#loki: why would I get revenge for this? The way she fused the spells is ingenious and being able to study it first-hand is barely punishment
worstloki · 4 years
Amora: if you die WHO is going to have subtextually homoerotic sword fights with me that stem from our major unresolved tensions with each other?
Loki: If I die the Midgardian "World Health Organization" is going to do WHAT
#loki and amora#that's it that's the post#just two platonicly unplatonic friends/enemies wanting to hold a literal/metaphorical knife at each other's throats#the ideal friends to enemies to friends to lovers to enemies to friends to enemies to lovers to friends to enemies to friends pairing#never a boring moment with those two#they could be in entirely different realms and manage to spice things up for the other in the worst possible way#thor: amora I heard you and loki broke up again I would like to apologise- why do you look like you haven't slept in a week#amora: because I HAVENT slept in a week. dumb curse wont let me sleep unless I'm within a metre of loki or break it.#thor: huh. you're going to get revenge once you have broken the curse?#amora: what? no! we have a project to work on involving magic grenades and we've got to finish that first. AFTER that he's fair game...#- a week later -#thor: ah brother I was just looking for you- what happened to your eyES??#loki: blinding spell. but she managed to combine it with an inversed tracking spell so I can't see any people other than her.#thor: that's a horrible punishment for looking at a different women but at least you can hear people. try not to go overboard with revenge?#loki: why would I get revenge for this? The way she fused the spells is ingenious and being able to study it first-hand is barely punishment#there is so much potential with loki and amora#they're the dubious pair where they're both the bad influence but also have high standards and have good influence on each other#when they're not killing each other or outdoing each other in spellwork
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thorne93 · 7 years
Past VS Present (Part 5)
Prompt: Imagine being best friends with Loki, but this wasn’t always the case, since you’d grown up with Anakin Skywalker. And when Anakin needs your help one day,it starts a wave of events.
Word Count: 2293
Warnings: language (later in series), emergency..?
Notes: This takes place like right before Thor 1 and after-ish Reveng of the Sith (without Anakin turning) Thanks a million to my beta @like-a-bag-of-potatoes I couldn’t have finished this without you. and @queendivaofthedark you were amazing, thank you so much!
Crossover of Thor (Loki) and Star Wars
Tags (let me know if you want added or removed): @phantomgirl2298 @munlis @cocosierra94
Two days after your return to Asgard, Loki and you were practicing sword dueling in one of the courtyards designated for training . Your mind had been a cage of war ever since you’d returned.
 Ever since you laid eyes on Anakin again, your mind and heart had been in turmoil. You longed to go back to see him, to be near him like the old days. To fight by his side and watch him amaze you with his ability, courage, and wit. Sleeping next to him was on one hand a sweet gesture to the past you two shared, but also a heavy burden as you burned to cross the line of platonic friendship to heated romance.
 Yet, as much as you thought of your childhood companion, you thought of your new best friend as well and how much you wanted the same thing from him. Loki was just as charming, intelligent, and good with fighting as Anakin. Loki gave you trinkets and flowers on your birthday, he read with you, would be in the library with you at all hours, laughing over the most ridiculous stories.
Both made you feel safe, comfortable, and like you were home. Both trusted you and confided in you.
 However, neither one was obtainable. For Loki was a prince and would most likely be forced to marry a girl that would aid the two kingdoms. Anakin was a Jedi Knight sworn to never love. So your heart was in despair over nothing, over what could never be.
 When you had left the Jedi years ago, you had almost accepted that you’d never see him again. But once you laid eyes on him again, those feelings you’d long since buried bubbled up and forced you to notice them.
 But now, here you were again, with no telling if you’d ever see him again.
 Loki had jabbed at you and you were trying to work on your footwork but something had caught your eye on the corner of the courtyard. Loki’s sword glided past your arm but you were in too much of a trance to notice.
 “Y/N! I almost stabbed you, what in Gods’ name has you distracted?” Loki demanded as you accidentally ignored him and ran past him to Anakin who was standing there, watching you. You didn’t mean to ignore Loki, you were just incapable of hearing or noticing anything else.
 “Your form has gotten much better,” Anakin said with a smile and laugh as you ran full force to him and threw your arms around him. He picked you up and swung you around.
 “What are you doing here?” you asked as you held onto him.
 “I’ve been requested by the King to help with the matter of a phantom army.”
 “You?” Loki demanded from behind you two. “You are who my father sought help from?”
 “Why, yes. My Master and I have been called to deal with it. He thinks our power with the Force will help.”
 Loki shook his head and his jaw clenched as he looked away.
 “Loki, come here!” you requested in a giddy tone. He obliged and stepped forward, his head held high. You still had a hold of Anakin’s hand when you introduced them. “Loki, this is Anakin Skywalker, the man I grew up with. And Anakin, this is Prince Loki Odinson, he’s my greatest friend here!”
 “Is that so? Well any friend of Y/N’s is a friend of mine,” Anakin said as he extended his hand.
 “Ah, yes. Nice to finally meet the man she talks so highly of.”
 A moment later, Odin, Obi-Wan, Thor, and a few of the guard were walking toward the group of you.
 “Y/N, I hope you don’t mind but we seeked out help from the Jedi. Do you have a problem with that?” King Odin asked once he reached you.
 “No, your highness, of course not. They will be a valuable asset. May I ask what this phantom army refers to?”
 “Well you see, there is a ghost army that…” Odin started as you began to follow him, the group huddling around you as you walked with him.
 Once you were out of earshot, Loki and Anakin began walking behind the group.
 Loki quietly said, “You know, she’ll never go for you.”
 “Is that so?” Anakin questioned, keeping his head forward. “What makes you so sure? Is she with you?”
 “Not yet, but she will be. And as I’m aware, your Jedi kind aren’t even allowed to court, isn’t that right?”
 Anakin flicked his finger and used the Force to trip Loki, his form spilling out onto the ground in front of him, making the group turn back to look at him.
 “Brother, are you alright?” Thor asked.
 “I’m fine, Thor,” Loki assured as he started to get up and dust himself off.
 “Must’ve just tripped,” Anakin said with a wave as he smiled at the group. You smiled at them both and went back to discussing the details with Odin.
 “This isn’t over, Skywalker,” Loki vowed in a dark voice, his eyes cooling to match the severity.
 Later that evening, the gang of young warriors and fighters were having a smaller, private dinner in the private dining room. The King and Queen and their guests were in the main dining room but suggested that Anakin and Obi-Wan would be better suited with the younger warriors.
 So here you all were, having a mini-feast as everyone was laughing and welcoming the guests of honor. You sat next to Anakin as Loki sat across from you, with all of the others spread out along the long rectangular table. So far all had been well between everyone. Thor and everyone, except Loki, had been laughing at tales and asking questions of your friends. He seemed fascinated with their abilities and their weapons. Of course, the light saber would amuse him.
 Obi-Wan was telling of a rousing mission that you were involved in right before you left. A few surprised glances were thrown your way from your new friends.
 “Obi-Wan, Anakin, care for a drink?” Thor offered.
 “No, thank you, your highness but we are on duty,” Obi-Wan politely declined. “We need our wits about us.”
 “Perfectly fine. If you’re anything like Loki here, it wouldn’t be good.” Thor leaned forward and covered one side of his mouth, even though he was speaking loudly enough for the whole palace to hear. “Between you and me, I don’t think Loki can hold his meade.”
 Anakin nodded slightly as he said, “Yes, it doesn’t look like he can hold much of anything.” A daring look cross his face and you nearly gasped at the remark. Anakin was one for being smart-mouthed to his foes, but never to royalty he was supposed to protect.
 Loki quirked an eyebrow and quickly fired back though. “You would know all about that, not holding a seat on the council.”
 You closed your eyes. This couldn’t be happening. Your two best friends were fighting and throwing insults back and forth, the last one holding much more sting than the other. Although if you were honest with yourself, you weren’t entirely surprised. Loki and Anakin were both short tempered, highly smart-mouthed, quick witted to a fault, and at times, overly confident.
 “Just as you can’t hold a place at the throne?” Anakin replied in an even tone. By this point, the table had picked up on the animosity between these two. It had gone beyond playful jesting and to the point of trying to antagonize one another.
 You tensed for Loki’s reaction. You knew Loki had a short fuse, except unlike Thor or Sif or Volstagg, his reaction wouldn’t be quite so immediate. He would carefully calculate a retaliation.
 It seemed you weren’t the only one holding your breath for the Prince’s reaction. Thor’s good humor had fallen to an awkward frown as he stared into his cup, Fandral and Sif were looking any direction but Loki, Volstagg was nervously eating, Hogun was pursing his lips as he gazed down at his hands. Obi-Wan tried to smile, to ease the situation, but the damage was done.
 Loki and Anakin stared each other down.
 “Very well,” Loki said finally, no emotion in his voice. “I will see myself to my sleeping chambers. I am rather tired and I have an early start tomorrow. Good evening,” he bidded as he stood and pushed his chair in. Once Loki was gone, the rooms atmosphere seemed to warm up a bit.
 “I’d better check on him,” you said as you stood and put your napkin on your plate.
 “Y/N,” Anakin tried as he reached for your hand.
 “Anakin, don’t,” you responded firmly, pulling away.
 You picked up your skirts and ran through the halls to Loki’s quarters.
 “Loki, open up, it’s me,” you called into his bedroom as you pounded on the door.
 “Leave me alone,” he responded.
 “Loki, please just let me in. Let’s talk about this.”
 The door suddenly yanked open and you stepped back. Loki’s ferocious face was in yours in an instant. Even full of rage he was breathtakingly handsome.
 “Let’s talk about how your so-called friends just insulted me in my own company, in my own palace? I think not!” he said with a seething tone as his eyes were wide and burned into yours. You didn’t fear him though. You pushed on his chest gently and let yourself in his sleeping chambers as you had done on many occasions. You two were friends and often came to his room for recreation such as drawing, reading, spell casting. You closed the door behind you as Loki turned in his room and ran his hands through his hair.
 “I am sorry about that,” you apologized quietly. “Anakin is never that rude to anyone...well, except maybe the Sith.” You nodded your head to the side.
 “Where did he even hear about it?” Loki demanded, his arm stretched out, gesturing in the general direction of the party. “Did you tell him? Did you flaunt my failure to the so-called chosen one? Is it not enough to have the throne taken from me, must you torment me with it by telling all of the kingdoms?”
 You frowned and shook your head as you stepped closer. “Loki, I would never, ever betray your trust. Moreover I’d never do anything to hurt you.”
 He stared at you, trying to gauged your truthfulness.
 “You know I’m the God of Lies, correct? You know I can tell when someone is lying?”
 “I imagine you know a great deal of things, Loki, you’re a thousand years older than I. So tell me, God of Lies and Mischief, am I lying when I say I would never hurt you?”
 The tiniest smile cracked in the corner of his mouth. “No.”
 “See? I’m not sure where he heard it. Perhaps your father told him. Perhaps Thor simply said he was next. Perhaps he overheard someone saying. The point is he had no right to say that and I”m sorry.”
 “Why are you apologizing on his behalf? He is not your responsibility.”
 You began to walk around Loki’s room. “Well, while we were Jedi, Anakin had a habit of disobeying Obi-Wan. It was my habit in return to cover for him, make excuses, or apologize on a routine basis for him. So I suppose he used to be my responsibility. It’s ironic though, isn’t it? He was always disobeying, yet I’m the one who strayed.” You turned back to face Loki but he was much closer than you expected.
 Loki smiled down at you, his eyes piercing. He put a strand of hair behind your ear, making you shiver. “I’m glad you strayed,” he breathed, his hand lingering on the back of your neck.
 “Me too,” you echoed, barely above a whisper. Other than fighting, you’d never been this close to Loki before. The sensation was overwhelming.
 “I have something I’d like to ask you,” he said suddenly.
 “What’s that?”
 “It’s what I wanted to ask you before you ran off three days ago.”
 “Oh? And you’ve waited all this time?”
 “I was waiting for the proper moment,” he responded, his brow quirking up to assert the point. Your head had slowly leaned back on his hand as his face was above yours.
 “Is that so?”
 “Yes. Because you see what I’m going to ask you is very important.”
 “Yes?” you breathed. You weren’t sure you could take any more of this. The anticipation was killing you as his cool breath washed over your face, your knees were becoming weak.
 “Would you like to accompany me to the ball?” he invited.
 “The ball? You want me to...to be your date?” you questioned.
 “Why yes, of course, I believe that’s what I justed asked.”
 “Right. Uh, yes, absolutely. I’d be delighted. Thank you, Loki.”
 “My pleasure, Y/N. Now, If you’ll excuse me, I really do need to get to sleep.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry. I just--I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” you said sheepishly.
 “I know.” He smiled and kissed your forehead. “You always do lookout for me. Thank you for that.”
 “So you’re okay?”
 “Please, from that little comment your friend made? I’m perfectly fine.”
 “Okay, good.”
 He started to lead you out by your hand, and just as he opened the door to escort you out, you spun in place.
 “And Loki?”
 “Could you two try to be...nicer to each other? You are the most important men in my life and it would mean a lot if you got along.” You smiled at him, hoping it would drive the request home.
 “I’ll do my best.”
 “That’s all I ask. Goodnight.”
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