blorbosinmyheadcentral · 11 months
Your recent piece is exactly why I love the potential of their dynamic. Like ok sure I would like to see then smooch but shoving that aside I love the idea of Pomni challenging his normalcy and he doesn't want to hurt her or the others so he thinks it's best to take her input into account. He becomes keenly aware of her mental state and with some help, he's more aware of the others as well
But the more they talk the more his curiosity is peaked. He starts to wonder why Pomni and the others want to leave so bad. Is the outside better than the world he made for them? Pomni looks perfect the way she is so why is she upset that she can't remember what her human face looks like?
So many questions and they all lead to the outside. Maybe it even makes him return his attention to the exit door he made. Maybe work on it again except this time he'll use everything Pomni told him. And Pomni sees Caine doing his best to make an exit of some kind, real or not, and it makes her feel guilty even though she has nothing to be guilty of
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The potential they have s everything to me. like. As good friends. or partners, or anything. There's something so captivating in both characters, and they could play off each other so well, in so many different ways.
Learning about friendship, boundaries, giving and taking. Questioning what it means to be human. What it means to live. And it's odd, and it's awkward, and sometimes it's two steps forward one backward. But he's trying so hard, and it's moving in a way. Being torn between freedom and a newfound, but fragile bond, in the sense that it wasn't made to last for as long as escaping is a primary goal. The longing for a company that's become so dear, even if they haven't left yet. The true companions. The guilt. The growth. IT COULD BE SO DEEP. SCREAMING CRYING THORWING RIU
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If Gentle and La Brava were to ever return as heroes in training or even just their own thing, I think my dream fight would be them vs Mr Compress and Himiko Toga. I know it’s a pipe dream, but Gentle and Compress? Two showmen facing off is self explanatory, but La Brava facing off against a girl who is obsessed with “loving” people would be interesting to see
If they become heroes, I think they should always work in tandem and be called THE LOVE HEROES: GENTLE AND LA BRAVA, and wear matching outfits with lots of heart motifs on them 💓💓💓
I actually think about a potential interaction between La Brava and Toga a lot. I think Toga would be completely drawn to her. She'd think La Brava's quirk is incredible, and she'd think tha La Brava is totally adorable, too, and probably take her form a lot. Maybe to mess with Gentle. Definitely to mess with Gentle.
I also imagine Toga would wrongly assume that their quirks make them kindred spirits, and see La Brava as her new best friend or fall for her. which would be very bad news for La Brava because Toga would want to see her bleeding, a lot. Toga would think that the way La Brava feels about Gentle is the same she feels about Stain and try to bond over that and make La Brava describe how she also wants to see Gentle bleed. La Brava would be HORRIFIED that anyone would think she'd ever want to hurt her Gentle in any way.
Gentle and Mister Compress would just take turns posing and monologuing at each other instead of actually fighting.
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wolfcrunch · 4 years
Well. My simping for afo doesn’t make sense now that it’s off now huh
AKFHGKSKS you actually did it,,,,,,
well u like gentle. i can respect that, gentle’s pretty cool
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angeltannis · 5 years
Okay but can we talk about how Tirek’s ultimate goal is to literally just have a swole body again?? And I’m not sure why, but it was kind of cute how he resorted to getting those gains the hard way by lifting weights since he can’t absorb magic from his *cough* friends
and how he had Chrysalis’ magic and power, with no reason to give it back, and was loving it, but still gave it back anyway because they care about each other damn it
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lulu2992 · 3 years
As for the story, could you elaborate? I personally felt satisfied by it despite it being uncomfortable - @lodeturn
So, if I said the relationship between Vaas and Citra was "terribly inaccurate and misinterpreted" in the DLC, it's because I think they got his feelings and motivations completely wrong.
[Spoilers (and sensitive subjects) below but, if you're reading this post, you've probably played the DLC so you already know]
From what I understand, in Insanity, before Vaas can escape his mind and his painful past, he has to redeem himself and prove that he's worthy. His sister Citra's voice simultaneously guides and taunts him throughout his introspective journey and, even though she's not actually here because the DLC takes place in Vaas' mind, it's clear that he wants to prove that he's strong enough not only to himself but also to Citra. He symbolically wants to show her that, although he failed to achieve this goal in real life, he was worthy of becoming what he was born to become and what she wanted him to be: the Ultimate Warrior. Citra's warrior. At the end of his journey, he understands that, unlike what she told him, he's always been strong, always been worthy, always been enough, and he can finally put this toxic relationship behind him and move on.
In Insanity, Vaas is also indubitably in love with and sexually attracted to his sister and, even though it's unclear whether or not she felt the same towards him (she probably didn't), what's certain is that she used that to her advantage to have a hold on him and manipulate him into doing whatever she wanted. Unless I missed it, I don't think the DLC really explains why Vaas eventually left her but I assume it was because he met Hoyt and became addicted to drugs. And if he hated Jason so much, according to Insanity, it was mostly because he was jealous that Citra chose him. In his mind, he also gets to symbolically take revenge on Jason for replacing and killing him.
Now, not everything is bad in that story. Vaas freeing himself from his past, his pain, his sister, and his demons? Good. Awesome, even! He needs that! The fact that Citra was toxic, manipulative, and at least partially responsible for his suffering? True, she absolutely was. That he was in love with her and regrets not becoming her warrior? That's... really, really not how I had understood their relationship in Far Cry 3. Unfortunately, the story of Insanity revolves around that and that's why I'm personally not happy with it.
I say it's "not how I had understood" Vaas' feelings towards Citra and the reasons why he left the Rakyat because I don't think that we ever got a definite explanation. However, Jeffrey Yohalem, the lead writer on Far Cry 3, has already talked about Vaas' past. For example, this is what he said about Citra and what she expects from Jason/the player in an interview with Rock Paper Shotgun:
"She didn’t need rescuing, she’s not a princess in a castle, and she’s not waiting for you to save her. In fact, it’s all part of this elaborate ritual. It’s not even clear that she needed your help to begin with. In fact Vaas was there to do it first, and Vaas left because he didn’t want to be a part of her crazy ritual. (...) She was just looking for the ultimate warrior and someone to be her gun."
And this is a discussion he had with a fan on Twitter:
Fan: Was Citra's desire to birth the ultimate Rakyat warrior an equal catalyst for Vaas's insanity, just as much as Hoyt & drugs? JY: What do you think? Fan: Vaas says he first killed for Citra, and the island had drugs before Hoyt...her attempt at an (incestuous) ritual broke him. JY: Sounds like you're on the right track!
I don't know about you but, when I read this, I don't understand, "Vaas has always been attracted to his sister and wanted to be her warrior". On the contrary, what I get from this is that Vaas cut ties with Citra and the Rakyat when he realized that, at the end of that "Path of the Warrior" she wanted him to walk, there was an incestuous ritual (and death). Vaas says in Far Cry 3 that the first time he ever killed, it was for Citra, but that it was "not enough for her" and that she "[blindsided]" him. She made him walk the Path and he did it... until he realized what she was doing to him and what it meant in the end. He left the Rakyat traumatized, broken, and then started working for Hoyt (who is conspicuously absent from the DLC) in exchange for drugs, money, and a semblance of power and free will.
Implying that Vaas hates Jason because he's jealous that Citra prefers him is also inaccurate and reductive. Firstly, Citra didn't love Jason, at least not for who he really was; she was just using him like she used Vaas in the past and only wanted him to become that "Ultimate Warrior", that weapon she had been trying to craft for years, the man who would father her child. Secondly, I think that what Vaas feels towards Jason is more complicated than just hatred. He sees himself in Jason, and vice versa. Part of him enjoys seeing Jason suffer and being manipulated by Citra, but it probably also hurts him because he had to go through this too and it broke him. In Far Cry 3, Vaas mocks Jason but, sometimes, in his own messed-up way, he also tries to warn him about Citra, about the Path he's on, and what's waiting for him at the end of it. He also attempts to kill him several times but strangely never succeeds, which I think is interesting. Anyway, to me, the relationship between Vaas and Jason is more complex and nuanced than "the girl I love chose this other guy over me so I hate him".
In conclusion, the story of Insanity isn't bad. There are pertinent references to Far Cry 3 and Alice in Wonderland, and the journey Vaas goes through, although difficult, eventually allows him to finally free himself from everything that was holding him back and weighing him down. It's a beautiful story… but it's not Vaas' story. The original Vaas, the one from Far Cry 3, never wanted to be in an incestuous relationship with Citra. In fact, what Jeffrey Yohalem said suggests the exact opposite: he ran away when he understood that it was her plan. Vaas' problem with his sister isn't that he was never able to become her partner and her Ultimate Warrior. He just wanted to be a good brother and she turned him into a monster.
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paganminiskirt · 3 years
Tagged by the dear @henbased to make some ocs with this picrew
Tagging: @broken-balance-baby @icannotsit @fc6 @lodeturn @hyperfixationtimebabye @randomprivateer @wastelandchook
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(Nora Kingston, pre-FC5 • Nora Kingston, post-FC5 • Margaret Vaughn/Caroline Seed, pre-FC5 • Margaret Vaughn/Caroline Seed, post-FC5)
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My guy. I’ve never watched supernatural but I might now bc everything you reblogged abt it sounds hilarious
Lol, I couldn't recommend that. I'd never watched a single minute of Supernatural before it finally ended, and even now, the only scene I've seen is the "destiel love confession" because I HAD to get in on that, and omg was it painful to watch. It's specially funny if you've bien in here long enough to know just how popular that ship was for years, but still super cringey.
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lulu2992 · 3 years
I think one of the differences in 5 and 6 is that it felt like 5 was trying to connect you to as many people as possible. 6 is like “you’re an orphan. You’re friends are dead. Are you making new friends? No, you’re leaving them immediately.” I feel like Dani has no stake in anything that happens?
Yes, you (as well as @teamhawkeye, @thosetwistedtales, and @lodeturn in the notes of my previous post) are right: not only are we, the players, disconnected from the story because of the third-person view, but Dani is also disconnected from most of the other characters, and especially from the villains.
We’re far from Jason and Vaas being “mirrors of each other”, Pagan randomly calling Ajay, his stepson(!), to share whatever is on his mind, or the Seeds capturing the Deputy several times and being like, “while you’re here, allow me to talk about myself and my trauma in detail”. In Far Cry 6, we barely see or interact with the antagonists before dealing with them so, in comparison, it’s underwhelming.
Antón hates Libertad as a whole but, for most of the game, Diego is the only one who knows who Dani is and who cares about them as an individual. And Dani cares about Diego too, actually, way more than they care about Libertad. They go as far as lying to Clara to protect him and saving him from Juan’s bullet (even though those two characters are supposed to be trusted allies). I didn’t care much about the “bad guys” because the game didn’t let me; I barely saw them. But I also didn’t care much about the “good guys” because Dani kept hiding things from them; I thought I couldn’t fully trust them. As a result, I only really cared about a few characters (and most of them died).
The characters are not bad, it’s just that the game doesn’t do a very good job at making them easily likable, in my opinion. And, after playing the other games, it feels like something is missing.
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