#loki fans win challenge impossible
lokiiied · 6 months
so…the god who’s biggest fear is “i don’t want to be alone” and who “never wanted a throne” has now resigned themself to a lifetime in solitude. on a throne. making an ultimate sacrifice so that everyone else can live.
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don’t fucking talk to me.
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carynsilver · 5 years
Marvel 20 Questions
I wasn't tagged, but I saw this on @musette22‘s Tumblr and decided I wanted to play. Thanks! 
1. Favorite solo film? It’s so hard to choose. It would be easier to list my top five. :-) But, I have to go with Thor: Ragnarok, because it is funny and heartwarming and I love it. Plus I have been a sucker for Thor since his first movie. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a really close second, though.
2. Favorite team-up film? The Avengers. It was so cool seeing all the characters we’d watched in the solo movies come together for the first time. Marvel really did the solo movies to team-up movies formula right--didn’t rush it like DC did. The payoff in that first Avengers movie was great. Plus a good villain, high stakes, and a plot that I didn’t have problems with. A good mix of humor to action. Love it. Also, I’m really partial to the AUs where the Avengers all live on their own floors in the tower, and that is the movie that sets that up (even if I’ll forever be sad that they did nothing with it).
3. Favorite female character? There are a lot of BAMF chicks in the MCU, but my absolute favorite is Peggy Carter. She is strong and gorgeous and knows her worth, even a time that is worse that today about allowing women to have that value. I liked her in the first Cap movie, but I loved her even more in the Agent Carter TV series. While I like the Peggy/Steve backstory, I like Peggy better on her own. Darcy Lewis is a really close second favorite--only second because, while I liked her in the Thor movies, it was fic that really fleshed out her character, while Peggy got all that character development on screen. But we’ll see how things go with Wandavision. Maybe Darcy will get the more developed character in cannon that she deserves. (I guess the Netflix shows no longer count for the MCU, huh? Because Jessica Jones was pretty awesome, too.)
4. Favorite male character? Oh my gosh. I love both Thor Odinson and Bucky Barnes SO MUCH--it’s nearly impossible to choose. However, I have to use the rule that I used for favorite female character, and give Thor the number one spot because his character’s awesomeness is fleshed out on screen. While I still think that his first movie could’ve used a bit more middle (more time than just one night on Earth to grow and change into someone who would give his life for others), I’ve loved watching Thor’s character grow and change over the years. He tried so hard to be a Gryffindor, but he’s really a Hufflepuff. While he would’ve been an all right king due to training, he doesn’t have the heart for it, and I think he finally realized that. He is so much more than muscles and a weird accent--he’s loving, supportive, and really smart; he forgives; he’s just an awesome guy. Bucky has that whole tragic redemption arc, which is great, but they really cheated his character out of development on screen after CA:tFA and CA:tWS. Like with Darcy, a lot of his development comes from fic and head cannons. I’m really hopeful for the Falcon & Winter Soldier TV series. Maybe now Bucky will finally get the character development he deserves!
5. Best canon ship? I’m not really tied to many of the cannon ships in the MCU. I liked Tony/Pepper a lot; probably because they got a lot of screen time, and Pepper is another favorite BAMF MCU lady. Scott/Hope is also pretty good. I would’ve said Thor/Jane, except then they broke up. Maybe they will resurge to the top of the list when we get Thor 4.
6. Best non-canon ship? I love so many non-cannon ships for the MCU! I like Stucky, Stony, WinterShock, WinterHawk (but only with the more comic-esque Clint who is deaf and a disaster; not boring family man movie Clint), WinterIron (but only in no power AUs without the Bucky killed Tony’s parents angle), ShieldShock, TaserTricks a bit... Basically any ship with either Bucky or Darcy in it would have a chance, and even though I don’t love cannon Steve all that much, I like a lot of ships with him in fanfic, too. Weirdly, I never read fic about Thor or Peggy--maybe because they are so fleshed out in cannon, I don’t need more from them.
7. Favorite actor? Man, another rough one. I love Chris Hemsworth and Sebastian Stan so much. I think I have to go with Sebastian on this one, though. Chris is great, hot, and I adore him, but Sebastian did so much with a character that had relatively little screen time overall. I mean, Bucky was in five movies, but in a lot of them he was there more for the action than the actual character development (which makes me sad! he deserves more!). But the fact that he took a smaller, supporting character and made him one of my favorites in the whole universe says a lot for Sebastian’s acting. Like, a lot of actors can make you love a character when they are the main character in multiple movies, but how many can do it from the sidelines? (**crossing my fingers for lots of good Bucky in the F&WS show!**)
8. Favorite actress? Gotta go with Hayley Atwell here. The way she played Peggy was masterful. I also really love Kat Dennings, though. Second only to Hayley.
9. Favorite director? Taika Waititi, hands down. He should do all MCU movies from here on out. Prior to him, it was Joss Whedon for his great work on the first Avengers, but Joss let me down with A:AoU.
10. What was the first MCU movie you ever watched? Iron Man. Aside from Spiderman: Homecoming and The Incredible Hulk, I watched all the MCU movies in theater in the order they came out. We are dedicated Marvel fans that way. :-)
11. Which MCU movie have you watched the most? Hmmm... I’m honestly not sure. I’ve never specifically counted viewings. I know the top contenders would be Thor: Ragnarok, Ant Man, The Avengers, Thor, Captain America: the First Avenger, and Iron Man. I have definitely watched every MCU movie except the Spiderman and Hulk solo films more than once, though.
12. Favorite super-suit? I think I’d have to go with the Iron Man suit. I mean, it’s by far the most useful, and it has Jarvis (or Friday) inside. And it lets you fly! That said, if we take it as most attractive suit, then I’d be torn between Steve’s navy and white suit (sans cowl) from the beginning of CA:tWS and Thor’s suit when it bared his arms (the long-sleeved version was weird looking).
13. Favorite weapon? Mjolnir, by far. Even though it creates some weird questions/plot issues, I love the idea of a weapon that only someone with a worthy heart can use. I think my favorite moment in End Game was when they paid out on that bit from AoU and Steve busted out fighting with his shield and Mjolnir. Steve and Thor fighting together with the hammer and the axe was fabulous. I do also like Cap’s shield, even though it’s a weird choice. I’m really looking forward to Thor 4, if the rumors are true and we’re going to get to see Jane use the hammer. That will be excellent!
14. Favorite origin story? Oh, another hard one! I am a sucker for a good redemption story arc, so I think Bucky/Winter Soldier edges in for the win here. Overcoming 70 years of brainwashing and mind wipes for his best friend, struggling to get back to human again, and then trying to make up for some of the wrongs from the past (which I hope is where we’re going in the F&WS show) is excellent. Though, Thor’s journey from spoiled brat to someone who is willing to sacrifice himself for others to king to someone who realizes that he isn’t the best king and is willing to hand the crown to someone else for the good of the people that he loves is a really good one, too. I also like tiny anger-ball Steve taking a risk to become a hero with a good heart. Didn’t necessarily agree with all his choices later, but did like the origin. Solid third.
15. Favorite villain? Definitely Loki. His arc in the first Thor movie is great. And knowing that in the first Avengers movie he was affected by the mind stone adds a great layer. Plus watching him continue to mature and grow until he finally was willing to be there for his brother in Ragnarok. That was a great arc, and the character toes that line of gray morality but redemption that is so compelling to watch. His death was the worst one to me in IW/EG--I really thought he was pulling some other con, and I’ll forever be sad they dropped that thread. I hope that his show is good, and I’ll give it a chance, but I’m still bummed that we’re going back to post-Avengers Loki and losing all that character development from Thor 2 and 3. :-(
16. Favorite fight sequence? Honestly, the action and fighting are probably my least favorite parts of these movies. I know, that’s atypical, lol. Like, they are the less interesting bits I have to put up with to get the character growth I want from my superheroes. Often, the action sequences go on too long. Shorter action sequences would allow them to both keep up momentum and put in more character development, but no one in charge asks me. :-P That said, I like the action sequences best when they show character development, and the best one for that is the highway fight in CA:tWS where Cap and co. fight the Winter Soldier for the first time. No one in the whole movie had challenged Steve that far, but the Winter Soldier truly put him in danger for the first time, and his friends, too. The Winter Soldier was menacing, and then paired with the Bucky reveal at the end. Best action sequence. Though I do also love the Revengers vs. Hela in Ragnarok when Thor finally gets his full lightening powers down and crashes into the battle. He is so OP now, but in an awesome way.
17. Favorite line from any of the films? I love that bit in the first Avengers movie when Thor snags Loki, Tony flies out after him, and Nat tells Steve not go because they are basically gods. I love Steve’s line of, “There’s only one God, Ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that.” That one cracks me up even now that I’ve watched it so many times.
18. Favorite scene from any of the films? Pretty much any scene with Darcy in it is a favorite. Her stuff in the first Thor movie is gold. I also like Bucky and Steve’s goodbye scene at the beginning of CA:tFA.
19. If you could pick an Infinity Stone to keep, which would you choose? Huh... I don’t know that I’d want any of them. I guess, if pressed, I’d choose the Space stone because I think it would let me teleport. The Time stone/time travel seems interesting, but I’d be afraid I’d mess up the timelines.
20. Which Disney Plus MCU series are you most looking forward to? Falcon & Winter Soldier, hands down. Though, when I heard Darcy would be a character, that jumped Wandavision up to second place.
I think that @virtual-insomnia would enjoy this. :-) 
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master-sass-blast · 5 years
Strong as Stone --Part Thirty-Seven.
Well, hi there!
Last time, we got to see a wonderful little bit of fluff with Okoye and M’Baku as they planned for the future! How lovely!
This time, the future gets disrupted when Thanos shows up. That’s right, folks, we’re at Infinity War time!
For the record: I haven’t seen Infinity War. I don’t plan on seeing Infinity War. I don’t care about Infinity War. I’m rewriting Infinity War because I know I can do a better job than the Russo brothers did. If you don’t like any of that, I don’t care.
Rating: T for language and general tone of plot, given the context of what we’re dealing with.
Pairings: Okoye x M’Baku.
@skysynclair19, @the-last-hair-bender
All battles are a choice. Whenever you decide to pick up your spear and fight, you’re making the choice to do so. You always have the option to walk away, even when you think you don’t.
Every life you take is a choice. This isn’t to say that you’d be guilty of murder when committing an act of self-defense; it simply means that you must be aware of the choices you make and why you make them.
Not every choice you will make will mean a victory for you. Absolute success is a luxury none of us can afford. Sometimes, you will walk into battles you know you won’t win, but you’ll walk into them anyway because you choose to, whatever the reason may be.
Think carefully about your choices, my dears.
Okoye was a firm believer that Bast gave her followers signs for when shit was about to hit the fan. Little precursors that alluded to the larger insanities soon to follow.
N’Jadaka’s uprising and the fight for the throne? They’d had to endure a crazy car chase with Klaue in South Korea.
The embassy explosion and the Accords debacle? Countless incidents with the Avengers causing swaths of collateral casualties had predated all of that.
The incident where Dewani and Shuri rigged every single door --every. single. door--in the palace with fireworks? Full blood moon earlier that week.
So, when two Asgardian demigods, an Asian man dressed like some sort of martial arts-monk fusion, a group of aliens that included a talking raccoon and tree-thing, a guy that looked like a Las Vegas magician with a cape that could actually make him fly, and Dr. Bruce Banner showed up on the landing platform outside the palace in a swirl of light, she knew the sense of foreboding that crept up her spine was going to be valid. Bast help us.
“He’s collecting the Infinity stones, and once he has them he’ll wipe out half the universe.”
Okoye cast a subtle, doubtful glance at Ayo, grateful to see her own wariness mirrored in the eyes of her second-in-command and friend. We’ve seen a lot over the years, but this doesn’t even sound possible.
If the green-skinned woman --Gamora--that had arrived with the group was to be believed, a tyrannical alien overload named Thanos was in search of ‘magical’ stones that granted the bearer unimaginable powers, and that once he had them he’d destroy half the universe.
Because... reasons. Apparently.
“We already have two of the stones,” the raven-haired Asgardian --Loki--said, holding up a glowing blue cube that she recognized from War Dog intel reports as the infamous Tesseract with one hand while gesturing to the glowing green gem held in Dr. Strange’s --she laugh over that choice of name later--amulet.
“Three,” Thor --he was easy enough to recognize on his own from all the mass media coverage on the New York and Sokovia incidents--corrected. “Stark’s and Banner’s creation --Vision--has the Mind Stone. But there’s no guarantee that Thanos won’t be able to take them if he accrues the other three.”
“And what do you want from us?” Nakia asked.
“Thanos has access to an unstoppable army,” the bald, blue-skinned woman --Neubla--spat out. “He’ll find a way to get the other three stones, and then he’ll come to Earth with the last three.”
“Wakanda has the most advanced weaponry in the world,” Dr. Banner added. “If we’re going to have a shot at stopping Thanos, we’ll need your help.”
Okoye watched T’Challa carefully as he sat back in his throne, gears clearly working behind his eyes.
On one hand, the story seemed almost entirely implausible. ‘Magical’ stones, a madman that wanted destroy half the universe without rhyme or reason, alien armies...
On the other hand, she’d seen a lot of weird shit in her time, and the group standing in front of them had nothing to gain by lying.
T’Challa looked at Nakia, who nodded, then looked over at Okoye.
She pursed her lips, but nodded as well.
“I need to contact some people first,” T’Challa said with a resigned sigh.
The reunion between Tony Stark and Captain Rogers went about as well as Okoye could’ve expected.
T’Challa had called the renegade Avengers as soon as the Asgardians, the group of aliens --who had named themselves ‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’ apparently--along with Dr. Strange, Wong, and Dr. Banner were escorted from the throne room. From there, Steve had contacted Tony and told him to come to Wakanda immediately, along with Vision and whoever else was willing to help.
She still couldn’t help but smirk, just a little, as she watched Tony and Steve glare each other down. “Men.”
“Tell me about it,” Ayo muttered back as she kept a careful eye on Natasha Romanoff, alias ‘the Black Widow.’ “Give them two years and they still can’t speak five civil words to each other.”
“And yet they call women the ‘emotional ones,’” Djabi added under her breath.
“Of course we are,” Aneka whispered. “We actually interact with our emotions, instead of opting to shove them down and hide from them.”
Okoye smoothed her expression out as M’Baku and the other council members walked into the throne room, along with--
“No! No, no no! What is she doing here?”
Jhanvi grinned as Tony yelled at her. “Stark! It’s good to see you!”
“Miss Singh is working for the Wakandan Scientific Outreach program,” Shuri announced primly as she walked into the throne room, followed by Dewani and her friends. “She’s been called in to assist with weapons development and systems monitoring.”
“‘That--’” Tony pointed at Jhanvi “--is a menace--”
“We don’t have time to argue,” Thor interjected, voice heavy. “Thanos is coming. We need time to prepare.”
Okoye grimaced as the groups of former Avengers and various heroes all started arguing with each other. If this alien overlord is actually real, we are screwed.
The look on Ayo’s face told her the Commander was thinking the exact same thing.
Fortunately, between Sam and T’Challa, the two men managed to get everything calmed down enough to make working through the facts possible.
Fact: Thanos was in possession of an item called the Infinity Gauntlet, which would allow him to wield the powers of the Infinity Stones once he had them.
Fact: They currently had three of the Infinity Stones in their possession, but no one knew where the other three were or how to stop Thanos from getting his hands on them.
Fact: Thanos would, eventually, make his way to Earth to procure the last three Infinity Stones.
Fact: Thanos would bring along his army and other warriors to help him procure the last three stones.
Fact: If Thanos managed to get his hands on all six stones, it meant the end of the world.
This is insane, Okoye thought as she listened to T’Challa, Thor, Gamora, and Tony talk back and forth. This is actually insane.
She’d been taught from a young age on not to assign labels like ‘impossible’ to a situation. Every obstacle was a problem waiting to be solved, and all one had to do was find the solution. Not always easy, but not impossible.
But she’d already calculated the odds. Run through possible strategies and scenarios over and over while listening to the others assess the status quo.
They were in over their heads. Way over.
Before she had a chance to voice the obvious --that things were shaping up for a brutal fight they couldn’t win--the windows behind T’Challa’s throne started shaking.
Her spear was ready and in her hands before a flash of gold light swept over the room.
A massive, hulking, purple-skinned alien dressed in gold armor stood in the center of the room, lips curled into a smirk as he assessed them the way a boy with a magnifying glass assessed a cluster of ants.
Even if the pompous armor and physical markers hadn’t tipped her off, the way the Guardians quickly made a barrier between the newcomer and Gamora and Nebula was all the confirmation Okoye needed. So. This is Thanos.
“He’s a lot uglier than I was expecting,” Dewani stage whispered to Izgebe, who had to clap a hand over her mouth to stifle a snort.
“I take it you must be Thanos,” T’Challa said as he eyed the intruder cautiously. “And that you must have good reason to appear in my throne room without warning.”
“I am.” His voice boomed across the room, deep and full of the type of pride that often accompanied those who had made their way through life with minimal challenge to their status or way of thinking.
It made her skin crawl with unease.
“I’m here to offer you all a chance to shape destiny. To play a role in weaving of the fabric of fate.”
“You want us to help you collect the Infinity Stones,” Nakia surmised, eyes narrowed.
“I am a reasonable man,” Thanos said with a nod. “I am not a lover of violence and senseless bloodshed. If you hand over the stones already in your possession, you have my word that I will not return to Terra or unleash my armies upon you.”
“And if we don’t?” Tony asked.
“Destiny has chosen me to bring balance to the universe. No one can stop it, not even me. I will do whatever I must to complete my life’s purpose.”
“Yeah, whatever, but what gives you the right to destroy half the universe?” Dewani asked with an impertinent sneer.
“This is not about destruction. This is about balance. The universe is expanding beyond what its finite resources can sustain. Life must be culled to ensure its survival.”
“Genocide in the name of survival,” Peter Parker --a teenager that had come in with Tony that Okoye recognized as ‘Spiderman’ from T’Challa’s recounting of the airport fight after the embassy bombming--muttered. “I’ve heard that before. It didn’t wind up working.”
“Wait, pause a minute,” Dewani said, pinching the bridge of the nose. “You’re looking for the Infinity Stones, which could basically make you all powerful. Why not just... make infinite resources?”
“Solve global warming,” Peter added.
“End world hunger,” Abayomi suggested.
“Make space travel and colonization more readily accessible and affordable,” Shuri said.
“Eradicate all known diseases, disorders, and disabilities,” Izgebe spoke up.
“Create world peace,” Fukayna said.
“Guys, I got it!” Dewani said with a dramatic gasp. She pointed at Thanos. “This guy’s a moron!”
Okoye kept her eyes carefully trained on Thanos while the teenagers cackled and crowed. They were funny, yes, but anyone who was willing to make genocide his first choice wasn’t likely to be fond of being mocked.
“I mean, what kind of fucking idiot--”
“Enough!” Thanos snapped, proving her theory. “I did not come here to waste my time with children’s foolish antics.”
“And yet you wasted your time anyway,” T’Challa interjected, voice sharp and posture tense, clearly ready to jump in if the purple madman so much as looked at Shuri --or any of the other teens--wrong. “You won’t find anyone in Wakanda who would help you commit genocide.”
After a quick glance at the others, confirming that everyone else in the room was willing to side with T’Challa, Thanos let out a huff of haughty laughter. “So be it. Since I am merciful, I’ll give you three days to reconsider. If you won’t by then, I’ll just take what I need.” He tapped at a device strapped to his wrist and disappeared in another flash of gold light.
“Merciful?” Nebula spat out, seething and visibly trembling as Mantis tried to soothe her. “He cut out a part of me every time I failed, and he calls himself merciful?”
“Do you really think he’ll be back in three days?” Peter asked, a little wide-eyed from the encounter.
“There’s no way he won’t be,” Gamora said. “He needs all of the Infinity stones to execute his mission.”
“Well, in that case, we better get busy,” T’Challa said as he stood. “Thanos has given us a deadline; we need to make sure we’re ready for him when he comes back.”
Everyone divided off into teams almost immediately.
Jhanvi and Shuri immediately took off for the lab, taking Peter, Nebula, Dr. Banner, Vision, and Tony with them. “We’re going to need a mass amount of weapons,” Shuri had tossed over her shoulder as she’d darted out of the throne room. “The sooner we get started, the better!”
Dewani had also left almost immediately, heading back to the Jabari lands with Fukayna, Izgebe, and Abayomi. “I’ve got an idea, and they need you here for the bulk of the planning,” she’d said to M’Baku. “It’ll be fine; stop worrying.”
Shortly thereafter, Thor had left with Loki, the talking raccoon --Rocket, apparently--and the talking tree --which only said ‘I am Groot’ over and over--to remake his hammer that allowed him to wield lighting.
Because her day just couldn’t get any weirder.
That left the remaining Guardians, Captain Rogers and his group, Tony Stark and his friend Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, T’Challa, M’Baku, Ayo, and herself to plan the inevitable battle.
There are too many people in this damn room, she thought with no small amount of irritation as she listened to Star Lord and Stark argue about how to handle things.
“What do they even do?” Tony snapped, gesturing at Mantis and Drax.
“Kick names, and take ass,” Mantis said, too emphatic to be sarcastic.
“Bast help us,” Ayo muttered in Wakandan as she physically braced herself against a nearby chair.
They did, eventually, manage to work out a plan. Shuri and Jhanvi would spend the next three days mass producing as many drone weapons as possible, which Jhanvi would control from the lab. Shuri had her team working on making other weapons for Captain Roger’s team to use, while Tony was working on upgrading his, Rhodes’s, and Peter’s suit.
Sam, Rhodes, Vision, and Tony would be in charge of running air defense along with Jhanvi; take out as many of Thanos’s army without ever getting close to them.
Clint, along with the Wakandan snipers, would work on the back line; take out any stragglers or those that tried to breakaway, and generally keep an eye on everyone’s back.
T’Challa’s Border Tribe army, M’Baku’s warriors, the Dora Milaje, Dr. Strange and Wong, and the other Avengers and Guardians would take on the rest of Thanos’s children and the mad Titan himself, along with whatever army members the other groups couldn’t handle.
No one was sure when Thor and Loki would return, but everyone trusted that they’d fall into place in the battle when they did.
They’d done as much as they could to prepare for the onslaught that awaited them, less than a day away. Which was precisely why Okoye was knelt in front of a statue of Bast in Birnin Zana’s main temple for the Panther goddess.
She believed in doing for herself what she could --she’d always believe it. But she wasn’t about to leave the lives of her friends, of the people she loved, in her hands alone.
Be with us, Okoye prayed, head bowed. Ensure our victory over Thanos. We’ve done all we can.
A nagging doubt in her stomach told her it wouldn’t be enough, but she knew better than to entertain that thought for too long --or at all.
She stood, blew out the candle she’d lit before starting her prayer, and walked out of the temple.
“You should be in bed.”
“I could say the same about you.”
She shared a brief, wry smile with M’Baku that faded all too quickly, wicked away by the knowledge of what was coming.
For as much as dwelling on the possibilities didn’t help, it was entirely possible that one or both of them would be dead by the end of all this.
They stared at each other for a long moment, eyes burning with dread and foreboding, and then M’Baku was crossing the space between them, crushing her against his chest, kissing her until they were both gasping.
If this is my last night alive, I’m going to enjoy it, dammit, Okoye thought as M’Baku carried her to his bed. She broke the kiss long enough, planting a hand against his chest to slow him down, to look him in the eye and whisper the words “I love you.”
M’Baku let out a soft sigh, eyes closing as he pressed his forehead against hers. “And I love you. More than anything in the world.”
There wasn’t anything else she could say to that, so she yanked him back down to her and kissed him.
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3BJfqPC #
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RuPaul’s Drag Race would not be the major success it is today without its dramatic moments. The show is full of memorable beefs between queens, but even RuPaul himself gets involved in the drama sometimes.
RELATED: 10 Best Ways RuPaul’s Drag Race Has Changed Over Time
While RuPaul has been unimpressed with many performances on Drag Race since its debut, in some cases he goes a bit further than usual and gets quite irate with the contestants. Ranging from arguments to outbursts to quiet seething, these angry RuPaul moments make for some of the most memorable and intense incidents in Drag Race history.
10 During The Double Eliminations
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Only twice ever in the history of Drag Race have both participating queens been eliminated after lip syncing for their life: once on season 5 (Honey Mahogany and Vivienne Pinay) , and then again on season 8 (Dax ExclamationPoint and Layla McQueen). These queens all failed to prove themselves worthy of staying in the competition during their lackluster performances.
While RuPaul didn’t outwardly express his anger toward the contestants in these cases, his frustration was evident. Not once did he seem impressed in the slightest throughout the lip syncs, and he showed no remorse when it came time to send the queens home.
9 During The Madonna Runway (Kimonogate)
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The infamous Madonna runway challenge of season 8 in which half of the queens wore kimono looks has been appropriately dubbed as “kimonogate” by the Drag Race community. Because so many contestants were clad in virtually the same outfit, both RuPaul and the judges were understandably frustrated with the lack of originality.
RELATED: 5 RuPaul’s Drag Race Runway Categories Fans Want To See Again (& 5 That Should Stay Gone Forever)
Though despite the extreme negative feedback from the judges, none of the contestants who wore kimonos were ultimately eliminated that episode. However, RuPaul was so disappointed by the repetitive outcome that he brought the challenge back in the following season, except this time banning contestants from wearing kimonos on the runway at all.
8 “Drag Is Not A Contact Sport”
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During a lip sync between Mimi Imfurst and India Ferreh in season 3, Mimi grabbed India Ferreh and lifted her up without consent. India was understandably angry about this, and RuPaul was as well.
RuPaul expressed his disdain for Mimi’s decision by stating bluntly, “drag is not a contact sport.” Mimi lost the lip sync and was ultimately sent home for her actions.
7 When Willam Broke The Rules
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On RuPaul’s Drag Race, there are strict rules in place for the competing queens to follow. This includes having to participate in controlled isolation by only being allowed a limited amount of contact with fellow contestants as well as with the outside world while the cameras aren’t rolling.
RELATED: 5 Queens Who Deserve To Be On RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars (And 5 Who Don’t)
While the exact reason why was never explicitly mentioned on the show, RuPaul eliminated Willam early from season 4 upon discovering that she had broken the rules in some way. Though RuPaul was unhappy, Willam wholeheartedly owned up to the situation, claiming that the rules were unfair and she did not express much remorse for break them. To this day, Willam and RuPaul are not on good terms.
6 During The Season 1 Reunion 
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During the season 1 reunion episode, Tammy Brown argued that RuPaul and the judges should be more uplifting than discouraging in their critiques. The two got into a heated argument, which lead RuPaul to snap and raise his voice at every queen in an incredibly heated moment.
While the instance was tense, RuPaul calmed back down as he continued to talk and offered the contestants noteworthy advice about self-confidence. Still, by the looks on the other queen’s faces, it was clearly not the most comfortable conversation to hear.
5 During The Season 10 Reunion
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After The Vixen chose to leave during the middle of filming the season 10 reunion, RuPaul began to rant about her decision to the rest of the queens. Fellow contestant Asia O’Hara attempted to defend The Vixen, but this just made RuPaul even angrier.
RuPaul went on to rant further, even more angirly than before with many strong explicit words. He was so mad that he would barely let Asia get another word in. He claimed that he felt very disrespected by The Vixen, who was notably involved in her fair share of beefs on RuPaul’s Drag Race during her season, and that RuPaul himself would never walk out on a situation such as the reunion episode.
4 “Is There Something On My Face?”
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Drag Race fans will surely never forget when RuPaul was visiting the werk room and delivered a backhanded comment about Pearl’s personality directly to her face. Pearl clapped back, annoyed, which led to an agitated conversation and ended up in an intense staredown.
It was then that Pearl let out one of her most memorable Drag Race quotes, “is there something on my face?” Though he decided to end the interaction after that, RuPaul was clearly fuming. Fellow contestants, and viewers, were left completely on edge because of it.
3 The H&M Incident 
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One of the more recent angry RuPaul moments was an outburst on season 2 of RuPaul’s Drag Race U.K. While the judges were criticising contestant Joe Black for his poor fashion choices, Joe admitted to buying part of his outfit at H&M.
This admission enraged and insulted RuPaul. He went on a short but fiery rant about the lack of quality that store bought items bring to the runway unless they are done up extravagantly in some way. RuPaul was quite aggressive about this statement and ensured that the rest of the queens being critiqued understood his disappointment.
2 After the Shakesqueer Challenge
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After the season 7 challenge in which the queens had to perform their own spin on classic Shakespeare plays, the judges gave some highly critical feedback about the performances. Jasmine Masters spoke up and claimed that more time was needed for the challenge, but RuPaul exclaimed “I don’t wanna hear any goddamn excuses anymore!” in response.
The eruption surprised everyone, from the queens on stage who were visibly taken aback, to fellow judges, to audiences watching at home. At the time, this was one of the only moments in which RuPaul snapped so angrily during a regular season episode.
1 Valentina’s Mask
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Perhaps Valentina was just a bit ahead of her time in season 9 when she notoriously wore a face mask during her lip sync. It’s impossible to forget the incredibly tense moment when RuPaul stopped the lip sync – something that had never been done before – to insist that Valentina remove her mask. RuPaul aggressively stated, “take that thing off of your mouth.”
When Valentina responded nervously, “I’d like to keep it on please,” RuPaul was still adamant, and furiously so. RuPaul’s anger is likely what motivated Valentina to ultimately give in and take off the mask, but there was no coming back from this for Valentina, making it one of the most one-sided RuPaul’s Drag Race lip-syncs ever and a clear win for Nina Bonina Brown.
 NEXT: 10 RuPaul’s Drag Race Reading Challenge Winners And Their Shadiest Lines
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Who Will Be Doctor Who’s Next Showrunner?
When big changes come to Doctor Who it’s the Doctor who grabs all the headlines. That, after all, is showbusiness: children don’t ask for bedsheets bedecked with the faces of the show’s writing or production team. It’s the showrunner – much more than anyone else, including the actor playing the lead role – upon whom the fate and fortunes of the show rest. They decide everything from the look, feel and tone of the seasons, to the thrust and arc of the narrative, to who writes, directs and stars – from the smallest bit-part to the Doctor themselves. The buck stops with them, in other words, and a showrunner can very much make or break an era.
So while speculation rages about who will take on the mantle of the 14th Doctor, it’s Chris Chibnall‘s replacement as showrunner who will ultimately carry the weight of the universe on their back. Realistically, a candidate needs not just writing but also producing experience (Chibnall had co- and executive producer credits on Torchwood, Camelot, Law & Order:UK, Broadchurch and more before landing Doctor Who). Because the UK TV industry has significant work to do on widening access for writers and producers of colour, that requirement frustratingly narrows the field for such jobs at present. But let’s have a look at a few options; some shoo-ins for the top spot, some just wildcards, but all of them with something real to offer.      
Pete McTighe
Pete McTighe has the experience and qualities you’d want in a prospective Doctor Who showrunner: he’s been a long-time admirer of the show since the Classic days; he’s written for the show (Series 11’s ‘Kerblam’ and Series 12’s ‘Praxeus’); he’s helmed trailers for the Classic series’ Blu-ray sets; and, perhaps most crucially of all, he has hands-on experience of calling the shots. McTighe’s prison-drama Wentworth (pictured above) first aired in 2013 and has since racked up award after award in its native Australia (McTighe is British). It’s also been something of a critical darling worldwide, routinely praised for a realism and a grittiness that cleaves close to the best HBO dramas. BBC mystery thriller Pact concluded in June and Wentworth‘s final season airs later this month, meaning that McTighe now has a hole in his schedule. Might he be about to fill that jail-shaped gap with a police box? Quite apposite too, perhaps, that McTighe was able to take a show like Prisoner: Cell Block H (as it was known in the UK), a beloved old soap opera from the 1970s/80s, with rickety, wobbly sets and a low-budget aesthetic, and transform it into a lean, mean, emotionally-satisfying, rollicking thrill-ride with contemporary sensibilities. The man has form.
Sarah Dollard
Another Australian connection, this time in the form of bone fide antipodean Sarah Dollard, who wrote ‘Face the Raven‘ and ‘Thin Ice‘ during Peter Capaldi’s tenure. Prior work commitments prevented Dollard from writing for Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor, something she lamented at the time.
For those of the ‘Doctor Who has become too political’ persuasion, Dollard’s thoughts on the writing process for ‘Thin Ice’ should serve as both a rebuke and reassurance: “There was no way to write about a woman of colour going into the past on Earth without acknowledging how the colour of her skin would have impacted how people reacted to her there. Obviously, it also had to be entertaining and true to the tone of the show, so I tried to make it an intrinsic part of the story, rather than just add-on.”
Dollard cut her teeth on Australian soap opera Neighbours, and wasn’t long before she was writing for sci-fi and fantasy favourites including Merlin, Primeval, Being Human, Doctor Who, A Discovery of Witches (pictured above) and, most recently, an adaptation of the award-winning Young Adult horror fantasy Cuckoo Song (yet to air on Netflix). Availability could be an issue in whether Dollard could return to Doctor Who as its showrunner, given her busy schedule and writer-producer role on Netflix big-hitter Bridgerton.
Toby Whithouse
There was a time when Toby Whithouse was the heir apparent to Steven Moffat. At least in the eyes of Whovians. In 2015 he said this about speculation that he might be taking over the show post-Moffat: “No-one at the BBC has ever had this conversation with me. No-one has asked me, no-one has approached me about if Steven leaves, when Steven leaves. These are conversations that happen purely among fans, not on any official level.”
Still, he has the pedigree. Not only did Whithouse create Being Human for BBC Three (also one of Sarah Dollard’s first UK writing jobs), but he also wrote for the first three of modern Doctors, notably the episodes ‘School Reunion’, ‘The God Complex’ and ‘Under the Lake/Before the Flood’, showing terrific range, and a deft and respectful approach to the show’s mythos and history. Recently, Whithouse has written for the BBC’s new sci-fi series Noughts and Crosses (pictured above) but seems to have drifted away from Doctor Who. Acknowledging that this is just another conversation happening “purely among fans”, might the allure of the big chair tempt him back?
Kate Herron
Kate Herron may be a reasonably fresh face in the entertainment industry, but already she’s proven herself capable of taking on the sort of awesome responsibility that would make even a grizzled veteran wince. There can be few franchises heavier with expectation than Marvel (along with, perhaps, Doctor Who and Star Trek), and few characters as beloved as Tom Hiddleston’s Loki. Kudos to Herron then, for dazzling Kevin Feige with her talent and vision, earning directorial control of the first season of Loki and carrying it out to general acclaim.
Plenty have said that Loki was some of the best Doctor Who we’ve seen in years. It’s hard not to see where they’re coming from when considering the way Loki balances humour, heart, and sci-fi, whilst dabbling with time and dealing with multiple variants of its main character.
Herron recently announced that she wouldn’t be returning for Loki Season 2: ‘I’m really happy to watch it as a fan next season, but I just think I’m proud of what we did here and I’ve given it my all. I’m working on some other stuff yet to be announced.’ It’s this enigmatic ‘other stuff’ that has sent the Doctor Who rumour mill into over-drive. Might Herron be trading one time-wimey extravaganza for another? Might there be a further clue in this other snippet from a recent interview? Time will tell. 
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By Den of Geek Staff
Mark Gatiss
In some sense, Mark Gatiss is Doctor Who. At the very least the show is encoded in his DNA. Very few people have done so much in, and for, the Whoniverse, and Gatiss has pretty much done it all. He’s written novels set in the Classic Who Universe; he’s acted in the modern iteration of the show (‘The Lazarus Experiment’, ‘The Wedding of River Song’, ‘Twice Upon a Time’); he’s written for the show (most notably ‘The Unquiet Dead’); he’s narrated documentary segments about the show; and he wrote the acclaimed 50th anniversary stand-alone about the early days of the show at the BBC, ‘An Adventure in Space and Time‘.  He’s even been both the Doctor and the Master, albeit in Big Finish form. About the only aspect of Doctor Who Gatiss hasn’t embraced is being in charge. Given how prolific Gatiss is outside of Doctor Who, and how the Sherlock and Dracula (pictured above) co-creator gravitated away from the show in recent years, it’s unlikely – though of course not impossible – that he’d take over from Chris Chibnall.  
J. Michael Straczynski
Now, Twitter is neither a negotiating table, nor often a particularly accurate representation of objective reality. Still, there’s no reason to suspect that J. Michael Straczynski’s recent enthusiastic offer to replace Chris Chibnall is anything less than sincere. Less tangible is the real-world prospect of the job ever being offered to him. Not because he couldn’t rise to the challenge – the man is a sci-fi behemoth, his work straddling the mediums of the graphic novel, TV and cinema, and encompassing damn near everything from Murder She Wrote to Marvel, DC to World War Z, and Ghostbusters to Babylon 5 (pictured above)– but down to the BBC preferring to hand the reins of its flagship family sci-fi show to someone UK-based. It doesn’t stop us wondering, though, how the man behind the deliciously cluttered, cultured and brilliant Babylon 5 would transform the Whoniverse.
Vinay Patel
For Series 11, Chris Chibnall wanted a range of fresh, representative voices that would better reflect the diversity of the show’s audience, and open up new avenues of dramatic possibilities. Vinay Patel is one of that influx of new writers who excelled himself by turning in arguably two of the Whittaker era’s best-regarded episodes. ‘Demons of the Punjab’ (pictured above) shone a light on a part of post-colonial history never before illuminated by Doctor Who, and did so with heart and conviction. ‘Fugitive of the Judoon’ proved that Patel could handle a more whacky, twisty-turny, lore-filled story.
Patel started as a corporate film-maker, but wasn’t satisfied with his lot, so poured his talents into an MA in writing for stage and broadcast media, an inspired choice that led him to the theatre, and then on to the BAFTA-nominated drama Murdered by My Father. His writing is intensely personal and political, barbed but with heart, intersecting notions of power, family, history and belonging.  
Whether or not Vinay Patel has a realistic shot at the top spot – he’s still relatively untested in TV (but then so was Kate Herron before Loki) – it’s a shame that a show so committed to representation on-screen has so few prospective showrunners from a BAME background. Wherever Patel’s talents are next channelled, though, it’s obvious he has a blindingly bright future ahead of him.
Reece Shearsmith & Steve Pemberton
An unlikely prospect, we’re forced to admit, but a delicious one. The pair are, of course, no strangers to the Whoniverse. Steve Pemberton played Strackman Lux in the fan-favourite Tennant-two-parter ‘Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead’. Reece Shearsmith featured in Season 9 episode ‘Sleep No More‘, written by Shearsmith’s old friend and fellow League of Gentlemen star and co-creator Mark Gatiss. Shearsmith also portrayed Patrick Troughton and the Second Doctor in ‘An Adventure in Space and Time’.
However, it’s Shearsmith and Pemberton’s astonishing work on the raven-black comedy-drama anthology series Inside No. 9 (pictured above) that makes them such a tantalising prospect for the top spot. They’ve proven that they can play around with places, times, and tones like true artists, offering up silent, screwball comedy one week, then cruelly funny farce the next, followed by something so truly beautiful and heart-breaking it’ll make your soul flat-line the next. They’d be wildcards, certainly, but quite possibly a cross between a game-changer and a Godsend for Doctor Who.  
Sally Wainwright
Sally Wainwright, like many of the candidates on this list, began her career writing for a soap opera, in her case the long-running and much-beloved BBC Radio 4 show The Archers. She was soon poached by the bosses of UK TV soap Emmerdale, but swiftly sacked when she said in a newspaper interview that Emmerdale“was shit, because the script editors re-wrote everything” and went on to Coronation Street.
Sci-fi fans can be sniffy about soap operas, as if sci-fi writers emerge from a cocoon fully-fledged and ready to write about far-off galaxies and alien races, but that’s tosh. If it weren’t for soaps, Paul Abbott, Jimmy McGovern, Sarah Phelps and countless other of the UK’s best screenwriters wouldn’t have had their starts. Step forward Sally Wainwright, who now stands as a behemoth in the UK TV landscape, having helmed arguably two of the most important and popular shows of recent years, Last Tango in Halifax and the astonishing Happy Valley. Her talent has now gone global. She’s currently in charge of HBO-BBC co-production Gentleman Jack, and is working with Sandra Bullock on a new TV series.
Sally Wainwright’s output and vision is supreme; her writing is raw and electric, real and illuminating, her characters so lived-in and realised that you could take them from the screen and put them in your living room and mistake them for your own family. Wainwright is probably too busy to take on the job of showrunner, but what a boon for Doctor Who her helmship would be.
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Doctor Who Series 13 will air on BBC One and BBC America this autumn.
The post Who Will Be Doctor Who’s Next Showrunner? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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mildredsoftwaretech · 3 years
MCU Counterparts Of 5 Old School Survivor Winners
The winners of the famous television show Survivor are considered to be superheroes from the early days of the TV show. It means they can portray the MCU characters perfectly when placed next to them. The winners of Survivor have been entitled as superheroes because of their unbeatable strengths and the way they outlast, outwit, and outplay their strong competitors. Their ability to complete 39 days of being isolated from the outside world on a remote island and becoming a millionaire is staggering. The Survivor players of ‘Old School’ participated in Seasons 1-20 in reality on the show. These are great players and were part of various games before a number of astonishing and thrilling twists were added. These winners have great potential to make their own Avengers squad. In this article, we have listed some of theOld School’ Survivor winners who have the abilities to portray their MCU counterparts respectively.
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Ethan Zohn As The Hulk
Back in the year 2001, Ethan was one of the Survivor players with curly hairs. He was from New York City and defeated Kim Johnson in the show Survivor: Africa. After that, he also defeated cancer and becomes a real survivor in all the senses of the world. He is a gentle and kind person with a sweet kind of nature. His outstanding strategies were responsible for making him a winner. Also, he has a never-give-up spirit that keeps him always running, even on today’s date.
When it comes to one of the most monstrous characters in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hulk is a character that you would remind for the very first time. He is a scientific mastermind who can be transformed into another being with superpowers. Hulk and Ethan Zohn share similar strong and insane behavior on both the outside and inside. Hulk is the perfect counterpart of Ethan Zohn.
Todd Herzog As Ant-Man
In the fifteenth season of the show, Survivor: China, the flight attendant energy of Todd Herzog made him a great confidant. Tom was a nice-natured person and wanted to form good relationships with all the players on the show. He also made the viewers laugh at the time of revealing his real plan and intentions in order to reach the end. He is much like Ant-Man, also known as Scott Lang. Scott is also one of the funniest Avengers with a little bit devious personality, despite the fact that he is one of the smallest Avengers as well. Todd would be the best choice to portray the character of Ant-Man.
Tyson Apostol As Loki
Tyson Apostol was the winner of Survivor: Blood Vs. Water, which was a new school season. He played the eighteenth season originally, which made him an old-school guy at heart. He possessed great strengths like athleticism and high-level confidence. He was also able to impress the viewers with his honest confessions and his witty one-liners. He is much similar to the God of Mischief, Loki, who is another famous character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The energy levels of Loki and Tyson are very much similar and can be considered perfect for each other’s counterparts.
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‘Boston’ Rob Mariano & Iron Man
Boston Rob is one of the most popular winners among several other winners of Survival. It is impossible to think of a Survivor winner without recalling the demonstration of Boston Rob on the show. He has been a very loyal person to whom he loved, and at one point in time, he had fewer friends and more enemies in the game. Iron Man is one of the most important members and founders of the team Avengers. He is really a skillful and brilliant scientific person, but sometimes, due to his arrogance, he had to domesticate to work significantly with his team. Tony Stark would be the best counterpart of Boston.
Parvati Shallow As Black Widow
In the sixteenth season of the game show, Survivor: Fan Vs. Favorites Parvati Shallow leads the women group ‘Black Widow Brigade’ to the final tour after breaking the heart of Erik Reichenbach and attacking his blindside. She wins various challenges during the game and has been considered a great player of the games. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Widow, also known as Natasha Romanoff, portrayed by Scarlett Johansson, shares a similar kind of nature to Parvarti. She was a Russian spy and made the opposition believe that they could trust her. Black Widow would be the best counterpart of Parvati Shallow.
Source:-MCU Counterparts Of 5 Old School Survivor Winners
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Marvel’s Infinity Saga: 10 Scenes That Define The MCU
It's almost impossible to believe, but it has been an entire decade since Robert Downey Jr. made his debut as Tony Stark aka. Iron Man, launching what we now know as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In that ten years, heroes have fallen, galaxies have been saved, earth has been avenged (on numerous occasions) and the Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown to become the most beloved cinematic franchise of all-time.
Related: Fantastic Four: 5 Things The Other Movies Got Wrong (& 5 Ways The MCU Can Get It Right)
Looking back at the entire Infinity Saga, which started with 2008's Iron Man and ended with 2019's Spider-Man: Far From Home, it's undeniably clear that there's an immeasurable number of iconic and memorable moments, but it's fair to say that some scenes defined the franchise more than others. To celebrate the first ten years of Marvel movies and the conclusion of the Infinity Saga, we're discussing and ranking ten moments/scenes that define the tone, style and voice of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
10 Thor Arrives In Wakanda - Avengers: Infinity War
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe is full of exciting and epic action sequences, but only a few compare to Thor's heroic arrival in the final act of Avengers: Infinity War. Just when it looked like The Outriders might defeat Captain America, Black Panther and the other Avengers, Thor and his Guardian allies arrive in epic fashion. Possibly more than any other scene on this list, Thor's bombastic arrival in Wakanda defines how ridiculously big and bombastic the Marvel Cinematic Universe can be.
9 Guardians vs. Ronan - Guardians Of The Galaxy
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Before the release of James Gunn's Guardians Of The Galaxy, fans were unsure if the cosmic side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would work on the big screen. The final act of the film, however, proved that Marvel can make even the weirdest of characters work, as Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket and Drax unite to wield an Infinity Stone and defeat Ronan. Taking the franchise in a bold new direction, this scene more than any other defined the cosmic corner of the MCU.
8 You've Become A Part Of A Bigger Universe - Iron Man
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It's hardly surprising that a scene that defined every Marvel film after Iron Man came after the credits had rolled. Hidden in the credits of Jon Favreau's Iron Man was a wonderfully exciting scene that introduces Nick Fury and revealed Marvel's plans for an interconnected universe of movies, establishing what we now know as the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
7 Iron Man's Sacrifice - Avengers: Endgame
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It's often the most heartbreaking moments that define a particular movie or, in this case, an entire cinematic franchise. With The Avengers doing everything in their power to defeat Thanos' army and stop the mad titan from winning for a second time, Iron Man gets his hands on the Infinity Stones and sacrifices himself to save the universe. It's hard to predict how Tony's death will impact the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it would be safe to assume that the loss of Iron Man will define every phase of the MCU moving forward.
6 Avengers Assemble! - Avengers: Endgame
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When discussing scenes that define the Infinity Saga, it's impossible to ignore the already iconic "Avengers Assemble!" moment from Avengers: Endgame. After ten years of interconnected movies and stories, it was incredibly fulfilling to see every conceivable hero stand alongside Captain America and fight Thanos' army. Displaying exactly how powerful and epic the Marvel Cinematic Universe can be at its best, this scene is undoubtedly one of the Infinity Sagas most defining moments.
RELATED: 6 Characters We’ll Miss From The MCU’s Spider-Man (& 4 We Won’t)
5 Thanos Has Entered The Building - The Avengers
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In a scene that shows just how big Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios' plans for the Marvel Cinematic Universe were, we see Thanos (not portrayed by Josh Brolin) for the very first time as he smirks at the camera after being told that challenging The Avengers would be courting death. Despite being an extremely short end credits sequence, this scene introduced Marvel's biggest villain and essentially defined the narrative for the next two phases of Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.
4 The Snap - Avengers: Infinity War
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In what is arguably the most shocking scene in Marvel movie history, earth's mightiest heroes lose their battle against evil as Thanos snaps his incredibly large fingers, ending half of all life in the universe. More than perhaps every scene/moment on this list, the snap shows exactly how far Marvel is willing to go to surprise audiences and while we're still seeing how this scene impacted the MCU, it's already one of the most iconic and memorable moments the franchise has ever delivered.
3 Captain America vs. Iron Man - Captain America: Civil War
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In what can only be described as one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most heartbreaking action sequences, Captain America and Iron Man finally come to blows. Unlike previous fights between the two heroes, however, this confrontation was a brutal and outrageously violent fistfight, that left the Avengers fractured and the earth vulnerable. Taking the franchise's central heroes in a shocking new direction, this scene changed the MCU forever and its impact can be felt in every new installment of the franchise.
2 I Am Iron Man - Iron Man
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Following his explosive and undeniably awesome battle against Obadiah Stane aka. Iron Monger, Tony Stark holds a press conference to protect his secret identity. Instead of sticking to the planned cover story, however, Tony reveals to the press and the entire world that he is, in fact, Iron Man. It might look and sound like a throwaway moment, but this outrageously playful scene went against expectations and standard superhero conventions, defining the tone of the MCU moving forward.
1 Avengers Assembled - The Avengers
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It's hard to beat seeing the original six Avengers assemble for the very first time! As Loki and Thanos' Chitauri army brings death and destruction to New York in an attempt to take control of the planet, earth's mightiest heroes overcome their differences and finally assemble to save the day. this incredibly exciting shot, which circles the entire team of heroes as Alan Silverstri's appropriately epic theme rises, shows how epic and grand the Marvel Cinematic Universe can be and set the bar for every installment of the franchise moving forward.
NEXT: 5 Things Confirmed For Loki's Disney+ Series (& 5 Fan Theories)
source https://screenrant.com/marvels-infinity-saga-10-scenes-define-mcu/
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