#loch striven
don-simon · 7 months
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This is an aerial photo of Loch Striven in the Firth of Clyde, just west of Glasgow, Scotland. The arrow points to the NATO jetty there, a major refuelling point for Nato fleets operating in the North Atlantic.
The Google pin shows the Knockdow Estate, which surrounds the jetty and its huge oil tanks on all three landward sides. The big grey ships that take oil from this jetty, come and go from a small rectangle of Ministry of Defence land that sits inside 250 acres bought in 2017 by the Russian citizen Evgeny Strzhalkovsky for approx £4m, from funds that may well have been supplied by his father, who is said to be worth at least one hundred times that - after a short post-KGB career as the CEO of Norilsk Nickel – ie, a true Russian oligarch.
We may wonder quite how the UK government allowed this strategic purchase of land, and how it will come to affect the UK"s national security and the capability of NATO's warships to operate in the area.
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bikepackinguk · 1 year
Day Fifty-five
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Another day at it!
Departing from just iff the Kintyre Trail at Grianain Forest, it's back once more to the climbs heading up the east coast of the Kintyre Peninsula.
Yesterday was finished fairly high up so starting out is a nice descent through the wooded hills past a nice little bay at Grogaport (what a name) before it's straight back up again.
Arran is still showing beautifully over the water, though the sight of it lessens as the trees start to close in around the road, which continues to throw climb after climb and includes some ferocious hairpin twists as it snakes back down to sea level at times.
Past Claonaig the route heads inland once more with some more long climbs up and over the hills, before a steep descent down brings the road back to the A83 and the waterside, which allows some smoother riding up to Tarbert.
After that tough work I take a nice lunch break by the harbour here, before a shirt ride further along brings us to the ferry port over to Portavadie.
It's not a long stretch across the lands pointing down to border the Isle of Bute, but there are a series of hefty climbs to push over.
First up out from Kames is a big climb up overlooking Bute and the gorgeous Loch Ruel. The gradient isn't horrific but it goes on and on and whilst providing some beautiful sights, it's a tough slog.
Down the other side, the road surface is juddering enough to cause my panniers to nearly dislodge and uncouple from the bike, which I only discover at the bottom. Quite a bumpy ride!
The eoad ascends again into the surrounding hills filled with forestry work, with more hard effort required before a rollercoaster of a downhill with multiple 20% descents.
Rounding Loch Striven, it's a last uphill effort taking us past Loch Tarsan and its dams, before finally gliding down the wetlands towards the east coast.
The brutal climbs have taken up a lot of the day now, so I spy a patch of empty land behind some trees to aerup for the night, and the sound of a river below offers a perfect opportunity to top up the water carriers.
I know I'm tired out as I make a series of mistakes at this point.
First, whilst heading down to the river, I misjudge the landscape and sink ankle-deep into some swampy ground.
Next, when rushing to extricate myself, I snag some nice thorny vines and come away covered in thorns.
Finally, vexed at myself, I slip and fall flat on my backside.
Have to laugh! Thankfully no real damage done, the river offered ample opportunity to wash the mud off, and I have spare socks!
With the water purifier setup, the weather finally changes and the rains set it with perfect timing for me to be ready to dive into my tent for the evening.
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oh-glasgow · 5 years
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The sheep don’t know how beautiful a view they have here.
Loch Striven, from the Isle of Bute. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5YiA96FhtI/?igshid=1md4x5bycrdni
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love-and-socialism · 5 years
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Bus shelter, Isle of Bute.
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benvironment · 8 years
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Day 7 - Gratuitous 'man with walking pole gawping at enormous view' pic ;-)
The view in question is of Loch Striven, an 8 mile long sea loch in Cowal. I'd driven past the loch a dozen times this week but it had been impossible to get a full view down it from the road. Every time I drove past I spied a nobbly wee hill that looked as though it would be a terrific viewpoint, looking straight down the loch.....so today, on my final day in Cowal, I went and climbed it. Only 300m high or thereabouts but size is no indication of greatness.
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huariqueje · 3 years
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Peace , Loch Striven  -  Deb Wing
Scottish , b. 1950s
Linocut ,  22 x 30 cm.
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scotianostra · 3 years
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Good Morning from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Alone duck enjoying the new day on Loch Striven on the Cowal peninsula coast, in Argyll and Bute 
📸warwickshire_wanderer on Instagram 
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jimwaulker · 4 years
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A different perspective. Rothesay and Loch Striven from the air.
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The pebble
The pabble has the ability to glisten in the sunlight and create a shroud of mystery when gazed upon. Contained within its structure are foreign strains of rock flowing through it like the rapid movement of blood coursing through the prominent vaines in my arms. It’s curvature is almost a perfectly sculpted oval, shaped and crafted by nature’s hand, asymmetrically it’s figure is more of a heart shape with its edges curved and it’s point offset and stretched out. The arched edges create a strong elliptical shadow which is still present light is positioned directly above it, on both it’s faces or dents which adds to the characteristics of the pebble. As small as it may be, they are quite noticeable if the pebble is placed on its axis. From this view it’s like looking at a black slug with a very prominent ridge when the light hits its smooth, reflectant surface. From a distance it may seem like a black silky, smooth asymmetrical pebble however, with its usually veiny appearance with its trace of other rock compared with the bulk mass of the pebble, it has of the chromatic spectrum (mostly greys), oranges, browns and dark blue.
This pebble was found when I was about 5 or 6 years old on a sandy beach on the shores of Loch Striven about half a mile up from Glenstriven. I was throwing/skimming rocks at this time when I found it. Amongst a small collection of less smooth/ rendered rocks I chose this one to keep as a souvenir and was one of the first times I remember my family and myself going bramble picking. After conducting some research of what rock type the pebble might be, I found that it could be a Metamorphic Basalt or Obsidian. These two rock types both consist of shiny, smooth characteristics resembling to my pebble found upon the beach. I believe this pebble to be of volcanic origin as it shows physical characteristics relating to obsidian or basalt, both being robust and having a similar comparison to the pebble. Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusion igneous rock. It is produced when relaxing lava excluded from a volcano cooling rapidly. Basalt is a dark fine grained volcanic rock that sometimes displays at columnar structure typically composed largely of plagioclase with pyroxene and olivine. Basalt is the mafic extrusive igneous rock formed from the rapid cooling of lava rich in magnesium and iron exposed at or very near the surface of a terrestrial planet or moon and about 90% of all volcanic rock on earth is basalt. After discovering this pebble, I have taken it almost everywhere with me and I thought at the time that it was my good luck charm and that it would give me confidence if I was to venture out of my comfort zone. Even today, I still take it to new places as I feel like a part of me is held within the pebble like the horcruxes in Harry Potter even though other people may see it as just an innominate object. Sentimental describes somebody who relies upon emotions rather than reason and I believe that I have grown a certain sentimental attachment towards the pebble. I also believe that over the years I have been making ever growing decisions based upon my emotions that surround the specific subject and or the emotions that I am feeling at that present moment in time.
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cut-adrift · 7 years
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Loch Striven from the Poop deck.
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solarpanels21blog · 6 years
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Loch Striven wind farm opposed by planners #SCT http://bit.ly/2Cy8ojo
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windwatch · 6 years
#SCT Loch Striven wind farm opposed by planners
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cabiba · 6 years
Students of the Communist movement are bound to run across the story of how M. Oudendyke, Netherlands Minister in Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution, had warned the British and French governments that Communism is Jewish; but that this warning had been carefully deleted from the official British papers on the subject. Oudendyke had taken over British affairs in Russia at the time.
It may be asserted that such a report never existed. Yet here it is, printed in 1931 as part of the USA State Department papers, and reproduced as Exhibits 256 through 259. The Oudendyke report is long. I have reproduced not all of it but enough so that the context of his warning is clear.
Oudendyke’s communique went to various governments including our own, and included:
“The danger is now so great that I feel it my duty to call the attention of the British and all other Governments to the fact that if an end is not put to Bolshevism in Russia at once the civilization of the whole world will be threatened. This is not an exaggeration … I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging and unless as above stated Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things (Exhibits 258, 259)
Oudendyke’s prophetic warnings went unheeded. How Jewish pressure was brought to bear to remove Allied forces fighting with the anti-Communist Whites in Russia is still another story. Bloody Trotsky and Lenin were armed and financed to clean up the job initiated by Jewish Kerensky, and Russia went under sadistic totalitarian anti-Christian, Jewish controlled enslavement, with more countries to follow, until now the entire World is threatened.
The Jews Gloat
At the celebration of the 1917 triumph of Jewry, at Carnegie Hall in New York (N.Y. Times, 3/24/17), it was proudly told how Jacob Schiff had financed Communist propaganda spread among 50,000 Russian war prisoners in Jew-financed Japan, which sent them back to attempt putting over the 1905 Red Revolution in their Russian homeland.
Not only are the agent connections of Schiff with the Japanese war against Russia hailed in his Kehillah sketch (Exhibit 214) and his agent ties chronicled elsewhere in aid of every phase of the Talmudic plan, his own words bear witness to his deeds.
As the State Department communications herein show, Schiff and his Jewish cohorts were, at the time of the Carnegie Hall meeting, financing the bloody terrorists Trotsky and Lenin to finish off the job instituted and furthered under Kerensky.
To further quote the 1917 N.Y. Times report:
“An authority on Russian affairs, George Kennan, told of a movement by the Society of the Friends of Russian Freedom financed by Jacob H. Schiff, which had at the time of the Russo-Japanese war spread among 50,000 Russian officers and men in Japanese prison camps the gospel of the Russian revolutionists … ‘The movement was financed by a New York banker you all know and love,’ he said, referring to Mr. Schiff, ‘and soon we received a ton and a half of Russian revolutionary propaganda. At the end of the war 50,000 Russian officers and men went back to their country ardent revolutionists!’
“Mr. Parsons then arose and said: ‘I will now read a message from White Sulphur Springs sent by the gentleman to whom Mr. Kennan referred.’ This was the message:
“ ‘Will you say for me to those present at tonight’s meeting how deeply I regret my inability to celebrate with the Friends of Russian Freedom the actual reward of what we had hoped and striven for these long years …’”
This was followed by pious hopes that a “proper government and constitution which shall permanently assure to the Russian people … happiness and peace,” and the signature: “Jacob H. Schiff.”
By what followed we know what Schiff meant as a “proper government.”
The New York Times report of the great Carnegie Hall celebration of the Russian Revolution was subtitled:
“Rabbi Wise Ready for War — Relates How Jacob H. Schiff Financed Revolution Propaganda in Czar’s Army.”
To quote:
“Then the rabbi praised the Russian revolution … ‘I cannot forget,’ continued the rabbi, ‘that I am a member and a [page 88] teacher of a race of which half has lived in the domain of the Czar, and as a Jew, I believe that of all the achievements none has been nobler than the part the sons and daughters of Israel have taken in the great movement which had culminated in the free Russia.”’ (Note: for “free,” read “Red Dictatorship.”)
To his dying day, Rabbi Stephen Wise, a tireless Red, never waned in his enthusiasm for the Soviet slave state, the murderer of so many millions of Christians.
“At the close of the meeting pictures of the revolutionary leaders were shown upon the screen,” reported the N.Y. Times.
Next: Chapter XIII.
Modern Jewish “Anti-Communism”
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Introduction to Elizabeth Dilling
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Very few people are aware of the extent to which Jews were responsible for the Communization of Russia, first through organizing of the unsuccessful revolution of 1905, and then the later and successful Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Both were heavily financed by outside Jewish financial and banking houses, and ultimately resulted in Jews assuming control of what had become the Russian Soviet Government. Concurrently, Jewish machinations in the United States, Germany and elsewhere helped set the stage for the take-over.
This Jewish control still exists, despite propaganda to the contrary, designed to delude and deceive non-Jews.
Long prior to the Revolution of 1905, Jews had conceived a hatred of Christian and Czarist Russia, because of opposition of the Russian people and Government to Jewish Talmudism.
In his introduction to the 1903 translation of the Talmud, for example, Rodkinson details the repeated denunciations of the Talmud over many centuries by nearly every country, the Popes, and others, and also states (see Exhibit 11): ‘Still what has been the result? The Talmud exists today, and not one letter in it is missing. It is true, the persecutions against it are not yet at an end; accusations and calumnies by its enemies, under the new name of anti-Semites, are still directed against it, while the government of Russia legislates against and restricts the rights of the nation which adheres to the Talmud.”
One of the prime Jewish conspirators plotting to Communize Russia was Jacob Schiff, who became head of the enormously powerful New York Jewish banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Co.
Turn to the laudatory sketch of Jacob Schiff, in the Jewish Communal (Kehillah) Register of New York City, 1917-18, of which Kehillah he was an Executive Committeeman (see Exhibits 210, 212, 214, 215). It is stated there how German-born Schiff came to America and made connections with a banking house. “In 1873, he returned to Europe where he made connections with some of the chief German banking houses” and “The firm of Kuhn-Loeb & Co. floated the large Japanese war loans of 1904-5, thus making possible the Japanese victory over Russia …”
The last paragraph (Exhibit 215) boasts “Mr. Schiff has always used his wealth and his influence in the best interests of his people. He financed the enemies of autocratic Russia. [This was written in 1918, after the Bolshevik revolution had been made secure] … and used his financial influence to keep Russia from the money market of the United States.” It is stated that “all factions of Jewry” hailed him for this.
“Today it is estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, a prominent member of New York society, that the old man sank about $20,000,000 for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.” (Cholly Knickerbocker in his society news column in the Hearst Press, Feb. 3, 1949, appearing in the N.Y. Journal-American and other papers.)
The Jewish Bankers
The great Jewish banking monopolies have been interwoven by marriage like a rug. Note three things about the Rothschilds in Exhibit 298, which is from the Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905:
That of the 58 Rothschild marriages to that date, exactly half, or 29, had been to first cousins. This appears in the right hand column.
That the Rothschilds “were the first to make use of journalistic methods to arouse the interest of the public in their loans. They have, however, consistently kept the secret of their own operations!”
A major reason why Russia collapsed and went under the Red heel during World War I also appears in this exhibit, namely, “Of recent years the Rothschilds have consistently refused to have anything to do with loans to Russia owing to the anti-Jewish legislation of that empire.” (This was 1905.)
The Warburg International Jewish banking family has also been closely connected with the Schiffs and Rothschilds. James Paul Warburg, in his sketch in Who’s Who in American Jewry — 1938-9 states:
“Born Hamburg, Germany, August 18. 1896 … paternal ancestors through six generations have been bankers as members of the banking house of MM. Warburg & Co., founded in Hamburg, 1798 … maternal grandfather, Solomon, founder of international banking house of Kuhn, Loeb &Co … Came to U.S., 1902 …”
Paul M. Warburg had married Jenny Nina Loeb, mother of James Paul. Jacob Schiff, after coming to the U.S., had married Theresa Loeb, sister of Nina, and daughter of the Kuhn, Loeb founder. Schiff’s daughter, Frieda, married Felix M. Warburg, Hamburg-born banker who headed the agro joint work for Jewry in Russia to help keep them in power after the Red Revolution. Their daughter, Carola, married Walter M. Rothschild. Felix M. Warburg and Paul M. Warburg of Kuhn, Loch & Co., partners of Jacob Schiff, were brothers of Max Warburg of Hamburg, Germany, the pay-off man, in power with the Kaiser, who funneled funds to Lenin and Trotsky during World War I to undermine and destroy the Russian Government.
[page 80] Jacob Schiff received his banking training in his father’s business, he being a Rothshild agent and associate. The basement of the two-in-a-row houses of Schiff and Rothschild, which I visited in Frankfort-on-Main, Germany, was one room-in-common, with a joint “get-away” which formerly had led beyond a ghetto wall. The little shack at the back was where Kings, hat-in-hand, would come to get Jewish loans. The original name of Bauer had been abandoned for “Red Shield” (Rothschild) and a Red Shield hung out as an address sign at the front of the house.
A ship sign for “Schiff” hung outside the Schiff house, built along the same common wall. Each house was about the width of an entrance hall. The room back of the Rothschild kitchen was a tiny synagogue when I was there in 1934. A skull-capped Jew was the guide, who collected entrance fees for showing the houses, the Rothschild house being the chief attraction. A gambling table was the main piece of furniture in the front room in the upstairs of the Rothschild house. Two rooms on each floor comprised the house.
“When the Kehilla [i.e. the Jewish community] of New York was organized in 1909, the control rested with a group of German Jews including Jacob Schiff, president of Kuhn, Loch and Co., a branch of the Bleichroeder Mendelssohn Bank, affiliated with the big “D” banks in Germany: Deutsche Bank, Disconto Gesellschaft, Dresdener Bank, Darmstadter Bank.” (From Waters Flowing Eastward, by L. Fry, published by the R.I.S.S. of Paris, founded by Monsignor Jouin.)
“In Germany the leading private bankers included the Mendelssohns … and the Bleichroeders … who were bankers to Emperor William I., Bismarck, and the early industrialists … Frankfort, the ‘mother city’ of Jewish bankers … produced its Lazards, Speyers, Sterns, Dreyfuses, and Sulzbachs as well as sending abroad one Jacob H. Schiff.” (The Jews of Germany, Marvin Lowenthal, Longmans Greenand Co., N.Y., 1936).
And, says the same source:
“Toward the end of that period the house of Warburg in Hamburg played an important part not only in the finances but destinies of Germany. Max Warburg was adviser to the government at the Versailles Peace Conference. Carl 1. Mel-choir, another member of the firm … headed the financial section of the Armistice Commission in 1918-1919 and was one of the six German delegates to Versailles.”
Elsewhere herein, through State Department documents, you will note the role played by the M.M. Warburg banking firm in financing the Red Russian Revolution. And, when Max Warburg came here from Hamburg in 1939, the American Jewish Committee placed him on its “Post-War” committee for the reorganization of the World which, in turn, set up the propaganda claque for the ensuing United Nations.
And so, down through the decades, Kuhn, Loch, and international bankers, “Princes of Jewry” remold the World toward the ultimate aim — World Jewish dictatorship, now so rapidly coming about.
The Kaiser
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany and his Government were used during World War I by Jews such as Max Warburg to channel funds into Russia to breed disaffection in the Russian Army and Navy, and to set the stage for the ultimately successful Bolshevik Revolution.
When Kaiser Wilhelm realized that he had been made a tool of Jewry, it was after the War was over, and he was sawing or chopping wood at Doom, Holland. It was too late.
Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent carried this article, July 9, 1921:
“It is a most significant fact that, as in Washington, the most constant and privileged visitors to the White House were Jews, so in Berlin the only private telephone wire to the Kaiser was owned by Walter Rathenau [who later wrote the constitution of the post-war Jew-controlled Weimar “Republic”]. Not even the Crown Prince could reach the Kaiser except through the ordinary telephone connections.
“It was a family enterprise, this international campaign. Jacob Schiff swore to destroy Russia. Paul M. Warburg was his brother-in-law; Felix Warburg was his son-in-law. Max Warburg, of Hamburg, banker of the Bolsheviks, was thus brother-in-law to Jacob Schiff’s wife and daughter.
“Max Warburg represents the family in its native land. Max Warburg has as much to do with the German war government as his family and financial colleagues had to do with the United States war government.
“As has been recounted in the press the world over, the brother from America and the brother from Germany both met at Paris as government representatives in determining the peace. There were so many Jews in the German delegation that it was known by the term ‘kosher,’ also as ‘the Warburg delegation,’ and there were so many Jews in the American delegation that the delegates from the minor countries of Europe looked upon the United States as a Jewish country which through unheard-of-generosity had elected a non-Jew as its president … The Jews had several objectives in the war, and one of them was to ‘Get Russia’ … In this work Max Warburg was a factor. His bank is noted in a dispatch published by the United States government as being one whence funds were forwarded to Trotsky for use in destroying Russia. Always against Russia, not for German reasons, but for Jewish reasons, which in this particular instance coincided. Warburg and Trotsky — against Russia! While Otto Kahn, another partner in Kuhn, Loch & Co. denounced ‘pro-German propaganda,’ his partner Paul was playing the German symphony string! It is a great international orchestra, this Jewish financial firm; it can play the Star Spangled Banner, Die Wacht am Rhein, the Marseillaise, and God Save the King in one harmonious rendering, paying obsequious attention to the prejudices of each.”
Thus spoke the Ford paper in 1921. [page 81]
Jews in Russian Revolution
of 1905
The New York Communal Register of 19 17-18 (Exhibit 228) related the actions of the American Jewish Committee in the U.S. to protect Russian Jewish revolutionaries. In 1909, so many Red revolutionary criminals had fled to this country from the Jewish war against Christian Russia that the Committee fought to keep two of them, Pourea and Rudovitz, here.
“The Committee appreciated the bearing of their cases upon a large number of Jews who had taken part in the Russian Revolution [i.e. of 1905] and who had sought or might seek, an asylum in this country, and in cooperation with others succeeded in defeating the attempt of Russia.”
The “others” referred to included Secretary of State Elihu Root, who despite the fact that “no substantial evidence was produced before the committing magistrate that the offenses charged against Pourea were political [therefore under the law he could be extradited] delayed in deciding the case until it could be changed in Pourea’s favor.” (Letter of Root to Jacob Schiff — see Exhibit 245). Socialist Jew Samuel Gompers was also among those who intervened for Pourea (Same Exhibit).
Rutenberg and the Russian Revolution
We see in Exhibit 224 how the 19 17-18 Jewish Kehillah report boasted of Pinchas Rutenberg as a founding force in the American Jewish Congress as well as his being the right hand man to Jewish Premier Kerensky in the 1917 Russian Revolution.
Mourning the death of its founder, Pinchas Rutenberg, the American Jewish Congress publication, The Congress Weekly (1/16/42) stated in an article, “Rutenberg’s Mission to America:”
“His role in the birth of the American Jewish Congress was immense … the young Russian intellectual, in other words, revolutionist, soon made his influence felt in the underground council of the Social Revolutionary Party. Rutenberg was the man who, in 1905, piloted the revolutionary activities of the notorious Father Gapon and then sat in judgment and brought about his execution.
“In Italy, during the first World War, he got in touch with Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the Jewish Legion. In New York in 1915 he got in touch with the representatives of the Social Revolutionary Party there, Dr. Chaim Zitlowsky and Dr. Samuel Ellsberg, who were now interested in the Poale Zion party, Palestine, and Jewish rights.”
Father Gapon
The above Father Gapon incident is typical of applied Judaism. The dramatic prayer addressed by Gapon to the Czarist government with the threat that if it were not granted, we shall die here on the Square before thy Palace,” combined with mutinies, strikes involving more than 2,000,000 people, are related in William Henry Chamberlin’s The Russian Revolution 1917-1921(1935).
We read: “Gapon himself was doubtful about the wisdom of bringing large masses … to present this petition” (Vol. I, p. 48). Yet Gapon was pushed ahead as the leader. Then, “when the demonstrators refused to obey orders to disperse and go home volleys of rifle fire poured on them … The casualties of Bloody Sunday [Jan. 22, 1905] are estimated at from two hundred to fifteen hundred.”
That the Jew Rutenberg “piloted the revolutionary activities of the notorious Father Gapon, then sat in judgment and brought about his execution,” is not mentioned by historian Chamberlin, who was correspondent for 12 years in Russia for the leftist-oriented Christian Science Monitor, and now writes for the new Jewish-line “Anti-communist” Human Events. He also serves as Contributing Editor of the Socialist Social Democratic Federation party’s magazine, New Leader.
Rutenberg was chosen in 1937 as one of the 120 leading Jews of the world, along with Litvinov (Finkelstein), the Soviet Commissar, and Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, head of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. He died in Palestine in 1942, much mourned, having set up the Palestine Electric Corporation, using huge water rights, issued under British protection, for the use of Jewry.
More Jewish Manipulations in the U.S.
No corner of the earth has been too remote to manipulate for Jewry. We note activities of the American Jewish Committee (Exhibit 228) concerning: “The Jews in the Balkans,” after 1913. And our government was used again to pressure for Jewish power.
Exhibit 229 shows how restriction of immigration from Russia was fought by the American Jewish Committee after 1906, so that the flow of revolutionaries might not be curbed. The literacy test was fought so that illiterate Jews might swarm here — as they did. Of three literacy test bills, we are told, President Taft vetoed one and President Wilson two, under pressure of the American Jewish Committee. And then when one of them was passed, despite the veto, the Committee “succeeded in procuring adoption of a clause which excluded … those who came to this country to avoid religious persecution, whether induced by overt acts, oppressive laws, or by governmental relations.”
The cry of “persecution,” has always been used to cover the crimes of the only people on earth whose very religion teaches them that murder and enslavement and cheating of all other peoples is a sacred right.
We are told in the New York Jewish Communal Register, that the American Jewish Committee considered it “one of its most important functions to bend every effort toward the solution of the passport question.” (Exhibit 230) This “solution” was to circumvent Russia, which sought to bar Russian-born Red Jews, who came to the U.S.A. to get citizenship so as to return to Russia as American citizens, from [page 82] using their immunity to steer the Red Revolutionary overthrow of the Russian Christian government.
Russia had instructed its consuls to inquire of any applicants for passports to enter Russia from the U.S.A., and if they were Russian-born Jews, not to give them an entrance visa. The U.S.A. was at that time full of jailbird revolutionaries wanted in Russia, who thus sought to escape Russian law as American citizens. The aim of the American Jewish Committee was first to overthrow the Russian government, and later to sustain the Red butchers as they enslaved the Christian populace.
Note the sanctimonious “Hearts and Flowers” pose of the Committee (Exhibit 231) about Russia “refusing to recognize the American passport in the hands of American citizens of the Jewish faith.” And what is that holy “faith?” A criminal conspiracy against all humanity, against all civilized laws, all reciprocity, a code which makes that of gangsters seem benign.
Treaty with Russia Broken
Too often unmentioned today is the fact that under Article 6 of the United States Constitution, a treaty becomes the “supreme law of the land; and judges in every state shall be bound thereby; anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”
At one stroke, thereby, all State laws as well as the Constitution itself may be legally nullified by a treaty.
In our time, this has been done. The United Nations Charter, ratified by almost 100% of the Senate, became as a treaty the Supreme Law of the Land, anything in the Constitution or the laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The machinery to nullify our freedoms therefore is in place.
That the top American Jewish Committee was well aware of this provision of the Constitution back in 1917-18 when the New York Kehillah report was issued, is evident from the text. The reciprocal trade treaty of 1832 with Russia had to be broken. It had permitted Russia to have some say as to those from the U.S.A. it must admit through its borders. Russia retained some sovereignty which Red Revolutionary Jewry from Russia, armed with American citizenship, could not hurdle. The Jewish mob must be free to return to Russia and put over the Jewish revolution.
The New York Kehillah text states (Exhibits 231, 232):
“The Committee, after serious consideration, determined to recommend to the President the abrogation of the treaty with Russia, and on May 18, 1908, dispatched a letter to President Roosevelt. This began the attempt on the part of the organization to induce our Government to take some effective action to terminate the controversy. Correspondence with the same end in view was also had with President Taft and was supplemented by personal interviews with the President and with Secretaries of State, Root and Knox. [Schiff headed this delegation.]
“The effect of the termination of the treaty, was the declaration of the national policy of the United States that it would not tolerate further discrimination against American citizens of the Jewish faith. Since treaties are, under the Constitution, the supreme law of the land, with the termination of the treaty there no longer exists a law which according to the Russian Government’s contention was susceptible of the unconstitutional construction that our Government permitted discrimination against American citizens on account of race or religion.
“The action of President Taft and of the Congress of the United States was subsequently approved by all the great political parties of the country, in platform adopted by them in 1912, and again in 1916.”
More of the background of these pre-revolutionary activities of the American Jewish Committee, which was headed by Jacob Schiff, was covered in the Henry Ford Dearborn Independent, in an article in January, 1921 entitled: “Taft Once Tried to Resist Jews and Failed.” To quote:
“Mr. Taft once stood out against the Jews, was strongly denounced as unfavorable to the Jews, was soundly beaten by the Jews on a matter on which he had taken a firm stand, and has ever since shown that he has learned his lesson by accommodating the Jews in their desires …
“For centuries Russia has had her own troubles with the Jews and, as the world knows, has at last fallen prostrate before Jewish power which for centuries, has been working to undermine her … The biggest hoax in modern times was the propaganda against Russia as the persecutor of the Jews. Russia devoted to the Jews a large part of the most favored section of the land, and was always lax in those laws which prohibited Jews from settling in other parts of the country that the Jew was able to create an underground system throughout the whole of Russia which controlled the grain trade, controlled public opinion, and utterly baffled the Czar’s government. The cry of ‘persecution’ arose because the Jews were not permitted to exploit the peasants as much as they desired. They have, however, gained that privilege since.”
Reports of U.S.A. Ministers are quoted showing that while 1500 Jews were registered in St. Petersburg with the police, 30,000 were operating there illegally. Jewish editors and writers wielded power on “the leading newspapers of St. Petersburg and Moscow,” and the liquor trade was entirely in Jewish hands. “At every turn the United States Government discovered that Jews were exaggerating their difficulties for the purpose of forcing governmental action … The Jews represented that their life in Russia was a hell … Presently, after years of underground work and open propaganda against Russia in the daily press, until the American conception against Russia was fixed almost beyond correction, the agitation took the form of the ‘Russian passport question’ … Jews demanded nothing less than that the United States should break all treaty relations with Russia. They demanded it.”
How Jacob Schiff, Louis Marshall, Adolph Krauss and [page 83] Judge Henry M. Fogle (Executive Committee members of the American Jewish Committee) walked in on President Taft at the White House, February 15, 1911, is described. They had demanded the conference, were dined at the White House luncheon table, but Taft insisted upon reading them his conclusions that the trade treaty of 1832 with Russia should not be broken as an exceptional favor to Jews, despite his sentiments in favor of Jewry.
Jacob Schiff was enraged. “This means war!,” he exclaimed.
“On leaving the White House, Jacob Schiff refused to shake the President’s hand, but brushed by it with an air of offended power … Neither did the President know what was behind it all … It meant that German Jews would be the intermediaries of trade between Russia and the United States [if the treaty were broken] … The Frankfort bankers and their relatives in the United States knew what that meant … the relation meant power over Russia — and Jacob Schiff lived to overthrow Russia.
“The neutrality of the United States was torn to shreds by a movement organized and financed on American soil for the overthrow of a friendly nation, and the organizers and financiers were Jews! … The United States was to be used as a crowbar to batter down the walls.
“When the Jewish Ambassadors left the White House, orders flew from Washington and New York to every part of the United States, and the Jewish ‘nagging’ drive began. It had a center in every city. It focused on every Representative and Senator — no official, however, was too mean or unimportant to be drafted. American editors can remember the drive: it was operated on precisely the same lines as the one which is proceeding against the press today. The Jews have given absolute proof in the last two months that they control the majority of the American press.
“Jacob Schiff had said on Feb. 15, ‘This means war!’ He had ordered a large sum of money used for that purpose … On December 13 of that same year — almost ten months to a day after Jewry had declared war on President Taft’s conclusions — both houses of Congress ordered President Taft to notify Russia that the treaty with Russia would be terminated. Frankfort-on-Main Had Won!
“Nine years later, at the writing of this article, it is noted that Taft is making speeches for the Jews after the ‘Jewish’ press of the United States berated President Taft with Jewish unreserve. It would be an eye-opener if, at every speech which William Howard Taft makes for his Jewish clients there could be distributed copies of the remarks printed about President Taft by those same Jewish clients nine years ago … Two governments had been beaten … and the glee with which Jewry hailed the event is also known.”
The fact that Taft was that strange phenomenon — a one-term President, is noted and the question raised that this might have been in consequence of his disobedience.
“The President had really done what he could to prevent the Jewish plan from going through. On Feb. 11, 1911, he withstood them face to face. On December 13, 1911, they whipped him. And yet, in the next year, 1912, a peculiar thing occurred; the high officials of the B’nai B’rith went to the White House and there pinned on the breast of President Taft a medal which marked him ‘as the man who had contributed most during the year to the welfare of the Jewish cause.’ There is a photograph extant of President Taft standing on the south portico of the White House, in the midst of a group of prominent Jews, and the President is wearing his medal. He is not smiling …
“That is the story of William Howard Taft’s efforts to withstand the Jews, and how they broke him. It is probably worth knowing in view of the fact that he has become one of those “Gentile fronts’ which Jews use for their own defense.”
At every stage of the game of take-over for Talmudism, the United States was used a base of operations for “the synagogue of Satan” to put Christian Russia under heel. Propaganda flooded this country which inculcated those of my vintage with the conviction that the weak Czar with his outnumbered, outfinanced foes, wielded a blacksnake whip over little “angel” Jews, made to suffer just because they were “People of the Book.” We were taught that to the tune of millions of dollars spent by the American Jewish Committee and others.
You have only to read such Jewish books as Dubnow’s History of the Jews of Russia and Poland, put out by the American Jewish Committee’s Jewish Publication Society of America for its own people to see how every law was flouted as the Talmudists rose to assassinate and crowd their way into complete mastery and butchery in Russia.
Ford “Apologizes” to Jewry
Even one of the most wealthy and powerful men in the World was not immune to Jewish power and intimidation. The unqualified crawl, even the misstatement that he had been unaware of the contents of his Dearborn Independent, appeared over Henry Ford’s signature, June 30, 1927, just about six-and-a-half years after the above article appeared. The apology was addressed to Louis Marshall as head of the American Jewish Committee.
The renowned theologian, Dr. James M. Gray, head of the Moody Bible Institute, wrote, concerning this apology by Ford (Moody Monthly, September, 1927):
“This confession in our opinion is another link in the chain of prophecy. As we read it we were impressed that the great millionaire went further than the circumstances of the case required him to do. To put it another way, we do not believe the editor of the Independent, Mr. Ford’s paper, was either as foolish or as wicked as the confession of its proprietor would make him appear. We believe he had good grounds for publishing some of the things about the Jews which he did publish … Indeed, the pressure brought to bear upon Mr. Ford to make his confession was in itself such corroborative evidence. This pressure came from Jews all over the world, and in the face of it Mr. Ford was panic-stricken. He is one of [page 84] the richest men in the world, and of course, conscious of the power that money brings with it; but he was made to feel that the Jews have more money and hence more power than he, and that in such a cause their money and their power can be quickly mobilized against an opponent and with crushing consequence …”
Dr. Gray knew what he was talking about, having been subjected to Jewish threats himself. But he refused to recant his assertions that the Protocols of Zion represent the program of Talmudic World Jewry.
I knew Dr. Gray. Large numbers of my book The Red Network were sold in the Moody Bookstore. I spoke in the Moody Church and over the Moody radio. Unfortunately Dr. Gray’s successor has quieted down many matters in favor of Jewry.
The Russian Revolution —
Suppressed State Department Documents
Much authentication of the Jewish hand in the successful Communization of Russia through the revolution of 1917 is contained in official United States Government documents — namely Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1918, Russia, consisting of three volumes and published in 1931. (See Exhibit 243) Included are many communications between then Secretary of State Lansing, U.S. Ambassador to Russia Francis, and various consular officials, detailing events as a “moderate” regime took over Russia under Jewish Premier Kerensky, who was then superseded in a few months by the bloody Bolsheviks, led by Jews such as Trotsky (real name Bronstein), Zinoviev (real name Hirsch Apfelbaum), Kamenev, and Sverdlov. Exhibits 244 through 260 (244, 245, 246, 247,248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260) are excerpts from these Government documents.
All through the State Department papers, most of which are not reproduced, is the picture of Russia in a state of economic collapse as soldiers and sailors are being paid to demonstrate against the Christian government, by Jewry, events which are followed by the final Red take-over.
These documents are today suppressed for public view, and if you don’t believe this to be so, try to obtain copies, or even to find them in any public library. The current Jewish line is that Soviet Russia is “anti-Semitic,” and organized Jewry has no desire to have our people learn of the true origins and beginnings of anti-Christian Communist Russia.
The Revolution Begins
On March 15, 1917, Russian Czar Nicholas II abdicated under revolutionary pressures, naming as regent Grand Duke Michael, until his son came of age.
Not reproduced here is the communication, the very next day from Secretary of State Lansing telling Ambassador Francis to call on Milyukov, Foreign Affairs Minister of the new government, and to “state that the Government of the United States recognizes the new Government of Russia,” to which Ambassador to Russia Francis replied that he had arranged to turn out his entire staff “in full uniform” to recognize the revolutionary regime.
Also omitted here are reports showing the Premiership of Prince Lvov, a sop to the royalty-adoring Russians.
All party functions of the Left had unitedly put over the revolution and this interim regime was to be short-lived, indeed.
Four days after the Czar’s abdication, Ambassador Francis stated: “Financial aid now from America would be a master stroke, immeasurably important to the Jews that revolution succeed.” (State Dept. - Exhibit 244)
Enter Kerensky
The premiership of Prince Lvov lasted only two months. To quote from the 1920 four-volume report of the New York State Committee Investigating Subversive Activities (headed by Senator Clayton R. Lusk): “Alongside of the provisional government headed first by Prince Lvov, the socialist and anarchist elements of Petrograd’s population established a Soviet of Soldiers’, Workmen’s, and Sailor’s Deputies…
Its president was at first Tcheidze [Menshevik leader] and its vice-president Kerensky [leader of the socialist Social Revolution Party]. In May, 1917, the Soviet [Kerensky’s] forced the resignation of the first cabinet … Kerensky then succeeded Prince Lvov, the first premier of the provisional government, who proved to be a weak and vacillating character.” (Vol. 1, Page 218)
Kerensky was “weak and vacillating,” not because he did not know about the Lenin-Trotsky revolution being financed by the Kuhn, Loeb cabal, and which was to follow him. The State Department papers herein show he knew every move in advance and did nothing about it. About five months after Kerensky became Russian Premier, the Bolsheviks took over. The wrecking Red work of Jewish Kerensky during his time in office is described in part as follows in the above N.Y. State Lusk Report: “The liberal decrees of the Provisional Government had destroyed the discipline of the army and the disintegration of the once powerful Russian military machine became complete.” (Page 219) “Kerensky’s Social Democrats distributed hundreds of thousands of leaflets among Russian soldiers” urging “that the soldiers should disobey their officers and lay down their arms.” (Page 215) The “swift success” of the final Revolution was “attributed in large measure by Lenin to a fortuitous cooperation between contending groups and factions.” (Page 217) [Note: Lenin’s real name was Ulyanov. His father was of Mongol origin, his mother a German Jewess.]
The great mutiny of the Kronstadt sailors of July 16-17, 1917, is chronicled in modern encyclopedias as a Red Revolutionary event. Kronstadt is an island 21 miles from Petrograd (now Leningrad), in the Gulf of Finland.
On July 16, 1917, Kerensky has come home from the front when Milyukov’s Cadet Party ministers resign. And the next [page 85] day, July 17, 1917, we see that the Bolshevik turmoil is used as “the ostensible grievance” for Kerensky to demobilize “two regiments at the front.” Enter Trotsky (Bronstein).
With Kerensky having conveniently “departed for the front,” Trotsky harangues the crowds. The Cossacks, who are anti-Jew, are unable to prevail. (Exhibits 247, 248)
Chamberlin, in his The Russian Revolution 1917-21 describes the march of 20,000 sailors who disembarked from Kronstadt and marched through Petrograd, shooting into homes and killing people on the pretext that they had been attacked. The roaring bloody days of July 16th and 17th left the people helpless at the hands of the bloodthirsty demonstrators: “So the city was really at the mercy of the demonstrators,” says Chamberlin (Vol. 1, page 173). He also says:
“The Kronstadt sailors marched through the main streets of Petrograd … They promptly broke into houses from which shots were supposed to have come and killed with scant ceremony anyone whom they suspected of shooting … ‘five people were killed and twenty-seven wounded before his eyes on Sadovaya Street,’” read one report by one Kantorovitch.
Terrorist Trotsky (real name Bronstein), who was later to gouge out eyes and dismember his victims in sadistic Talmudic fashion, during the Red Terror, was reported by Ambassador Francis to have “aroused great enthusiasm by advocating violent measures.” (State Department — Exhibit 248).
Kronstadt was a rehearsal leading up to the ripe time for take-over, in November, 1917, several months later.
Trotsky had been living in New York, editing the Russian Communist paper Novy Mir (New World), financed by the communist Garland Fund, directed by Jacob Schiff’s rabbinical protege, Rabbi Judah Magnes, and such leading Communists as William Z. Foster and Roger W. Dunn, Sidney Hillman, Norman Thomas and others, serving on the Red Revolutionary battlefield in this country.
U.S. President Woodrow Wilson heard about the abdication of the Czar’s government March 15, 1917, and hailed it. The pretense then, on the part of stooges like Alexander Kerensky and other Jews, was that a “democratic” revolution had been successful, and that “humanity” was to profit from it; the weak Czar, under the thumb of his Jewish bankers and occult Rasputin, having been a pushover achieved by Jewish finance for Jewish power objectives.
The scholar, Jennings Wise, has written (Woodrow Wilson, Apostle of Revolution):
“Woodrow Wilson, despite the efforts of the British police, made it possible for Leon Trotsky to enter Russia on an American passport.” (page 647)
In Document 5 (State Department — Exhibit 254) we see that Lenin got 315,000 marks in June, 1917, just before the Kronstadt revolutionary rehearsal. As the note of our Ambassador states: “Kronstadt, the navy base, was the nerve center from which L’s [Lenin’s] activities radiated during the Summer …”
The funds originated from the “Diskonto Gesellschaft” Bank (Same Exhibit), one of the Jewish controlled German “D Banks” which helped finance the Bolshevik takeover. You may see by referring to the 1943 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (“Finance, Jews in”) that the so-called “D” banks of Germany were all run by Jews, including the Diskonto Gesellschaft and Deutsch Bank, all being part of the conspiracy.
In September, 1917, Kronstadt is notified that the order to give passports and 207,000 marks “as per order of your Mr. Lenin have been handed to persons mentioned in your letter. The selection met with approval of his excellency the ambassador.” Ira Nelson Morris was Jewish U.S. Ambassador to Sweden at that time.
Jewish Financing Long Planned
As Documents 1 and 2 (Exhibit 251) show, the revolutionary set-up and the banking credits were all ready to function in 1914, and Document 3 (Exhibit 252) specifically names the Diskonto Gesellschaft and Deutsch Banks in this 1914 conspiracy. Exhibit 253, of February 23, 1915, reports the work of revolution, with “W [Warburg] chiefly works from Stockholm” where Jewish Ira Nelson Morris was U.S. Ambassador from July, 1914, until 1922. The “Rhenish Industrial Syndicate” (Document 5, Exhibit 253) advises the Nya Banken in Stockholm and the Stockholm representatives of two of the Jewish-run “D” Banks of Germany that they are to give money for revolutionary propaganda against Russia.
Ambassador Francis detailed (Exhibit 251) documents showing: That, in the name of the German government, agencies had been set up in such Finnish border towns as Lulea, Haparanda and Varda, also in Bergen and Amsterdam. That: “very close and absolutely secret relations [are] being established with Finnish and American banks. In this connection the Ministry begs to recommend the Swedish Nya Banken in Stockholm, the banking office of Furtsenburg; the commercial company Waldmar Hansen in Copenhagen, which are maintaining close relations with Russia.”
Francis adds: “Note: this is an outline of basic financial structure begun in February, 1914, five months before war was launched and still in operation; notice reappearance in subsequent Lenin messages, towns Lulea and Varda, likewise reference to American Banks. Olof Aschberg; one of the heads of the Nya Banken, came to Petrograd a month ago and boasted that N.B. [Nya Banken] was the Bolshevik bank.”
The Guarantee Trust Co., of N.Y. is mentioned, and “Furstenberg,” under the name of Ganetski, and Aschberg are cited as inner group members apt to run the Bolshevik state bank.
Looking at the map of Sweden, you may see that in the North where Sweden joins Finland, and the Gulf of Bothnia ends, washing both shores, there is a little border town of Haparanda and south of it is Lulea, also on the Gulf, with Russia, of today, a short trek to the east across Finland. Those were chosen for the arms-running to the Bolsheviks. The Imperial and “D” Banks of Germany, in the political [page 86] saddle, in cahoots with the Jewish U.S. Ambassador to Sweden, Ira Morris, and the Red Revolutionary Jews, armed with endless funds, put over the job. The Jewish network touched everywhere.
Furstenberg at Stockholm
Stockholm was a cozy place those days for the Reds with the USA Jewish Ambassador friendly to Jewry’s aims. There the “banking office of Furstenberg,” and the “Swedish Nya Banken in Stockholm” are mentioned in Document 1, Exhibit 251, and that was February 14, 1914. Document 8, Exhibit 254, is written to “Mr. Furstenberg” and is from the representative of the Deutsche, one of the German “D” Banks, in Switzerland. He is writing Furstenberg, June 16, 1917, to tell him that Bolshevik pamphlets costing 32,000 francs (Swiss francs were the highest of all in exchange value) have been sent and he would like to know when they arrive. “Maximalist” is used throughout the reports, meaning Bolshevik.
Furstenberg, in good approved Communist style, addresses his letter in Document 9, Exhibit 254, to Raphael Scholnickar as: “Dear Comrade:”, stating: “The office of the banking house M. Warburg has opened … an account for the undertaking of Comrade Trotsky.” The arms have been purchased and sent and a “person authorized to receive the money demanded by Comrade Trotsky.”
Ambassador Francis noted that this communication connected Trotsky “with banker Warburg and with Furstenberg.”
Furstenberg was a busy Jew those days, sending messages of cheer. Document 10, Exhibit 255, is to Bolshevik military leader Antonov at Haparanda telling him that: “Comrade Trotsky’s request has been carried out,” and that a trusty Bolshevik “Sonia,” will be coming to hand him “400,000 kroner.”
We also see that note of Ambassador Francis (Document 10, Exhibit 255):
“This letter from Scheidemann, the German Socialist leader, links him with Furstenberg-Ganetski, with the Nya Banken and with subsidizing the Russian revolution. Trotsky published a paper during the Summer. Another paper spoke for Lenin. Vorwarts would seem to refer to the Socialist organ at Berlin …”
Elsewhere (Exhibit 253) we see the name of Max Warburg, of M.M. Warburg bankers of Hamburg, and related to the Kuhn, Loeb Warburgs of the U.S.A.
As previously mentioned, Max Warburg, later, in 1939, came from Germany and served on the American Jewish Committee “Peace Committee” which drew up and organized the United Nations, its Charter and its propaganda network, consummated at San Francisco in 1945 (See American Jewish Year Book, “Report of American Jewish Committee,” on “Institute on Peace and Post-War Problems,” p. 751, Vol. 43, 1941-2).
Note that Warburg is cited in this Exhibit 253 as one of the three Jewish bankers Rubenstein, Max Warburg, and Parvus, who maneuvered with the Russian revolutionaries, Zenzinov and Lunacharski. Ambassador Francis noted that “Parvus and Warburg both figure in the Lenin and Trotsky documents.”
The Bolsheviks Take Over
While the Army was disintegrating, Premier Kerensky knowing all the time what was to follow, was fluttering with small talk when the take-over by the Red murderers came in November, 1917.
The day of the “Coup D’Etat,” November 7, 1917, Ambassador Francis communicated with Lansing, telling him that the Secretary of the Embassy, Sheldon Whitehouse, had met Kerensky hurrying out of Petrograd, and acknowledging that the Bolsheviks held the city and the Ministers of his government would be arrested (page 224). From then on, the reports go like this: “All Ministers arrested except Kerensky.” “Bolsheviki took possession of Winter Palace where all Ministers except Kerensky were located, all Ministers except Kerensky in Peter and Paul Fortress.” Conflicting reports screen Kerensky’s safe exit, not a hair of his head being harmed. Kerensky later retired to New York, to live graciously after performing his part in the Russian Red Revolution.
It is plain to see from State Department papers that at first Ambassador Francis saw the “German money” financing the Bolsheviks as just that and nothing more. He sensed, however, that a general European revolution was being fomented. And his information came from the files of “Kontrerazvedka, Government secret service organized under Kerensky.”
Concerning this, Ambassador Francis stated in February, 1918:
“If so, unavoidable questions arise why K [Kerensky] did not use evidence against Bolsheviki last July.” “Many clues lead to Stockholm and Copenhagen.”
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia boasts of the Jews who led the Bolshevik revolution in Russia:
“The political revolution of March, 1917, brought about the complete emancipation of the Russian Jews.” (Page 670, “Soviet Russia”)
“Individual revolutionary leaders of Jewish origin — such as Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Sverdlov — played a conspicuous part in the revolution of November, 1917 which enabled the Bolsheviks to take possession of the state apparatus.”
The great majority of Jews were Socialists, socialist Bundists, socialist Mensheviks, we are further informed, all of whom had worked for the overthrow of the Christian government of Russia.
Consequent “Anti-Semitism”
It followed, in the fight between the Christian elements and the Bolshevik Jews and their dupes, as the same source states that:
“Wherever the civil war was fought, the Whites identified [page 87] the Jews with the Bolsheviks and singled them out for attack … from the first, Anti-Semitism was severely condemned by the Bolsheviks … The recuperative process which set in with the end of the civil war was furthered by the New Economic Policy (NEP) adopted in the Spring of 1921 … By 1924 nearly one-third of all the stores in Moscow were owned by Jews.” (page 674, Encyclopedia)
From our Embassy in Russia came the report of: “conditions appalling; a veritable slaughter … Men are shot without trial.” (Sept. 21, 1918) And “bloody delirium now reigning at Moscow and Petrograd.” (Sept. 25, 1918, page 694; State Department)
In Exhibit 260, we have a typical report from those on the ground, a communication from the U.S. Consul General at Moscow (Summers) to the Secretary of State, May 2, 1918: “Jews predominant in local Soviet government; anti-Jewish feeling grows among population which tends to regard oncoming Germans as deliverers.”
Another State Department report during this period (Exhibit 261) notes: “Fifty per cent of Soviet Government in each town consists of Jews of the worst type, many of whom are anarchists.”
0 notes
Not Blooming Plankton
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Plankton are organisms ‘whose power of movement are insufficient to prevent them from being moved by water currents’ that are found in fresh or marine waters - split into phytoplankton and zooplankton referring to plant and animal species respectively. Phytoplankton is particularly important to the marine environment by contributing approximately 50% of the global annual primary production. The variety of plankton species in Scottish waters is not explained by the diversity of environments (fjordic sealochs, deep and shallow areas, thermally stratified), but in fact by the dispersive nature of the waters, particularly the clockwise circulation of water around Scotland.  
A plankton bloom, like the one below, is normally made of one species of plankton which has experienced rapid growth and become ‘sufficiently abundant to colour the sea’. Blooms occur where there is enough light to allow rapid growth, sufficient levels of nutrients and mechanisms that clump plankton together are also vital requirements.  
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Blooms can vary in colour forming red, brown and green blooms depending on the plankton species pigments, commonly green blooms on the east coast of Scotland, as seen in the image below. A bloom can last from a couple of days to a week and the size of the bloom is dependent on the optimum combination of different environmental conditions. 
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Phytoplankton bloom to the east of the Scottish coast captured by NASA’s Aqua satellite.  
  Environmental Conditions That Encourage Blooms
As primary producers, plankton requires light for photosynthesis and dissolved organic carbon to convert to oxygen. The image below shows a simplified planktonic food web to show how changes in environmental conditions that may only effect one aspect of the web could have a negative effect to the organisms reliant upon it. 
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The environmental conditions encouraging blooms such as the example previous are listed below, as well as some anthropogenic activities that could be increasing the frequency or intensity of blooms: 
Plankton growth is limited to the euphotic zone (the section of the ocean penetrated by light)due to their photosynthetic nature. Variability in light is predominately linked to seasonality and stratification.  
In recent years the quantity of nitrogen entering the coastal waters surrounding Scotland has increased due to anthropogenic activities. As studies have shown the nitrogen is the limiting factor to plankton growth until a N:Si ratio of 4:1 is seen, it could be said that the continuing increases in nitrogen is likely to increase the size of plankton blooms when all other conditions become optimum. Eutrophication, for example run-off of fertiliser from farmland causing excessive levels of nutrients, can increase nutrient levels and cause a bloom.  
Freshwater input 
Most coastal waters to the east of Scotland receive less freshwater input than west coast lochs (e.g. Creran or Striven), which significantly helps to prolong the plankton growth season. It helps because inconsistent influxes of varying quantities of freshwater input sometimes causes layering of the water column and sometimes doesn’t which allows nutrients to be used and renewed during times of mixing. The cycle between the mixed and stratified times allows the period in which blooms can be seen to not be only during thermal stratification during the short periods of warm weather experienced in the midsummer. A cycle between mixed and layered waters can help blooms to form. 
Stratification occurs when water masses with different temperatures, densities and salinities form barriers to mixing of the water column. In Scottish coastal waters this occurs when a balance between surface heating, wind-stirring, tidal-stirring and freshwater input is reached, restricting the turbulent transport of plankton out of the photic zone. Plankton can use all the available inorganic nutrients, resulting in nutrient-depleted waters, not allowing the plankton to grow and hence a decline in abundance. However, this doesn’t occur everywhere – some Scottish estuaries (e.g. those of the Forth of Tay) have strong tidal movements cause high levels of sediment suspension so that the water is so murky that growth of plankton into blooms is prevented by lack of light. 
Toxic blooms 
Blooms can become harmful when plankton produces toxic or negative effects on the marine ecosystem, which in turn can have negative social and economic consequences. The cause of toxicity is very complex, different for each environment and species of plankton. One species that can become harmful, native to coastal Scotland, is the Pseudo-nitzschia which when consumed through the food chain by shell fish causes amnesic shellfish poisoning. Monitoring of such toxins causes fisheries to close when the maximum permitted level of toxins in shellfish are reached, in this case 20 micrograms. Research has been and further will be carried out to study patterns of outbreaks to help predict when a bloom could occur, which would help fishermen plan for the shellfish season efficiently. As well as real-time monitoring solutions allowing for a quicker return to fishing. 
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A daigram and link that may take your fancy if you found this interesting - which i guess you did as you’re reading this...
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A very descriptive review of plankton ecology in a section of the western Scottish coast and further out into the Irish Sea - gives more understanding, references and a broad view of the varaibility and causes of blooms away from the coatline:
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jacknicholson1963 · 6 years
Fuelling the fleet – the network that supplies oil to the Royal Navy
Without fuel the navy goes nowhere. Replenishment at sea is an important part of the RN’s global reach and is well understood, but more fundamental are the land-based organisations and facilities that ensure the fleet is supplied with oil and ammunition. In the first of a 2-part article, we focus on the fuel infrastructure. Most fuel for HM ships is issued at the naval bases via the Oil Fuel Depots (OFD) located close to Portsmouth, Devonport and Faslane. There are a further three MoD-owned depots that can provide fuel to RN, NATO and commercial vessels in Scotland. There are also fuel facilities in Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands and Singapore, whilst the RN also has access to the Greek-run shared NATO depot at Souda Bay, Crete.
The DSFA (Defence Strategic Fuels Authority) administers contracts with commercial suppliers for the supply of fuel to the MoD. It also places ‘spot bunker’ contracts for one-off fuel consignments worldwide to HM Ships, RFAs and Charter tankers. F-76 diesel is a specialised military fuel grade used by the RN and most NATO navies. It has no direct commercial equivalent and is not readily available in the market. Marine Gas Oil (MGO) or even F-44 can be used in an emergency by RN vessels if F-76 is unavailable but this impacts negatively on engine life and performance.
MV Cumbrian Fisher, on charter from James Fisher Everard unloading its cargo at the Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, July 2017.
The oil freighting task, formerly undertaken by RFA ships, is now done by light tankers chartered from James Fisher Everard. These vessels collect the F-76 marine diesel and F-44 aviation fuel from the refineries, mostly around the UK, and deliver it to the OFDs. The fuel is stored at the depots an until needed. When a warship needs fuel it is connected to the network of fuel lines within the naval base that are fed from the nearby OFD. The naval air stations at Culdrose and Yeovilton are provided with aviation fuel from the OFDs delivered by road tanker.
The amount of fuel required by the fleet has declined significantly as the number of vessels has fallen and engines are becoming more efficient. Despite this, the volume of fuel demanded by the RN remains significant, for example the MoD purchased around 230,000 tons of marine diesel in 2014 alone. The arrival of the aircraft carriers will also place a greater demand peaks on the system and is driving new investment in the fuel supply infrastructure. To fully fuel HMS Queen Elizabeth requires 4,800 tonnes of diesel and 3,700 tonnes of aviation fuel. A Type 23 frigate can take on around 600 tonnes of diesel.
The Oil and Pipelines Agency (OPA), manages the Government Pipeline and Storage System (GPSS) and the six OFDs on behalf of the MoD. The GPSS is an obscure but critical strategic national asset (Privatised in 2015) consisting of network of oil storage sites and underground fuel pipes connecting oil terminals, refineries, civilian airports and RAF bases. The Naval OFDs are not, however, connected to the GPSS network and must be sustained with deliveries primarily by sea or occasionally by road.
The storage and handling of fuel is subject to stringent regulation. Safety, quality control, environmental and accounting considerations require competent people to manage the system and operate each of the OFDs. The MoD has a good record for the safe management of fuels, Civil Servants engaged in this kind of obscure work that is critical to operations on the front line are often maligned or forgotten.
Gosport Oil Fuel Depot at Forton provides fuel to the fleet across the harbour at Portsmouth Naval Base. The depot is supplied by ships discharging at Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty (OFJ). The jetty was originally built in the Victorian era but was extended in the 1950s to allow the berthing of deeper draught ships. Pipelines run the length of the jetty carrying marine diesel, aviation fuel, dirty ballast water and a fire-fighting main.
Portsmouth Naval base receives fuel from the Gosport depot (bottom right) which supplied by ships discharging at the jetty (top left).  (Photo: Google/DigitalGlobe)
After many years of uncertainty over its future, beginning this Spring the Gosport OFD is being upgraded under a £45 Million contract with J Murphy & Son. The depot was originally built in 1910 and seventeen riveted plate oil tanks, some over 100 years old will be replaced and new gatehouse and site security features added. Due for completion in 2021, the work will be done in phases to ensure continuity of fuel supplies during the upgrade.
It is interesting to note that the Portsdown Underground Fuel Bunker which held 137,700 tonnes of furnace fuel oil (FFO) used to be connected by three underground pipes to the Gosport fuel depot. FFO passed out of use in RN vessels with the end of steam propulsion and the Portsdown site was closed in 1989. It is instructive to consider the inherent protection from terrorism, air attack or serious accident provided by underground fuel tanks, compared to the above-ground tanks in a residential area of Gosport.
Thanckes and Yonderberry
Thanckes Oil Fuel Depot, Torpoint was originally built in the 1920s and provides fuel to Royal Fleet Auxiliaries and to warships across the river Tamar at Devonport Naval Base. The depot covers 97 acres and is supplied by ships discharging at Yonderberry Jetty. The tanks have storage for 145,000 tonnes of marine diesel, 17,000 tonnes of aviation fuel and 34,000 tonnes of oily water, dirty fuel and compensating water.
Thanckes Oil Fuel Depot (right) and Yonderberry Jetty (top left).  (Photo: Google/DigitalGlobe)
Yonderberry Jetty is suffering from corrosion and is going to be replaced under a £43M contract with marine construction specialist VolkerStevin. A brand new jetty will be built just to the north of the existing facility. The dredging and clearing works began in January with the main piling works starting in September 2018 and the whole project is due for completion by November 2019. The site is within a Special Area of Conservation on the River Tamar and the project has to comply very with stringent environmental regulations. Firefighting services in the depot and at the new jetty are also being improved.
There are four Oil Fuel Depots currently in operation in Scotland. All were built in the 1960s to NATO specification and originally had a total capacity of 600,000 tonnes. Drastic reductions in the size of the Royal Navy and the number of visiting US Navy vessels leaves the annual NATO naval fuel requirement in Scotland less than 10% of what it was in the 1960s. Despite this overcapacity, the four depots at Garelochhead (Faslane), Loch Striven (near Dunoon), Loch Ewe (Wester Ross) and Campbeltown (Kintyre), are still considered to have important strategic value and remain open. With the exception of Garelochhead, the MoD has attempted to reduce the overheads for each site by running them on minimum care and maintenance basis and sharing them with commercial operators.
Loch Striven
Loch Ewe
RFA Tidespring at the Garelochead Oil and Fuel Jetty, April 2018. The shiplift at Faslane naval base can be seen in the background. (Photo: Harry Garland via Flickr)
HMS Diamond at Loch Striven OFD in 2011. There are 19 oil tanks buried in the hillside behind the jetty which is used by naval and commercial vessels.
HMS Ledbury at the Campbeltown Oil Fuel Jetty, May 2008. (Photo: Steve Partridge)
Loch Ewe Oil Fuel Depot on the eastern shore of the only North-facing loch in Scotland. It is also a licenced ‘Z’ birth, which allows nuclear submarines to come alongside for short periods. There is deep water not far from the jetty, minimising the time a submarine needs to spend on the surface. (Photo: Nilfanion via Wikipedia).
Close up of Gosport OFD prior to redevelopment, looking east across to Portsmouth naval base.  (Photo: Google.com/Digital Globe)
Close up of Thanckes OFD looking east across the Tamar to Devonport Naval base. Note the deep trenches designed to prevent oil from spilling into the river in the event of a major leak.  (Photo: Google.com/Digital Globe)
MV Clyde Fisher at Yonderberry Jetty, July 2018 (Photo: RFA Nostalgia)
Garelochhead OFD is just to the north of Faslane and provides fuel to the base. Faslane’s fuel requirements are more modest than Portsmouth and Devonport as it is primarily a nuclear-powered submarine base. However the submarines embark small amounts of fuel for back up diesel generators and the base supports the Sandown class minehunters as well as other RN and NATO warship visitors. Unlike the English facilities, all of the Scottish OFD tanks are partially or fully buried underground, reducing their impact on the scenic landscapes of the region and offering some protection from attack.
General Robert H. Barrow of the USMC famously remarked: “amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics”. It is clear, even from this cursory study, that provision of fuel for a globally-deployable navy that can respond quickly to events is no simple matter. In part two of this article, we will consider the munitions infrastructure that enables the RN’s fighting capability.
Main image: HMS Iron Duke alongside at Campbeltown Oil and Fuel Jetty, Nov 2011.
from Save the Royal Navy https://www.savetheroyalnavy.org/fuelling-the-fleet-the-network-that-supplies-oil-to-the-royal-navy/
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thesunbest · 6 years
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Incredible Scottish estate where Dam Busters bouncing bomb was tested goes on sale for £2million
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