maquekenzie · 10 months
DND Questionnaire
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art by @kiikiibee
Name: Princess Loeva of the Vermillion Halidom
Alias(es): Baby Peony (by her mother), My Peacock Spider (by her boyfriend)
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Place of birth: Cinnabar in the Vermillion Halidom
Spoken languages: Yura, Prism, Savannah, Sol (Sorry Grandpa Phaedra wanted someone to learn Elder!!), Elder
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Princess, Cryptid Guardian, Ward
Class: Thaumaturge!
Ancestry: Savannah (Whisper) Elf
Eye color: Gold! She got her father's eyes, which indicate lineage from the royal family of Sol
Hair color: Pink, like her mom's!
Height: 5′8"
Scars: None!
Burns: None!
Overweight: Nope!
Underweight: Nope!
Color: Yellow and blue!
Hair color: No preference but she thinks rainbow hair would be neat!
Eye color: Seafoam green............
Music genre: ALL OF THEM
Entertainment: Looking for bugs, reading about scary monsters, playing her biha & lute, dancing
Pastime:  Playing her instruments at the temple, taking care of the horses in the Agria stables
Food: Strawberry cakes, ramen, unagi onigiri, fesenjen
Drink: Strawberry milk, mango juice
Books: Anything folklore/myth related
Passed university: She definitely would not have if it existed.
Had sex: Nope
Had sex in public: Double nope
Kissed a man: Yes!
Kissed a woman: Yes!
Gotten tattoos: Nope
Gotten piercings: Her ears are pierced in a few place!
Had a broken heart: Yes!
Been in love: Yes!
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Probably once on accident much to her mother's dismay
A cuddler: Absolutely
A kisser: ALSO Absolutely (the other day in character she said "SMOOCHES POWER ME!")
A smoker: Nope!
Scared easily: The opposite! She gets scared of things she shouldn't be scared of.
Jealous easily: Absolutely not.
Trustworthy: Yes, though you need to be very clear if something's a secret otherwise she's not apt to get it.
Dominant: She's very blissfully assertive and bossy, but also easy to dissuade.
Submissive: Nope.
Single: Nope! She's being courted by Lord Tarquin of the Topaz House.
Have they harmed themselves: On accident a few times.
Wanted to kill someone: I wouldn't say explicitly? But it's Pathfinder/D&D so fights happen and she works to stay alive and keep her friends/loved ones alive.
Actually killed someone: Yeah, people trying to kill her.
Have/had a job: Does doing activities in the township she's a ward in so she gets paid an allowance for enriching herself count???
Have any fears: 1) Grammaw being mad or disappointed at her. 2) Biting into something and finding out it's rotten. 3) Encountering the Council of Snails and having Darwin sadly inform her that they and the horses have all agreed they hate her forever.
Sibling(s): Princess Solenne the Summoner of Eidolon Luxia-Kan the Bright Fox and Prince Faras the Royal Ranger, both older
Parents: Princess Tifenn the Summoner of Eidolon Qi'ka The Rise of Spring, and Prince Karim of Sol Nephew of the Sun King
Children: None!
Grandparents: Lady Vermillion and reigning Monarch of the Vermillion Halidom Fiona (aka Grammaw, the scary one), Prince Set of Sol Brother of the Sun King (Grandpa, the fun one), Princess Zara of Sol (Grandma, the nice one)
Aunts/Uncles: Auntie Princess Maëlys Heir to the Vermillion Throne and her husband Uncle Cyril de Leon the Future Red Warden. Uncle Prince Masuud of Sol and his wife Aunt Phoebe de Corvo. Uncle Qadir of Sol.
Cousins: Prince Cayden of the Amber Phalanx, his wife Lady Laurentia of the Diamond House, Prince Darwin of the Royal Rangers, Princess Linnea Heir to the Vermillion Throne, and Princess Pheadra her fellow Ward and chosen one despite her desires!! Cousin Prince Bast of Sol.
Pets: Familiar, technically: Prince Darwin Brach'an Edemomious of House Watercress (Prince Darwin for Short Don't Mind That's her Cousin's Name TOo), a giant land snail. She also has a horse, as noted, named Bindletwix the Bold.
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lina-vas-dom · 1 year
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Как много пустоты за вашими словами, Как много ни о чём рассказанного вслух... Не верю никому, себе и то местами Мой голос отзвенел и непривычно сух. Вы можете искать какие - то причины Внезапных перемен в себе или во мне Всё это пустяки и быстро излечимо Канвой ненужных букв, погрязших в суете. И что не говори, в начале было слово, Меритель наших душ, способный убивать, Врываясь навсегда, пусть больно, но бескровно Желанием уйти, услышать, промолчать…
/Ольга Лоева
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How much emptiness there is behind your words, How much of nothing told aloud... I don't believe anyone, I don't believe myself. My voice is ringing and unaccustomedly dry. You may be looking for some reason Sudden change in myself or in me All this is trifling and quick to heal. A canvass of unnecessary letters, mired in vanity. The measure of our souls, capable of killing, that breaks forever, however painful, yet bloodless. With a desire to leave, to hear, to be silent...
/Olga Loeva
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loevawrites · 9 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Relationships: Darth Maul/Ahsoka Tano Characters: Darth Maul, Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex, Other Character Tags to Be Added, CT-5597 | Jesse Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), Canon-Typical Violence, Aged-Up Ahsoka Tano, Touch-Starved, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Age Difference, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Minor Character Death Summary:
Ahsoka had defeated her opponents and survived—yet she had lost everything. In the aftermath of Order 66, she wakes up to find herself saved by an unexpected ally – Maul. Now they travel together, light and dark, bickering their way through a galaxy in desperate need of balance. Let’s goooo! 
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lasalebete · 2 years
Not me discovering that my favorite lonely eyes writer have a Tumblr and is most likely French. I LOVE HOW YOU ARE WRITING SO MUCH AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A PILLOW COLD ON BOTH SIDES YOU DESERVE IT
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Anon I lomve you. I loeva you so much thank you I hope you have a wonderfully spectacular day and im so hapoy you enjoy my writing adjekaaaaa
(also does that mean you're french too dear anon? Do I have a French reader? How)
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gadgetflow · 3 years
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LOEVA Le Stand-Up transparent paddleboard lets you see the water beneath you https://thegadgetflow.com/portfolio/loeva-le-stand-up-transparent-paddleboard-lets-you-see-the-water-beneath-you/
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uncrate · 4 years
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Loeva Transparent Stand Up Paddleboard
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nauticanews · 6 years
Tabla de paddle surf transparente Loeva
Tabla de paddle surf transparente Loeva
Tabla de paddle surf  transparente, Loeva Proporcionar una  nueva experiencia , es el concepto desarrollado por Loeva, la primera tabla de paddle surf transparente. De día o noche, con  LEDs debajo del SUP, se  puede admirar el agua bajo los  pies Diseñada como un objeto de arte, Loeva es una tabla  de paddle surf de lujo. Loeva es una tabla de paddle surf totalmente transparente, y llevó 4 años…
View On WordPress
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infinitymasculine · 3 years
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Loeva Transparent Stand Up Paddleboard | Infinity Masculine One of the best things our planet has to offer is our incredible vast ocean. We explorer it, are amazed by it and see it as a mystery as it is. The Loeva (RIDES)
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manofmanytastes · 3 years
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Loeva Le Stand Up Transparent Paddleboard Lets You See Ocean Beneath
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lina-vas-dom · 2 years
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Береги как зеницу ока То тепло, что дают тебе близкие, Наша жизнь без точного срока, Ты не знаешь в кого она выстрелит...
/Ольга Лоева
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Take care like the apple of your eye The warmth that your loved ones give you, Our life without a deadline, You don't know in whom it will shoot...
/Olga Loeva
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brudekjolen · 7 years
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Vi ❤denne kjolen! Loeva fra San Patrick 2018. #brudekjolen #brudekjolenoslo #brudekjole #bryllup #brud #sanpatrick #wedding #weddingdress #weddinginspo #igers #love #alinedress #beautiful
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yesterdaysprint · 8 years
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Loeva Mcafee and friends, Junction City, Kansas, 1918
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thisiswhyimbroke · 4 years
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Loeva Transparent Stand-Up Paddle Board via https://ift.tt/2Ksm2fK
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chpbel · 5 years
Житель Лоева приревновал к приятелю возлюбленную и разбил стекла в окнах парикмахерской
New Post has been published on https://xn--o1ap.xn--90ais/2019/12/07/jitel-loeva-prirevnoval-k-priiatelu-vozlublennyu-i-razbil-stekla-v-oknah-parikmaherskoi/
Житель Лоева приревновал к приятелю возлюбленную и разбил стекла в окнах парикмахерской
2 декабря в Лоевский РОВД обратился владелец парикмахерской, расположенной на улице Ленина в районном центре. Он просил найти неизвестного, который разбил два оконных стекла. Спустя полчаса после поступления сообщения, оперативники уголовного розыска нашли местного жителя, 1953 года рождения, который мог быть причастен к разбитию стекол и по весьма пикантным причинам.
Пенсионер и дама его сердца, 1986 года рождения, накануне вечером заглянули на огонек к приятелю, который работает сторожем в здании, где находится парикмахерская. Ближе к ночи посиделки закончились. Лоевчанин пошел домой, а пассия осталась с молодым кавалером. Пенсионеру не понравилось такое развитие событий. Он вернулся к зданию, попытался зайти вовнутрь, но дверь была заперта. Мужчина для того, чтобы привлечь внимание, не придумал ничего другого, как взять в руки булыжник и бросить его в витрины первого и второго этажей. Разбитые стекла охладили пыл лоевчанина. Он ушел домой, так и не попав в помещение.
По данному факту Лоевским РОСК возбуждено уголовное дело по ч.1 ст. 339 УК Республики Беларусь. Санкции статьи предусматривают максимальное наказание в виде лишения свободы на срок до трех лет. Фигурант дела обязан явкой.
Источник: gp.by
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Модель Loeva из коллекции St. Patrick 2018 от Pronovias Fashion Group, Barcelona. Друзья, ждём вас ежедневно с 10.00 до 19.00 без перерыва и выходных в Ростове-на-Дону на Шолохова, 24. У нас 2 просторных зала с примерочными, поэтому предварительная запись не требуется. Мы очень ценим вас, наши дорогие невесты, и поэтому приготовили скидки, подарки и сюрпризы! Если возникают вопросы, то можно позвонить нам 286-95-40 и +7-918-521-87-20, а также написать в WhatsApp, Viber или Direct. www.dolce-vita-rostov.com #dolcevitarostov #свадебноеплатье #платьенапрокат #свадебныйсалонростов #дляневесты #свадьбавростове #дольчевита #дольчевитаростов #свадьба2018 #свадьбаростов2018 #дольчевитанашолохова #wedding #papilio #baggi #свадьбаростовнадону #pronovias #stpatrickbridal (at Дольче Вита Ростов на Шолохова, 24)
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infinitymasculine · 3 years
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Loeva Transparent Stand Up Paddleboard | Infinity Masculine One of the best things our planet has to offer is our incredible vast ocean. We explorer it, are amazed by it and see it as a mystery as it is. The Loeva (RIDES)
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