, spreadsheets are the worst sometimes! Her gaze moves upwards to the source of the prickling sensation on the back of her neck. The source happens to be the gaze of a kind-looking woman. The intimidating furrow of Yvonne’s brows and disgruntled frown on her face are replaced with a much warmer and welcoming expression.
“Hm, you’ve been waiting for a bit, haven’t you? One moment.”
The nurse turns around and casually grabs the phone. The conversation seems intense. A haughty sigh heaves forth from her glossy lips and the phone is put down with only a little bit of spite. Oooonly a little bit. Yeah.
Yvonne’s dazzlingly sweet demeanor returns as she stands up. A younger nurse – perhaps an intern – rushes to the reception desk, bows in a hasty apology, and takes her place. Whatever transpired in that call probably put the poor kid’s internship on the line. Maybe this nurse looks sweet but it seems she has this air of authority with how she carries herself. She walks over to Talia with a clipboard and tilts her head. “Your situation needs to be bumped up on our priorities. The sooner it’s looked at, the easier the recovery! Come along and please don’t push yourself to speak much. Even if it doesn’t hurt.”
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gojosatoruwifey · 5 months
ㅡuniverse's interference
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📜🖋️🎀 IF YOU WANT TO SEE ME WRITE MORE, SUPPORT MY KO-FI🎀🖋️📜 want to see lnd men as your high school sweethearts? check it on my ko-fi. based from the daytime star extra chapter ♡(◕ᗜ◕✿)
this is it.
you’ve done the impossible.
it’s crystal clear that the earnest wish you have thought of as you are being ravished by your dear husband on the wedding night has successfully reached the universe.
what was that wish?
you stared at the most beautiful pair of eyes you’ve ever seen, his adorable eyes staring back at you in curiosity. little arms try to make a grab of you as plump cheeks puff up, upset that he couldn’t do what he wanted.
“you even have the same expression as your papa when he is upset.” you laughed. the baby you have picked up is exactly the carbon copy of rafayel. your own genes didn’t fight back. heck, it took you just one try.
“mama!” your son made grabby hands again, his little limbs wiggling in the air.
please, universe. give me a child who looks exactly like this man!
heart weak to the cuteness the baby is showing, you finally relented and embraced him. your son quickly holds you once you’re within reach, his grip on your top is so strong that it even defies all laws of physics. you wonder how such strength is manifested from a small body.
it’s amazing how the baby acts and looks like rafayel. the baby revels in your attention, eyes lighting up whenever his mama is on him as you coo at him for not making a fuss in eating the squash and carrots on his plate, the baby squealing in happiness because he beat his papa again. rafayel, who had been defeated, sulks while you are left to comfort the lemurian after you tuck the baby to sleep.
rafayel hasn’t made any qualms about it, a smug expression on his features that the baby obviously inherited from him, pretending to be mad to make you comfort him a little longer.
“so cute!” you pepper the baby’s face with kisses as your son giggles.
the baby’s arrival in this world is nothing short of a miracle. after the twists and turns of your life, the sound of uncontrollable wails eases the weight as well as the pain, your teary eyes landing on your firstborn child. you woke up with rafayel taking care of his son, small and just a few hours alive.
now, a few months old. slightly wavy dusk purple hair, bluish pink eyes, refined nose and same lip shape — yes, there’s no way people with working eyes can deny it. your son who resembles his father so much can even mistake rafayel for shrinking into a child. once, aunt talia visited, finally found a day off from her work, amazement was written on her face as she took a proper look at the baby.
“who’s the cutest in the world? of course, it’s you!”
you heard a sigh behind you. “looks like i have to work hard to be your number one again.”
toned arms wrapped around your waist as you feel rafayel tugs you closer to him, giving you a swift kiss on the cheeks and the baby’s. realizing his papa is here, the baby babbles nonsense in a scolding tone yet rafayel only finds this amusing as if he understands what his son is saying.
“dunno about that, buddy.” rafayel pokes the baby’s round cheeks. “your mama loves me, you see, so she will let her hubby spoil her for a day, right?” rafayel whispers against your ear as you feel your heart warm at his affection.
“thomas will babysit this little one tomorrow.” he takes the baby in his arms, watching the husband-son pair scene in front of you with a smile. the baby leans to his papa’s chest, the beats lulling him to an afternoon nap, eyelashes fluttering close as rafayel hums a melody.
gingerly, rafayel leans down to capture your lips for a quick kiss, voice low, “can i have the honor of taking you out on a date, wifey?”
it’s your turn to wrap your arms to rafayel’s waist, resting over his warm shoulders. the wind carries his scent — a hint of sea salt and a dominance of sweet, powdery notes. a nod is his answer. “you’ve been busy with the opening of the exhibition and i kind of…” you trailed off, “miss my husband.”
“care to repeat that? i think i didn’t hear you for the first time.” rafayel lightly yelps when you bite the flesh of his neck. he pouts, “stingy.”
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slimepuparibaba · 3 months
LnDS Boys Having Twitter: An Intro
So me and my friends love LnDS and somehow this weird social media AU was created. Figured I'd share it with you guys because it's WAY too funny to keep behind closed doors!
As a note for this AU, there are times the boys fight over the MC (aka you) and times it seems like there are separate MCs for each of the boys.
Without further ado, let's get to introductions :D
Goes by MoArtsRafayel
Most active user
Will tweet about anything and everything
Knows Italian from his time in Italy and because of his Aunt Talia
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Goes by Lightseeker_Xav
Posts from time to time
Most of his tweets are nonsense, shower thoughts, or things he found on the internet
Knows French because of Jeremiah's obsession with Arsene Lupin (it was forced upon him)
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Goes by AksoZayne
Infrequent usage, least active of the guys
You thought he posts health facts? You're wrong. He retweets pictures of desserts and takes pictures of cats
Knows Chinese, also goes by Li Shen
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Goes by Mr_R4ven (wow, original)
2nd most frequent user (he has a lot of free time)
Similar to Rafayel, posts anything and everything. But also starts fights with the other boys
Knows Japanese, will answer to Shin
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Goes by Aviator_Caleb
3rd most frequent user
Posts mainly about things that remind him of you
Knows Chinese, also goes by Xia Yizhou
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And, because it's hilarious:
MC / Qi Lin
Just trying to exist and has to put up with everyone
Placeholder name will be "Qi Lin"
Typically ends up in the replies of the boys more often than not (save them)
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Anyway this is a super dumb crack AU and the boys can vary from slightly to heavily OOC! It's mainly just for funny giggles.
Please do let me know if you want to see more! I have tons of stuff on the backlog 💙
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glassprism · 4 years
Since you're also in other fandoms, are there any ships/pairings you like? Who's your favourite pairing in POTO? Who are your favourite characters (from POTO to all your other fandoms) and why? Ooh, here's a rather unusual one: who's your favourite side character (name one for all your fandoms!) and why?
Yeah, definitely! Though whether some can be counted as actual “ships” is debatable, as you’ll see in a bit.
For Phantom, my favorite “ship” is the love triangle - E/C/R. Not in a polyamorous, threesome way, but one where I love the dynamics of the characters, the way they affect one another, the ways Erik and Raoul are similar and different. So it’s not quite a “ship” in a traditional sense where I want characters to end up with each other, but more in the sense that I like to explore and analyze them.
As for other “ships” or pairings, I’m just going to list, like, every fandom or random-ass thing I’ve ever loved in semi-chronological order (time to go back to my middle school fandoms!). Under the cut for length.
Harry Potter: Sirius Black and Harry Potter. I adored the godfather-godson bond between the two (absolutely no romance; I clicked on an mpreg fic of the two when I was but a wee lass of twelve and it scarred me): how Harry was the last living reminder of Sirius’s best friend, whose death he still feels responsible for; how Sirius is the parental figure Harry wanted, how they were never able to be happy god damn it Rowling. (You can imagine how much my eleven year old self cried when I read the fifth book. Oh boy, the tears.)
Star Wars: Vader and Luke. Again, totally familial, father-son relationship only. (Speaking of scarring experiences, I once stumbled on a romance fic between the two, where yes, both of them were still father and son, and I have that summary etched into my brain permanently.) The way Vader obsessively hunts down Luke, the first emotional connection he has had with a person in literal decades! The way Luke has just ached all his life for a father figure, to the point where he will take a homicidal Sith lord if that’s who he is! How he never gives up on trying to redeem him! How Luke is right. Loud screeching.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Will Turner and Bootstrap Bill and Will Turner and Henry Turner. More sad father-son dynamics (you may be noticing a pattern here). Repeat what I said with the Star Wars relationships, only with more pirates and less homicide. (And way more parental abandonment guilt.)
Halloween: Michael Myers and Laurie Strode,  remake universe. Yet again, no romance, just a severely messed-up brother-sister relationship. I can’t begin to tell you why I like the horrific relationship between a serial killer and the little sister he was so obsessed with he ruined her life, completely traumatized her, and ended up leading to her death, but I do. Maybe it’s the dark obsession aspect of it, that in the midst of all his murders, there’s still one person Michael Myers longs to have a connection with, the baby sister who represented total innocence in his mind. Maybe it’s the “what could have been” aspect too, as Laurie never recognizes him or realizes their connection until it’s far too late. Maybe I need to re-examine my life choices. I’ll figure it out someday.
Bat Boy The Musical: Bat Boy/Shelley. Yes, this is a romance; yes, they are half-brother and half-sister, yes, you can get on me about this, but in my defense how about you watch the musical and NOT come out of it shipping these two against all your better instincts.
POTO: E/C/R, as stated above and for all those reasons. Oh, and you know what - The Phantom and Gustave from Love Never Dies. Can’t get away from those father-son ships. I actually care about that relationship than E/C or R/C in LND (maybe because both E/C and R/C suck in the sequel so what else am I going to latch onto).
Batman: Listed here, but my heart really lies with three ships. Jaytim is the first: it’s the whole “angry woobie destroyer of worlds who hates everyone meets seemingly well-adjusted and cheerful individual who is secretly hiding their own issues” dynamic. Bane/Talia from The Dark Knight Rises is the second. Doesn’t matter if it’s familial, friendship, protector and protectee, or romantic, I eat it up, and to be fair, it’s never explicitly stated what the relationship is in the movie. All we know is that the two grew up together in a hellhole prison, probably dependent on and solely trusting only one another, and that bond continues even after they leave, and not even death will make them leave one another. Finally, we have Jason Todd/therapy from the Arkham games. Because the poor guy needs it.
MCU: STEVE/BUCKY (aka Stucky). This ship (again, could be friendship or romantic) dominated my thoughts for four years. Steve’s fish-out-of-water status! Bucky’s horrific imprisonment under Hydra. The way the two find each other after and the angst. The fact that Steve refuses to kill Bucky and, even after seventy years, succeeds in breakthing through to him because their connection runs that deep. The fact that Marvel just ruined this relationship so now I have to rely on fanfic. Oh yes, and I also slowly fell into the Kastle ship (Frank Castle aka The Punisher and Karen Page). Another “hardened killer with sad backstory who connects to idealistic young woman with hidden darkness” dynamic.
Terminator: T-800 aka “Uncle Bob” and John Connor. Returning to sad father-son dynamics, I have this from Terminator 2. A robot learning emotions! A boy learning to take his place as a leader and all-loving hero. The bond they form, partially because the T-800 will do nothing else but protect John and partially because John has no father-figure of his own, so his robot bodyguard will do. THE ENDING.
ASOIAF/GOT: I actually have very few ships from here other than Arya/Gendry (and only when they’re older) and, weirdly, Theon/Sansa from the show. The Gendrya ship is just cute, it may well be the most wholesome ship on here, while Theonsa has shades of Stucky in it, I suppose, given that Theon has been tortured so badly he can barely remember his own name, until Sansa turns up and reminds him enough that he breaks out of it to help her.
Favorite characters from each of those:
Harry Potter: My favorite characters from here are probably more side characters, so I’ll just say Hermione Granger. Her focus on academics, fear of failure, and conviction that the library holds all the answers, felt all too reminiscent of myself.
Star Wars: Darth Vader,  no contest whatsoever. Cool mask, cool cape, cool lightsaber, and the absolute worst life one can imagine.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Interestingly, Will Turner. Yeah, I guess Jack Sparrow is cool and Elizabeth is absolutely awesome to watch and has the greatest change in the series, but oh-so-serious Will, with his deep loyalties and slow slide into moral ambiguity because of those loyalties, fascinates me.
Halloween: Laurie Strode, all versions. My favorite final girl, my survivor of trauma (except in the remake, where, well, she doesn’t survive). Also, her daughter in the Thorn trilogy, Jamie Lloyd, the most tragic little girl to walk across a horror movie screen.
Bat Boy The Musical: Ah, wow, haven’t thought about this. I guess Bat Boy and Shelley, more by default than anything.
POTO: Christine Daae, no contest. Love her character, love her arc, love her songs, love her costumes.
Batman: Listed here.
MCU: Bucky Barnes (unless he counts as a side character), but I also love Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Karen Page, Elektra Natchios... and I’ll leave it at that.
Terminator: John Connor. (There’s a reason I haven’t watched Dark Fate yet... or ever.)
ASOIAF/GOT: Three of them! Daenerys Targaryen, who I love because she tries so hard to rule well, who is so observant and cognizant of the things going on around her. Then Sansa Stark, who makes such astounding growth, who retains her empathy and compassion throughout, who is capable of startling perception and insight which most others underestimate. And finally, Cersei Lannister. She’s terrible. I love her.
And favorite side characters from each of those:
Harry Potter: Sirius Black may well have been my first fictional crush. But Remus Lupin is the kind of person (and teacher) I aspire to be.
Batman: I swear, depending on the comic series or movie, everyone is a side character. I’ll just link to my old ask again.
Star Wars: Batman syndrome all over again; every character in Star Wars might be a side character elsewhere, and every side character gets to be the main character of their own comic, book, movie, etc. Erm... I really liked Rose from the sequel trilogy and Chirrut Imwe from Rogue One. I find Mara Jade from the Legends universe fun to read. WAIT I GOT IT - Queen Amidala’s handmaidens from Episode I (Sabe, Rabe, Eirtae, Yane, Sache). Highly trained in both politics, decorum, and weaponry, able to be utterly nondescript or the Queen’s decoy at the drop of a hat? I love.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Hmm... you know what, I thought Syrena the mermaid was pretty cute.
Halloween: Rachel Carruthers! Your typical girl-next-door but well done and with a touching relationship with her foster sister. I will die mad about her death in the fifth movie.
Bat Boy The Musical: Uh.... I’ll get back to you on this...
POTO: Carlotta is super fun.
MCU: Oh heck, Dottie Underwood. (My taste in female characters goes like this: a) intelligent and observant, 2) sweet and compassionate, 3) batsh*t insane. She’s the third.)
Terminator: Not sure how much of a side character she is, but Kate Connor. Wife and second-in-command to John Connor, able to heal wounds and kick butt depending on what the movie requires.
ASOIAF/GOT: I’ll probably think of someone else, but you know what? Queen Rhaenys Targaryen, younger sister and wife to Aegon the Conqueror, whom he wed out of desire. Playful, spirited, loved to fly, sponsored musicians, initiated reforms for the smallfolk, what’s not to love? (Apart from one possibility of her death... but we don’t talk about that.)
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yvonnesrespite · 4 months
❧ Late to your appointment, sweets? ❧
➵ MDNI; This blog is 21+  ➵ OOC Disclaimer: This is a gimmick blog as Yvonne from the game Love and Deepspace, and is not officially affiliated with the studio which created the game. The blog was merely created for recreational purposes!
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❥ Rules
Don’t ask for medical advice. Mun isn’t in the medical field. Take any medical advice/content with multiple grains of salt.
Be respectful of mun and myself. We’re people. Mun is a person behind a screen and you don’t own her, and definitely not me either. Treat us as we are; like people, and certainly do not forget that there is a HUGE and THICCC line between fiction and reality.
All ships and interactions that occur on this blog are all in separate universes. This means that if I (Yvonne) am pursuing someone romantically in one rp, then you cannot have your character cry about it in your own rp with me. If you get butthurt about seeing me in other roleplays with other people, or interacting with a character you admire, that’s your problem. Not ours.
We will not roleplay with canon characters or ocs from other franchises. This limits confusion on our end and yours.
Any heavy/potentially triggering subjects (such as anything considered “dead dove”) in asks or any interactions will most likely be ignored or promptly deleted, and your account will be blocked.
NSFW content will be allowed on this blog, but starting it without either roleplaying with us beforehand to build things up OR without discussing it with us OOC is strictly prohibited. This does not just pertain to roleplaying, but OOC conversations as well. That's the social equivalent off taking of ye fraudulent gucci ass pantaloons and doing a ragtime cbat mating dance without even knocking on the door to tip your hat and say "pip pip cheerio i am here to smashio milady." Please. Ask or interact with us first.
In addition to so, you must be 21+ to interact with this blog.
We are usually busy on the weekends, and some replies may take up to 3-4 days. If you have not heard from us after that time frame has passed, you can respectfully reach out to us.
Your asks must be in English and coherent enough for us to comprehend and respond too. Otherwise we will delete or ignore the interaction.
We prefer literate roleplay, but we will try to accommodate to other styles so long as the English is proficient and it’s comprehensible.
If you read the whole post and not just up until here, respond to this post with your thoughts or feelings about the Shrek franchise.
Due to the lack of official content on myself in the game, please remain respectful and understand that mun’s interpretation of myself is based on her judgement of my character in my 10 seconds of Mike Wazowski style screen time. 
Introduce any new characters or yourself if you are trying to roleplay with us for the first time. Whether it’s a character’s name, alias, or an emote so that we can keep track of our interactions.
Don’t god-mod (controlling Yvonne in your rp) with us. We’ll cringe and halt the interaction right there.
Do not feed any content we write or art we share into any AI engines, and credit us properly. If we find evidence of this, we will ask for it to be taken down, or in rare and intense cases seek out legal action, as mun’s work is protected by Canadian Copyright law.
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❥ Post and Ask Tags
Info and Rules: ♡ respitesrules
Posts About/From Mun: ♡ nurse off duty
Posts About/From Yvonne: ♡ lnds yvonne
Textposts and Thoughts: ♡ yvonne's diary
All Asks: ♡ akso askbulance
Akso Staff Interactions: ♡ akso staff shenanigans
Akso Gossip: ♡ akso tea time
Ships: ♡ one steep forward, ♡ greYv train, ♡ nightingale; jermvonne
Anon Asks: ♡ [emoji/name] spillin' tea
All Roleplays: ♡ lnds rp, ♡ nurse yvonne's rps, ♡ open rp, ♡ closed rp
Interactions with Canon Characters: ♡ dr grey's blue skies; drgreysonmd, ♡ jer’s lavender lullabies; jeremiahofphilo, ♡ dr zayne’s twilit tundras; zayne-snowman, ♡ astra’s poutings; sasstras-gaze, ♡ talia’s crystalline nocturnes; talia-sings, ♡ nero’s wanderer empire; wandererenthusiast1, ♡ the getaway caw; just-a-normal-crow, ♡ raf’s resonant infernos; flamesque
Roleplay Starters: ♡ defibroleplaytor charge
Fics, Drabbles, and Headcanons: ♡ gauze and glitter pens
Muse/Inspo: ♡ musings to mend
Art: ♡ healing hues
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❥ About Me! (Yvonne's Info)
Physical Appearance: Fair skin, hazel/amber eyes, chestnut coloured hair with a side-swept fringe in various styles, and my usual scrubs or y2k fashion.
Personality: What you wish you could be, lol. Witty, playful, and honestly a bit blunt or snippy sometimes. If you deserve the roasting, you’ll get it. Don’t dish what you can’t take, babes.
Occupation: Akso’s prettiest nurse, duh. Cardiac surgery department and sometimes chilling at the front desk.
Canon Relationships: Colleagues with Dr. Zayne and Dr. Greyson. A little gossip about the MC but only brief interactions.
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❥ Friends!
❀ Doctor Zayne ~ @zayne-snowman  ♡ Doctor Greyson ~ @drgreysonmd  ❀ Crow ~ @just-a-normal-crow ♡ Rafayel ~ @flamesque ❀ Jeremiah ~ @jeremiahofphilo ♡ Thomas ~ @thomasicism ❀Jenna ~ @unicorns-captain ♡ Nero ~ @wandererenthusiast1 ❀ Astra ~ @sasstras-gaze ♡ mc ~ @aethercodeevol
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➵ This post will be updated as more info comes out and if important things change/come up, or if mun sees typos/errors lmao
➵ Divider art by mun, aka mahalkitart, aka "mahalkitheart" here on Tumblr.
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