#American Gods Starz
theidiotsarchive · 8 months
I am just now in 2023 watching the American Gods adaptation, more or less. (Really I'm zooming through & watching scenes with my favorite characters. I already know where the plot goes because I like browsing tumblr and TV Tropes. Also, doing it out of order.)
The fucking scene where the Technical Boy walks into that white building to meet the CEO, and when the door requires print access, he just flicks it off? That made me laugh, holy shit. That was unbelievably edgy. Very funny, but oh, god, so edgy hipster teenager who is trying too hard to get the edge.
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gorgeousgreymatter-x · 11 months
There's always been a god-shaped hole in man's head. Trees were the first to fill it. Mr. Wood was the trees. Mr. Wood was the forest. Well, he was a very old god who saw something very new. He saw a god-fearing society turn towards complete industrialization. So what did he do? He sacrificed his trees. He sacrificed his forest. And he became something else. -- Mr. Wednesday (American Gods)
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selwyngrimm · 2 months
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That time I went to an advanced screening of American Gods and got to see Bryan Fuller and a bunch of damn fine actors talk. The first season wasn't what I would have imagined, but I thought it was a very good adaptation and I appreciated the hell out of it. I wish I could say the same for the second season. I haven't hated myself enough to watch the third yet.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
btw obviously talking pure shite about the Corinthian thing but among the many things that makes me not want to watch the show. why ISN'T it a 90s period piece?
like honestly it's the same as with Good Omens being modernised for TV. Good Omens is EXTREMELY rooted in the specific cultural context of the end of the millennium. I just don't think it made sense to set it in the 2020s.
but so much of the plot and aesthetic of Sandman is so very of its time. the experience and ideologies of the feminist characters, the queer characters, the alt characters. the aesthetic of wealth and power. honestly the entirety of Rose and her brother's storyline is so rooted in the serial killer and stranger danger and suburban terror of crime in the 90s and I know that the serial killer obsession has come back around but it's a very 90s flavour of paranoia. like obviously a lot of the series is timeless but at the same time the main plot IS very rooted in time, especially Dolls House and A Game Of You, and it definitely can be modernised more readily than Good Omens but like. why would you. when the aesthetic of the comics is a) deeply rooted in the alt culture of the early 90s and b) fucking iconic. like the original run of Sandman finished the year I was born and despite not having been a goth in the 80s or 90s on account of being an Infant, the 80s-90sness of my style is so so so part of how I put my adult self together and What's Wrong With That?
and there's a lot of sticking points tbh. mostly again I'm thinking of the comic's handling of transphobia and homophobia. which I am concerned that this adaptation is going to address by "modernising" it out of the picture, instead of talking about it. which like. this is a different reservation I guess bc it's true whether it's a period piece or a modernisation. but. I am very concerned that under the guise of modernising it this is going to lose an awfully lot of its crunch.
and ymmv bc I know a lot of people take very deep issue with how the comics handle queer themes and I think a lot of that criticism is fair. but I also think that as a queer and traumatised kid the thing that made Sandman so deeply resonant and meaningful for me was that it was ok with getting messy. like it had a lot to say about homophobia, abuse of all kinds, lateral aggression, and it spends I would say almost all its Real World Main Plot Timeline being very interested in the nuance and moral greys and self- and laterally-inflicted harms among queer people. like it involves a lot of stories about abusive or unbalanced queer relationships whether it's with Alex Burgess or Judy and Foxglove (then Foxglove and Hazel) or the Corinthian. and it also wants to spend a lot of its time tangling with the support but also the spite and ignorance of specifically small queer communities (I think that Doll's House is more interested in depicting queer community as an oasis in the dangerous world of heteronormativity covering up violence. whereas A Game Of You is much more about lateral harm - everybody in that book except possibly Barbie is some flavour of queer, and maliciously (Thessaly) or through ignorance (Hazel and Barbie) or through anger (Foxglove) they are frequently spiteful, bigoted and unpleasant to each other, but Barbie, Wanda, Hazel and Foxglove still draw strength from each other's presence and care. and that rings very true to me of queer communities.
(for the record. my (cis) reading of A Game Of You has always been that it's a fairly direct condemnation of people like Thessaly. she's posed as being cruel and self-serving and ready to throw other women under the bus for her own benefit, and I always assumed we were meant to read her calling Wanda a man as part of that, and that that was the point. that Thessaly is in the book to make a point about TERF/separatist thinking. idk whether that's the intended reading or whether it's an appropriate thing for Neil Gaiman as a cishet man to be cracking into, but it's how it read to me as a 11 year old in 2004 who hadn't yet heard of TERFs or really had any idea about trans women, and i find it hard to take away a reading where we're meant to agree with Thessaly given the way Wanda is framed and the way Thessaly is framed throughout the story. I think there's more complicated stuff to unpick around like. whether Wanda's in the story to suffer and die for the Nice Cis Lady but I really have not ever got why depicting transphobia in this context has been so frequently read as endorsing it.)
like. The thing that makes Sandman deeply important to so many people is that it's messy and uncomfortable. it is. mostly interested in painful questions without answers. it's interested in power, rape, abuse (parental, familial, intimate partner, social, sexual, physical and emotional), homophobia and transphobia, CSA, bigotry, grief, trauma, madness, suicidality, addiction, etc. like. Almost everything in Sandman is focused around people and experiences that are hard to talk about and treated as scary or invisible and that's the point.
and to me again as a queer kid going through trauma and violence and abuse. that's what drew me to it. it's a really visceral read for me bc I think while I don't always agree with how it approaches every topic, it doesn't shy away from engaging with the actual messiness and complexity and no-right-answerness of those marginal experiences. it would not work as well if it was too afraid to say things that might have bad interpretations. and that was what made it matter for me, especially when it comes to queerness and disability and survivorhood (ie things I've experienced) - like it always felt like it had enough trust in its characters and audiences to let marginalised characters be fully fucked up and flawed and experience and inflict unjustifiable things. queer and marginalised characters in Sandman are, in my opinion, relatively unusual in that a) they're everywhere in the text and very internally diverse, there isn't a sense of Here's Our Gay Character Who Represents Gays, and b) they're neither utter villains Because They're Gay (/addicts/mentally ill/disabled/whatever) or Sad Objects Of Pity. they're given space to be extremely flawed and extremely sympathetic Whole People Who Fuck Up.
and my worry is. especially given how a lot of mainstream discourse is around representation and Problematic Media. but also tbh given how increasingly anodyne and pandery I think a lot of Neil Gaiman's output has been getting in this ourouboros stage of his career. I am almost certain that the Netflix Sandman series is going to sand a lot of the crunchy sharp edges off the story. I do not think we're going to see the willingness to make the audience uncomfortable and uneasy (and I'm not talking about the horror elements, but the human ones) and I think that's. honestly totally understandable from a production standpoint bc I think there are things in Sandman that would cause huge backlash if you screen them today. I also. think. that the story would be worse without them.
(none of this matters bc I'm not going to watch the show. why would I do that to myself I KNOW I will not enjoy it even if it's great, bc the comics are embedded somewhere 2 inches from my heart and I'm not. interested in What If That But TV. I can just read the comics again.)
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mastercontrol123 · 1 year
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Happy Easter! 🐣🐇 ✝️
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starsstillshine · 5 months
the lack of american gods content on here seems… odd?
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tvthemesongs · 9 months
American Gods intro
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orchestrahearts · 1 year
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This is 600+ of icons of Kristin Chenoweth in the the Starz series, American Gods.
These are base icons with minimal editing to them so you can psd them to your preference. Please Like or Reblog if you use them.
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thenightling · 7 months
For those keeping score here are all the TV shows based on the work of Neil Gaiman from the last ten years. Lucifer - Loosely based on the version of Lucifer who quits ruling Hell and opens a piano bar, from The Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman. Originally aired on Fox and then moved to Netflix for seasons 4 through 6. Neil Gaiman also got to play God in a bonus episode for season 3. The full series can be watched on Netflix. And is available on DVD. The plot deals with Lucifer, the ruler of Hell, up and quitting and moving to Earth where he opens a night club called Lux and takes up playing piano. In the TV series he befriends (and eventually falls in love with) a woman homicide detective named Chloe Decker.
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_______________________ American Gods - Based on the novel by Neil Gaiman. Aired on Starz. The plot deals with a man called Shadow Moon who gets dragged into the strange world of Old and New Gods vying for power.
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________________ Anansi Boys - Originally written by Neil Gaiman as a spin-off of American Gods, the TV series version was filmed for Amazon Prime and is currently in post-production (Not yet released.) The plot deals with the sons of Anansi, the African trickster Spider-God.
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__________________ Good Omens - Showrun by Neil Gaiman and based on the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Also Neil Gaiman has a small cameo in the first season. Available now on Amazon Prime. Seasons 1 and 2 are complete. Season 3 has not yet started filming and will very likely be the final season. Season 1 is currently available on DVD. The plot deals with two "differently competent" entities, an Angel and a Demon, who have come to love life on Earth and each other. And now must work together to prevent the apocalypse.
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______________________________ The Sandman - First episode was co-written by Neil Gaiman, based on the stories and original characters created by Neil Gaiman with a few borrowed DC comics characters. Currently on Netflix. Season 2 is in production now. Neil Gaiman also voiced a ghostly bird in the bonus episode segment Dream of a Thousand Cats. Season 1 will be available on DVD and Blu Ray at the end of this month. The plot deals with Morpheus, the King of Dreams, who accidentally gets summoned and captured by occultists who had been trying to capture The Grim Reaper. After over a hundred and six years in captivity Morpheus finally escapes and has to track down his tools which had been taken from him when he was captured. He also comes to realize he had made many terrible mistakes in the past and struggles to set those wrongs right.
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_________________________________________ The Dead Boy Detectives - First official spin-off of The Sandman. The Dead Boy Detectives were originally planned as an HBO Max series (now just Max) but moved to Netflix after the success of the first season of The Sandman. Based on characters who first appeared in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman: Season of Mists, Neil Gaiman is involved in the production. The plot is a pair of ghost teenagers decide to become detectives and are really bad at it. These two characters made a previous appearance in Doom Patrol on Max (Formerly HBO Max) but had been played by different actors.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hello, Mr. Gaiman. I was wondering: why did you choose to put most of the television adaptations of your work on Amazon Prime rather than anywhere else? I’m sorry if this is a stupid question, but I’d genuinely like to know.
I chose to take Good Omens to the BBC, and they realised they didn't have the budget to make it, so worked out a co-production deal with Amazon.
Lucifer started on Fox and then went to Netflix.
Sandman we took out to everyone, and Netflix won the bidding.
Dead Boy Detectives was being made at HBO Plus, but when they realised it couldn't be shown there for a while, we approached Netflix who were overjoyed to get another Sandman Spin off (along with Sandman and Lucifer). So it's at Netflix.
Anansi Boys was Amazon Prime as they loved Good Omens.
American Gods was Starz, who sold it on to Amazon Prime out of the US.
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blackscifimatters · 2 years
“I am over the moon to be embarking on such an epic storytelling adventure with Prentice, Sebastian and the team at Payback Entertainment,” Badaki said in a statement to Deadline. “As a geek and as a Nigerian it has been a dream come true to be able to fuse both of these elements in this unconventional coming of age tale and to hopefully play a small part in further expanding inclusivity in genre spaces. To see Naija Vamp, an idea that originated in my mind, brought to fruition in partnership with the immense talents and experience of Sebastian, Prentice and the team, is the absolute geektastic cherry on top. Gratitude is an understatement.”
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I wish that they would do a version of PJO, that just focuses on the gods. Like Succession meets Game of Thrones meets American Gods.
Let’s really delve into why Zeus is such as fucking dick. He was the only one of his brothers that didn’t get eaten he should be the most well adjusted.
Seriously, tell the story of Kronos and Rhea and Gaia and Uranus and how all this generational trauma started.
How Zeus is really just like his father and it’s the reason that he’s so paranoid he’s gonna be overthrown.
How Hades is actually the eldest boy and gets treated like fucking Connor Roy.
How Poseidon is actually the most powerful god and it’s why Zeus fears and is jealous of him. Also how his myths most always involve him being kind and giving until he perceives to be rejected or abandoned. Real water sign energy.
Hera is the biggest pick me trad!wife of all time. Goddess of marriage. Her husband seems to stick his dick everywhere but in her.
Hestia is basically a nun she was so fucked up by her parents
Demeter has an unnatural attachment to her own daughter bordering on obsession and anxious attachment style.
And that’s just the children of the Titans.
God there are literally seasons of drama and good character dynamic driven work to be made here. Hbo, Starz. Hulu what are you waiting for?
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Not just booze
At least, apparently...
Exhibit 1: SRH's Instagram stories, 22 hours ago:
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Exhibit 2: Grandma's Instagram stories, 21 hours ago:
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It's time to draw a line on Grandma's American Booze Tour and see if it can tell us more about all this very #silly game.
Sure, sure. An innocent pun. That might hold if you set aside all the rest of the context & background, of course. As is, it doesn't. And logic, too: Grandma's character kicked the bucket at the end of Season 2, he hasn't been around for quite a good while, now - this for those who live on Mars, or something.
Never a dull moment in this fandom, I swear to God. This is a STARZ release and not an appropriation, but still... strange.
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bellamer · 4 months
So now I’m mad because I thought about how badly STARZ fumbled American Gods because Ibis and Jackal should have had the same amount of hype Aziraphale and Crowley have.
Like Ibis and Jackal were so domestic and they’re basically how fanfics portray Aziraphale and Crowley living together in domestic bliss and running a business. Like they literally remind me of an alternate version of the two. Just less chaotic. They’re old and all they want to do is do their business together with their cat daughter.
That scene in the series with them together was so tender and sweet and Jackal is protective of Ibis in the book, it’s just so ugh.
It was wasted and then Chris Obi left after season one and instead of recasting him STARS basically said fuck the book and said “Nah ima do my own thing”
One day I hope to see American Gods get the adaptation it deserves. STARZ was the worst choice for it.
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phantomoftheorpheum · 7 months
The 4400 (USA) American Gods (Starz) Willow (Disney+) The Girl in the Woods (Peacock) Vampire Academy (Peacock) The Wilds (Prime) Paper Girls (Prime) Night Sky (Prime) Raised by Wolves (HBO) The Nevers (HBO) Lovecraft Country (HBO) Helstrom (Hulu) Kindred (Hulu) The Society (Netflix) Julie and The Phantoms (Netflix) Lockwood & Co. (Netflix) 1899 (Netflix) Shadow & Bone (Netflix) The Irregulars (Netflix) Archive 81 (Netflix) October Faction (Netflix) The Dark Crystal (Netflix) Jupiter's Legacy (Netflix) The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself (Netflix) First Kill (Netflix) Cursed (Netflix) The Order (Netflix) Resident Evil (Netflix) The Imperfects (Netflix)
list has been updated with additional shows & re-ordered by producers. if you have shows to suggest, please remember this list is intended to be fantasy or sci-fi shows canceled in 2020 or later that were left with an unfinished ending.
are all sci-fi/fantasy shows left unfinished/abandoned just since 2020 (i'm sure there are more). like, listen, i haven't watched all of these, and some of them may have sucked, but why the fuck would i ever trust that sci-fi/fantasy shows are ever going to get their endings? particularly if that sci-fi/fantasy show is on Netflix?
honorable mention: Warrior Nun (Netflix) - didn't include it since it's been picked up for the movie deal, absolutely no fucking thanks to Netflix, though.
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god-wednesday · 5 months
AMERICAN GODS S01E06 Official Clip "Gracias" (HD) Starz Mystery Series
@one-coming-is-enough Do you remember?
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